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Transcript of STATUS OF PROJECTS IN EXECUTION FY10 - World · The...




Operations Policy and Country Services OCTOBER 03, 2010


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The Status of Projects in Execution (SOPE) Report for FY10 provides information on all IBRD, IDA, and trust funded projects that were active as of June 30, 2010. The World Bank has issued a SOPE Report every year as an internal communication to the Board of Executive Directors. In accordance with the Bank’s revised disclosure policy, since FY02, the SOPE Report is available to the public. The report is intended to bridge the gap in information available to the public between the Project Appraisal Document or Program Document, disclosed after the Bank approves a project, and the Implementation Completion Report, disclosed after the project closes.

In addition to the project progress description, the FY10 SOPE report1 contains project level comparisons

of disbursement estimates and actual disbursements, and a table showing the loan/credit/grant amount and disbursements to date.

1 Notes:

Amounts and Graphs for loans/credits/grants in currencies other than U.S. dollars may not match exactly due to exchange rate fluctuations over the life of the project.

Disbursement graphs are not included for Development Policy Operations, which provide quick-disbursing financing to support policy and institutional reforms. For these operations, funds are disbursed in one or more stages (tranches), released when the borrower complies with agreed prior actions.

Projects which are not yet effective may not have a planned disbursement schedule and thus will not include a graph.



Project Name (ID): AF: Emer Irrig Rehab (P078936)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 12/23/2003

Midterm Review Date: 03/25/2006

Closing Date: 03/31/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H4980, IDA-H3980, IDA-H2840, IDA-38450

Sector(s): Irrigation and drainage (75%), General water, sanitation and flood protection sector (10%), Central

government administration (10%), Sub-national government administration (5%)

Theme(s): Water resource management (29%), Rural services and infrastructure (29%), Other rural development

(28%), Rural policies and institutions (14%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to assist the Borrower in restoring

irrigated agricultural production in its rural areas, through improved and reliable water supply to rehabilitated

traditional irrigation schemes.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Despite difficult security conditions and related

implementation delays, the project is making progress towards achieving its development objective in terms of

outcome indicators: increase in irrigated area; and increase in crop yields in rehabilitated schemes. Monitoring data

shows that as of June 30, 2010, the irrigated area had increased by 132,000 hectares (91 percent of end-of-project

target); and crop yields recorded increases of 39 percent to 68 percent, with wheat yield increasing by 68 percent,

maize 53 percent, onion 63 percent, and potato 61 percent, as compared to pre-rehabilitation. Increases in yields as

compared to control area ranged from 28 percent to 64 percent.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H4980 Effective 33.99 7.45 26.73 0.00

IDA-H3980 Effective 25.86 15.57 10.35 0.00

IDA-H2840 Effective 25.16 21.24 4.88 0.00

IDA-38450 Effective 41.78 39.71 2.35 0.00


Project Name (ID): Emergency Customs and Trade Facilitation (P083906)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 12/23/2003

Midterm Review Date: 11/20/2005

Closing Date: 12/31/2010

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H4960, IDA-38440

Sector(s): Central government administration (100%)

Theme(s): Trade facilitation and market access (33%), Infrastructure services for private sector development (33%),

Administrative and civil service reform (17%), Tax policy and administration (17%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to help establish a more efficient customs

and transit regime.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project has surpassed most of the targets set at the

outset including: significant improvement in the performance of Afghan Customs Department (ACD) with Customs

revenue increasing from US$50 million in FY 2003-2004 to almost US$770 million in FY 2009-2010; trade volume

improved from US$2 billion/year in 2003 to US$6.26 billion/year in 2010; truck release times have reduced

noticeably; Automated Systems for Customs Data transit module rolled out to five transit axis of Afghanistan, with

full Declaration Processing System now operational at 5 locations; customs-related transit infrastructure

considerably improved with the construction, refurbishment and rehabilitation of various facilities; Afghanistan’s

ranking of Customs Logistics Performance Index improved notably from 150 in 2003 to 104 in 2010; the 7th round

of Afghanistan Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement is under way to promote and facilitate regional and bilateral trade;

the Uzbek-Afghan Rail Agreement and Afghan-China-Kazakh Transit Agreements are under process; there is

continued effort towards reform and modernization of trucking and freight sectors, with the establishment of the

Afghan Freight Forwarders Company; the Afghan Nation Standards Authority has been established and now

carrying out regular testing of Petroleum Oil Lubricant and consumer products; and improved telecommunications

network has been established to support ACD, with 11 locations across the country connected through the Virtual

Private Networks (VSAT VPNS). All funds committed towards the project have been disbursed and all activities

under the project have been successfully completed.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H4960 Effective 7.35 7.15 0.19 0.00

IDA-38440 Effective 33.28 32.15 0.02 0.00


Project Name (ID): Emergency Power Rehabilitation Project (P083908)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 06/22/2004

Midterm Review Date: 11/25/2007

Closing Date: 09/30/2012

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-39330, TF-54718

Sector(s): Power (95%), Central government administration (5%)

Theme(s): Infrastructure services for private sector development (67%), Conflict prevention and post-conflict

reconstruction (33%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to provide an improved and more reliable

power supply to the people in Kabul.

The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

The restructuring is for the extension of the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) Grant and IDA Credit

closing dates to September 30, 2012. This will allow the delayed project activities to be completed, thereby ensuring

the full achievement of the project development objectives.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Implementation of the project is progressing well. The

rehabilitation of 110 kilo volt (kV) transmission line from Naghlu to Kabul, 110 kV new transmission lines from

Chimtallah substation to Kabul North, supply and installation work of optical fiber ground wire for Pul e Khumri to

Chimtalla 220 kV transmission line, and rehabilitation of 110 kV North-West substation have been completed and

the facilities are in use and providing the desired services. The outcome of these components resulted in: (a)

increased hours of power supply to 14 - 24 hours daily, compared of 3 - 4 hours at the base line; (b) Kabul customer

consumption increased from 284,000 Megawatt hour in 2009 571,800; (c) corporatization of the electricity company.

