Step By Step iContact Instructions – Set Up A...

Post on 27-May-2020

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Transcript of Step By Step iContact Instructions – Set Up A...

Step By Step iContact Instructions – Set Up A Customer AutoResponder

1. In your dashboard, click on Products.

2. If you have already set up a product, click on the “Edit” link to edit that product. If you have not created a product yet, please see the tutorial in your dashboard on how to create a product.

After your product is saved in the dashboard, click on the “Login to iContact” link as shown below.

3. Click on the blue “My Contacts” tab

4. Click on the “Create a List” link as shown below

5. Type in the name of your list, a short description of the list, and select if you would like to receive an email whenever a contact is added or removed.

6. Click on “Add Welcome Message” as shown below.

7. Click on the “Create Text-Only Email” link as illustrated below.

8. Check both the boxes at the top of the form. Next, select your From: email address and type in a subject line.

A good example of a subject line for the customer email would be: Thank You For Your Order

(form continued on next page)

9. You will see default text from iContact as shown below. Click anywhere inside the box, right click with your mouse, and choose “Select All”. Hit the backspace or delete keys on your keyboard to delete this text.

10. Now that the text box is blank, please type in your email message. Sample messages are provided below. Once you are finished typing your message, click the “Save welcome message” button.

FROM: Your Name RE: $1 Guide – The Title of Your Guide Thank you for purchasing my $1 (name of your guide)! Click below to download your guide: (link to your Thank You page goes here) I hope your next (name of niche. For example, yard sale) is profitable! Please come back and comment and share your experience on my blog at (your domain name goes here) All Good Wishes, (your name) (your domain name goes here)

11. Once you’ve saved your previous message, the following screen will appear. Please notice that your newly created message now appears under “Welcome Message”.

12. Click on the “Sign-up Forms” link as shown below.

13. Click the button that says “Create HTML form”

14. The only thing you need to do is click the green “Next” button at the bottom right.

15. Add a name for your sign-up form, choose the list to add your contacts to, and check these three boxes: Email, First Name, and Last Name.

(this form continues on the next page)

16. Ignore the rest of the settings on this page – the only thing you need to do is click the “Save” button.

17. Click the “view HTML” link beside your $1 Offer Sign-up Form that you just created.

18. Please scroll to the bottom of this page. You can ignore everything above the -OR- in the middle of the page.

(this form continues on the next page)

19. Right click inside the box and follow the instructions in red below. After you copy the text, go back to your dashboard.

20. In your dashboard, paste the code you copied from iContact into the section that says “Paste iContact Manual Form Code”

21. Once your product has been saved, you will see a yellow box that lets you know it has been saved and is ready.