Strategizing the Digitalization of Learning and Teaching A ...

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Strategizing the Digitalization of Learning and Teaching –

A Resource-based view on the digitalization of learning

and teaching in a Finnish Higher Education Institution

Ilkka Haukijärvi

University of Tampere

School of Information Sciences

Doctoral programme of organization´s

information systems

Licentiate Thesis

Supervisor: Mikko Ruohonen

June 2015


Tampereen yliopisto


Organisaation tietojärjestelmien tohtoriohjelma

Kirjoittaja: Ilkka Haukijärvi

Ohjaaja: Prof. Mikko Ruohonen,

Lisensiaatintutkimus, 105 sivua, 4 liitesivua, 3 liitettyä artikkelia

Kesäkuu 2015

Digitalisaatio on suuri mahdollisuus mutta myös haaste korkeakoulusektorille. Lukuisat

ulkoiset motivaatiotekijät ajavat korkeakouluja kehittämään toimintakyvykkyyttään ja

laatuaan. Korkeakoulutuksen kansainvälistyminen ja demokratisoituminen on yksi näistä

uhista – ja mahdollisuuksista – joka pitää huomioida, kun suunnitellaan

korkeakouluorganisaation kehittämistä. Organisaatiot, joilla on parhaat resurssit ja

kyvykkyydet hyödyntää muutostrendien mahdollisuudet ja haasteet, turvaavat itselleen

parhaan kilpailukyvyn pitkällä aikajänteellä.

Tämä intensiivinen laadullinen tapaustutkimus keskittyi yhden suuren ammattikorkeakoulun

digioppimiseen ja -opetukseen vaikuttavien ja kytkeytyvien prosessien, resurssien ja

kyvykkyyksien evaluointiin. Digitalisaation mahdollisuuksien hyödyntäminen oli tunnistettu

organisaatiossa kriittisen tärkeäksi kehittämisalueeksi. Lähtötilanne kehittämiselle oli

haasteellinen, sillä digioppimisen ja -opetuksen näkökulmasta kohdeorganisaatio ei ole

korkeakoulusektorin vahvimpien joukossa, huolimatta siitä, että se on yksi Suomen

vetovoimaisimmista ja suurimmista ammattikorkeakouluista. Tutkimus koostui viidestä

päävaiheesta ja aineistoa kerättiin lukuisin tapaustutkimukseen soveltuvin menetelmin:

esimerkiksi ryhmä- ja yksilöhaastatteluin, työpajoissa, havainnoimalla, organisaation

asiakirjoista ja kenttämuistiinpanoja tekemällä.

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida kohdeorganisaatiota holistisesti, osallistaen

tutkimusprosessiin ja sen eri vaiheisiin useita eri alueiden edustajia kohdeorganisaatiosta.

Tutkimuksen ja sen eri vaiheiden vaikutuksesta organisatorinen ymmärrys ja tietoisuus

prosessien, resurssien ja kyvykkyyksien nykytilasta ja tavoitetilasta kehittyi. Jotta tavoitetilaan

voidaan päästä, tarvitaan runsaasti kehittämistä.

Evaluoinnin pohjalta, ja eri vaiheiden tulosten yhdistelmänä, tutkimuksen lopputuotoksena on

käsitteellinen kehys, jonka tarkoituksena on tukea johtajien ja kehittäjien työtä organisaation

strategisessa ja kokonaisvaltaisessa digioppimisen ja -opetuksen kehittämisessä. ”The

Management´s Framework for Strategizing Digitalization of Learning and Teaching’ sisältää

kriittisiä prosesseja, kyvykkyyksiä ja resursseja, joilla on suora kytkentä organisaation

digioppimisen ja -opetuksen strategiseen kehittämiseen. Kehyksen lisäksi ja sitä täydentämään

määriteltiin strateginen opetusteknologiakyvykkyyden vaatimusten joukko, joka auttaa

jäsentämään ne kriittiset kyvykkyydet, joita opetusteknologian strategialähtöinen kehittäminen

edellyttää organisaatiolta.


University of Tampere

School of Information Sciences

Doctoral program of organization´s information systems

Author: Ilkka Haukijärvi

Supervisor: DSc. Mikko Ruohonen,

Licentiate Thesis, 106 pages, 4 pages of appendices, 3 attached articles

June 2015

The digitalization is a great opportunity and challenge for higher education sector. Multiple

external motivators for the improvement of operational capability and quality exist.

Internationalization and democratization of higher education is one of these threats – and

opportunities – that needs to be taken into consideration when planning a higher education

institution´s development. Changes are emerging, and whoever has the best resources and

capabilities to engage with the various possibilities and challenges they set, will achieve the

best competitive status in the long run.

This research was an intensive theory creating normative case study research during which the

complex resource and capability domain surrounding the e-learning was investigated in a large

Finnish University of Applied Sciences. The underlying case specific premise was that the e-

learning had been recognized as a critical area of development, and that the current situation in

terms of competitive capability was not among the best in the sector. The case institution has

strong roots in more traditional approaches to education.

The purpose of the research was to evaluate the case organization in a holistic manner,

involving multiple different internal stakeholders during the process and within the different

phases of the research. As results of the different research phases, the organizational

understanding and awareness of the current and desired state with regards to resources,

processes and capabilities was evolved. Plenty of improvements are required in order to

achieve the desired leading status in the area of digitized learning – e-learning.

Through the evaluation, and based on the converged outputs of the different research phases, a

conceptual framework to serve the manager´s and developers responsible for the development

of digitalized learning and teaching was defined and proposed as a summative output of the

two year process. The ‘Management´s Framework for Strategizing Digitalization of Learning

and Teaching’ includes the critical processes, capabilities and resources that have a direct link

to the strategizing of organizational development in the area. In addition, ´Criteria for Strategic

Planning and Development of Education Technology´ was defined to complement the proposed



FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 2

List of original publications related to the dissertation .......................................................... 3

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Resources and capabilities for sustained competitive advantage ................................ 6

1.2 The VRIO-framework ................................................................................................. 7

1.2.1 Value ......................................................................................................................... 7

1.2.2 Rarity......................................................................................................................... 7

1.2.3 Imitability .................................................................................................................. 8

1.2.4 Organization .............................................................................................................. 8

1.3 Resource based view on the human resources ............................................................ 9

1.4 Resources, processes and capabilities ....................................................................... 10

1.5 Competitive advantage and Information Technology ............................................... 13

1.6 Dynamic capabilities – capability to build, expand and alter an organization´s resource

base ...................................................................................................................................... 20

2. THE CASE STUDY INSTITUTION .................................................................................. 21

2.1 Planning and steering the institutional development ..................................................... 21

2.2 Digitalization of learning and teaching sub-strategy ..................................................... 24

2.3 Steering the development of ICT and education technology in the case study

organization.......................................................................................................................... 25

3. THE RESEARCH DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 27

3.1 The research process and questions ............................................................................... 27

3.1.1 The research questions ............................................................................................ 27

3.1.2 The Resource-based view of the firm theory´s link with the research process ...... 29

3.1.3 Personal role as a professional and a researcher during the process....................... 30

3.2 The used research approaches and methods .................................................................. 31

3.2.1 Case study research ................................................................................................. 31

3.2.2 Design Science in Information Systems Research .................................................. 41

3.3 Summary of the data sources and analysis .................................................................... 43

3.4 The research phase one – Summary ............................................................................... 44

3.5 The research phase two – Summary .............................................................................. 45

3.5.1 Update on the research phase – The analysis of the feedback on the proposed

complete quality framework ............................................................................................ 46

3.5.2 Summary of the results ........................................................................................... 47

3.5.3 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 47

3.6 The research phase three – Summary ............................................................................ 49

3.6.1 Summary of the results ........................................................................................... 50

3.7 The research phase four ................................................................................................. 51

3.7.1 Data collection and analysis.................................................................................... 52

3.7.2 Results ..................................................................................................................... 53

3.7.3 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 56

3.8 The research phase five .................................................................................................. 57

3.8.1 Informant profiles ................................................................................................... 58

3.8.2 Data collection method ........................................................................................... 58

3.8.3 Data analysis ........................................................................................................... 59

3.8.4 Results ..................................................................................................................... 62

3.8.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 77

4. The output of the research.................................................................................................... 79

4.1 Management´s Framework for Strategizing Digitalization of Learning and Teaching . 79

4.1.1 Criteria for strategic planning and development of education technology ............. 92

4.2 Practical implications of the local impact of the research process ................................ 93

5. FINAL WORDS .................................................................................................................. 95

5.1 Further research suggestions .......................................................................................... 95

References ................................................................................................................................ 97

Unpublished references ...................................................................................................... 100

APPENDIX 1 – VRIO-analysis interview themes ................................................................ 102

Attachment 1 .......................................................................................................................... 106

Attachment 2 .......................................................................................................................... 124

Attachment 3 .......................................................................................................................... 140


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accordance with the quality management system of the University of Tampere.



Within this dissertation, the focus is on the resources, processes and capabilities of the case

institution, which are relevant with regards to institutional strategic development. The

underlying premise of the research is that higher education sector in Finland is under heavy

pressures for great changes with regards to improving and modernizing learning and teaching

approaches, due to the global megatrend, namely the digitalization. In addition, pressures for

improvement of operational effectiveness are great, mainly due to rather dramatic changes in

legislation and financing structures. From local perspectives, a project called Tampere 3 was

kicked off during the autumn 2014. The project aims for investigating the opportunities for

deeper cooperation between – or even merger of – the three higher education institutions in the

city area, and thus increases the relevance for this research as well.

Chapter one focuses on the theoretical background related to this dissertation and research, by

describing and discussing some of the key concepts with regards to resources, capabilities and

competitive advantage. Chapter two is a description of the case institution with regards to some

of the key steering mechanisms, processes and activities related to the development.

Chapter three covers the research process. The research process is comprised of five main

phases, each with different but complementary perspectives on the phenomena. The research

phases in conjunction form a timely continuation of two years of case study research, with the

addition of one phase of design research. There are three published articles related to this

research, covering research phases one, two and three. The articles attached to this dissertation

are the versions, which were originally accepted for publication. The article related to the

research phase two covered an ongoing research, and is updated to current situation in chapter

3. Research phases four and five have not been published as articles, and are therefore presented

and discussed more thoroughly in chapter three. The research methods and outcomes of the

different research phases are presented in Chapter 3 as well.

Chapter four presents the key outcomes of the two year process. Chapter five discusses about

the possible future research efforts that are relevant and required to build up the understanding

and new knowledge with regards to the digitalization of higher education sector in Finland.


List of original publications related to the dissertation

Article 1

Haukijärvi, I. (2014a). E-learning Maturity Model – Process-oriented assessment and

improvement of e-learning in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. In Tatnal, A. & Passey,

D. (Eds.). Key Competencies in ICT and Informatics: Implications and Issues for Educational

Professionals and Management. 2014. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Germany: Berlin.Springer,

Germany. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-45770-2_9

Article 2

Haukijärvi, I. & Nevalainen, T. (2014). Developing a Quality Enhancement Framework for

Collaborative Online Courses – Building on Constructivism with a Design Science in

Information Systems Approach. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational

Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014 (pp. 480-489). AACE, Chesapeake,

VA (2014).

Article 3

Haukijärvi, I. (2014b). Opiskelijat muutosagentteina – Opiskelijoiden kokemuksia

osallistumisesta TAMK:n pedagogiseen kehittämiseen. In Tie uuteen opetussuunnitelmaan.

Publication of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Series B. Reports 70.



The role of e-learning has grown essentially during the last two decades. The concept of e-

learning in this specific research includes online education, blended learning, and learning and

teaching in digitalized physical campus – the use of ICT in learning and teaching processes.

Digitalization of learning and teaching is referred to as the organization-wide change process

towards more flexible, accessible, higher quality and cost effective approaches to learning and

teaching, involving various different domains of an organization.

Many higher education institutions are engaged in studying and utilizing various e-learning

solutions and improving their capabilities with regards to producing high quality e-learning.

As e-learning has become an essential part of modern-day higher education, comprehensive

assessment of the organizational resources influencing the manner in which e-learning is being

provided, maintained and developed, has become crucial. Institutional assessment and

development have a crucial role in ensuring and enhancing support for the achievement of

desired outcomes. In addition to emphasizing continuous development on the micro level of an

organization, such as e-learning environments and technologies, learning resources, learning

processes and pedagogies, emphasis should be given on the macro perspective – the

management and evaluation of institutional processes, capabilities and resources affecting and

defining the development.

Due to the rapid development of digitalization, internationalization and democratization of

higher education, increase in accountability, easy access to public quality and efficiency

ratings, economic depression, and increased competition for students, higher education

institutions are facing a tremendous amount of external and internal change pressures, which

are forcing the management of the institutions to be constantly aware of the external and

internal environments. In addition to awareness of environmental competition, strong emphasis

must be placed on an organization´s resources as well. The resource domain in which an

organization operates has a critical influence on its very survival in the given time and space,

let alone on its planning for the future – implementing new competitive strategies. Resources

must not be regarded as stable, but rather as dynamic assets that are being continuously

improved, refined, re-allocated, and even disposed of if they turn out to be strategically


All external changes set large-scale challenges for higher education institutions, and in order

to fully utilize their potential, resources must be aligned with new strategies as soon as they are

adopted, and a lot of internal development of organizational resources, processes and practices

is required. In public higher education, increasingly more business-like approaches to

management are needed in order to meet the challenges emerging due to the rapid changes.

Although this research focuses on organizational macro-level perspectives, and little emphasis

is placed on specific learning theories, it is important to acknowledge that the development of

an educational institution should be aligned with current and relevant approaches to learning.

From technology perspectives, Leidner & Järvenpää (1995, 266) write that the effectiveness of

information technology in contributing to learning is dependent on how well the technology

supports the chosen approach to learning. This emphasizes the importance of relevant

pedagogic perspectives to the development of educational technology. In the following


paragraphs, three common learning models are briefly discussed: objectivism, constructivism

and collaborationism.

The assumption behind the objectivist model is that learning takes place through the transfer

of knowledge from the teacher to the students, and that the instructor should be in control of

the material and pace of learning (Leidner & Järvenpää 1995, 267). Traditional classroom

lecturing is an application of the objectivistic approach.

The constructivist approach to learning is more learner-centric and individualistic; it puts great

emphasis on the importance of knowledge construction by the learners themselves, and gives

the students more control over the pace of the learning, while the instructor focuses on giving

feedback (Leidner & Järvenpää 1995, 267-268). The students acquire information and improve

their understanding of the subject in real life contexts. Leidner & Järvenpää (1995, 268) write

that, in practice, the constructivist approach tends to focus on searching for preordained

knowledge, which could actually be transferred more efficiently by the instructor, and that

critics of constructivism argue that there is little benefit in such approaches.

The collaborative learning model emphasizes the interactions among learners. The students

improve their mental models through discussions and information sharing. As with the

constructivist approaches, the collaborative model also assumes that knowledge creation is an

outcome of knowledge sharing, and the more sharing takes place, the more is learned. (Leidner

& Järvenpää 1995, 268). Project-based learning is an example of collaborative authentic

learning, during which the peer-learners share and create knowledge, and produce concrete

outputs through collaborative effort. The instructor´s role is to facilitate and support the


Objectivist approaches to learning have generally given room for constructivist and

collaborative approaches to learning and teaching, in the case institution as well. A variety of

different international development projects have also been carried out, in which the

collaborative model to learning has been in the very core of course development. In addition,

based on an attended recent work shop organized by the Finnish Ministry of Education and

Culture, one of the common themes rising in the change related discussion, which involved

academic staff from universities and universities of applied sciences, was the transition away

from objectivist approaches (MINEDU 2015).

When discussing comprehensive and holistic development of an educational institution,

different learning models can be covered. However, it is important to take into consideration

pedagogic relevance when planning and prioritizing development measures. The premise is

that whatever the preferred model of learning is, it most likely can be improved through well

planned implementation of ICT, at least in terms of cost efficiency, accessibility and flexibility.

With this in mind, also objectivist approaches can be improved. Objectivist approaches are still

rather common in online and blended-learning settings, but the difference between now and

the past is the improved flexibility and accessibility, mainly due to the use of novel video


The decisions regarding the development should represent the desired approaches to learning

and teaching, and as such, support those models of learning. Thus, the strategic e-learning

development has to take into consideration this relevance aspect. At the case institution, the

local pedagogic principles are one of the steering mechanisms that guide the organizational

development of resources and capabilities.


1.1 Resources and capabilities for sustained competitive advantage

Organizational resources are tangible and intangible assets that an organization possesses and

utilizes to achieve competitive advantage in the markets. Resources and capabilities are of

critical importance to any organization, whether functioning in public or private markets. In

1991 Jay Barney introduced to public the Resource-Based View of the Firm -theory, in which

an organization´s competitive capability is determined by the resources it has direct control of.

The resources and capabilities are defined as resources such as the management skills,

processes and practices within a firm, and the information and knowledge the organization

possesses and controls (Barney et al. 2001, 625). Ever since the initial publication in 1990´s,

the Resource-Based View of the Firm has established its status as an essential theory for

strategic management, and has influenced many different fields of study, such as human

resource management, economics and finance, entrepreneurship, marketing and international

business (Barney et al. 2001, 627 – 630).

In his article in 1991, Barney criticized earlier research that focused heavily on environmental

– whether internal or external – aspects on strategic competitive advantage, for making the

assumption that the competitors in the market possess similar strategies and strategically

relevant resources, and that the resources that are utilized to implement new strategies are

highly mobile (1991, 100). Environmental approach, such as SWOT-analysis, is a common

framework for assessing organization´s internal and external environment, its internal strengths

and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats the external environment sets. Barney

introduced a novel approach and theory for assessing organization from its resources point of

view, emphasizing the role of the possessed resources as enablers of sustained competitive


The physical resources that an organization may possess are the used technology, equipment

and premises (plant), location and the access to raw materials. Human capital resources include

training, experience, judgment, intelligence, relationships, and insight of managers and

workers. Organizational capital resources include formal reporting structure, formal and

informal planning, controlling, coordinating systems, and its informal relations with internal

and external groups. (Barney 1991, 101).

Barney adds that not all the mentioned resources an organization possess at a given time –

physical, human and organizational – are necessarily relevant for implementing new strategies,

and in fact, some of these resources may actually prevent an organization to effectively

implement new strategies and gaining sustained competitive advantage (1991, 102).

An organization has sustained competitive advantage when it is implementing value creating

strategy that no other competitor is implementing simultaneously, and when the competitors

are unable to duplicate the benefits of the strategy. Barney adds that sustainability in this sense

does not mean that the advantage is ever lasting, and unanticipated changes in the economic

structure may cause the existing resources to become irrelevant in the changed economic

environment. (Barney 1991, 102).


The ability of an organization´s to alter and move its resources is crucial in terms of sustaining

a resource base that is aligned with strategic purpose and goals. Having resources that were

relevant and valuable for implementing the old strategy, may actually be heavily in conflict

with the goals of the new strategy, thus refinement and development of resources is needed.

Technology, human resources, formal reporting structures and formal planning are just a few

examples of resources that may be under heavy pressure for refinement in organization´s

strategy implementation process, especially when the new strategy is drastically different from

the old strategy. As an example, existing processes and technology may be insufficient for

effectively and successfully implementing ambitious strategy for new digital business and

digital operations. In addition, during the rapid changes in the businesses and public sector

towards digitalization, personnel capabilities are of critical importance in implementing

strategies, thus special focus for human capital development is needed.

1.2 The VRIO-framework

The VRIO framework, introduced by Barney in 1995, is a resource-based approach to assessing

an organization´s resources – physical capital resources, organizational capital resources and

human capital resources – and thereby the organization’s sustained competitive advantage. The

framework assesses resources from four different perspectives: Value, Rarity, Imitability and


1.2.1 Value

Valuable resources of an organization are defined by Barney (1991, 106) as resources that

enable an organization to implement new strategies that improve its efficiency and

effectiveness. With valuable resources an organization is able to exploit the opportunities and

strengths, and counter and overcome the threats and weaknesses of the external and internal

environment. From this perspective, the environmental approach, as the SWOT-analysis, and

the VRIO-framework as resource based approach complement each other.

1.2.2 Rarity

Rarity of a resource means that no other competing organization possesses the same exact

resource that is exploited to gain strategic value. If a resource is common, other organizations

have the same resource, thus it can´t be considered as a resource for gaining sustained

competitive advantage. A resource can be valuable but at the same time not rare, and thus only

enable gaining competitive parity at best. (Barney 1991, 106). Barney describes the managerial

skills as one key example of resources with regards to implementing strategies: if the skill sets

of the management are common, a large number of organizations are able to implement the

strategies in question, which leads to the situation of unachieved competitive advantage.

Barney emphasizes that common resources are not be regarded as unimportant, since they can

be utilized to gain competitive parity and ensure an organization´s survival (1991, 106).


1.2.3 Imitability

With regards to sustained competitive advantage, an organization must possess resources that

are not just valuable and rare, but also imperfectly imitable by competing organizations.

Without these kinds of resources, competitive advantage can be achieved, but only until other

organizations imitate the resources needed to conceive of and implement value creating

strategies. There are three reasons, which separately or as combined, make the resources

imperfectly imitable: 1) unique historical conditions of an organization, 2) the link between

possessed resources and competitive advantage is causally ambiguous, or 3) the resource is

socially complex (Dierickx & Cool, 1989, cited by Barney 1991, 107).

With regards to unique historical conditions and imperfectly imitable resources, Barney (1991,

107 – 108) writes that organizations are historical and social entities, whose ability to utilize

resources depends upon the place and time they are in. In other words, an organization

operating in a particular location at a particular time may have access to resources which are

unavailable at a later date and/or in other places. It therefore follows that organizations

operating in different times and/or places space-time cannot obtain these space and time-

dependent resources, thus making such resources imperfectly imitable. The ability to exploit

particular resources is path-dependent

Causal ambiguity with regards to imitability means that under conditions of causal ambiguity,

it is hard for competing organizations to acknowledge which resources should be imitated in

order to achieve competitive parity with an organization that has gained competitive advantage

by exploiting its resources. Competitors may still be able to describe some the essential

resources, but no guarantee of the causality between the described resources and the outcomes

– achieved competitive advantage – can be obtained. Thus making it challenging to predicting,

which resources to duplicate. In these situations, the organizations who seek to imitate the

resources, must first engage in reducing their lack of knowledge related to the causalities, for

example through hiring managers of the organization with competitive advantage or through

systematic study of the competitor´s success. (Barney 1991, 108 – 109).

Socially complex resources are resources such as the culture, reputation among suppliers,

interpersonal relations among managers and customers (Hambrick 1987, Barney 1986, Porter

1980, Klein, Crawford & Alchian 1978; Klein & Lefler 1981, cited by Barney 1991, 110). It is

impossible to systematically manage and influence these kinds of resources (Barney 1991,


1.2.4 Organization

To effectively utilize valuable, rare and imperfectly imitable resources, an organization needs

to organize these resources and capabilities (Barney 1995, 56). Organization of these resources

relates to formal reporting structures, management control systems and compensation policies

that encourage the employees to be creative and innovative, and are utilized to steer the

operations to a desired direction. These sets of resources are defined as complementary

resources by Barney (1995, 56), since they have only limited ability to generate competitive

advantage when isolated, but in combination with other resources and capabilities, they enable


an organization to fully realize the potential for sustained competitive advantage. Management

nowadays is more and more expected to be the enabler and provider of the best possible

conditions for the employees to be productive and innovative.

Table 1. Summary of the VRIO-framework.

Summary of VRIO

Valuable? Rare? Difficult to






No No No No/Yes Competitive


Yes No No Yes Competitive parity

Yes Yes No Yes Temporary

competitive advantage

Yes Yes Yes Yes Sustained competitive


1.3 Resource based view on the human resources

Human resources are one of the key factors when defining a knowledge intensive

organization´s sustained competitive advantage. No matter how effective processes and

practices, or coherent structure and infrastructure – including such as reporting chains and ICT

architecture – an organization has, if it lacks high quality and ever evolving human capital

resources, sustained competitive advantage can´t be achieved. Barney & Wright (1998, 32)

introduced a resource based view on the human resources, focusing on human capital resources,

such as knowledge, skills, experience, commitment and human relationships, with the addition

of focus on HR-practices, through the VRIO-framework.

From the value´s perspectives on human resources, an organization should address how to

create value through HR, either by helping to decrease costs or to increase revenues (Barney

& Wright 1998, 33). Barney & Wright share a few examples of how to decrease costs and to

increase revenues. Increasing revenues through HR can be achieved through improving and

sustaining personnel satisfaction in organizations that rely on human interactions within the

service or product delivery processes. In higher education environment, this would mean that

satisfied academic and administrative staff has a positive influence on the student experience

with teaching and administrative services. The experienced quality of the service has an impact

on the student processes during their studies. Barney & Wright (1996, 33) support this view by

introducing few examples and by referring to previous studies on the subject. HR-practices

may also have an influence on costs and revenues, such as in the form of incentive policies and

practices (Barney & Wright 1998, 33).

Providing incentives is an aspect of HR practices which has been discussed in higher education

contexts. With particular respect to promoting innovation and the development of e-learning,

Marshall for example, in his E-learning Maturity Model (2006), considers the effectiveness of

providing incentives to developers. Locally, my personal experience is that recognition and


incentives have seen a rise of status in local discourses and practices as ways of encouraging

development of digitalized learning. Experience so far suggests that by providing the academic

staff with incentives to develop e-learning capabilities, greater and wider impact can be

achieved in terms of quality and performance.

As Barney & Wright (1998, 34) write, valuable resources alone do not guarantee sustained

competitive advantage, thus it is important to possess human capital resources that are rare, not

homogenous, and not similar with competing organizations. A valuable but common resource

does only guarantee competitive parity, not sustained competitive advantage, thus HR

executives should examine how to develop and utilize rare human capital resources (1996, 34).

The rarity of human capital resources relates to the utilization of the different strengths and

characteristics of the heterogeneous personnel group. Within in higher education as well, rarity

can be achieved through HR-practices, for example through recruitment and personnel training.

Defined policies for recruitment can be exploited to find and recruit personnel with specific

strategically relevant novel skillsets, whereas through personnel training, it is possible to

improve and refine the existing skill pool of the personnel with an emphasis on strategic

relevance. Novel approaches to digitalized learning and related pedagogy are emerging, and

some of these approaches, when utilized effectively, can turn out to be the rarity factor in terms

of human capital resources.

If an organization possesses human capital resources that are imitable, it can only achieve a

short term competitive advantage, as the competitors in the market are able to and will imitate

the resources that could provide strategic value for them as well (Barney & Wright 1998, 34).

