STAR Test Site Coordinator Meeting February 20, 2008.

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Transcript of STAR Test Site Coordinator Meeting February 20, 2008.

STAR Test Site Coordinator Meeting

February 20, 2008


Materials and deadlines – Sara Jo CrawCompleting answer documents – Marianne

BlankenbillerCAPA – Judy ShadesGlossaries for EL Students, administration of

STS and Aprenda 3 – Jackie CampbellPE Testing – Michelle Benham


CDE STAR website: Test Document Library: Overview:

Today’s Agenda

Feedback on STAR 2007New for STAR 2008Overview of Test Site Coordinator

Responsibilities SecurityReturn of test materialsTimelines

Feedback on STAR 2007

Check-off listStudent names on answer documentsGrade 3 counts on SGID sheetsTeacher namesAlgebra I Errors in 7th grade“Unknown” end-of-course testsEarth Science test

CMA: Grades 3, 4, 5 STS: Grades 5, 6, 7CAPA:

Linked to grade-level content standards CAPA Online

Scratch paper now available for science test

New for 2008


Multiple-choice in ELA, math, and grade 5 science An assessment aligned to the California content standards For students

With an IEP In grades 3-5 Received a score report showing below basic or far below basic May take CST for some subjects, CMA for other subjects

IEP specifies CMA and subject(s) No Modifications Temporary accountability issues

Standards Test in Spanish (STS)

Spanish-speaking English learners in grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 who: will have been enrolled in a school in the United States less than 12

months on the first day of testing; or are receiving instruction in Spanish regardless of the length of time

they have been enrolled in school in the United States Students in Grades 8 – 11 take Aprenda 3. Section 9a Country of Origin is optional. Only one can be coded. “Say” boxes are in Spanish. ELD Department will help with the

administration of the test. Section 4 “Version Number” is required. Students also take CST or CMA.


Performance-based, one-on-one test for students with significant cognitive disabilities unable to take CST even with modifications

NCLB requires assessments to be linked to grade-level content standards.

SBE approved revised blueprints with alternate achievement standards. Blueprints are on CDE’s Web site:

Reminder: No out-of-level testing allowed. CAPA exams have 12 items. Allow CAPA examiners extensive preparation and training time

NEW 2008 Answer Documents

3-digit disability code Section A2

Y for answer document lost or destroyed Now on writing response booklet

Section A3, Z for examiner read questions aloud; P only for audio CD

Unlisted accommodations, modifications require calling CDE before testing

Grade 3: complete demographics on CAT/6 Survey booklet Grade 7: Need to indicate Math or Algebra I

Test Site Coordinator’s Responsibilities

Preparation (p 44-46) Learn about the 2008 test administration. Plan all test administration logistics for the site. Select CAPA observers. Provide CST, CMA and STS test examiner, proctor, and/or scribe training

Writing Test (p 47-52) Before Testing (p 56)

Manage test security. Coordinate receipt of test materials from the district. (Materials List p 54) Organize materials for testing locations (rooms). Distribute test materials to test examiners each day of testing.

Test Site Coordinator’s Responsibilities

During Testing (p 57 – 58) Monitor the test administration. Handle defective test booklets and answer documents. Manage emergency situations.

After Testing (p 58-49) Collect and process testing materials. Process test documents for students using accommodations and

modifications. Count testing materials.

Return Materials (p 60-62) Correctly package scorable materials. Correctly package non-scorable materials. Return materials to the district.

Test Site Coordinator’s Responsibilities During Administration: Train Examiners

Distribute test materials to correct students Be very careful with similar names

Check Date of Birth Test booklets:

Correct EOC math, science and history

Follow Directions For Administration (DFA) Read “Say” boxes exactly as written

Students cannot go back to previous part of test

Test Site Coordinator’s Responsibilities Reminders for Test Administration

Prepare roomDistribute test materials correctlyFollow Directions For Administration (DFA)Pay attention to addendums & Errata sheetsMonitorAudio CDs

Only use VERSION 1

Security Audits Security Investigation Audit Teams will monitor testing at some

sites Things to do:

Make sure you collect Test Security Affidavits from anyone who has access to test materials.

Account for all secure materials before, during, and after each test administration.

Keep all test materials in central locked storage except during actual test administration times.

The test site coordinator is responsible for immediately reporting any security violation to the district STAR coordinator

Irregularities in test security may result in a school not receiving Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and/or Academic Performance Index (API) results.

Before Testing Student Test Preparation

You may select an item from the CST released examples to review with your students by putting 1 item per day on the board. You may not copy the CST released items and make test prep booklets.

Here is the link to the California Department of Education’s website with the CST Released Questions and Blueprints. Of course, you may download them and use them for instructional purposes, but you may NOT photocopy them for student use - overheads to use in class are o.k.

Released Questions: Blueprints: What strategies improve student performance?

- Staff discussion

Before Testing Classroom Preparation

Prepare room for testing- no instructional materials directly related to the content of the test should be visible to any students. These include, but are not limited to, multiplication tables, math formulas, vocabulary/spelling lists, phonics charts, maps, timelines, biological charts, etc.

- Classroom compliance walkthrough on 4/25

Audio CDs

For CSTs, CAT/6, and EAP. Only for students with IEPs/504 plans. Version 1 only – or scored wrong Administered individually or in groups On Answer Doc:

From a CD, mark “P” in A3 (Accommodations and Modifications), as well as mark the circle for version 1 in Section 4 (Version #) on the front of the answer document for students in grades 4-11.

