STScf tiie - NYS Historic...

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Transcript of STScf tiie - NYS Historic...

/ • •

and Cli\


OF SMITH "tt»t. B»nkcr Lost

lit Stock Market .

NEWPORT, ft. J^Jov>jq. (/PHj Eleven persons we|fe rescile1$"~i;by coast guardsnteh after tho &»!&>t auxiliary slopo EMya of Kro^id-

strUck1 oft-'it reef ndd 'Sank off •Dayis'-•Point outside Newport.Ictte

^ - • NORTH- '&ttrt?AM&&» • » . * % Nov, m -m-^tm Weather6est, $tatoed S f a l i i g f e > M p # ^ ; & * * i wits de^royed by 1 ^ itfls alitemobh. wttn a¥2$#0O loss. For, * time'{he blaie tntea^ttMllotth^onaiwindai's entire lumber lUStrict, «whlch Is es> tensiso:, • * ' ' '

'^tmsM^Mkt *t Y,/ i*pv. lb. > f^-ltiirfed, against the toot of an I auttmobile which had $ struck a i tough Spot hi the pavement, teona ' !E>e Marco; 4-y^ujs-bld, suffered to- J }urie* ioda£ IfOin which ishe tfied

$ | # t t iUfc ISoX 10. <fl>W3tate fiia0^ $ttl«r%tefid^it Joseph A. 3ffciK»3GkHb>lj$ ^ou i i ce4 that his iftea ' & $ e$inple^Ctheif examiha-ooa,;«r,.|Re 3*60ks of the county '$*]& €$ta&tt&;Whose president, ftttfcft J : I f i ^ d l ^ rshefe a M .killed p e - 4 l b ^ a t ^ The auto was «rtv- , Wmim:mIHh &ttB4.FEtaaV and!*?1 bX «P•• <**!£* grandfather, Ste- ; « 1 ^ % « ^ fil^'f^ihd the bank in )Ph e» fO^on '

.*&m; 'wt^ « l o t 3 a ^ ***• tt*iy*s t i d i e r *J .-Ibisae*, ®*mmtkr Alfred ^fktog' ' tomorrow celebrate his «*-$tffa.Vbt!B& w*s vM^ed^ today % tl^th,birtlidtay, along with his 42,-mfaly e to ls , 33te$»hs of taiafitehgers:,) 000.000 subjects. # .» bearing telggtapiied* f&hdolqftMj * '' ' "'•' " ' ' )ftarir*ife!«fve& Jnr3U0RtMi> sister i PSl?jADE£PfIiA, Nov, 10 «/P>— tife.^flSfflK "lat^iad lived. Among j Appa**htty despondent because of 4^«Sst t te 4M& Zaeut. tCK^^^»li^plla»!ie|UL los*s fo the sto& mar-.It. iselffiM&u . <•-" ---••••'"-•-|1^ 'l«r^v<3liarlotte ;©. ^byd^ '58,

'The'apart persisted that the|tttd«d b*r*Hfe in "her apartment .banker Smd tost, heavily in lliembusolioine'tdday. She was found s t ^ market decline, bat ' clcW'dead fedattd bfefore * gas nngft-in:) friends denied this. Business as­sociates revealed that Mr. Riordan had been Nervous And vrtxfai for fwo-f weeks -*$t SOBI© tjf hfe tigfee^ -«s-.j soctatet bad feared that his mind! mlg±a-€lve 'was, '" - '


"0b-' l^^m: #our t»urnm «f Ike l*fcg§ were bperi and the kitchen j

and windows Stuffed with •

'BECAtrcrjs;.N,;x.'NOT, io. <m— iChree metf welre seriously burned

Nori^"taday 'i^fie4aiced"his .findin^^tCeTKSer&n pTahlfroaTbrl'fge' t|iat im hanfeer's death "was caused tcver the^Hackensack river partially by a funsh^i weund in the brain jdestrfiyea today by an d*p!osfdl at tmd head:, self inflicted, while he was &. a condition of temporary in-*

Br.^^'Nortis had kept the, .news of the «suicide secret until after ins bank closed ,yesterdi5\' so "that: -its' pafirona »i«nt not be alarmed to

• J&*&&$to'-**V*l0*&&. ft^ittrty *as- today deffiaitd ' teb «GC-thtt urwusuai *tep't»y lrV;«d* »*d|janiiary «th, M»Jft'i?es' lh«f-d-ead"-i*i«a, feieald •'

as oil barge tt^l Tip at $he docif »f the Warner'" Quintan Company. Tht? bliudtis hulk drifted down the .rive* jauithfjs, bridge- v _ ^ ^

.AfttlMiffi, Bcl^&nt Nov: :io: m —The wwiding of Princ*« Marie

lonner lloTernor ^nitti #hd Wi|-iiatn, $*. Kehr^!. wealthy contractor and -anot.her dose friend of Mr.