In order to achieve imperfectly imitable human capital resources, Barney & Wright suggest

(1998, 34) that HR executives should develop and nurture human resources that are not

imitable, through focusing on exploiting the socially complex phenomena such as an

organization´s unique history or culture. From my personal experiences, culture is a crucial

aspect of organization´s performance, and can be affected by organization´s strategy and its

operationalization, work practices, acknowledgement practices, HR-policies and practices, and

management practices. Encouraging collaborative and open sharing of best practices and ideas

can be effective in terms organizational learning, and yet many organizations fail at it. It is safe

to make the assumption that developing and sustaining a culture that nurtures and promotes

open sharing may turn out to be beneficial in terms of achieving sustained competitive

advantage, since this organizational culture would be hard for competitors to imitate.

As the last factor of sustained competitive advantage, the organization of resources means that

an organization has systems and practices that help utilizing the potential of the human

resources (Barney & Wright 1998, 35). Barney & Wright (1998, 35) bring forth the importance

of having a coherent HR-system, in which all the different HR practices are coordinated as one,

not isolating the different practices, such as staffing, training and compensation.

1.4 Resources, processes and capabilities

Business processes can be defined as chains of activities and related actors, such as information

systems and humans, which produce outputs that are beneficial in terms of business purpose,

and relevant to set objectives. Ray et al. (2004) define business processes as actions that firms


engage in to accomplish some business purpose or objective. In a traditional business

environment, common examples of business processes are product or service delivery, sales,

marketing, customer service, production and invoicing. In the higher education environment,

examples of business processes are student and personnel ICT support services, administrative

services, Quality Assurance, project portfolio management, Enterprise Architecture

management, procurement management, teaching and course production, to name but a few.

Whether speaking of business organizations or higher education organizations, the processes

are many and usually heavily interconnected, making an organization a complex system to

manage as a coherent entity. Ray et al. (2004, 24) write that an organization´s performance is

defined by the net effect of its business processes on its position in the market place. An

organization may be effective and have fully adequate business processes in one area, and at

the same time have partly adequate or inadequate processes in other areas. Competitive

capability may vary drastically between different business processes, thus impairing the

organization´s overall capacity and capability. Ray et al. (2004, 24 – 25) give a simple example

of this variation and its impact on performance: an organization has two different business

processes, both of which are important in order to implement a new strategy, but one of the

processes has competitive disadvantage. This leads to a diminished net effect on the market

position of the organization, thus enabling only average levels of performance. This example,

in all its simplicity, concretizes the importance of managing and developing an organization´s

business processes in a holistic manner, through understanding the interconnectedness and

networked nature of multiple business processes and their required capabilities, in order to

define and execute high performance processes so as to achieve competitive advantage.

Resources alone do not ensure competitive advantage, since they can only function as a source

of competitive advantage if they are utilized effectively through business processes. Business

processes are the building blocks of corporate strategy, not products or markets, and resources

are valuable only when they allow organizations to perform activities, thus making the business

processes the actual source of competitive advantage. (Stalk et al. 1992, Porter 1991, cited by

Ray et al. 2004, 26). Ray et al. (2004, 26) add that not all business processes are sources of

competitive advantage, and business processes that utilize valuable but common resources can

only be a source of competitive parity, whereas business processes that utilize valuable and

rare resources can function as a source of temporary competitive advantage. In order for a

business process to be a source of sustained competitive advantage, the resources must be

valuable, rare and hard to imitate.

Business processes that utilize intangible resources, such as human resources, are more likely

to provide competitive advantage than processes that utilize more easily imitable tangible

resources (Lippman & Rumelt 1982; Itami 1987; Dierickx & Cool 1989; Barney 1991, cited

by Ray et al. 2004, 26). Nevertheless, both tangible and intangible resources must be utilized

together in order to execute a business process, thus making both resource categories

interconnected with each other and vital for an organization, despite the fact that in the end, it

is the intangible resources which confer sustained competitive advantage.

An example of this kind of bundling of resources is an ICT support process for customers that

is built on ICT systems and human-to-human interaction. Despite having high quality and

usable ICT systems, if the support-to-customer personal interaction is inadequate in quality,

the organization will fail to satisfy the customer. Thus a lack of adequate human capital

resource will prevent an organization from gaining competitive advantage, and the process will

have competitive disadvantage due to inadequate intangible resources. The other way around,


if an organization has mediocre ICT systems but high quality personal service – i.e. interaction

– the output of the process is more likely to be positive, and at least competitive parity can be

achieved. An organization with sustained competitive advantage through efficient business

processes will most likely develop its business processes and related resources in a holistic

manner, and issues related to tangible and intangible resources which are needed as input for

business processes will be handled in an efficient manner.

Business Process Management (BPM) can be regarded as a management approach to process

development, including tools and means for designing, assessing and refining the process

design and execution in an on-going, cyclical fashion. BPM has its roots in statistical process

control, such as Just-In-Time production, Continuous Improvement, the automated Toyota

Production System, Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, and Business Process Re-

engineering (Paim et al. 2008; Harmon 2007; Chang 2005, cited by Hyötyläinen 2013, 19).

The basis of the process management cycle is the planning, documentation and implementation

of processes, with the intention to prevent distractions, variations and obstacles in operations

(Hammer 2010, 5).

“Despite the historical transformation of work and organizations, contemporary

BPM continues to resemble Taylorism in its focus on the systematic elimination

of distractions and obstacles in the production.” (Hyötyläinen 2013, 79).

According to Hammer, the reasons for possible failures in process outcomes are flaws in the

process design or in the execution, of which the execution-related issues are more challenging

to overcome, as they are usually random, and therefore harder to address specifically, and are

usually caused by a lack of sufficient human capabilities or inadequate tools (2010, 6). The

Process Management Cycle is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Process Management Cycle. (Hammer 2010, 5).

BPM has been regarded as an approach which improves shared business-IT understanding

through the involvement of different stakeholders in the adoption of new BPM technologies

(Hyötyläinen 2013, 93). However, Hyötyläinen (2013, 93) argues that previous studies on BPM

have lacked understanding of interactions required in process change management, related

technology management and other socio-technical aspects – the ability to transform a current

state into a new state utilizing BPM and related BPM systems (BPMS). In a rapidly changing


environment, the ability to improve and implement new processes and related technologies

with key stakeholders is indeed important, and may even be regarded as a source of competitive


1.5 Competitive advantage and Information Technology

Ray et al. (2007, 88) write that one way of gaining competitive advantage with IT is through

the application of valuable, rare and costly-to-imitate IT resources in business processes.

Another way of gaining competitive advantage with IT is to utilize IT resources to maximize

the potential of other competitive resources which are valuable, rare and costly to imitate, and

through this gain sustained competitive advantage. This means that an organization may have

common IT resources that are not valuable, rare or costly to imitate, but competitive advantage

is gained through improving and enabling the use of non-IT resources with IT. (Ray et al. 2007,

88). In many cases, organizations may use the same common technologies in their businesses,

but one organization can gain relative competitive advantage by applying the common

technologies in more efficient and more innovative ways.

As an example from the higher education environment of how competitive advantage can be

gained with common IT resources, institution 1 and institution 2 may both have the exact same

learning management system (LMS) in use, but there can be drastic differences in how they

apply the LMS. The learning management system as such is not a source of competitive

advantage, being a common resource, but the knowledge and skills to utilize it in an efficient

manner may differ in the two institutions. The ability to apply the LMS is dependent on the

skillset of the academic staff and technical staff: the e-learning pedagogic skills, technical skills

and the ability to integrate the LMS with the key administrative systems. In addition, a critical

resource in terms of the efficient application of the LMS is the capability to implement the

technology and succeed in gaining acceptance of the technology among the academic staff.

This has a direct relation to resources, processes and related capabilities such as culture,

motivation, skills, project management and personnel training, among other issues.

A third way of gaining competitive advantage is through the combined utilization of rare,

valuable and costly-to-imitate IT resources and non-IT resources that are also valuable, rare

and costly to imitate (Ray et al. 2007, 88). Within higher education, some institutions have the

capabilities and resources to develop information and communication technologies themselves.

Through innovation and research and development, these institutions may produce valuable,

rare and costly-to-imitate IT resources that gain them competitive advantage. Technology

innovation is rather common in higher education, and co-creation of novel IT artefacts by staff

and students may produce IT resources and skills that other institutions do not possess.

Especially in the field of e-learning (digitalized learning), technology innovation may prove

to be a valuable asset for an institution, especially if it is combined with high pedagogic skills.

In order to measure the effect of IT resources on an organization´s performance, the

examination should be addressed to the process level rather than the overall performance level,

due to the fact that their performance impact is more easily measurable on the process level,

whereas the overall performance of an organization is dependent on the net effect of multiple

business processes. Secondly, because the impacts on the process level are more easily


measurable, they are also more easily appropriated by the internal stakeholders, such as the

managers. (Ray et al. 2007, 88).

Mata et al. (cited by Ray et al. 2007, 89) discuss shared IT-Business understanding, by which

they mean the shared domain knowledge and common understanding between the IT specialists

and line managers about business processes and the potential which IT has for improving

process performance. The challenge with shared IT-Business understanding is that it develops

slowly over time, through numerous development projects in which the business and IT experts

participate collaboratively. Ray et al. (2007, 89) write that shared IT-Business understanding

is a tacit resource, which is built on trust, interpersonal relationships, and shared knowledge

between IT specialists, line managers, top management and other stakeholders, such as

external(?) networks. The tacit nature of this specific understanding makes it a potential

resource for competitive advantage, and through developing this tacit resource, capabilities to

innovatively utilize IT can emerge (Ray et al. 2007, 89).

In my personal experiences as practitioner and manager, the gap between IT and business can

be an obstacle in gaining better process performance, but the gap can be narrowed through

participative collaboration in IT development projects, and use of language that is

understandable by both the IT and the business people. Also, utilizing Enterprise Architecture

at my institution has proved to be useful in terms of building a shared IT-Business

understanding, as it has helped the institution to deploy an approach to IT-Business joint

development that integrates both these domains, and visualizes the interconnectedness between

business processes and IT systems, thus making it a tool to communicate complexity and

address process-level or even activity-level issues.

Performance gains through IT relies on how IT resources are deployed and utilized, rather than

on how much is invested in IT financially (Ray et al. 2007, 90). As the simple example of LMS

use in two imaginary HEIs illustrated, competitive advantage is not conferred by the

technology itself, but rather by the intangible resources combined with the technology.

As Ray et al. (2007) emphasize, it is vital to build a shared understanding between the business

and the IT specialists, and to nourish the development of the shared knowledge domain, as this,

not the technology alone, is a resource for competitive advantage. With regard to digitalized

learning in higher education institutions, better shared understanding between the students, the

academic staff, the managers and the IT staff will enable development that takes into

consideration different relevant perspectives and a range of possible benefits, so that conflicts

between the domains can be more effectively avoided.

As the role of IT and IS (Information Systems) has increased - and is continuing to increase -

dramatically in organizations as one of the resources that help in gaining competitive advantage

(albeit not the direct source), the importance of being able to plan, develop, implement and

utilize information technologies and systems from strategically relevant perspectives is greater

than ever. Based on Earl (1993, 1), earlier literature suggests that strategic information systems

planning (SISP) should focus on the following areas:

Aligning investment in IS with the business goals

Exploiting IT as a resource for competitive advantage,

Directing efficient and effective management of IS resources, and

Development of technology policies and architecture


Carr (2003) in his much debated article, (see for example Brown, Hagel, McFarlan, Nolan &

Strassman 2003 ) argued that IT´s role as a source of competitive advantage is questionable,

and that instead of approaching IT as a source of or tool for gaining competitive advantage, it

should be approached as a commodity, to which basically every competitor has the same access

in the contemporary competitive environment. Thus, it is also easily replicable. With regard to

infrastructural technologies, according to Carr, the real impacts on competition take place at

the macroeconomic level, not at the level of the individual company: the real strategic

differences may be realized at a national level, and separate countries from each other in terms

of competitive advantage.

Carr suggests that organizations should rather focus on realizing the full potential of IT through

efficient exploitation, and lowering of operational costs. However, despite the

misinterpretations of his critics, Carr does not state that IT does not matter at all; what he does

say is that IT resources are essential to competition, but inconsequential to strategy (Carr 2003).

“Today, an IT disruption can paralyze a company’s ability to make its products,

deliver its services, and connect with its customers, not to mention foul its

reputation. Yet few companies have done a thorough job of identifying and

tempering their vulnerabilities.” (Carr 2003).

Carr (2003) calls for more patience in planning and executing IT investments, greater rigor in

the evaluation of expected business benefits from IT investments, more creativity in exploring

simpler and more cost-effective solutions, a more aggressive approach to procurements, and

openness to partnerships and outsourcing.

Aligning investments in information systems (IS) with business goals is about investing in

strategically relevant development of IS. Exploiting an IT resource for competitive advantage

requires the capability to effectively utilize the existing resource for the good of gaining leading

status in the markets. IT as a resource may or may not be a source of competitive advantage,

and on many occasions, competitive advantage is actually gained through utilizing non-

valuable and common IT resources combined with valuable, rare and costly-to-imitate

resources, such as high skills in exploiting information technologies in a distinctive manner.

To cite a few examples from the higher education context, alignment between IT investments

and business goals could manifest itself as investments in IT that promote efficient and

effective implementation of high quality e-learning, that facilitate efficient management of

R&D projects, or that enable the creation of novel digitalized laboratories. Exploiting IT

resources for competitive advantage could be realized in these examples through efficient

application and utilization of education technologies, project management systems, and/or IT-

supported laboratories. In my experience as a practitioner and a researcher in an HE institution,

directing the management of information systems (IS) resources demands shared IT-business

understanding, up-to-date managerial skills, and clearly defined strategy for development.

Operationalization needs to be supported by transparent institutionalized processes and

decision-making mechanisms for resource and investment planning, an efficient and strategy-

aligned ICT portfolio, effective project management and enterprise architecture management,

and related high-level skill sets from individuals and teams operating in all these domains.


Galliers writes (1993, 286) that it is sometimes hard to recognize whether the positive impact

of IT on competitive advantage is achieved through careful strategic planning of IT or rather

as a result of serendipity. To support the serendipity explanation, he refers to the often cited

cases of airline reservations systems development, in which the core purpose was to achieve

improved process efficiency. The competitive advantage was partly achieved by increased

efficiency and effectiveness, and partly as a result of placing information about the airline´s

own flights on the screens above the other flights. Galliers (1993, 286) points out the possibility

that the latter may have occurred almost accidentally, and the impact it had on the airline’s

competitive position surprised everyone, including its rivals.

Even though this example took place more than two decades ago, it is an excellent illustration

of the causal ambiguity between IT resource planning and competitive advantage. Was the IT

resource as such the actual source of competitive advantage, or did the competitive advantage

result rather from the manner - whether deliberate or unintentional – in which the IT resource

was utilized? Can an IT resource as such, in isolation, be regarded as a source of competitive

advantage, or does it rather function as a complementary resource, which must be combined

with other resources that are the actual sources of sustained competitive advantage, such as

user capabilities and managerial skills? Or can competitive advantage depend on the nature and

innovativeness of the IT resource as well?

Galliers (2004, 256) introduced an information systems strategizing framework, in which the

focus is not merely on the internal matters, but also involves external factors, such as partners,

customers, suppliers and other organizations. Thus, information systems strategy is an

increasingly more substantial part of collaborative business strategizing (Galliers 2004, 257).

This concept can be fully aligned with a higher education institution: more and more

cooperation with other HEIs, suppliers, customers and third sector institutions is taking place,

and the boundaries between the operations of one organization and another are fading. When

strategizing the development of IS and education technology in an HEI, the external bodies

play a crucial role in enabling successful strategy implementation, largely by providing

valuable capabilities for doing so. Gallier´s framework is an excellent tool for communicating

the complex environment, and how information systems strategy is connected with the external

environment, the business strategy, and continuous organizational learning and change


In 2011, Galliers (3) introduced a refined framework (Figure 2.), which incorporated into the

earlier version the socio-political regulatory environment as an external domain influencing the

strategies. The regulatory and socio-political environment plays a major role in public higher

education in Finland, due to the fact that universities of applied sciences are strongly directed

by the Ministry of Education and Culture, national politics and legislation. Recently, the

political discussion around education has put rather a strong emphasis on the digitalization of

education. The socio-political environment directly affects strategy formulation and

implementation in Finnish HEIs.


Figure 2. Information Systems Strategizing Framework (Galliers 2011, 3).

Galliers (2004, 257) writes that information systems strategy is processual and ongoing,

meaning that it is also emergent, influenced by factors such as organizational learning, and

emergent and unintended consequences of strategic decisions and technologies. Karpovski, et

al. (2014, 31) refined further on Gallier´s model and proposed a new framework for information

systems strategizing (Figure 3.).


Figure 3. A proposed framework for information systems strategizing (Karpovski, Hallanoro

& Galliers 2014, 31).

The proposed framework suggests that the intended strategy and the emergent strategy both

contribute to the impact of information systems strategy, and the context of the IS strategy is

under the influence of both. The realized impacts of the strategies have a relation to further IS

planning, which means that what is being perceived and learned from the realized strategy

implementations affects the next cycle of the strategic information systems planning, strategy

formulation and implementation – the IS strategizing process. The feedback element in the

proposed framework represents the assessment of the strategizing process itself (Karpovski et

al. 2014, 32).

The involvement of multiple stakeholders is important in evaluating the outcomes of IS

strategy, as suggested by Karpovski et al. (2014, 32). Within a higher education institution, this

stakeholder involvement can manifest itself as the involvement of the students, partners,

suppliers, personnel and management. The strategizing of digitalization of learning and

teaching within the context of this research focuses on the creation of knowledge needed to

support and guide the strategy implementation – planning and management of the development

in the specific area. For this implementation, it is crucial to have a holistic understanding of the

existing strategy context, the internal and external environments, and what needs to be

improved in order to achieve the strategic goals.

From operational perspectives, information systems are vital for contemporary organizations,

and without them it would be challenging or impossible to manage in the markets, or to even

operate at all. This does not necessarily mean that they are in themselves sources of sustained

competitive advantage, although this does sometimes happen. For example, the information

systems of proved to be disruptive technology and have been the source of


competitive advantage for the company, which also continuously builds its competence to

maintain its lead in the e-business market (Ruohonen 2015).

According to Peppard and Ward (2004, 169), the universally accepted message from research

literature on strategic IT, is that technology alone is unlikely to be a source of competitive

advantage. IT investments are rather seen as tools for business changes, new business models,

process improvements or new services, and to fully realize the potential, an organization needs

to be capable of assimilating these changes (Peppard & Ward 2004, 169). Increasing

effectiveness of business processes through IT investments is a common activity in today´s

organizations, including higher education institutions. Informal and occasional observations of

the Finnish higher education sector suggests that a lot of the IT development resources are

allocated to the development of administrative effectiveness. The rationale behind this is, in

many cases, the decreasing amount of funding for HE and acknowledged ineffectiveness of the

processes concerned.

Peppard & Ward (2004, 170) suggest that any gains in competitive advantage will most likely

be short-lived if the advantage is based on IT alone; they emphasize the importance of

understanding the mechanisms and processes which lead to continuous realization of outcomes

that produce competitive advantage through the deployment of information systems and

information technologies.

Sustainability from an IS perspective is the ability to deliver business value from IS

investments, and is enabled by the organization´s IS capability (Peppard & Ward 2004, 171).

According to Peppard & Ward (2004, 171), building IS capability is challenging, as it requires:

understanding how IT impacts the business,

identifying new strategic opportunities,

assessing technological innovations,

deriving new technology-enabled business models,

prioritizing investments opportunities,

managing IT-enabled change,

managing vendors,

exploiting investments in technology,

ensuring appropriate usage of the IS,

management of IS projects

Continuous organizational learning is at the very core of the processual IS strategizing process;

the planned, developed and implemented strategy alone very rarely forms the future of an

organization, as the unexpected and unintended happens despite the most careful strategizing.

This emphasizes the importance of having dynamic capabilities for dealing with change.


1.6 Dynamic capabilities – capability to build, expand and alter an

organization´s resource base

Within the ever-changing operational environment, whether for private business or in the

higher education sector, the more dynamic and mobile the resource base that an organization

possesses, the more flexible it is in terms of addressing the changes in its environment.

Capability to refine the resource base according to changes in the competitive environment is

vital in order to maintain or achieve competitive advantage. Teece et al. (1997, 516) defined

dynamic capabilities as the ability to refine, build and integrate competencies – internal and

external – to gain competitive advantage within rapidly changing environments. Later,

Eisenhardt & Martin (2000, 1107) refined the definition of dynamic capabilities as an

organization´s processes that utilize resources, and through this create the ability to react to and

create new market changes. Zollo & Winter (2002, 340) separated dynamic capabilities from

operational capabilities, placing much emphasis on organizational learning as the source of

dynamic capability. They suggested that dynamic capability, which is gained through

organizational learning, is utilized to modify operational routines to achieve greater operational

efficiency and further, competitive advantage.

In 2007, Helfat et al. (2007, 4), building on the previous research and definitions of dynamic

capabilities, refined still further on the definition of dynamic capabilities; he explains them as

the capacity to create, expand and alter tangible, intangible and human capital resources, and

all the capabilities which an organization possesses, controls or has access to. An organization

can have resources and capabilities which it does not own, such as its personnel or personal

networks, through which it has preferential access to resources and capabilities (Helfat et al.

2007, 4). In the higher education sector, for example, one essential rationale behind networking

with other HEIs, public sector institutions and private businesses is the need to expand the

resource base that can be utilized to implement new strategies and gain competitive advantage.

The ability to refine, transform and build a resource base that includes valuable, rare, costly-

to-imitate and well organized resources is the key factor enabling an organization to succeed

in a rapidly changing environment. As the Finnish higher education sector is under heavy

pressure to make changes, some of which were briefly described earlier in this chapter, the

relevance of having dynamic capabilities is greater than ever. In terms of development, at one

end of the line is the need for improvement of operational efficiency, and at the other,

improvement in the quality of learning and teaching. Quality and performance do not need to

be in conflict, but practice has shown that changes that are easily measurable in financial terms

are more easily accepted than changes that firstly affect the quality of education, and through

that, in the long run, may also provide financial benefits. Both approaches are needed, which

means that all the resource types defined by Barney (1991) – physical resources, human capital

resources and organizational capital resources – need to be under continuous evaluation with

regard to strategic goals. Only by creating, altering and expanding all resources on the basis

of this evaluation, can the opportunities emerging from the rapid changes in the environment

be seized.



The institution which is the focus of this research is one of the largest universities of applied

sciences in Finland, with a budget of 75 million euros, about 750 staff members and 9500

students. Bachelor level students, numbering approximately 7500, represent the majority of the

student population. The institution offers over 40 different degree programs, in six different

fields of education. In addition, the institution provides vocational teacher education and

specialization studies for approximately 1000 students annually.

The importance of e-learning has been acknowledged, and organizational development efforts

have been made in the area, but so far they have been focusing on the micro level rather than

the strategic level, as digitalization of learning and teaching has not been fully strategized. The

role of e-learning has grown during the past decade, but a substantial amount of further

development is needed. The planning and execution of development measures must be founded

on a rigorous information base, thus comprehensive evaluation of the institution is needed.

Student experience as a concept has seen an increase in status in the institution in question,

leading to deeper student involvement in development processes. As the quantity and diversity

of digitalized learning is increasing, motivators for refining the institutional steering of its

development have emerged. The underlying goal behind the development of digitalized

learning and teaching is the simple desire to provide students with more alternative approaches

to carrying out their studies, by improving institutional resources and capabilities for producing

high quality learning experiences.

In this chapter, I briefly describe the key mechanisms for steering the development of resources

related to e-learning. The description focuses specifically on the perspectives of strategy,

annual planning, and the steering of ICT-related development.

2.1 Planning and steering the institutional development

The case study institution uses various means for steering its continuous development and

related decision-making. Different kinds of metrics and assessment tools are utilized, in order

to provide a rigorous and informative basis for decision-making. Strategy is operationalized in

the annual planning of quantitative and qualitative goals. Each member of the personnel has

the opportunity to influence the process through involvement in their own unit´s annual

planning. Figure 4. is a simplified process map representing the external and internal inputs

into the institution’s processes, together with the steering mechanisms affecting the realization

of value proposition in the institution.


Figure 4. The process map and steering mechanisms from a top-down perspective.

Despite the existence of a vast array of steering mechanisms, professional autonomy is of

critical importance in the development of the institution. The personnel expect to have power

to influence the direction in which the institution is going. Thus, there needs to be continuous

balance between centralized steering and distributed power.

The various steering aspects and mechanisms affecting the institution’s development are

described in Figure 5. The strategic layer includes the organization´s strategy, sub-strategies

and principles, and communication of strategy-related matters – what is to be achieved in the

long run and how. This layer sets the contextual framework for the key processes influencing

the development.

The strategy-based annual planning process is an institutional process for planning the

development, usage and distribution of resources, setting qualitative and quantitative

objectives, and defining the operational focuses for the following year, from the strategic

perspectives. Quality assurance and process management include the means and the

responsibility to measure and evaluate operational quality, efficiency and effectiveness, and

provide information for and guide continuous improvement.

Steering and management of



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Figure 5. The layers of the institution´s steering of development.

In the activity layer in Figure 5, the key activities for developing e-learning are listed; these

activities have a direct impact on the development of the related resource base. For example,

each decision related to procurements or value chains in the context of e-learning development

has a direct impact on the direction in which the institution advances. In addition, each decision

concerning ICT-related development has an impact on e-learning development, since it ties

institutional resources, time and money, to the chosen development projects. Human resources

play a critical role in terms of steering the expertise allocations and skills development.

Annual planning of personnel resources is based on the strategy-aligned planning and

development of resources and related goals – both qualitative and quantitative – and takes into

consideration aspects such as need for additional personnel, skills development, and

improvements in work practices. The key institutional mechanisms for personnel training and

support with regards to e-learning are briefly presented in Figure 6.

Activities for e-learning development

Technology development

Learning environment development

Personnel support and training

Student support and involvement

Acquisitions R&D Networking

Key processes for e-learning development

ICT-portfolio management and EA

Value Chain Management Human Resource Management Change Management Annual planning

Quality Assurance and Process Management

Strategic framework of the development

Strategy and Vision Curriculum PrinciplesDigitalization of learning and teaching sub-

strategyPersonnel Strategy

Mandate and Stakeholder Expectations


Figure 6. E-learning specific personnel training and support mechanisms.

2.2 Digitalization of learning and teaching sub-strategy

During the autumn of 2014, a digitalization of learning and teaching sub-strategy was defined

for the institution. I was responsible, as a researcher and practitioner, for the strategy planning

process. The sub-strategy was defined in order to communicate explicitly the goals, the means

and the measures which the institution desires to be achieved and which need to be undertaken

during the strategic five-year term from 2015 to 2020.

