Streams for (Co)Free!

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Streams for (Co)Free!

Streams for (Co)Free!John A. De Goes — @jdegoes

Agenda» Induction/Coinduction

» Universality of Streams

» Cofree: A Principled Stream

» Challenge

InductionTear down a structure to culminate in a terminal value.

Inductive ProgramsExamples

» Parse a config file

» Sort a list

» Send an HTTP response

» Compute the millionth digit of pi

Surprise!Most(?) Business Problems Are Coinductive

CoinductionStart from an initial value to build up an infinite structure.

Coinductive ProcessesExamples

» Produce the next state of the UI given a user-input

» Produce current state of config given update to config

» Transform stream of requests to responses

» Produce (all) the digits of pi

Programming Languages Hate CoinductionBut "Reactive" and "Streams"

By Any Other NameA stream is a mainstream example of a coinductive process.

» Data processing

» Web servers

» User-interfaces

» Discrete "FRP"

» So much more...

Streams ✓ Stateful

✓ Incremental computation

✓ Non-termination

✓ Consume & Emit

StreamsChoices, Choices

» Akka Streams

» Java Streams

» Scalaz-Streams

» FS2

» Big Data: Spark, Flink, Pachyderm, Kafka, ad infinitum...

John's Laws of Clean Functional Code

1.Reasonability is directly proportional to totality & referential-transparency.

2.Composability is inversely proportional to number of data types.

3.Obfuscation is directly proportional to number of lawless interfaces.

4.Correctness is directly proportional to degree of polymorphism.

5.Shoddiness is directly proportional to encapsulation.

6.Volume is inversely proportional to orthogonality.

Akka Streamakka.streamAbruptTerminationException AbstractShape ActorAttributes ActorMaterializer ActorMaterializerSettings AmorphousShape Attributes BidiShape BindFailedException BufferOverflowException Client ClosedShape ConnectionException DelayOverflowStrategy EagerClose FanInShape FanInShape10 FanInShape11 FanInShape12 FanInShape13 FanInShape14 FanInShape15 FanInShape16 FanInShape17 FanInShape18 FanInShape19 FanInShape1N FanInShape2 FanInShape20 FanInShape21 FanInShape22 FanInShape3 FanInShape4 FanInShape5 FanInShape6 FanInShape7 FanInShape8 FanInShape9 FanOutShape FanOutShape10 FanOutShape11 FanOutShape12 FanOutShape13 FanOutShape14 FanOutShape15 FanOutShape16 FanOutShape17 FanOutShape18 FanOutShape19 FanOutShape2 FanOutShape20 FanOutShape21 FanOutShape22 FanOutShape3 FanOutShape4 FanOutShape5 FanOutShape6 FanOutShape7 FanOutShape8 FanOutShape9 FlowMonitor FlowMonitorState FlowShape Fusing Graph IgnoreBoth IgnoreCancel IgnoreComplete Inlet InPort IOResult KillSwitch KillSwitches MaterializationContext MaterializationException Materializer MaterializerLoggingProvider Outlet OutPort OverflowStrategy QueueOfferResult RateExceededException Server Shape SharedKillSwitch SinkShape SourceShape StreamLimitReachedException StreamSubscriptionTimeoutSettings StreamSubscriptionTimeoutTerminationMode StreamTcpException SubstreamCancelStrategy Supervision ThrottleMode TLSClientAuth TLSClosing TLSProtocol TLSRole UniformFanInShape UniformFanOutShape UniqueKillSwitch

What Can Save Us?!?John's Laws of Clean Functional Code

1.Reasonability is directly proportional to totality & referential-transparency.

2.Composability is inversely proportional to number of data types.

3.Obfuscation is directly proportional to number of lawless interfaces.

4.Correctness is directly proportional to degree of polymorphism.

5.Shoddiness is directly proportional to encapsulation.

6.Volume is inversely proportional to orthogonality.



// For Functor `F`final case class Cofree[F[_], A](head: A, tail: F[Cofree[F, A]])

Cofree: Take 1Cofree[F, A] is a coinductive process that generates A's using effect F.

Cofree: Take 2Cofree[F, A] is a current position A on a landscape that requires effect F to move to a new position.

