Star Term 3 Week 9.pdf

Post on 02-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Star Term 3 Week 9.pdf

The Star

A Catholic School committed to the Lasallian Vision of Education

T E R M 3 W E E K 9 – 1 8 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 5 – I S S U E 3 0 / 1 5

Dear St Michael’s Community,


Over the past twelve months, the College has been negotiating the development of a St Michael’s College research-

based Master of Education program for teachers, to be delivered in partnership with UniSA. I am pleased to announce that an appropriate course has been designed and approved and is now being delivered by UniSA, with regular face to face support available at the College.

Ten of our teachers were successful in their application to undertake the Masters and I congratulate and thank Amanda Rossi, Joanne Gilmore, Mark Labrosciano, Patrizia Puglia, Rachel Philp, Ray Becker, Sally Armour, Sam Kitschke, Tonia Carfora and Catherine Pearce for embracing the opportunity. Our Lasallian Heritage is rich in regard to the importance of the teacher and their development, as recognised with De La Salle being proclaimed the Patron Saint of Teachers in 1950. De La Salle offered “A community of educators who helped each other, shared their educational experiences and evaluated their pedagogical work” (The Conduct) as

brothers and sisters to one another. It is pleasing that this continues informally on a day to day basis at the College, as well as in more formal circumstances such as the Masters study. This is an exciting initiative, with the participants having access to a quality, affordable Master of Education that will

build their capacity as leaders of learning, develop skills in research methods and allow for the design and completion of meaningful work-based projects aligned with our Strategic Priorities, thus benefiting both the participating teachers and the College as a whole. We offer the group our support and wish them well for the study.

I also acknowledge the support of UniSA and the College Board in making this opportunity a reality. The evidence is quite clear that school-based research and professional development have a significant, positive impact on teaching and learning outcomes and we look forward to the realisation of this as the program develops.


As you are aware, the St Michael’s College community will celebrate De La Salle Day next Friday 25 September. This is one of the few opportunities we have throughout the year to bring staff and students from both campuses together, and as such it is a unique and vibrant community experience.

The format of the day is very much in line with our Lasallian heritage, in that it follows the spirit of Faith, Service and

Community. The day will begin with a Liturgy in the Founders Hall, followed by a range of presentations and activities. All funds raised on the day will go to supporting those in need. I thank, in advance, all involved in the preparation of the day. Please see the flyer on Page 3 for full details.

Live Jesus in our hearts!


SECONDARY CAMPUS | 15 Mitton Avenue Henley Beach SA 5022 | T 8356 5966 | F 8356 1092

PRIMARY CAMPUS | 78 East Avenue Beverley SA 5009 | T 8346 6548 | F 8346 9449

STUDENT ABSENTEE / LATE ARRIVAL: | Primary: 8150 2397 | Secondary: 8150 2323

W: | E: | E: smcpr | @Pr inc ipalSMC



SECONDARY: 8150 2323









SOUTHERN CROSS NEWSPAPER For the latest edition

ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead”

(2 Maccabees 12:46)

Each year a special Memorial Prayer Service is held for the students,

with their families, to give them an opportunity to pray for those close to them who have died.

This year the two Memorial Services will be held at:

Henley Beach on Tuesday 22 September at 9:05am

Beverley on Friday 20 November in the School Chapel at 9:00am

We would also like to invite family members and friends to these Services. The Services will take approximately 30 minutes.

All are very welcome to attend. Sr Nithya Cp, Pastoral Support Worker

MASS Parents and parishioners are warmly invited to attend Mass at either

Campus each week during school time. Please do not hesitate to contact the College with any queries.

PRIMARY: Thursday at 9:00am SECONDARY: Wednesday at 9:00am


This online brochure explains guidelines with which staff and volunteers in schools must comply. It describes appropriate behaviours and also behaviours which are not appropriate as staff and volunteers interact with children and young people. Please find the link to the new brochures available on CESA Online:

DE LA SALLE DAY ~ FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER Parents are advised that De La Salle Day is a whole College event which will

be held at the Henley Campus on the last day of Term 3, Friday 25 September and will conclude at 12:45pm.

ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS Entertainment Books are $65 each and inside you will find hundreds of 50% off, 25% off and 2-for-1 offers from the best restaurants, movie cinemas,

takeaway chains and attractions. The vouchers can be used over a 12 month period. Books are available for

collection from either Campus Administration Office.


~ SUNDAY 20 SEPTEMBER ~ The St Michael’s College 2015 City to Bay Team is looking forward to a fantastic day and hoping that we will be blessed with fine weather. We are proud to be supporting the Australian Refugee Association, an organization which provides support to refugees as they become settled and participating Citizens of Australia. To donate to the team and show your support, please click on the following link:

Mrs Jaeschke, Director of Mission, Mr Young, Boys Co-curricular Coordinator, Mrs Didyk, Girls Co-Curricular Coordinator

TERM 3 ~ 2015


21-24 Catholic Schools Music Festival (P&S)

21-21/10 International Lasallian Days

for Peace Month

22 Student Memorial Service (S)

Deputy’s Tour 4pm-6pm (P)

23 Market Day Stall (P)

23-25 Business Week

24 Achilles Cup

25 De La Salle Day

Early Dismissal 12:40pm (P&S)



14 Yr 10-11 Academic Assembly

Yr 9 Boys Activity Day Aquatics

16 World Food Day

Yr 12 Service Awards 9am

18 World Mission Sunday

19 Frank’s Lab on Legs Yr 4

21 Yr 8-9 Academic Assembly

Frank’s Lab on Legs Yr 7

22 Yr 12 Classes conclude

Graduation Mass 7pm (S)

23 Yr 12 8am Breakfast & Final Gathering

Yr 12 Dismissal 10am

Sports Day – Henley Memorial Oval (P)

24 United Nations Day


MASS Parents are invited to attend Mass which is celebrated on Thursdays at 9:00am in the Beverley Chapel.

DE LA SALLE DAY De La Salle Day will be held at the Henley Campus on the last day of term, Friday 25 September concluding at 12:45pm. Parents are

advised that information was sent out early this week.

PERSONAL GROOMING Students are reminded of the expectations regarding “Personal Grooming - Hair” on page 11 of the College Diary. If intending to get a change of hair-style please ensure it conforms to College policy, especially avoiding razor cuts or patterns and clipper cuts not less than a number 3. If in doubt please err on the side of conservatism.

SPORTS DAY – PARENT HELPERS Our Primary Parent Committee is seeking the assistance of parents/caregivers for Sports Day, Friday 23 October. If you are available to assist either for a morning or afternoon shift (set up/pack up, cooking sausage sizzle or selling BBQ, drinks and snacks) please advise us your availability via email: We would appreciate any time you can spare. Remember many hands make light work!

UNIFORMS Parents please note Term 4 sees the transition to the summer uniform which includes the College hat. Students R – 7 are able to wear their SMC PE Uniform to school on designated PE days this term.

Mr Kym Clark, Director Lasallian Mission

ICAS WRITING SKILLS COMPETITION RESULTS 99 of our Year 4 and 6 Primary students who sat for the International Writing Skills Competition on Monday 15 June are to be congratulated on their achievements. Those students whose achievement was significant were rewarded with Certificates of Credit (the next 25% of participants) and Merit (the next 10% of participants).

