Steve Lewis, MA, CSCS Fitness Director.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Steve Lewis, MA, CSCS Fitness Director.

  • Slide 1

Steve Lewis, MA, CSCS Fitness Director Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Of Russian origin (girya) First mention in Russian dictionary in 1704 Used as a standard measure of grain and dry goods Traditional Russian measure 1 pood = 16 kgs = 35 lbs 1.5 pood = 24 kgs = 53lbs 2 pood = 32 kgs = 70 lbs Slide 11 Why is a Kettlebell unique? - Shape and size allows for swinging or accelerating that creates virtual force - Very powerful training effect from a relatively light weight - Offset center of gravity allows unique loading of shoulder joint on overhead lifts - Research indicates kettlebells can improve many components of fitness: dynamic strength, ranges of endurance, body composition, hypertrophy, flexibility Slide 12 Slide 13 Drills are divided into 2 categories: Explosion ballistic drills, typically done for higher reps to improve power output and / or conditioning levels Grinds slower, traditional type strength drills Slide 14 EXPLOSION DRILLS include: 1. Swing Slide 15 2. Snatch Slide 16 3. Clean Slide 17 GRIND DRILLS include: 1. Squat Slide 18 2. Press Slide 19 3. Windmill Slide 20 4. Turkish Get-Up Slide 21 Slide 22 Slide 23 Oxygen Cost of Kettlebell Swings (Farrar, et al) 10 college-aged males used the 2 hand swing technique with 16 kg kettlebell (KB) for 12 minutes Averaged 265 + 68 swings Average VO2 of 34.3 + 5.67 ml-kg -1 -min -1 Average HR 165 + 13 bpm Average % HR max 86.8 + 6% Conclusion Continuous KB swings can impart a metabolic response of sufficient intensity to increase VO2 max. Slide 24 Kettlebells: Twice the Results in Half the Time? (Porcari, et al) ACE sponsored research 10 volunteers (both male and female) ages 29-46 yrs with previous KB training experience Subjects performed a 20 minute interval KB workout. Slide 25 RESULTS MEANRANGE HR (bpm) 164+14.7128-180 % of HR max 93+4.586-99 VO2 max ml-kg -1 -min -1 31.6+3.7124.6+36.6 % of VO2 max 78+8.067-91 Kcals / min 13.6+2.2110-18 Slide 26 Conclusion: HR and VO2 responses where significantly higher when compared to traditional strength training Interval KB training is highly effective for improving aerobic capacity! Slide 27 Kettlebell Swing, Snatch, Bottoms-Up Carry: Back and Hip Muscle Activation, Motion and Low Back Loads. (McGill, et al) Goal of this research was to quantify low back loads various swings and carries. 7 college-aged males performed KB swings, snatches and bottoms ups carries while EMG and kinematic data was collected. Slide 28 Results: KB swings showed unique lumbar (L4-L5) loading patterns that are opposite in polarity to traditional lifting or loading. May explain the anecdotal evidence for KB swings and snatches restoring and enhancing low back function. Slide 29 Results: KB swings showed unique lumbar (L4-L5) loading patterns that are opposite in polarity to traditional lifting or loading. May explain the anecdotal evidence for KB swings and snatches restoring and enhancing low back function. Slide 30 Kettlebells: 1. improve strength 2. improve cardiovascular conditioning 3. improve core strength 4. may reduce low back pain 5. ARE FUN!!!!!!!! Slide 31 Slide 32