CofreeComonad Methods

» Where am I? def extract(f: Cofree[F, A]): A

» Terraform! def extend(f: Cofree[F, A] => B): Cofree[F, B]

» Plus Functor!


final case class Cofree[F[_], A](head: A, tail: F[Cofree[F, A]])

// final case class Name[A](run: => A)val fibs: Cofree[Name, Int] = { def unfold(prev1: Int, prev2: Int): Cofree[Name, Int] = Cofree(prev1 + prev2, Name(unfold(prev2, prev1 + prev2)))

unfold(0, 1)}


def append[F[_]: ApplicativePlus, A](c1: Cofree[F, A], c2: Cofree[F, A]): Cofree[F, A] = Cofree(c1.head, => append(t, c2)) <+> c2.point[F])


def collect[F[_]: MonadPlus, A](c: Cofree[F, A]): F[Vector[A]] = { val singleton = Vector[A](c.head).point[F]

(singleton |@| c.tail.flatMap(collect(_)))(_ ++ _) <+> singleton}

def disperse[F[_]: ApplicativePlus, A](seq: Seq[A]): Option[Cofree[F, A]] = seq.foldRight[Option[Cofree[F, A]]](None) { case (a, None) => Some(Cofree(a, mempty[F, Cofree[F, A]])) case (a, Some(tail)) => Some(Cofree(a, tail.point[F])) }


def zipWith[F[_]: Zip: Functor, A, B, C]( c1: Cofree[F, A], c2: Cofree[F, B])( f: (A, B) => C): Cofree[F, C] = Cofree( f(c1.head, c2.head), Zip[F].zipWith(c1.tail, c2.tail)(zipWith(_, _)(f)))


def scan[F[_]: Functor, A, S]( c: Cofree[F, A])(s: S)(f: (S, A) => S): Cofree[F, S] = { val s2 = f(s, c.head)



def zeros[F[_]: Functor, A: Monoid](c: Cofree[F, A])(p: A => Boolean): Cofree[F, A] = if (p(c.head)) Cofree(c.head, else Cofree(mzero[A],

def filter[F[_]: Monad, A](c: Cofree[F, A])(p: A => Boolean): F[Cofree[F, A]] = if (p(c.head)) Cofree(c.head, c.tail.flatMap(filter(_)(p))).point[F] else c.tail.flatMap(filter(_)(p))

CofreePipes: Types

// final case class Kleisli[F[_], A, B](run: A => F[B])

type Pipe[F[_], A, B] = Cofree[Kleisli[F, A, ?], B]

type Source[F[_], A] = Pipe[F, Unit, A]

type Sink[F[_], A] = Pipe[F, A, Unit]

CofreePipes: Utilities

def pipe[F[_]: Applicative, A, B, C](from: Pipe[F, A, B], to: Pipe[F, B, C]): Pipe[F, A, C] = Cofree[Kleisli[F, A, ?], C]( to.head, Kleisli(a => ( |@|, _))))

// e.g. Unitdef runPipe[F[_]: Monad, A: Monoid](pipe: Pipe[F, A, A]): F[A] = (pipe.head.point[F] |@|[A]).flatMap(runPipe(_)))(_ |+| _)

CofreeIO, Byte Streams, Etc.

type IOPipe[A, B] = Pipe[Task, A, B]


type BytePipe = IOPipe[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]

CofreeMerging: Types

type Select[F[_], A] = Coproduct[F, F, A]

type Merge[F[_], A, B] = Pipe[Select[F, ?], A, B]

CofreeMerging: Function

def merge[F[_]: Applicative, A, B](left: Source[F, A], right: Source[F, A]) (s: Select[Id, Merge[F, A, B]]): Source[F, B] = { def embed[F[_]: Functor, A](s: Select[F, A]): F[Select[Id, A]] = match { case -\/ (fa) => => Coproduct[Id, Id, A](a.left [A])) case \/-(fa) => => Coproduct[Id, Id, A](a.right[A])) }

def step(y: Merge[F, A, B], fs: F[Source[F, B]]): Source[F, B] = Cofree[Kleisli[F, Unit, ?], B](y.head, Kleisli(_ => fs)) match { case -\/ (y) => step(y, ( |@| embed( (left, y) => merge(left, right)(y))) case \/-(y) => step(y, ( |@| embed( (right, y) => merge(left, right)(y))) }}


def fork[F[_]: Applicative, A](left: Sink[F, A], right: Sink[F, A]): Sink[F, A] = Cofree[Kleisli[F, A, ?], Unit]((), Kleisli(a => ( |@|, _))))


case class Instr[F[_], A]( goLeft: F[A], goRight: F[A], goUp: F[A], goDown: F[A])

// Cofree[Instr[F, ?], A]

def productWith[F[_]: Functor, G[_]: Functor, A, B, C]( c1: Cofree[F, A], c2: Cofree[G, B])( f: (A, B) => C): Cofree[Product[F, G, ?], C] = Cofree[Product[F, G, ?], C](f(c1.head, c2.head), Product((, c2)(f)),, _)(f)))))


No, BUT...

ChallengeGo Do Something That's A Tiny Bit Simpler...A Bit More Functional...

THANK YOUFollow me on Twitter at @jdegoes