The decision to initiate planning of the sub-strategy was made by the strategic management

team in August 2014. The definition of this specific sub-strategy is linked to the research

process. This statement is discussed more thoroughly in chapter four.

The future challenge is to operationalize the strategy, through the institutionalized management

processes of the institution. The management of the operationalization will be actualized

through a dispersed virtual organization, in which many representatives from various different

domains participate. Currently, the operationalization project is under planning. The core

themes of the sub-strategy are:

1. Flexible learning paths and curricula

2. Cost efficiency and volume

3. Personnel skills

4. Education cooperation

5. Networks


6. Commercial education

7. Shared expertise and student involvement

8. Brand and image

9. Technology and learning environments

10. Digitalized content

11. Research

12. Quality assurance and improvement

(TAMK 2014c).

Goals and metrics have been defined for each of the above listed strategic themes, and the

operationalization will take place through the strategy-based annual process of planning

resources and development. In addition, the theme of internationalization has been

acknowledged as a key component of all of these core themes. In other words,

operationalization must take into consideration how a given strategic goal will promote the

internationalization of the institution as a whole, which is one of the goals of the institution´s

main strategy as well.

2.3 Steering the development of ICT and education technology in the case

study organization

Within the annual planning of development and related resources, IT has a fundamental role: a

large portion of the organization´s IT expertise and IT resources is tied as an outcome of the

process. This planning provides the organization with the capability to more efficiently and

effectively manage IT-related resources, but on the other hand, makes the organization

somewhat inflexible. However, as of 2014, there are two IT investment planning and evaluation

cycles, to provide more flexibility in the planning of IT-related development.

Project portfolio management and service catalogue management are essential domains of the

organization in aligning the resource reality with the institution´s operational demands and

needs. Enterprise Architecture (EA) governance justifies and guides decisions regarding and

affecting architecture development. EA governance at the institution includes the architecture

principles which were defined for the organization during summer 2013; this work was

coordinated and managed by myself. The purpose of the principles is to guide the development

of business and ICT in the pre-defined and accepted direction. Principles as such do not

guarantee high- level compliance, thus it was essential to integrate the principles into the key

decisive mechanism of the annual planning and evaluation of investments. This means the

principles play a crucial role during the preparation of ICT investment and development

proposals, and during the initial evaluation of the received proposals.

Enterprise architecture (EA) provides an approach in which an organization´s different domains

can be described and governed in a comprehensive and holistic manner. Business architecture,

information architecture, systems architecture and technology together form the

multidimensional and multilayered structure of the organization´s EA in its entirety. The

relevance of EA has become increasingly greater in Finnish higher education during the last

few years. Goals for developing EA in public organizations have been set at the national level.


Many government bodies have started long-term development programs to enhance their

architectural structure, with the support of dedicated enterprise architecture frameworks. The

aim is to produce higher quality systems and services, within budget and with the entirety of

the organization in mind. The Finnish higher education sector has its own EA framework

named Kartturi (2013).

The purpose of the development of EA is to develop an organization’s IT from strategic

perspectives, focusing on business purpose and business model execution, which are enabled

and supported by information, information systems and technologies. The alignment and

cooperation between business and IT is critical in terms of developing the architecture towards

better sustainability, cost efficiency and quality. Enterprise architecture´s key value is the

integration and alignment of business strategy and IT (Gregor et al. 2007, 100).

The key question is: how much do we want to control and steer the development? A balance

between control and creativity should be enabled. Constraining innovativeness and continuous

development will inevitably lead to dissatisfied teaching personnel and dissatisfied students.

Action driven by pedagogic experts should not be controlled too heavily, but certain steering

mechanisms and active collaboration between educational units are needed.

EA governance and EA principles together with portfolio and service catalogue management

play an important role in managing the vast array of technological solutions. The current

problem is that there are numerous similar technologies in use, and no information is shared

regarding their possible utility in other applications. The key problem is the lack of efficient

knowledge-sharing and lack of development collaboration between different units.

In addition to the EA and architectural principles together with ICT governance, essential assets

for the development of IT include:

creation, analysis and sharing of information and development initiatives throughout

the different domains of the organization;

involvement of the students and the staff in research and development related to the

internal and external environment;

sharing of best practices and experiences.



This two-year research process started with evaluation of the business processes of the case

study institution, through which a better understanding of the current state of the institution

was reached. Through a process maturity analysis, a wide array of development needs on

different levels and in different domains of the institution was identified, all of which could not

be covered in the research or in the dissertation.

From the beginning, it was clear that the desired path of the research would be strongly related

to the management aspects of the institutional development of e-learning. This decision has

firmly guided the research process. The domain on which the research process has focused is

the organizational resources, processes and capabilities that are related to the steering of the

development of e-learning. Steering is defined in this dissertation as the means and

mechanisms which an organization can utilize to guide development in the desired – strategy-

based – direction. My personal status and role as the development manager at the case study

institution has supported the chosen approach.

3.1 The research process and questions

The research discussed in this dissertation was conducted in five phases. Work on the first

three phases has already been published in the form of three articles; two of these were double-

blind reviewed and the third appeared in the institution´s own annual publication. The research

also includes two additional case studies, the fourth and the fifth phases; these studies have not

been published elsewhere, so are presented more thoroughly in this dissertation.

Article one was initially presented at the IFIP/KEYCIT KCICTP conference in Potsdam,

Germany, after which it was included in the conference proceedings published by Springer, the

academic publisher. The second article was presented at a global e-learning conference,

Edmedia 2014, in Tampere, Finland. The article´s final version was published electronically in

the conference proceedings. Articles one and two were double-blind reviewed. The third

article was not double-blind reviewed; it was published in the electronic publication of the case

study institution. The topic of the third article was student involvement in the development of

the institution´s operational quality and efficiency, an issue that has provoked much discussion

recently. This topic is also related to themes which arose in the discussion and results of

research phases 1 and 2. The final publication dates of articles one and two do not follow the

order of the research process´s phases; article 1 was accepted for publication first, but was

published after article 2.

3.1.1 The research questions

The main research questions, which the whole two-year process aimed to answer were:


What are the key resources, processes and capabilities that a higher education institution

needs in order to strategize the development of its digitalization of learning and


What needs to be stressed in order to enable strategic implementation and improvement

of e-learning (digitalized learning and teaching), and why?

The five-phase research process aimed to answer the main questions by solving the research

challenges and related questions listed below. The different phases had their own specific

research questions, which can be considered as sub-questions of the main question. Answering

the sub-questions built up knowledge which eventually, put together, functions as the basis for

the summative output of the research process. The summative output, presented in chapter

four, is the outcome of the two-year process, during which a deep and holistic evaluation of the

processes, practices, resources and capabilities was carried through, involving various different

internal stakeholders of the case study institution.

Research challenge of phase 1: Assessment of the institution´s process maturity, and

definition of development needs accordingly, through utilizing an e-Learning Maturity


o Question 1: what is the state of the process maturity and capability of the case

study organization?

o Question 2: what development actions should be taken in order to improve the

maturity and capability?

o Question 3: how does the maturity model method used serve the purpose of the


Research challenge of phase 2: To design a quality enhancement framework for

collaborative online courses, which will guide and support the course design process

o Question 1: what kind of quality instrument should be developed to support the

design of online courses?

o Question 2: how should this instrument, once developed, be implemented to

improve the organization´s capability to learn, and to produce higher-quality

online courses?

Research challenge of phase 3: Student perceptions and experiences of student

involvement as change agents in e-learning development, compared to traditional

student feedback approaches

o Question 1: what are the students´ conceptions of being deeply involved in the

development of the organization´s e-learning, working as essential development

resources within the student living lab?

o Question 2: how do students value the living lab approach compared to the

traditional student´s voice approach?

Research challenge of phase 4: Investigation and analysis of matters related to

distribution of financial and work-time resources for proposed IT projects in 2014

o Question 1: what is the current situation with regard to IT development

investment proposals, in terms of outgoing money and work hours for ICT


o Question 2: what is the balance of the proposals between administrative

development of effectiveness and the development of e-learning?

o Question 3: what actions could be taken in order to transform the current balance

towards greater strategic emphasis on IT resource planning and allocations?

Research challenge of phase 5: Strategic management perceptions of the current state

of the organization’s resources, processes and capabilities, through a VRIO-analysis.


o Question 1: what is the organization´s current competitive status in terms of

resources and capabilities, with regard to e-learning?

o Question 2: what, if any, differences are there in the strategic management team

members’ conceptions of the current state of resources and required


o Question 3: what aspects should be emphasized in the improvement of the

organization’s competitive status, resources and capabilities, based on the

results of the VRIO-analysis?

o Question 4: what kind of impacts on the resources and capabilities are expected

to happen through the Tampere 3 project, if the merger of the three HEIs takes


Figure 7. The research process.

3.1.2 The Resource-based view of the firm theory´s link with the research process

The resource-based view of the firm (RBV) is the underlying theory for the whole research

process. It provided the desired strategic viewpoint on the research. In addition to RBV, two

other theoretical frameworks which were used in research phases one and two were Business

Process Management (BPM) and Quality Assurance of e-learning (QA). These theories can be

considered as subsidiary theories to RBV, and were considered appropriate for the specific

contexts and approaches of the first two research phases.

In research phase 1, the aim was to form a holistic understanding of the case study institution´s

process maturity, including processes and practices related to e-learning, and its development,

deployment and support. All these aspects have a direct relation to the resource-based view of

• 2013, Case study: Assesment of processes maturity

Definition of the research focus for phase 2

• Spring 2014, Design research: Design of the quality enhancement framework

Definition of the research focus for phase 3

• Fall 2014, Case study : Student perceptions on the involvement in the development of e-learning

Definition of the research focus for phase 4

• Autumn 2014, Case study: investigation of ICT investments´current status with regards to financial and work time allocations

Definition of the research focus for phase 5 • January -

February 2015, Case study: Strategic management interviews, VRIO-analysis

• Resource based view

Writing of the dissertation


the firm theory, and represent an essential portion of an organization´s resource and capability


Research phase 2 focused on a narrower, selected area of the resource base - Quality Assurance

instruments and personnel skills. In research phase 3, the chosen aspect of the framework was

internal stakeholder involvement – specifically, student involvement in development. The

relevance of this approach is the acknowledgment of students as important resources for

internal development.

Research phase 4 was a case study which aimed to provide an understanding of the current

situation regarding IT-development project proposals - specifically, the balance between

administrative development and e-learning development initiatives. This was important since

IT development has a strong relation to the development of e-learning. Research phase 5

focused on the top management’s assessment of defined tangible and intangible resources,

capabilities, processes and activities. This assessment of resources was based on the VRIO

framework described in chapter one.

In addition, the role of dynamic capabilities as a part of the theoretical foundation is rather

explicit: the resource-based view helps provide an understanding of the resource base; but only

through utilizing dynamic capabilities can the needed changes in the resource base be realized.

Thus, the concept of dynamic capabilities was briefly described as part of the theoretical

framework. The four key theoretical foundations on which the research process was built are:

1. The Resource-based view of the firm

2. Business Process Management (BPM)

3. Quality Assurance (QA)

4. Dynamic Capabilities

3.1.3 Personal role as a professional and a researcher during the process

Schön (1983, 11) discusses the challenges that appear when a professional´s interests and the

public interest are in conflict: the individual’s interests become the focus of the work, leading

to outputs that don´t necessarily support the improvement of social well-being. This is an

important point of view to remind oneself of, especially when doing empirical research in an

institution where one has a dual role – as a researcher and as a member of the institution’s

management. A researcher’s ability to identify and acknowledge possible conflicts of interest,

and to avoid any bias in the research process is an essential part of his/her professional practice.

Schön writes that in the Technical Rationality model, professional activity consists of

instrumental problem-solving with rigorous methods, through which the application of

scientific theory and techniques are manifested (1983, 21). Schön criticizes the Technical

Rationality model for its view of knowledge as a hierarchical structure, in which research and

practice are institutionally separated, and the researcher´s role is considered as superior to the

role of the practitioner. (1983, 26-27)

Recent discussions within the case study institution have brought up the importance of

methodological rigor and continuous reflective practice in the institution´s development (e.g.

Karttunen, 2014). As an example and to concretize the relevance of this issue, a large portion


of the decisions regarding investments in the institution´s future may have an influence on

thousands of people and involve allocations of substantial financial resources. Thus, these

decisions must be based on rigorous methods, including scientific theory and instruments, to

avoid biased or misleading analysis resulting in false conclusions. As for reflection, the

institutional quality assurance philosophy and related practices are built on the concept of

continuous reflective improvement, whether on the individual or the institutional level. In this

sense, professional autonomy is justified and actualized through rigorous methods for research

and development in the local context, with the support of intuition and application of implicit


I myself as a researcher had a role of reflective practitioner during the process, being deeply

involved in the institution´s e-learning development, management and coordination of the

enterprise architecture development as a development manager. A comprehensive

understanding of the local context, both the official and unofficial organization, promotes

continuous reflection on current practice and on what changes are needed in order to best meet

the expectations of the key stakeholders of the institution. For a development manager, the key

professional activities are to analyze and reflect on possible gaps between current state and

defined goals; to align the daily operations with the institutional strategy and to lead the

necessary operational changes; to have an understanding of current scientific paradigms and

methods; to be aware of external change trends and motivators, and to try to align these with

the local, internal change motivators, and vice versa.

During the research process, emphasis was placed on the utilization of rigorous and diverse

research methods, to avoid misleading and biased analysis. It is justifiable to raise the question

whether a larger proportion of development projects should be executed as genuine action

research, design research or case study projects, or as a combination of these, with strong

theoretical and instrumental foundations. By genuine research, I mean the kind where rigorous,

impartial, scientific methods are applied, as would be the practice in any ethical research


3.2 The used research approaches and methods

Two qualitative research methods have been utilized during the different phases of the research

process: case study research (phases one, two, three, four & five) and design research (phase

two) – more specifically - design science in information systems research (DSISR).

3.2.1 Case study research

Case study is a research strategy that is used in many disciplines today, such as management

and information science; it originates in the field of social sciences. Case study is used to

produce knowledge of individual, group, organizational, social, political, and related

phenomena (Yin 2003, 1). Case study research helps to build an understanding of socially

complex phenomena, through a holistic approach to subjects such as organizational and

managerial processes. It is used to answer the questions “how” and “why” (Yin 2003, 2).


According to Yin (2003, 195), some concerns have been raised about the case study research


it lacks rigor if no systematic procedures have been followed, or biased views have

influenced the direction of the findings and conclusions,

it provides little basis for generalization – i.e. the process of forming conclusions about

a wider context based on a narrow set of data,

it is resource-consuming, and results in massive amounts of unreadable documents.

To ensure an appropriate level of scientific rigor, the researcher must report all evidence clearly

and fairly. Voss et al (2002, 195) write that case-study research is time-consuming, requires

high-level interviewing skills, and demands care in drawing generalizable conclusions from a

limited number of cases. But case studies do enable generalization, and it is the researcher´s

job to theorize on the basis of findings and expand the area of their applicability, not only to

enumerate frequencies. As for the time required – this is largely defined by the chosen method

of data collection rather than the research strategy itself. (Yin 2003, 10-11).

Even when the number of cases is limited, case studies can provide new insights, develop new

theory, and have a great validity among practitioners (Voss et al. 2002, 195). Multiple data

sources can be used during a case study research, such as field notes, workbooks, memos,

interviews, observations and focus-group discussions. The various data-collection methods

used enable triangulation, through which the validity of the research can be improved further

(Voss et al. 2002, 195).

Eisenhardt (1989, 533) introduced a process model for theory-creating, i.e. inductive, case

studies (Table 2.). Later, Järvinen (e.g. 2004) discussed the same process model. The notes in

the right-hand column of the table show how the different steps and activities of the

Eisenhardt/Järvinen model were applied to the specific two-year research process presented in

this dissertation.


Table 2. Process of Building Theory from Case Study Research (adapted from Eisenhardt 1989, 533-545; Järvinen 2004, 73-78).

Step Activity Explanation Reflection of the research process



a. Definition of

research questions

b. Possibly a priori

constructs Neither

theory nor


Determining the research focus – the questions –

helps to avoid getting overwhelmed by the volume

of the data. Possible definition of a priori

constructs helps accurate measurement of the


Theoretical flexibility can be ensured by avoiding

preordained theoretical perspectives or

propositions, since they may bias and limit the

findings. (Eisenhardt 1989, 536; Järvinen 2004,


Research questions have been defined for each

research phase. Each of the research phases led to

the definition of the questions for the next phase.

The main research questions for the research were

defined close to the end of the process, in fact,

during the last research phase. The main research

questions and the phase-related research questions

are presented in Chapter 3.1.



a. Specified


b. Theoretical


The cases are selected to replicate previous cases,

to extend emergent theory, or to fill theoretical

categories: cases are chosen for theoretical, not

statistical reasons. (Eisenhardt 1989, 537; Järvinen

2004, 74).

The definition of the first phase and the related case

has functioned as initial output for the following

research phases. Each of the cases has been defined

after or during the previous phase; aggregated

together, they form a logical, continuous, two-year

research process. Selection of the cases has been

the result of careful analysis of what more needs to

be known in order to answer the main research

questions, and how to advance towards the final

output, in which all the different phases converge




and protocols

a. Multiple data

collection methods

b. Qualitative and

quantitative data

combined Multiple


Multiple data collection techniques enable

triangulation of data, which leads to stronger

substantiation of constructs and hypotheses. It is

recommended to use both quantitative and

qualitative data. Together, the different data

collection methods and different types of data, from

different sources, enable wider perspectives on the

Multiple data collection methods and data sources

have been used during the research (see Table 3.).

Although this research was conducted by only one

researcher, multiple individuals have participated in

it in different ways. Especially phases one and two

have been a collaborative effort in some parts -

specifically, the more pragmatic parts. The maturity


phenomena. Multiple investigators improve the

creative potential of the study as they have different

perspectives, which may lead to novel insights into

the data. In addition, converging perceptions

strengthen the empirical grounding of the theory.

(Eisenhardt 1989, 537-538; Järvinen 2004, 74).

analysis and the design of the quality-enhancement

framework for online courses have been conducted

in small workshops. Analysis of information

collected from such sources as interviews has been

conducted by the researcher alone. Other research

phases have been conducted entirely by the

researcher alone, although in phase four, the initial

raw data was a group output of the IT steering group

of the organization.

The data has been qualitative for the most part. In

phase five, the qualitative data was quantified for

the purposes explained in section 3.8. In research

phase four, both qualitative and quantitative data

was collected. Some quantitative data has been

utilized as part of the basic description of the

organization which is the focus of these case


Entering the


a. Overlap data

collection and

analysis, including

field notes

b. Flexible and

opportunistic data

collection methods

Field notes collected during the research enable

overlap of data, and support early analysis of the

data. A key feature in theory-creating studies is the

freedom to make adjustments during the data

collection process. Different themes may emerge

during the process, which may lead to adding new

cases, or to interview previously unknown

individuals. Addition of questions to an interview

protocol is one example of these kinds of in-process

adjustments. (Eisenhardt 1989, 538-539; Järvinen

2004, 75).

As a reflective practitioner and researcher, I have

been in the habit of using field notes as a way of

collecting data, mostly in the form of memos related

to internal discussions and meetings. Constant

adjustments have taken place during the two-year

process; additional cases have emerged due to

increased knowledge and insight, and new

constructs have arisen from the different phases.



a. Within-case


This is the most difficult and least codified part of

the research process. In qualitative studies, the

amount of data tends to be large, and it is not readily

The amount of data has been rather massive, despite

the fact that only one organization was investigated

in these case studies. Analysis of the data has been


b. Cross-case

pattern search

using divergent


amenable to mechanical manipulation, analysis and

data reduction. Thus, the goal is to become familiar

with the data by searching for coherence and order.

Within-case analysis provides means to become

intimately familiar with the cases as stand-alone

entities, and usually involves detailed case-study

write-ups. Through within-case analysis, the

different patterns of each case emerge, before the

generalization of patterns across cases takes place.

(Eisenhardt 1989, 540; Järvinen 2004, 75).

Cross-case pattern search forces the investigators to

look beyond initial impressions and see evidence

through multiple lenses. One tactic for cross-case

pattern search is to select categories or dimensions,

and then look for similarities and differences within

a group. Another tactic is to select pairs of cases and

list the similarities and differences between each

pair. A third tactic is the division of data by source

type, with each investigator working on a different

type of data. All the different tactics enable greater

accuracy and reliability of the emerging theory –

theory which has a close fit with the data.

(Eisenhardt 1989, 540; Järvinen 2004, 75).

conducted systematically in each of the phases and

related cases. Similarities and differences have been

identified (see, for example, research phase five).

Reflection on the different phases of the

evolutionary process has also been conducted, and

the different phases are in logical order: the output

of the previous phase and case dictated the

definition of the next phase and case.



a. Iterative

tabulation of

evidence for each


Tabulation of evidence for each construct sharpens

construct definition, validity, and measurability: the

theory is compared with the data constantly. One

step in shaping a hypothesis is to sharpen the

constructs through a two-part process involving 1)

refining the definition of the construct and 2)

building evidence to measure the construct. This

includes comparison between data and constructs.

The research process has been developed in an

evolutionary manner, and the different phases and

cases have been defined emergently. Each of the

cases contributed to the actual output of the two-

year process (see Chapter 5.). Tabulation of each of

the constructs has been conducted during and after

each of the phases. Constructs of the earlier phases

have also been evaluated and confirmed intra-


b. Replication, not

sampling, logic

across cases

c. Search evidence

for “why” behind


A well-defined construct is the output of

convergences of different evidence. The second

step is to verify that the relationships between

constructs fit with the evidence in each case.

Sometimes the relationship can´t be confirmed, or

is thrown out due to insufficient evidence. A

hypothesis is examined for each case, which

separates theory-creating research from hypothesis-

testing research. (Eisenhardt 1989, 541-542;

Järvinen 2004, 77).

Replication is the logic of treating each series of

cases as a series of experiments, the result of which

may be either confirmation or disconfirmation of

the hypotheses. Confirmation of the emergent

relationships improves the validity of the

relationships, whereas disconfirmation can provide

an opportunity to refine and extend the theory.

Shaping hypotheses in theory-creating research

involves more subjective judgement since

statistical tests can´t be applied. (Eisenhardt 1989,

542; Järvinen 2004, 77).

organizationally in pragmatic applications, such as

planning of organizational development. Different

data sources, collection methods and data types

have been used throughout the process.



a. Comparison

with conflicting


b. Comparison

with similar


Comparison of the emergent concepts, theory or

hypotheses with conflicting literature builds

internal validity, raises the theoretical level, and

sharpens construct definitions. If conflicting

findings are ignored, confidence in the research´s

findings is reduced. Conflicting literature also

presents an opportunity; it forces researchers into a

more creative mode of thinking. This may lead to

deeper insight into conflicting literature and

emergent theory. Similar literature ties together

No systematic literature review (SLR) has been

conducted during the research. Literature on IS-

related strategizing, business process management

and maturity, and quality assurance of e-learning

has been discussed and aligned with the research

and its output.


underlying similarities which have not normally

been associated with each other. (Eisenhardt 1989,

545; Järvinen 2004, 77-78).



a. Theoretical

saturation when


No additional cases are needed when theoretical

saturation is reached; the process should end when

marginal improvement becomes small. In practice,

more pragmatic reasons are usually combined with

theoretical considerations; e.g. time and money

may also dictate when to stop collecting more

cases. The output of creating theory may be

concepts, a conceptual framework, propositions or

mid-range theory. (Eisenhardt 1989, 545; Järvinen

2004, 78).

During the two-year research process, the

development of the case study organization has

been under constant evaluation. The research phases

and the research as a whole have influenced the

strategizing of the development of e-learning. The

relationship between the research and the sub-

strategy for digitalization of learning and teaching

is discussed in chapter five.


Different options of doing case study research

Cunningham (1997, 403) identified three different approaches to case study research: 1)

intensive cases, 2) comparative cases, and 3) action cases. The different approaches are

explained in Table 3.

Table 3. Different types of case studies (Cunningham 1997, 403).

Type of case study

Intensive cases Comparative cases Action research

Purpose To develop theory from

intensive exploration

To develop concepts

based on case


To develop concepts

which help facilitate

the process of change

Assumption Creativity through

comparison with existing


Comparison of cases

leads to more useful


Theory emerges in

the process of


Examples Dalton Eisenhardt Trist

Situation Usually evolves out of a

researcher´s intensive

experience with culture

or organization

Usually concepts are

developed from one

case compared with

another case

Developing theory to

assist practices and

future social science

Types Narratives




Case comparisons

Case survey



Diagnostic A.R.

Experimental A.R.

Intensive case studies

Intensive, normative, theory-creating case study research best characterizes the type of case

study approach utilized in this research process, thus a brief description of its key

characteristics are presented in the following paragraphs. The discourse of normative studies

focuses on codification, on search for regularity, on normalization of experience and on

strategic control orientation (Deetz 1973; Hollway 1984, cited by Deetz 1996, 201).

“The organization is usually treated as an existing object produced for

instrumental ends, usually making money, though some conception of the

invisible hand makes that goal well integrated with other social goals of

development and widespread availability of goods and services.” (Deetz 1996,


According to Deetz (1996, 201) this discourse is most evident and present in classical

management theories, theories of leadership, contingency theory, and most other systems

theories. Although the research presented in this dissertation is specifically focused on

providing constructs for organizational decision-making and management with regards to

strategizing the digitalization of learning and teaching, it does have a constructive aspect to it

as well (see phase two).


In intensive case studies, the researcher develops understanding of the object, and searches for

explanations or interpretations, and because the research setting cannot be controlled, evidence

from different viewpoints and time perspectives are required. (Cunningham 1997, 403). Data

can be gathered via four different approaches: narrative, tabulation, explanatory, and

interpretative. Narratives are the summaries and descriptions of interviews, meetings, and

individual documents. These descriptions require accurate information from various

perspectives, and the quality of the research is dependent on the researcher´s ability to

triangulate between different perspectives. (Cunningham 1997, 403; Järvinen 2004, 78-79).

Tabulation of information is used to categorize information into appropriate categories to

describe relevant information. This may be beneficial especially when trying to explicate how

frequently something occurred in the data. The explanatory approach enables the researcher to

record information and draw inferences from it; this approach is concerned with providing

accurate accounts and explanations of events. In explanatory cases, only the evidence that

contributes to providing a proof is presented. (Cunningham 1997, 404; Järvinen 2004, 78-79).

