StevensViews, Summer 2005

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Reviewed this issue recently - amazing the quality you can attain on a shoestring.

Transcript of StevensViews, Summer 2005

In April, Professor NNiiccoollaaii PPaanniikkoovv was quotedin a piece on global climate change in TThhee NNeewwYYoorrkkeerr.

In May, the annual “State of the Shore” pressconference featuring Graduate Professor TToommHHeerrrriinnggttoonn was covered widely by, among others,the AAssssoocciiaatteedd PPrreessss, TThhee NNeeww YYoorrkk TTiimmeess,WWNNBBCC NNeewwssCChhaannnneell 44, NNeeww JJeerrsseeyy NNeettwwoorrkk,11001100 WWIINNSS, TThhee SSttaarr--LLeeddggeerr and TThhee AAssbbuurryyPPaarrkk PPrreessss.

In May, WWAABBCCEEyyeewwiittnneessss NNeewwss carried liveexpert commentary byProfessor LLeesslliiee BBrruunneellll during

the massive, progressive collapse of a masonry wallon New York’s Henry Hudson Parkway.

In May, Professor SSiillvviioo LLaacccceettttii was quoted bythe Associated Press in a piece on the decline ofNew Jersey’s textile industry. The piece was distrib-uted widely in the US, appearing in TThheeWWaasshhiinnggttoonn PPoosstt, and internationally in TThheeMMaanncchheesstteerr GGuuaarrddiiaann ((UUKK)).

In May, Director of UniversityCommunications PPaattrriicckk AA.. BBeerrzziinnsskkii was quotedin PPRR WWeeeekk, commenting on the use of anony-mous sources by Newsweek magazine.

In June, IIEEEEEESSppeeccttrruumm carried an article

on the graduation of the first 21 students in Chinafrom Stevens’ Telecommunications Managementgraduate program. Quoted was Professor AAuuddrreeyyCCuurrttiiss, director of the program.

In June, NNeewwJJeerrsseeyy BBuussiinneessss fea-

tured a story about Stevens’ research initiatives,quoting Stevens’ VP of Institute TechnologyInitiatives, DDrr.. HHeelleennaa SS.. WWiissnniieewwsskkii..

In June and July,the sail from South

Street Seaport of the sensor-equipped schooner ThePioneer was covered by New Jersey Network andTThhee BBeerrggeenn RReeccoorrdd, featuring Professor MMiicchhaaeellBBrruunnoo, Professor AAllaann BBlluummbbeerrgg, and Center forMaritime Systems Research Engineer DDoovv KKrruuggeerr.

In July, Stevens’ PPrreessiiddeennttHHaarroolldd JJ.. RRaavveecchhéé had two op-eds published regarding thedangers of outsourcing sensitive

technologies to foreign vendors; one appeared inTThhee JJoouurrnnaall ooff HHoommeellaanndd SSeeccuurriittyy and the other inCCIIOO..ccoomm.

In July, IInnvveessttoorr’’ss BBuussiinneessss DDaaiillyy carried a“Q&A” article on telecom security with Stevensalumnus, trustee and adjunct professor EEddAAmmoorroossoo, long-time Chief Security Officer atAT&T.

In July, a major article in The Star-Ledger onthe trend of consumers abandoning wireline forwireless communications devices featured a juniorin the Stevens Computer Science program, DDaanniieellJJaabbbboouurr.

All content, images and related information are theproperty of the Stevens News Service, Office ofDevelopment and External Affairs at Stevens Instituteof Technology. Any unauthorized use or replication isstrictly prohibited. Copyright 2005 Stevens Institute ofTechnology. All rights reserved.

Stevens Institute of TechnologyCastle Point on HudsonHoboken, NJ 07030 USA

EditorPatrick A. Berzinski

Manager, News ServiceMeagen Henning

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ContributorsJibu Abraham

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Attila Technologies LLC, a Stevens Technogenesis® Company,was recently launched by the Vice President of Stevens' Office ofInstitute Technology Initiatives, DDrr.. HHeelleennaa WWiissnniieewwsskkii. AttilaTechnologies LLC is a wireless communications company that providescontinuous broadband, on-demand communication devices and serv-ices that function despite saturated airways.

