State of the Art Technology to Meet Family Needs Created by the Awesome Students in the Fall...

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of State of the Art Technology to Meet Family Needs Created by the Awesome Students in the Fall...

State of the Art Technology to Meet Family Needs

Created by the Awesome Students in the Fall Semester


Family Living

Video entertainment, games, new exercise equipment, online travel reservations, transportation, and


J. DeLuca,

E. Rainey,

J. Lyles


Nicole, Hoyi, Jessica, Kaleb, Ty

Laser Eye Surgery is an example of state of the art health technology

Food and Nutrition

Under armour:

State of the art clothing technology

By: L. Lewis

L. Bowen

J. Scott

B. Reddick

J. Byers

A. Bonk

L. Duffy

Webkinz are a state of the art child development toy that is cuddly and appealing to little people. To use it, kids can go online and register their webkinz and play with them there, plus they are just a normal stuffed animal.


-Computerized toys.

-Infant monitors.

-Smaller aseptic packages.

-Adaptive Technology.

-In vitro fertilization.

Housing & Home Management.

By: V.Parker

J. Travis

K. Jones

C. Martinez

"Wearable Hub". A pin like device that the wearer talks to and commands their house. Using a combination of voice recognition and Bluetooth wireless technology the user can control the home master locking system, communicate with a visitor at the front door or command other automated systems in the house. So are you making the most of wireless and voice based technology in your products. Just another way to make the user experience more seamless.

Home ManagementBy:, S. Park, T. Schevel

Remote Control Fan

House Alarm

Finger Scanner for computers

Solar-powered lights