There could be a delay of 18 - 24 months in completing the balance components due to difficulties in transportation,

route selection and appropriate endorsement from the concerned bodies, security, etc. This progress will lead to the

achievement of the project development objectives, albeit perhaps, with some delay.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-39330 Effective 111.12 88.16 22.31 0.00

TF-54718 Effective 20.00 8.88 11.12 0.00


Project Name (ID): Kabul Urban Reconstruction Project (P083919)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 07/29/2004

Midterm Review Date: 11/29/2007

Closing Date: 03/31/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-39670

Sector(s): General water, sanitation and flood protection sector (40%), Sub-national government administration

(35%), Roads and highways (24%), Central government administration (1%)

Theme(s): Access to urban services and housing (25%), Other urban development (25%), Municipal governance

and institution building (24%), Pollution management and environmental health (13%), Land administration and

management (13%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to upgrade urban infrastructure to

improve delivery of basic urban services in under-serviced communities in Kabul Municipality.

The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

The project restructuring was approved by the Board on February 18, 2010, together with a one-year extension to

the project closing date. Restructuring reduced the project scope, aligned the project development objective with the

new scope and scaled back project outcomes:

Part A: Area Upgrading: (original US$25.11 million revised US$23.02 million). The original activity and approach

of upgrading selected areas through a community-based participatory process remains unchanged. The project will

continue to supply a basic urban infrastructure package to selected communities. Changes reflect, instead, the

increased costs of civil works and include: (i) reduction in the targeted number of neighborhoods from 45 to 15; (ii)

reduction in the targeted number of beneficiaries from 250,000 to 92,000; (iii) reduction in the targeted number of

hectares (ha) from 1,000 ha to 600 ha; (iv) elimination of the option of provision of social infrastructure; and (v)

reduction in the allocation to ancillary infrastructure.

Part B: Land Tenure Regularization and Part F: Main Roads, Drainages and Traffic Management in Kabul (original

US$0.64 million, revised US$0.03 million): cancelled.

Part C: Engineering and Management Support (original US$4.32 million, revised US$8.9 million): no changes


Part D: Overall Capacity Building of Kabul Municipality (original US$0.3 million, revised US$0.3 million). Now,

only assistance to the Kabul Municipality in improving its finance functions through a focus on changes to its

accounting system.

Part E: Structure Plans and Preparation of Future Urban Project: (original US$1.63 million, revised US$1.4 million).

It was changed to finance only an urban development plan for Kabul Municipality.

Part F: Main Roads, Drains and Traffic Management: (original US$20 million, revised US$0): the component was

cancelled; separate Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (funded) project for Kabul Urban Roads Improvement

now active.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is on track to reach its development objective.

Examples of outputs achieved include 118 kilometers of urban roads rehabilitated, 6,857 latrines improved and

7,383 street lights installed. The project has a strong community mobilization record and is already benefiting

64,728 people and another 50,299 people will receive services once all works are completed. Upgrading of 315 ha is

complete and another 265 ha are ongoing. The Urban Development Plan of Kabul and an improved financial

management system for Kabul Municipality have been delivered. A third-party evaluation is currently ongoing that

will provide evidence on beneficiary satisfaction with the services delivered and the impact of community

involvement on decision making and management of infrastructure.


Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-39670 Effective 25.93 19.76 6.45 0.00


Project Name (ID): Urban Water Sector (P087860)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 05/25/2006

Closing Date: 09/30/2010

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H2250

Sector(s): Water supply (73%), Central government administration (27%)

Theme(s): Access to urban services and housing (29%), Conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction (29%),

State enterprise/bank restructuring and privatization (28%), Infrastructure services for private sector development


Project Development Objectives: The project's development objectives are to initiate actions to: (i) transform the

Central Authority for Water Supply and Sewerage (CAWSS) into a technically viable operation; (ii) establish the

financial sustainability of the Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Corporation (AUWSSC); (iii)

increase access to and reliability of the water supply service in Kabul; and (iv) prepare a follow-up project under

which more substantial institutional and financial objectives could be achieved and coverage further expanded in

Kabul and provincial towns.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The Government has requested that the project be

restructured with emphasis on the institutional reform aspects, together with an extension of the closing date through

June 30, 2012. Good progress has been achieved on the project's institutional components. The CAWSS has been

liquidated and the new corporate entity, AUWSSC, has taken over operation during Fiscal Year 2010. Since the

project's physical component was not progressing due to a delay in preparation and increased costs beyond the scope

of the project, the amount allocated for this item has been cancelled effective May 30, 2010.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H2250 Effective 42.53 1.00 17.10 23.09


Project Name (ID): Investment Guarantee Facility (P088719)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 07/29/2004

Closing Date: 09/30/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-39680

Sector(s): Non-compulsory pensions, insurance and contractual savings (100%)

Theme(s): Other financial and private sector development (50%), Conflict prevention and post-conflict

reconstruction (50%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objectives aim to assist Afghanistan in its

reconstruction efforts by stimulating Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) through a program of political risk insurance

in an environment where the perception of political risk by foreign investors is very high. The project is designed to

stimulate private business activity and attract foreign private investment in a variety of sectors. It will stimulate the

local economy, generate employment, create tax revenues, and assist in the transfer of modern technologies and

business practices to Afghanistan.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Despite the deteriorating business environment which

impeded the flow of FDI to Afghanistan, the project has made substantial progress. To date, a total of six guarantees

have been underwritten for five beneficiaries covering the agricultural, financial, pharmaceutical, construction and

telecommunication sectors. The total associated foreign investment of the projects is about US$107 million with

approximately 730 jobs created as a result. Although the closing date was extended for two more years through

September 30, 2011, there have been no new guarantees underwritten during the last 18 months, mainly due to

deterioration of the security situation and no new FDI flow in the country.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-39680 Effective 5.22 2.50 2.84 0.00


Project Name (ID): Strengthening Higher Education Program (P089040)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 05/19/2005

Midterm Review Date: 04/24/2008

Closing Date: 06/30/2013

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-92544, IDA-H5920, IDA-H1620

Sector(s): Tertiary education (96%), Central government administration (4%)

Theme(s): Education for the knowledge economy (67%), Administrative and civil service reform (33%)

Project Development Objectives: The development objective of the program is to progressively restore basic

operational performance at a group of core universities in Afghanistan, which will provide an institutional base for

an agenda focusing on tertiary education development, capacity building and reform.