Attila's technology is critical to developing a communication sys-tem that cannot be interrupted, or jammed, resulting in ultra-reliable,high-speed communications. Attila's products are based on patent-pending, break-through technology that was developed at Stevens'Wireless Network Security Center (WiNSeC), by DDrr.. PPaattrriicckk EE..WWhhiittee, Director of WiNSeC, and researcher NNiicchhoollaass GGiirraarrdd, withfunding from the National Science Foundation. Dr. White and Mr.Girard are both co-founders of Attila.

Dr. Wisniewski, who is Chairman of the Board of Directors ofAttila, announced that MMrr.. JJoohhnn EE.. BBiisscchhooffff, the former Vice Presidentof Operations and Finance AOL, has accepted the position of CEO ofAttila Technologies. (See profile page 10.)

"Attila's approach solves the two most important problems facedby first responders in a disaster, as stated by the Department ofHomeland Security - continuous communications and interoperabili-ty," said Wisniewski. "Therefore, Attila's initial market will be firstresponders." Interoperability is another critical need in a disaster situa-tion because it provides the ability to interconnect diverse first-respon-der agencies (e.g., federal, state and local police agencies, fire depart-ments) responding to major emergencies, a critical shortcoming inemergency response planning.

"Additional applications of Attila include delivery of high resolu-tion mug shots to patrol cars operating in the field, or to transmitcrime-scene videos to headquarters command centers, both done effi-ciently and at low cost without having to build an entirely new infra-structure," said WiNSeC's Dr. White.

"Attila's dynamic transmission security, which also prevents jam-ming and eavesdropping, make it ideal for the military market," saidStevens' President, DDrr.. HHaarroolldd JJ.. RRaavveecchhéé. "For the military applica-tion, the Attila radio will enable front-line troops reliably to receive anddeliver high-resolution situational awareness data."

A field test is planned in a major New Jersey County in August2005 to demonstrate Attila's cognitive radio capabilities. These capa-bilities include the ability to maximize performance - by adapting userneeds to match the local wireless environment; the ability for simulta-neous transmission over multiple channels or nodes; load sharing; and

automated real-time frequency switching to optimize SNR and con-gestion. "Looking to the future, Attila has the capability to providehigh-speed Internet access to users, thus turning wherever they are intoa virtual hot spot." said Wisniewski.

For more information about Attila Technologies, please callStevens Institute of Technology's Office of Institute TechnologyInitiatives at 201-216-8210. - PB

An Attila Technologies prototype.

Stevens Institute of Technology freshman KKeerrrrii RReettttiigg finished first in the Intermediate onthe Flat at the 2005 Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) National ChampionshipShow, held in early May at the Eden Park Equestrian Complex in Sunbury, Ohio. It was the firsttime that a member of Stevens’ Equestrian Team, inaugurated just three years ago, took home anational competitive award.

“Kerri came to Stevens to study engineering, and recent-ly switched to the rigorous undergraduate Business andTechnology program,” said PPaattttii ZZwwaaaann, equestrian coachat Stevens. “She had offers from a number of institutions,but it was Stevens’ well-rounded course of freshman aca-demics, as well as the opportunity to ride competitivelywith the equestrian team, that tipped the balance towardKerri’s choice of Stevens.

“Kerri’s triumph at the IHSA Nationals puts Stevens’equestrian athletics program squarely on the national com-petitive map,” Zwaan continued. “Like her six other team-mates, Kerri is tremendously dedicated and focused, andour hope next year is for all on the team to qualify for thenationals.”

“This reward for excellence, garnered in national com-petition, is a reflection of where Stevens is headed, both interms of athletics and academics,” said Stevens’ PPrreessiiddeennttHHaarroolldd JJ.. RRaavveecchhéé, who is a major booster of the fast-improving rankings of Stevens’ Division III teams acrossthe athletic spectrum. “We are especially proud of Kerri’sacademic accomplishments as well as her achievements inequestrian competition. The competitive scholar-athleteswho are shaped by a Stevens education are truly tomor-row’s global leaders – in business, in engineering and tech-nology, and in society as a whole. Kerri Rettig is clearlypossessed of many of the important qualities that gotoward making a good leader.”

Zwaan pointed to another young woman, currently completing high school in her hometownin California, who plans to attend Stevens in the 2006 Fall Semester.