1 HAMBtJltO, ©crnjan.v, Nov ' .10; lfl*h-A locomotive today ploughed into a gang of railroad workmen

STScf tiie mummmm


Pkttefeur0|, ' N» Y>jf Mpr^iy, Hpnitfmp l*i"i$&

ralft a%4|hedirkne^ on t]be «?t»wwiwin HoWeh To Flan^e^coniesr the'sound m t bcWilt tftnldng . . .,aml^ face* ftaili out'-i(o4»jbi4iMft.«Mt fade again # . .' # -menoojf the diamowl, ihe gridiron audi.

*l»l»«|fcfcv:^ . H w V q o w d y , ^ i l e f Ai Braves* the fi«t big leaiuer to go. .. • * Tommy Hiichcock, iradfeg Ha *e« in the irndk m * $&'&]&&&' of a war eagle ,. v*,,and l«ap*g neadloof from a train eica^e his captAflk • . . , John JV1U-jus, he bf tht wild pitch. iosji«t I« t ball grenaaet Ht the pillboxes atLVarenncs. . » , Rcd-»hutcd Sliiwkeyitaiiding by a! the %ut»*rfer of ^ Cerm.n

^o^^ fu t f tBk^ l th t ih raM^mMio i iWkr t , » •»• Tommy ^wiOUrr jSghiing the daMiets with »WMorn ejrei. . i j. Grover AleJtanaer, I « M WI dftk oh

-^r i l | fUirbbt» Iv^AfAd^iBwi; up to their kip«. VV- • tMk RIcltenbtckeft eru«mg t n » « « i a i l i b % W •of »Tey.,,!j'." * Bob Mart.*, to to* » * 0 * lm« awd W'th^Wat, too.', •.' J john% P«e, M ^ t > * e r -toft, < t t**h% that l i iiwfcnbuij"Wm. , • . . ' B% Sk. Mathewjon mlxiot »gi*<>n %V™*T • * * « Wewiet to

.my <¥BtiaL Jeahc«o«ln, 'Cpl .^illty. Gene Tu«>ey —f*e« m*tchinf pa* uito ih« n*fc „ » . and Hobcy 0 « M fomf for h« Jan ilon'ou* tad rw, cut olF lor* ever by ihe flankuit fcrt of the aPtka* pm* . - . > u face fla»he« p « t that u-flr. Ml. w»ra Eddie Grint, itoppin fcw kit terri&c Ik» <km with Kis heart:.. • ]* l ^ ^ M d a r k o e » - i » i fait |bey March •again . . . but the Armiitke ft aid mm and mem* ones of men vanish in the roiiU t f |titt»

. 5 M Up


' * i\-;:


' |^I0^--!Ma|*;,;;-llj&v. {10'»<*M Af^i* DSfcoW pllgrltt^ ,had er'owded 111 Hay into- Holy Gross cemetery to ,ffei%ttiB,,lo»«b o|-#.,|oung priest* where miraeulous'eurte have been **J>&r#& by ^isilor* ipf *fte pMt

ten d*y«, poliee and cemetery offi- \ eials tonight removed the stone

Aim ^^~ & ^^ j ^ - « 1 WSittpdrttttjr a aife otily method of

j_ . w w r ^ M * B » M j u g ^ ^ ;:' "J^-C^Owd,;,worked- -up a high *e~

• , y y . i - - '"•'-' llgiWi».iei*e« by the dedaratlonaf *4AV»ii««*»*'i»' * *v *i* ,~i- of ie>eritf%f ^ ' « i p 0 i e d and the


Gladys ltisrvi^*Jwk ' in charged with murder in connection with, t h t . ' ^ i h * of' 1^»'iWood$wry»

