Statistical Mechanics-inspired Framework for Studying the...

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  • Statistical Mechanics-inspired Framework for Studying the Effects ofMixed Traffic Flows on Highway Congestion

    Kshitij Jerath1, Asok Ray1, Sean N. Brennan1 and Vikash V. Gayah2

    Abstract— Intelligent vehicles equipped with adaptive cruisecontrol (ACC) technology have the potential to significantlyimpact the traffic flow dynamics on highways. Prior work inthis area has sought to understand the impact of intelligentvehicle technologies on traffic flow by making use of meso-scopic modeling that yields closed-form solutions. However,this approach does not take into account the self-organizationof vehicles into clusters of different sizes. Consequently, thepredicted absence of a large traffic jam might be inadvertentlyoffset by the presence of many smaller clusters of jammedvehicles. This study – inspired by research in the domain ofstatistical mechanics – uses a modification of the Potts modelto study cluster formation in mixed traffic flows that includeboth human-driven and ACC-enabled vehicles. Speciifcally,the evolution of self-organized traffic jams is modeled as anon-equilibrium process in the presence of an external fieldand with repulsive interactions between vehicles. Monte Carlosimulations of this model at high vehicle densities suggestthattraffic streams with low ACC penetration rates are likely toresult in larger clusters. Vehicles spend significantly more timeinside each cluster for low ACC penetration rates, as comparedto streams with high ACC penetration rates.


    Technologies that modify the movement of individualvehicles in a traffic stream, such as adaptive cruise control(ACC) systems, have the potential to significantly impactmacroscopic traffic flow dynamics. Unfortunately, few anal-yses and simulation tools exist to understand how suchtechnologies may affect traffic flow, particularly under mixedhuman/algorithm-driven situations. Recent reports suggestthat there are increasing disparities between highway capac-ity and vehicular population [1], and that highway congestionis on the rise [2]. In such a scenario, it may be ill-advisedto alter the vehicular population characteristics throughtheintroduction of ACC-enabled vehicles without first evaluatingtheir systemic effects on traffic flow dynamics.

    Several analytical approaches may be used to study thechanges in traffic flow parameters as a consequence ofincreasing ACC penetration rates. Traditionally, microscopicnumerical simulations have served well to provide someinsight into traffic flow dynamics as a function of driver be-haviors [3]. These simulation approaches utilize models thatrepresent the driving behavior of humans to varying degreesof accuracy. However, some approaches, such as the cellularautomata (CA) models [4][5], may significantly simplify the

    1This author is with Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering,The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16801 (,,

    2This author is with the Department of Civil Engineering, ThePennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16801 (

    driver behavior to rules that are independent of physicalinterpretation of model parameters. Other approaches, suchas those that use detailed car-following models (e.g. GeneralMotors [6] or optimal velocity models [7]), may cause thesimulations to be computationally expensive and memoryintensive. Consequently, it is desirable to have a simulationapproach that is more detailed than CA models and buildsupon physical principles, while simultaneously being com-putationally amenable to parametric studies. The generalizedIsing model provides such an approach.

    This paper builds upon the work presented in [8] [9]and draws from the principles of statistical mechanics thathave been successfully used to analyze several disparatesystems such as ferromagnets [10], adaptation in autonomoussystems [11], and neurons [12]. Specifically, the work utilizesthe simple, yet immensely popular Ising model, and itsgeneralized forms, to study traffic flow and vehicle clusterdynamics as a function of ACC penetration. The next sectiondiscusses some of the recent studies on mixed traffic flows aswell as relevant statistical mechanics-based traffic analyses.


    The transportation research community has shown keeninterest in evaluating the effects of introducing adaptivecruise control-enabled vehicles into the traffic stream. Earlyresearch in the field focused on the effects of introducingtightly controlled platoons into the traffic stream [13], andthe effects of lead vehicle maneuvers on the stability of theplatoon [14][15]. However, as ACC-enabled vehicles becomeavailable to the everyday consumer, it is expected that thetraffic flow scenario will evolve into one where ACC-enabledvehicles are randomly interspersed in a stream of human-driven vehicles, i.e. a randomly mixed traffic scenario. Re-alizing the importance of this transitional period where thehighway population changes from primarily human-drivenvehicles to primarily autonomous vehicles, researchers havebegun to focus on the randomly mixed traffic scenario.