“This young lady wants to be an engineer,” she said, “and her parents thought Stevens a greatacademic fit for her. But they knew her passion for riding, and were doubtful she would come toStevens – until they learned of our equestrian team. When she joins us next year on campus, sheand her parents can be assured that she’ll be part of a successful, nationally known team that’s ris-ing fast in the rankings.” – PB

Page 11

Stevens rolls out Attila Technologies LLC

Kerri Rettig

Kerri Rettig is National Equestrian champion

Glenn S. Davis directs Office of Sponsored Research

Vice President for Institute Technology InitiativesDDrr.. HHeelleennaa SS.. WWiissnniieewwsskkii has announced the appoint-ment of a new Director of the Office of SponsoredResearch (OSR), MMrr.. GGlleennnn SS.. DDaavviiss, who started inthe position on June 15, 2005.

“We are pleased to have a person of his caliberbecome a member of the Institute TechnologyInitiatives staff,” said Wisniewski. “We feel that hisinsights and leadership will be important to the con-tinued growth of OSR to support our research goals.”

Davis has a wealth of experience in managingsponsored research in both the pre- and post-awardphases. His academic experience comprises 19 years atPrinceton University in various positions, includingAssociate Director of the Office of Research and ProjectAdministration, and Associate Dean of the Faculty.Prior to Princeton, he held similar positions atColumbia University, and most recently he was theDirector of the Office of Research Services and ProjectDevelopment at the Children’s Hospital ofPhiladelphia. –PB

Mr. Davis

JJoohhnn EE.. BBiisscchhooffff, long-time AOL Vice President, will serveas the first CEO of Stevens’ start-up technology venture, AttilaTechnologies, LLC.

“I am delighted to present the appointment of John E.Bischoff as CEO of Attila Technologies,” said Stevens’ VicePresident for Institute Technology Initiatives, DDrr.. HHeelleennaa SS..WWiissnniieewwsskkii, who will serve as the Chairman of the Board of thespin-out Technogenesis® company. “John’s high-level experi-ence at AOL, dating back to that company’s early days, as wellas his long experience at IBM, makes him the ideal CEO forour start-up venture in multi-spectrum communications.”

“John Bischoff is a proven business and technology leader,an executive manager with experience in finance, IT, andadministration; Stevens is proud to have him at the helm of anexciting new Technogenesis venture,” said Stevens’ President,DDrr.. HHaarroolldd JJ.. RRaavveecchhéé.

Bischoff spent seven years as an executive at AmericaOnline, most recently holding the title of Vice President forFinance and Operations. In this role, he was responsible forplanning all the resources for the Technologies Division ofAOL, and coordinated the development and management ofan expense budget greater then $3 billion.

Prior to this position, he held the titleof Director of Internal Computing atAOL. Before that, Bischoff served in avariety of senior and midlevel execu-tive positions at IBM, as well as at thecompany’s Watson Labs, dating backto the 1960s. – PB

Former VP at AOL appointed CEO of Stevens tech start-up

Mr. Bischoff

Stevens Institute of Technology, South Street Seaport Museum, and the New YorkDepartment of Environmental Protection have announced a joint project to measure water con-ditions in New York Harbor. The technology/education partnership was celebrated in a morningvoyage that set sail from South Street Seaport on June 22.

The Seaport Museum’s 1885 schooner The Pioneer, which celebrated its 120th anniversaryin June, now carries the latest technology in the form of a computerized water monitoring sys-tem as part of the Urban Ocean Observatory at Stevens. In partnership with the New YorkDepartment of Environmental Protection, the system measures water temperature, salinity anddissolved oxygen in New York Harbor from The Pioneer as it conducts its public sails. The datais fed via a wireless network to computers at Stevens' Center for Maritime Systems (CMS) inHoboken. Data collected include water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen.

The partners hope to follow up on The Pioneer deployment and add another water moni-toring system to the museum's other 19th century schooner, The Lettie G. Howard. Since thisvessel is based at the 79th Street Boat Basin, it would provide improved data collection in theHudson River. Page 3

Historic Pioneer carries Stevens’ technology

Back: Dov Kruger, Jeremy Turner, Douglas MedingFront: Dr. Bruno, Dean Korfiatis, Brian Fullerton

“The partnership between Stevens and South Street Seaport Museum isideal,” said DDrr.. MMiicchhaaeell SS.. BBrruunnoo, director of the CMS at Stevens, “because themuseum is focused on education, and the Stevens instrumentation provides adirect connection between the vessels and the environmental monitoring beingdone by the scientific community. Students can go home and see the state ofthe water, plot trends and stay in touch with the water even when they’re notphysically literally at the water's edge."