Our congratulations are extended to: MERIT Beacher ROSS Sebastian LEANEY CREDIT Blake BESHARA Joseph DELGIGLIO Marcus DEPALMA Kenneth NGUYEN


Mrs Louise Kometer, Director of Teaching and Learning- Primary


SEMESTER 2, INTERIM REPORT As outlined in a recent edition of The Star, the College has this year expanded the opportunities for parents to remain informed about their sons and daughters learning by having increased access to real-time information through the ‘Parent Portal’ tool of our Learning Management System, SEQTA. Further to this, we are pleased to advise that Semester 2 Interim Student Reports will be available online via Parent Coneqt from 12:00 noon on Friday 25 September. You will be able to access and print your child’s report by logging on to SEQTA with your specific password details which were provided in Term 1. If you have misplaced this information, please contact Student Services on 8150 2336. We encourage parents to take the opportunity to also explore the features of the Parent Portal if you have not already done so. The Parent Portal can be accessed from the front page of our website under “Coneqt-SEQTA access”. Further information will be sent to parents early next week.

Mrs Teresa Cimmino, Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching Excellence Ms Bron Kemp, Director of Curriculum & Assessment Administration

CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL The Catholic Charities 2015 Appeal is held during the month of September. Catholic Charities have been making a difference to the lives of South Australians since 1941. They support agencies including Mercy House of Welcome, Hutt St Centre, Centacare and Catherine House, to name just a few. Our Year 10 Students witnessed the good work of these agencies first-hand during their Church Awareness Day agency visits in Term 2. Please consider supporting this Appeal. If you would like further information, a brochure detailing the work of Catholic Charities and donation form are available via the following link:

Mrs Brigette Jaeschke, Director of Mission

SPORTS, MUSIC & EXTRA-CURRICULAR PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs are now available for viewing and purchasing. All photos are on display on the SPORTS Notice Boards or in the MUSIC suite. They may be purchased in two ways: 1. Collect an Order Envelope from the Administration Office, complete and return it to the Administration Office, before the end

of Term 3, and we will forward these to Academy Photographic. Completed orders will be returned to the College.

2. Go to the web site and choose ‘Online Ordering’ then insert the ‘Shoot Key’ SFWN6VVN and all photos

from our shoot will be available for Online ordering. Mr Wayne Hoffman, Director of Administrative Systems


Have you ever thought of learning the Bass guitar? Here is your chance!!!! If you are interested in having a FREE bass guitar lesson with Mr Andrew Collingwood please see Mrs Cutt in the Music Office and sign up for your free lesson. This offer of free lessons is for one week only and will be starting Thursday Week 10 from 12:30pm. As there are only six places available please reply quickly.

Mr Tim Donovan, Director of Music

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SPACE SCHOOL (SASS) Congratulations to Eric Symons 10KA who has been accepted into the SA Space School Program this year. The aim of the South Australian Space School (SASS) is to provide a stimulating and rewarding educational experience for the most intelligent and talented of our Year 10 students in South Australia to focus them on a career in Science or Engineering.

Mr Dempsey, Head of Science

GOLF Recently, Anthony Murdaca (Class of 2013) returned to St Michael’s College to have a chip and chat with some of our current golfers. It was a fantastic opportunity to talk about his Masters appearance last year and his upcoming adventures. I would like to thank Anthony for making the time to come in given he was flying out to Germany the next day.

(Pictured Mr Mark Stephens with Anthony Murdaca, Harvey Miller 11MB and Gianni Di Ciocco 8CA)

Mr Mark Stephens Teacher - Technology

YEAR 11 LEGAL STUDIES EXCURSION On the Friday of Week 8, Mr Williams’ Stage One Legal Studies class (accompanied by Ms Rossi and Ms Nicola) visited two of Adelaide’s Courts and Parliament House. We met at the steps of the Magistrates Court in Victoria Square at 8:45am and found there were many members of the media awaiting to film the reaction of victims of cases. Mr Peter Cavouras of the Courts Education Office greeted us and explained that courts are very different to how they are displayed in pop culture and that “Law and Order, The Simpsons, Pirates of the Caribbean and Judge Judy” do not offer accurate representations of Court room manner. We were given a brief tour of the inside of the building before being taken into a courtroom. Here we were given the opportunity to try on various uniforms that people must wear in court (prosecutor, judge). Since this was the Magistrates Court we expected to see low-level crimes, offences and misdemeanours. This of course does not always apply as one of our groups saw a major crime that will end in either the Supreme or District Court, as all crimes start off in the Magistrates Court. After lunch we went to Parliament House, we had been learning about it many weeks prior to this day. We had the privilege of having a tour given to us by Hon. Paul Caica (on Caica Cup day nonetheless). He showed us many elements of the building such as statues of iconic members, portraits, some of the oldest books published in South Australian History and even the library’s antique globe. The highlight was when he told us his journey through his years in politics while we sat in both the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament. This was an eye opening day to say the least as you can only learn so much about the courts from a textbook, the cases and people involved are as real as can be. The tour of Parliament House was most enjoyable and we are grateful to Mr Caica who gave up his time. This day was a notable highlight of the school year.