The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

An additional financing Grant in the amount of US$20 million equivalent from the Pilot Crisis Response Window is

financing the civil works improvement of four of the six original project universities.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is progressively moving towards its

development objectives and restoring basic operational performance at a group of core universities in Afghanistan. It

is providing an institutional base for an agenda focusing on tertiary education development, capacity building and

reform. The additional resources of US$20 million approved in June 2010 will scale up the activities while adding 6

more public universities (Khost, Bamyan, Takhar, Jowzjan, Alberoni and Kabul Teaching Universities) under its

purview. In-country teaching/upgrading has taken place through short courses and exchange visits by Afghan and

foreign professors. The curriculum has been revised and updated in the targeted faculties. Implementation of the

new curriculum and study program for supported Bachelor Degrees has started. Leadership and management

training has taken place for 20 high-level administrators from the 12 universities targeted. Strategic Plans, which

were formulated in 2006 at the six universities, are being revised. The project supported the process for the

development of the National Higher Education Strategic Plan that was launched in December 2009. The design of

the Quality Accreditation and Assurance System is ongoing.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-92544 Effective 5.00 1.47 3.53 0.00

IDA-H5920 Not Effective 19.73 0.00 19.73 0.00

IDA-H1620 Effective 40.02 34.35 6.04 0.00


Project Name (ID): AF PSD Support Project (P090928)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 02/22/2007

Midterm Review Date: 06/07/2010

Closing Date: 06/30/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-Q4980, IDA-H2750

Sector(s): Power (30%), General water, sanitation and flood protection sector (27%), General transportation sector

(25%), General industry and trade sector (13%), Central government administration (5%)

Theme(s): Regulation and competition policy (40%), Infrastructure services for private sector development (40%),

Other financial and private sector development (20%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to increase the volume of private

investment and productive jobs in Afghanistan. The specific goals that will contribute to this are: (i) enhance the

provision of land and infrastructural services for enterprise development; (ii) enhance the capacity of government

agencies to analyze the Private Sector Development (PSD) issues, and develop and implement PSD-related

strategies, policies and programs; and (iii) enhance the capacity of government agencies to promote Afghanistan as

an investment destination and provide investment facilitation services.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Civil construction work of the park has been completed.

This is 40 percent of the total project cost. The capacity of the Industrial Park Development Department (IPDD),

within the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA), has been substantially improved in financial

management, procurement, environmental and social management, and project supervision to implement the project.

However, the high staff turnover has constrained IPDD's ability to implement the project. Some staff at the PSD

Directorate of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has been trained to improve their capacity in undertaking

policy analysis and implementing projects. However, progress is slow. There will be considerable delay in ensuring

the power supply to the park as the implementing agency decided to supply power through transmission line, rather

than diesel generators due to their high costs. As a result, the project closing date may need to be extended by 2

years and additional amount of US$ 8 million will be required to complete the project. The project has assisted the

Government of Afghanistan to create an Industrial Park Development Strategy which was approved by the Cabinet

in August 2009. This strategy laid the foundation to build an economically feasible industrial park in the country.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-Q4980 Closed 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.95

IDA-H2750 Effective 24.70 11.04 14.07 0.00


Project Name (ID): ARTF - Recurrent and Capital Costs (P091258)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 05/13/2002

Closing Date: 02/28/2013

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-50577

Sector(s): General public administration sector (100%)

Theme(s): Public expenditure, financial management and procurement (100%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to provide a coordinated financing

mechanism so that the Government of Afghanistan can make predictable, timely, and accurate payments for

approved recurrent costs related to: (i) salaries and wages of civil servants; and (ii) Government operating and

maintenance expenditures, except security.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Recurrent Cost

Component reimburses the cost of salaries and wages of non-uniformed civil servants and the Government's

operating and maintenance expenditures outside of the security sector. In the seven years to June 22, 2010, a total of

US$2.08 billion had been made available to the Government of which US$2 billion has been disbursed. An increase

in the Grant amount of US$289 million was affected last year which comprises US$250 million of a base provision

and US$40 million of a provision relating to the Incentive Program (IP) which was introduced in 2008 to support the

Government's reform agenda, with a focus on fiscal sustainability and economic governance. For the current year

the IP was expanded to include matching grants for revenue performance. Funds for recurrent costs under the Grant,

as well as other sources, were made available on a timely basis so a high percentage of the recurrent cost budget was

executed. As such, the project development objectives are well supported.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-50577 Effective 2,150.25 2,002.96 147.29 0.00


Project Name (ID): ARTF - Afghanistan Short-Term Urban WSS (P092162)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 02/18/2005

Closing Date: 12/31/2010

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-54729

Sector(s): General water, sanitation and flood protection sector (100%)

Theme(s): Other urban development (67%), Access to urban services and housing (33%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objectives are: (i) to provide sustainable, improved

water supply and sanitation services to the urban segment of the Afghan population; (ii) to build the technical and

institutional foundation for the medium-term Urban Water Supply and Sanitation program; and (iii) to ensure

continuity of investment by benefitting from the implementation arrangements already in place and fully operational.

The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

The project was restructured to address the funding gap. The Kabul Water Supply component was revised to

comprise only the construction of boreholes in Upper Kabul River well field; the Kabul Sanitation component was

revised to comprise only the improvement of sanitation and solid waste services through the acquisition of

equipment, construction of new facilities including a workshop, and rehabilitation of a solid waste dumpsite, and to

focus on completing the works contracts under implementation for water supply in the project provincial towns.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Water source development works have been completed for

Kabul to provide water at 1,420 cubic meter per hour and 1,120 cubic meter per hour in 5 provincial towns. Four

suction trucks and one garbage removal truck have been purchased by Kabul Municipality, and construction of a

sanitation workshop and rehabilitation of municipal solid waste dumpsite (about 900 tons per day capacity) and

establishment of a co-composting pilot plant have been completed. As a part of the reform initiatives for the urban

water and sewerage sector, a new corporate water/sewerage utility, Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage

Corporation, has been established by liquidating the existing State-owned enterprise. It has taken over responsibility

for planning, development, operation and maintenance of the water supply and sewerage services in the urban area.

