Stopwaste Eco-Mobile Social Innovation - Business Efficiency Award 2014

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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TraX is awarded Eco-Social Mobile Innovation from Business Efficiency awards 2014.

Transcript of Stopwaste Eco-Mobile Social Innovation - Business Efficiency Award 2014

Daniel: Our next winner is probably not the kind of company

you’d expect to win a waste reduction award. They don’t make

products and generate no waste, so how would they reduce or

prevent it? Well, here’s what’s so innovative about traX—their

business model involves motivating others to prevent waste,

more specifically, everyday disposable items like shopping bags

and food service ware including cups, straws and take-out

containers. Here’s how it works. People bring their reusable item

to the store when shopping or heading out to a café and

document their reuse action by photographing the item and

posting it with the store location and hashtag traXactions to a

social media channel such as Facebook or Instagram.


Daniel: Each action is rewarded with online cash from the TraX

partners, including top reusable products companies, non-

profits and other organizations committed to reducing waste

from single-use disposables. Also part of the reward is the

online acknowledgement the shopper gets from traX and from

like-minded peers. At the same time, the social media channel

amplifies their reuse action, motivating others to do the same.

traX is actually a brand new company, launched just last

summer. They already have a lot of traction, or shall I say

traXaction, especially in Northern California where 60% of traX

users are based, and 10% in Alameda County alone. As Gary

mentioned earlier, StopWaste has an ambitious goal to reduce

waste from disposable food service ware, so traX is one of our

action heroes today. I am happy to present the Award for

Excellence in Social Media Innovation to traX’s Founding

Director Jared Brick.

[Jared comes up on stage]


[Anu hands Jared the plaque, shakes hands.]

Daniel: Congratulations Jared! Please tell us a little more about

traXactions and why the social media aspect matters so much.

Jared: [Explain how it may sounds more complicated than it is.

no new app that needs to be downloaded and installed, in fact,

using existing channels is key to success. People don't even need

a smartphone and could just take and post a photo

to Facebook or one of the other channels. The whole point is

that the user gets recognition and a thank you for their action,

and that we leverage the power of social media to broadcast

this action to others, as an inspiration to others. Emphasize the

fun part. Maybe talk a bit about the role of the partners, but

keep it really simple.]

Daniel: Thank you Jared.

[Applause. Jared steps down and is ushered to the photo station.

Daniel steps away from microphone, Anu steps up.]