STAR WARS Trivia Quiz!...Before he turned to the Dark Side and put on this helmet, Darth Vader was...

Post on 28-Jul-2020

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Transcript of STAR WARS Trivia Quiz!...Before he turned to the Dark Side and put on this helmet, Darth Vader was...

Trivia Quiz!

Level 1: Jedi Padawan

The Star Wars stories take place a long time ago in a galaxy…where?

A: Andromeda

B: far, far away

C: M83

D: Utopia

B: far, far away

These goofy, teddy-bear-like creatures seen in “Return of the Jedi” are called:

A: Jawas

B: Hutts

C: Ewoks

D: Wookies

C: Ewoks

Before he turned to the Dark Side and put on this helmet, Darth Vader was known

as:A: Senator Palpatine

B: Anakin Skywalker

C: Boba Fett

D: General Grievous

B: Anakin Skywalker

In Episode 4 “A New Hope”, what crucial secret does R2-D2 carry in its memory?

A: Plans for the Death Star

B: List of known Jedis

C: Location of the Rebels

D: Identity of Darth Vader

A: Plans for the Death Star

These scary looking enemies of the Jedi are called:

A: Stormtroopers

B: Rebels

C: Tuskens

D: Sith

D: Sith

Who flies this X-Wing?

A: Luke Skywalker

B: Wedge Antilles

C: Poe Dameron

D: Biggs Darklighter

C: Poe Dameron

In Episode 7 “The Force Awakens”, Rey meets Finn for the first time on what

planet?A: Tatooine

B: Jakku

C: Alderan

D: Geonosis

B: Jakku

In Episode 4 “A New Hope”, the Death Star is initially mistaken for:

A: An asteroid

B: A planet

C: A moon

D: A black hole

C: A moon

“That’s no moon…it’s a space station!”

How many suns does Luke see on his home planet of Tatooine?

A: One

B: Two

C: Three

D: Four

B: Two

What’s the name of this character from “The Force Awakens”?

A: FinnB: SnokeC: Kylo RenD: Darth Plagueis

C: Kylo Ren

Trivia Quiz!Level 2: Jedi Apprentice

In the opening scene of “The Empire Strikes Back” Luke is riding what


A: A tauntaun

B: A sarlac

C: A bantha

D: A wampa

A: A tauntaun

What type of droid is BB-8?A: Battle droid

B: Astromech droid

C: Protocol droid

D: Scout droid

B: Astromech droid

Jar Jar Binks, Padme Amidala and Senator Palpatine all come from which planet:

A: Coruscant

B: Bespin

C: Kamino

D: Naboo

D: Naboo

Who is this notorious bounty hunter?

A: Jango Fett

B: Boba Fett

C: Watto

D: Greedo

B: Boba Fett

C-3P0 is a protocol droid. How many languages does he speak?

A: 1,138

B: 150,000

C: Over 6 million

D: An infinite number

C: Over 6 million

Uncle Owen: “Do you speak Bocce?”

C-3P0: “I am fluent in over 6 million forms of communication”

Who helps Poe Dameron escape from the First Order base?

A: BB-8

B: Rey

C: Captain Phasma

D: Finn

D: Finn

Before the Galactic Empire was created, all Stormtroopers were known as:

A: Imperial Army

B: Clone troopers

C: Battle troopers

D: Republican Army

B: Clone troopers

What color is Luke’s lightsaber in “Episode 6: Return of the Jedi”?

A: Green

B: Blue

C: Red

D: Purple

A: Green

In which battle does this vehicle appear?

A: The Battle of Yavin

B: The Battle of Hoth

C: The Battle of Endor

D: The Battle of Coruscant

B: The Battle of Hoth

AT-AT = All Terrain Armored Transport

Who kills Jabba the Hut?

A: Darth Vader

B: Bib Fortuna

C: Han Solo

D: Princess Leia

D: Princess Leia

Trivia Quiz!Level 3: Jedi Knight

Master Yoda, this is. How old when he dies, is he?

A: 700 years

B: 900 years

C: 1,138

D: 1,700 years

B: 900 years

“When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not”

Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Master?

A: Yoda

B: Mace Windu

C: Qui-Gon Jinn

D: Coleman Trebor

C: Qui-Gon Jinn

What is the beam of a lightsaber made of?

A: Focused starlight

B: Ionized laser

C: Superheated plasma

D: Antimatter photons

C: Superheated plasma

Between these characters, who is the most accurate with a blaster?

A: Luke Skywalker

B: Han Solo

C: Chewbacca

D: Princess Leia

D: Princess Leia

The Jedi Council consists of how many members?

A: 2

B: 7

C: 12

D: 25

C: 12

The first Death Star was destroyed by the Rebels by firing into what?

A: The thermal exhaust port

B: The hyperdrive module

C: The command trench

D: The antimatter conduit

A: The thermal exhaust port

Who is this Jedi from the prequels?

A: Plo Koon

B: Shaak Ti

C: Kit Fisto

D: Yaddle

C: Kit Fisto

What’s Admiral Ackbar’s most famous line from “Return of the Jedi”?

A: “May the Force be with you”

B: “It’s a trap!”

C: “Take evasive action!”

D: “The shield is down!”

B: “It’s a trap!”

The sound of the TIE Fighter engine originally came from a:

A: Elephant

B: Mountain Lion

C: Walrus

D: Eagle

A: Elephant



Why was Yoda reluctant to train Luke Skywalker in the ways of the Force?

A: he complained a lot

B: he smelled bad

C: his father turned evil

D: he lacked patience

D: he lacked patience

Trivia Quiz!Level 4: Jedi Master

TIE fighters are named after:

A: Turbo Ignition Engines

B: Trajectory Inverse Exothermic

C: Two Insane Evils

D: Twin Ion Engines

D: Twin Ion Engines

Before being called Luke Skywalker, this character had another name:

A: Kane Starkiller

B: Luke Starlighter

C: Annikin Starkiller

D: Justin Valor

C: Annikin Starkiller

George Lucas was inspired to make Chewbacca based on his pet what?

A: Bear

B: Dog

C: Lion

D: Guinea Pig

B: Dog

George Lucas and his dog “Indiana” (Alaskan Malamute)

The original Star Wars movie called “Episode 4: A New Hope” was

released in which year?

A: 1932

B: 1986

C: 2001

D: 1977

D: 1977

What’s the name of this band from the Mos Eisley cantina in Episode 4?

A: The Cantina Band

B: Figrin D’an & Modal Nodes

C: The Max Rebo Band

D: The Galactic Wailers

B: Figrin D’an & Modal Nodes

What is this HUGE ship called?

A: Star Crusher

B: Enterprise

C: Galactic Cruiser

D: Super Star Destroyer

D: Super Star Destroyer

(The only thing it destroys however is itself as it crashes into the second Death Star)

What species is Greedo?

A: Bothan

B: Rodian

C: Gungan

D: Killik

B: Rodian

Well, she was a Rodian…

This is Lando Calrissian. How did he lose the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo?

A: A card game

B: A chess game

C: A bet

D: A duel

A: A card game (called Sabacc)

Who’s the only Rebel pilot to survive all 3 original trilogy films?

A: Tron Salamonca

B: Biggs Darklighter

C: Jek Porkins

D: Wedge Antilles

D: Wedge Antilles

What is the energy that Obi-Wan Kenobi describes to Luke called?

A: Mindfulness

B: Midi-chlorians

C: The Force

D: The Dark Side

C: The Force

“The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, and penetrates us. It binds the

galaxy together.”

Congratulations Padawans!Done well to complete your training, you have!

May The Force be with you. Always