Rehabilitation of the municipal dumpsite mentioned above, and the establishment of the new water utility have been

achieved during this Fiscal Year. Construction of additional water storage capacity of 5,410 cubic meters in 5

provincial towns and expansion of transmission and distribution networks to provide 15,000 house connections in 12

provincial towns have achieved substantial progress during this fiscal year.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-54729 Effective 41.00 30.69 10.31 0.00


Project Name (ID): Civil Service Reform Project (P097030)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 05/29/2007

Closing Date: 07/31/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H2970

Sector(s): Central government administration (90%), Sub-national government administration (10%)

Theme(s): Administrative and civil service reform (100%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to assist the Recipient's service delivery

ministries in performing core functions to an acceptable level with greater accountability for the use of public

resources, through reorganization of core ministries and management of the civil service in accordance with clear

rules and procedures.

The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

The project was restructured to narrow its goals. The reason for this was the inability of the Independent

Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC) to shape and manage broad public administration

reforms (PARs) at ministry levels. Broad PARs required leadership, sustained commitment and clarity of goals and

objectivity on the part of both IARCSC and the target ministries. The restructured project pursues a narrower goal of

improved human resources (HR) functions in selected ministries and the development of important human resources

management (HRM) related capabilities needed to support that function (HR regulations, merit based recruitment,

new pay and grading system).

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The newly established HRM Departments became

functional in 5 ministries: the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, the Ministry

of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development and the Ministry of

Finance. These were achieved through a series of ministry-specific organizational and strategic reform interventions,

completion of key staff recruitment, and their training and induction in 2010. Data from the project model for

evaluation of functional capability confirms that these 5 HR units were performing their functions satisfactorily.

Nearly 250,000 (against a target of 60,000) civil service posts were re-graded, and 70,000 appointments were

completed in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Law. The pace of implementation demonstrated

growing capacity within IARCSC and of the pay and grading teams assigned to individual ministries. In 2010, all

Grade 1 and 2 (senior) appointments followed the new civil service merit-based process established in the Civil

Service Law. The Government has agreed to a framework and procedure for independent scrutiny of a sample of

these grade 1 and 2 recruitments. The process of scrutiny commenced during the year and will be completed for

initial sample of posts by September 2011. The United States Agency for International Development provided much

needed additionality to the project by supporting PAR reforms in other ministries (not supported through the project),

as well by reinforcing IARCSC capabilities, especially with respect to merit appointments, helping to accelerate the

pace of recruitment at sub-national levels through IARCSC regional offices, and in supporting HR and related

training for civil servants through the Civil Services Institute. Support for PAR interventions in the external policy

environment also improved visibly. The Kabul International Conference demonstrates the Government's renewed

support to public administration reforms. The Government commenced work on developing clear action plans and

new political level coordinating and oversight mechanisms for PAR in June 2010.


Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H2970 Effective 20.62 9.30 11.43 0.00


Project Name (ID): Afghanistan: Natural Resources Devt (P098118)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 06/20/2006

Closing Date: 07/31/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H2380, IDA-Q5090, IDA-H5030

Sector(s): Central government administration (55%), Mining and other extractive (45%)

Theme(s): Infrastructure services for private sector development (33%), Regulation and competition policy (17%),

Administrative and civil service reform (17%), Legal institutions for a market economy (17%), Environmental

policies and institutions (16%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to improve the Ministry of Mine's capacity

to effectively regulate Afghanistan's minerals and hydrocarbon resources sector in a transparent manner and to foster

private sector development.

The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

The Government of Afghanistan received additional financing in the amount of SDR6.8 million: (i) to support

conclusion of the ancillary agreements for the development of the Aynak copper deposit and supporting

infrastructure; (ii) to undertake the Hajigak iron ore deposit transaction; (iii) to support development of a program to

provide relevant sector knowledge to the governmental agencies; and (iv) to finance provision of the additional

laboratory and field research equipment to the Afghanistan Geological Survey.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Significant progress has been made in assigning budgets

and regulatory functions to priority areas and the corresponding departments. The cadastre, mines inspections, and

environmental departments have been set up. Mining and environmental regulations are being drafted which will

provide the appropriate control frameworks against which the Ministry of Mines can rate and fine-tune sustainability

of the sector's activities. There is noticeable progress in stimulating the private sector investment in the mining and

hydrocarbons sector. The successful tender of the Aynak copper deposit, one of the largest in the world, has been a

major step in promotion of the responsible private investment. It also embodies a thorough change of the mining

regime in Afghanistan, as this will be the first private internationally-operated, large-scale mine in Afghanistan. The

fully operational International Advisory Council has completed its review of the Aynak tender process for

dissemination of the lessons learned that might be applied to other transactions. The project will continue on this

road and will soon commence the transaction process for the Hajigak iron ore deposit.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H2380 Effective 31.19 16.66 14.82 0.00

IDA-Q5090 Closed 1.55 0.00 0.00 1.55

IDA-H5030 Effective 10.32 0.00 10.32 0.00


Project Name (ID): AF: Hort. & Livestock Project (P098256)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 05/25/2006

Midterm Review Date: 06/14/2008

Closing Date: 12/31/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-91885, IDA-H2260

Sector(s): Central government administration (32%), Crops (23%), Animal production (19%), Agricultural

marketing and trade (16%), Agricultural extension and research (10%)

Theme(s): Other rural development (25%), Conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction (25%), Export

development and competitiveness (24%), Rural services and infrastructure (13%), Gender (13%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to assist producer households in adopting

improved practices so as to increase horticulture and livestock productivity and production in focus areas.