    Recent studies of such randomly mixed traffic flow that in-clude ACC-enabled vehicles have produced some interestingresults. Analytical approaches have shown that the criticaldensity at which self-organized traffic jams form increasesasACC penetration increases [16]. The approaches presented in[16] are limited to the study of self-organized traffic jams at amesoscopic scale only and hence do not convey results aboutvehicle cluster distributions. Other approaches that utilizenumerical simulations with car-following models have shownthat traffic capacity potentially increases with increasingACC penetration [3]. These simulations provide a more

  • detailed description by recording the states of all vehiclesat each time step, but with an obvious computational burdenassociated with this detail. New modeling approaches areneeded to meet the challenges of obtaining sufficient modelfidelity to consider mixed traffic flows, but with minimalcomputational complexity. Additionally, the new modelingapproach should be able to provide deeper insights into thestatistics of self-organized traffic jams and their relation toincreasing ACC penetration.

    In this regard, the recent statistical mechanics-based workby Sopasakis and colleagues provides a good starting point[8][9]. The origins of the use of statistical mechanics-basedtechniques for traffic flow analysis can be traced back tothe works of Prigogine and his colleagues, who attemptedto study traffic flow using gas kinetic theory [17][18].Recently, statistical mechanics-based techniques have seena resurgence, with the prototypical Ising model being usedas a model for different traffic related problems [8][9][19].However, in the context of analyzing changes in trafficflow dynamics as a consequence of driver behavior, thesestatistical mechanics-based techniques have been limitedtoenvironments of single species [8]. The presented workextends these techniques to represent a traffic stream thatconsists of both human-driven and ACC-enabled vehicles byusing a generalized Ising model (or more specifically, thePotts model). The novel use of the Potts model may helpprovide insight into traffic flow dynamics without significantcomputational expenditure. Additionally, the Potts modelapproach maintains reasonable simulation fidelity in a waythat model parameters can be associated with their coun-terparts in the physical world. The next section provides ashort description of the physical system under consideration,which is a traffic stream with both human-driven and ACC-enabled vehicles.


    The system under consideration in the presented work isa single-lane closed-ring road of lengthL with M vehicles.The idealization of a closed-ring road is preferable, becauseit circumvents an open-system representation of a highwaywhich may include on- and off-ramps [16]. The ring road isdivided intoN discrete cells or sites that can each containat most one vehicle. The length of a single site is the spatialextent of a vehicled and some safe spacingd0. In thepresented work, these values have been assumed to be 5.5m and 2.5 m respectively, so that the spatial extent of eachsite is D = d + d0 = 8 m. Fig. 1 indicates the physicalsystem under consideration, with a mixture of human-drivenand ACC-enabled vehicles in the traffic stream.

    The parameters of the traffic system used hereafter aretaken as typical values of a single-lane highway segment,and are known to be representative of a single lane highwaysystem [20]. The free flow velocity (vf ), which is a measureof the speed of the vehicles at low densities, is assumed to be25 m/s (or 90 km/h). The maximum flow of vehicles in thelane or lane capacity (qmax) is assumed to be 1800 veh/h.The backward wave speed (u), which represents the speed


    Track length = L

    Number of vehicles = M

    Human-driven ACC-enabled

    Fig. 1. Description of traffic system under consideration. Ring road oflengthL meters is occupied byM vehicles, a fraction of which are human-driven vehicles (light blue) and the remaining are ACC-enabled vehicles(dark green).

    at which a signal travels backwards in a traffic stream, isassumed to be -6 m/s (-19.6 km/h). The steady state speed(vss) is a function of the vehicular densityρ. The parametervalues assumed here are fairly representative of a singlelane highway system [20]. The fidelity of the numericalsimulation of the traffic flow dynamics is substantiated inpart by calibrating the Potts model parameters to yield theaforementioned values. The next section discusses the Pottsmodel framework for traffic flow dynamics.


    This section discusses the statistical mechanics-basedframework used to model traffic dynamics in a mixed trafficflow that consists of both human-driven and ACC-enabledvehicles. Details about state transition probabilities and theiruse in a Monte Carlo framework for simulating trafficdynamics are also provided.