Corey Joyce 11PA

ITALIAN/SCIENCE ZOO EXCURSION – UNA GITA ALLO ZOO Last Thursday the Year 8 Girls went to the Adelaide Zoo for an Italian/Science excursion. It was a beautiful, sunny day! During the day we walked around and saw many different animals. This helped our studies because we now know the names of different animals and some adjectives to describe them in Italian. We also learned lots of new verbs to describe their behaviour and this excursion helped us practise our language skills because we answered lots of questions in Italian. In Science we learned more about different species of animals. We learned about classification and what vertebrates and invertebrates are. Some of the highlights were going into the petting zoo with the goats, sheep, chickens and deer, watching the orangutans, the baby baboon and the tamarins. We also saw Funi, the female panda, sitting high up in one of the trees. We learned that in the wild, when it’s breeding season, the female pandas climb up the trees while the males below fight over who gets to mate with her. And if the female doesn’t like the winning male, sometimes she stays in the tree! Unfortunately the reptile house and tortoise enclosure were closed so we didn’t get to see them. It would have also been good to see the animals being fed. This excursion was very informative and a great way to spend time with our classmates. On behalf of the class we would like to thank the staff for organizing it.

Students from 8NI

HISTORICALLY SPEAKING Lessons in life are often learned through experience and sometimes this can be problematic in History as we just do not have the ability to time travel just yet! Students at St Michaels’s College have been fortunate to access the next best thing over the last few weeks at school through guest speakers, specialist re-enactments and workshops. YEAR 11 HISTORIANS – REMEMBER THE HOLOCAUST. On Wednesday 9 September 2015 you could have heard a pin drop in Room 47 as the Year 11 History class listened intently to the stories and experiences of Andrew Steiner and Eva Temple. Both Andrew and Eva shared their experience of surviving the Holocaust and how this has impacted upon their lives and their identities. Andrew Steiner is a renowned local artist and the picture included here has been part of the inspiration for some of his artwork. It reminds him of his own experiences in Hungary during 1944. Andrew was able to articulate for our students some very important life lessons. It was through his story and experiences that we were encouraged to think of the power of one and that evil only exists if good men stand around and do nothing. Andrew explained that humans are essentially good and it is through acts of coincidence and kindness that he was able to survive living in Hungary during those terrible years. Eva Temple is the youngest survivor of the notorious Bergen Belsen Camp, she was a baby and hidden by her grandmother until liberation. Sadly her grandmother did not survive very long after liberation, but was able to pass on key details about Eva’s parents to the Red Cross. Eva’s story revolved around her search for who she is and a document trail that has recently taken her to Israel where she was reunited with one of her original carers. Eva also emphasised how coincidences and even tiny bits of information put together, can be powerful.

In closing here are just some of the thoughtful reflections from our students:

“The stories of Eva were of interest as it is almost like her childhood was stolen from her”. “It was an honour to be able to touch something tangible from the time”. “People must stand up against injustice”. “I greatly admire your true courage”. “It gave me the opportunity to ask lots of questions“. “Hate does not get you anywhere“.