In this research process, the practical purpose has been to create knowledge for the future

development of the case study organization´s processes, capabilities and resources.

Cunningham (1997, 417) writes that when using decision making as a criterion for research, it

is important that the research results are useful in solving practical problems and contributing

to general knowledge within organizations. Case studies can be useful for discovering

properties and their inter-relationships, and for verifying and generalizing the findings

(Cunningham 1997, 420).

Sources of data and triangulation

Yin presents six different sources of evidence within case study research. Table 4 lists the

different sources, their strengths and weaknesses, with examples from this research process.

Table 4. Six Sources of Evidence: Strengths and Weaknesses and examples from this

research (adapted from Yin 2003, 86).

Source of


Strength Weakness Examples from this

research process

Documentation stable: can be



unobtrusive: not

created as result of

the case study

exact: contains

exact names,

references, and

details of an event

broad coverage:

long span of time,

retrievability: can

be low

biased selectivity,

if collection is


access: may be



strategy documents

guidelines and




many events, and

many settings


records [Same as above



precise and


[Same as above



accessibility due to

privacy reasons


ICT-budget and


proposal data

quantitative reports

Interviews targeted: focuses

directly on case

study topic


provides perceived

causal inferences

bias due to poorly



response bias

inaccuracies due to

poor recall


interviewee gives

what interviewer

wants to hear



focus group

interviews and



observations reality: covers

events in real time

contextual: covers

contexts of event


selectivity: unless

broad coverage

reflexivity: event

may proceed

differently because

it is being


cost: hours needed

by human



observation of the


organization as a


practitioner and



including field

notes, during



observation [Same as above

for direct


insightful into


behavior and


[Same as above

for direct


bias due to


manipulation of




Artifacts insightful into

cultural features

insightful into






In theory-building case studies, multiple sources of evidence are needed (Yin 2003, 97;

Eisenhardt 1989, 537). By using multiple sources of evidence, the validity and rigor of the

research can be ensured: the findings and conclusions are likely to be more convincing and

accurate if multiple sources of information have been used. If no triangulation of data takes

place, the research consists of separately analyzed data, and comparisons between the


conclusions from the different analyses (Yin 2003, 99). Convergence of the evidence is thus

important: all the data sources and related analysis should contribute to the same evidence base

of the case study.

3.2.2 Design Science in Information Systems Research

Design Science in Information Systems Research (DSISR) is a methodology which guides the

development of information systems, by providing the means to carry out a cyclical build &

evaluate design process for an IS artifact. During this process, the theoretical knowledge base

provides rigor for the research, while the surrounding context, such as the business

environment, provides the relevance and sets the expectations for the development.

The DSISR approach was chosen for this research process for rather obvious reasons: the

purpose of the given research phase was to build an information artefact based on a chosen

background theory of learning and on local relevance, to be utilized by the users in their work.

Also, given that the users have an important role in DSISR, the approach was ideally suited for

designs in which, during different build & evaluate cycles, stakeholders’ opinions were


Design science in information systems research consists of build and evaluate activities (March

& Smith 1995, 254). It aims at improving organizational and human capabilities through

building new and innovative IS artefacts. Awareness and understanding of current problems

and related solutions develops during the building and implementation of an artefact (Hevner

et al. 2004, 75).

Evaluation as part of the research focuses on artefacts which have an impact on how the

organizational processes function. These artefacts can be constructs, models, methods or

instantiations (March & Smith 1995, 253). Constructs provide a common language for defining

problems and solutions, and communicating about them (Schön 1983, cited by Hevner et al.

2004, 78). Models promote understanding of the problems and related solutions, and make

explicit the causalities between them, by enabling the observation and recognition of the

impacts of changes in real life settings. Methods define and guide processes - showing how

and where to look for solutions. Methods can be formal mathematic algorithms or informal

textual descriptions, such as defined best practices, or a combination of both. Instantiations

enable concrete evaluation of an artefact´s suitability for its intended purpose. In addition,

through instantiations, the researcher is able to assess how the artefact affects the real world,

and how users appropriate it. (Hevner et al. 2004, 78-79).


Figure 8. Information Systems Research Framework (adapted from Hevner et al. 2004, 78).

As a result of the evaluation, possible artefact or theory-related weaknesses will be spotted,

and based on this, needs for further re-assessments and re-definitions or for further research

can be identified. The knowledge base includes methodologies and foundations for information

systems research, and it has evolved through previous research and related outputs in the form

of tools, constructs, models, methods and instantiations, which can be further utilized during

the research´s build and evaluate cycle. The rigor and validity of the research can be ensured

by utilizing existing foundations and methodologies. Evaluation of an artefact´s quality and

efficiency can be based on empirical approaches from the behaviorist research paradigm, or on

mathematical and statistical analytical methods (Hevner 2004, 80).

Evaluation of an artefact is an integral part of the research process, during which the artefact is

assessed through different metrics and data analysis methods. (Hevner 2004, 86). The

surrounding environment sets the preconditions for the evaluation, as the practical real-life

business needs are defined by the environment. The different evaluation approaches are listed

in Table 5.

Table 5. Evaluation methods of DSRIS (adapted from Hevner et al. 2004, 68).

Observational Case study: Study artifact in depth in business environment

Field Study: Monitor use of artifact in multiple projects

Analytical Static Analysis: Examine structure of artifact for static qualities


Architecture Analysis: Study fit of artifact into technical IS architecture

Optimisation: Demonstrate inherent optimal properties of artifact or

provide optimality bounds on artifact behavior

Dynamic Analysis: Study artifact in use for dynamic qualities


Experimental Controlled Experiment: Study artifact in controlled environment for

qualities (e.g., usability)

Simulation: Execute artifact with artificial data


Testing Functional (Black Box) Testing: Execute artifact interfaces to discover

failures and identify defects

Structural (White Box) Testing: Perform coverage testing of some metric

(e.g., execution paths) in the artifact implementation

Descriptive Informed Argument: Use information from the knowledge base (e.g.,

relevant research) to build a convincing argument for the artifact´s utility

Scenarios: Construct detailed scenarios around the artifact to

demonstrates utility

3.3 Summary of the data sources and analysis

Research data has been gathered through various means: focus group workshops, observations,

themed focus group interviews, semi-structured individual themed interviews, face-to-face

group discussion, the institution´s work books and documents, and data archives. The different

data sources were presented in Table 4.

In research phase 1, the data was collected as field notes taken during the assessment workshops

on process maturity. This evaluation-related qualitative information was collected in the

predefined maturity assessment tool, which was a crucial part of the collection of the data as it

represented the evidence of the case study institution´s state of maturity. In addition, the

evaluation of the e-learning Maturity Model (eMM) was documented by collecting user

comments on the model.

In research phase 2, evaluation of the designed quality-enhancement framework was carried

out as descriptive informed argument. The information from the informed argument was

collected in the shared work document of the framework design, in face-to-face meetings with

experts, and in an open focus group discussion. The focus group members were given a chance

to walk through the current design in advance, and prepare their comments for the group

discussion. During the discussion, the comments were documented in a work document, and

the documented data was analyzed afterwards using content analysis methods.

In research phase 3, the data was collected in a themed group interview, which was recorded

then transcribed. Content analysis methodology was applied to this material; themes and sub-

themes for the content were defined by coding the transcript. Analysis of the results was

structured and presented according to the defined themes.

In research phase 4, the data was collected from archived documents of the institution. The raw

data was processed and utilized as the basis for further analysis. In research phase 5, the data

was collected through personal themed interviews with the top management. After the

interviews, the collected comments from the interviews were sent to the informants, to enable

them to make additional comments and possible corrections. The collected final data was

analyzed with content analysis methods, as in research phase 3. Observations were also used -

mostly to provide more insight for the background of the study and the dissertation into what

kinds of issues are being raised on a national level with regard to development of learning and

teaching and the future of education.


3.4 The research phase one – Summary

The research process started in 2013, with the evaluation of the case study institution´s process

maturity related to the development, deployment and maintenance of e-learning. This process

maturity analysis was carried out in focus group workshops. The focus group was formed of

experts from different key domains of the institution: representatives from top management,

and specialists in pedagogical development, quality assurance, e-learning technology

development, e-learning pedagogy and e-learning support.

The tool utilized for the maturity analysis was a maturity model which was still quite

unfamiliar: the e-Learning Maturity Model (eMM) CORE-version 2.0, developed and

published by Stephen Marshal of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (Marshal

2007). In addition to the maturity analysis, the eMM itself was evaluated during the analysis;

the focus group shared their views on the model as they utilized it.

Through the research project´s first phase – the maturity analysis – a better understanding of

the complex organizational system influencing the manner in which e-learning is developed,

deployed and maintained in the institution was formed. Both efficiency and quality were

examined. As a result of this first phase of the two-year research process, development needs

and suggestions were defined and presented. A tremendous number of development activities,

projects and initiatives have since been planned, established and carried out. A second maturity

analysis is scheduled for late spring 2015, thus no updated information on process maturity is

covered in this dissertation.

The limitations of the phase one maturity analysis are related to the abstraction level on which

the analysis was carried out: many of the possible strengths and weaknesses specific to

particular degree programs were obscured because of the overviewing approach. Since the

analysis was made in order to form an overview of the whole institution´s maturity level, the

details of maturity variations between different degree programs remained invisible. An

institution´s maturity status as a whole is affected tremendously by variability between

different units, such as degree programs: it is impossible to achieve high overall maturity if

there are drastic differences between the domains.

Where the key support functions were concerned, however, the phase one maturity analysis

enabled development needs to be addressed in greater detail. This was due to the fact that there

are only a few support functions related to e-learning, whereas there are over 40 degree

programs, which have very different approaches to e-learning.

Despite the fact that the e-learning maturity assessment failed to reveal the details of maturity

variations between different domains, the institutional management of e-learning development

and related quality improvement nevertheless benefitted from the analysis. Institutionalizing e-

learning development, related decision-making and quality improvement requires

understanding of the key challenges from the institution-wide standpoint, and from this

perspective, the institution is only as strong as its weakest link.


The maturity analysis can be regarded as one of the key inputs for further institutional

development. This was due to the discussion, recognition and understanding of the

comprehensive organizational system affecting e-learning – and the phenomena collectively

known as digitalization. As for the evaluation of the eMM, experience gained through using it

for this analysis suggests that it is not a comprehensive tool for forming an understanding of

the current status of an institution as such. However, it is certainly a useful tool, enabling

further planning of organizational development to be defined. In the research process discussed

in this dissertation, the maturity analysis does play an important role as input for the next


3.5 The research phase two – Summary

After the first phase of the research the focus turned to the development of a framework for

quality assurance and enhancement of online courses. This focus was chosen because the

results of the process maturity analysis indicated particularly weak maturity in the process

category that related directly to the quality assurance of e-learning, as seen in Table 6.

Table 6. Maturity matrix of the Evaluation process category. (Haukijärvi 2014, 17).

Evaluation: Processes surrounding the evaluation and quality

control of e-learning through its entire lifecycle D









Students are able to provide regular feedback on the quality and

effectiveness of their e-learning experience 1 1 0 1 1

Teaching staff are able to provide regular feedback on quality and

effectiveness of their e-learning experience 1 1 1 1 1

Regular reviews of the e-learning aspects of courses are

conducted 0 0 0 0 0

Furthermore, it was considered that the educational designers and developers, including

teachers and e-learning development experts, would get more rapid and concrete benefits if

they were provided with a practical quality instrument which they could use to guide the

process of designing online courses. In addition, it was recognized that the designers and

teachers should be provided with better support mechanisms, resources, which took into

consideration aspects of course design that were relevant to e-learning, but were commonly

excluded from the traditional quality assurance and quality enhancement support mechanisms

in use at the institution.

The aim was to design a framework based on a chosen learning theory – social constructivism

– that was acknowledged to be up-to-date and relevant to the online education of the institution.

The framework´s purpose is to provide developers and teachers with a set of guidelines that

help to steer the development of online courses, and capabilities related to e-learning pedagogy

and the utilization of learning technologies.


The research was carried out as design science in information systems research (DSISR). The

purpose of the research was to create a quality instrument which would help the educational

designers to design high quality collaborative online courses, based on social constructivist

learning theory. In addition, the need for inclusion of an organizational dimension, the macro

aspect, in the design of online courses was acknowledged, thus organization-wide parameters

were included in the instrument. The basic features of the framework´s final structure are

presented in Table 7.

Table 7. The designed structure (refined from Haukijärvi & Nevalainen 2014, 12).



Dimension Focus of quality guidelines

Plan Macro level


Organisation´s pedagogic strategies and/or

principles, curricula, programme objectives,


Learning Design (micro


Approaches to assessment, feedback and interaction

Course Design (meso level) Usability, materials and content decisions,

technology decisions

Instructional Design (meso


Student instructions, content management, tasks and


Do Learning facilitation and


Schedule and workload management, assessment,

feedback and interaction implementation, technical



Student feedback (e.g.

student experience)

Instruction and facilitation, course design, learning

design, instructional design, generic aspects

Self-assessment (e.g.

instructor experience)

Instruction and facilitation, course design, learning

design, instructional design

Learning outcomes Summative evaluation and analysis of learning


Act Definition Definition of refinement needs, based on feedback

and evaluation

Planning Planning of implementation of refinement, based on


Up to this point the build and evaluate –cycles focused merely on the structural design of the

framework, thus excluding any content or aspects that are related to the complete framework

with the set of actual quality design guidelines.

3.5.1 Update on the research phase – The analysis of the feedback on the proposed

complete quality framework

Evaluation data on the complete framework was collected from a focus group during a

workshop session. The focus group consisted of multiple academic experts and administrative

staff. The framework was sent to the group members before the workshop, then during the


session they discussed and gave feedback on the framework, and their comments were

collected into field notes. The feedback collected from the focus group was analyzed using a

content analysis method, and the data was sorted into different classes and dimensions of the

classes, as presented in Table 8.

Table 8. Classes and dimensions.

Class Dimensions and


Total amount

of items per



1. Features 1.1 Coherence,

clarity and structure

6 Technical features

and content clarity

1.2 Theory base and


1 Linkage with the

chosen learning


1,3 Scope and


3 The extensiveness of

the framework

2. Rationale and


2.1 Target group 2 Intended users – who

is it for?

2.2 Purpose 5 The actual purpose of

the framework, how

will it be utilized?



3.1 Implementation 4 The challenges and

means to implement

the framework in

every day operations

3.5.2 Summary of the results

After collecting and analyzing the feedback, the final, complete version of the framework was

refined. The next phase of the development of the framework will be based on actual field use

and related feedback. Up to this point, the development has been based on informed arguments

during the evaluation; there is therefore an acknowledged need for additional evaluation

through actual utilization of the framework. The result of research phase two is thus the first

version of the completed framework. Since the framework is rather massive, it is not presented

in this section, but added as an appendix to this dissertation.

3.5.3 Conclusions

The inclusion in the framework of the organizational, or macro level has been considered

important and beneficial in terms of creating a quality instrument that has validity throughout

the institution. However, different sub-organizations within the institution have different

pedagogic principles, which are aligned with the institution-wide principles, but may differ

drastically from one sub-organization to another, because of the context and the subject being

studied (Myllylä, 2014). This variability is appropriate within such a diverse institution, but at

each successive level of specificity (at the meso and micro levels) the relationship between the

whole-organization parameters and sub-organization parameters must be clear.


The one key challenge is the operationalization of the framework in the case study institution

(Myllylä, 2014). To support this, pedagogical experts from the institution’s school of

vocational teacher education are currently analyzing the contents of the framework and

considering how they could be aligned with the various pedagogical approaches and models

related to the social constructivism paradigm, within different fields of education.

At the time of writing, the finalized complete framework is being tested in practice by a few

educational designers – teachers – who are applying it to the development of their courses. So

far, feedback on the utility of the framework has been positive (Kilkku & Koivumäki, 2014),

but a lot more data regarding its utility needs to be collected before continuing with the

development. The framework has also had an impact on the design of personnel training, in

terms of both contents and pedagogical approaches of the modules (Sintonen, 2014). The aim

of the field testing is to gather knowledge on possible further refinement needs of the

framework. As an instrument, it has not been designed to be static, but rather a developing

resource to be refined for and utilized by educational designers throughout the institution.

In addition to the design of the framework, a conceptual visualization of online course quality

enhancement was created during the research (Figure 9), building on some of the aspects

included in the Design Science in Information Systems Research (DSISR) framework (Hevner

et al. 2014). The visualization illustrates the relationship between the applicable knowledge

base and the continuous improvement of online courses. The knowledge base is divided into

two knowledge areas: the contextual practical knowledge which provides the local relevance

for the design process of an online course, and theoretical knowledge, which provides rigor for

the design process of an online course. Both of these knowledge areas together provide the

capabilities and constraints for the continuous improvement cycle, i.e. Plan -->Do -->Study--

>Act (PDSA).

Through continuous analytical improvement, the organizational knowledge base evolves –

organizational learning takes place, and related resources evolve. Whether this evolvement

contributes to the practical knowledge area or the theoretical knowledge area depends largely

on the setting and methods used in the study phase of the design process. Occasionally, more

comprehensive and systematic approaches to the evaluation of online courses may be taken,

and as an output of these evaluations new theoretical knowledge may be produced. These kinds

of settings are established quite rarely, and are largely dependent on the research interests of

the teachers responsible for the courses.


Figure 9. E-learning Course Development Cycle and the relation to organization´s knowledge

base. (Haukijärvi in Haukijärvi & Nevalainen, 2014, 8).

The practical knowledge base should continuously evolve throughout the cycle, whether it is

shared knowledge, individual or team-wide learning and improved skills, documented and

shared best practices and development plans or case descriptions. In Figure 9., what Sein et al.

(2011, 39) defined as the organizational intervention in the context of action design research is

applied to the PDSA-based design of online courses. In addition, the similarities with the

Design Science in Information Systems Research (DSISR) framework (Hevner et al., 2014,

80) are notable; both involve cyclical continuous development within an environment which

surrounds and affects the development. In the DSISR framework, this is described as the entity

that defines the business needs which must be taken into consideration during the build &

evaluate cycle.

3.6 The research phase three – Summary

The aim of the research in phase three was to gather knowledge about the views and

conceptions on student involvement in the institution´s e-learning development from one of the

key stakeholder groups – the students themselves. Student involvement in the development of

the case study institution has been a relevant topic of discussion and force for organizational

change during the past two to three years. In addition to the traditional and formal approaches

to listening to the students´ voices, which include student representation in official decision-

making bodies in the institution, a need for more engaging and constructive approaches was

acknowledged. This acknowledgement has led to the establishment of a student-entered living


lab function, in which student-driven projects are carried through, with the aim of developing

the institution´s processes, practices, methods, and learning resources, to name but a few.

Students are regarded as valuable human resources for organizational development of e-

learning, thus it was considered important to gather knowledge about their views on the subject.

In this case, student involvement was actualized by the participation of a number of students

in student-driven living lab development projects which were part of the institution’s e-learning

development function.

Greater student involvement in development of e-learning is in alignment with both the process

maturity results and the discussion related to the design of the quality enhancement framework:

in addition to top-down quality assurance and quality enhancement approaches, more emphasis

on student involvement in the development of the institution is needed. Improving student

involvement can be regarded as improvement of capabilities related to e-learning development,

and thus it is important to find out what the students expect and think about this involvement,

and thereby provide a better basis for further improvement of student input into development


3.6.1 Summary of the results

The case study carried out in phase 3 was a pilot study; only a small group of students were

involved in conducting a student-driven project which aimed to develop institutional

approaches to utilizing MOOCs (mass open online courses) in the future. For data-collection

purposes, the students were interviewed in a group, and content analysis was applied to the

transcribed interview material. The results indicated that students highly appreciate being

deeply involved in change processes – both planning and executing institutional changes. Even

more value is gained if the planned changes are actualized and the students involved have the

opportunity to see the effects of their own work. Also, interaction with personnel –

professionals – was considered important. Based on the content analysis, the main classes of

information and related dimensions were identified; the analysis is presented in Table 9.

Table 9. Classes and dimensions based on the student interview.

Main classes Dimensions Explanation

1. Students´ Voice

vs. Students as

Change Agents

1.1 Transparency Transparency of the traditional approaches

versus being deeply involved in the


1.2 Value,


The perceived value and meaning of

participating in student projects

1.3 Influence Anticipated impacts and influence of own

effort on the development of the institution

2. Incentives 2.1 Compensation The importance of financial compensation in

motivating students to take part in projects

2.2 Intangible


What is relevant and meaningful in terms of

non-financial or material benefits that can be

gained through participating in projects

3.1 Support and


The meaning and importance of expert support

and presence during the projects


3. Prerequisites and

challenges for

success in projects

3.2 Trust and


Mutual trust between the students; belief in the

institution´s motives for utilizing the outputs

of the projects

3.7 The research phase four

The aim of the fourth phase of the research was to form a better understanding of the current

situation regarding IT-related development project proposals, from the perspectives of the

required financial and work-time resource allocations in the case study institution. This phase

can be considered as a complementary phase in the research process, during which the

investment proposals that were received and evaluated in the autumn of 2014 were examined

from the perspectives of number of proposals submitted, financial investment required, and the

amount of IT expertise needed, in terms of worktime resources. This phase provided a

quantitative view of the IT development project proposals, set within the resource reality in

which the case study institution was operating.

This investigation is relevant due to the strong link which exists between the mentioned

resource types and the development of e-learning. IT investments form a substantial proportion

of the annual investment portfolio, including financial outlays and working time of IT

personnel. During this phase of the research, data from the institution´s workbooks and records

related to investment proposal planning and evaluation was collected, refined and analyzed.

Where IT-related planning and resourcing of development is concerned, the current challenge

in the institution is that the number of e-learning-specific development project proposals

received is extremely low compared to the number of administration-specific development

proposals. As a result, the vast majority of IT-related development resources – money and

expertise – are allocated to the development of administrative efficiency and modernizing

administrative procedures. This represents a critical challenge in terms of achieving a resource-

allocation practice which is balanced and – even more important – which focuses on the

institution’s core functions (teaching and learning & R&D). In other words, the aim is a value-

driven allocation of resources that is balanced between administrative IT development and

development which directly facilitates the creation of new and innovative e-learning

approaches and solutions. As the situation stands, a great part of the IT resources are tied to

ongoing long-term projects related to administrative process development, thus limiting the

realistic possibilities for significant changes in the resource-allocation balance in the near


The concept of IT development projects within the institution covers IT-related development

proposals that require expenditure of at least 10 000 euros, over 10 days’ work of IT personnel,

and that take at least three (3) months to complete as a project (TAMK, 2014a). I call this

category of investment proposal class one. With that in mind, there are plenty of development

proposals that are not considered or handled as actual IT development project proposals

because they do not meet the conditions for class one. To clarify, IT-related investments cover

also another category of investments, which is the investments on ICT tools, including

workstations, which are worth at least 3000 euros and are not part of common smaller


acquisitions during a fiscal year (TAMK, 2014a). I call this category of investments class two.

These investments are mostly acquisitions of tools used in teaching or administration, and

require only a small amount of IT personnel resources, if any. In terms of money, class one

proposals represented a total of about 830 000 euros, and class two proposals a total of about

1,2 million euros in 2014. Class two investments are not covered within this research.

Since this phase of the research focused on IT-development project proposals, it does not

represent the final project portfolio which was actually approved. Some proposals are rejected

due to budget restrictions. The rationale behind choosing project proposals, rather than

approved project plans, for this investigation was that they provide a more accurate picture of

the volume and nature of the IT-related development initiatives that are being planned within

the institution. This constitutes an indicator of the direction of IT development. In an institution

that relies on its grassroots community to plan development efforts that are relevant to and

influential on e-learning, on a larger scale as well, it is important to promote, support and

encourage the different domains to ideate and plan these kinds of proposals. So far, the e-

learning-related development proposals have generally been of the class two type.

The aim of this research phase was to promote discussion of the future of IT-related

development: should IT-related expertise and financial resources be allocated more strongly

towards development of digitalized learning and teaching? And if so, what measures should be

taken to increase the volume of these kinds of development project proposals and initiatives?

3.7.1 Data collection and analysis

The raw data for this phase was collected from official institutional documents (TAMK 2014b)

in which all the class one IT-related investment proposals were presented. The basic

information on the proposals consisted of a description of the IT development project, its

rationale, influence on operations and alignment with curricula and the institution´s strategy,

the amount of internal IT expertise required, expressed as the total number of working hours

for IT personnel, and an estimate of the necessary financial outlay. Using a scale of 0 to 5, the

IT steering group evaluated each of the proposals on two different dimensions predefined by

the IT-manager: estimated impact on improvement of efficiency (0 = no impact, 5 = large

impact), and estimated contribution to the creation of new activity (0 = no contribution, 5 =

large contribution).

This original data was refined further during the research phase. Based on the refined and

categorized data, an average value for each of the proposals was defined for both dimensions,

after which the data was categorized into numeric classes that represented a specific value on

two axes in a table, corresponding to the two dimensions. Two categories for the class two-

specific investment proposals were defined: 1) all proposals, and 2) proposals that focused on

the development of e-learning. This categorization made it easier to elaborate the differences

between these two categories in terms of money, work days and volume. The proposals that

were placed in the e-learning category were those that focused on digitalization of learning,

such as gamification solutions and digitalized exams. Proposals related to development of

digitalized exams could have been excluded from the e-learning category, since they could

definitely be regarded as belonging to the administrative sector, too, with the purpose of

improving cost efficiency. However, it was decided to include them in the e-learning category


on the grounds that digitalized exams improve the flexibility of learning, as exams are one part

of the learning process.

3.7.2 Results

In Table 10. the distribution of all the proposals in class one is shown in a 2-axis matrix, where

the vertical axis represents the estimated impact on improvements in efficiency, and the

horizontal axis represents the estimated contribution to the creation of new activity (e.g.

modern approaches to pedagogy and didactics).

The total number of proposals in the final evaluation stage was 33, and they varied a lot in

terms of estimated requirements for IT-person work hours and financial expenditure. The

variation on the dimensions represented in the matrix is somewhat notable as well.

Table 10. The distribution of all the received and evaluated IT development proposals.



ed im


t fo









cy (




4,5 2

4 1 2

3,5 1 1 3 1 1

3 5 2 2

2,5 1 2 2 2 1

2 2 2




0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5

Estimated contribution to the creation of new activity (0-5)

The total number of e-learning-specific IT development proposals was four (4), each one of

which were considered to have strong potential for creating new (and innovative) activities: i.e.

enabling the creation of new approaches to teaching and learning. These four proposals

represented 12,1 % of the total number of the evaluated proposals.

