Stepping up 2 video marketing f4mmedia

Post on 08-May-2015

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f4mmedia on video marketing for small and other businesses, content marketing http;//

Transcript of Stepping up 2 video marketing f4mmedia

stepping up f4mmedia 1

stepping up

video marketing

part two

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© 2013 f4mmedia all rights reserved

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table of contents

introduction .......................... 4traditional media ................... 5content marketing ................. 7business video ......................... 9

consistently generating ideas

all materials handcrafted, digitally

the cornershop of content creation

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Our key concepts are responsive marketing and integrated communication – integrated responsive marketing

An integrated marketing effort

see also our branding publication

Integrated responsive marketing can be defined as:

- using sufficient marketing tools for any particular business, those tools being integrated into a single marketing effort to give the best value possible for the business, giving that business the best effort possible for its place within the market, its targets and its aspirations

- the marketing effort will be responsive to the ongoing needs of the business concerned, what is hap-pening with the business, the activity within the market and the particular targets of the business, responding to changes, events and the evolution of the market and its constituents.

In comaprison to the market of ten years ago and even more of twenty and thrity years ago, there are massive differences to be seen. We have a market where the people making up that market behave differently, use different media, different products. We do not read as many newspapers, magazines as we used to. We use the internet far more, including social media. We use the radio a lot less but we will use online radio, podcasts and free music sites.

Our marketing efforts have to take all of these factors into consideration when we embark on promoting our businesses. The days of taking an ad in a local paper, having a series of flyers delivered to houses in your area, or if you are a big enough operation, having a radio ad or tv ad broadcast, all have moved on. But there are other things easily in reach.

We are here to help, offering a friendly, approachable and direct response to enquiries. It costs nothing to talk – first consultations are free! We are happy to discuss all of your marketing and branding needs.

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More than 80% of people in most countries do not use old forms of information gathering when looking for a company, service or product – the days of the phone book, directories and local papers are coming to an end.63% of Americans use online searches rather than the phone book, Yellow pages take up is down by 55% in the past 10 years and falling by atound 5.5% per yearFlyers and brochures put through your door are also finding less response, all too often they are simply put in the bin without a glance.People make more use of online directories and particular sites for their searchesMore time is spent on social media than reading the paper – up to 91% of people online use social media.There is still a use for certain forms of print promotion – handing someone your business card at a salient point in a meeting is all important, having a brochure or catalogue to hand to a prospective client or customer during a discussion is a reinforcement of you and your brand, it also leaves the prospect with something direct to refer to at another point in time .

Traditional media

Nearly one-third of all display ads are never seen

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Relies on content creation, suitable channels to generate Interest – engagement.

Content marketing relies on having something to say – the content has to have substance. Information is what you are transmitting. This means what can be bought, where it is available, how much it will cost, whether there are any speciall offers or deals on hand.

What calls to action can we make? Do we want to attempt to make a sale immediately or do we want to engage a potential new lead so that a more lasting relationship can be built? Having a means to commu-nicate in a lasting way can mean a lasting income stream. Give your clients/customers ways to show their interest and engagement, their connection to you, your products, services etc.

This content can be of all forms – information is not just a price tag. Demonstrations, how-to's, style ideas are all possible and have value to customers.

51 uses of business video - onemarketmedia

Our approach to content marketing is to look at what content mix is best for you. Different sections of the market use different media in different ways at different times. The content mix to use is the one where each element supports the other, reinforces each other, as well as reaches the people you want to reach. With an integrated approach time and money are saved, content produced for one channel or medium can be adapted for another, mentions on one channel can add to the content on another, each enriching the other.

Content marketing

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This is the current area of growth in marketing effort for businesses worldwide. Given channels such as youtube, vimeo, metacafe and the increased inclusion of video on websites, it has become easier for businesses to include video as a form of marketing. Making video for business has also become easier and cheaper. Some businesses finding it in themselves to make their own, admittedly not always with good results. There are, though, more small video production companies out there – us included.

Business video

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figures supplied by Andrew Follett of Video Brewery

1.8 Million Words

That’s the value of one minute of video, according to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research.That’s the equivalent of 3,600 typical web pages. The old adage – if a picture says a thousand words then video speaks volumes is literally true.

What’s The Market for Online Video?45.4%

According to comScore, which measures online engagement and use, that’s the percentage of Internet users who view at least one video online over the course of a month. The average user is exposed to an average of 32.2 videos in a month, increasing the chances that your marketing message will be seen.