YEAR 8 MEET FIREBEAR ARMOURY AND MEDIEVAL MIKE Weapons, trebuchets, mangonels and chainmail were the order of the day last Friday. Students were presented with the opportunity to see and use first-hand some of the most effective weapons used during the medieval period. Mike, Huxley and Susannah dressed in full medieval splendour and were able to challenge our

students into considering many aspects of medieval life. Cooper and Skye were resplendent in their chainmail and armour and survived to tell the tale after being stabbed and prodded with various arrows, spears and daggers.

In the latter half of the morning the students headed off to the oval where a replica full size trebuchet was desaturated and they were also given the chance to show off their skill with a staff and sling. The students got a chance to ask lots of questions, to see for themselves how people dressed and to consider what life was like for the ordinary peasant. The issue of sieges, war and conquest was also hotly debated along with the technicalities of weapons that sometimes went over our heads. (Excuse the pun!)

Special mention must go to Max who was King of the questions. All in all, an interesting and enlightening morning that hopefully inspires students to delve a bit deeper into the past.

EVEN WARS HAVE LAWS On 4 September I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend the Australian Red Cross’s Annual Even Wars Have Laws Programme. It is a day that focuses on teaching students and teachers on the facts behind International Humanitarian Law, the rich history of the Red Cross organisation and how they play a key role in aiding those in need. The event took place at Parliament House where we spent the day in their Balcony Room. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to ask a number of diverse panellists questions regarding their involvement in their respected fields of work (humanitarian, armed forces, lawyer). One of the highlights of the day was a role-playing exercise called Orangetown-Blueland. This game had a focus on giving a face to those who are affected by war and the reasons why we need ethical laws in war. During our lunchbreak we were given a tour through Parliament House, one of the most significant landmarks in the history of South Australia. Without a doubt the best part of the day was when we were split into mock political groups where we had to discuss a bill regarding war. After we had finalised our draft of the bill we then all regrouped in the Upper House of Parliament (Legislative Council- Red Room) and attempted to get our bill turned into legislation. Some proved successful while others had their bill scrutinised. The event was both informative and entertaining for me as I learnt a large amount

of information about the Red Cross (I was unaware it was a war crime to harm a Red Cross worker on the battlefield) and International Humanitarian Law. I would like to thank Mr Muscat for considering me for this opportunity and Petra Ball and her colleagues for running such a compelling programme. I highly recommend it to all future Year 10-12’s. Corey Joyce 11PA

Ms Joanne Gilmore, History Teacher


Please be aware that many of these articles have extra information that can be accessed on the Student Services Intranet page: http://intranet/secondary/student_services/latest_news/current.pdf#

YEAR 12 STUDENTS REMINDER If any students require help with their SATAC University applications for 2016 we encourage them to come to Student Services and make an appointment with either Mr Vizaniaris or Ms Coorey. It is useful if they are able to access a personal email addresses (not their St Michael’s one). The deadline for a timely application for 2016 University courses is Wednesday 30 September. After this date some courses close (Medicine, Dentistry, Vet and Bioscience). There are also many “Creative” courses that cannot be added after this date. We remind students their online application is not complete until they are emailed a summary with their 9 digit SATAC Reference Number. This occurs after they click on the SUBMIT tab at the end of this application process.

LATE ADDITION 2016 New course at Flinders University, Engineering (Agricultural) (Honours) SATAC code: 234151 Prerequisites: Mathematical Methods or Mathematical Studies Assumed Knowledge: Stage 2 Physics. This course suits our South Australian industry growth projections promoting our “Paddock to Plate” Industry: See:

TAFESA TAFE Applications are now open: Students need to apply by Monday 30 November to get Equal Consideration for Competitive Courses. This is a bit different to SATAC Uni Applications. It means if you add a course after 30 November that is “Competitive” (as shown by the orange heading “COMPETITIVE Applications”) you will not get equal consideration even if you had other preferences on there by the 30 November. In terms of SATAC Uni we say you can add delete and reorder after the first date but at TAFE you can only add and reorder non-competitive courses after the 30 November deadline. The date for change of preferences of non-competitive courses with Equal Consideration is through to Thursday 31 December with offers being made around January 11 2016, (note some offers for Non Competitive Courses will be made before this date). Some of the “Creative courses” have additional application requirements that need to be met by specified dates – see TAFESA Website We have emailed Year 12 students directly with additional information about upcoming Uni and TAFE Deadlines.

