StORM: a lightweight ORM for Android SQLite

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of StORM: a lightweight ORM for Android SQLite

Project stORM: an ORM for SQLite+David Chandler(ex) Android Developer Advocate

simple template-based Object Relational Mapping



whyhand-coded SQL, ugh

whySQLite already has obj-like wrappers- ContentValues (insert, update)

- Cursor (query)

many apps just require a place to stuff some objectsexisting ORMs use reflection or require up-front modeling

goalseasyconvention over configurationannotation-driven- @Database, @Entity

- seamless code gen with JDT

easy to debugminimal performance overhead

non-goalskitchen sinkmodel all relationsabsolute max performance

setup (Eclipse / ADT)add storm-api.jar to libs/add storm-impl.jar to annotation factory classpath

setup (Android Studio)

buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath '' classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.4' } }

apply plugin: 'android-apt'

dependencies { apt ‘com.turbomanage.storm:storm-impl:1.0' compile '' compile 'log4j:log4j:1.2.17' compile 'javax.persistence:persistence-api:1.0' compile ‘com.turbomanage.storm:storm-api:1.0' }

useExtend DatabaseHelper, annotate with @DatabaseCreate POJOs, annotate with @EntityGenerates- DbFactory

- EntityTable

- EntityDao

new EntityDao(ctx).insert/get/query...

use (like Objectify)dao.insert(T obj)dao.insertMany(Iterable<T> objs)T dao.get(long id)dao.update(T obj)dao.delete(long id) / dao.deleteAll()List<T> dao.listAll() or load().list()dao.listAllByExample(T exampleObj)dao.load().eq(COL, val).eq(...).exec()

conventionsgenerated package names- +.db, +.dao

COLNAME == fieldName.toUpperCase()transient fields are not persistedid- long id (default)

- or annotate another field with @Id

- column name is _id (for CursorAdapter)

supported typesall primitives & wrappers- boolean, byte, byte[], char, double, enum,

float, int, long, short, String

- byte[] have affinity BLOB

- boolean, byte, char have affinity INTEGER

roll-your-own- extend TypeConverter<J,S>

- annotate with @Converter

niceList<T> dao.listByExample(T obj)T dao.getByExample(T obj)- throws TooManyResultsException

insertMany uses 1 transactioncolumn name enum in Table class- filter().eq(Columns.FIRSTNAME, “David”)...

red squigglies from APT

csvdao.getDatabaseHelper(ctx)dbHelper.backupAllTablesToCsv()dbHelper.restore...FromCsv()exact type conversions- blobs are Base64 encoded

- doubles saved as raw hex values

file named

UpgradeStrategyDROP_CREATEBACKUP_RESTORE (csv)- dropped cols disappear

- new cols get default values

- renaming not yet supported

UPGRADE- override DatabaseHelper.upgrade() and/or

- override TableHelper.onUpgrade(...) for each

limitsno relations (yet)- want: order.items

- have: item.orderId

- could: orderDao.getItems()

- leaning toward Ref<Order>.get()

can’t compare doubles or blobs with FilterBuilder.eq()- planned: .eq(COL, val, delta)

- alt: dao.query(String where, String[] args)

sqlite3adb shellcd /data/data/your_app/databasessqlite3 name_of_db.schemaSELECT * FROM ...

dbFactorystatic db name, versionsingleton instance of DatabaseHelpergetTableHelpers()

daoextends SQLiteDao<T>- most of the code lives in the base class

points to DatabaseFactorypoints to TableHelper

tableall SQLall getX() / bindX()Cursor --> obj --> ContentValuesobj --> String[] (for csv)

implhow to support incremental compilation?- anno processing happens in rounds

- full src not available in every round

- stormEnv file under .apt_generated (ADT)

- or build/generated/apt/debug (AS)

- if in doubt, del stormEnv & Project | Clean

Freemarker templates in impl/src/reswatch the Error Log view

working with APTStart gradle daemonConnect a remote debugger to itInitiate your build (including APT processing)In IntelliJ, use Rebuild to force APT run

Android Debug Bridgeadb logcatadb shelladb shell dumpsys meminfo <pkg>adb kill-server :-(other command lines- android (launches SDK manager)

- hierarchyviewer

- emulator @avd_name (see ~/.android/avd)

Freebie: adb back upadb backup -apk -all -nosystem -f ~/mybackupfile.ab

adb restore ~/mybackupfile.ab

futurelimited relations (@Key, Ref<T>)more filter methods gt(), lt(), etc.@Id for custom id col@Column(name=”custom”)


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