Step 1: Know Your Zyto · #1 Print out your Username and Password for your Zyto Compass and put it...

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Transcript of Step 1: Know Your Zyto · #1 Print out your Username and Password for your Zyto Compass and put it...

Step 1: Know Your Zyto Step 2: Starting your Practice Step 3: Getting Your Mindset Right for your Business Step 4: Your Zyto Compass Marketing Materials Step 5: Making Appointments Step 6: Putting It All Together Zyto Scan System and Close Step 7: Learn Your Clients’ Language Step 8: Zyto Compass Disclaimer Step 9: Set your Launch Date Step 10: Ready Set Go 2014 Bonus Zyto Updates Resources Testimonials from Zyto Compass Owners

Step 1: Know Your Zyto Whether you are a newbie just starting with the Zyto or have an established practice, you want to make sure you have these fundamentals done. KNOW YOUR ZYTO: #1 Print out your Username and Password for your Zyto Compass and put it in a safe place. Memorize it if you haven't already. If you just purchased a Zyto Scanner, you will need this when your compass arrives. Download the Zyto Compass Technology to the computer you will be using. #2 Decide on what computer or laptop you will be using with your Zyto. Make sure it fits the Zyto Compass requirements. If you are going to be traveling with your Zyto Compass, investing in a good durable laptop is recommended like an IBM Think Pad- it can be used as a laptop but make sure they meet the system requirements. #3 Go to this link and look under System Requirements and read through the FAQ's. You may want to print them out or put them in your documents. Visit the Zyto Compass FAQs here.

(Image taken from Zyto Compass website)

Make sure you understand these and if not, contact the Zyto Help Desk to get more information.

Step 2: Starting Your Practice The key to getting good at anything is practice and the Zyto is no exception. We are going to need to practice and we are going to need to practice on people. So....

They say the average person has met, been introduced to or are acquaintances with more than 1000 people before they are thirty years old. Don't worry. We aren't going to have you practice on 1000 people, but we will be looking for 12 people. As you know, many friends and family have busy lives and making time to come over and do a Zyto Scan practice may not be the top of their list. So in order for us to get the 12 people we need to practice on, we suggest you make a list of 100 people that you know or know of. This list will be your Resource list. Print out the following: Click here for the13-page PDF version and a Blank Resource List for you to fill out.

We will explain more about how to use this list and how to invite your practice group and your potential clients in later steps. Now print out your Resource List and start on it today. It may take you 24-72 hours to complete, but keep with it.

Step 3: Get your Marketing Mindset Right for your Zyto Compass Business

You are doing great! Step 3 is here and it is A VERY IMPORTANT STEP. One of the biggest fallacies in a Home Business owner’s career is the fact that we need to know everything about our products. This simply is not the case. Some of the most successful distributors don't have certifications or licenses. They are just everyday people who know some simple steps and do them over and over. In fact many health professionals struggle in their practices because they don't know these simple strategies.

This Audio Training is going to help get your MINDSET right for business. This pre-recorded class was held specifically for health service providers, but if you own a Zyto, you now have a service to provide.

Learn the basics to begin success without burnout. This class alone will help you earn your investment back quickly if you apply it. In this class you will discover: 1. Who to market to 2. How to market without a marketing budget 3. How to talk to prospective clients 4. How to go from conversations to confirmed appointments 5. What is the E-myth? Click here to LISTEN.

Step 4: Your Zyto Compass Marketing Materials

When it comes to Business cards, flyers, and handouts for your Zyto Compass we can easily get stressed out about the creation of these tools. In addition we can buy things we don't need, spend money we shouldn't and end up with a bunch of materials that just don't do what we wanted them to. The biggest question your client will have is how will this HELP ME? We can answer that question through sharing a few benefits of the Zyto Compass as well as Testimonials. Some of you are great at creativity and will make some wonderful infographics and flyers. But those of us without so much creativity can purchase flyers and cards at Zyto Compass directly. Click here for their marketing materials.

Here is a sample:

Make sure you have something that has your information on it or website where those interested can learn more or make an appointment.