Both the South Street Seaport Museum and the Stevens Center forInnovation in Engineering and Science Education are heavily involved in pro-viding education to primary and secondary school students. Both organiza-tions plan to increase their cooperation and to allow students to acquire dataon the harbor and learn how forecasting (both weather and water) works. – PB

Howe School Acting Dean LexMcCusker and Jonathan Linton

In a historic first for StevensInstitute of Technology, the EdwinA. Stevens (EAS) Society, theInstitute’s premier donor organiza-tion, has achieved a membershiproster of 500 – a long-desired goalfor the Office of Development andExternal Affairs, which overseesthe activities of the EAS Society.As of June 30, the formal numberof member-donors stood at 524.

“This is truly phenomenal,”said Acting Vice President ofDevelopment and External AffairsMMaarrjjoorriiee EEvveerriitttt. “Much credit forthis achievement goes to ourDirector of Major Gifts DDaawwnn ddaaSSiillvvaa, in concert with our Assistant Director for the EAS Society JJuulliiaaKKaannee. We look forward to fulfilling even greater goals through theirfund-raising skills and membership-building efforts.” Everitt also gavecredit to development consultant EEmmiillyy GGrrooccee for her important rolein the recruitment effort.

The Alumni Chairs of the EAS Society, VViirrggiinniiaa aanndd KKeevviinnRRuueesstteerrhhoollzz, echoed Everitt’s sentiments.

“The wonderful improvements at Stevens are strongly supportedby the members of EAS. The membership of EAS is at a new high, justas Stevens is embarking on its next level of innovations.

The hard work of the development team and the loyal support ofthe EAS members could not be better recognized, as we all worktogether to make Stevens even stronger for the years ahead.

Stevens PPrreessiiddeenntt HHaarroolldd JJ..RRaavveecchhéé pointed out that 72members of the Society areStevens faculty and staff – also set-ting a high mark. “This kind ofdedication is what built theInstitute and what keeps it grow-ing in this new century. I encour-age all members of the Stevenscommunity, as well as friends andpartners, to join the EAS Society.”

“By investing in future gener-ations of Stevens graduates,” saidda Silva, “members affirm a deepcommitment to providing qualityeducation in engineering, tech-nology management and the sci-

ences. Members of the Edwin A. Stevens Society know that Stevensgraduates continue to assume key leadership roles in industry, strength-ening our nation and improving our world. EAS Society members area strong network of industry leaders, inventors, businessmen andwomen, entrepreneurs, and educators who believe in making a solidinvestment in Stevens’ future.”

The Society was founded nearly 25 years ago to recognize alumniand friends who make an annual gift of $1,000 or more. It is namedafter the founding donor of Stevens Institute, Edwin Augustus Stevens.

To learn more about the EAS Society and how to become a mem-ber, please visit:, or call Julia Kane at201-216-5682. – PB

Edwin A. Stevens Society surpasses 500-member mark

Julia Kane and Dawn da Silva

In the latest in a series of high-level awards,Stevens’ Howe School of Technology Managementhas been cited as co-existing among the “World’sElite Research Institutions in Management ofTechnology.” The award was accepted by The HoweSchool’s Acting Dean LLeexx MMccCCuusskkeerr,, at a confer-ence of the International Association forManagement of Technology (IAMOT) held inVienna, Austria, May 22-26. The association’s pres-ident, Professor TTaarreekk MM.. KKhhaalliill, was among thosepresenting the award.

