Strategic planning group1

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Strategic planning group1


Strategic planning

Koy kimnget Mon chanchivonn

Components of strategic planning• Plan development

– Is the most important part, once the plan is well developed it make the execution runs easier to achieve what we want. Include clear vision mission and goal.

• Plan executionthe plan is put into action through the allocation of resources

– Projects: The projects serve as blueprints for converting objectives into realities – Procedures: Procedures are the specific sequence of tasks required to complete

the projects. – Budgets: The budgets should be prepared to fund projects. The projects should

not budget driven, these should be strategic driven.

• Plan review– To improve the plan and ensure its execution and make sure the goal is

reached , this can be done through surveys, management review conferences, or discussions at meetings

Components of Strategic planning

Strategic planning in Educational planning

• Sector analysis• Policy Formulation • Selection of key plan objectives and priority areas • Design of priority programs • Preparation of the cost and financing framework • Design of the monitoring and review system • Writing up of the draft plan • Revision of the draft plan and official approval of

final plan document

Sector Analysis : Sector analysis consists of conducting data collection on and critical analysis of the aspects relating to the education sector.Policy Formulation : Must do in Careful (and critical) analysis of the educational system undertaken during the sector analysis leads to questions about what the education sector order to address the major issues, challenges and opportunities.Selection of key plan objectives and priority areas : Action planning is a process whereby one translates the policy statements (options and strategies) into executable, measurable and accountable actions.Design of Priority Programs :This phase is intimately linked to Phases 1 and 2. The identification of the main challenges resulting from the situation analysis, together with the broad policy orientations retained, will serve as the basis for setting the main plan objectives and targets and for selecting the priority programs.Preparation of the cost and financing framework : Once the plan objectives and priority action areas have been fixed, specific priority programs will have to be designed for reaching the objectives, with indication of precise targets, of the key activities to be completed, of the corresponding time lines, and of the units responsible for each activity. This phase is generally the most time consuming.

Design of the monitoring and review system: This will involve a final feasibility testing of the plan objectives. The cost and financing framework should be prepared in close cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and

the Ministry of Planning. Writing up the draft plan :The different sections of the draft plan will have been produced during each of the previous phases. During this phase, the different sections will have to be brought together in one coherent document. Revision of the draft plan and official approval of final plan document :The revision of the draft plan should take into account the comments and suggestions collected from the different stakeholders. The revised plan document will then be transmitted to the Steering Committee for its appraisal and recommendation to the Minister for its official approval

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