STAT TEST A reminder that as long as you have one preference in the SATAC Uni Website by Wednesday 30 September you can book in for a STAT Test right through to Monday 30 November without a late fee. Any person over 18 by 1 February 2016 is eligible to sit for the STAT. SATAC will consider either the STAT score or ATAR – whichever is the highest. Most University courses accept Special Entry from STAT students (see Section 4 of the SATAC Guide page 219). For some courses Personal Competencies Statement and Employment Experience may also be bundled together with the STAT Score as the total score for “Special Entry”. The main STAT Sitting is on the Schoolies Weekend but from mid-October SATAC will have other December sittings listed on their website. We remind students who booked in for early October sittings to remember to go back on and change to a December booking a week before the initial booking. UniSA have a great one day STAT prep Workshop during Saturdays and Sundays in October/November but you need to book early. See:


The ACER website states results will be emailed by the end of September – but going by last year Year 12 students began receiving their email results earlier, so hopefully next week!! We have asked students who sat the UMAT to please send us an email to tell us how they went and we offer support to students in their next step.

FLINDERS UNITEST If students missed our sitting of the UniTest here at St Michael’s then they can now go straight to Flinders to sit it! On campus at Flinders Bedford Park during the school holiday break: Tuesday 29th September, 9am-12pm Tuesday 29 September, 1pm-4pm Friday 2 October 1pm-4pm. Students need to register online ASAP to secure a sitting. Remember if you are applying for a “relevant” Flinders course then there will be two calculations for consideration of an offer – your straight Bonus point ATAR and the sum of 60% Bonus point ATAR plus 40% UniTest Result) – whichever is the better score will be the basis of consideration – you have nothing to lose: See:


The Faculty of Health Sciences invites you to attend a showcase of our Health Sciences, Nursing or Psychology degrees at the University of Adelaide on Saturday 19 September 2015 in the The Braggs Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus, The University of Adelaide. Tours of the Nursing Clinical Skills facility, Pathology Museum, Abbey Museum and the Medical Science Labs are available before and after the sessions. Register Now - places are limited. Information Talks:

11.00am - Bachelor of Nursing 12.30pm - Bachelor of Health Sciences and Bachelor of Health Sciences (Advanced) 2.20pm - Bachelor of Psychological Sciences

TORRENS INFORMATION SESSIONS Academic workshops – Ace your exams and How to Write a Winning Essay - 29 September Discuss the fundamentals of preparing for and executing the perfect SACE Stage 2 exam. Essay Writing - 3 October: Find out how to write a winning essay. Run by Academic Skills Lecturer Andrea Rivett. Day in the life workshops: Workshops designed to give you an insight into what it is like to work in your desired industry including Health, Business and Design.

Health - 1 October – Nutrition, Sports Management and Public Health Business - 6 October – Business and Commerce Design - 17 October – Media Design, Graphic Design, Motion Design and Interactive Design

Limited places. Register for all events on

GAP YEAR ANTIPODEANS ABROAD Get a Gap Year Job at Canada or UK Summer Camp! Antipodeans is running important GapBreak Application Days from Tuesday 22 - Thursday 24 September 2015. This is the final round of Application Days before end of year exams. If students wish to participate on a paid work or volunteer travel program in 2016, they need to select a time for a 25 minute Application Meeting on one of these days. Tuesday 22 - Thursday 24 September 2015, over the phone or in Antipodeans Sydney office, Level 3/182 Blues Point Rd, McMahons Point NSW 2060. Destinations: Canada, UK, Peru, South Africa & more! Students can register here: Last Chance to Register! GapBreak Application Days Next Week A quick reminder before term ends regarding our upcoming GapBreak Application Days. If students wish to participate on a Paid Work or Volunteer Project in 2016 they must register for an Application Meeting next week. Application Days are especially important for students interested in our Canada or UK Summer Camps Programs – as competition for these positions is high and places are limited.

