STAR-FLOOD: combining legal science with policy science by studying flood risk management Maria...

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Transcript of STAR-FLOOD: combining legal science with policy science by studying flood risk management Maria...

STAR-FLOOD: combining legal science with policy science by studying flood risk management

Maria Kaufmann (RU)

Willemijn van Doorn-Hoekveld (UU)



STrengthening And Rede-signing European FLOOD

risk practices: Towards appropriate and resilient flood risk governance arrangements

International setting of six European countries Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Poland, Sweden & the Netherlands

Special: Combining legal and policy science

Starting point

Diversification Leads to more resilience

Implementation needs to beappropriate (properly institutionally embedded in physical and social context)

Problem: little known about FRGovernanceArrangement (actors, discourse, rules, resources)

Necessary to explain regional differences, success, failure

Successful implementation requests:

Diverse FRSs diverse FRGAsBroadening and linking FRSs needs

innovative FRGA’sRelationship between FRS and FRGAs


Analytical framework: Policy Arrangements Approach (PAA)

Explanatory framework

Factors of stability and


Evaluation framework



The Netherlands: 3 cases


Nijmegen: Waalsprong


Shifts in Dutch flood risk management?

Water Test(Watertoets)

Flood ProtectionProgramme (Hoogwater-Beschermings-programma )

MLSSecurity regions (veiligheidsregio’s)

First voluntaryinsurance available


MLS- Room for the River(Ruimte voor de Rivier)

Codifying discourse into lawDiscourse

- traditional: technocratic discourse

Changing discourse- 1970s discourse of legitimacy/ democratisation of society- 1970s Environmental movement

- Integrated water management: “battle against water” to “accommodating water”

2. Legal response: changing discourse

- SPKD: Room for the River

- Water Test (Watertoets)

Trigger: high water discharges of 1993/1995

1. Legal response: strengthening of traditional discourse

- Major Rivers Delta Act (Deltawet Grote Rivieren)

- Flood Defence Structures Act (Wet op de waterkering)


-1st Delta Act

- Safety standards