100 Million

That’s the number of Internet users who watch online video each day. Many of those are watching the latest viral video with a goofy cat or a cute kid, but an awful lot of them are looking for advice on how to do something or how to make something work better. And a whole of them are looking to buy a service or product.


The percentage of online shoppers at a major retailer’s website who said they find video helpful in making shopping and buying decisions. Retailers who provide online video to show off their products report that the products with video sell a lot more than products with no video.

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That’s the percent of executives who told Forbes that they watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week. The results breakdown:50% watch business-related videos on YouTube 65% visit the marketer’s website after viewing a video16 minutes and 49 seconds

According to comScore, that’s how much time the average user spends watching online video ads every month.


According to the Online Publishers Association, that’s the percentage of Internet users who recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days. It gets even better. Of that 80%, 46% took some action after viewing the ad. In fact:26% looked for more information about the subject of the video 22% visited the website named in the ad 15% visited the company represented in the video ad 12% purchased the specific product featured in the ad


That’s how much more likely website visitors are to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video. In addition, visitors who view videos stay on the site an average of 2 minutes longer than those who don’t view videos, comScore says.Online Video Marketing Is Not Just for Retailers


An Australian real estate group reports that real estate listings with videos receive 403% more inquiries than those without videos. In other words, real estate ads with videos generate quadruple the leads of those without videos.

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According to Forbes Insight, that’s the percentage of senior executives who’d rather watch a video than read text. About 65% of those who view a video click through to visit the vendor website, 50% look for more information and 45% report that they contacted a vendor after seeing an online video ad. About 50% of those who viewed an online marketing video went on to make a purchase for their business.

And It’s Not Just Online


In 2010, an Implix email marketing survey found that including a video in an introductory email increased the click-through rate by 96%. That’s nearly twice as many people clicking through to your website when you include a video in your marketing emails.


The Forrester Marketing group surveyed businesses in 2010 and found that video did even better. When marketers included a marketing or explainer video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200% to 300%.


Eloqua, an automated email marketing provider, noted that including video in an introductory email reduced the number of subscriber opt-outs by 75%.


One online marketer reported a 51% increase in subscriber-to-lead conversion rates when video was included in an email marketing campaign.

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How to Make Video Marketing More Effective

User Engagement with Video Content

10 seconds

That’s how long you have. According to research by Visible Measures, 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or fewer.And it doesn’t get a lot better than that. You’ll lose about 1/3 of your viewers by 30 seconds, 45% of them by 1 minute and almost 60% by 2 minutes. And those numbers remain the same no matter how long the video is.

5 minutes

There’s good news, though. While desktop viewers tend to stick with videos for 2 minutes or less, mobile users seem to have a longer attention span. iPhone users tend to watch for about 2.4 minutes. Android users give a video three minutes to engage them and Symbian users stick around for just over 4 minutes. iPad users have the longest attention spans of all, sticking with a web video for an average of 5 minutes.


That’s the percentage of YouTube videos that are embedded, linked or shared on Tuesdays between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., according to Sysomos.

15 seconds

According to research conducted by Jun Group (2011), videos that are 15 seconds or shorter are shared 37 percent more often than those that last between 30 seconds and 1 minute. If you make your video longer, that stat goes down. Those shorties are only shared 18% more often than videos of longer than 1 minute.

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52% of b2b marketers use video as part of their content marketing mix. (Smart Insights)

Video production costs vary widely, depending on length, quality, type of content and other factors. High-end animated videos can cost $20,000-$30,000, while simpler inter-view-type videos can be under $1,000. Common 2- to 3-minute videos with a mix of live action and simple animation typically cost $2,000-$5,000. (Mack Collier)

We have extremely low overheads - this makes us some of the lowest priced video pro-duction houses in the north of England.

Contrary to what you’ve probably been told, longer format video may actually drive higher engagement: “different types of content yield different sharing behaviors. Break-ing down video behavior within StumbleUpon, videos viewed between two to three minutes found a spike in sharing out to social media, whereas videos viewed beyond four minutes see direct shares increase by five times. Longer, arguably more involved, content may drive viewers to more intimate sharing routes.” (Ad Age)

There is a use for forms of video!

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Using video as part of your marketing mix makes sense. It is also cost effective and in reach of even the smallest business.

- video ads, short, punchy promotional pieces, for your website, youtube, facebook page and more

- longer instructional pieces, webinars and the like - animated logos, animated banners for your website and other channels

- embedded video for your blog - in-store video

- promotional dvd’s - flash drive content in video form

We can supply all of this, upload to existing channels or create them for you, as well as promoting video content via our own channels.