Stay Out of The Unserviced Workforce by Becoming a Perfect Job Seeker

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Stay Out of The Unserviced Workforce by Becoming a Perfect Job Seeker

Stay Out of the UnservicedWorkforce by becoming a

Perfect Job Seeker

A balanced and practical roadmap to help you navigate the current

economy and plan for the next one. Stuart Mease

Job searching will not be a one-time event

• By the age of 38, the average person now will haveswitched careers 3 times hand had 8 different jobs.

• Long-term employment is now measured in working in the same role for greater than 3 years.

• The best time to start looking for your next job is day 1 of your new job.

3 Most Common and Crucial Mistakes of Job Seekers

1. They do not know where they want to work, for what industry and for which company.

2. They do not spend enough time job searching.

3. The time they do spend searching is on the worse ROI.

1. Acquire new skills to move up2. Humble oneself and move down3. Start a business4. Move laterally between jobs in the unserviced workforce5. Remain unemployed6. Move or leave the region7. Retire early, if able

Remedy for the Unserviced Workforce:Be a Perfect Job Seeker!





Short-Term, Do Now

Long-Term, Think Now


• Must answer where, what and who first

• 80% of all jobs are NEVER advertised

• 80% get jobs through personal networking

• Less than 10% of people get jobs online

• It takes job searching 40hr/week for 3 months (500 hours) to find the job you want.

• Ex: Clemson AD


• Unpaid internship

• Multiple jobs

• Platform job

• Degree/past experience does not equal job offer

• Example (Andy Rooney Video)


• Degree is a good starting point, but not enough

• Formal and informal study

• Example (Webmaster and Social Media and Stacey)

Invest in lifelong/continuous learning

Avg U.S.


Life Wages


Life Wages




Less than HS graduate $18,641 $1,577,466 $960,365 -39.1

HS graduate (include equiv.) $26,123 $1,814,595 $1,380,636 -23.9

Some college or associate's

degree $31,936 $2,007,712 $1,738,411 -13.4

Bachelor's degree $45,221 $2,736,270 $2,702,793 -1.2

Graduate or Professional

degree $59,804 $3,039,355 $3,506,939 15.2


1. Do you want to work for someone else or for yourself?

2. Does not have to be main income stream. Start small and online.

3. Inc. 5000 – 87% self-funded their business and the median investment was $25,000

4. Free Agent Nation and Job Growth

5. Cameron and Cousin Kevin

Personal Board of Directors

1. Group of people who you can turn to for advice jobs, continuing education, business start up or someone who will humble you.

2. These people come from your existing relationships.





Basic Job Search Tips and Techniques

Minimum Basics1. For every $10k in starting salary, it will take one month of job search. 2. It will take job searching 40/hr week for three months to find the job you want. 3. Up to 80% of people gets jobs through networking v. 10% online. 4. Be unique and stand out when contacting employers. You have nothing to lose.

Essential Basics1. Informational interviews 2. Follow up3. Staffing Agencies and Headhunters4. Volunteer for non-profits5. Be a voracious reader of local news

Bold Basics1. Overnight FedEx2. Write your own job description3. Make an offer to work part-time for a short-period of time. 4. Stop and Drop5. Coffee Shop Job Searching – Setup your office there6. Auction Yourself / PR Stunt with Local Media Outlet (Radio Station) Benefit Charity

Social Media Basics1. Blog about an Expertise You Have2. Social Media Bounty Fee3. Tweet Deck Monitor Mentions

Local Resources

– Va Tech, Carilion and the NCTC (Region’s Growth)

– Job Fairs (Attend any and all)

– Chambers of Commerce (Multiple)

– BNI (Referral and Networking Orgnaizations)

– Staffing Agencies / Headhunters (Renick,TekSystems)

– Civic Organizations (Rotary/Kiwanis)

– Online Boards (

– Professional Organizations (SHRM)

– Job Clubs (AA for Job Seekers)

– Local Offline and Online Publications (VBF/BRBJ)


1. We cannot guarantee or “get” you a job.

2. We can create opportunities for you, if you can answer where, what and who.

3. We can share tips and techniques to enhance your ability to convert these opportunities to jobs.