Table 11. The distribution of the received and evaluated e-learning specific IT development




ed im


t fo

r im





f ef




-5) 5


4 1



2,5 1


2 2




0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5

Estimated contribution to the creation of new activity (0-5)

The cumulated values of the evaluated IT development proposals in the given range are shown

in Table 12. The total value of all of the evaluated IT investment proposals was 828 200 euros,

excluding any internal costs such as personnel salaries.

Table 12. The estimated costs of all the received and evaluated IT development proposals.



ed im


t fo

r im







cy (




4,5 178000

4 30000 27000

3,5 3200 23000 35250 50000 30000

3 94000 84200 33100

2,5 2000 81000 12000 45000 1000

2 45000 54450




0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5


Estimated contribution to the creation of new activity (0-5)

The cumulated values of the evaluated e-learning-specific IT development proposals in the

given range are shown in Table 13. The total value of all of the proposals was 75 450 euros,

excluding any internal costs, making it 9,1 % of the total value of all of the IT development




ed im


t fo









cy (





4 20000



2,5 1000

2 54450





0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5


Estimated contribution to the creation of new activity (0-5)

Table 13. The estimated costs of the received and evaluated e-learning specific IT

development proposals.

The total amount of IT-person working time for the received and evaluated proposals was 1764

h, which is distributed on the efficiency-new activity matrix as presented in Table 14.

Table 14. The estimated IT person work day requirements of all the received and evaluated

IT development proposals.



ed im


t fo

r im







cy (




4,5 680

4 60 70

3,5 12 15 61 55 113

3 219 110 120

2,5 5 93 21 42 32

2 40 16




0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5


Estimated contribution to the creation of new activity (0-5)

The total amount of IT-person working time for the received and evaluated e-learning-specific

development proposals was estimated at 58 hours, which represents 3,3 % of the total estimated

work-hour demand of 1756 hours.

Table 15. The estimated IT person work days of the received and evaluated e-learning

specific ICT-development proposals.



ed im


t fo









cy (





4 10



2,5 32

2 16





0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5


Estimated contribution to the creation of new activity (0-5)

3.7.3 Conclusions

The institution which is the focus of this whole research process was formed by a merger of

two universities of applied sciences as of 1.1.2010. This merger led to the situation in which a

large amount of architectural refinement and development was needed. Some of these projects

have tied a substantial amount of institutional resources during the last few years. The purpose

of bringing up this information is to open up discussion - not only on the future of the

institution´s digitalization and related demand for resources - but also on the proper focus of

investment practices and investment culture.

The low inflow of e-learning-specific development project proposals is a problem that should

be addressed. Providing more e-learning-profiled support in the ICT unit could be one solution;

this would mean dedicated expertise for the planning, preparation and execution of e-learning-

related development. These experts would need to work closely with colleagues in the

educational units, gathering reliable knowledge and understanding of the daily operations, and

demands for digitalization-related development of teaching and learning. Currently, very little

of this kind of expertise is available in the institution. Also, providing the personnel with

incentives for creativeness could prove to be beneficial in terms of generating high quality

investment proposals.

There is also a place for constructive discussion on whether or not resources should be allocated

in a more strategically balanced way. By more strategically balanced, I refer to a more even

sharing of development resources between activities which improve administrative efficiency

and those which develop digitalized teaching and learning. One possibility would be to reassign

IT-development expertise to a more learning and teaching centered development area within

the institution. This would undeniably lead to structural changes within the ICT unit, and create

challenges in terms of developing the necessary personnel skills.

Currently, IT governance is moving towards an approach to allocating development resources

which places greater emphasis on strategy and core functions. This change is now possible,

due to the fact that the most resource-heavy administrative projects have been completed or are

close to finalization (Naukkarinen, 2014; Hartikainen, 2014). This is freeing up a large amount

of institutional resources. A probable direction for the ICT profile transformation is shown in

Figure 10




Figure 10. The resource distribution transform from current state to the desired state.

In the right-hand triangle in Figure 10 one possible desirable state is presented in a simplified

form: the vast majority of development resources are allocated to the development of

digitalized learning and teaching, whereas maintenance and development of infrastructure is at

least partially dealt with centrally, through higher education collaboration (Hartikainen, 2014).

Drastic changes are needed in order to meet the demands set by digitalization and by radical

paradigm changes in higher education pedagogy. The relationship between this specific

discussion and the research presented in this dissertation is evident; in order to achieve dramatic

changes and significant progress towards high quality e-learning, a readjustment of

development resource priorities, improvement in the abilities of personnel to plan and support

development initiatives, and more critical analysis of current practices will be required.

3.8 The research phase five

In research phase 5, the aim was to collect and analyze the views of the case study institution’s

strategic management regarding the resources and capabilities described in Table 17, using the

VRIO framework. This meant gathering the top managers’ views and conceptions on the

current status of the institution´s resources with regards to e-learning and related development.

This was a highly relevant issue due to a couple of special factors: 1) a new sub-strategy for

digitalization of learning and teaching was defined for the institution during autumn 2014, for

the years 2015 – 2020, and 2) the process of planning future cooperation between the three

higher education institutions in the city area is getting under way. The aim of this planning

process, which is named the Tampere 3 project, is to evaluate and plan possible scenarios for

future cooperation in the higher education sector in the Tampere area. This will inevitably

affect all aspects of the case study institution´s future, including learning, teaching, and related

processes, practices and resources.





Digitalized learning and





3.8.1 Informant profiles

Table 16. Informant profiles.

Role in the


Experience with


management (years)

Main areas of responsibility

Vice-rector 18 years in higher


Quality Assurance; Vocational Teacher

Education; Process of annual resource

planning; Pedagogic development

(including e-learning)

Vice-rector 16 years in higher


Research, Development and Innovation

functions; IT

Director of HR 3 years in higher


17 years in private

sector (middle-sized


Human Resource Management

Director of

internal education


10 in higher education Student services; International services;

Library services; Communication services

Director of finance 16 in higher education Budgeting and accounting

Vice-rector 10 in higher education Degree awarding education

Rector 18 in higher education CEO

3.8.2 Data collection method

The data was collected during individual themed interviews. The structure of the interview is

presented in appendix one. Before each of the actual interviews, a 45-minute meeting was held

with each informant separately, during which the purpose of the interview was explained and

the underlying theoretical background was presented. This was considered essential

preparation as the background theory was unfamiliar to the informants, and the interview

framework was particularly complex and extensive. During these preliminary meetings, the

informants were able to form a better understanding of the subject and what was to be expected

from the upcoming actual interview. At the same time, the interview itself was scheduled with

each of the informants.

Each interview took two hours, with the exception of one interview, which lasted for four hours.

An interview form was used to record the interview data, which included qualitative textual

narratives and assessment values for the resources discussed, following the VRIO framework.

After each of the interviews, the collected narratives were sent to the informant concerned for

commenting, for correcting possible misunderstandings, and for adding possible missing



3.8.3 Data analysis

For each individual interview, the material was processed separately. The content was

categorized as shown in Table 17, and coded according to the VRIO values. Each letter of the

VRIO framework (V, R, I & O) functioned as a code. Each possible combination of the

different codes (V, VO, VR, VRO, VRI, VRIO & O) assigned to a particular resource

represented its overall value to the institution.

The qualitative data – the narratives from the interviews – and the coded values from the VRIO

analysis were categorized as shown in Table 17. The matrix structure shows how resource

categories are divided into main classes and sub-classes or dimensions, and how specific

resources and capabilities are aligned. The resources were evaluated during the interviews, and

the narrative was categorized per dimension. In the narrative column of the table, comments

were also collected on the expected impacts of the possible merger of the three higher education

institutions in the city area. In the results section in Tables 19 – 26, the codes from the content

analysis – V, VO, VR, VRO, VRI, VRIO, O – and the competitive status abbreviations are

combined. The competitive status abbreviations are explained below:

CD = Competitive disadvantage

CP = Competitive parity

TCA = Temporary competitive advantage

SCA = Sustained competitive advantage

Within the table, there are two examples of narratives and related resource status and

competitive status definitions.

Table 17. The acknowledged classes and resources for the VRIO analysis.

Category: Tangible resources

Main class Sub-class:


Narrative Code –


status (V,



Code –


status (CD,



1. Financial


1.1 Capacity and

capability to

invest on


relevant learning




An example: Financial

capability is crucial in

order to invest on

development. Our

institution´s financial

capacity is very strong

compared to many others,

based on the financial

facts, but we should give

more emphasis on what we

want to prioritize in

investments. We should be

more strategically aware

when prioritizing

investments proposals and



organising financial


1.2 Capacity and

capability to

invest on





2. Physical


2.1 Facilities,


physical and





3.1 Learning

environments &



An example: Education

technology is very

important a resource, but

even more important than

the technology itself, is the

capability to utilize it

effectively. We have very

traditional and similar

technologies as other

UAS´s, so in that regard,

we don´t differentiate from

others. Our education

technology environment is

being developed through

established and

institutionalized processes

and practices.


3.2 ICT-tools

and information


3.3 IT-


Category: Intangible resources

Main class Sub-class:


Narrative Code (V,



Code –


status (CD,



4. Human


4.1 Experience

and capabilities

4.2 Managerial


4.3 Motivation

and attitudes

4.4 Personal



networks and


4.5 R&D and

innovation skills

5. Incentives

5.1 Incentives to


development and




6.1 Brand and


6.2 Reputation

among students

6.3 Reputation

among partners

6.4 Reputation



7. Culture



7.2 Open sharing

of knowledge

and best


7.3 Trust

8. Networks



8.1 Operational


8.2 Strategic


In addition to the VRIO-based analysis of the defined resources, a more open assessment of

the current state of the case study institution´s processes, activities, steering mechanisms, and

dynamic capability was carried out during the interviews, to guide the interviewee and

interviewer to take these important aspects into consideration when assessing the various

resources. These processes are directly linked with each of the main classes of resources and

related sub-classes of resources and capabilities. The comments were recorded on the same

form as the VRIO analysis.

Table 18. Processes included in the interview themes.


Strategic management and planning

Quality assurance and process management, and reporting

Project portfolio management

Enterprise Architecture management

Systems administration and ICT-support

Personnel e-learning support and training

Human resource planning and recruitment

Investment planning and evaluation



Value chain management

Procurement management

Student involvement

Policies and strategies


Organization´s Dynamic Capability

Capacity to combine, modify and expand tangible and

intangible resources and business processes, using the

dynamic capabilities to react to changes in the

environment, internal and external

3.8.4 Results

Financial resources

Table 19. Financial resources.





















In general, the institution’s financial resources, capacity and capability, were considered as

valuable resources with regards to implementing the new sub-strategy on digitalization of

teaching and learning. Some informants considered the resources to be rare or even imperfectly

imitable as well, referring to the strong financial position of the institution – i.e. its financial

capacity. However, organization of these resources was considered to be inadequate, despite

all the institutionalized processes and mechanisms through which the investment plans are

made and monitored, and evaluations are carried out. This assessment was based on the

perception that more influential and more ambitious development initiatives are needed in

order for a high standard of e-learning to be achieved.

“We should steer the organization more effectively towards the strategically

desired goals when it comes to investment planning as well.”

“The problem is that financial resources are steered from outside the core

functions, but at the same time the development initiatives are expected to emerge

within the core functions.”

“The level of ambition with regard to the investment proposals is not high


“We lack clear priorities when it comes to financial allocations. One problem is

that we allocate financial resources rather equally to everyone, and therefore it is

hard to gain a leading position in any specific area.”


Thus, the problem with the organization of financial resources did not lie in the processes and

mechanisms, but rather in the perceived failure to invest in strategically-relevant major

initiatives, due to the lack of ambitious initiatives. As explained in section 3.7, the institution

is dependent on the grassroots community to come up with proposals for these initiatives. Also,

the transparency of the planning and evaluation process was brought into question by some


“The rather heavy and multi-phased financial planning process weakens the

transparency of the strategic intentions and goals. We should develop the

transparency of the process and also emphasize this development aspect more


To summarize the current state assessments, the institution’s financial resources, and especially

the capability to invest in strategically relevant aspects of the organization, were considered to

be vital, and a lot of improvement in the institution’s capability to plan ambitious development

initiatives needs to take place.

Physical environment

Table 20. Physical environment.
























The physical environment as a resource was considered to be heterogeneous. The case study

institution was acknowledged to have certain facilities which are valuable, rare and imperfectly

imitable, and which have great strategic relevance. One example cited by the informants of this

kind of valuable, rare and imperfectly imitable physical environment resource is the Mediapolis

campus, where cutting-edge technology is a central aspect of the everyday operations.

Furthermore, the fact that the Mediapolis campus shares space with some of the major

professional operators in the field of media and television in Finland creates a networked

environment which was seen as a strategic asset, enhancing the rareness and challenging the

imitability of the resource.

On the other hand, Mediapolis is the physical base for only one of the seven schools within the

case study institution. The facilities of the main campus area were considered to be only

valuable – in VRIO terms – revealing that a lot of improvement is needed.

As regards the organization of physical environment resources, approximately half of the

informants considered that the organization is adequate, with the support of structured

institutionalized processes for their development. The other half of the informant group

considered that the development of the physical environment does not take the institution’s

core functions into consideration sufficiently, and shows a lack of clear development priorities.

In the view of these informants, more resources should be allocated to the development of the


physical environment from pedagogic perspectives. Also, some of the informants reported that

the process of planning and developing the physical environment is too exclusive; they

expressed a desire to involve a wider range of experts in the process.

“Where development of the facilities is concerned, pedagogic needs and aspects

tend to be ignored too often, and it seems that the educational experts cannot have

enough influence on the direction and manner in which the facilities are being


“Not enough emphasis is given to the needs of the core functions. This would

require a more holistic approach to the development of these resources.”

”The development of both the physical and technological environment needs to

take account of the learning and pedagogic perspectives.”

More guidance from the organizational steering level was mentioned as a possible way of

enabling holistic visionary development.

“The organization of the facility resources is too dependent on initiatives from

the grassroots community. There is a lack of holistic visionary development.”

This implies a desire for more centrally-guided development, which is a rather different

approach from the current one. More central guidance might enable sufficiently ambitious and

influential development initiatives to be undertaken; however, greater centralization could

decrease grassroots commitment.

Some of the informants also brought up the point that the relevance of physical facilities might

diminish in the future, if more and more of the education is delivered online.

“We can assume that the relevance of the physical environment may decrease in the future,

due to the growing demand for and availability of web-based learning.”


Table 21. Technology.





















With regard to education technology, there were rather notable variations in how the informants

assessed it as a resource. The majority considered it to be valuable, and two of these informants

also regarded the organization of these resources to be adequate. On the other hand, two of the

respondents rated it as neither valuable nor rare nor difficult to imitate, but well organized


nevertheless. The O/CD values in Table 21 stand for well-organized but non-valuable common


The key message was that the capability to exploit technology for pedagogical purposes is more

important than the technology in itself. Nevertheless, the role of technology was seen as

important; there was a rather clear consensus on this.

”I´ve understood that our education technology is on an average level, and does

not in any way differentiate us from other universities of applied sciences.

However, there are plenty of opportunities to improve the situation. More

important than technology as a resource in itself, is the capability to exploit it.”

”We need both the technology and the capability to utilize it efficiently.

Education technology as such should be advanced and novel, and in this case,

then it perhaps could be a source for competitive advantage as such.”

“Effective multi-disciplinary exploitation of these resources is important.

Education technology as such does not necessarily enable differentiation within

the sector.”

“In order to be able to meet the demands of the student population and economic

pressures, education technology plays an important role. Currently [our

technology resources] are most likely very similar to those in any other UAS.”

What is important is the analytical approach – combining both technology use and pedagogical

aspects. To exploit different technologies, and to develop the technology environment

appropriately, integrated studies of impacts on learning should be carried out.

“[There’s] nothing unique about our education technology, but if we find the right

combinations of technology, perhaps then it could function as a source for

competitive advantage. This would require that we study and analyze the

connections between learning outcomes and different technologies.”

The assessments of ICT tools and information systems showed some differences compared to

the assessments of education technology. This was mainly due to the acknowledged importance

of information systems, not the ICT tools. Information systems were mainly considered

strategically valuable, especially in terms of enabling effective analytics and knowledge-based

management of the organization.

”Information systems have improved the availability of information,

effectiveness of processes, and transparency.”

“Information systems are the basis for business analytics. An extremely important

resource, especially if we want to operate more like a business organization.”

One informant stressed the importance of the capability to utilize available information,

pointing out that greater dynamicity and responsiveness can be achieved if information systems

are adequately exploited. Some improvement needs were acknowledged in terms of utilizing

the information systems.


”A higher education institution which has the best access to information, such as

metrics and learning, is able to react more effectively to needs for change, and to

maintain effectiveness. Information systems are vital in terms of knowledge

management. In our organization, this resource has improved, but is still rather

inadequately exploited, and too much trust is placed in individual awareness and

beliefs about the current situation.”

One informant considered the ICT and information systems to be merely tools, not resources

for gaining competitive advantage as such. The current information system of the organization

was considered to be valuable but rather common, similar to the systems in use at other

universities of applied sciences. The general opinion was that a lot of effort is focused on

administrative IT development.

“When comparing to other HEIs, we have very similar systems in use.”

On the question of organization of the whole technology environment, the general opinion was

that current institutionalized processes for planning development provide a good structure. On

the other hand, the ways in which development priorities and emphases are chosen came in for

some criticism. In this area, too, there seems to be a desire for greater emphasis on achieving

strategic goals.

“My perception is that we invest a lot more in development of administrative

systems than in development of education technology.”

“We have structured processes, but the steering of these resources could be more

strategy based.”

”We should have more evaluative discussion about the focuses of technology


“There should be mechanisms which ensure that important and strategically

relevant initiatives are generated.”

Human resources

Table 22. Human resources.


































Human resources were considered very important in terms of strategy implementation and

competitive advantage. In the categories of personnel experience and capabilities, managerial

skills, personal networks, and R&D and innovation skills, only one of the informants

recognized rare or imperfectly imitable resources. Personnel capabilities and experience,

personal networks, and R&D and innovation skills were considered valuable by the vast

majority, but at the same time, most of the informants found the organization of these resources

to be inadequate.

Again, the lack of strategic ambition with regard to the development of e-learning was brought

up. In addition, personnel capabilities were considered to be rather similar to those at other

universities of applied sciences.

“I think that in strategic management the ambition is not explicit enough: people

are allowed to develop, but we lack strong organizational priorities and ambition,

and support for the development.”

“The capabilities are rather similar to those at other universities of applied

sciences, due to the similar profiles of the institutions.”

Some considered that the organization´s e-learning development rests on the shoulders of a few

highly skilled individuals.

“We have a rather small group of enthusiastic developers.”

”We have a few personnel resources, individuals, whose competencies could be

utilized more efficiently to gain better competitive status.”

As regards managerial skills, and motivation and attitudes, the resources were mainly

considered to be valuable and adequately organized. The managers were considered to be

committed to the strategic goals, but the informants felt that more emphasis should be placed

on leading the organization towards future visions, rather than focusing only on the

management of current operations.

“I think it is important to emphasize leadership, not management – the ability to

operationalize the vision and strategy.”

”We should probably focus more on how to get the managers to take a more

strategic viewpoint on the leadership, and through this promote the emergence

of ambitious development initiatives.”

”Strategic communications and management capability still needs


On the other hand, the informants valued highly the strong pedagogical skill-base of the

majority of the managers, their ability to collaborate, and their ability to recognize need for



“Our pedagogic expertise is strong among the managers, and also the ability to

recognize the need for changes is rather good as well.”

“One of our strengths is the collaborative skills of our managers and directors.”

The motivation and attitudes resource dimension was rated a very valuable resource, and was

considered by some informants even rare and imperfectly imitable. The personnel’s

commitment and positive attitudes towards change were felt to be rather strong.

“Motivation weighs even more than substance knowledge when it comes to

succeeding in bringing about change. Our background with the merger of the two

UASs five years ago has improved the motivational atmosphere with regards to


”There are indications that people are motivated and enthusiastic to develop our

organization into the leading HEI in digitalized learning.”

Leadership was recognized as one important factor for improving motivation. The importance

of creating shared meanings and goals was emphasized in terms of implementing strategies.

“Interest and motivation must be promoted through good leadership and


“Motivation should be shared, and through promotion and recognition we can

create shared meaning.”

Personal networks were considered to be potential assets for the institution, but the lack of

systematic ways of collecting and sharing information on these resources hinders their effective

exploitation. This is definitely an organizational challenge.

Research, development and innovations skills were generally agreed to be extremely important,

and their relevance is becoming ever greater, due to changes in the funding model for the UAS

sector; in the future, more income will need to be generated by externally-funded projects. At

the same time, society expects beneficial outputs from R&D. All of the interviewees rated the

current state of this resource as rather weak.

”There is a lot of room for skills improvement…we have a very strong profile in

educational organization, not R&D organization.”

“Society needs outputs from our R&D, and because of that the relevance is very


”Especially due to the changes in [UAS] financing, the relevance of this has

increased. Our goal by 2020 is to increase the incoming funding gained from

R&D from 8% to 20%.”

“People regard R&D too much as an obligation”.

The organization of human resources was considered to be strong in some areas and weak in

others. According to the informants, some areas lack systematic methods for collecting and


reporting relevant information, and systematic approaches to improvement. On the other hand,

a lot of effort has gone into development of managerial skills, motivation for improvement,

and promoting positive attitudes, all of which were considered to be well organized. Where

recruitment is concerned, the informants feel that more emphasis should be placed on

strategically relevant aspects when evaluating the skill-sets of different applicants.

”Our recruitment policies do not emphasize capabilities and previous experience

with digitalized pedagogy.”

“We should be more courageous to recruit top-level experts from outside our


”Line organization perhaps lacks understanding or vision of what is to be

achieved; or their vision is in conflict with the development goals of the whole


Some concerns were expressed regarding the development of personnel skills as well.

According to some informants, strategic emphases and priorities should be more explicit in

personnel skills development; this requires strong leadership from the managers in the line


“When considering digitalization and e-learning, we have not paid enough

attention to this aspect. This requires leadership in the line organization -

awareness of how to guide and support personnel to improve their skill sets in a

more strategically relevant direction.. This demands holistic shared

understanding of what kind of personnel capabilities we want to acquire and


”The development of personnel skills is not systematic enough, and requires

stronger emphasis on the desired objectives.”

Also, the utilization of information about the skills of staff members, which should be collected

in the human resource information system (HRIS), was recognized to be inadequate. The role

of the HRIS was questioned by several of the informants, who felt that the system should be

utilized more efficiently to support the organization of skill resources.

“As far as I have understood it, we collect and evaluate information on personnel

skills in the HRIS, but we don´t utilize this information systematically.”

”HRIS tools are not used systematically enough, and because of this, we can´t

make the information about personnel skills transparent, and the information is

in the hands of the employee and his/her line manager.”

With regard to managerial skills, the organization was generally considered rather adequate.

This view was based on the formal, systematic and institutionalized approaches which are in

place to promote development of managerial skills through different kinds of mechanisms. But

the informants felt that programs for improving managers’ skills should also cover pedagogic

leadership, and awareness of matters related to digitalization.


“We have long and short-term programs to improve managerial and leadership

skills of the managers, such as the JET education program, management forums

and so on.”

“If digitalization and ICT are considered to be strategically relevant, we should

increase discussion of these issues and collaborative ideations in programs for

improving managers’ skills.”

”I think the key question is, what is pedagogic leadership, and how should an

education institution be managed. Managing an education institution is somewhat

different from leading a private business.”

According to the informants, the best way to improve motivation and promote positive attitudes

is creation of shared meanings and invigorating visions. They also felt that the whole work

community should share responsibility for broaching problematic issues and challenges within

the organization, so that possible problems with motivation could be addressed effectively.

“Motivation and attitudes should be managed through the creation of attractive

visions, which at least part of the personnel are committed to.”

”It is important that the whole professional community is aware and alert to

acknowledge and bring to light possible problems with motivation and attitudes.

This is the only effective way to solve possible problems as they arise.”


Table 23. Incentives.



















The institution lacks defined incentive policies and mechanisms. The majority of the

informants regarded incentives as a valuable resource, especially for promoting and

encouraging development, but the current situation is rather weak in terms of formal strategic

incentive mechanisms.

Some informants regarded the allocation of worktime to development as an important incentive

mechanism. Some brought up the possibility of more systematic financial compensation. One

issue that was raised was the inability of some members of staff to communicate their

development initiatives from strategic perspectives, which in turn makes it difficult for them

to obtain worktime resources for the purpose. This definitely draws attention to the importance

of providing adequate support for the planning of development initiatives and proposals within

the organization.


”Allocating worktime resources for development can be regarded as one

important incentive mechanism. It also makes a clear statement that development

is considered important.”

”…we should create mechanisms to promote the sharing of expertise in

commercialized operations.”

”…not everybody is necessarily able to plan or communicate their proposals in a

manner that explicates the strategic relevance strongly enough.”

Some of the informants were rather skeptical about the utilization of financial incentives, and

were not convinced of the benefits they would provide. They placed greater emphasis on

intangible incentives, such as public acknowledgement, as a way of boosting motivation more


“…motivation and attitudes are much more important. Perhaps some financial

incentives could be used, but money does not necessarily guarantee results.”

”The teaching staff are relatively well paid, and because of that creating financial

incentives for development could be futile.”

“Incentive mechanisms should be improved so that people who have developed

innovative good practices should be given public recognition. This could have a

positive impact on the work of others in the organization.”

The organization of incentives was not rated highly, mainly because there are currently so few

incentives to organize. Incentive mechanisms and policies were regarded as almost non-

existent, although worktime allocations for development and related systematic processes and

procedures were mentioned as one important incentive mechanism. However, where

organization is concerned, the lack of strategic utilization of incentive mechanisms was

recognized as the key issue.

“Some activities in this area, but incentive mechanisms are not used for strategic

purposes, to support strategy implementations.”

”We have formal, systematic procedures through which worktime resources are

applied for and allocated for development.”


Table 24. Reputation.























The general brand and reputation of the case study institution is strong. In this research,

however, the focus was on assessing the brand and the reputation of the institution with specific

regard to e-learning. The “digital” brand and reputation of the case study institution was

considered to be very valuable as a resource, but there was general agreement that it needs a

lot of improvement in the future. The informants share the view that the students, the partners

and the customers do not regard the institution as a strong operator in the field of e-learning.

“[Digital brand and reputation] are built slowly through vendible education as

well, since the majority of the products are built on e-learning.”

“Very strong general brand, not a strong brand as a digitalized HEI.”

Some informants discussed the benefits that would accrue to the institution from a strong brand

and reputation in e-learning.

“…I believe that if we had a strong brand and reputation in the field of digitalized

learning and teaching, a lot of new opportunities would open up through new


“It is of great importance, affects everything…people want to be part of

successful organizations. At the moment we don´t have a strong brand, but it is

important to improve this in the future...”