JN. J., children, confeased toni«ht, • police 'announced, to having used the children in a blackmamn?

jeeh'eme and i* »u»pected of haying fuia^ four btotr <#Wft»»


l i l fCf ft^pOIwi AJIMNl Mm

*f i l l ) T1IH ijTlfl f »

4 10,000 ENGAGED

- i jt-y t , . - f t «i »•» mmi i,

* '

sick that they were cured, pushed

' l ip^>te^u*a|rig %*&jjb] tfsattyl stones and displacing two pedes-

;;MESjep. crftr, i«o¥. x% {#>* Three peraona intra reported lotted ! and 13 eeriottaly wounded in a .r»p-leht clash betw^n rival pntiHaal parties in the heart of the <4r W-

*W»-«<»-«»e.;ys«N^Wtest-* g r a v e . L ^ hmt ^ ^ int JSTJ l^ioi^gnlrgiolieetofdt^em,"thc cetne-tery must be cleared but they ccntinued to push toward the



Armistice Day Has little Meaning ToSenitelitr *" w r t J

RiopJaii, were: present with relatives. who were loading a freight cor, i&ijie dead mans" home when the Four were fatally injured and six request was^made. buts?Mr. Smith denied that he was one of those] who jthide It.

A reputed ,mmionah«, Etordan started life a poor boy The lower East Side was his background. He was born in 1881 within a few blocks of the corner $here the. County Ttas* Company, which he organised, had its prosperour be- " ginning. In odd moments of his school days, he drove *. tvucfc

After graduating <tram Manhattan college, Riordan becarne a bank teller, later went back into truck- j in^ and hi 1920 organized the ' United. Stiates Trucking Company, of whiOii Mr. Smith later served as j

athers hurt.



jr Spctkj

WftM W4W* W

Eloqttefit Words

with'~m *mnlam I ilyteg over ihc icamp of Urn R*t**'i

>lic*n rcfular* ;iai?d * coahtloci ip*

'Itosttimi v trn^i t i» pnliptf term* of capujoiauoti, Uie ' *mt*. tomorrow **lHi carry on its tariff s-thynle as if Armistice. Day meant th«- halfa'ay ||blnt totted -of ttH

• • * ' > J

, :»Jady» 'M*y_ *u*», «b%hl "by the' . :O0lice, for a week, toni«ht wa» In

the Camden 'County ' Jail charged

fltb W WM Wwi cJBC itr^l burjing 1U body in quick lime and suspected of hjivinav, slain another, the body of Kho* ihe also admits ipkrto* h^dea.-' ' .*•• --;f 1: • „yfys yjcttml' i e t t D o t b ^ r Rogem i, ibd her'brother:'tteiolhy/li/lie chUdrcrC Of AiUtert BOgers, an h«Ur-

~' m&* %!ilte ''«Jk ,iabttttfe :mif*at igo" vlng aix children. - Gladys May

a coiuln trf Mrs. Rogers, ask­ed Ro«er» & m tnr;««t»e*t«i» « t

^; Jlogi^itgriicd, oae_ of _the iioin-; ainvs cUpulatiaos being that he* was 'm io iWi Itoe' c¥W«f», %rvtt»l I 'reaaou "km ha* not^aaen them «lr*oe liat lunuutL and had nbit iwiipaflrd anythlni w m * until the Aelitoti of a UtUe girt waa found at Nation, tat I'Wfc, ntaar h«re. oa *le%. %,

Tb4 ijaliyn w § dhiiWHl by

foft^firiB 'iwimM:dauy since ^S^STtSJSl

will be niade before it is replaced ithd cemetery officials' said the gtaveyard might be closed until an] irott railing was constructed to?

The £oung iciest, Father Patrick Power, died half » ceniury .ago, but report* of miracles were' not broadcast lintil a f ew days ago.

stones, hrtcka and clubs. At feast 600 rifle and

veer find during the iMOf. tomb tittitt it was, removed. Be i^ l r s^ t t i e between xjimum ttKalttna ift-

(100. More than 1W polics, 4ls|«|g

unable |fco cope *ttth,tb» diaturiMUiee. Among: the known wsadwT w Valente Qulnkna, chief of iiott«LJ4 Mexico City, .who was steuejc on %&? »?ad by * brick.

then front hundred* through thous-ands u^ttfthe ^aimax today.

