STATE OF central brick chimney. It...

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Transcript of STATE OF central brick chimney. It...


Date: April 9, 2018

To: Kirk F. Mohney, MHPC From: Julie Senk, MaineDOT Historic Coordinator Subject: Section 106 request for concurrence Project: Abbot 22646.00, MHPC #0167-16 Scope: Highway reconstruction

The Maine DOT has reviewed this project pursuant to the Maine Programmatic Agreement (PA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The project consists of highway reconstruction of Route 6 (Main Road) beginning 0.39 miles north of West Road and extending southerly 2.69 miles. In accordance with 36 CFR Part 800.4, the following identification efforts of historic properties were made:

800.4(a) (1) – The Area of Potential Effect (APE) includes properties/structures adjacent to the roadway and within the project limits. The project limits are defined by the roadway and the immediately adjacent area. Properties/structures adjacent to this project limit are considered to be within the APE. The APE is shown as a defined polygon on the attached map.

800.4(a) (2) – Review of existing information consisted of researching the National Register and MHPC survey databases. The Maine Historic Preservation Commission Archaeological staff has reviewed the undertaking.

800.4(a) (3) – The Town of Abbot was contacted via letter and asked to comment on knowledge of, or concerns with, historic properties in the area, and any issues with the undertaking’s effect on historic properties. The Town was also requested to provide information regarding local historic societies or groups. The Town replied with information about several buildings in Abbot, but did not share any concerns about the proposed undertaking.

800.4(a) (4) – Letters outlining project location and scope were sent to the 4 federally recognized Tribes in Maine. The Penobscot Nation have replied with no concerns about the undertaking.

800.4(c) – The Maine DOT did conduct historic architectural surveys within the APE, and determined that eight historic architectural resources are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Maine Historic Preservation Commission Archaeological staff also reviewed this undertaking and recommended ‘no archaeological properties affected’.

In accordance with 36 CFR Part 800.4(d), the Maine DOT has determined that no historic or prehistoric archaeological properties or historic architectural properties will be affected by the undertaking. In accordance with the PA and 36 CFR Part 800, please reply with your concurrence or objection to this determination of effect within 30 days. Please contact me at if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: CPD e-file enc: Supplemental Supporting Information for a Finding of Effect

MaineDOT WIN 22646.00

Supplemental Supporting Information for a Finding of Effect Project: Abbot, WIN 22646.00 Scope: Highway Reconstruction Finding of Effect: No Adverse Effect Purpose and Need The purpose of the action is to improve vehicular safety, including for school buses, along Route 6 in Abbot. The need for this project is because this section of Route 6 does not meet current safety standards and is the last section of roadway between Guilford and Greenville that has not been upgraded. This section of Route 6 has a failing roadway structure and inadequate drainage. Proposed Action The proposed action (Alternative 1) would include reconstruction of Route 6 beginning 0.40 of a mile north of West Road and extend southerly 2.73 miles. The action would include 12’ travel lanes with 5’ shoulders. From Sta. 36+85 to 43+33 the proposed action would only be mill and fill. It would include rebuilding 20” of gravel and 5” HMA along with curbing and closed drainage from the beginning of the project area to Sta. 36+85. From Sta. 43+33 to the end of the project, the action would include removing the existing pavement structure and adding 8” of new gravel to the existing 12” of gravel and building 5” HMA. Horizontal alignments in the project area would not change. Vertical alignment throughout the project would change at specific locations to accommodate better sight distances, a large culvert, or drainage improvements. Federal Action Federal funding. Definition of Area of Potential Effect (APE) The proposed project is located in Abbot. A map is attached below that shows the APE.