“This is truly a capstone to The Howe School’sefforts to project our programs globally, and tobecome identified as placing among the top-rankedinstitutions worldwide,” said McCusker. “Our con-tinuing mission is to carry the school’s vision andofferings to an expanding global audience, tonations that actively seek new ways to manage theever-changing technology landscape to the benefitall members of society.” – PB

The Howe School is citedamong the “World’s Elite Research Institutions”

Jibu Abraham, Class of 2005, is Co-op Student of the YearFor a second consecutive year, a student at Stevens has won the New

Jersey Cooperative Education and Internship Association Student of theYear Award. During five years, JJiibbuu AAbbrraahhaamm, who graduated in May,held a variety of highly technical internship positions within the engineer-ing and aerospace industries. Below, he tells the story of his remarkablecooperative education experience.- Editor

I began my first co-op assignment in the summer of 2001, indowntown Manhattan at the New York City Transit Authority. I beganthe semester with no practical knowledge in my field of mechanicalengineering. On September 11, 2001, I was at work when terrorstruck, and I found myself fleeing over the Manhattan Bridge awayfrom the billowing dust clouds of the fallen World Trade CenterTowers. I continued my co-op assignment, creating drawings used tohelp restore service to the collapsed # 1/9 subway line. This first co-opexperience was a dramatic demonstration of how engineering deter-mines the quality of our lives.

On my final two co-op assignments, something incredible hap-pened. I was selected by Honeybee Robotics, a small, amazingly cre-ative design firm, for a co-op position. This is where I would learn howa product was conceived, designed, manufactured, then delivered tothe customer – and one of their customers turned out to be NASA.From the humble beginnings of learning how to use a Bridgeport Milland cleaning up the machine shop, I was slowly given more responsi-bility, eventually being allowed to use my creativity to solve an engi-neering problem. I was assigned the task of designing and constructinga biaxial test bed for a proposed 1-meter drill for use on future NASAspace missions. This was my dream: to be a design engineer in aero-space and robotics!

In the middle of my second term with Honeybee, my supervisorinformed me that I had been unanimously selected by the engineers togo to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California

to participate in the Mars RoverMission. I couldn’t believe it! Ididn’t know what to say. I wasecstatic and called my mom. Mythree-week tour at JPL turnedinto six weeks, the most excitingsix weeks of my life. I met theteam of scientists at JPL, includ-ing Steve Squyres, the MissionManager. I joined the group incharge of controlling and posi-tioning the Rock Abrasion Tool(RAT). I was one of two Leads,sending and receiving data toand from the Mars Rover. It wasmind blowing. Engineers hadcreated a robot that was accurateto within 2 cm at 300 millionmiles away, and I was part of theteam controlling the robot.Every day brought a differentadventure. We were making his-tory, working on Mars time, trying to find water on Mars!

For me, this is what Co-op is all about, helping you discover whatyou love, preparing you for the real world, and sending you out thereto make your dream a reality. Co-op provided opportunities thatallowed me to learn and develop the skills and knowledge needed topursue my dream of a career in aerospace and robotics. I feel incredi-bly fortunate to have been a Stevens Co-op student.

Mr. Abraham

Above: evidence of the RAT’s work on a Mars rock.Right: rendering of the Mars Rover. Page 9


The findings and recommendations of the Second National Software Summit (NSS2) were announced inMay by the Center for National Software Studies (CNSS) at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

The report, titled “Software 2015: A National Software Strategy to Ensure US Security andCompetitiveness,” lays out a 10-year program to address what the summit participants concluded are “unac-ceptable risks” associated with the nation’s dependence on software in virtually all of its critical infrastructures.

“The 2004 NSS2 conference was critical to achieving an understanding of the risks we face and the chal-lenges we confront in overcoming those risks to the national software infrastructure,” said Professor LLaarrrryyBBeerrnnsstteeiinn of the Department of Computer Science at Stevens, who sits on the board of the CNSS and over-saw the drafting of the report. “With the release of these findings, the long-overdue conversation about gen-uine solutions can be joined in earnest.” – PB

Bernstein contributes to 2015 Report

DDrr.. MMaannuu MMaalleekk, Industry Professor ofComputer Science and Director of the Certificatein CyberSecurity program at Stevens, was recent-ly appointed Honorary Director of the ComputerNetworks Forensics Lab at Shandong Academy ofSciences, Jinan, China.

“Stevens and Shandong Academy have hadfriendly relations since 2002,” said Malek. “DDrr..EErriicchh KKuunnhhaarrddtt, dean of our School of Sciencesand Arts, visited the academy in 2002. Also, a del-egation from the academy visited Stevens in 2003.DDrr.. BBiinnggqquuaann CChheenn, a Research Professor in our Physics &Engineering Physics Department, has been instrumental in establish-ing these good relations.”