, . m f t *•!''•'--'tl>'l1l^-'ll'if*>*f.ljl{'l»'lt"-r:":r'''''l'i'-l'llii'»''' " J i .


As to other crtie* or ia«xic& to-I

HsVid i i h Sflsttte

Lore Of Easy Profits In Stock Tradbg One 1m-. ; vormom

Claaimuln of the board. Jn 3925 he oreahized the County

Trust, after selling out his holdings fn the trorik corporation, and "Mr. SMth started the first tccoufit with a deposit of $355.

NEW YORiC Nov 10. '^n— The jttost prosperous period in American hi£t.ory was marked by a decline in the aggregate iSavings of more than

tNDiANAPoits*- m~, $w< m, m —O, l». IBoamhajfier, national com* tnaader ol Use AtKericati Lesioii to-4 day t^aed m Arm&%Diy mtsst^e to the people oif -Amertta as fol­lows. .

"Memories of tihe pliant service. perf(wmed by the men of America^ on the battlefield© of France, come flooding b*tHt tagtay *1tti an ever*' increasingr vivMnesa. We- tarn back I

(the pages of > the past and live a)pto j wiUi those' never-to-be foi^al*en| moments of victory which b^o^Ht * unrestrained joy and gladness- toj the world _ ' ' , • . ! "The AmerJlcan 1>^on. composed^

of the men who helped make pos- j sible iliot great achievement of: plei-en years ago. to today engaged in the task of -preserving and per-

presidential candidate of the ana-relectioniat pkrty, paradetl • • « d»-fn^TislrildOft «dF DMT .aamtMHli.( Wdmr expeeted to ntuster tit1 t in I N M mt election day rj«xt Suittlay H»re a» e1se (fJieis6'tiiejEi ttett;iu*8«r .stridt-bif•• ders to niarch ttiiietfy butllx m i l ing headquarters J*£&m rttat »a«tr ncar the national theatre Plasm at Hie ihH of Alameda Park the teota* Me-bega«i, - - -* r- .>; T, ;

, PayHK^n* nf PtirHat CWtfar Tijlliiii.

didatc diaulawed his *>**«««*tia u|*« ture* fwm the ro«f of~the..ipa><ir quarters. Prow hlarihy aj»dfal Mstssg* t h » ^a|af|MMMg ]

•isaWB"^. . j y ^ ^ '

firemen were Jmnadotf in their work tawtr»*«Kjto tbureh.

wiU be av a *undMU). but the «en-, wrapped tn a ahsfl wtth a Camden ate. *rth only three wt*ta of the foundry mark, - Whan rioters »aw j Vctrran ««|»«Mlcaa« er Administra-j'when they arriwed, f i l i a l asaaton left to complete a.'this m tr»e ncw«»«p*« h# mnem- . -. ilan- Gr»Hp in Seaate Berin ta*k *fom *******& JCfttas or- j bere4 the Parks *omatt wa« a for-1 ta Take Notice IftaiHy ptwHessd wo«ld I t ftnJar*d(n*r empJoyt, •€ the laundry and by mW-^aV, amtf •«» on wife »i}|||KSr|e3r*i» 'fet ,jp«le*-*bJi|.3» :twd wmintJy * « * m tarifl-tfc*erh*, 'turned over h4» ehlkircn " "

"W VW^F *V^S^^S™^^ ^S^S^ ^ST ^^^tw9 "^•pr 4MWa wSsr^WWaji^mjl

differ**- but not roc'tan*. I"""J|I"""""^" ''""""" • ""» J i ' j | f i i r»#i lW| i i | i i l# | i l i i i i4 i i i»Plwi

Stfftftfrittbfr Died JUH p MJ9R£ W

FrdBt Of Hme


60.000.000 .individual accounts in the ., United States. The lure ol ea&y pro-1 P«TOlto6 in pea® those fame high j fits to stock trading was cited to-jdtty by the American Bankers As»

Judge. Jfohn W, Brady, 5§* A'wriBa attorney and foiinerly »lnt»ber«( '

j uie twrd c&rt «f cfrtj i p o f e was' ideals of ^rvtoe which inswmJ our j. ^ to t *1 *©«»ty jWl «n -a mwrderf men to mil and :191S to stake their! <**««« today after Warn .fcetdli

til nDcrDViMrir j l lSihiiil i i^iyli;^ " f_

Exerd|e#,4i | p i - W Bt-


i m n i u t r #*r» a c i l i'roclation as one Unportant cause of ; 1 , ve s '°f thehr cowntry

A I R P L A N t CRASH tftis economic parados i "Armistice Day has

"by President ^over*- millicn*' of Americans w^t" pirtidiatiaf in the «orid*addj» onigrianee .tomottoi* off the eleventh mmlhnSeitmxf of the

>sfgai&g of -the ir6rld;w^tr jtirolittte.

