Static code analysis with sonar qube

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Static code analysis with sonar qube

Static Code Analysis with SonarQube

hayi.nkm - Software Engineer in Test

“All code is guilty, until proven innocent.” – Anonymous

Static Analysis

Static analysis or also known as Static Code Analysis is a process to analyze the source code of a software without running the software itself. Static Analysis are generally used by developers as part of the development and component testing process.


Detecting the possible bugs on your code (crash, memory leak, stack overflow, buffer overflow, etc),

Find any vulnerabilities in the corner of your applications (clumsy developer miss),

Finding possible wrong logic and any bad practice on your project,

Finding areas of the code that may need more testing or deeper review,

Benefits… (cont)

Finding duplicate code which is could be moved into another methods to reduce code complexity,

Identifying design issues such as Cyclomatic Complexity and helping reduce the code complexity improve maintainability,

Identifying potential software quality issues before the code moves to production.

Sonar Qube


img src:

Setting up SQ Server. (Mac)

$ brew install sonar

Setting up SQ Server. (Linux)# download SonarQube

$ wget

# Unzip and move file into /opt/

$ unzip$ mv sonarqube-5.X /opt/sonar

Setting up Databases (MySQL)$ mysql -u root -p

CREATE DATABASE sonar CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;CREATE USER 'sonar' IDENTIFIED BY 'sonar';GRANT ALL ON sonar.* TO 'sonar'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sonar';GRANT ALL ON sonar.* TO 'sonar'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sonar';FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Connect SQ to Databases

Open /opt/sonar/conf/



Setting up web server.

Open /opt/sonar/conf/

Starting sonar...

$ sonar start


$ sudo sonar start


Maven Projects

Gradle Projects


Setting up Maven.

Edit the settings.xml file, located in $MAVEN_HOME/conf or ~/.m2

<settings> <pluginGroups><pluginGroup>org.sonarsource.scanner.maven</pluginGroup></pluginGroups> <profiles> <profile> <id>sonar</id> <activation> <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> </activation> <properties> <!-- Optional URL to server. Default value is http://localhost:9000 --> <>http://myserver:9000</> </properties> </profile> </profiles></settings>

Analyzing Maven Projects

$ mvn clean verify sonar:sonar

## In some cases:

$ mvn clean install$ mvn sonar:sonar


Setting up Gradle Projects

Add this line into build.gradleplugins { id "org.sonarqube" version "1.2" }

apply plugin: "org.sonarqube"

sonarqube {

properties {

property "", "http://myserver:9000"

property "sonar.sourceEncoding", "UTF-8"

property "sonar.language", "java"

property "sonar.profile", "Android Lint"

property "sonar.projectKey","PROJECT-KEY"

property "sonar.projectName","PROJECT_NAME"

property "sonar.projectVersion","VERSION"

property "", "1.7"

property "sonar.sources", "./"



Analyzing Gradle Project

$ ./gradlew clean check sonarqube

Sample Reports

Sample Reports.

Thank you….

Image credits:www.sonarqube.org