    A. Limitations of the Ising Model

    Previous work by Sopasakis and his colleagues on themodeling of traffic flow using the Ising model provides anexcellent starting point for studying multi-species traffic flow[8]. However, the Ising model allows a site to be in oneof only two states (i.e.q = 2). With regards to trafficflow, the site can either be vacant, or be occupied by avehicle. The structure of the Ising model makes it incapableof distinguishing between vehicles of different species, suchas human-driven and ACC-enabled vehicles. As a result, theIsing model cannot be used to analyze mixed traffic flowswhich are the subject of this work. Fortunately, extensionsof the Ising model – such as the Potts model which allows aspecific site to assume one of three distinct states (i.e.q = 3)– can be used for modeling mixed traffic flow dynamics.

    B. Space Partitioning and Lattice Structure of Traffic System

    The closed ring road described in Section III is partitionedinto indvidual sites so as to span the entire lengthL of the


    Number of Sites = N

    Number of vehicles = M

    0 1 2Empty siteOccupied site


    Occupied site


    Fig. 2. Discretized version of traffic system shown in Fig. 1 for statisticalmechanics-based numerical analysis. Three states are possible for each sitein accordance with the Potts model approach.

    road, while avoiding overlap with other sites. In other words,elementsSi(i = 1, 2, ..., N) of a partition S of the roadcreate a mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of sites. Eachsite Si in the partitionS can contain at most one vehicle.The collection of sites that represents the ring road forms aone-dimensional lattice, and the setup is referred to as thelattice structure of the system. The terminology is borrowedfrom physical systems such as lattice gases, whose analysisoften relies on statistical mechanics techniques [21].

    Next, consider the set of states{σi} that a particular siteSican assume. Since the goal of this work is to analyze mixedtraffic flow, a specific site can be in one of three states, i.e.σi ∈ Σ = {0, 1, 2}, where the setΣ is referred to as thealphabet of the system. It is assumed thatσi = 0 representsa site that is vacant,σi = 1 represents a site that is occupiedby a human-driven vehicle, andσi = 2 represents a sitethat is occupied by an ACC-enabled vehicle. A schematicrepresentation of the partitioning of the ring road is includedin Fig. 2. In this discretized version of the road, whitesites indicate that no vehicle is present, filled sites (gray)indicate that a human-driven vehicle currently occupies thatsite, and filled sites (black) indicate that an ACC-enabledvehicle currently occupies that site. As a result of the spacepartitioning of the road intoSi sites (i = 1, 2, ..., N) andwith a known alphabetΣ = {0, 1, 2} of the system, the totalnumber of microstates that the traffic system can assume isgiven by |Σ||S| = 3N . The microstate contains completeinformation of the entire system at any given instant oftime. The next subsection builds upon the lattice structurediscussed here to create a framework for simulating the trafficsystem using the Potts model.

    C. Potts Model Formulation

    Drivers in traffic, either humans or ACC algorithms, areprivy to only local information up to a certain ‘look-ahead’

    distance. As a result, in the current context of analyzingtraffic flow dynamics, the Hamiltonian for the Potts model isbased on local energy around a particular site. The expressionfor the Hamiltonian is given by:

    H(σi) = −Bσi −∑

    j∈N (i)

    Jijσiσj (1)

    whereH(σi) refers to the local energy or the Hamiltonian forthe Potts model around the siteσi, B represents an externaldriving field acting on the entire system,Jij represents thestrength of interaction between the sitesi and j, andN (i)represents the forward-looking neighborhood of sitei, i.e.

    N (i) = {j : j − i < dl} (2)

    where dl represents the forward ‘look-ahead’ distance interms of the number of forward sites that a driver takes intoaccount while making driving decisions.

    Analogous to Prigogine’s kinetic theory of gases-based in-terpretation of traffic flow [18], competing forces are at playin traffic flow dynamics. The external fieldB correspondsto Prigogine’s ’relaxation’ term and is the driving force and‘pushes’ vehicles forward. The stronger the external field,thegreater the tendency of the vehicles to keep moving forward.On the other hand, the interaction strengthJij corresponds tothe ‘collision’ term and is a measure of ‘repulsion’ faced byvehicles as they approach downstream vehicles. The greaterthe magnitude of the interaction term between a vehicleentering a jam and a preceding one already inside a jam, theslower that vehicle will enter the jam. In order to model theinteraction term as a repulsive force acting on the vehiclesand slowing them down, the local energy is calculated withJij < 0. The interaction strength between sites is assumedto fall off according to an inverse-square law as follows:

    Jij =


    J0/((j − i)D)2, if j − i < dl0, else


    where the interaction coefficientJ0 < 0 is a constant, andD = d + d0 is the size of a single site. Since acceleratingand decelerating behaviors of vehicles may be different, theinteraction coefficientJ0 is postulated to be:

    J0 =

    JIN , if ρi − ρi+1 ≤ 0, j − i < dlJOUT, if ρi − ρi+1 > 0, j − i < dl0, else


    where ρi is an indicator of locally perceived density atsite Si, JIN < 0 is a constant representing the interactioncoefficientJ0 for vehicles entering a region of higher localdensity (ρi ≤ ρi+1), andJOUT < 0 is a constant representingthe interaction coefficientJ0 for vehicles exiting a region ofhigher local density (ρi > ρi+1). Mathematically, for a givenlook-ahead distancedl, the perceived local density may bedefined as:

    ρi =∑

    j∈N (i)

    1σj (5)

    where 1σj is the indicator function and (5) represents thetotal number of vehicles present within the neighborhood

  • of vehicle i. Fig. 3 clarifies how the perceived density ismodified for a vehicle entering or exiting a traffic jam.

    Additionally, since the goal is to study mixed traffic flows,the expression for the interaction coefficientJ0 presentedin (4) also has to account for differences between variousvehicle species. Specifically, the interaction coefficients JH0and JACC0 are distinguished by the expected differences inbehaviors of human-driven and ACC-enabled vehicles. Theideal behavior for ACC-enabled vehicles is assumed to bethe avoidance of traffic jams, and if stuck in one, to tryto exit it as soon as possible. Mathematically, this behaviortranslates to increased repulsion for ACC-enabled vehicleswhen approaching a traffic jam so that|JACCIN | > |J

    HIN |, and

    reduced repulsion for ACC-enabled vehicles when exitinga traffic jam so that|JACCOUT | < |J

    HOUT|. Intuitively, this be-

    havior of ACC-enabled vehicles is expected to reduce thenumber and size of traffic jams formed on highways. Theexternal fieldB > 0 indicates a positive forward drivingfield and is applied equally to all vehicles irrespective ofwhether they are human-driven or ACC-enabled. Note thatthis interpretation of the terms in the Hamiltonian is differentfrom the interpretations presented in the prior work bySopasakis [8]. The next subsection discusses the calculationof transition probability rates that dictate traffic dynamics,using the expression for the Hamiltonian given in (1).



    Fig. 3. Interaction coefficients for vehicles calculated byusing differencesin locally perceived density. It is assumed that this information is availablefrom an infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) system. (a) Difference in perceivedlocal density is negative for a vehiclei entering a traffic jam. (b) Differencein perceived local density is positive for a vehiclei exiting a jam.

    D. Transition Probability Rates and Exchange Dynamics

    Parallels can be drawn between the problem of modelingof traffic dynamics using the Potts model, and the studyof driven Ising lattice gases [5][21]. Driven systems typ-ically operate far-from-equilibrium (i.e. in a state of non-equilibrium) and while such system may reach a steadystate, such a state is in continuous flux. Specifically, themicrostates of the far-from-equilibrium system cannot bedescribed by a stationary probability distribution. This isevident in traffic jams on a ring road, and especially so ina ‘stop-and-go’ waves, where the probability distributionoffinding a system in a particular microstate in non-stationary.A consequence of the system operating far-from-equilibrium

    is that the condition for detailed balance is no longer inviolate[22]. The potential violation of the detailed balance conditionallows for selection of transition probability rates basedonobservations of specific physical phenomena in the systembeing studied. For example, in a traffic system, microstatetransitions always occur due to the forward motion of vehi-cles on the road, and never due to their backward motion.These observations allow reasoned estimates about potentialtransition probability rates to be made.