Some of the informants expressed a desire to achieve the leading position in digitalization

within the UAS sector. This is in alignment with the defined five-year sub-strategy briefly

presented in chapter two, which includes aspects related to reputation and brand-building in

the area of digitalization.

”…it is important to build our status and become the leading UAS in digitalized

learning and teaching.”

One informant raised the point that within such a large institution, a lot of variation between

different degree programs is to be expected, also when it comes to brand or reputation.

“We have over 40 degree programs, and there is great variability between them.”

Where organization of reputational resources is concerned, the informants rated it as

inadequate. Even though a lot of different mechanisms exist for collecting information on many

aspects of reputation and quality, the e-learning aspect is not included explicitly. Thus, no

analytical approach can be taken to the organization of reputation as a resource.




Table 24. Culture.


















7.1 VRIO/S








There was slight variation in how the informants regarded the current status of the institution’s

culture. Where collaboration is concerned, each of the informants considered it to be a valuable

resource for implementing strategies. The majority also considered collaboration and sharing

of best practices to be well organized within the organization, and felt that there are adequate

mechanisms in place for sharing best practices and knowledge.

”The importance [of collaboration] is great. I don´t believe in achieving success

through individual effort alone – not from the whole organization´s perspectives.”

”This is a very important resource. I think we are very advanced in certain fields

of education, when it comes to collaborative effort.”

”Documentation and transparency have improved.”

“There are different kinds of possibilities for sharing best practices.”

Even though the collaboration and open sharing culture was mainly considered to be valuable

and well organized, development needs were also brought up.

“[Our culture is] still too individualistic…efforts have been put into the

development of team-based collaboration on designing and implementing


”…collaboration is still a work in progress, and unfortunately this shows from

outside the organization as well.”

As for trust, it was considered very important as a resource, and in this respect, the situation of

the organization was seen as rather strong. Trust has been increasing over the past few years;

this may be due, at least partly, to the challenging but successful merger of the two universities

of applied sciences as of 1.1.2010, which created the case study institution in its current form.

”Trust is extremely important when implementing new strategies and when doing

multi-disciplinary collaboration.”

“Our previous merger has made us stronger as a community, and trust is strong…

our stable financial status supports trust.”


”…the students’ trust in our organization is very strong, perhaps the strongest in

the whole sector of universities of applied sciences.”

”We have a sensible attitude towards mistakes, and failures are allowed as long

as we learn from them.”

Still, some concerns were raised, including the suggestion that too much emphasis is placed on

monitoring and ensuring compliance.

“This has improved, but unfortunately we still put a bit too much emphasis on

monitoring and compliance…”

”Perhaps [there is still] too much cautiousness and protection of individual

territory…trust has developed a lot during the past few years though.”

Where the organization of cultural resources is concerned, it is based on formal documenting

and analysis of personnel surveys. These institutional procedures promote sharing of

knowledge and best practices, and facilitate the implementation of team-based teaching and

collaborative practices in the design and creation of educational resources, such as materials

and courses.

”…sharing and collaboration take place in a variety of multi-disciplinary work


”Teacher collaboration is guided, supported and developed systematically.”

”Mechanisms are provided for sharing best practices, but the participation rate is

somewhat low.”

“A goal has been set to systematically develop and monitor how collaboration

and sharing of best practices is being implemented.”

Networks and partnerships

Table 25. Networks.


















8.1 VRO/TC




Networks were regarded as valuable resources, and great importance was attached to improving

capabilities by establishing strategic partnerships in the area of e-learning.


”…we cannot be strong in every area of expertise, and that is why we need to be

able to find and establish good strategic partnerships.”

The relevance of networking was considered to have increased a lot. This is due to the fact that

more and more educational resources are being designed and delivered in value chain

constellations. The national initiative on collaborative ICT education between universities of

applied sciences was cited as a current example of networking and its importance.

“For example, the development of ICT education is a very significant network


One challenge that was brought up was that many of the networks are established around and

within R&D projects, and in many cases they cease to exist after the projects end.

“[Networks are] an important resource, but a large portion of these are established

around projects, and as such they are not necessarily sustainable in the long run.”

The key challenge with networks is that they are currently organized rather inadequately. There

is no analytical approach to evaluating and validating the networks. The analysis of different

networks is somewhat inconsistent and informal, and as a result, the evidence base for further

development lacks rigor, and this in turn hinders organizational learning.

”We don´t have enough capability to exploit our networks…we don´t manage

them systematically...”

”Networks are being established mainly organically, and a more systematic

approach is needed.”

”The strategic partnerships have been managed more systematically, and

decisions are based on more rational analytics.”

Possible impacts of Tampere 3 on the resources

In general, the informants supported the Tampere 3 project, believing that it will provide

opportunities for improving the resource base. However, they also stressed that the need for

genuine collaboration is critical, in order to develop and implement new strategies. If the

project leads to merger, the informants expect benefits to accrue to R&D capabilities and

facilities in particular. Integration of theoretical and applied research and development was

considered to be one essential asset for the future. In addition, opportunities for establishing

new kinds of centers of excellence around carefully chosen subjects were identified as potential

positive outcomes of a merger.

“It would enable the establishment of new advanced facilities, which could also

be funded by external bodies as well. One idea could be to establish an

“International School of Learning Sciences”, which has been brought up as an

idea in discussions at TAMK.”


”The possible merger would provide synergy benefits through the integration of

scientific and applied research. It is possible to gain outstanding advantage when

it comes to applying for R&D funding as well.”

”The other two universities have some well recognized exceptional personnel

resources, at least on a national scale.”

On the other hand, a lot of risks were acknowledged as well. Of particular concern was the

challenge of managing such a merger successfully, so that genuine knowledge communities

could be established, based on mutual respect and trust.

“It is important to establish collaborative communities, and to genuinely

collaborate – so as to avoid duplicating the existing resources.”

Challenges in the area of enterprise architecture integration were brought up as well: this will

undeniably require a lot of organizational resources, careful planning, and consistent

management, as was the case with the much smaller merger in 2010.

”The possible merger sets challenges, as the architecture would be even more

complex, and - based on our experiences from the previous merger - integration

of the different architectures would tie up a lot of resources for a long period of


However, developing homogenous integrated enterprise architecture was not necessarily seen

as a desirable direction of development; EA itself should not prevent versatility.

“From pedagogic perspectives, it could be justifiable to maintain heterogeneous

ICT systems. This could perhaps provide some unexpected benefits.”

Table 26 presents the summarized results of the VRIO analysis for every resource sub-class.

Table 26. Summary of the competitive status per resources.


















































7.1 VRIO/S








8.1 VRO/TC




The total number of hits for each of the different resource types, based on the material from all

the informants, are presented in Table 27. below.

Table 27. Total amount of hits per different resource types.

Resource type Hits

V/CD 70 O/CD 3 -/CD 4 VO/CP 36 VRO/TCA 8 VRIO/SCA 4

It is important to stress that there were differences between the various informants´ conceptions

of the current state of different resources, as shown above in Tables 19 - 26. Thus, Table 27 is

presented only for illustrative purposes, to provide a general idea of the current distribution of

the institution’s resources in terms of their strategic value and competitive status.

3.8.5 Conclusions

The VRIO analysis of the case study institution’s resources and capabilities revealed two main

challenges: the resources are not well organized, and the institution has very few rare and

imperfectly imitable resources. However, it is important to bear in mind the fact that higher

education in Finland has always been publicly funded, and very strictly guided and controlled

at the government level. This approach to higher education has prevented genuine competition,

and has thus ensured a very homogenous higher education sector, where no great emphasis has


been placed on competitive capability; it simply has not been necessary, at least for the HEIs

in larger city areas.

There were also some differences between the individual informants´ conceptions and

perceptions of the resource base. This may be due to the fact that each of the informants has a

different background and role within the institution, and therefore views the resources from a

different subjective perspective. The next step towards validating the results would be to have

a group session involving all of the informants, and through this establish a collective

understanding of the situation. This would be important from practical perspectives as well,

since a consensus is needed to ensure that the development goals and priorities are commonly

accepted and supported.

As shown in Table 19 - 26, there is a great deal of room for improving the competitive status

of the institution in just about every resource class covered in this research. This is due to the

underlying problem identified in this research phase: the inefficient and ineffective –

inadequate – organization of the valuable and rare resources which the institution does possess.

The relative paucity of valuable, rare and imperfectly imitable resources is a challenge which

needs to be seriously addressed in the future planning of development. This does not mean that

the institution should strive to acquire and/or develop well organized VRI resources across the

board, but rather think carefully in which resource classes it would be rational and realistic to

have these kinds of resources. Valuable and rare resources, if organized adequately, are enough

to ensure competitive parity and temporary competitive advantage, which would guarantee the

institution’s survival in the sector, and could perhaps even enable it to be the top university of

applied sciences in certain areas for some time. However, according to the findings of this

specific research phase, there is plenty of work to do in order to gain even competitive parity

in many areas, let alone competitive advantage.

The future challenge is to refine the organization of and around the resources so that they can

be exploited in the best possible manner. In addition to this, it is time to place emphasis on

ambitious leadership towards the improvement of resources. Without ambition, the best

possible outcome is mediocre. The institution should definitely allocate a lot of effort to the

improvement of the evaluated resources if it desires to be the top university of applied sciences

in e-learning.

The institution possesses a lot of valuable resources, but only a few rare or imperfectly imitable

ones. However valuable, rare and imperfectly imitable the resources may be, without efficient

and analytical organization and clear strategic ambition, the resources cannot be optimally

exploited, and only publicly funded mediocrity will be sustained.

The five-year sub-strategy on digitalized learning and teaching does actually aim at improving

the organization and quality of resources in various domains of the institution. Thus, as a

researcher and practitioner, I strongly recommend that sufficient resources be allocated to the

operationalization of the strategy throughout the institution. This cannot be achieved by

individuals, or by one or two lines or departments working separately, but will require the total

commitment of all the many experts, leaders and managers throughout the institution.


4. The output of the research

In the end, the research was mainly about assessing and evaluating the resources, capabilities

and processes of the case study institution from the chosen perspectives, and through this

providing new knowledge and a rigorous basis for further development of the institution.

During the research process, a deep understanding of the case study institution was formed,

and plenty of different stakeholders were involved in the different phases. In this chapter, as a

theoretical output of this research process, I present a framework that covers the critical aspects

which have been at the very core of the different research phases and their related findings, tied

with the theoretical background utilized during the two years. The emphasis throughout is on

the management of the digitalization of learning and teaching. In addition to the key output,

more practical implications of the local impact of the research process are discussed in this


4.1 Management´s Framework for Strategizing Digitalization of Learning

and Teaching

Based on the findings of the research process, a framework has been defined which presents

key tangible and intangible resources and capabilities that have a direct relation to the

digitalization of learning and teaching, alongside the institution’s business processes, steering

mechanisms and dynamic capabilities. All these in combination are used for the purpose of

deploying and developing the resource base surrounding and affecting the development of e-

learning. The framework is presented in Table 28. The different phases of the research and the

different aspects covered in the research process are aligned with the framework.




Focus of evaluation and assessment Rationale Suggested actions



Capacity and capability to invest in

strategically relevant digitalization of

learning environments (physical)

Capacity and capability to invest in

strategically relevant technology


The defining factor for success is the

capability to use the available financial

resources for strategically relevant

development, which in the optimal

situation benefits a large group of people

and multiple domains of an organization.

- definition of a strategic

investment portfolio: allocation of

resources to strategically relevant

investment targets



Facilities, integrated physical and

technological environments

E-learning (digitalized learning) concerns

also the integration of physical learning

environments and technology. Ideally,

these environments should provide

opportunities for students to access the

different learning situations remotely,

enable creation of video-based content on

the run, and enable effective collaborative

sharing of information.

- investments in the technological

improvement of the facilities with

regards to accessibility,

interactivity and flexibility:

implementation of video-based

technologies in the learning

spaces (recording, broadcasting);

implementation of interactive

communication technologies

- BYOD (Bring your own device)


Learning environments & education


Information systems

IT infrastructure

Education technology as such may not be a

source of competitive advantage, but it

plays a major role in enabling the

achievement of it. Organizational

development related to education

technology should be approached from

strategic perspectives. In addition,

investigation of how a chosen technology

affects learning processes and outcomes is

vital for organizational learning and


- refinement of organizational

processes and approaches to the

evaluations of IT investments:

greater emphasis on education


- establishment of more

systematic approaches to the

exploitation of information

systems: reporting and analytics


Information systems are important to any

modern organization. In the management

of an organization, information systems, if

utilized effectively, play a vital role by

enabling management based on


The coherence of IT infrastructure affects

how fluently different systems play

together, and also has an impact on the

stability of the digital learning


- establishment of shared

infrastructure services with other


- definition of e-learning


- resource allocations for the

studying of education

technologies and their impact on




Resources Focus of evaluation and assessment

Rationale Suggested actions



Experience and capabilities

Managerial skills

Motivation and attitudes

Personal professional networks and


R&D and innovation capability

Personnel capabilities are a source of

competitive advantage, and have a direct

impact on the overall quality of the

learning. Having an excellent ability to

utilize education technology for pedagogic

ends is vital. High e-learning pedagogic

skills combined with education technology

is a critical success factor in digitalization

of learning and teaching, and in gaining

competitive advantage. More experienced

personnel members can be a valuable asset

for promoting the change.

- more systematic approaches to

personnel training

- implementation of incentive

policies for active and relevant

skills development

- refinement of recruitment

policy: e-learning related skills

and experience as one


- activation of management

collaboration: more emphasis on

cooperative strategic planning

- implementation of management

training in pedagogic leadership

- implementation of R&D training


Management plays a critical role in the

ever-changing environment, so strategic

awareness, encouragement, and change

management skills are required.

Management needs to be committed to the

digitalization of education. In addition,

pedagogic leadership is a vital capability in

managing an educational institution.

Motivation and attitudes define what any

particular change can be expected to

achieve, and is a critical success factor in

any change.

R&D capabilities define the quality and

efficiency of the projects, in terms of

producing outputs - even innovations -

which benefit the organization.

programs, with a modular,

blended approach


Incentives to promote development

and innovation

Motivation can be supported through well

planned and executed incentive practices.

Incentives promote the execution of high

quality development initiatives and


- planning and implementation of

incentive policies to promote

skills development, publishing

activity, and development efforts

(financial and/or non-financial)


Brand and image with regard to e-


Reputation among students

Reputation among partners

Reputation among customers

Ever-increasing competition in the

environment and the increasing relevance

of commercialized education increase the

need for a strong brand and reputation with

regard to e-learning (in addition to a strong

general brand). Brand building can be

- systematization and activation of

communications with regard to

novel and successful e-learning



supported by some internationally

recognized endorsement of quality.

Feedback systems should also explicitly

cover aspects of e-learning, if this has been

made a strategic priority status in the


- redefinition of feedback systems

to include relevant e-learning


- visibility in international forums



Open sharing of knowledge and best



Collaboration, and open sharing of

knowledge and best practices enables

organizational learning. Instead of an

individualistic approach to teaching

development, more emphasis should be

given to shared expertise and shared

leadership. Open sharing and collaboration

require strong trust among the academic


An organization should provide systematic

mechanisms for collaborative sharing of

best practices, so as to spread awareness of

what is being developed in the

organization, and how. Participation in

these forums should be supported and

promoted throughout an organization.

- active nurturing and promotion

of collaborative working practices

by the managers

- enabling and promotion of

sharing best practices and


- definition of policies for the

development of open educational

resources, and implementation of

the new practices


Operational networks for sharing and

creating tangible goods, such as

courses and services, and knowledge

Strategic partnerships

The importance of networking is

increasing, and different kinds of value

chains are being established to produce

new learning and teaching opportunities

more effectively and efficiently.

- assessment and validation of

existing partnerships

- assessment and validation of

desired partnerships


Through strategic partnerships, it is

possible to establish access to valuable

resources that are of critical importance in

terms of competitive advantage.



activities and



Focus of evaluation and assessment

(what to look for?)

Rationale Suggested actions


management and


Acknowledgement of digitalization

and its possibilities, threats and

impacts on an institution.

Explication and communication of

related aspects and goals,

Strategic understanding

Without strategic-level acknowledgement

of the digitalization of higher education, or

at least e-learning, the mandate for

development is weak, and no

organizational support can be guaranteed.

Communication on the strategic level,

including metrics, vastly increases the

relevance of the subject, and is more likely

to lead to resource allocations that focus on

the specific area.

The implementation of strategy is a change

process that needs to be led and facilitated,

and requires a high level of knowledge,

shared leadership and expertise, and

commitment. In the best cases, the change

process has a positive impact on an

organization´s capabilities and resources in

every domain. Also strategic agility is

- careful but agile implementation

of the sub-strategy

- allocation of resources for the


of the strategy


required, as the socio-political

environment plays a major role in the

public higher education sector. The

external environment may set emergent

needs for change, and the planned strategy

may have to be refined.


Assurance and



Coverage of e-learning specific


Capability to produce vital

information for further development

Accessibility of the information;

reporting of the information

Coverage of the process throughout

the institution.

Quality assurance should not be merely

retrospective, but also have a focus on

future development. Through QA the

organization should be able to produce

vital information for the development of e-

e-learning. Students´ experience of the

education should be one key metric.

A systematic approach to QA and BPM

enables the organization to learn from the

state of its current operations, quality and

effectiveness, and build further

development on facts, not merely on


- systematization of practices for

collection and analysis of

information, and assessment of

processes and practices with

regard to e-learning, including

student experience

- implementation of e-learning-

specific quality audits and


Curricula Curriculum design in terms of

enabling flexible learning paths and

improving digital skills of the


Curricula should be a manifestation of the

acknowledged strategic relevance of the

digitalization of higher education. They

should enable and promote flexible

learning paths – to provide the students

with a variety of possibilities for carrying

out their studies. The development of the

students´ digital skills should also be

explicit in the curricula.

- explicit communication of the

different possible learning paths

on the curriculum level, including

MOOCs and courses of other


- definition and communication of

digital skills development on the

curriculum level


Formal acknowledgment and acceptance of

open educational resources, such as

MOOCs, as an integral part of the

curriculum is an example of how curricula

can enable flexible learning outside the

organization’s common course structure

and schedules.


planning and


Strategic alignment of the investment


Alignment of evaluation criteria with

the strategy

Focus of the resource allocations

Investment plans and evaluation criteria

should be in alignment with strategy.

Strategically-focused investment plans aim

at wide-scale improvement of learning and

teaching, and R&D, rather than focusing

narrowly on administrative development.

A balance should exist between

improvement of administrative processes

and creation of novel learning and teaching

opportunities. The preferences of the

organization´s management team are

actualized in the evaluation of the plans.

- redefinition of evaluation and

investment allocation principles

and practices: giving more

emphasis to development of

learning and teaching, and R&D

than to administrative


- implementation of practices to

support the production of

ambitious but realistic learning

and teaching development

initiatives at grassroots

community level

- establishment of collaborative

mechanisms for the concrete

planning of development

initiatives between different

degree programs and/or other

organizational units

IT project



Capability for efficient and strategy-

based portfolio

The contents of the IT project portfolio

embody the development priorities of the

- see above


Balance between administrative

development and e-learning


institution, and as such, concretizes the

strategic alignment itself.

Efficient and effective IT project portfolio

management enables the organization to

manage and plan its related resources in

advance and more coherently.




Utilization and utility of EA for e-

learning development

EA´s influence on development

Enterprise Architecture should not

constrain innovation and courageous

development. It should provide a

framework and a set of principles to guide

the business-IT development, but the

organization needs to take care that it does

not act as a curb on creativeness. The

importance is more critical in

administrative architecture development.

- definition of e-learning

architecture, and development

plans aligned with it: concerns

mainly the institutional education


- improving the coherence of the

current e-learning architecture

with regards to institution-owned

technologies and systems

Value chain

management Capability and efficiency of VCM to

create and sustain strategically

relevant networks for creation and

development of learning resources,

or shared ICT-support services

Value chain management capability

increases dramatically as an organization

establishes and joins value constellations

through which learning resources and

shared services are being produced.

- implementation of more

systematic approaches to value

chain management, with people

with experience in and knowledge

of VCM

Production Efficiency and effectiveness in

producing learning resources:

modules, courses, content, or degree


Producing novel e-learning solutions,

models and applications may demand

plenty of resources. Instead of producing

everything within the institution, another

possibility is utilization of open

educational resources and active

management of suppliers. Utilization of

OERs should be regarded as a potential

alternative approach.

- establishment of cooperative

production partnerships

- establishment of systematic

utilization of open educational



R&D Impact, volume and quality of

research related to e-learning, and

more widely - to the digitalization of

higher education

Research, development and innovation

activities may produce vital assets for an

organization and for a wider community as

well. The capabilities of the R&D domain

affect the quality of the activity and related

outputs. Through high quality research, it

is also possible to promote the

organization´s status with regards to e-


- establishment and activation of

e-learning-related research




and ICT-support

Capacity, availability, effectiveness

and quality of the support, from the

staff and the students´ perspectives

Systems administration is vital in order to

ensure stabile and up to date information

systems environment. ICT-support should

be guaranteed to all personnel and

students. The importance of well-

functioning and effective ICT-support is

great in a digitalized environment of

education. The support should be

accessible and available to all, in timely

manner, and it should be capable to serve

with e-learning specific issues as well.

- with regards to helpdesk-support

(ICT-support), the development

of the support personnel´s

capability to solve and consult the

staff and the students with e-

learning specific issues, not just

general technology use, would

improve the organizational

capability in enabling higher

quality and more efficient

utilizations and implementations

of e-learning technologies in

learning and teaching.

Personnel e-

learning support

and training

Quality, versatility, efficiency,


Personnel skills training with regard to e-

learning should include both the

technological aspects and the different

pedagogic aspects. Education technology

and different digitalized learning

environments together with strong

capabilities among e-learning practitioners

may turn out to be vital in terms of

- activation of personnel

participation in e-learning-related

training (management´s role is


- investments in utilizing special

top expertise from outside of the

organization for providing in e-

learning training


competitive advantage and positive student


In the optimal situation, where sharing of

expertise is generally and successfully

practiced, peer support may turn out to be

the most efficient form of support. Besides

this, the academic staff – the educational

designers – should be provided with

institutionalized support, covering

education technology and related

pedagogic issues. Instruments should be

provided which help the designers in their

work of designing and implementing high-

quality digitalized learning experiences.

- scaling up of support resources

related to e-learning

- activation of collaboration

between e-learning support and

pedagogic experts: shared


Human resource

planning and


Capability to integrate human

resource planning and development

with strategic goals

Connection to annual planning

The situation of the recruitment

process with regard to long-term

goals for development of e-learning;

Development discussions and their

utility in providing information for

related skills development

Through careful human resource planning

and development, including recruitment,

the existing skill base of an organization

can be improved. If e-learning is

acknowledged and approved on the

strategic level, HR practices should

incorporate e-learning-related aspects. This

means that in recruitment procedures and

in the evaluation of current skills, these

aspects should be given considerable


- improvement of learning

evaluations to include e-learning

pedagogy aspects

- reporting and systematic

analysis of the status of e-

learning-related skills, and

improvement accordingly

- refinement of recruitment policy


Library services Capacity, availability, effectiveness

and quality of support for digital

information literacy

Sufficiency and currency of the

digitalized materials and databases

available to students.

Library services have a key role in making

relevant digitalized content available to

students and staff. In addition, library

personnel can play an important role in

supporting the development of digital

information literacy skills among both

students and academic staff.

- validation of the current data

bases, if not done already

- deeper cooperation between

vocational teacher education and

library services in the planning of

personnel training for e-learning


- investigation of possibilities for

acquiring databases of video-

based learning materials



Efficiency of the procurement


Impact of the procurement process

on the development of e-learning

Procurements can function as a tool for

strategic acquisitions, and provide support

in the search for potential partners in the

field of education technology. In addition,

procurements must be handled in a manner

that does not violate legislation, making

the role of procurement management very

important in this sense as well.

- figuring out a more strategic

approach to supplier management

Student and



Level of involvement of students and

customers in e-learning development

Students should be recognized as partners

for development. They should be given the

opportunity to actually take part in

developing the organization, since they

greatly appreciate being able to participate

in bringing about change. The students

also represent the most important group –

the users of education services.

As the role of paying customers increases

in the public education sector, the

importance of customer involvement in

- establishment of living lab

pedagogic approaches throughout

the organization

- scaling up the resources


- explicit integration of internal

living lab functions on the

curriculum level


development is increasing as well. The

involvement of customers can take place

through participatory design processes.

Strategies and

policies How strategies and policies enable,

promote and steer development

towards desired goals

Strategies and policies provide a structure

and mandate for development. They should

be used to promote development, and not

for compliance purposes.

- investigation of current policies;

identification of possible

refinement needs; implementation

of such refinements



Focus of evaluation and assessment Rationale Suggested actions


capabilities Capability to combine, modify and

expand tangible and intangible

resources and business processes;

using the dynamic capabilities to

react to changes in the environment,

internal and external

In a rapidly changing environment, it is

vital for an organization to be able to

modify its resource base, processes and

practices effectively, in order to maintain

and improve its competitive status. An

organization with high level dynamic

capabilities is able to develop itself

efficiently and rapidly. Examples of how

dynamic capability can manifest itself are:

excellent change management, excellent

skills development activities, continuous

evaluation and excellent strategic

awareness of the internal and external

environment, and high innovativeness.

- establishment of mechanisms for

fast piloting of novel technologies

- improvement of managers’

strategic awareness

- implementation of LEAN

methods for development

Table 28. Management´s Framework for Strategizing Digitalization of Learning and Teaching.


4.1.1 Criteria for strategic planning and development of education technology

To complement the proposed framework presented in Table 29, a set of criteria for assessing

institutional capabilities related to strategic planning and development of education technology

(ET) has been devised as an output of the research. These criteria have been defined on the

basis of Peppard & Ward´s (2004) definition of IS capability requirements. Links have also

been made to the different phases of this research process and the subjects covered in them.

The criteria have been defined due to the fact that this dissertation and the research it covers

focus mainly on institutional strategic development and related resources with regard to e-

learning in a higher education institution, in which the planning of education technology has a

vital enabling role. I name these capabilities as ET (education technology) capabilities.

Table 29. Criteria for Strategic Planning and Development of Education Technology.