The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

The project was restructured in order to focus more directly on horticulture and livestock productivity, adapt the

approach to horticulture and livestock development to the local conditions, and rationalize the project scope and

targets in line with available capacity. The project closing date was also extended by two years to accommodate the

slow start.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Overall project performance has improved markedly since

the restructuring approved by the Board in December 2009. In particular, the horticulture and poultry components

are making good progress towards meeting the development objectives as measured by the key outcome indicators.

As of June 30, 2010, 2,100 hectares of new orchards had been planted (compared to the end-of-project target of

3,000 hectares), and 7,000 semi-intensive poultry units had been established as compared to the end-of-project target

of 18,000 units; and 114 government-owned veterinary clinics had been transferred for private operation.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-91885 Effective 34.30 9.68 24.62 0.00

IDA-H2260 Effective 21.44 21.49 0.00 0.00


Project Name (ID): AF: Public Financial Management Reform (P099980)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 05/29/2007

Midterm Review Date: 04/20/2009

Closing Date: 12/31/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H2980

Sector(s): Central government administration (96%), Sub-national government administration (4%)

Theme(s): Public expenditure, financial management and procurement (33%), Administrative and civil service

reform (17%), Other public sector governance (17%), Gender (17%), Other trade and integration (16%)

Project Development Objectives: The objectives of the project are to: (i) develop an efficient and effective public

financial management system; and (ii) develop the human resource capacity of the Ministry of Finance and Office of

the Auditor General to ensure better operation of public financial management.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The Ministry of Finance is presenting reliable,

comprehensive fiscal reports to the public monthly; annually it has for the last few years sent to Parliament a budget

execution report which was reviewed by the audit general. The integrated financial management information system

has been extended to all budget units and all provinces. In response to these advances, on-budget donor funds

continue to increase. The legal framework for external audit and the capacity of the Office of the Auditor General

has not been developed in line with the project plans. Overall, the project is on track to meet its development


Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H2980 Effective 33.84 20.12 13.87 0.00


Project Name (ID): Afghanistan HIV/AIDS Prevention Project (P101502)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 07/31/2007

Midterm Review Date: 02/04/2010

Closing Date: 06/30/2012

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H3280, IDA-Q5490

Sector(s): Health (70%), Central government administration (26%), Other social services (4%)

Theme(s): HIV/AIDS (67%), Health system performance (33%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to slow down the spread of Human

Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and build up the national capacity to respond to the epidemic.

The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

As per the recommendations of the Mid-term Review February 2010, the project was restructured. The goal of the

restructuring was to enable the project to achieve its development objective. The restructuring included: (i)

modification of the project performance indicators; (ii) cancellation of part 4.2 in Schedule 1 to the Financing

Agreement (innovative initiatives sub-component); (iii) expansion of the project scope by extending the provision of

harm reduction services for injecting drug users (IDUs) to Farah and Nimroz provinces where the HIV epidemic is

believed to be high; and (iv) extension of the project closing date from December 31, 2010 to June 30, 2012.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): After a slow start mainly related to slow contracting of

Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), the implementation momentum has picked up significantly. The project

is now expected to achieve its stated objectives for the general population and for most of the high risk groups. All

contracts for activities related to the high risk groups have been signed and the NGOs are providing harm reduction

services in a satisfactory manner throughout the project areas. The Integrated Bio-Behavioral Surveillance has been

successfully conducted and the preliminary results are available. Opioid Substitution Therapy has been started for

IDUs in Kabul city.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H3280 Effective 10.11 5.46 4.64 0.00

IDA-Q5490 Closed 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.14


Project Name (ID): NSP II (P102288)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 12/07/2006

Midterm Review Date: 04/14/2008

Closing Date: 09/30/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-92433, TF-92435, TF-90205, IDA-H4760, IDA-H2610

Sector(s): General water, sanitation and flood protection sector (26%), General transportation sector (21%), Other

social services (20%), Irrigation and drainage (19%), Power (14%)

Theme(s): Participation and civic engagement (29%), Rural services and infrastructure (29%), Conflict prevention

and post-conflict reconstruction (28%), Gender (14%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to lay the foundations for strengthening of

community level governance, and to support community-managed sub-projects comprising reconstruction and

development that improve access of rural communities to social and productive infrastructure and services.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): As of May 15, 2010, the project had disbursed US$703

million in block grants to over 22,000 Community Development Councils. Progress continues on implementation of

over 50,000 community driven sub-projects despite deteriorating security conditions through most of the project

area. Rural infrastructure (roads and water supply) is the dominant investment area (45 percent of sub-projects)

followed by irrigation, power, education, and the other minor investments. Initial results from an ongoing impact

evaluation by Harvard University show impressive impacts, especially in terms of local governance and the

condition of women in project villages.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-92433 Effective 4.81 4.03 0.78 0.00

TF-92435 Effective 9.59 7.94 1.65 0.00

TF-90205 Effective 449.50 443.51 5.99 0.00

IDA-H4760 Effective 77.59 77.04 2.38 0.00

IDA-H2610 Closed 124.88 124.54 0.00 0.00


Project Name (ID): Afghanistan Skills Development Project (P102573)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 01/31/2008

Closing Date: 02/28/2013

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-93854, IDA-H3520

Sector(s): Vocational training (83%), Central government administration (17%)

Theme(s): Education for the knowledge economy (67%), Improving labor markets (33%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to increase the number of immediately-

employable graduates by building, in stages, a high quality technical and vocational education and training system

that is equitable, market responsive and cost-effective.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is progressing towards achieving its

development objectives. Work on developing the operational and legal framework for the Afghanistan National

Qualifications Framework is moving ahead. The project is supporting the operation and management of the National

Institute of Management and Administration. Student enrollment at the institute stands at about 1,500. Several

Technical/Vocational institutes have received support in terms of infrastructure and goods supplies, audio equipment,

stationary, slide board, laptop and Braille computers, especially for the Blind school. The Afghanistan National

Institute of Music was inaugurated in June 2010 and has been equipped with musical instruments, updated

curriculum, lab equipment and professional instructors. A review of the Technical Vocational Education and