    In order to determine the traffic flow dynamics using thePotts model, the microstate transition probability rates arecalculated. Since the total number of vehicles on the ringroad is conserved, the microstate transitions are limited toexchange dynamics[23]. Exchange dynamics imply that for agiven state (σ), the only possible means of system evolutionis through an exchange of states between any two adjacentsites in the lattice structure,σi andσi+1. This evolutionmayoccur if

    σi 6= 0 andσi+1 = 0 (6)

    i.e., if the site ahead of a vehicle is unoccupied, it may moveto the empty site based on the transition probability ratescalculated using (7):

    w(σ → σ′) = exp(−βH)

    = exp(

    βBσi + β∑




    whereβ = ρi, and the system microstatesσ andσ′ differby a pair of sites whose states have been exchanged. Theparameterβ is assumed to be proportional to local densityand is conceptually analogous to its interpretation in physicalsystems such as magnets. In ferromagnets, a high valueof β = 1/kBT corresponds to low temperature, whereinmagnetic moments are forced to align with their neighboringmoments. For a traffic system, a high value ofβ = ρicorresponds to high local density, wherein vehicles are forcedto stop if their neighboring vehicles are stationary.

    The expression for the transition probability rates is simi-lar to Arrhenius-type dynamics with an external field, butwithout an explicit diffusion coefficient. The probabilityof a randomly selected vehicle jumping to an empty siteimmediately ahead of it is thus given by:

    P (σk+1 = σ′|σk = σ) = min{1, w(σ → σ

    ′)} (8)

    which is similar to the expression for the acceptance prob-ability employed in the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm [24].The remainder of the paper deals with using the Potts modeland the associated transition probability rates as inputs forthe Monte Carlo simulation to study traffic flow dynamics inthe presence of human-driven and ACC-enabled vehicles.

    E. Monte Carlo Simulations

    Monte Carlo simulations make use of the Hamiltonian tocalculate the local energy of the system about a particularsite using (1), before utilizing (7) to calculate the microstatetransition probability rates. The microstate transition proba-bility directly relates to the probability that the traffic system

  • will move from one particular configuration to another con-figuration and hence describes the traffic dynamics.

    Before the Monte Carlo simulations can be carried out, themodel parameters, i.e. the external field and the interactioncoefficients, must be determined to ensure that the resultingbehavior mimics the behavior observed in real-life traffic.In order to ensure the fidelity of the simulation, the typicaltraffic flow parameters discussed in Section III are used. Thecalibration procedure begins with using an initial configu-ration or microstate of the system in which human-drivenvehicles are stuck in a queue. As vehicles begin to move outof the queue, they discharge at capacity, i.e. they exit thequeue at free flow velocity (vf ). On the other hand, a signalcan also be observed moving back through the queue at thebackward wave speed (u). The calibration procedure consistsof experimenting with several combinations of values of theexternal field B and the interaction coefficientsJHIN andJ


    for human-driven vehicles. After few trials, the approximatevalues of the parameters are found to beB = 60 m,JHIN = −14, 000 m

    3, andJHOUT = −320, 000 m3. Fig. 4 shows

    the results of the calibration that yield the correct typicaltraffic flow parameters, i.e. the free flow speed is found tobe approximately 25 m/s (or 55 mph) and the backward wavespeed is found to be approximately -6 m/s (or -13 mph).

    0 50 100 150 2000









    Time (s)


    tance (


    vf ≅ 25 m/ s

    u ≅ -6 m/ s

    Fig. 4. Calibration for an initial configuration of the traffic system;vf andu are respectively the free flow velocity and the backward wavespeed ofa vehicle exiting the queue. The choice of values of model parametersBand JHij mimics real-life traffic behavior. Typical traffic flow patterns areobtained forB = 60 m,JHIN = −14, 000 m

    3, andJHOUT = −320, 000 m3.

    The calibration performed above yields parametersB,JHIN and J

    HOUT only. The interaction coefficients for ACC-

    enabled vehicles can be determined using some intuitionregarding their behavior while entering and exiting a trafficjam as discussed in Section IV-C. For the purposes ofthe Monte Carlo simulation, the parameterJACCIN is set to−28, 000 m3 and the parameterJACCOUT is set to−20, 000 m

    3.These parameters enable us to carry out the Monte Carlosimulations to mimic traffic flow dynamics in a mixed trafficflow. It must be noted that these parameter values provide uswith only a qualitative assessment of the effects of increasedACC penetration. Future work will focus on estimating the

    Algorithm 1 : Simulating traffic flow dynamics with MonteCarlo algorithm

    1: Uniformly distributeM vehicles acrossN available sitesto set up initial microstateσ