ET capability requirements Definitions

Understanding how education

technology and open digital

resources impact on education

awareness of how education technology,

online learning and open learning resources

may affect the future of a HEI

acknowledgement of these opportunities, or


Identifying new strategic

opportunities with regard to novel,

more flexible and versatile

approaches to digitalized learning

capability to address the opportunities

provided by the internal and external


capability to assess strategically relevant

organizational resources

Assessing education technology

innovations capability to investigate and study different

education technology innovations, and how

they impact on learning outcomes and the

student experience

Deriving new technology-enabled

education and business models

capability to design new models for studying

and teaching – refinement of curriculum and

related organizational processes

capability to create business models for

technology-supported vendible education

Prioritizing investment


capability and ambition to invest in

development of strategically relevant

education technology


Managing change with regard to

digitalization of learning and


capability to plan and manage the process of

change towards high-level digitalization of

learning and teaching

capability to engage and involve the staff

and the students in the change process

capability to influence motivation and


capability to create knowledge communities

that support the operationalization of the


Managing education technology


capability to create and sustain partnerships

with key vendors

awareness of vendors in the market

Exploiting investments in education


capability to utilize the full potential of

investments in ET

capability to spread the potential to a larger


Ensuring appropriate usage of

education technology

capability to utilize education technology in

a manner that provides the best possible

learning outcomes and student experiences

capability to provide personnel and students

with training and support for using

education technology

Management of education

technology projects

capability to carry out projects effectively

and efficiently

capability to disseminate the outputs

capability to abandon failing projects


4.2 Practical implications of the local impact of the research process

In developmental terms, one of the key practical outputs that can be said to have been

influenced by this research process is the 5-year sub-strategy on digitalization of teaching and

learning which the case study institution has formulated for the years 2015-20. The research

process has undeniably provided a strong impetus for a more strategic approach to and a clearer

strategic acknowledgement of digitalization of higher education. This is a bold statement,

perhaps even a biased one, but it comes from a practitioner with deep involvement in various


areas of development in the institution which has been the focal point of this entire research


During the different research phases – and in the intervals between them – discussions related

to the need for strategy definition came up constantly. For example, in research phase one, the

strategic viewpoint was heavily emphasized in the results. Research phase two concluded that

there is a need for more systematic and more holistic approaches to the institutional

development of higher-quality online learning. Research phase three focused on student

involvement in development, and posited that students can be valuable and even essential

resources for developing the institution. Research phase four investigated issues connected

with IT development proposals, and recommended a more balanced IT project portfolio. All

these – and many other – aspects are covered in the new sub-strategy for 2015 – 2020. The

information and knowledge gained through this research have provided a rationale for planning

the strategy, and revealed its timeliness. When operationalized, the strategy will have an effect

on all the different issues covered during the research: the tangible resources, the intangible

resources, the organizational capabilities and processes.

Research phase five was carried out after the formulation of the five-year sub-strategy. It

nevertheless complements the strategic approach, by providing a better understanding of the

need for development of strategically relevant resources and capabilities, which will have a

direct relation to the efficient operationalization of the sub-strategy.

Despite the implications outlined above, it is important to acknowledge that the formulation of

the sub-strategy has been motivated by many other factors as well. Nevertheless, there is no

denying that the research undertaken has functioned as one of the inputs for all the development


The case study conducted for research phase one has had an essential role in the development

of the institution. This influence is due not merely to the fact that the study raised the

prominence of the strategic viewpoint, but also because its holistic approach to processes and

practices brought a variety of different subjects into professional discussions in the institution

– including such topics as, for example, support, incentives, investments, technology, and

knowledge management.

The research process has also had some influence on increasing resource awareness in the

steering domain of the case study institution. Furthermore, it has improved awareness of

digitalization in the higher education sector, and raised the status in the institution of

development related to digitalization. Enhanced capabilities have been concretized as

improvement of knowledge, innovative instruments to support improvement and development,

locally novel and useful methods for steering the development, and an increase in student

involvement in the development of the institution.



The sub-strategy on digitalization of learning and teaching (TAMK 2014c) was formulated to

strengthen the mandate for organizational change management and change execution, by

explicitly communicating the desired and approved path and related goals. Changes will not be

easy or rapid to execute, but they are desperately needed nevertheless. Therefore, the question

should not be whether we are willing or want to change. We should rather be asking how fast

and through which actions we can execute the changes needed to facilitate the institution´s

evolution into an organization fit for the digitalized era.

The on-going problem for the Finnish higher education sector is that no genuine competitive

environment exists, so the existence - even of unfit institutions - is not under threat. The roots

of this problem lie in the history of Finnish education - the principles on which it was built and

which underlie its provision. Despite this historical background, managing a higher education

institution as a competitive organization in the given sector will likely lead to greater success

in the future. The worst case scenario would be to remain satisfied with the status quo and

merely maintain competitive parity – at best – in the sector. Digitalization presents great threats

but also opportunities for creating a bright future. In the end, the internal resources and

capabilities of the institution will define how these opportunities can be exploited and threats


Even if the sector were to be forever publicly funded and controlled at the government level, a

more analytical and strategic competitive approach would definitely benefit the whole sector.

And who knows, perhaps someday this more rigorous approach may become essential to the

very survival of individual HEIs in truly competitive markets for education - in Finland and

internationally as well. At least where vendible education is concerned, this competitive

market is already reality.

5.1 Further research suggestions

In the area of capability research, the digitalization of higher education provides plenty of

research opportunities now and for the future. One key challenge of the future will be the

creation and management of higher education value chain networks and constellations. There

are currently active initiatives at the national level, in which cooperation with partners from

the higher education sector is being investigated, with support from the Ministry of Culture and

Education. Besides these investigations, digitalization of education has recently seen a

tremendous rise in political agendas as well.

Given the networked nature of future operations, great emphasis needs to be placed on the

capability to manage value chain networks. These advances in the field of higher education

will most likely be replicated at other education levels as well, as a lot of pressures exist to

improve cost efficiency and at the same time ensure quality and accessibility of general

education, particularly in rural areas of Finland. Digitalization presents plenty of threats but

also opportunities for democratizing education even more than is currently the case. In terms


of effectiveness, networked operations will most likely be the future of higher education, but

also of other education sectors, too. This would mean that educational resources would be

designed and developed collaboratively in networks, which would be carefully built on specific

competences and would involve integration of resources. Through networking it is possible to

acquire capabilities and resources that would otherwise be unreachable. As such value chain

networks become more and more prevalent, related research is desperately needed in the higher

education context and in other education contexts as well.

Another interesting local action research initiative might focus on higher education in the city

region, and examine the possibility of creating a shared center of excellence for collaborative

research and development of future learning. The focus of this kind of initiative should be on

exploring different possible forms of organization, finding the best possible operational

structures, and identifying relevant services and related capability requirements. Such an

initiative should also investigate how to ensure flexibility, high quality, and continuous

development of learning, learning environments, innovative education technologies and related

knowledge. In addition, it should work out how to share and sell the acquired expertise

effectively and efficiently.



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APPENDIX 1 – VRIO-analysis interview themes

Tangible Resources



Capacity and capability to invest on learning environment

digitalization (physical)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Capacity and capability to invest on technology development

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:



Facilities (current facilities with regards to technology and physical

learning environment integration)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:



Learning environments and education technology (LMS, SoME,

CMS, videotech etc.)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

ICT-tools and systems (communication, administrative systems,

stability, security)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

IT-infrastructure (coherency of infrastructure, stability)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Intangible Resources



Experience and capabilities (current state; sufficiency with regards

to the development of e-learning)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Managerial skills (managers´ ability to recognize relevance for the

development, ability to promote the development, commitment to

shared goals, ability to plan human resource development, ability to

recruit in align with the strategy, interpersonal relationships between


o V, R, I, O


Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Motivation and attitudes (motivation for e-learning development and


o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Personal networks (personnel´s personal professional networks)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

R&D and innovation skills (capacity to make high quality

applications, creativeness, capacity to plan projects, capacity to

execute projects efficiently and disseminate the results in the


o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:


Incentives/incentive policies to promote development and


o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:


Brand (public status with regards to e-learning and flexible learning


o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Reputation among students for quality (status among the student

population with regards to flexible learning)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Reputation among partners (status with regards to digitalised

learning and teaching, pedagogy)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Reputation among customers

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:



Collaboration (cultural capacity to promote collaboration between

the academic staff, between the management and personnel, between

the academic staff and administrative staff)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Open sharing of knowledge and best practices (cultural capacity for

open sharing of experiences, best practices, knowledge, ideas etc.)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Trust (trust in personnel, autonomy, trust in management)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:


Operational networks for sharing and creating tangible goods, such

as courses and services, and knowledge (value, productivity,


o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Strategic partnerships (status of strategic partnerships; value,

productivity, benefits)

o V, R, I, O

Narrative TAMK:

Narrative Tampere 3:

Organizational processes, activities and steering mechanisms

Strategic management and planning process (influence on the development, explication

and communication of digitalization of education in the strategic level, understanding,

participation of personnel in the strategy process)

Quality assurance process (coverage of e-learning specific aspects, capability to produce

vital information, coverage of the QA throughout the institution)

Reporting (e-learning specific information, utility and reporting of the information,

accessibility of the information)

Research (impact, volume and quality of research related to the area)

Project portfolio management (capability for efficient and strategy based portfolio,

investment balance between administrative development and core function


Enterprise Architecture management (capability to utilize EA for e-learning

development, EA´s influence on development)

Production (efficiency to produce learning resources; modules, courses, content, even

degree programmes)

Systems administration and ICT-support (capacity, effectiveness, quality of service)

Human resource planning and recruitment (capability to integrate human resource

planning and development with strategic goals; connection to annual planning, status of


the recruitment process with regards to long term goals, development discussions and

their utility in providing information for development)

Personnel e-learning support and training (quality, versatility, efficiency, sufficiency)

Student involvement (utilization of students in e-learning development, within internal

projects and externally funded R&D projects)

Value Chain Management (capability and efficiency of VCM to create and sustain

strategically relevant networks for creation of learning resources, for shared ICT-


Policies (policies for development; how policies enable, promote and steer the

development; sufficiency)

Procurement management (procurement process´s efficiency and impact on the


Organizational Dynamic Capabilities

Capacity to combine, modify and expand tangible and intangible resources, using the

organization´s processes and capabilities to react to changes in the environment,

internal and external

Articles 1 and 2 aren’t published in TamPub. The fulltext version of the thesis can be seen as printed in Tampere university library.


Attachment 3

Article 3 (in Finnish)


Mielenkiintoinen näkökulma opiskelijoiden osallistamiseen on korkeakoulun toiminnan

kehittäminen ja se, miten opiskelijoita hyödynnetään muutoksen suunnittelijoina ja

toteuttajina. Osallistava ja aktivoiva oppiminen ja toisaalta osallistava organisaation

kehittäminen ovat toisiaan täydentäviä elementtejä opetussuunnitelmien operationalisoinnissa.

Korkeakouluorganisaation kehittämiseen osallistuminen tarjoaa aitoja työelämän

kehittämiskokemuksia, mahdollisuuden vaikuttaa muutoksen sekä kehittää kompetensseja,

joista on hyötyä opintojen jälkeenkin. Samalla korkeakouluorganisaatio hyötyy opiskelijoiden

osaamisesta ja panoksesta kehittämiseen. Erityisesti Iso-Britanniassa opiskelijoiden

osallistaminen korkeakouluorganisaation kehittämistoimintaan on ollut viime vuosina yhä

enemmän tutkittu ja keskustelua herättänyt aihe. Paikallisilla laadunvarmistusviranomaisilla

on ollut merkittävä rooli toimintatapojen ja -kulttuurien muutoksen käynnistämisessä.

Artikkelini keskittyy opiskelijan osallisuuteen ja osallistumiseen oman korkeakoulun

kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa avaan yhteen opiskelijoiden toteuttamaan

toimintatutkimukselliseen kehittämisprojektiin osallistuneiden opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä ja

kokemuksia oman korkeakoulunsa pedagogiseen kehittämiseen osallistumisesta. Kokemukset

jäsentyvät kesällä 2014 toteutuneen opiskelijavetoisen projektin ympärille. Tutkimuksen

kohderyhmä on varsin pieni, joten laajempia yleistyksiä artikkelissa esitettävien tulosten

pohjalta ei kannata tehdä. Tutkimus on pilotti, jota on jatkossa mahdollista ja mielekästä


Opiskelijat muutosagentteina

Opiskelijakokemuksen käsite (student experience, esim. Morgan, 2012) tulee usein esille

korkeakoulujen opiskelijalähtöisestä kehittämisestä puhuttaessa ja kirjoitettaessa. Käsite on

ollut viimeisten vuosien aikana runsaasti esillä, muun muassa korkeakoulujen opiskelijoille

tarjottavien tukipalveluiden laatua ja kehittämistä käsittelevässä tutkimuksessa ja

kirjallisuudessa. Erityisesti Iso-Britanniassa on tapahtunut selkeä paradigman muutos

korkeakoulujen laadun kehittämisessä opiskelijakokemusta ja opiskelijan asiakasroolia

korostaen. Korkeakoulujen välinen kilpailu opiskelijoista on keskeinen taustavaikuttaja

opiskelijakokemuksen painoarvon nousulle kehittämisessä. Iso-Britanniassa tähän on osaltaan

hyvin merkittävästi myötävaikuttanut kansallinen opiskelijakysely (National Student Survey),

jossa on selvitetty viimeisen vuoden korkeakouluopiskelijoiden kokemuksia korkeakoulunsa

toiminnasta lukuisilla eri osa-alueilla, kuten opetus, arvioinnit ja tarjolla oleva tuki (Douglas et

al. 2008, 20). Kyselyn tuloksilla on havaittu olevan vaikutusta opiskelijoiden valintapäätöksiin

tulevista korkeakouluistaan. Tässä artikkelissa esiteltävässä pilottitutkimuksessa tuodaan esille

opiskelijaryhmän kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä oman korkeakoulunsa kehittämisestä

asiantuntijan roolissa, eikä niinkään viitata opiskelijakokemukseen korkeakoulun toiminnasta.

Näillä kahdella näkökulmalla on kuitenkin yhteys: opiskelijan mahdollisuus olla osallinen

oman korkeakoulunsa kehittämiseen on yhtäältä myös mahdollisuus vaikuttaa

opiskelijakokemuksen parantamiseen.


Korkeakoulujen arviointineuvoston raportissa todetaan, että Suomessa opiskelijoiden

osallistaminen korkeakoulujen arviointeihin on ollut itsestäänselvyys, joka perustuu

opiskelijoiden vahvaan hallinnolliseen asemaan korkeakoulutoimijoina (Tuomi 2006, 3).

Opiskelijapalautteen keruu ja opiskelijoiden muodollinen edustus erilaisissa työryhmissä ja

päätöksenteossa ovat vakiintuneita käytäntöjä suomalaisella korkeakoulusektorilla (mt.).

Laadunhallinnassa opiskelijoiden palaute on merkittävä tietoresurssi kehittämisen tueksi.

Opiskelijoiden ääntä halutaan kuunnella, ja tällä on vaikutuksensa organisaation prosessien,

käytänteiden, opetusmenetelmien ja henkilöstön osaamisen kehittämiseen. Raportissa

(Alaniska 2006) tuodaan esille opiskelijoiden erilaisia rooleja korkeakoulun

laadunvarmistuksessa. Osallistava toimintatutkimuksellinen lähestymistapa oman

korkeakoulun kehittämiseen jää kuitenkin puuttumaan.

Osallistavalla toimintatutkimuksellisella lähestymistavalla tarkoitetaan tässä artikkelissa

opiskelijoiden suoraa osallistumista pedagogiseen kehittämiseen asiantuntijan ja tutkijan (vrt.

konsultti) roolissa. Voitaneen yleistäen todeta, että opiskelijoiden suora osallistaminen

konkreettiseen oman korkeakoulun kehittämiseen on varsin vähäistä. Opiskelijoille ei

välttämättä tarjota paljoakaan mahdollisuuksia toimia muutoksen agentteina, suunnittelijoina

ja toteuttajina. Tämä edellyttää ennen kaikkea kulttuurin ja toimintatapojen muuttamista,

kuten: 1) opintojen integroimista oman korkeakoulun tutkimukselliseen sisäiseen

kehittämiseen, 2) luottamuksen kasvattamista jaettuun (opiskelija)lähtöiseen asiantuntijuuteen

ja 3) ohjauksellisten resurssien saatavuuden varmistamisen.

Iso-Britanniassa opiskelijoiden osallistaminen niin korkeakoulun laadun arviointiin kuin

kehittämiseenkin on ollut ajankohtainen tutkimuksen ja keskustelun aihe viimeiset vuodet.

Bovill et al. (2011) kirjoittavat, että opiskelijoita ei osallisteta tarpeeksi opetusmenetelmiä,

kursseja ja opetussuunnitelmia suunniteltaessa. Opiskelijan oma kokemus opetuksesta ja

oppimisesta – opiskelijapalaute – on tärkeä tietoresurssi organisaation kehittämiselle.

Opiskelijapalautteen rinnalla olisi kuitenkin mielekästä tarjota opiskelijoilla suoria

vaikuttamisen mahdollisuuksia muutokseen, mikäli korkeakoulua halutaan aidosti luoda ja

kehittää opiskelijakeskeisesti ja yhdessä heidän kanssaan. Bovill et al. (2011) tutkivat ja

esittelevät artikkelissaan kolme erilaista lähestymistapaa opiskelijoiden osallistamiseen

opetuksen kehittämisessä, yhteensä neljässä erilaisessa korkeakoulussa Yhdysvalloissa,

Irlannissa ja Skotlannissa. Esimerkeissä opiskelijat toimivat konsultteina opetusmenetelmien

kehittämisessä, osallistuivat kurssien suunnitteluun ja olivat osallisina opetussuunnitelmien


University of Exeterissä (Iso-Britannia) tutkittiin opiskelijoiden osallistamista ja kehitettiin

toimintatutkimuksellinen opiskelijalähtöinen kehittämisen toimintamalli, joka mahdollistaa

opiskelijoiden suoran ja aktiivisen osallistumisen organisaation kehittämiseen asiantuntijoina

ja tutkijoina (action research initiative). Vaikka kyseissä yliopistossa opiskelijapalautteilla on

ollut tärkeä rooli ja opiskelijoiden kanssa on tehty yhteistyötä, puutteeksi tunnistettiin

opiskelijoiden suoran osallistamisen puuttuminen: opiskelijoille ei annettu riittävästi

mahdollisuuksia osallistua ja vaikuttaa muutoksen suunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen (Dunne

2011, 4 – 5). Dunne et al. (2011, 16 – 18) määrittelivät mallin, joka kuvaa opiskelijoiden

osallistumista muutokseen eri näkökulmista ja erilaisin painopistein (KUVIO 1.).


KUVIO 1. Opiskelijoiden roolit korkeakoulun kehittämisessä (Dunne et al. 2011, 17, suom.

Haukijärvi 2014).

Dunne et al. (2011) kehittämä malli jäsentää hyvin neljää opiskelijan osallistumisen

ulottuvuutta. Opiskelijoiden kokemukset ja palaute on tärkeä osa korkeakoulun toiminnan

arviointi. Palautetta kerätään myös korkeakoulun tukipalveluista, ei ainoastaan opinnoista.

Kokonaisvaltaisempi opiskelijan äänen kuuleminen ilmentää opiskelijakokemuksen

merkityksellisyyden tunnustamista korkeakoulun hallinnossa ja kokonaislaadun

kehittämisessä. Opiskelijoiden muodollinen osallistuminen päätöksentekoprosesseihin on

suomalaisella korkeakoulusektorilla vakiintunut toimintatapa. Kaksi opiskelijoiden

osallistamista painottavaa ulottuvuutta, opiskelijat muutosagentteina sekä opiskelijat

kumppaneina ja asiantuntijoina, ohjaavat tarkastelemaan korkeakoulun kehittämistä tuoreista


Dunne et al. (2011, 30–31) tunnistivat kahdeksan osa-aluetta, jotka vaikuttavat keskeisesti

onnistumiseen opiskelijavetoisessa ja -keskeisessä lähestymistavassa muutoksen suunnitteluun

ja toteuttamiseen: filosofia, rakenteet, rahoitus, tuki, osaaminen, kommunikaatio, kannustimet

ja pitkäjänteisyys.

Filosofian näkökulmasta keskeistä on asenteellinen muutos perinteisestä opiskelijoiden äänen

korostamisesta opiskelijat aktivoivaan ja osallistavaan toimintaan, jossa opiskelijat voivat olla

sekä päätöksentekijöitä että muutoksen ajureita. Taustalla on käsitys siitä, että opiskelijat

toimivat vastuullisesti ja kykenevät ottamaan vastuun kehittämisestä, organisaation

sitoutuminen evidenssiperustaiseen muutokseen sekä usko siihen, että muutos voidaan

Opiskelijat oman korkeakoulukokemuksena


Opiskelijat jakavat palautteita, näkökantoja ja mielipiteitä,

mitkä huomioidaan instituution tasolla. Palautetta

hyödynnetään evidenssiperustana kehittämiselle ja

muutokselle. Päätökset toimenpiteistä tehdään


Opiskelijat osallisina päätöksentekoprosesseissa

Opiskelijat osallistuvat institutionaaliseen päätöksentekoon,

vaikuttaakseen kehittämiseen ja muutokseen. Päätökset

toimenpiteistä tehdään yhteistyössä henkilöstön ja

opiskelijoiden kesken.

Opiskelijat kumppaneina ja asiantuntijoina

Opiskelijat ovat kumppaneita opetussuunnitelmien ja

osaamisen kehittämisessä. Päätökset toimenpiteistä tehdään

yleensä koulutusohjelma/-yksikkö-/instituutiotasolla.

Opiskelijat muutosagentteina

Opiskelijat ovat yhteistyökumppaneita pedagogisen tiedon

hankinnassa ja toiminnan kehittämisessä, tavoitteena luoda

muutos. Opiskelijat myötävaikuttavat päätöksiin

toimenpiteistä, joihin koulutusohjelma/-yksikkö/instituutio






Painopiste opiskelijan kuulemisessa

Painopiste opiskelijan osallistamisessa

Korkeakoulu muutoksen

ajurina Opiskelija muutoksen ajurina


toteuttaa inkrementaalisesti vaiheittain (mt., 30). Rakenteilla Dunne et al. (mt.) viittaavat muun

muassa aikaisempiin toimintatapoihin ja strategisiin päämääriin, joissa opiskelijoiden

näkökulma korostuvat. Esimerkiksi opetuksen kehittämistiimin ja opiskelijayhdistyksen

(Students´ Guild) välinen yhteistyö oli tiivistä, joka helpotti korkeakoulun kehittämisestä

kiinnostuneiden löytämisessä ja rekrytoinnissa. Lisäksi organisaation koulutusstrategiassa

opiskelijat olivat keskiössä, ja strategia tuki uudenlaisten lähestymistapojen soveltamista.

Rahoituksen avulla pilotille pystyttiin takaamaan riittävä tuki, ja se nähtiin myös organisaation

sitoutumisena asiaan. Rahoitus kohdentui muun muassa vasta valmistuneen

projektikoordinaattorin palkkaan sekä konferenssimatkoihin, joissa tarkoituksena oli uuden

tiedon hankkiminen kehittämisen tarpeisiin.

Asiantuntijuudella Dunne et al. (2011, 30) viittaavat opetuksen kehittämisen ammattilaisten

osaamiseen. Opiskelijat saivat tärkeää tukea työlleen näiltä asiantuntijoilta, joiden osaamista

olivat muun muassa muutosjohtaminen, strateginen suunnittelu ja pedagoginen tutkimus. Tuki

koettiin tärkeäksi motivaation ylläpitämiseksi, projektien etenemisen varmistamiseksi ja

oikeanlaisten menetelmien varmistamiseksi. Lisäksi opiskelijoille tarjottiin apua raporttien

kirjoittamiseen ja aineistojen analysointiin. Kannustimista tärkeimmäksi opiskelijat kokivat

mahdollisuuden tehdä yhteistyötä henkilöstön kanssa sekä osallistua päätöksentekoon

vertaisena ja asiantuntijana. Osalle erityisen merkityksellistä oli nähdä todellisen muutoksen

tapahtuvan heidän työnsä avulla, osaa motivoi asiaomistajuus, vastuu ja mahdollisuus

vaikuttamiseen, osaa osallistumisen ja asiantuntijuuden kehittymisen näkyminen

ansioluettelossa. Kommunikoinnissa tärkeintä on ollut projektin näkyvyyden varmistaminen ja

tulosten levittäminen. Projekteissa toteutettujen tapaustutkimusten avulla tutkimuslöydökset ja

niiden pohjalta tehdyt muutosehdotukset olivat formaaleja, joka koettiin tärkeäksi

evidenssiperusteisuutta korostavassa kehittämisessä, niin henkilöstön kuin opiskelijoiden

osalta. Pitkäjänteisyys konkretisoituu projektien toteutuksen kautta kehittämissuosituksina ja

toimenpidesuunnitelmina. Suuri osa projektien tuloksista on implementoitu käytäntöihin ja

niiden vaikuttavuutta arvioidaan suunnitelmallisesti. (mt., 31).

Opiskelijoiden suora osallistaminen kehittämiseen ei sinällään ole uusi toimintamalli:

esimerkiksi ammattikorkeakoulujen ulkoisesti rahoitetuissa TKI-hankkeissa opiskelijat ovat

tärkeä osaamisresurssi. On kuitenkin tarkoituksenmukaista erotella toisistaan

ammattikorkeakoulun yhden ydintehtävän (TKI) toteuttaminen yhdessä opiskelijoiden kanssa

sekä oman korkeakoulun toimintatutkimuksellinen opiskelijalähtöinen kehittämistyö, jossa

korostuu opiskelijalähtöisyyden syventäminen ja sitä kautta parantuneen

opiskelijakokemuksen tavoittelu.


Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulussa pedagogista kehittämistä ja pedagogiikan TKI-hankkeita,

toiminnanohjausta, laadunhallintaa, e-oppimisen kehittämistä ja ammatillista

opettajankoulutusta koordinoi kehittämisyksikkö. Kehittämisyksikössä on käynnistetty

opiskelijoiden living lab -toimintamalli, jonka tarkoituksena on tarjota opiskelijoille

mahdollisuus korkeakoulunsa kehittämiseen projektiluonteisuutta ja

toimintatutkimuksellisuutta korostaen. Ideologisena lähtökohtana on, että opiskelijat ovat

keskeinen asiantuntijaresurssi oman korkeakoulunsa kehittämiseen ja tätä kehittämistä tulee

tehdä yhdessä jaettuun johtajuuteen ja jaettuun asiantuntijuuteen perustuen. Kahden edellä

mainitun käsitteen tarkastelussa opiskelijoita ei rajata määrittelyn ulkopuolelle.


