Post on 04-Oct-2018

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STORE YOUR TENSION!! GET READY TO LAUNCH!! How far can you launch an object? Store energy into the Lever by changing the tension of the rubber bands. Program the motor to release the weight of the Lever.


Cam Cam Beige Pin/Axle

Beige Pin/Axle

#8 Axle

Step 1You will Need:


Green 2x4Plate

Red 1x16with Holes

Red 1x16with Holes

Step 2You will Need:

Choose the correct ho le .

White 2x6 Plate

White 2x6 Plate

White 2x6 Plate

Green2x4 Plate

Step 3You will Need:

Step 4You will Need:

Green Flat Tile Green Flat TileYellow 1x6Brick

Yellow 1x6Brick

Yellow 1x4Brick

Yellow 1x4Brick

Step 5

Attach the assembly !

White 1x8Plate

White 1x8Plate

Grey 8x16 Brick

Step 6You will Need:

Red 2x6 Brick

Red 2x6 Brick

Red 1x4Brick

Red 1x4Brick

Step 7You will Need:

Red 1x6with Holes

Red 1x6with Holes

Red 1x2with Hole

Red 1x2with Hole

Step 8You will Need:

Bushing Bushing #6 Axle

Step 9You will Need:


Choose the correct ho le ! !

Red 2x2 Brick

Red 2x2 Brick

Red 2x2Wedge

Red 2x2Wedge

Red 1x2with Holes

Red 1x2with Holes

Red 1x2with Holes

Red 1x2with Holes

Step 10You will Need:

Bushing Bushing Beige Pin/Axle

Beige Pin/Axle

Step 11You will Need:

Yellow 2x2Brick

Yellow 2x2Brick

Red 2x4Brick

Red 2x4Brick

Step 12You will Need:

Yellow 2x4Brick

Yellow 2x4Brick

Yellow 1x2Brick

Yellow 1x2Brick

Step 13You will Need:


Step 14You will Need:

White 1x8Plate

White 2x8Plate

White 2x8Plate

Step 15You will Need:

Trap the cord .

Yellow 2x6Brick

White 2x8 Plate

Step 16You will Need:


Step 17You will Need:

White 2x8 Plate

Plug the Motor into the Hub.

Cam Bushing #3 Axle

Step 18You will Need:

Rubber Band Rubber Band

Step 19You will Need:

Step 20

Use the Cam to ho ld the Lever down.

Your Catapult is Built!...Time to Program it!

Load up your Catapult , secure the Lever w ith the Cam, and get ready to launch!


Start StartTurn Motor This Way

Turn Motor That Way

Motor on for 1 Motor on for 1 Noise #5

Th is program moves the Cam and re leases the Lever of the Catapult . Pu l l the Catapult back down and re load!

Launch! Reload!

1 . M in imize these instruct ions and open the LEGO® WeDo® software.2 . Program your robot with the program above.3 . If you f in ish , open the instruct ions and cont inue to the extens ion act iv it ies !

Extension 1Change the pos it ion of the rubber bands by mov ing the pegs up.

What happens to the Force generated? When is there more? When is there less?

Extension 2Combine the two programs and use the Display Tab to disp lay

launch ing messages!

Start on Key


Motor This Way

Motor That Way

Motor on for 1

Motor on for 1

Display Background

Sound Wait for16 seconds



Extension 3Try to h it a target! Set up 2 targets at different distances

(keep one c loser than the other) . Adjust e ither the load or the force in order to h it each one as accurately as poss ib le .