By the test examiner, mark “P” in Section A3 and “Y” in Section A2 (Special Conditions).

Demographic Fields

Added Section 16c – Special Education Exit DateAdded to Section A2:

Special conditions option “C,” to be marked if student is observed cheating

Special conditions option “Y,” to be marked if test examiner personally read test questions aloud to students

Correct Coding Accommodations and Modifications (p. 55)Accommodations

Change conditions, but not measurement Score counted as is

Modifications Change conditions and measurement Score counted as far below basic for state

accountability Score not counted as participating for AYP

See handout in packet

Math and Science

Science: Chemistry Packed with separate reference sheets. Advise examiners to replace attached reference sheet.

Math Algebra I, grades 7–11,

Grade 7 scored as grade 7 math if blank

General Math, grades 8, 9 only H.S. Summative Math, grades 9–11

EOC Math and Science: Ensure correct test marked, If no test marked, no score

Algebra I

Students in grade 7 taking Algebra I who will have completed the course between summer session 2007 and the end of the 2007-08 school year take the California Algebra I Standards Test.

All other students take grade 7 math

Must indicate type of test and version or will be scored as grade 7 math

World History: grades 9-11

Reminder: The test is end-of-course.Students in grade 9, 10, or 11 who completed a

World History course between the 2007 summer session and the end of the 2007-08 school year take the CST for World History.

Multiple ChoiceReturning Scorable Materials (p 59-60)ORANGE label Test materials for

Students enrolled on first day testing (including absent or exempted) Students enrolled later and tested Used grades 4-11 answer documents Used grades 2,3 test booklets

Package CAPA, on TOP of lowest CST grade answer document or test booklet

STS under CST of same grade SGIDs, Master File Sheets

Returning Secure Non-scorable Materials

GREEN label (p 61-62) Grades 4–11 test booklets Grades 2,3 unused test booklets CAPA Examiner’s Manuals Grade 2 DFAs Special versions, including CDs Voided answer documents, booklets

CST WritingReturning Materials (p 51-52) Scorables packaged by grade, BLUE labels

SGID Sheet Code Grade, Number of documents Do not code Group name

Answer documents for students who test

Non-Scorables, RED labels Unused test materials DFAs

EAP EssayReturning Materials (p 65) EAP scores on 2007 STAR Student Reports;

return essays on time. Scorables, MAGENTAMAGENTA labels

Separate return shipment DO NOT return with scorables for Grade 4 and 7 CST Writing

SGID Sheet Code Grade, Number of documents Do not code Test Type Do not code Group name

Response booklets for students who test, only Non-Scorables, YELLOWYELLOW

Unused test materials DFAs

Reminders Answer Document

Version NumberEnd-of-Course test takenRead Aloud

P = Read Aloud (Audio CD or Examiner)Additionally code Y = if Examiner Read Aloud

(Audio CD NOT used) No Unlisted Accommodation or Modification!!!

Test Site Coordinator’s RemindersReturning Materials

Return each administration separately CST Writing Administration 1 EAP Essay Administration Multiple Choice Separate Administrations

Use correct color labels Don’t send scorables with non-scorables Don’t use non-scorable labels for scorables

Timelines – STAR Writing and EAP

Grade 4 & 7 STAR writing materials and EAP essays arrive at the district office this week.We will send them out as soon as possible.

Star Writing Assessment – March 4 - 5. All STAR Writing Boxes Must be Returned to D.O.

Driver Pickup or Personal Delivery on Thursday, March 6 or Friday, March 7

EAP Essay testing window – March 4 - 28. EAP materials must be returned by Tuesday, April 1. Need to know EAP Essay testing date(s) for each HS.

Timelines – STAR Multiple Choice

Testing Windows: Elementary 4/28 – 5/16 Middle 5/5 – 5/16 High 4/28 – 5/23

Test material delivery dates will be provided via e-mailTest material pick-ups:

Elementary 5/19 Middle 5/20 High 5/28

ELA & Math CST Reminders

ELA all gradesMath

Grades 2-6 all students take grade-level test Grade 7 or Algebra I Grades 8-9 math required Grades 9-11 Summative High School Math offered Grades 8-11 EOC math test based on standards-

based math course completed during school year

Science & History CST Reminders

Science Grades 5, 8, 10 Grades 9-11 EOC based on standards-based science course

completed during school year History-Social Science

Grades 8, 11 Grades 9-11 EOC World History based on standards-based

World History course completed during school year Code correct EOC test and version number on answer


CMA Reminders

Grade 3 Students taking CMA for either or both subjects also take all of

CAT/6 CAT/6 Survey booklets have all demographics; must be

returned even if student not tested CMA and CST booklets: name, grade, DOB, SSID, gender

Grades 4, 5 answer docs: both CMA and CST; packed with CST materials

Grade 4 students taking the CMA for ELA do NOT take the 2008 Writing test

No Braille, audio CDs

Other Topics

PE Testing - handoutCORE Testing

Grade 10 CAHSEE

Sole determinant of AYP Participation Issues

Variation, Accommodations, and ModificationsUnlisted accommodations, modifications require calling CDE before

testing Return scorable materials for enrolled students only May makeup CAPA

Subgroups Signature on answer document – who can sign?