Pääosin kehittämisprojektit kohdentuvat pedagogisen kehittämisen alueelle, mutta

tarkoituksena on laajentaa toimintaa systemaattisesti myös muihin sisältöalueisiin, joilla on

yhteys sisäiseen kehittämiseen. Projekteissa opiskelijat tuottavat informaatiota, ratkaisumalleja

ja todellisia konstruktioita. Keskeiset toimintaa ohjaavat kontekstisidonnaiset viitekehykset

ovat: opetussuunnitelmaperiaatteet, koulutusohjelmien opetussuunnitelmat ja organisaation

strategia. Opetussuunnitelmaperiaatteissa määritellään kehys korkeakoulun pedagogiikalle:

asiantuntijuus rakentuu tietämisestä, tekemisestä ja olemisesta. Koulutusohjelmakohtaiset

opetussuunnitelmat toisaalta määrittelevät opiskelijan mahdolliset oppimispolkuvariaatiot ja

niiden sisällöt. On selvää, että kehittämisen – myös opiskelijakeskeisessä sisäisen kehittämisen

living labissa – tulee tukea organisaation strategisten päämäärien tavoittelua, projektien tulee

perustua työskentely- ja oppimismenetelmiin, jotka kehittävät tiedollisia ja taidollisia

valmiuksia sekä edistävät ammattimaista asiantuntijana ja työyhteisön jäsenenä olemista.

Yhteistyö koulutusohjelmien kanssa on ollut toiminnan kannalta keskeistä, niin

opiskelijaresurssin rekrytoinnissa kuin opintopistemäärittelyjen osalta. Opiskelijat kerryttävät

opintopisteitään projekteissa. Kesän 2014 aikana TAMK:n sisäisen kehittämisen living labissa

toteutettiin useita opiskelijavetoisia projekteja, joista yksi valittiin Case-projektiksi, johon

osallistuneiden opiskelijoiden kokemuksia tämän artikkelin käsittelemässä

pilottitutkimuksessa selvitettiin. Kaikki opiskelijaprojektit liittyivät opetuksen

toteutusmuotojen kehittämiseen ja olivat konteksteiltaan

uusien opetussuunnitelmien linjausten ja organisaation strategian mukaisia.


Tämän pilottitutkimuksen tavoitteena on herättää paikallisesti keskustelua siitä, millainen

vastuu ja rooli opiskelijoille voitaisiin antaa korkeakoulunsa kehittämisessä, korostaen

aktiivista osallistumista asiantuntijan ja kehittäjän roolissa, kuitenkaan unohtamatta perinteistä

opiskelijan ääntä korostavaa laadunhallinnallista näkökulmaa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on

avata opiskelijoiden kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä uudenlaisesta tavasta vaikuttaa ja osallistua

oman korkeakoulunsa kehittämiseen.

Koska tutkimus on luonteeltaan pilottitutkimus ja sen varsinainen kohderyhmä rajoittuu

ainoastaan kolmeen opiskelijaan, on tavoitteena ainoastaan löytää yhtymäkohtia edellä

esiteltyihin viitekehyksiin, erityisesti opiskelijat muutosagentteina -viitekehykseen, jossa

empiirinen asetelma on samankaltainen tämän pilottitutkimuksen tausta-asetelman kanssa.

Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittava ilmiö rajautuu opiskelijoiden osallistamiseen asiantuntijoina

organisaation kehittämistyöhön ja erityisesti heidän kokemuksiinsa siitä verrattuna

perinteiseen opiskelijan ääntä korostavaan toimintamalliin.

Opiskelijoiden toteuttaman projektin pääpiirteet esitellään seuraavaksi, jotta lukijalle

muodostuisi käsitys opiskelijaprojektin toiminnan luonteesta, tavoitteista ja toteutuksesta.

Tämä on merkityksellistä arvioitaessa artikkelin käsittelemän pilottitutkimuksen tuloksien

validiteettia ja suhdetta tutkittavan ilmiön ja tutkimuskysymysten välillä.

Opiskelijaprojektin kuvaus


Opiskelijaprojektin tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa kolmen suurimman MOOC-palveluntarjoajan

kurssitarjontaa suhteessa kahden TAMK:n englanninkielisen koulutusohjelman

opetussuunnitelmiin sekä selvittää TAMK:n englanninkielisissä koulutusohjelmissa

opiskelevien opiskelijoiden käsityksiä, näkemyksiä, toiveita ja epäilyksiä verkko-opetukseen

ja erityisesti MOOC’ien systemaattiseen hyödyntämiseen liittyen. Opiskelijat toimivat

itsenäisesti ryhmänä, vastaten itse muun muassa ryhmän jäsenten vastuunjaoista, kuten

projektipäällikkyydestä. Projekti toteutettiin osana opetussuunnitelman kuuluvia opintoja, eli

opiskelijat saivat tehdystä työstä opintopisteet, joiden määrään vaikutti tehdyt työmäärät.

Selvityksen pohjalta opiskelijoiden tehtävänä oli luoda toiminnan kehittämisehdotuksia, jotka

sisältyivät luovutettavaan projektiraporttiin ja jotka esiteltiin projektin päätöstilaisuudessa,

johon osallistui korkeakouluorganisaation kehittämisestä ja opetuksesta vastaavia

asiantuntijoita. Raportti ja tulokset ylittivät tilaajan odotukset. Tuotokset on jaettu laajemmalle

asiantuntijajoukolle ja tulokset tullaan esittelemään myös korkeakouluorganisaation

johtoryhmätasolla. Tutkimusprojektia tullaan jatkamaan ammatillisen opettajankoulutuksen

opiskelijaryhmän toimesta, tavoitteena syventää ja laajentaa ilmiön tutkimusta yhteistyössä

kehittämisyksikön asiantuntijoiden kanssa.

Tutkimuskysymykset ja aineistonkeruu

Aineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelussa, joka toteutettiin living lab -projektin päätyttyä.

Haastattelu kesti noin 40 minuuttia, ja se nauhoitettiin kokonaisuudessaan. Kohderyhmä

koostui kolmesta sisäisen kehittämisen living lab -projektiin osallistuneesta International

Business -koulutusohjelman opiskelijasta, jotka olivat opinnoissaan 3. ja 4. vuoden

opiskelijoita. Kyseiset opiskelijat valikoituvat kohderyhmäksi, koska heidän toteuttamansa

living lab -projekti sopi teemaltaan parhaiten organisaatiossa ajankohtaiseen

opetussuunnitelmauudistuksen yhteenvetoon, johon liittyvänä toimeksiantona myös tämä

artikkeli kirjoitettiin. Opiskelijoilla ei ollut aikaisempaa kokemusta korkeakoulunsa sisäisen

kehittämisen living lab -projekteista. Kokemukset opiskelijan osallistamisesta kehittämiseen

rajautuivat perinteisiin laadunhallinnan institutionalisoituneisiin toimintakäytänteisiin, kuten

opintojaksopalautteisiin. Haastattelun teemoitus rakentui alla olevien tutkimuskysymysten


1. Millaista lisäarvoa sisäisen kehittämisen opiskelijalähtöinen toimintamalli tuottaa

opiskelijalle ja millaisena toimintamalli ja sen merkitys koetaan verrattuna perinteiseen

opiskelijan ääntä korostavaan toimintamalliin?

2. Millaiset kannustimet motivoivat osallistumaan projekteihin ja suoriutumaan niistä


Aineiston analysointi ja tulokset

Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin teemoittelemalla litteroitu aineisto. Analyysissä pääteemoja

tunnistettiin yhteensä kolme: 1) opiskelijan ääni vs. opiskelijat muutosagentteina, 2)

kannustimet ja 3) onnistumisen edellytykset ja haasteet. Pääteema 3. nousi esiin vasta aineiston

analyysivaiheessa: teemaa ei määritelty tutkimuskysymysten määrittelyvaiheessa eikä

haastattelun teeman suunnittelussa. Taulukossa 1 yhteenveto aineiston lopullisesta



TAULUKKO 1. Aineiston teemoittelu.

Pääteemat Alateemat

1. Opiskelijan ääni vs. opiskelijat muutosagentteina 1.1 Avoimuus ja läpinäkyvyys

1.2 Merkitys

1.3 Vaikuttavuus

2. Kannustimet 2.1 Palkitseminen

2.2 Aineettomat hyödyt

3. Onnistumisen edellytykset ja haasteet

3.1 Tuki ja ohjaus

3.2 Luottamus ja vastuullisuus

Seuraavissa kappaleissa käydään tarkemmin läpi näitä teemoja opiskelijoiden

haastattelusitaattien avulla.

1. Opiskelijan ääni vs. opiskelijat muutosagentteina

Molempien toimintamallien tarkoituksena on kehittää korkeakoulun toimintaa

laadukkaammaksi, ja ne täydentävät toisiaan. Koska tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää

opiskelijoiden mahdollisesti saamaa lisäarvoa toimintatutkimuksellisesta mallista, oli

tarkoituksenmukaista, että näiden kahden eri toimintamallin välisiä eroja tarkasteltiin


1.1 Avoimuus ja läpinäkyvyys

Opiskelijat kritisoivat opiskelijan ääntä korostavan perinteisen opintojaksopalautteen

avoimuutta ja läpinäkyvyyttä. Palautteen vaikuttavuuden läpinäkyvyys oli seikka, joka koettiin

ongelmalliseksi. Kommenteissa ilmeni epävarmuutta ja epätietoisuutta siitä, mikä oman

palautteen merkitys ja vaikuttavuus todellisuudessa on.

“…I don’t really know if the teacher is looking at the feedback… I don’t know

what my feedback is going to do…”

Sisäisen kehittämisen living lab -toimintamalli koettiin mielekkäämpänä tästä näkökulmasta,

koska siinä lähtökohtaisesti työn tilaajat ovat aidosti motivoituneita saamaan kehittämiselle

pohjatietoa opiskelijoilta.

“…the projects I do, the reports I write and presentations that I give, I know the

people who are involved in the change, are there for my presentation, are going

to read my report – at least the abstract. So I know there is going to be something,

based on my work…”

1.2 Vaikuttavuus


Opiskelijoiden kommenteissa tuli esille toimintatutkimuksellisen osallistavan toimintamallin

vaikuttavuuden potentiaalinen laajuus. Koska living lab:n tehtävänä on tuottaa tietoa, malleja

ja konstruktioita, jotka hyödyttävät koko korkeakouluorganisaatiota, on luontevaa, että

toteutetuilla projekteilla tuetaan koko organisaation läpäiseviä muutoksia. Opiskelijat

arvostivat myös mahdollisuutta saada todellisia kokemuksia organisaation kehittämisestä, ja

ymmärrystä toimintaprosesseista, jotka vaikuttavat korkeakouluorganisaation kehittämiseen.

“You also can think of broader spectrum of studies. Like here with our project of

MOOCs, they can be implemented in like in like every degree programme.”

“…students can get real life experience…the whole business process in action,

and it could be very valuable to see how it works, instead of some theory studies.”

Opiskelijan ääntä korostuvan opintojaksopalautteen ongelmaksi opiskelijat kokivat

vaikuttavuuden pienen mittakaavaan verrattuna toimintatutkimukselliseen osallistavaan

toimintamalliin. Aikaisempien kokemusten perusteella opintojaksoille tehdyt muutokset ovat

olleet hyvin pieniä, eikä merkittäviä muutoksia, kuten tavoitteiden muuttaminen tai koko

metodisen lähestymistavan muuttaminen ole juuri tehty. Toisaalta toimintatutkimuksellisen

osallistavan mallin vahvuudeksi koettiin, että siinä opiskelijat voivat itse olla muuttamassa

lähestymistapoja opetukseen laaja-alaisestikin.

“…giving feedback of a course, is being subjective to this one teacher, this one

course. We can´t speak about the whole business studies at the same time.”

“When you have a traditional feedback system, the changes that they do

afterwards are quite small. They don’t change the whole objectives and study

implementations. And here WE can actually change the methods of teaching.”

Yhteenveto pääteemasta 1

Tämän pääteeman osalta yhtymäkohdat Dunne et al. (2011) työhön liittyvät pääasiassa heidän

esittelemäänsä viitekehykseen – opiskelijat muutosagentteina. Perinteisen toimintamallin ja

opiskelijat muutosagentteina -toimintamallin välinen vertailu oli tässä tutkimuksessa ja sen

pääteemassa 1. keskiössä.

2. Kannustimet ja merkitys

Kannustinten osalta oli tarkoituksena ensisijaisesti selvittää rahallisen kompensaation ja

opintopisteiden merkitystä motivaatiotekijänä osallistumiselle. Aineistosta nousi kuitenkin

esille myös muita hyötyjä, jotka opiskelijat kokivat motivaation myönteisesti vaikuttavina, niin

projektiin osallistumiselle kuin projektissa suoriutumiselle.

2.1 Rahallinen palkitseminen


Opiskelijat kokivat rahallisen palkkion olevan ennen kaikkea osoitus siitä, että

korkeakouluorganisaatio arvostaa heidän osaamistaan, ja toisaalta osoittaa, että kyseessä on

organisaation kannalta relevantti toimeksianto, jolta edellytetään tuloksia.

”…Tamk is investing on me, it makes me feel like Tamk is taking me seriously.”

“…it´s not just another research using students’ voice, but also shows that Tamk

actually cares about these subjects we are researching.”

Haasteena nykytilanteessa on, että opiskelijoiden rahallisiin kannustimiin on varsin niukat

resurssit. Tärkeää olisi kyetä palkitsemaan opiskelijaryhmiä hyvästä työstä, ja toisaalta

palkkiomahdollisuus helpottaisi myös opiskelijoiden rekrytointia living lab:n projekteihin.

2.2 Aineettomat hyödyt

Tässä alateemassa keskeiseksi motivaatiotekijäksi nousi osallistumisen merkitys ammatilliseen

kehittymiseen ja ansioituneisuuteen asiantuntijana ja kehittäjänä. Opintopisteiden merkitys jäi

ennakko-odotuksia vähäisemmäksi. Työn edetessä havaittiin, että osallistuminen tarjoaa

sellaisia aineettomia hyötyjä, joita ei alkuvaiheessa välttämättä osattu ennakoida. Tämä on

rohkaisevaa toimintamallin ylläpitäjille ja kehittäjille, sillä keskeisenä tavoitteena sisäisen

kehittämisen living lab -projekteissa on ollut tukea opetussuunnitelmaperiaatteiden mukaista

ammattilaisuuden kehittymistä osana korkeakouluorganisaation kehittämistä. Opintopisteiden

merkitystä ei kuitenkaan ole syytä väheksyä, vaikka niiden rooli aineistossa jäikin vähäiseksi,

sillä toimintamallin onnistuminen on riippuvainen siitä, miten se pystytään integroimaan osaksi

eri koulutusohjelmien opetussuunnitelmien toteuttamista.

“I´m not so much after the credits…for me, it is interesting to see how the results

will be implemented in the future. And if they did, say in our case, implement the

moocs, that is huge promotion to me.”

“…the value for the students is even greater if Tamk implements the

change…then I could link them to my CV.”

“And when the work is implemented, I can tell my future employers that I had an

important role in changing my educational institution.”

Opiskelijat kokivat tyytyväisyyttä, vastuullisuutta ja ylpeyden tunnetta osallisuudestaan

kehittämiseen. Toisaalta samalla negatiivisena asiana koettiin, että suunnitellut muutokset

konkretisoituvat hitaasti, jolloin osallistujat eivät välttämättä pääse itse hyötymään niistä. Tästä

huolimatta tulevaisuuden opiskelijoiden mahdollisesti saama hyöty muutoksista koettiin


“It is important to be able to be part of this kind of projects that help change the

direction my educational institution is going…it will give me satisfaction as a

student that I was part of change that I wanted in my institution...”

“…makes me proud makes me happy but kind of makes me sad cause I couldn’t

get the better education institution, the future generation will get the better


institution that I wanted…not going to see any of those changes because it’s a

long process…“

“I think it is also a great responsibility to represent the students.”

Yhtenä konkreettisena etuna toimintamallissa koettiin todellinen mahdollisuus kehittää

opiskelijan omaa ymmärrystä korkeakoulun toiminnasta ja pedagogisesta kehittämisestä, ja

toisaalta henkilöstön ymmärrystä opiskelijoiden toiveista, tarpeista ja näkökulmista. Työllä

koettiin olevan mahdollista vaikuttaa opiskelijoiden ja henkilöstön asenteisiin, ja että

vuorovaikutuksella on mahdollista luoda jaettua ymmärrystä käsiteltävistä asioista ja


“…students´ attitudes can be changed by staff and staff attitudes can be changed

by students…Both of them could see the other point of view and probably

understand it better.”

Yhteenveto pääteemasta 2

Analyysin perusteella voidaan todeta, että tutkimusryhmä koki tärkeinä kannustimina

samankaltaisia asioita, joita Dunne et al. (2011) tekemässä tutkimuksessa tuotiin esille. Joskin

rahallinen kannustin sai tässä tutkimuksessa merkittävämmän roolin aineistossa motivaation

lähteenä. Tähän varmasti osaltaan vaikutti, että tutkittavilta kysyttiin myös rahallisen

kannustimen merkitystä motivaatiotekijänä. Tutkimusten yhtymäkohtana ovat opiskelijoiden

kokemat hyödyt osallisuudesta todellisen muutoksen toteuttamiseen asiantuntijan roolissa.

Tutkimuksen aineistossa on selkeä yhtymäkohta Dunne et al (2011) esittelemään

menestystekijään ”Kannustimet”, sillä aineistosta tulee esille toimintamallin merkityksellisyys

muutokseen vaikuttamisen näkökulmasta. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että vaikuttamisen

mahdollisuudet ja vaikuttavuuden potentiaali koetaan tärkeiksi motivaatiotekijöiksi.

3. Projekteissa onnistumisen edellytykset ja haasteet

Aineistosta nousi esille opiskelijoiden välisen luottamuksen ja vastuullisuuden sekä

organisaation asiantuntijoilta saatavan tuen ja ohjauksen merkityksellisyys.

3.1 Tuki ja ohjaus

Tärkeäksi onnistumisen menestystekijäksi koettiin riittävä ohjaus, jolla varmistettaisiin, että

projektien tavoitteet ja tarkoitus on linjassa organisaation tavoitteiden kanssa. Riskiksi

volyymin mahdollisesti kasvaessa tunnistettiin, että useiden opiskelijaryhmien ohjaus ja työn

laadunhallinta olisi haasteellista, ja että ilman aktiivista ohjausta opiskelijoiden toimintaan

saattaisi vaikuttaa asenteellisuus ja puolueellisuus, jolloin työn tulosten hyödynnettävyys


“…if students have these projects in their curriculum, we probably need a lot of

projects…it´s hard to maintain their quality. And probably not even the quality

but the value itself.”


“…if we have too many students doing too many things with change…the

likeminded students focus on what they want to change…people who have a

different opinion will go to different directions. If the researchers are biased, they

will do research that is biased.”

“…it´s going to be difficult for the administration to decide what changes are


Living lab -projektien operatiivisen toteuttamisen aikana tärkeää on opiskelijoiden

vuorovaikutus työn tilaajan kanssa. Tältä osin systemaattinen tapaamiskäytäntö tukee edelläkin

mainittua projektien ohjausta alun perin määriteltyyn tavoitteeseen. Lisäksi tavoitteen,

tarkoituksen ja työn etenemisvaiheiden määrittely tunnistettiin tärkeiksi onnistumisen


“…could be helpful to schedule more meetings with the customer.”

“…we had quite a clear definition and objectives, so we didn’t need so much


3.2 Luottamus ja vastuullisuus

Tutkimuksen kannalta mielenkiintoisena ja varsin relevanttina ilmiönä voidaan pitää

opiskelijoiden keskinäisen luottamuksen merkitystä. Ryhmän kommenteissa tuli esille

vastuullisuuteen liittyviä riskitekijöitä: opiskelijat pitivät mahdollisena, että osa osallistuvista

opiskelijoista ei sitoudu työhön. Tämä korostuu erityisesti alla olevissa kommenteissa, joissa

analysoidaan kyseistä ilmiötä, mutta toisaalta mainitaan, että enemmistö opiskelijoista

kuitenkin tekee parhaansa ja ajattelee etuaan pitkällä aikajänteellä.

“…if you are going to take the easy way out in these projects, you are probably

going to take the easy way out in the work life as well.”

“But I guess that is what you get when you take on students…there are going to

be some bad apples. Majority of the students in this level is like thinking about

their work life, work experience they are going to have in the future, they are

probably going to work hard and try their best to get the results.”

Haastateltavien kesken oli näkemyseroja siitä, onko projekteissa mahdollista välttää tehtäviä

ja suoriutua helpolla.

”…they could make it easy and everyone could suffer in the end.”

“I don’t think they could make it easy, like after 3 months of research, someone

is going to see the results, someone is going to see the results and see if work

done was enough or not.”

Kommenteissa ilmeni myös epäuskoa siihen, että korkeakoulun asiantuntijat todella

hyödyntäisivät työn tuloksia: opiskelijat olivat olleet työn toimeksiantovaiheessa skeptisiä

oman työnsä tulevien tulosten merkityksestä ja tulosten hyödyntämisestä organisaation



“…you don’t really expect, at least I didn’t, that you would use our materials,

that we would do the work and you would use it.”

Toisaalta skeptisyys katosi, kun opiskelijat huomasivat, että heidän työnsä tuloksista oltiin

aidosti kiinnostuneita ja he pääsivät vuoropuheluun korkeakouluorganisaation asiantuntijoiden

kanssa kehittämisen tulevaisuudesta.

Yhteenveto pääteemasta 3

Edellä analysoidut tulokset ovat osin samansuuntaisia Dunne et al. (2011) esittämien tulosten

kanssa asiantuntijuuteen, tukeen ja ohjaukseen liittyen. Aineistossa ei tosin tullut esille

metodisen tuen (tutkimusmenetelmät) merkittävyyttä onnistumisen edellytyksenä, kuten

Dunne et al. (2011) esittelemissä tuloksissa. Ylipäätään organisaation asiantuntijoiden rooli jäi

tässä tutkimuksessa ja aineistossa vähäiseksi. Tämä johtunee siitä, että

haastattelusuunnitelmassa ja -teemoittelussa ei ollut tarkoituksena löytää tietoa kyseiseen

teemaan liittyen. Aineistosta on kuitenkin tulkittavissa, että organisaation täytyy kyetä

hallitsemaan ja ohjaamaan projekteja oikeaan suuntaan, ja että projektin aikana vuorovaikutus

organisaation asiantuntijan kanssa on hyödyllistä. Tämä tukee Dunne et al. (2011) esittämiä



Opiskelijoiden ääntä korostavat perinteiset toimintamallit ovat vakiintuneet suomalaiselle

korkeakoulusektorille. Opiskelijat muutosagentteina -näkökulma tarjoaa kuitenkin perinteisiä

toimintamalleja täydentävän lähestymistavan korkeakoulun kehittämiseen, painottaen

opiskelijan suoraa osallistamista muutoksen suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen sekä korostaen

opiskelijoiden roolia muutoksen ajureina (vrt. Kuvio 1.). Tämän pilottitutkimuksen taustalla

on pyrkimys edistää opiskelijoiden osallistamista sisäiseen kehittämiseen, ja integroida living

lab -toimintamallia kiinteäksi osaksi opetussuunnitelmien toteuttamista.

Tutkimuksen tuloksilla on yhtymäkohtia ja yhtäläisyyksiä Dunne et al. (2011) esittelemän

viitekehyksen ja heidän esittelemiensä tulosten – onnistumisen edellytykset – kanssa.

Mainittakoon, että tässä tutkimuksessa keskityttiin vain osaan sellaisia osa-alueita, jotka Dunne

et al. (2011) toivat esille omassa työssään. Tämän pilottitutkimuksen perusteella voidaan tehdä

vain olettamuksia sisäisen kehittämisen living lab -toimintamallin merkityksestä ja

hyödyllisyydestä laajemmalle opiskelijajoukolle osana opintojen toteuttamista ja osana

korkeakoulun kehittämistä, olivat kyseessä sitten hallinnolliset prosessit, henkilöstön

osaaminen, käytettävät teknologiat, kurssien kehittäminen tai opetussuunnitelmien

toteutustavat. Tulokset ovat siis suuntaa antavia, mutta auttanevat ja rohkaisevat toimintamallin

ylläpitäjiä ja kehittäjiä jatkamaan työtään opiskelijoiden osallistamisen edistämiseksi.

Keskeistä on edistää aktiivista vuorovaikutusta opiskelijoiden kanssa, tukea heitä projekteissa,

tarjota mielekkäitä kannustimia, kehittää toiminnan läpinäkyvyyttä ja tarjota toiminnallisia

mahdollisuuksia vaikuttaa suuntaan, johon korkeakoulu kehittyy. Tulosten perusteella

opiskelijat arvostavat ennen kaikkea oman työn vaikuttavuutta ja merkityksen tunnustamista ja

ovat motivoituneita toimimaan muutosagentteina, kunhan riittävät tukimekanismit ovat

saatavilla ja kuormitus on tasapainossa hyötyjen ja kannustimien kanssa. Pilottitutkimus antaa

viitteitä myös siitä, että toimintatutkimuksellinen living lab:n osallistava toimintatapa koetaan


merkityksellisemmäksi kuin perinteinen opiskelijan ääntä korostava toimintatapa, kuten

opintojaksopalautteet. Olennaista on, että opiskelijat voivat luottaa ja todeta panoksellaan

olevan konkreettista merkitystä, muuten kokemus jää negatiiviseksi, oli kyseessä kumpi

toimintatapa tahansa. Opiskelijoille näyttäisi olevan merkityksellistä todentaa oman työn

vaikuttavuus korkeakoulussaan. Tulosten perusteella keskeinen motivaatiotekijä on oman

ammattilaisuuden kehittyminen ja työn vaikutusten potentiaalinen kattavuus ja

realisoituminen. Onnistumisen kannalta keskeistä on riittävä tuen, kuormittavuuden ja

kannustimien tasapaino sekä opiskelijoidenvälinen ja opiskelijoiden ja henkilöstön välinen


Tulevaisuutta ajatellen on toivottavaa, että rakenteita ja toimintakulttuuria luodaan,

ylläpidetään ja kehitetään sellaiseksi, että opetussuunnitelmien toteutus ja sisäisen kehittämisen

living lab -toiminta olisivat mahdollisimman vahvasti integroituja. Sisäisen kehittämisen living

lab:n tulisi olla institutionalisoitunut osa koulutusohjelmien opetussuunnitelmia. Volyymin

kasvaessa syntyy kuitenkin myös paineita toimintamallin skaalautuvuudelle, jolloin muun

muassa henkilöstöresursointiin ja palkitsemiseen liittyviä haasteita pitäisi pystyä ratkaisemaan.



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