Stress management presentation new

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Stress management presentation new

Stress Management


Sakina Abid

Generation’s School

Stress is a fact of life, but being stressed out

is not.

What is Stress? Stress is your body's way

of responding to any kind of demand.

Our bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood.

Psychological Symptoms of Stress

Mood swings Inability to relax properly at

any time Depression Outbursts of anger Intolerance Irritability Uncontrolled crying spells Lack of concentration Lack of confidence

Persistently high levels of stress can have long term

effects like

Chest pains Hyperacidity Weight loss Headaches Indigestion Sleeplessness Allergic disorders like

Asthma and eczema Palpitation Tiredness

Ways to handle stress?

Breathe EasilyBreathing from your diaphragm oxygenates your blood, which helps you relax almost instantly

Visualize CalmIt’s highly effective in reducing stress. Imagining you’re in a hot shower and a wave of relaxation is washing your stress down the drain.

Ways to handle stress?

Say Cheese

Smiling is a two-way mechanism.

Compose a Mantra

Devise an affirmation — a short, clear, positive statement that focuses on your coping abilities.

Ways to handle stress?

Be a Fighter !!Feeling like a victim only increases feelings of stress and helplessness. Focus on being proactive.

Learn to Say No!Trying to do everything is a one-way ticket to serious stress.

Ways to handle stress?

Start a Stress JournalA stress journal can help you identify the regular stressors in your life and the way you deal with them.

Munch Some SnacksFoods that are high in carbohydrates stimulate the release of serotonin, brain chemicals that help induce calm.

Ways to handle stress?

Share Problems  Straighten Up

Effects of slumping and straightening the spine

Offering Namaz and saying a prayer:

Pray. Meditate. 


Live a Healthy Life Examine your diet Lower your salt


Lower your intake of refined sugars and carbohydrates

Lower your caffeine intake

Add to your dietVegetables





Live a Healthy Life Rest:

Get a minimum of six hours of continuous Sleep.

Live a Healthy Life Exercise:

At least ten minutes, five times a week.

Break a sweat, to release endorphins

Live a Healthy Life Make an increased

effort to organize your life

Delegate things when you need to

Live a Healthy Life Anger causes us to

over react in many situations and leads to stress.

Rethink the situation and learn to be more flexible

Live a Healthy Life Fill your life with fun

things to do!!!!

Keep your sense of humor!!!!

Live a Healthy LifeRole of Yoga :

Yoga's emphasis on breathing and the mind/body/soul connection also yields strong emotional benefits

Live a Healthy Life