Supplemental Information for a Finding of Effect Route 6 Highway Reconstruction Project

MaineDOT WIN 22646.00

Figure 1. Abbot 22646.00 Area of Potential Effect

Supplemental Information for a Finding of Effect Route 6 Highway Reconstruction Project

MaineDOT WIN 22646.00

Historic Properties The proposed project is located in Abbot. The following descriptions of historic properties found within the project area are based on Maine Historic Preservation Commission (MHPC) survey forms. House & Barn, 91 Main Road (Roger A. Whitney, 41+00L to 42+00L) National Register-eligible Criterion C, Architecture, Agriculture This house features Greek Revival and Gothic Revival-style elements and includes an attached New England barn. The house has a side-gabled roof with a large center gable and a central brick chimney. It has wide eaves and a metal roof. It is clad in clapboard siding and has two-over-two double-hung wood windows with some functional shutters. The central entry has a simple classical surround with paneled sidelights and paneled front door. The side ell has an integral porch with a thick square column and a glazed and paneled wood door. The side ell connects to the substantial New England barn. The barn has a wide, rectangular footprint. It has wood clapboard siding and a central entry with wooden barn door. It also has six-over-six double-hung wood windows and six light wood windows. The house and barn sit on granite foundations. Its period of significance is c.1830. House & Barn, 95 Main Road (Daniel Wright, 45+00L) National Register-eligible Criterion C, Architecture, Agriculture The vernacular house with Italianate features has a gable-front metal roof with an interior chimney. The roof features cornice returns, oversized dentils, and paired scroll brackets at the corners. The house is clad in wood clapboard and has vinyl one-over-one windows. A diamond shaped window is found in the upper story of the south facing gable. The windows sit in wood frames with dentiled hoods. The two front entries are topped with large bracketed hoods that also feature oversized and regular sized dentils, matching both the cornice and window hoods. The front door is a glazed wood paneled door. A New England carriage barn is connected to the rear ell of the house. The barn features clapboard siding, a wooden barn door, and intact hay hatch. Its gable-front roof also has cornice returns. The larger mixed use New England barn is connected to the rear southeast corner of the carriage barn. The gable-front barn has a central entry topped with a two-part ten-light transom. The transom and two-over-two windows on the front elevation sit in wood frames with slight hoods. The barn also features cornice returns and slight narrow cornerboard pilasters. The foundations of these buildings are not visible. The house’s foundation is covered with plastic sheeting. Its period of significance is c.1850 to c.1870. Ansel & Mattie Hichborn House, 97 Main Road (Rochelle M. Titcomb, 45+50L to 50+00L) National Register-eligible Criterion C, Architecture, Agriculture The Queen Anne-style Ansel and Mattie Hichborn House has a side-gabled roof with a round corner three-story tower and a gabled dormer on the front elevation. A thick brick chimney is located just off-center towards the corner tower. The house is largely clad in wood clapboard siding, but has vinyl siding at a small addition located on the north end of

Supplemental Information for a Finding of Effect Route 6 Highway Reconstruction Project

MaineDOT WIN 22646.00

the porch. The gabled ends and the upper portion of the tower are all clad with wood shake shingles. The windows are one-over-one with aluminum storms. The windows sit in plain wood frames. The upper story windows all feature one-over-one windows and the upper sash contains a leaded glass window with a singular diamond shape. An octagonal bay window is located under the gabled dormer on the front elevation. Its central picture window has a leaded glass transom. A second picture window with the same transom is located on the first story between the front entry and the corner tower. A square wood railing is located on the roof of the bay window and a similar roof is located outside of the window on the roof of the front porch. The railings mimic one another with rectangular balustrades and square paneled newel posts. A third such railing is found above a second octagonal bay on the north elevation. The front porch has a low-pitched hipped roof and features narrowing classical columns. Three columns are clustered on either side of the porch’s entrance. The house sits on an ornamental concrete block foundation that mimics rubble stone. It features a gable-front roof with cornice returns and narrow cornerboard pilasters. The double barn doors are topped with a two-part ten-light transom. A smaller access door is located to the right of the barn doors. The windows are two-over-two wood with wood surrounds. The carriage barn is attached to the northwest corner of the barn and has wood clapboard siding. It also features an exterior brick chimney and six-over-six windows. The barn has two carriage bay openings. Its period of significance is 1912. Archeological Resources There are no archaeological resources in the project area. Impacts to Property The following addresses potential impacts to properties as a result of the proposed action. House & Barn, 91 Main Road (Roger A. Whitney, 41+00L to 42+00L) National Register-eligible Criterion C, Architecture, Agriculture The proposed action would result in No Effect to this property. The proposed action at this location is mill and fill with no vertical alignment changes and existing drainage would not be altered. This section of the roadway already contains 12’ travel lanes and 5’ shoulders. Additionally, the proposed action does not require any permanent or temporary takes or rights at this property. House & Barn, 95 Main Road (Daniel Wright, 45+00L) National Register-eligible Criterion C, Architecture, Agriculture The proposed action would result in No Adverse Effect to this property. The proposed action would raise the road profile by 3” and include 12’ travel lanes with 5’ shoulders. The roadway at this location currently consists of 12’ travel lanes and 5’ shoulders. Cut and fill related to underdrain at this location present a minimal change in elevation. These actions are restricted to the right-of-way and would not require any trimming or clearing of trees or shrubbery here. The driveway’s paved apron would be repaved. These actions would not affect the property’s integrity of setting, association, or feeling. The proposed action does not require any permanent or temporary takes or rights at this property.