Training institutional and management reform is completed. About 7,000 trainees are in the process of completion

of their non-formal short-term skills/vocational training in 13 provinces. Training of Trainers for Business

Development Services is ongoing. The National Skills Development Program has so far developed and introduced

67 standards for competency-based training in the country. Work on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and

integration of M&E activities between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor is initiated.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-93854 Effective 9.00 4.17 4.83 0.00

IDA-H3520 Effective 19.10 8.40 10.91 0.00


Project Name (ID): National Emergency Rural Access Project (P103343)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 12/13/2007

Closing Date: 12/31/2010

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-95297, IDA-Q5570, IDA-H3440

Sector(s): Roads and highways (94%), Central government administration (6%)

Theme(s): Rural services and infrastructure (100%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective (PDO), derived from the overarching

program objective of the National Rural Access Program, is to provide year-round access to basic services and

facilities in the rural areas of Afghanistan covered by the project. This will be achieved through rehabilitation and

maintenance of rural access infrastructure by contracting with the private sector and, to a lesser extent, with the

communities. Achievement of the PDO will enhance the well being of the population and promote equitable licit

economic growth in the country.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): In spite of initial delays, the pace of project implementation

has picked up. Constructions of 993 kilometers have been completed by the end of May 2010. These are 55 percent

and 41 percent, respectively, of the road lengths now programmed. In addition, the dedicated capacity building

activity has been launched. This progress will lead to the achievement of the PDO although some delays may be

experienced due to the current security conditions on the ground.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-95297 Effective 30.00 24.70 5.30 0.00

IDA-Q5570 Closed 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50

IDA-H3440 Effective 109.49 85.07 24.23 0.00


Project Name (ID): AF Microfinance Project (P104301)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 01/08/2008

Midterm Review Date: 05/15/2009

Closing Date: 12/31/2010

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H3480

Sector(s): Micro- and SME finance (100%)

Theme(s): Other financial and private sector development (50%), Gender (25%), Rural markets (25%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to provide support for the achievement of

operational self sufficiency for most microfinance services providers (MFPs) and to help them scale up outreach of

financial services to meet demands and needs of many poor Afghans, especially women.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project has been implemented together with the

Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) Microfinance Project and has been able to reach over 430,000

clients with loans, 60 percent of these are women, while 30 percent of the outstanding loans is accounted for by

clients in rural areas. The project is operating in 26 out of 32 provinces of the country and despite the security

situation, the MFPs have been able to disburse so far over 1.4 million loans, worth over US 660 million, throughout

310 branches. The repayment of these loans has been cumulatively over 93 percent. However, MFPs have not been

able to be fully operationally sustainable, as was expected, due to the inability to expand their operations to all of the

provinces because of insecurity. The part of the objective that relates to outreach to more people, especially women,

will be fulfilled, but the part that refers to the achievement of operational self sufficiency for most MFPs will not be

achieved in the time remaining. However, the lessons that have been learned during implementation of this project

will be invaluable in the design of follow-on interventions in this sector.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H3480 Effective 28.72 17.67 11.87 0.00


Project Name (ID): ARTF-Management Capacity Program (P106170)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 02/13/2007

Closing Date: 12/31/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-90077

Sector(s): Central government administration (50%), General public administration sector (50%)

Theme(s): Poverty strategy, analysis and monitoring (100%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to enable key line ministries to strengthen

their management capacity to improve budget utilization and service delivery.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is progressing well. New appointments to

Management Capacity Program (MCP) posts were made taking the total to 102--68 percent of the 150 currently

planned. The Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC) developed, tested and

put in place a high quality performance assessment framework and commenced regular assessments of all existing

MCPs against agreed terms of reference in April, 2010. The Bank and IARCSC completed discussions with a

number of recruiting departments and agencies on focusing MCP efforts on clearer service delivery and budget

execution targets rather than spreading MCP efforts thinly across the entire ministry. This enables the concentration

of assistance and will support the project's development objective. The Government introduced the new Civilian

Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) in 2010. CTAP places advisers to support capacity development in

Government departments and agencies. The Project Team has worked with CTAP Management to ensure MCP and

CTAP efforts collectively support service and budget execution improvements at the ministry level. CTAP advisers

were mobilized in July 2010. The Government, through the Kabul International Conference, expressed its

commitment to expanding and further developing MCP and there is renewed, high-level political support for the


Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-90077 Effective 15.00 5.06 9.94 0.00


Project Name (ID): Education Quality Improvement Program II (P106259)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 01/31/2008

Closing Date: 09/01/2012

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H3540, TF-91943, TF-93962

Sector(s): Tertiary education (37%), Primary education (17%), Secondary education (17%), Sub-national

government administration (16%), Central government administration (13%)

Theme(s): Education for all (67%), Gender (33%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to increase equitable access to quality

basic education, especially for girls, through school grants, teacher training and strengthened institutional capacity,

with support from communities and private providers.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is meeting its development objectives and

continues to be fully aligned with the Ministry of Education's National Education Strategic Plan. The project is

providing district-based teacher training and grants directly to communities nationwide. Funds are used directly by

communities through School Shuras for the rehabilitation or construction of school buildings and for accessing

quality inputs, such as teaching and learning materials. The School Shuras are functioning in all provinces, and, as

of now, 10,172 out of 12,000 schools have established these Shuras. Shuras are assisted by the Provincial Education

Departments, Non-government Organizations and District Educational Departments in all 34 provinces. The project

supports the District Teacher Training Program in 23 provinces and has provided regional allowances for lecturers

in 730 Teacher Training Centers as well as scholarships for 2,750 girls to attend Teacher Training Colleges for two

years, following which they are to join the teaching force in their local communities. It is also supporting the

monitoring and evaluation of the National Education Strategic Plan programs, including the now established

Education Management Information System at the Ministry of Education.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H3540 Effective 28.66 14.86 14.29 0.00

TF-91943 Closed 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.01

TF-93962 Effective 85.00 47.89 37.11 0.00


Project Name (ID): ARTF Kabul-Aybak MazareSharif Power Proj (P106654)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 10/04/2007

