Story starters images

Post on 10-May-2015

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Sentence Starters

Transcript of Story starters images

Speed Writing Ideas

(Illustrations and Pictures)

The Shadow People Stayed

When I’m Lonely I …

Links to the TRCsTRC1: establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of akonga. This was an idea discussed with Maureen that it would be great to have a list of pictures ready to help us introduce Speed writing with the children. Once I’d created this PowerPoint I shared this with her. Maureen created one of her own using pictures focused on our current topic, which I liked that idea and would do one next term linked to our topic.TRC9: respond effectively to the diverse language and cultural experiences and the varied strengths, interests and needs of individuals and groups of akonga, diversity. I wanted introduce speed writing to my class and wanted to use a variety of different ways to get this idea across to motivate, getting children writing freely on a topic and enjoying writing. The different ways I did this were: pictures, sentence starters and objects. We found what looked like coffee bean in the Native Bush and didn’t know what they were so I handed them one each and told them they were ‘Magic Beans.’