Strengths and weaknesses of music magazines

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Strengths and weaknesses of music magazines

Strengths of Music magazines

Pop• Teenagers look up to pop stars.• Bright and colourful so they stand out.• Aimed at teenagers, included young adults in the magazine world.• One of the only genres to provide a music magazine for young girls.• They are one of the cheapest magazines.

Indie/rock• They are bold and make a statement.• Each issue focuses on one artist.• Uses reds and blacks to show it is aimed at males.

R&B• It’s aimed at women and men.• Uses bold colours to make it stand out.• Focuses on one R&B artist to attract reader to read about their favourite artist.

Classical• Plain and simple to attract to its target audience.• Only magazine aimed at older people.• Colour scheme changes to suit the artist the issue is aimed at.

Weaknesses of Music magazines

Pop• Only aimed at teenage girls.• Could influence young adults in the wrong way.(Explicit images)

Indie/rock• Only aimed at boys.• Can sometimes look too busy.

R&B• There is not many producers of R&B magazines.• There is not a wide audience for R&B magazines.

Classical• They are only aimed at older people.• There is not a wide range of people who want to read a classical magazine.