Midterm Review Date: 12/31/2009

Closing Date: 09/30/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-91120

Sector(s): Power (92%), Central government administration (8%)

Theme(s): Infrastructure services for private sector development (67%), Conflict prevention and post-conflict

reconstruction (33%)

Project Development Objectives: The development objective of the project is to help provide reliable and quality

power to the consumers in the target areas of the cities of Kabul, Aybak, and Mazar-e-Sharif.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The majority of components are on track to meet the

project's development objective. There have been delays in completion of some activities but the targeted benefits

will start to materialize soon. Kabul work will be completed by December 2010. Some parts of Mazar,

approximately 3,000 consumers, have already started receiving 24-hour electricity through the new line. The voltage

measurements have increased from 58 Volts-176 Volts to an average 230 Volts. The embargo imposed on poles by

the Ministry of Energy and Water, together with the current security situation are affecting completion schedule for

all the contracts.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-91120 Effective 57.00 26.51 30.49 0.00


Project Name (ID): ARTF Kabul Urban Roads Improvement Proj (P107101)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 12/19/2008

Closing Date: 12/31/2010

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-93632

Sector(s): Roads and highways (70%), Public administration- Transportation (20%), General transportation sector


Theme(s): Infrastructure services for private sector development (10%), Other urban development (90%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to improve traffic flow in many areas of

Kabul City to contribute to the overall well being of the citizens in the long term.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress of the civil works has almost come to a halt since

August 2009 due to the demobilization of the supervising consultant from the site. The original plan to complete the

works was set for October 2009 but is now delayed by 12 months. The physical progress has stood at about 30

percent as of July. The Government took steps to resolve the contractual disputes and managed to resume the works

in May 2010 and the Works contracts are now extended through end-September 2010. Given a closer attention and

proactive coordination on the side of the Government, it is still possible to substantially complete the road

improvement works before the current closing date of December 31, 2010, thereby achieving the project's

development objective outcomes. The recently completed Mid-term Review highlighted the following key issues for

both Government and Bank management attention; (i) the Government's radical changes to its financial management

that will enable timely payment to contractor invoices, (ii) the strengthening of project management capacity of the

implementing agency, and (iii) ensuring the existence of a strong coordination mechanism with stakeholders to carry

out such infrastructure projects in an urban setting.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-93632 Effective 18.00 5.63 12.37 0.00


Project Name (ID): Afghanistan Judicial Reform Project (P107372)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 05/19/2008

Midterm Review Date: 10/10/2009

Closing Date: 06/30/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-92160

Sector(s): Law and justice (100%)

Theme(s): Legal institutions for a market economy (67%), Judicial and other dispute resolution mechanisms (33%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to strengthen the centralized state justice

system in Afghanistan and increase access to justice for the Afghan people.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project has made moderate progress. Implementation

has been slower than expected and uneven across the subsectors (Supreme Court, Attorney General Office (AGO),

Ministry of Justice (MOJ). The reasons include worsened security, political turbulence, and fragility of institutions,

especially AGO. The Human Resource Management reform for judges is the most challenging aspect of the Human

Resource reforms, lacking a true champion for any change. Training for judges (organized in cooperation with the

Ministry of Justice of Egypt), and the MOJ staff, dissemination of laws and legal forms, infrastructure projects, and

legal aid (in some provinces) are progressing well. Overall, the project is expected to achieve its objectives.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-92160 Effective 27.75 4.95 22.80 0.00


Project Name (ID): Rural Enterprise Devt Program (P110407)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 03/09/2010

Closing Date: 01/01/2015

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-Q6490, IDA-H5310

Sector(s): Micro- and SME finance (52%), Central government administration (32%), General industry and trade

sector (15%), Sub-national government administration (1%)

Theme(s): Rural services and infrastructure (4%), Other public sector governance (31%), Rural markets (11%),

Small and medium enterprise support (41%), Gender (13%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to improve employment opportunities and

income of rural men and women; and sustainability of targeted local enterprises.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project became effective in the latter part of the

reporting period and was still in too early a stage for meaningful progress.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-Q6490 Closed 1.77 0.00 0.00 1.77

IDA-H5310 Effective 28.59 2.56 26.00 0.00


Project Name (ID): AF Financial Sector Strengthening Proj (P110644)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 04/30/2009

Closing Date: 06/30/2014

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H4840

Sector(s): Banking (100%)

Theme(s): Regulation and competition policy (58%), Other financial and private sector development (3%),

Standards and financial reporting (24%), Infrastructure services for private sector development (15%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to help Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB)

improve its core functions of banking supervision and regulation; and to help improve access to formal banking

services by establishing key initial building blocks for further financial sector reform.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is on track to meet its development objectives.

It has made substantial progress in improving the core functions of DAB and also creating the necessary legal and

regulatory framework (enactment of the Secured Transaction Law in 2009 and Public Credit Registry regulations in

2010) to establish the key building blocks for further financial sector reform. Human Resource policies have been

drafted and approved by the DAB Supreme Council and preparation of an Audit Manual and training program for

audit department staff is moving ahead.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H4840 Effective 8.43 0.40 8.03 0.00


Project Name (ID): ATRF - Power System Development (P111943)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 10/22/2008

Closing Date: 07/31/2012

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-93513

Sector(s): Power (91%), Public administration- Energy and mining (9%)

Theme(s): Access to urban services and housing (100%)

Project Development Objectives: The development objectives of the project are to support an increase in access to

grid power and in the quantity of available power to the consumers in the target areas of the urban centers at Pul-e-

Khumri, Charikar, Gulbahar, Jabul-Seraj Doshi and Khenjan.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Rehabilitation and extension of distribution networks in the

townships of Gulbahar, Charikar, Jabel-es-seraj and Pul-i-Khumri commenced in August 2009. Design of Medium

