Storyboard · Storyboard Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful...

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Transcript of Storyboard · Storyboard Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful...


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #: 1 Scene: 1 Slide # 1

Information: Mission: Possible

(Theme song plays)


Developer Notes: Theme song plays

Narration: NA

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:1 Slide #2

Information: Explanation or production directions for what needs to happen goes here


Developer Notes:

Narration: It’s a typical day in the offices of Royal Industries. Jackie Phelps proceeds through her daily routine of conference

calls, emails and inputting data in her spreadsheets.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #: 1 Scene:1 Slide # 3



Developer Notes:

Narration: All of a sudden a silhouetted face of man appears on her computer screen.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:1 Slide #4



Developer Notes:

Narration: “Good morning, Ms. Phelps. It appears that the CEO from Royal Industries has been kidnapped by Ogre Corporation

and taken to a warehouse owned by Seedy Industries where they intend to interrogate him to find out what is making

his company so profitable. Unfortunately, our sources do not know the location of the warehouse they are holding

him in. You must not let anyone outside of the company know this is taking place or stockholders will panic and our

stock will crash.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:1 Slide #5



Developer Notes:

Narration: Your mission, should you decide to except it, is to bring together a team of people you can trust that will assist you in

locating and retrieving the CEO. Use whatever skills you feel is necessary to get the CEO back safely.

This computer screen will self-destruct in 10 seconds. Good luck!”

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:1 Slide #6


Action/Direction: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Developer Notes: Count down function using animation or javascript, sound effects of sizzling and popping

Narration: Jackie watches at her computer monitor spews out smoke and sparks and then goes blank.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:1 Slide #7

Information: Will need a woman to play Jackie’s voice


Sizzle, pop

Developer Notes:

Narration: “Wish he hadn’t done that!!” she says out loud.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:1 Slide #8



Developer Notes:

Narration: Jackie realizes that this mission could be very dangerous. She has to pick people she can trust with her life. That’s

not going to be easy.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:2 Slide #9



Developer Notes:

Narration: She needs your help!! Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to help Jackie build an effective team; one that

she can trust with her life as this mission could be extremely dangerous.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:2 Slide #10



Developer Notes:

Narration: Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to build an effective team, or develop more trust within a team?

Do you already have some knowledge of team building or team creation?


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:2 Slide #11



Developer Notes:

Narration: Here is some background information you will need in order to help Jackie pick her team.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:3 Slide #12



Developer Notes:

Narration: Each time a new team is formed, the team leader (and each member!) has a short window of opportunity to make a

first impression and establish credibility around his or her desire to create an environment that engenders TRUST.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:3 Slide #13



Developer Notes:

Narration: Building trust on a team is an important component of high functioning teams and is an essential skill of great



Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:3 Slide #14



Developer Notes:

Narration: Words matter. Actions resonate. Trust is built through the experience of both, when words and actions align.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:4 Slide #15



Developer Notes:

Narration: There are two roles that the gifted Team Leader adopts early on to engender a trusting environment:

Practical Visionary and Coach

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:4 Slide #16



Developer Notes:

Narration: Leader as Practical Visionary

Where Are We Heading?

Most leaders believe they have articulated a vision - that Big Picture event or set of outcomes that will lead the team

and the organization to massive success.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:4 Slide #17



Developer Notes:

Narration: Most team members will say, yes, I see that's your vision.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:4 Slide #18



Developer Notes:

Narration: The leader should ask him or herself; does the team member see how he can participate, how he can contribute, and

why he should want to contribute? What is the connection between that Vision and the set of values the team member

has? How can she make that Vision her own?


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:4 Slide #19



Developer Notes:

Narration: The practical part of visioning is literally drawing a picture in which team members can see themselves as active

participants. What can they do to help draw that picture?

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:4 Slide #20



Developer Notes:

Narration: Leader as Coach

The best way to encourage team members to play their part well, to participate in solution finding, to take

accountability, and to stretch themselves toward greater leadership is to coach them.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:4 Slide #21



Developer Notes:

Narration: In a coaching role, the Team Leader asks a series of open ended questions which encourages insight and observation

from the Team member, then invites him or her to come up with solutions and ideas for next steps.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:4 Slide #22



Developer Notes:

Narration: A Team Leader effectively handles this with both informal and formal conversations seeking members’ reflections

on a meeting just held, or asking what they are grappling with today. Then he listens. He doesn’t jump straight into

problem solving. He encourages reflection, asking what solutions they have in mind, and how they might go about

sharing their insights with others. The foundation of trust can be built in these one-on-one conversations.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:5 Slide #23



Developer Notes:

Narration: Great bosses know it’s important to build trust in organizations. But managers can’t simply mandate it. It must be a

choice. But leaders can create an atmosphere where the choosing comes easily. The following tips by Jill Geisler can

help team leaders continue to build trust.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:5 Slide #24

Information: Create slides that show these points.

Action/Direction: 1. Know each other as people, not just professionals. We’re all so much more than our job

titles; we have stories that connect us.

2. Talk about values early and often, but don’t lecture from on high. Just share yours, listen to

others, and walk your talk.