    2: while time ≤ ENDTIME do3: for all sitesSi ∈ S do4: if σi 6= 0 andσi+1 = 0 then5: Calculate local energyH(σi) at siteSi6: Calculate probabilityw = exp(−βH(σi))7: Select a random numberr ∼ U(0, 1)8: if r < min(1, w) then9: Exchangeσi andσi+1

    10: Accept new microstate11: end if12: end if13: end for14: time← time + 115: end while

    appropriate values of interaction coefficients that provide amore accurate description of ACC car-following behavior.The pseudo code for the Monte Carlo algorithm used in thestudy is included in Algorithm 1.


    The Monte Carlo simulations were run for 12,000 timesteps each, yielding an equivalent time of 1 hour per simula-tion. The simulations were run for two cases: low-density andhigh-density traffic. The normalized density for low-densitytraffic was chosen to be 0.1, whereas the normalized densityfor high-density traffic was chosen to be 0.6. Each densitylevel was simulated for several different ACC penetrationlevels: ranging from low penetration (33% of vehicles areACC-enabled), to complete penetration (100% of vehicle areACC-enabled).

    The results generated from the Monte Carlo simula-tions were used to determine the cumulative probabilitydistribution FT (·) of a randomly chosen vehicle having amaximum durationT of being inside a single cluster. TheMonte Carlo simulations for low-density yielded expectedand uninteresting results – no major cluster formation eventswere observed and the effect of introduction of ACC-enabledvehicles was negligible. On the other hand, the Monte Carlosimulations for high density traffic yielded more interestingresults. The simulation results in Fig. 5 indicate that forhigher ACC penetration rates the mean time a vehicle spendsstuck in a cluster or jam is much smaller than for lower ACCpenetration rates. Specifically, the lower mean time spent byan individual vehicle in a jam or cluster also translates tosmaller cluster sizes, indicating that high ACC penetrationrates lead to formation of several smaller clusters as opposedto fewer large clusters for low ACC penetration rates.

    To aid in understanding the values of the mean time spentby a vehicle in a single cluster are calculated for the high-density scenario. The results are included in Table I andindicate what is visually evident from the distribution – thathigh ACC penetration rates on an average lead to less time

  • spent by an individual vehicle in a single cluster, and byextension small-sized vehicle clusters.




    % ACC Mean duration in single cluster (s)

    33 26.31

    50 13.04

    66 7.75

    100 3.74

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400









    Duration, T (s)


    b (


    le b

    locked f



    tion t


    ) 100% ACC66% ACC

    50% ACC

    33% ACC

    Fig. 5. Cumulative probability distributionFT (·) of a randomly chosenvehicle having a maximum durationT of being inside a single cluster fortraffic system operating at normalized density = 0.6 (high density) and atvarying penetration levels of adaptive cruise control (ACC). Distributionsare only shown up to the highest duration observed for an individual vehiclestuck inside a single cluster.

    In conclusion, it was found that the Potts model could beused satisfactorily to simulate the traffic dynamics of mixedtraffic flows. Additionally, it was found that introductionof ACC-enabled vehicles into high density traffic streamsresults in reduced time spent by vehicles in a single cluster,as well as formation of smaller clusters. The implicationsof this observation are detailed below. From a traffic con-trol perspective, it is easier to handle and design highwayelements to counter localized bottlenecks as in the case ofhigh density-low ACC penetration traffic. On the other hand,having several small clusters that may appear at randomlocations and may be distributed across a large swathe ofhighway may require the development of more elaboratetraffic control techniques due to the non-localized occurrenceof these jams.

    Additionally, this work implies that the inclusion of ACC-enabled vehicles into a mixed traffic stream might increasethe risk of collisions. The presence of many more, butsmaller, jams may lead to an increase in the amount of “stop-and-go” behavior that vehicles encounter on the roadway.Each of these stopping maneuvers carries the potential for a

    collision or disruption of traffic flow, especially from humandrivers. Additionally, each stop-and-go maneuver acts as a

    nucleus for further disruption or collisions and could resultin a decreased roadway capacity, mitigating the capacityincreases engineered by the presence of ACC vehicles. Fur-thermore, increased numbers of acceleration and decelerationcycles may lead to an increase in the release of greenhousegases and harmful emissions into the environment.


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