- r _ . - , t» the,Poetical WaJidngton ^as cogitat-iH*iMjj3iaw m mm tm find. | m todgy bvet niwbJtojgs from the "!TbB .prisoner J»-about ai- years*camp'-«£ %»- Western* Republican ^ M t s ^ . i i M l t t U i r i ^ M m ^ lf*.j»ide|xsnd^t? •%?&» magte lhatj j,-po3tie> h^«^ji»ii«»--e»srh; lo iqri ijcfr i^af^again^.lhe'Mdini^^ and «aM ihc'"uii(^ri4i^,»o^ j trattbn- l^publliJans" cn ; tariff and lookint for feer»;Wtt|t 1r^--waa,'An-. | farm relief may- -be" eattted;'.info- the thooy Baker, her reputed huiband. [ fcrthcoming Ccngressional elections ^ r # hait beim .W&tM ^ewstss itv4o£-irip the . ISfit- preMdenttal He m$* "W l a ^ ^ e ^ l d a f 'of.'the. -eam|*%b •" • ,'- " > diaappearanc*^-ot &e^ehtkli*»* and Tnei widening breach in tlie.Sett-tb>e woman dWf noi Implicate hlm> ate'RepubliCan ranks waji disclosed.

J*B>e woman w i t *a1b'Jested, %9 « v - to pubWc Ifew ^Ms week-- a-s the ^ _

e iiuestlohlnt mt itomrtk and this Jpfrly re^ulio* «hd irutepeh^ehts tha - the^ Untted States government* Vfa and. -stot t^-den^l she ha^lafeed their views after Chairjman • a»tl Ambassador Morrow favored

*lt Tit^boi«s*ef "«tfrM%i

I,, Tjho police staled they were, iaa-ablc to give s« "accurate wccouhi'«t the casualties be^uae rhostof IHoaa who fdl itJere.piuckly carried away . and cared their comrades.;i Octavio Medellni* J6dxit£ anti-re- ' electiorust vice-president" Candidate,

telegraphed Vasconcdos that three were killed, 12 settwusly. wouiKied. and "many others less gravely hurt. He toJW,hls chlel "that despfter^e riotrtne demonstration had cohitta-ued enthusiastically In « state-. -mentffi© gave out httt h« denied reports wWch he said were -circul- , ated by t&'eStesV party t» the effect

"SUP w^iiww«t.:#»|eeted,fo-»ev-. to public yfew Ws veek- m

fcampaign oomnUttee r©Xerred to the acaftered. Whert' found mnd'ISfew'ltatter as 'Wbe *>sona of the- wild jack t

...._ «tse<i po^jst reported tbtttght j « * r ' i c n t o t i a y a t c h * P a l a

i l the head *»tt'lo«r^:-siDme-'dls-from the rest of the body. ; Scorn-iag^^the

with lajppCrent indlfferehcei .«>



imnmtm, m, timmim- fur ihei m ]& n t « i m % mmA ^erctte*

., Por the first time ir the 20-year period during which the association


,SCBAN*330N, Pa., Nov. 10.. A/P>—A youth believed, to be Harold Pope. 21, Kevatfc Meg?,- Tlogg County, N.:Y., wa« instantly killed to an air­plane crash at the mid-valley air-port, six miles north of her, today. 1 of depositors likewise declined 524.