Step 5: Making Appointments

Make your Appointments for your Test Clients It's time to test out your machine on real people

In Step #2 you wrote out your practice list already. Now it's time to find your 12 practice sessions. You may have practiced on your children or spouse already but now it's time to practice the process on individuals that you may not feel as comfortable with. Today you are going to learn some simple words to use when inviting people from your practice list. Click here for today's recording. Before you make your calls, be sure you have set the hours and days that you can practice, or go to your clients’ homes to practice.

When working with one person at a time, a practice session will take you 30-40 minutes in the beginning, once you improve your system and closing you should be able to do sessions in about 20-30 minutes. When working with a group you should be able to do sessions in about 25-35 minutes. So based on that, mark your calendar when you can see clients. You should have a planning calendar, smartphone, Google calendars, etc. They work well with both your family and work obligations. If you do not set boundaries for your work time, your family could suffer and likewise if your family is not aware when you will be working and what you might need if working in the home, your business could suffer. Set about 1 hour - 90 minutes aside to make phone calls and make appointments. If you don't make all your appointments in this time be sure to schedule out more time to make calls. Creating your work schedule is important. To create a successful Zyto practice over the next year to 18 months be sure to schedule 5-10 hours a week for making appointments, marketing, follow up and actually doing the scans. The next step will give you the actual Scan System we use and Closing system. I promise if you use these simple scripts along with the system and give your business the time it needs to grow you will have a successful Zyto Scan business in 1 year to 18 months.

Click here purchase Dani Johnson’s Script Books.

Step 6: Learn your Zyto Compass Scanning System & Close

It's time to put everything together from start to finish

Click here to listen to this 30 minute recording Zyto Compass Step 6 Audio In this audio you will learn:

1) Why a small laser printer is a good investment? 2) How to continue to develop the relationship before you scan your

client? 3) Why a quiet peaceful environment is important? 4) What you do after you print out the clients scan? 5) The 3 close system

Set aside 30 minutes to listen to this recording and take notes. Download the MP3 to your smartphone, iPod or MP3 player so you can listen a few times through passively too. The more you hear it the more you get it. But of course the more you practice the better you get. So get out there and practice.

Step 7: Learn your Client's Language It's time to learn a skill that will help you with all parts of your Young Living business and your life.

It's skill that helps you learn more about your clients and their personalities. When you understand your clients’ personalities you will be able to speak to them in a "language" that they can understand. Today's audio comes from a special training we did for Women Business owners. Click here for the audio Personalities Training Included is a PDF EBook to help give you some visuals for the training. Click here for the Personalities EBook. Here are some of the responses we got from this class: "I have a family run small business and I was always feeling overwhelmed. After that class I understood myself and my kids a whole lot more and am dealing with stress better." Stacy K

"My husband is a total Emerald and I am a Sapphire. Now I understand why we butt heads so much when it comes to my business." Jessica H "Dr. Mary did an excellent job presenting this information in a new and refreshing way” T Nichols I hope this training helps you in your life and business as much as it has helped all of us.

Step 8: Your Zyto Compass Disclaimer

Zyto Compass is not a Medical Device and should not be promoted as such. Having a Disclaimer Form will be beneficial for all of us. Below is an example Informed Consent Form modified from a Zyto Directory Participant Brenda Weiner. You are welcome to look it over and make your own disclaimer or informed consent, but realize that the following example is provided with no claims to its legality and any person who uses it or portions of it will hold Mary Starr Carter and StarrHealth LLC free and clear from any claims of harm by using it. I don't suggest we all live in fear but we also have to be aware that there is a serious problem with almost all of the natural health MDs who treat dis-ease with natural medicine and nutrition being attacked by Big Pharma and sued in court.

In my own hometown of Syracuse, NY there are 3 Natural Wellness MD's that I am aware of that were sued and either lost their license because of treating cancer with nutritional supplementation or other natural remedies.

We must make sure our clients know we are not diagnosing or prescribing but rather providing personal education.

Click here to see the Informed Consent Example.

Please don't stop helping others because of fear, but be smart.