Supplemental Information for a Finding of Effect Route 6 Highway Reconstruction Project

MaineDOT WIN 22646.00

Ansel & Mattie Hichborn House, 97 Main Road (Rochelle M. Titcomb, 45+50L to 50+00L) National Register-eligible Criterion C, Architecture, Agriculture The proposed action would result in No Adverse Effect to this property. The proposed action would raise the road profile by 3” and include 12’ travel lanes with 5’ shoulders. Paving shoulders at this location would formalize gravel shoulders currently in place, which presents a minimal change to the property’s integrity of setting. Cut and fill related to underdrain at this location are minimal from Sta. 45+50 to 46+00. Cut and fill related to underdrain would serve to fill in current open ditching at this location from Sta. 46+00 to 50+00. These actions would not require any trimming or clearing of trees or shrubbery here and would diminish the slope currently found related to the open ditching. All underdrain areas would be loamed and seeded. Curbing currently exists at Sta. 45+50 to 46+00 and would be replaced in kind, and new curbing would be added from Sta. 46+00 to 50+00. With curbing already present at this location, its extension, using the same material as the current curbing, does not constitute a significant change to the property’s integrity of setting. The driveway’s paved apron would be replaced in kind. The proposed action would require temporary rights for fill. These actions would not significantly affect the property’s integrity of setting, association, or feeling. Archaeological Resources No archaeological properties would be affected by the proposed undertaking. Avoidance and Minimization Efforts The proposed action avoids removing any vegetation found at historic properties. The proposed action avoids any permanent takes or rights at historic properties. The proposed action also avoids impacting a barn, whose eligibility for listing in the National Register is not determined, at Sta. 69+00L and owned by Ralph H. Masutti (Sta. 59+00L – 87+00L). The barn sits approximately 200 feet from Route 6 and is placed directly behind and connected to a non-eligible house. The proposed action would require a permanent take, drainage easement, temporary rights, and a slope easement. All of these actions would be related to the frontage of the property on Route 6 and would not affect the barn. Dismissed Alternatives No Build The No Build alternative takes no action and does not meet the

purpose and need of the project and was therefore removed from further consideration.

Proposed Materials Hot mix asphalt, guardrail, etc.

Supplemental Information for a Finding of Effect Route 6 Highway Reconstruction Project

MaineDOT WIN 22646.00

Plans Town of Abbot, Highway Reconstruction, Piscataquis County, Route 6, MaineDOT, July 2017. Attachments Kirk F. Mohney, MHPC, to Megan Hopkin, MaineDOT, July 6, 2016. Kirk F. Mohney, MHPC, to Megan Hopkin, MaineDOT, November 29, 2016. Art Spiess, MHPC, to Julie Senk, MaineDOT, January 12, 2018.