Witnesses said he *%* fetunthig 221 to the present total of 52.06ilS,7 J m$ at *&&? *BCl» Ctuuicterltta jus* before t he crasis ocSirred. aur teg t b e same p.erlocl. . *Un **""""** "•" """* ««»« *» **~»~ «* . Pope war Hying about* % 1§6 feet in The previous year was recorded

''$rom the ground when tfte mishap ' a » largest incregse of savings \n ocrairred. sESe- was idotng a. tyiRle spin |

gjid was about to right for *toe third time, but was unable to €o so. The plane, crashed to the gEoun^ upSide down. .

a ptealtarj«»pit«e court i^mmteiot* Of *P-( a t ' W to ib 'W tt^^^u^owh *itol-rsgniaconce to the men of the fce.jiKsUs.4iwi * *W» wounds, mm «fjdfcr at AtUngtoft,- il i»emona tey-gion becaui« it not only revives j *hlch. ,pehetr*ted her. heart* ' t xi(® m tribute io Woodrow' Wilson, becajji« it not

f'has kept a WconT of" savings, the • chertalwd memoriies but it mxts toj ***» High$mi*h « w pit- with * mxmeviimmmlmm^mwrl^3* HP« ««• .veieram o > e i r i k ^ M a a l i « ; a t e s « k M . | M

«**4 tW$» .*» jOQO hi the y e a r ' d u ^ *»f ««l tot td ttfUee to Hie ;^ng June 29. 1929. The number} nation. A day of joy though this

may be. seju it strikes hard the

the senice of ouir men to time of i wax imd which sjliould charactertos

* thetr wrslee sa time of peace. i .

oi> aufumomli ii|> tmni |ef tie^ *,»• artment late la^t night,! The knife was described by ShWifX «3c4e"

wwie i» w*t taint 13 looKf lonfr' Sheriff Whitel Jiaid that FraiA ,

Graham Jr„ emfeloj-ed in * w^^ fg j t s t 'wa r* eteit. wag ttjc cjqfyi t p :#itr«st to '

j the cutting. Tlw! knife n^as wrested triple spin } « i e country 's history, amounting t o -conceived out of t h e common- from Judge Brandy b y

the. ptype j j ? , m w p W. sspey A3dtff«-» 'tnten&u of thvo» who wrved. 4h« tfiughtoo *1» toe ft c h a r ^ of t h e savings bank division of tiie Bankers Association, said that the total volume of savings de­posits now stands at $28,21?.565>000.

Mr. Aldlg said that the sudden j iraT^Qriaatton m American thrift habife. ^veuled to the sluirp con* teast} between ». «ain of two and a- J


wmm. _ _ _ _ _ • • • I . • • ' -

u>s AjNGEyg-s, Nov to m -* Alexander Phages;•'"•'-' ^n^eia^ magnate, se'nfeaced 3*stepday- -fo ope W-0!$ywxs In 'daft* prison. at San Quenfib fof "a ci&»n_3 at­tack bn Buniee Pringle, iWyear-old 4aaceiv.wai be taken to his., home nnde^'^uard tmrijrrbw'tc^^f hist" «Th' loss in both individual d'e-<fc£ -wife,, Mrs. l ois Pant»g«r ' | pyQ# m$ .^vhigs deports during

*r|l«4.|mt*ly after hii '-^nlsiieeJ thkone^ear, -alter a rapid rise for Piifeages- .asked, m m aflpwed; te- -g>|- ^ teen years, should not cause.- m «

4ep^^pejf..-inhja4ftantfor ttie: year j were *235, widejh is but $2 less •the1 jireoea,lng ijfiemi - •

spirit of the American J>gion today is the spirit which -purred our men to nobJe'deeds on ithrfield of battle The Ijegion fs Justifying its exist­ence with a prdgmm. -of good citiy zenshlp* with ttnMrinB; devotion to the care of our -disabled comrades a n d dependent ebJ-JreJn of veterans.

artment house. JThe ifymtt: m&\?^^_***^._^„^£ Etrady sustained f cut oq one of his Angers.

high government ofilcials will sneak m ether mim* eiereige^ Vice ?r*i-lent Curtis at. Soldiers* Pleld. Chi*

Miss Highsmitl, had njit regained 1 cago, and Assistant * Secretary consduoBness when she: died «nj Castle'of -the Statt pepartment be-, hpur. lata- in "a hospStaf, JSb4 hadifote the Rhode Island' American

Q'TOrter'buT-ions last year and ft drop; g r a c i n g the pjtoclples • -of ,"Am-of Ahnost $Si09.0O0»O00 this year, "in­dicates a. fundamental change in the savings situation,'-*

Ow*outstanding factor, he says, has beeh the. desire of t he public t o J tic Day buy. stocks and -it back comfortably while they, go up,

ericanism, and giving 'unselfish eer-1

-I city, state and nalllon* "Our1 ceiemmtioii- ol tbls Armis-

however, would be to -no

• •ludge Charles-" P&<8m , -4«ld-3m W§uM grant 'nermlssion i|--f)is*-j i8ie4-4*-oipBy pi$s had m

vice-towaxds thl b e ^ r m e n t of 'our] ^ ^ J iuogme^t to thj*'j-U» « * j-ta au the fact? .fere avijiaibife.

