edition.docx · Web viewOne day their...

Post on 25-Apr-2018

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Transcript of edition.docx · Web viewOne day their...

TABLE OF CONTENTSThe Healer ……………………………………Avery Code  

Dog’s Adventures by………………………..Duke

The Quest for Happiness…………………...Mikasa

Stars……………………………………………Jasmine Oneil

The Bow…...…………………………………..Jessica

THE HEALER      by Avery Code

Once Upon A Time, there was an underwater palace that was as beautiful as the stars above. And in that palace, there lived a mighty king, his wife the queen, and their very beautiful daughter. On their daughter’s birthday, she was given a magical harp that had been handed down from one generation to the next. Years passed and she grew into a very pretty mermaid princess. She had a pinkish-raspberry tail, brunette hair, lilac shells, and a hot pink shell necklace that was a gift from her grandmother. Her name was Sea Green.               One sunny day, a fishing boat passed by the palace and crashed into a tower on the starboard side of the palace! The boy driving the boat was injured badly, and smelt by sharks more than 300 miles away. When Sea Green came to investigate, she noticed what was going to happen in just a couple of minutes! (You see, since she was born a princess she inhabited special powers. For instance, she could flick a rock in water and it would travel to the other side of the kingdom!Or, she could flick her tail and be 400 miles away from her last spot.) Soon enough, sharks started coming from out of nowhere. She punched a shark, killing it and sending the others fleeing for their lives. She took a deep breath and swam over to the remains of the fishing boat.        Sea Green found the boy. He was unconscious from the loss of blood on his leg (it was from a propeller blade when he jumped out of the boat). She instantly fell in love with this human boy, and pulled out her harp to play a song that would heal his leg injury, and awake him. After a few brief seconds, he woke to find her peering down on him.

        “Who are you?” he asked. “Are you a mermaid?” he said looking at her tail.        “Yes,” she answered. “My name is Sea Green. “What is yours?”        “My name is William. Will for short. You’re pretty.”        “Well, thank you Will. Do you, maybe, want to, come see my palace?”        “You’re welcome. And you’re a princess? Quick question. How am I going to be able to since I can’t  walk”        “Take my hand,” Sea Green insisted, cutting Will off.        “Okay,” he said. Then off they went to meet the King and Queen.


This author’s interests are cats, volleyball, softball, Corgis and bunnies. Her favorite foods are steak, mac and cheese and cupcakes.


There once were two dogs in a caring home. These dogs had never been more than a mile from this home.

One day their owner took them for a walk near the field near his house. The dogs were without a leash and to the owner’s surprise they sprinted away into the field. The owner chased them, trying to get them to return to him, but they were too fast.

The dogs ran into the forest and this is where they saw many things that they had never seen before. They saw a deer, a stream, leaves, and a raccoon. They walked deeper into the forest and saw many more deer. At least they thought they were deer because they didn’t look like dogs.

They then discovered another dog in the forest and followed him into yet another field where they saw only grass. Fields, they told each other, are very boring. For this to be a real adventure we need to find something else.

They soon came across a pond and they all went for a swim. After the swim, they walked some more and came across a road. Was that their owner’s car?

Their owner gave them a big hug and put them in the car. It was night when they got home and they sat in front of the warm fireplace and rested from their exciting adventure.

This author’s favorite sport is basketball.

    The Quest for Happiness   by Mikasa

I was there since the bright morning sun rose in the day, and the moon, at night. Since the day I hung from my branch in the early Spring of May, I watched over 3 children in the valley below. Though I had the brightest, reddest, most luscious skin and the sturdiest branch, I was lonely. In fact, I had always been lonely. The only company I had were some children who happened to cross by. But, despite all of this, I had only one quest, and that was to make someone happy.

There must have been something I was made for, and I had decided that the happiness of others was all I desired. Suddenly, I heard the steps of small children running towards me. I turned around on my stem to find three children rushing over to my tree.

As I gazed longingly at them, I found that they were the three children I would watch over in the valley below.

“Mikasa! Armin!” a small, brown haired boy called over to his two other friends who now caught up with him.

“What is it, Eren?” a girl with long black hair asked.

The boy pointed to my tree, “Look how big that tree is!” Eren gasped and stared at it again, “It’s so tall!”

The blonde haired boy standing next to him nodded in delight.

“Armin,” Eren looked at him with big eyes, “Let’s hang out here forever,”

Armin and the girl named Mikasa nodded assent. From my tree, they didn’t have much, only a few scraps of hand sewn clothing. But despite that, they were still happy together.

The three of them sat down on the soft grass and opened up a large, ancient book. They started to read and read, all the way until the sun set on the horizon. Eren looked up and found me, softly swaying in the leaves above. He immediately alerted his friends and tried to grab me.

“I need that apple,” Eren called to the others, “I want to bake an apple pie for Mom.”

From my place above them, I looked down. It was the first time I heard someone use something for someone else, besides them, happy. For that reason, I let myself fall into the boy’s hands.

His fingers grasped me delicately, as if I was a piece of fragile china.

Eren’s eyes opened wide and he smiled. Rushing back down the hill with his friends, I had finally completed what I was here for: to make someone happy.

This author’s interests are watching Anime, reading and drawing Anime characters.

STARS by Jasmine O’neil

Olivia knew she loved stars. She loved how they twinkled in her eyes and twinkled throughout the night. On this

night she sat on her bed and stared at the stars, then went to the back door and opened it. She walked outside and climbed a tree, all the way to the top. “This is beautiful,” Olivia said. Olivia saw things other people didn’t see. She saw angels, angels that watched over the night. She remembered each star, the ones in a group and others that were alone. She sometimes felt she was alone, but she wasn’t. She had the stars and the angels. Olivia reached out to touch a star. It twinkled and glittered. She saw how it danced and how it shined. “Oh, how I love the stars,” said to herself. She told the stars goodbye as she climbed down the tree. She opened the back door and walked inside. She lay down on her bed to stare at the stars one last time.

Olivia awoke at six am.  She arose from the bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She dressed and put on her tennis shoes. She opened the back yard and once again went outside. It was still dark and she could see the stars. This time, she climbed the tree all the way to the top. She watched them dance, twinkle, sparkle and glitter. She was not alone. This author’s interests are art, reading, and dogs.

THE BOW by JessicaI will never forget the day my grandmother gave me a bow, a bow that proved to have magical powers. Every time I felt a strong feeling it would change colors.This bow means a lot to me because I love my grandmother so much, maybe because we only have each other. We are like two peas in a pod and most of my good memories are of the times we spend together. My favorite thing about her is when she cooks chicken noodle soup for me.

Most of the time this bow she gave me is white--this is when I am just feeling normal. It turns yellow when I am very happy and blue when I am sad.

But today it turned a color I had never seen before—dark, ugly black. Today I found out that my beloved grandmother is very sick in the hospital. And now I am praying that the bow will change colors again soon.

This author’s interests are sports, reading, and hanging out with friends.

From the editors: Thank you for reading our class magazine. We hope you enjoyed it. Please look for a new edition at this site every month.