In September 2004, the academy invited Malek to Jinan for a visit.Later, the academy proposed to create a computer forensics lab andinvited Malek to be its Honorary Director. After discussing the legaland political ramifications of this appointment with DDrr.. HHeelleennaaWWiissnniieewwsskkii, Stevens’ VP of Institute Technology Initiatives, Malekaccepted the invitation.

The lab was officially inaugurated May 23 in Jinan. Malek attend-ed the opening ceremony, which was also attended by the president ofthe academy and other high-ranking officials.

This was but the latest in a series of high-level alliances and part-nership for Stevens with institutions of higher learning in China.Stevens also enjoys education and research partnerships with, amongothers, the Beijing Institute of Technology and the Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity. – PB

First US scientist heads China security lab

DDrr.. RReebbeeccccaa WWrriigghhtt, Associate Professor of Computer Science atStevens, led the US delegation and co-chaired the Second Japan/USWorkshop on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) onJune 26 and 27 in Tokyo, Japan. The workshop, which was sponsoredby the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Japan Science andTechnology Agency (JST), addressed research in all aspects of protec-tion of information systems and networks. A major goal of the work-shop, which follows up on an earlier workshop held in Arlington, Va.,in September 2004, is to foster collaboration between US and Japaneseresearchers in these areas.

“NSF and JST are committed to promoting bilateral cooperationin critical information infrastructure protection research,” said DDrr..CCaarrll LLaannddwweehhrr of NSF. “Both the US and Japan have significant,

though limited, expertise in thisimportant area. By workingtogether, we can make the most ofthese limited resources to developboth new results and newresearchers who can contribute toour common goals of maintainingsafe and secure societies.”

Wright led a delegation of 22US researchers from 13 universities, two industry research labs (IBM’sT. J. Watson and AT&T Research), one non-profit research lab (SRIInternational), and the National Science Foundation. – PB

Wright leads US delegation,co-chairs second Japan/US workshop

Days before the Memorial Day Weekend, on the board-walk in Spring Lake, N.J., DDrr.. TToomm HHeerrrriinnggttoonn of Stevens,who serves as the Coastal Process Specialist for the New JerseyMarine Sciences Consortium/New Jersey Sea Grant MarineExtension Program, presented his annual report on the state ofNew Jersey beaches. The press conference was widely coveredby the press, including several New York network televisionand radio stations, many newspapers, and the Associate Press.

In addition, representatives from the NJDEP and theDEP Coastal Management Program provided an overview on

the topic of “beach access,” included in the Acting Governor’srecently released plan to strengthen protection of the state’scoastal resources.

Joining Herrington were DDrr.. MMiicchhaaeell PP.. WWeeiinnsstteeiinn,President of the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium; rep-resentatives of the New Jersey Commerce Economic Growthand Tourism Commission; and NNoorreeeenn BBooddmmaann of the JerseyShore Partnership. – PB

“State of the Shore Report – 2005”

Dr. Malek

Professor Bernstein

Dr. Wright

Dr. Herrington

Andrew Corrigan, Stevens’ perfect 4.0

This year, Andrew Corrigan had the honor of finish-ing first in his graduating class.

Corrigan, of Merrick, L.I., received the degree ofBachelor of Science in Computational Science, with a con-centration in Computer Graphics.

A veteran the Stevens Scholars Program, over the pasttwo summers he worked in the Visualization Laboratory inthe Computer Science Department, assisting with researchperformed by Professors GGeeoorrggee KKaammbbeerroovv and HH.. QQuuyynnhhDDiinnhh. He continued working with professor Dinh after lastsummer, earning senior research credits.

“I wanted to study computer graphics,” said Corriganwhen asked about his chosen field of study, “but I didn'twant to be a Computer Science major. ComputationalScience majors have the option of doing a concentration inComputer Vision & Graphics. Therefore, I choseComputational Science.

“At the same time I wanted to have a background inthe basics of computer science and enough experience to bea competent programmer. Luckily for me, the StevensComputational Science program provided me with the

necessary background to handle computational problems."This summer he will work as an intern with Siemens Corporate Research in

Princeton, N.J. This fall he will continue at Stevens working on a master’s degree inComputational Science, with Professor Dinh as his advisor. – PB Page 7

The rain held out as Stevens celebrated its 2005 commencement,May 26, in an outdoor setting specially set up for the occasion. Thisyear, 377 undergraduates and 845 graduate students received degrees,including the first graduating class of MBA recipients, and close to 100were awarded graduate certificates.

