Story and Plotawdawd - Copy

Post on 08-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Story and Plotawdawd - Copy


Main story: Many eons ago Rhast Lah'Resan (The First Born) and Vagare dren'grost (MC's ancestor) were the only 2 boundless and they both ruled the whole of the Grandis (galaxy) . They controlled all of the worlds from fear of being destroyed. Rhast gets bored very easily. One cycle he decided he wanted to destroy all of the beholders and worlds for the rush he receives from the duel of holds (battle basically). Vagare wanted to stop him from the destruction he would inflict on all the worlds and the amount of lives he would take from killing all of the beholders. They used the phantasm realm in their duel and destroyed all the worlds and created black holes, and black holes within black holes

and even getting to the point of ripping reality. By the end of the bout , only Rhast stood standing from the fight. However, the duel gave The First Born a rush that he has never experienced before because of the immense scale of the battle. He knew that only a Boundless can give him that rush again . He changed his mind about destroying the worlds so he used the planets under his control to help him drive Vagare's descendants towards becoming a boundless even stronger than their ancestor . Vagare's final will was to stop Rahst from destroying the worlds, so each descendant inherited an immensely strong desire of a boundless to destroy Rhast. Every generation Rhast feeds his descendants the need to kill Rhast. Over time, the need gets stronger and stronger . Within each generation different destinies were destroyed easily by Rhast as he elimates Vagares descendants but telling each and every one of them why the disasters happen to them and leave them the desire to destroy Rhast.Different planets under The First Born change their beholders over time due to being defeated by the descendant at the time or displeasing The First Born or from each other.

Now begins the current story. The First Born knows that the next generation will be the one where the inherited will will reach its peak so he takes a measure that will give the will a massive final push. On the fight with the descendant before The First Born killed him he destroyed half of his planet then ended his life. The next descendant was only a baby when this happened. Now alone with his mother he is raised with the troubles of the will making him go insane, angry and sometimes goes on rampages. As he gets older the tantrums still happen but they happen less however the rampages occur more often. He wonders why his mother always forces him and herself to find a new place to live when this happens.