Street photography presentation Rosie

Post on 27-Aug-2014

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Transcript of Street photography presentation Rosie


Photography- Assignment 3Street Photography

+Street Photography

Street Photography captures people and places. It captures photographs in the moment.(non staged) The photographs represent relationships between

people and their surroundings. Photos are taken in public areas although the photos do

not need to include people. There is no prior arrangement, photos are taken

unplanned and un-staged.

What is Street Photography

+Street Photography

Do’s Follow your instincts.

Be respectful.

Judge your surroundings.

Take photos quickly, do not miss the moment.

Do’s & Don’t’s

Don’t’s Take photos of children without

parents consent.

Cause any racial/sexist tension with photographs taken.

Shoot the homeless (they are just easy targets)

Stalk those who you wish to photograph.

Act suspicious.

+Street Photography

Nick Turpin is a street photographer with a bright colourful style of street photography. It is more uplifting than most street photographers work, which is why I like it. I found when researching most street photographers work was colourless and boring.

Nick Turpin photographs interesting areas of the streets for example busy London or NY as well as quiet park areas.

Street Photographer-Nick Turpin

He uses techniques such as matching colours where certain focus’s in the image have the same colour (bus and phone). He makes the most of the moment taking effective shots (2 cyclists passing eachother makes it look like they’re together)

+Street PhotographyMy own Shots


About it- I took this photograph in London incorporating a sign post with the iconic backdrop of one of the biggest UK attractions, the London Eye.

I manipulated the photo using photoshop. The photo was cropped and the brightness adjusted.


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