Star of the Week - Term 1

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Star of the Week - Term 1

We played with Lego. I liked it.

We played hide and seek. It was fun.

We went to Ballet with mum. Ellie liked wearing the dress.

Me, Will, Joel and Ellie were playing on the fort. It was fun.

In the weekend while I was at Timaru Ellie was on Rosa's bed. Looking after every thing and the farm. When I got back Ellie and I filled in the sheet all about me.

We went to the library and we went on my trampoline. Ellie went for a ride on my cat.

Me and Ellie we bounced on the trampoline and Ellie went on the fence. Ellie bounced off the trampoline.

When Ellie came to my house she hung on the vine on the grape tree.

What Ellie and Alex did on the weekend. We went to Ripper rugby and won. We play with Lego and built Lego.