Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3

  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3



    South Melbourne FC


    A funny old afternoon weather wise, warm whenthe sun was out, but otherwise cool and crisp asthe afternoon progressed. The boys all turned upwith their new outfits and were ready to showsuperiority not just off the field but on as well.

    Bundoora won the toss and elected to kick withthe breeze.

    The team for Round 3 lined up as follows:Stephen, Zachary, Emir, Dean, Enes, Dimitri,

    James, Peter T, Mendi, Tim & AndrewSubstitutes: George, Didi and X

    Again, Michael did not have a full team to hisdisposal, this week Dion, Alex and Peter Paganisall unavailable. The team welcomed Andrew for

    his first game after training with the boys forsome time now. An apprehensive start by bothteams saw Sth Melb prevail and begin dominatingthe game with possession certainly favouringthem. The team made every effort to play outfrom the back with Stephen using both full backsquite regularly to his left and right in Enes andZachary whom then consistently pushed passesup to their respective midfields in Mendi andPeter T who then worked hard to link up withDidi, Tim and Andrew as forwards and progress

    offensively to goal.

    Sth Melbourne prevail away toBundoora

    The other two midfielders in James and Dimitriwere also clearly on top of their opponents andconsistently presented, looking to move thingsalong offensively. At the 18 Tim put Mendithrough who was fouled just outside Bundooraspenalty box. The resulting free-kick by James onlymanaged to find the keeper. Bundoora eventuallypushed forward and won a free-kick at the 22, ina dangerous but some 40 meters out of goal. The

    boys assembled the wall and the rest again linkedup outside the penalty box. Up stepped theBundoora player and with the wind got somecarry and the ball was heading for the top left

    Match report (Sth Melb prevail away to Bundoora) 1

    Match report continued 2

    Match statistics, round results & opposition analysis3

    League ladder 4

    Match highlights 5

    hand corner, but Stephen saw it early and launchedhimself to stunningly get a hand to it and knock itover the bar for a corner. Although Sth Melbournewas dominating possession, it could not prevailoffensively, as Bundoora defensively absorbed thepressure clearing the ball hurriedly on mostoccasions and looking to catch Sth

    As half time approached, Sth orchestrated one moremove, Stephen from defence played it out to Enes,who held waiting for James to arrive in support,

    who turned and found Tim, who then put the ball inspace for Didi, who then tapped it forward to hisadvantage and took off like a race horse withconfidence despite close attention, out ran one, two,three opponents, the keeper came out to close theangle and from just inside the penalty box guided afirm open shot to the top left corner of the keeper,resulting in a fabulous goal at the 34.

    Didi scores a magnificent

    goal at the 34 to put Sth

    Melbourne 1-0 up just

    before half time

    Newslet ter 2 n d May


    Volume 1 , I s sue 3

    Game statistics can be found on page 3

    By Trevor G

    Team Manager: Effie TsetinisE-mail address

    Phone: 0433134957
  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3



    Finally, the boys were rewarded for their goodplay and dominance and went in a half time as:

    Half time score

    Bundoora 0 v South Melbourne 1

    Sth Melbourne started the second half where thefinished and at the 38 Mendi the recipient of apass, shot from outside the box with power, onlyto see it hit the cross bar with the keeper beatenquite comprehensively as seen below.

    Down the left, Enes, found James who foundMendi, whose shot a minute later just cleared the

    cross bar. Another chance 8 minutes later saw Didifight to win the contested ball, who then foundJames to his right whose resulting shot went wideof the goals.

    Bundoora started to push and bump Sth playersaround aggressively and the game startedbecoming scrappy, with stop start and constantwhistle interruption by the referee who awarded18 free kicks in the 2nd half alone, 12 to Bundoora,much to the disgust of the Sth fans, whom were

    simply just looking for a fair go.

    Nevertheless Bundoora started pushing largenumbers up, looking for the equaliser. At the 66Sth broke out of defense, Mendi found Tim whotried hard to make space and get that shot on goal,but the ball only managed to deflect and go for acorner.

    A minute later Zac won the ball in defense, found

    Page 2Match report continued

    the midfielder who found Andrew who bustledfor space, shooting with desperation only tofind the keeper.

    Anxiety set in on the side lines as the team heldsuch a narrow lead, for approximately 36minutes, but to some Sth parents and fans itseemed like an eternity. I cant remember agame where I was asked so many times, howlong to go?

    Everyone was on edge waiting for that finalwhistle and it eventually it was heard, SthMelbourne prevailing to register their first win

    of the season and see themselves back incontention with the top couple of teams.

    Final score

    Bundoora 0 v South Melbourne 1

    Scorers: Didi Muale(34)

  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3




    Shots on target 4Total Shots 8

    Opposition shots on goals 6Crosses 5Off-sides 1Fouls for 9

    Fouls against 18

    Keeper saves: 3

    Goals for 1

    Goals against 0

    Goal scorers Didi 34Absent Players Dion, Alex & Peter Paganis

    Weekly stat:

    Player cam (where a

    player is followed for a

    period of time)

    Dimitri (30 min time period during the 1st half), 18 passes, 12effective, 67% efficiency, 1 shot on goal.

    George (20 min period during 1st & 2nd half), 8 passes, 6 effective,71% efficiency

    Home team Goals Versus Goals Away team

    Richmond SC Yellow 0 0 Senior Skilleroos

    Bundoora United FC 0 1 South Melbourne

    Whittlesea Rangers Red - RichmondSC Orange

    Northcote City SC 1 2 Whittlesea Rangers Blue


    Opponent next


    Recent Results Points Goals for Goals Against


    Rangers Red

    Round 1:Defeated Richmond Yellow 4-1

    Round 2 Drew with Bundoora 3-3

    Round 3: Result against Richmond

    Orange N/A

    4 7 4

    Page 3

    Match statistics

    Round 3
  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3




    1 Whittlesea Ranges FC Blue 2 2 0 0 7 1 6 6

    2 South Melbourne Juniors FC 3 1 2 0 3 2 1 5

    3 Whittlesea Ranges FC Red 2 1 1 0 7 4 3 4

    4 Bundoora United FC 3 1 1 1 6 4 2 4

    5 Northcote City SC 3 1 1 1 3 3 0 4

    6 Richmond SC Yellow 3 0 2 1 2 5 -3 2

    7 Senior Skilleroos 2 0 1 1 0 1 -1 1

    8 Richmond SC Orange 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    9 NTC 1 0 0 1 0 5 -5 0

    Note: Result forWhittlesea Ranges FC Red v Richmond Orange unavailable

    Page 2
  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3



    The boys were motivated and ready to go for this all important clash versus Bundoora.

    A win would propel their season and keep them near the top of the table; alternatively aloss would see them lose touch with the leaders.

    Adidas, Degani Bakery Caf and Biggin Scott

  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3



    The boys welcomed Andrew into the team for his first game where he started up forwardwith both Tim and Didi.

    The defence and Stephen were very dominating as they allowed Bundoora very fewopportunities on goal. Zac here clears the ball from a Bundoora set piece, with plenty of

    numbers back protecting space.

  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3



    Enes close to his opponent gets up high to win the contested ball in the air.

    Michael would have been happy with the boys first half performance where they went inwith a 1-0 lead and showed some great cohesion as a team.

  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3



    Mendi was involved in a quite a few attacks during the 2nd half and went close at the 38hitting the crossbar and a minute later missing just over the bar.

    Guy sees something interesting which is amusing him.....

  • 7/31/2019 Sth Melbourne Under 15A Newsletter Round 3



    Didi Muale scored at the 34 with a magnificent effort to put Sth Melbourne 1-0 ahead