CDW OPEN DAY ~ SATURDAY 19 SEPTEMBER 2015 CDW Studios Open Day is an opportunity for parents and students to come into the studio, have a look around and ask any questions about studying at CDW. This is perfect for parents who are unsure about Entertainment Design and VFX and what career opportunities are available in the industry. There will be presentations about studying full time; our new Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital Media) and our International Master Classes; Upcoming events and career paths. There will also be a live demonstration from our CDW Studios instructors. Hopefully this will give art/design students a taste of what CDW Studios is about, and what working in Entertainment Design and VFX is about. Bachelor degree now available through CDW Studios: CDW is excited to announce we now offer a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Digital

Media) through Flinders University which is a 3 year full time course with all the university benefits while being able to learn from industry professionals at CDW Studios. For more details:

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTINITIES REACH OUT Peer Moderator Reach Out is taking applications from 18-25 year olds to be volunteer Peer Moderators where they will gain experience with Australia's leading online youth mental health service, Peer Moderators work alongside mental health professionals to provide online peer support to the members of our forum community. As we get such a high volume of applications, we’ll be closing the process soon so please apply as soon as possible if you are keen. Youth moderators play a key role in maintaining our safe and supportive online forum community, volunteering with our service delivering effective mental health promotion and prevention.

Youth Moderators gain valuable skills in positive psychology, strengths-based frameworks, active listening, empathy, professional boundaries, self-care, values, non-judgement and much more. Successful applicants will need to be available for a 3 day training workshop on the 23-25 October in Sydney. Students would need to ensure this doesn’t impact of their final SACE assessments and revision. All accommodation meals and transport from anywhere in Australia will be arranged and paid for by Reach Out Australia. After completing the training, Peer Moderators commit to 2 hours of volunteer work a week that they can carry out anywhere in Australia so long as they have an internet connection. Position summary Apply here Ben Davies Online Community Coordinator ReachOut Australia.

DEFENCE FORCE Defence Force Recruiting will be running Q&A sessions on multiple avenues of entry into the Defence Force. Students will be able to login through Facebook and chat to members of the ADF! To find out more please go to ADFA 24 September Health 8 October Aviation 22 October ARES 12 November

Mr Kevin Woolford VET Coordinator, Ms Rose Coorey and Mr Anthony Vizaniaris – Careers

VET In Year 11 and 12 I attended PEER one day a week doing Certificate II in Electrical. As part of the course I did about six weeks of work experience at various places and back in May, I did a week at Tip Top Electrical. A few weeks later they offered me an Electrical Apprenticeship and I commenced there on 3 August. It's hard work but I'm learning heaps and really enjoying it.

Grammar Corner 8

Last week we looked briefly at Adverbial Clauses. There are several kinds of Adverbial Clause as illustrated by these examples.

As soon as Peter saw her he knew she was the one. Adverbial Clause of Time

The fraudster left a trail of misery wherever he went. Adverbial Clause of Place

He drove his Mercedes as if the devil were after him. Adverbial Clause of Manner Jane is taller than I am. Adverbial Clause of Comparison

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. Adverbial Clause of Condition The poor old woman stole the bread because she was hungry. Adverbial Clause of Reason

Emily scrubbed the floors so hard that she was exhausted. Adverbial clause of Result Although it had started to rain, the game was not called off.Adverbial Clause of Concession

Each of these Adverbial Clauses refers back to the verb in the Main Clause, providing the reader with more information as to

when, where, why , how or if the action in the verb of the Main Clause took place or was affected in some way, or what the

result, purpose or condition relating to that action was. There is no need to remember all these categories of Adverbial Clause;

it is sufficient to be aware that any clause adding more information to a verb is an Adverbial Clause.