Witekens tsaid that .Judgft Brady had no knowledge of the tragedy nor of events inwedbtte;iy i PJ^ed» tag it, 'The att'owfey said; that Bea­dy had, attended'the TeJifas^Baylor-football game add later!.hadcbeen? drtolctog -Witt! Irijends. ;'• i

the wurtimfe 'stresldg-it;.. -at the na-tlohai cathedfia. « M m-a^kUcaf by President .Hootper'- before * dUtto-guished mudleocft of Wgh go«em-

a-Hf Ctele^-i^,;-,! oiacj,!^ aipjoiniiii luid world %w ivtenws, will tmn tht cWel ibhsexvanees of t h e r ending o f ' the

•. ^aoiiwaT'^iaQD,^Y,,Nov, 10.| *^-®xi*en persons stepped but ofjCWg/biplane as i t soajed'.dver this field today, thereby establishing "a> new rejcord for mass parachute Jumplhg. The. previous- rccqrd was-twelve simultaneous jumps. .

©rfcts Rubiol in krf Jnleryiessf glv-i en today at Chapala^ rlaajr Guad-; alajara, said tiiat" he did notMjxpect

cl^artuiterlia^on |sahy serious disturbance- in conlhec-

western independents who have because the army was* tm and $ £ ! £ . t S S i S T * * * in \ well disciplined and able tbVserv.e t b e ^ n a t e with jthe Democrats to,Pfac.e< .,.......;_;.,'. ; flghttitg tho'Hoovff, farm wltef and 1 m m m ^eatiek A h T g

f tariff programs, gave notice they f m 6 m m g teWng •&.. «0«to^«i-^km-WouKI. Wage an.; independent cam- i ^ y g ^ M f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i j f 'palgn in the ne^t congresstonul e l - | | e e l i & g ^ ^^ r e f c fem1a l^#g t io i clctiohs. Senatcrs porah of Idaho,. t cam^a^ l&fe&&g!> ym-*-%0&$-and Norrts, of Nebraska, the. lead-1 j ^ ^ ^ ^ d o b ^ i n ^ i e ^ l i l M ers of the independent bloc, both j - ^ •JQ^JS ye s t e i .da> , • . $.*t announced that they $ d not care •• for the assistance oi ^the regulai:| Republican senatorial campaign

; - ;

iVerat Cruzt yesterday.

IP. ft. "ICc*

from the n>

Thrcugnout the natioit ttmilar Ob$ervaucns wm-'ber "made- to .city,

| lowii and tillage mth paiade^ « ;

tliuiee knife wounWen l>er- body. 'Sam Pickens,. Brady^ itfcomey.

appealed "to the |udgrs; friends ta

he&on at Providence.


i avail if we d.O'-'n.oSl« Wtee advantage jot. the splendid'opportunity it af* fords to pledge 'anew'-'our allegiance to flag and countiiyi mudr.-to **efleet upon the -duties and- <>bhgatloR3 mmmmmmmmmmmi^^ 'which we,*i# vfflmtm *>w* to the •""'• "'"' '" . ' • j - / -; ' j - . - ." jrktlon, Vhaj&ti --ilhlch *ere watt* ftrta to the upptnof tha fn^oa a»4-e4-«u| ^4he„bjM»s^of tb* WorMt te'-the p r ^ m M c N p j ^ ' ^ r i ^ ' i k * ^ Wiar, wfH.'iot'hjTri h?ea siusrillefd prindpieic^fre« | | imin^iJ^^ In ^ain- if -w« *rttea*ei -our beat ef- for which -our cc«|uiiides < M - •