3. When you create rules, connect them to values. When guidelines support beliefs that people

share, they’re more likely to respect them.

4. Respond to disappointments, misunderstandings and honest mistakes constructively, not

vindictively. Start with an assumption that the other person has positive intentions.

5. Recognize that teams are stronger when people bring diverse skills, experiences and

viewpoints. A team of clones is a closed club with limited potential.

6. Respect and encourage thoughtful, civil debate. Give greater credence to those who “show

their math” rather than just shooting off their mouths.

7. Provide ongoing and useful feedback so people never wonder where they stand with you or

their co-workers. Uncertainty feeds fear. Fear erodes trust.

8. Work — and PLAY — well together. Play is an antidote to tension, a vitamin for creativity,

and an opportunity to make a memory.

Developer Notes:

Narration: Above content


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:6 Slide #25



Developer Notes:

Narration: With these tips under your belt, you can now help Jackie make the right decisions in what she should do.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:6 Slide #26


Action/Direction: What should she do first? Choose the appropriate response.

A. Walk away from the office and pretend she knows nothing.

If user selects “yes” - Not a good choice. The CEO needs help. You can’t just leave

him in that warehouse! Go back and try again.

If user selects “no” - Good choice. The CEO needs help.

Developer Notes:

Narration: NA

Yes No


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:6 Slide #27


Action/Direction: What should she do next? Choose the appropriate response.

B. Come up with a plan or a vision of what she needs to accomplish?

If user selects “yes” - Good choice. In order for her to be successful in this mission, it

is important for her to have a vision. As she assembles her team, she will need to

communicate the Big Picture or set of outcomes that will lead the team and the

organization to success.

If user selects “no” - Not a good choice. She’s going to need a plan in order to rescue

the CEO. Go back and try again.

Developer Notes:

Narration: NA

Yes No


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:7 Slide #28



Developer Notes:

Narration: On a piece of paper, she jots down the information that she knows. She hasn’t figured out, quite yet, how she is going

to accomplish this mission, but she hopes that her team will help her figure out how to get the job done.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:7 Slide #29



Developer Notes:

Narration: Jackie knows that she needs to assemble a high functioning team, one where she can quickly build trust between

herself and the members.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:7 Slide #30



Developer Notes:

Narration: Any team can have access to the best tools, most productive processes and the biggest bank account. None of this

will produce results unless you have people. The research has been done and the results are clear. People engaged in

a common goal will trump advantages in resources, processes, and capital.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:8 Slide #32



a. Create a plan of for action to achieve the goal

Yes - Good choice! Every mission needs a plan

No - Bad Idea! Every mission needs a plan

Yes No

Developer Notes:


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:8 Slide #33



b. Run out in the street screaming “Help!”

Yes - This might alert the press and scare the stockholders.

No - Good choice

Yes No

Developer Notes:


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:8 Slide #34



c. Go to the bank and get as much money as possible to pay the ransom

Yes - Not a good idea. There was no ransom call

No - Smart thinking since no one has made a ransom call

Yes No

Developer Notes:


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:8 Slide #35



d. Build trust, encourage forward thinking and create energy within the team

Yes - That’s right!! You will need to gather a team that you can trust.

No - That’s wrong! To pull this off, you will need a bright team you can


Yes No

Developer Notes:


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:8 Slide #36



e. Get the right people involved

Yes - Great response. With a good place, capable team and trust, this

mission is possible.

No - Not a good answer. People engaged in a common goal will triumph.

Yes No

Developer Notes:



Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:8 Slide #37


Action/Direction: A team consists of individual people. To achieve high-performing teams you must treat them

as individual people.

Matching game

Match the characteristics listed on the left to as either High Performers or Low Performers

Individuals are engaged when:

1. Their effort and opinions are valued

1 High Performers

2. When they are paid high salaries and bonuses

3 High Performers

3. They have responsibility and authority

6 High Performers

4. When they go along with the status quo

7 High Performers

5. They put their own goals above the teams goals

9 High Performers

6. They are rewarded for individual contributions

2 Low Performers

7. Shared goals align with individual goals

4 Low Performers

8. They have no responsibility and authority

5 Low Performers

Developer Notes: Matching game

Narration: Let’s test what we have learned about building a team. Match the definitions on the left by placing a number in front

of either High Performers or Low Performers.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:9 Slide #38



Developer Notes:

Narration: After much deliberation, Jackie knows what she needs to do to save the CEO of Royal Industries. She has accepted

the assignment.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:9 Slide #39



Developer Notes:

Narration: She has created a plan of action to achieve the goal. Now she must get the right people involved.


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:9 Slide #40



Developer Notes:

Narration She understands that she will need to create a high-functioning team, but will need to build trust, encourage forward

thinking and create energy within the team.

Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:9 Slide #41


Action/Direction: She must make sure that:

Their effort and opinions are valued

They have responsibility and authority

They are rewarded for individual contributions

The shared goals align with individual goals

Developer Notes: Develop action or animated slides with these key points on them.

Narration: Above


Course Title: Building Trust on a Team Lesson Title: Building a Successful Team

Lesson #:1 Scene:10 Slide #42



Developer Notes: Theme song plays

Narration: NA