Br Peter Gilfedder Br Ephrem) ~ Teaching Staff 1954 – 1958

I began teaching at St Michael's in 1954 and continued there to 1958. I was 20 years old when classes began in 1954 at Beverley. This was my first teaching appointment on the completion of my formation as a Brother. Many in my class were 10 years old. Those ages represent classifications of men and boys. However now that I am 82 and those from the 1954 era still living are 72, we're together in the classification of "seniors" perhaps "pensioners".

I hope my pupils of those days are in at least as good a state of health as I am. I am currently living in the community of De La Salle Brothers at Malvern, Melbourne, so I've come back to be "next door" to De La Salle College where I was a secondary student at Malvern in the 1940s just after WW2 ended.

These days I join other volunteers a couple of mornings a week teaching English to refugees at a centre in the Dandenong area.

Fr Paul Cashen msc would be the person from 1954-58 whom I've most met up with over the years. Our most recent contact was 2014 when I travelled to Adelaide to mark 60 years since the beginning at SMC, and was guest of the Sacred Heart Missionaries at their Henley Beach house.

Wishing God's blessings on all connected with SMC. Brother Peter Gilfedder fsc

(Brother Ephrem as I was known then)



ST JOSEPH'S OLD SCHOLARS DINNER ~ WEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER 2015 Adelaide Royal Coach, 24 Dequetteville Tce. Kent Town, 6:30pm for 7:00pm start. Smorgasbord $37 per head with guest

speaker: Kathryn Finnigan AM/APM, retired former Detective Chief Inspector of the South Australian Police Force. Bookings with Josie: 8295 3667 or Margaret: 8371 1527 by 1/10/15. Invitation for ALL former students/teachers (male and female) from ANY Josephite Colleges/Schools here or interstate to attend.


In honour of St Gerard Majella (Patron of Mothers and of Christian Families), 7:00pm Rosary; 7:30pm Holy Mass with "Blessing of Expecting Mothers" on Wednesday 15 October at St Francis of Assisi Parish, 59 Newton Rd, Newton. After Mass

veneration of St Gerard 1st class relic. Religious books, medals etc. will be on sale in the Church foyer. Enquiries 0402-169-140 or 8364-4516



All Year 8 students will be offered: 1 dose of Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine, 3 dose course of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and 1 dose of combined Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Boostrix). Visit 3 Thursday 26 November Year 8 HPV (3)

UNIFORMS: DOBSONS UNIFORM SHOP 1 Lawrie Street, Henley Beach 8150 2306

Please note that the Uniform Shop will be opened the first week of the school holidays from Monday 28 September through to Friday 2 October inclusive and the first day of the school term Monday 12 October to accommodate all new students in 2016 with their uniform requirements. Bookings are essential throughout the day. Should you wish to make an appointment you may leave a message on the answering machine.

Normal Trading Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ~8:00am – 4:15pm Please contact Mary or Margaret on 8150 2306 to arrange an appointment. Parents are able to place orders using their credit card and supplying their name and the pastoral class of their son. Items will then be delivered to the Primary Campus.

SPECIAL: offering all parents specials in selected uniforms until the end of October. Appointments for new students are essential for the commencement of 2015, please call to schedule a time between 9:00am–3:00pm SPORTS CENTRE SCHOOL WEAR For supplies of Co-curricular uniforms. 142 Port Road, Hindmarsh SECOND HAND UNIFORMS: ONLINE SELLING & BUYING Please refer to the College website for information relating to the sale of second hand uniform items. For further assistance telephone: 8346 3411 STUDENT TRANSPORT SCHOOL BUS SERVICE CHANGES PRIMARY: SECONDARY: ADELAIDE METRO BUS ROUTES & TIMETABLES 286 Henley Beach to City 287 Henley Beach to City 288 West Lakes Centre Interchange to City H22 Henley Beach South to Wattle Park H32 Henley Beach South to City