Step 9: Set your Date for Your Launch Date Okay hopefully you have gotten some or all of your practice Sessions in. You have been able to go through your "System" several times and now you are ready to LAUNCH! Your launch is when you are officially starting your ZYTO practice. #1) Pick a Date #2) Use your same list to invite people to your Open House or for an appointment. #3) You can use postcards, letters or flyers to invite your guests to your Open House or asking them to help you spread the word about your Zyto Practice. See Step 4 Marketing Materials. Depending on the prices you set, you can offer a coupon to your guests or several of them to pass out at work or to friends who are looking for more natural health solutions. #4) Scripts when calling or mailing letters are similar to your practice scripts. "Could you help me spread the word", "I've found something that really helps people get results with their health challenges quickly" share some of the stories you have gotten from your testers. Example, John was really skeptical at first but after he was done he not only believed that the Scan was worth his time and money but he started using one simple thing that has given him relief from heart burn for 2 weeks. Before he was getting it everyday. #5) Ask for referrals if your clients can't come or are not interested. "Would you mind passing on the information to people who might need what I have?" #6) Remember, if you want 5 appointments or 5 guests at your Open House, you may need to invite 30 guests.

#7) Open Houses are fun because you can have oils diffusing, and products displayed out. Similarly at your home parties, or individual appointments. #8) Remember each Appointment or Open House should lead to the next thing. Have your next Zyto Scan Evening or Day planned, or schedule a Home Party with one of the guests who would like to offer the scans for their family and friends. This is called ADVANCE.... Don't be afraid to ask for the referral. "Do you think your family or friends would like to get Scans too? We offer a discount of $25 each scan when we Zyto Scan Parties in your home." #9) Don't forget Saturdays. Some of the best Scan days are held on a Saturday late morning and early afternoon. #10) When hosting an Open House having small gifts are important that will peak the client’s interest for future Young Living products and parties. For example a sample of one of our essential oil blends.

Step 10: Review and Ready Set Go! Ready Set Go! Guess what? If you have been following the Zyto Scan Steps, you have officially started your business. We are proud of you. Let's Review.... Repetition is the mother of learning! Click here for a 15-minute Audio to help jog your memory. Now that you have reviewed, it's time for READY SET GO!

Click the link below to hear our Ready Set Go Tips for Follow up Step 10 Ready Set Go

Learn the 3 -10- 30-Day System of Follow up 3 – 10 - 30 3 days - Client has received your Thank you Card Thank you so much for your active participation in the Zyto Scan Success System. Please email us your feedback and questions about the program.

BONUS STEP: 2014 Zyto Updates Click here for the recording where you can listen via the web or download it to your MP3 player. Listen to it, apply it and then let me know how it is working for you.

Resources Zyto Compass Marketing Material Dani Johnson Script Books First Steps to Success Dani Johnson Gems Program SendOutCards Member # 144347 StarrHost Website and Hosting Young Living Zyto Compass Directory Facebook Group


Here are some Testimonials from friends in the Young Living Zyto Compass Directory Group: Leslie V: I am amazed at how the Zyto Compass Scan gets to the root of the issue and reveals more of the emotional component to the issue I am concerned about.

Holly T: I started the Zyto Compass during a really stressful time. I scanned for Super C, sulfurzyme, and nutmeg (adrenal). A month later, the physical issues were resolved, but I was a wreck emotionally. I scanned highest for Inner Child. After another month, I was doing a lot better but feeling discouraged. I scanned highest for magnify your potential. Now after a few weeks, I’m really feeling whole again.

Linda J: When I first got the Zyto Compass, I wanted to see if it really worked, I took it to a party, put 20 people on it, it was accurate for all 20, I was sold! It alerted my niece of her TMJ before the dentist did!

Debbie E: As a chiropractor, I always do my clinical exam/assessment first. Then I do the Zyto scan on the patient and am always amazed how the findings correlate! Love my Zyto!

Kirby S: I just have to say…I got my scanner and scanned myself this morning…BLOWN AWAY!!!!! I can’t believe how dead on it is! I’ve been using the wrong oil, but now I know exactly what to use. Holy cow!! So excited!!! Want to scan the planet!

Zyto Compass is able to explode some Young Living businesses. Here are two:

Misty B: I love it!! I did a class 2 weeks ago and had about 8 people do it. Would say if 8 did a scan 4 would sign up. I just got my 6th leg tonight.

Georgia W: I think it’s a great tool to help grow your business. Some people will listen to a machine better than what you tell them.