Voltage and Low Voltage systems has been completed. Material and equipment deliveries are in progress. Pole

mounting structures have been designed. However, there have been some delays due to deteriorating security

situation, delays in customs clearances and issues in design of poles. The fieldwork for a household energy survey

has been completed. The survey results will help understand the attitude and disposition of customers towards the

use of electricity in major towns of Afghanistan. The survey report will be ready in September 2010. The project is

supporting energy efficiency activities of Ministry of Energy and Water.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-93513 Effective 35.00 6.96 28.04 0.00


Project Name (ID): ARTF TA for Water Sector Capacity Buildi (P112097)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 03/23/2009

Closing Date: 03/31/2011

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-93637

Sector(s): Public administration- Water, sanitation and flood protection (100%)

Theme(s): Water resource management (100%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objective is to build capacity in the Government of

Afghanistan to undertake strategic basin planning and to improve project preparation for water resources


Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project is making progress, albeit slower than

anticipated. The Water Resources Planning Unit and the Project Preparation Unit have been established, and key

staff members have been appointed and are receiving training from Bank consultants to undertake strategic basin

planning activities. Data collection for different river basins of Afghanistan is underway. However, the selection of a

consultant to provide Technical Assistance, which is critical to achieving the project development objective, has

been substantially delayed, but is nearing completion. To achieve its objective, the project would require an

extension of the closing date.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-93637 Effective 5.50 1.07 4.43 0.00


Project Name (ID): Strengthng.Health Activts.for Rural Poor (P112446)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 03/24/2009

Closing Date: 09/30/2013

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H4690, IDA-H5810, TF-95691, TF-96362

Sector(s): Health (75%), Public administration- Health (25%)

Theme(s): Health system performance (50%), Child health (15%), Population and reproductive health (15%), Other

communicable diseases (10%), Gender (10%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to support the Government in achieving

the goal of the Health and Nutrition Sector Strategy 2009-2013 to "contribute to improving the health and nutritional

status of the people of Afghanistan, with a greater focus on women and children and undeserved areas of the


The project was restructured, or received Additional Financing during FY 10

Additional financing from the Crisis Response Window of US$49 million has been approved to expand

implementation capacity to deliver basic health and hospital services. Additional financing will fill the financing gap

and project scope has been enhanced to provide for mental health and nutrition services in Basic Package of Health

Services (BPHS) and strengthen hospital services critical to reduce maternal and child mortality. In addition, the

Bank has also approved US$17.9 million through the Japanese Social Development Fund to co-finance the project,

which will allow the project to provide BPHS services for Balkh, Samangan and implement a pilot for urban BPHS

services in Kabul. The project is also receiving US$22 million from the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund to

co-finance the implementation of BPHS to fill the financing gap.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project has ensured continuity of BPHS and transition

from the last project has been smooth. Competent Non-government Organizations contracted are operating in seven

of the eight provinces. Progress towards operationalizing Essential Package of Hospital Services is making progress.

With improved implementation progress, the project appears to be on track to achieve project development


Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H4690 Effective 28.94 24.83 5.85 0.00

IDA-H5810 Not Effective 48.20 0.00 48.20 0.00

TF-95691 Effective 12.00 1.00 11.00 0.00

TF-96362 Effective 22.00 12.00 10.00 0.00


Project Name (ID): Afghanistan Pension Admin and Safety Net (P113421)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 10/15/2009

Closing Date: 12/31/2013

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H5230, IDA-Q6710

Sector(s): Compulsory pension and unemployment insurance (51%), Public administration- Other social services


Theme(s): Administrative and civil service reform (44%), Social safety nets (36%), Other social protection and risk

management (20%)

Project Development Objectives: The project development objectives are: (i) improve the administration of the

public pension schemes; and (ii) pilot a modest social safety net program as a first step to developing a sustainable

approach to safety nets in the country.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): Progress towards achieving the project's development

objectives has been substantial. The Project Coordination Unit has been established under the Ministry of Labor

Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled and is fully staffed. The project work plan and budget have been approved by

the senior Steering Committee. All planned key activities in modernization of the pension administration have been

initiated. Pilot Safety Net Program Plan has been developed and adopted by the Steering Committee, with

preparations underway for the pilot implementation.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H5230 Effective 7.44 0.59 6.85 0.00

IDA-Q6710 Closed 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.85


Project Name (ID): National Solidarity Program III (P117103)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 06/29/2010

Closing Date: 09/30/2015

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: IDA-H6030

Sector(s): General water, sanitation and flood protection sector (26%), General transportation sector (21%), Other

social services (20%), Irrigation and drainage (19%), Power (14%)

Theme(s): Participation and civic engagement (29%), Rural services and infrastructure (29%), Conflict prevention

and post-conflict reconstruction (28%), Gender (14%)

Project Development Objectives: The project's development objective is to build, strengthen and maintain

community development councils as effective institutions for local governance and social-economic development.

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The project was not effective before the close of the

reporting period.

Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

IDA-H6030 Not Effective 41.19 0.00 41.19 0.00


Project Name (ID): Supt to Basic Package of Health Services (P120565)

Country: Afghanistan

Board Approval Date: 12/23/2009

Closing Date: 03/14/2013

Loan/Credit/Grant Number: TF-95919

Sector(s): Health (100%)

Theme(s): Health system performance (40%), Child health (30%), Population and reproductive health (30%)

Project Development Objectives: The Project Development Objective is to support the Basic Package of Health

Services (BPHS) and aims to improve the health status of the Afghan population by increasing accessibility and

quality of the BPHS in Balkh, Samangan and Kabul provinces. It will address the current funding gap of around

US$18 million through financing of an important portion of the Afghanistan Health and Nutrition Sector Strategy

2008 - 2013 (AHNS).

Progress toward achieving development objective(s): The Grant is cofinancing the Strengthening Health Activity

for Rural Poor (SHARP) Project, specifically BPHS provision in two provinces and a pilot on urban health in Kabul.

After effectiveness in March 2010, progress towards achieving development objectives is on track and progressing


Lending Information/Disbursement Summary (USD millions, as of June 30, 2010)

Loan/Credit/Grant Status Amount Disbursed Undisbursed Cancellation

TF-95919 Effective 17.65 8.04 9.61 0.00