Statement of Work Template[1]

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Transcript of Statement of Work Template[1]

<Project Name – Project Number>

Project Statement of Work (SOW)

Version <1.5 >Effective Date: <February 21, 2006>

Project Manager: <Name>Prepared By: <Name>

All information contained herein is proprietary and shall be kept confidential.

Table of ContentsREVISION HISTORY.................................................................................................................................................3

1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................3

2.0 SCOPE..............................................................................................................................................................3

2.1 IN SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................32.2 OUT OF SCOPE...............................................................................................................................................3

3.0 ASSUMPTIONS / DEPENDENCIES / CONSTRAINTS............................................................................4

3.1 ASSUMPTIONS................................................................................................................................................43.2 DEPENDENCIES...............................................................................................................................................43.3 CONSTRAINTS................................................................................................................................................4

4.0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................................4

4.1 BUSINESS GOALS...........................................................................................................................................54.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................................................................5

5.0 KEY ISSUES AND RISKS.............................................................................................................................6

5.1 ISSUES............................................................................................................................................................65.2 RISKS.............................................................................................................................................................6

6.0 PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS.......................................................................................................................7

7.0 PROJECT ORGANIZATION.......................................................................................................................7

8.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES..............................................................................................................7

9.0 WORK COMPLETED TO DATE.................................................................................................................8

10.0 KEY DELIVERABLES / MILESTONES.....................................................................................................9

11.0 PROJECT ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.......................................................................................................9

12.0 PROJECT MANAGER (PM) DELIVERABLES........................................................................................9

13.0 PM DELIVERABLE DEVIATIONS...........................................................................................................10




APPENDIX A:.............................................................................................................................................................12

Approval Signatures......................................................................................................................................................13

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Statement of Work

Revision History

Version Version Date

Author Comments

1.0 Project Description

<Provide a short description of the purpose of the project. >

2.0 Scope

<Define boundaries for the project. The boundaries are defined by identifying high-level internal or external activities included in the project and activities related to the project but not included in project deliverables. >

2.1 In Scope

<List activities included in or influencing project planning or deliverables. These activities can be listed as bullet points. >

2.2 Out of Scope

<List project related activities not included in the project planning process or project deliverables. These activities can be merged into another project or trigger the initiation of a project. These activities can be listed as bullet points. >

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3.0 Assumptions / Dependencies / Constraints

<Identify possible impacts to the project from internal or external sources. >

3.1 Assumptions

<List known internal or external factors that must remain true for the project to be successful, e.g., relevant market conditions, corporate policy, regulatory boundaries, resources. Assumptions can be listed as bullet points. >

3.2 Dependencies

<List known internal or external events the project is dependent on but does not have control over. When a dependency is not met, impacts to the project time line and deliverables are possible. Dependencies can be listed as bullet points.For example: Project completion is dependent on the successful installation of another application or device. >

3.3 Constraints

<List internal or external restrictions that must be dealt with by the project, e.g., regulatory boundaries, legalities, budgets, market window of opportunity, resource availability. For example: A needed Subject Mater Expert (SME) is only available during a specific period of time and the project must work around the availability of that SME. >

4.0 Goals and Objectives

<Identify the business goals and objectives supporting the project. >

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Statement of Work

4.1 Business Goals

<Identify the known business goals that will be driving the project. Goals are a description of the results an organization wants to achieve and are used to define the content of a project. The goals are listed and individually labeled (by name or number) in a manner that allows referencing by other sections within this document or other documents. List the goals in a table using headings to identify and describe the goal. Identify a goal by entering a label in column (GOAL ID) and provide a description of the goal in column (GOAL DESCRIPTION). ><Note: Business Goals can spawn one or many project objectives. >

Goal ID Goal Description

Figure 1: Business Goals Table

4.2 Project Objectives

<Identify project objectives generated by each known business goal. The objectives should be clear, concise, specific, measurable and prioritized. The objectives are listed and individually labeled (by name or number) in a manner that allows referencing by sections in this document or by other documents. List the objectives in a table. Identify a goal that spawned the objective by entering the goal label in column (Business Goal ID). Identify each objective for a goal by entering the label for the objective in column (Project Objective ID) and describe the objective by entering a description for the goal in column (Objective Description). Assign and list a priority in column (Priority) for each objective. The priority is defined using the total list of objective priorities. >

Business Goal ID

Project Objective

ID Objectives Description Priority

Figure 2: Project Objectives Table

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Statement of Work

5.0 Key Issues and Risks

<Identify key issues and risks that can affect project deliverables or the project timeline and any plans that have been developed to remedy them. >

5.1 Issues

<Label and list major issues that impact the project. Identified issues should be transferred to and tracked in the project’s Issues Log upon approval of the Project Statement of Work. >

Issue ID

Owner Issue Description Issue Resolution

Figure 3: Issues Table

5.2 Risks

<Label and list major risks that may affect the project. Identified risks should be transferred to and tracked in the project’s Risk Log upon approval of the Project Statement of Work. >