Dressed in traditional caps and gowns, most of the graduates par-ticipated in one, or in some cases, both, of the two ceremonies. Threedistinguished guest speakers gave commencement addresses andreceived honorary degrees, while many hundreds of family membersand friends enjoyed the day and were provided excellent views from alarge-screen video monitor near the outdoor stage.

Trumpeters heralded the procession. This year’s commencementwas the second consecutively to be held outdoors. Organizers workedhard to create a new venue for the festivities in the 8th Street parkingcomplex, and all agreed the day was a phenomenal success and com-mencement attendees were well accommodated.

At the 2005 undergraduate ceremony, held in the morning, twoguest speakers received Doctor of Engineering Honoris Causa degrees:RReepp.. BBoobb MMeenneennddeezz (D-NJ), the congressman for New Jersey’s 13thDistrict (in which Stevens is located); and DDrr.. KKeevviinn MM.. CCaahhiillll,, MM..DD..,a highly accomplished physician in the field of global medicine and anadvocate for the use of technology for humanitarian action.

Congressman Menendez is the third-ranking Democrat in the USHouse, the highest-ranking Hispanic in Congressional history, and theonly Hispanic ever elected to a leadership position, in either chamber,by either party. In addition to being the first Democratic HouseMember from New Jersey elected to a Leadership post, he is also theyoungest member of the elected Democratic Leadership.

During his commencement address, Menendez told graduates that“technology can be a vehicle for humanity’s progress and well-being.”

“Democracy itself – the core principle of our nation – has spreadthrough technology,” he said. “The Internet, and all forms of moderncommunication, has made it much tougher for oppressive regimes tohide the hope and promises of freedom from their citizens.

“Technology has become the ultimate connector of people to peo-ple, society to society, culture to culture, and with that, liberty anddemocracy are communicated across traditional borders. Having fami-ly myself who fled an oppressive regime to come to this country seek-ing freedom, anything that makes freedom more accessible is dear tomy heart and soul. I hope you keep it dear to yours as you move outinto the world.”

Cahill is University Professor and Director of The Institute ofInternational Humanitarian Affairs at Fordham University, Director ofthe Tropical Disease Center at Lenox Hill Hospital, Clinical Professorof Tropical Medicine and Molecular Parasitology at New York

University School of Medicine, and Chief Medical Advisor forCounterterrorism, NYPD, as well as holding numerous other presti-gious positions.

“Education should have brought you to an appreciation of yourown individual wonder, and given you the confidence to share, even ifthere are dangers in exposing your vulnerabilities,” said Cahill.“Without that courage nothing good happens – people wouldn’t fall inlove, they wouldn’t sacrifice to make other lives better, and they would-n’t grow, gently and generously, accepting other’s faults as well as theirvirtues.”

Merrick, Long Island native AAnnddrreeww CCoorrrriiggaann graduated “first inclass” with a degree in Computational Science. (See sidebar.) He plansto continue his education in the fall at Stevens. Corrigan’s wife, also astudent at Stevens, will enter her senior year in the fall semester.

The honorary degree recipient and speaker for the graduate cere-mony in the afternoon was DDrr.. CC..KK PPrraahhaallaadd, the Harvey C. FruehaufProfessor of Business Administration at the Ross School of Business atthe University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prahalad specializes in corpo-rate strategy and the role of top management in diversified, global cor-porations. He has been ranked among the Top Ten managementthinkers in every major survey for more than 10 years. BusinessWeekhas said that Professor Prahalad may well be “the most influentialthinker on business strategy today.” He is a member of the blue ribboncommission of the United Nations on Private Sector andDevelopment. – PB

Commencement 2005: An outdoor celebration to remember

Stevens’ Board of Trustees Chair Lawrence T. Babbio, Rep. Menendez,Dr. Cahill and Stevens’ President Dr. Harold J. Raveché.

Rep. Menendez addresses the crowd.

Friends and family filled the campus on commencement day.

Andrew Corrigan ‘05