The address Of the gJUef"wefcu-tive tomorrow *nj|ht wtttellmax the observance of the day.'lft wfti be* de­livered, at the i ^ n g f e n Auditor­ium under the auspices of the 'Jim* erican l^ic^hefore ah/audience whleh is expected to ^umheir lt,0W p^fym, Mr. IHbover^ %QX$s will fca broadcast over a rtaOon-wlde radld

|-hookup u l sd ' a l l ^ th«':i^oW'Po?fe»f <t of the- tegtoti h*ife-.'i«*nild "to listen to the-addre^R. Tfse words-il-

in thf hospttait- m 'mwoos:-': •-' • curing ^ M i o t e a r j a n i a l t i s t ol the Ame«|ei^-s*giori, handed-byj

||a|jor'CR ^.vitodenhamer, national c^limtjider* tOgetftcT' irtttt*«pwh jjentjftives of the- welfare organiza-

* tlons; which^erved with the military j(oms.' to th$ .tar*. %tti ''pay a- trj-

i b u t e Tleiih exercises: and t h e laying (of wreaths Upon the tomb of the unitnown scMier; At It o'clock the{ two-mtoute silence/observed thru-' out the wotJd on PtevioUs Armis-tie<! Day annlve^tarles, iwitt pre­vail, • ' • • ' • . *..- -

jftt 3 P. M-, t h e memorial service

to wmsoi witf'tift MSd %t tllft 111* ftioml cathedral fe the Bethlehem chapel*at his twn# lEUshop aames ^ 1 freeman of Wa#?to|t<m ,will do-* liv^r k tribute io'Ulig Wartime ehleT executive wWch %1W be broadcast by bidio over the hation. /lk. -Ube afterno&n, an award for ins services in behalf of worW

1 - 7 - . - - - . .

| Committee to their-contests for Re­election next year., Senator Nor-j hfet, GLJSputh Dakota, disclosed.;

"that"fie had declined to serve onf t h e committee and. he , too. urged , that the westemei'S take none of ? the campaign funds to be raised by \ Senator Mose * oranization. '

ITS SIDE WINS PRIZE Highly Individualistic Paintmg- 'Wins

$500 at Kfationit Aeademy of .'', . . ^ ' . D e s i g n •''. '-'••'•V _

With this., show of independence on the part of the party irregulars, veteran Republicans of the admin­istration group in the Senate" bega)ci

. t o take notice. At the Jsame time- a

rmOVOflWt'WW started to

r a n k s against- . Senator Moses by those who felt . the outspoken New Hampshire senator was aggravating an already too serious party breach,

It appeared unlikely tonight, how­ever that any attempt would, be carried out, to, depose Mosek eilher

highly indxi?|dn^l|sti8 iatottog,rwon a |500 prize at, the^Katipnal^^L-demy of | i g r i . ^ t ' r | ^ k a h l - ^ a y are circ^ejs'irere l^yi|eci%by !&*&-formation tnat^&e judges later dls-

these; QQvgre ^ e picture, was hangirig on its side. , ^ x. ^ ^ • . •- m

An oflBfeiaf ^hotdgrapher "o^'the "academy/ called}% riiake 4 photo-graph of the picture,.made the dis­covery., EHs**opinion' that* it ' ^as-wrong end up .%af reohtSrmeff over

pe ipe will "^"111*0 by Stance to B.;lteliogg" former 4wrf*m

to '.arid authW- Of.' the'-general |

h|s^*t^H^r^W:.fp^%e^' '.^e^ajry 't^e%|iwld c i b j s ^ o t ^ t h ^ ^ g ^ r i ^ -ISonpiv the highe^ Pyeneh dwdri-' tJonJ

as chairman of the senatorial cam paign cojmmittee or as president j ^ytoc^owh, ^Sasa. pro tern of the senate

the telephone w l C

By Ihe ' artfet" him-Dicktoson, in Pro-

N , '

The Weather - ^Occasional rain Monday: Tuesday cloudy-and' colder, probably" rain.

•r" The picture is camed ' the Pomis I j Huptlrs." It Was^id ^ hayestart-.

'ed ^ ^ a staisliffe with'a delith^mAsfe of ^ t t u w l B a^4tClh?p%ta^ir|e|tH # 4 f l i p ih^i it developed toto «• Wgjtire.e»mp|p|i<?n,. to black and blue. -



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