Risk ID

Owner Risk Description Risk Response Plan

Figure 4: Risk Table

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Statement of Work

6.0 Project Stakeholders

<Identify and list the individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project and affected by, interested in or influenced by the project outcome. Describe any contributions, support or interfacing needed by a stakeholder involved with the project. Use the Project Stakeholders Table to identify project stakeholder by name (Stakeholder Name), the organization represented by the stakeholder (Organization) and information (Comments) about the stakeholders needs. >

Stakeholder Name Organization Comments

Figure 5: Project Stakeholders Table

7.0 Project Organization

<Identify the known staffing requirements for a project. The staffing is identified using known roles required for the project and known individuals that can be assigned to a role. There can be multiple persons assigned to a specific role. When a role is not staffed, enter “To Be Staffed” in the (Name) column for that role. Identify the specific role (Role) needed by project, the anticipated individual (Name) expected to fill that role and the organization (Organization) that individual is currently assigned to. >

Role Name Organization

Figure 6: Project Organization Table

8.0 Roles and Responsibilities

<Define the responsibilities assigned to each role listed in the “Project Organization” and “Project Stakeholders” section of this document. Enter this information in the Roles and Responsibilities table by

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Statement of Work

identify the role (Role) and expected responsibilities (Responsibilities Assigned) for the project. The responsibilities for a role can be listed as bullets. >

Role Responsibilities AssignedProject Sponsor 1. Identify and manage key stakeholders. Identify project Steering Committee

members if needed. Chair the Steering Committee.

2. Ensure the Project Sponsor's authority is clearly defined. Ensure that the Project Manager's authority is clearly defined and that all stakeholders understand it.

3. Ensure that project objectives, business case, and requirements are in line with business and organizational goals.

4. Assist in obtaining project resources and funding. Set priorities as needed.

5. Review and approve the project's statement of work, the project plan, and any changes to the project plan in accordance with change control processes.

6. Participate in regular progress tracking based upon objective evidence of progress.

7. Resolve project related issues as needed. Help to identify and mitigate project risks as needed.

Project Manager 1. Aggressively manage project scope, cost and schedule. Establish and maintain control of the project.

2. Ensure all project processes are executed properly. Ensure compliance with any relevant policies and standards. Ensure all required deliverables are produced and maintained. Determine other appropriate deliverables to be produced and maintained for the project.

3. Assign project work to team members. Clearly assign responsibilities for requirements management, configuration management, vendor management, estimating, planning and tracking.

4. Ensure project team has the appropriate resources, skill sets, training and capacity to perform the project tasks.

5. Ensure that appropriate project communication takes place, both internally and externally. Ensure appropriate involvement of affected groups in project activities. Ensure all groups understand and agree to their project commitments.

6. Closely manage the establishment and execution of the change control process for any change that impacts scope, cost or schedule.

7. Monitor project activities, deliverable progress and status. Track progresses to plan and ensure project metrics are captured. Communicate and escalate if the project cannot track according to project plans and estimates.

8. Document, manage and mitigate risks. Document and manage issues to resolution.

Figure 7: Roles / Responsibilities Table

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Statement of Work

9.0 Work Completed To Date

<Identify the tasks or activities in support of the project that are already completed. >

10.0 Key Deliverables / Milestones

<List the planned deliverables requiring customer acceptance, include the planned start and stop dates for each deliverable. The deliverables should be listed in chronological order. >


Start DatePlanned

Stop Date

Figure 8: Key Deliverables and Milestones Table

11.0 Project Acceptance Criteria

<Identify key points (e.g. schedule, budget, deliverables, etc) that will be used at project end to determine if the project met the sponsor’s expectation. >

12.0 Project Manager (PM) Deliverables

<List the set of standard project deliverables a project manager plans to generate to better manage the project. >

Project Plan, including:

MS Project Schedule

Project Status Reports

Issues Log

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Statement of Work

Communications Plan

Risk Management and Mitigation Plan

Change Control Process

Project Statement of Work

Risk Lens

Requirements Specifications

Functional Design

Test Plan

Implementation Plan

Training Plan

Backout/Contingency Plan

Technical Design

Test Incident/Defect Tracking and Test Results

Lessons Learned

13.0 PM Deliverable Deviations

<List project deliverables the project manager plans not to generate for a project. For each deliverable listed, provide an explanation of why the deviation is occurring. >

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Statement of Work


Acronym Description


Word / Term Description


Document Title Document Source

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Statement of Work

Appendix A:

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Statement of Work

Approval Signatures

My signature below indicates that I have reviewed this document and agree that it details the requirements that I have for the initiative and that the requirements provide value for my organization. I agree any requirements introduced after this document is signed will be subject to a change management process.

_______________________________ _________________________________ _______________Name Role Date

_______________________________ _________________________________ _______________Name Role Date

_______________________________ _________________________________ _______________Name Role Date

_______________________________ _________________________________ _______________Name Role Date

_______________________________ _________________________________ _______________Name Role Date

_______________________________ _________________________________ _______________Name Role Date

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Statement of Work