Standing Decisions of the General Council 2015/16 Up to and … · RIBI) and John H. Jackson...

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Transcript of Standing Decisions of the General Council 2015/16 Up to and … · RIBI) and John H. Jackson...

Standing Decisions of the General Council


Up to and including General Council decisions

of 17th January 2016

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External Funding Group 11

Personnel committee 11

Compliance Officer 11

Conference 11



RIBI Assemblies 22






Extension (New Clubs’ Formation) 31


Environmental Sustainability Group 33



Interact 34

Rotakids 34






Continuity (Presidency) 38

Council of Past Presidents 38

Past Officers’ Group 38

Premises Trustees 38

RIBI Donations Trust 39

Strategic Planning 39



APPENDIX A – The Single Transferable Vote 49

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In 1979 it was brought to the notice of the General Council that the rules and regulations governing Rotary International In Great Britain & Ireland (RIBI) were contained not just in the Constitution and By-Laws but also in the decisions of the General Councils and Annual Conferences over the years. A committee comprising Edmund C. Cotton (Past President RIBI), Douglas W. Imrie-Brown (Past President RIBI) and John H. Jackson (Secretary RIBI) under the chairmanship of F. Edward Winterton (Past Governor, District 108 RIBI) was set up to collate and index these decisions. The first edition of "Precedents" as it was then called was distributed in November 1982. Each subsequent annual edition was updated and edited by a Rotarian volunteer compiler until 1989/90 when this duty was laid upon the Constitutions Committee with the aid of the Secretariat. In 2008/09 it was agreed that the Immediate Past President review the book and propose any amendments. This year's edition, with the exception of those decisions and resolutions which are of a purely passing nature, incorporates all those decisions of the General Council of RIBI and the Executive Committee of RIBI which still remain in force not having been specifically rescinded or amended.


Officers of the Association 5 RI Director 1 District Governors 26 District Governors Elect 25 Chairmen of RIBI Committees 12 RIBI Districts Youth Exchange Association Chairman 1 Members of the Constitutions and Operations Review & Audit Committees 11 Hon. Treasurer Elect 1 Vice President Elect 1 Hon. Editor 1 Past Presidents of RIBI 24 Staff 19


From the Rotary year 1980-81, the Decisions of the General Council of RIBI were numbered consecutively throughout the year and are shown by Minute number and year e.g. Min.58(b)/GC.80-81. Prior to 1979, which were not so numbered, an additional letter and number occur in the references e.g. Minute 4 (M215/70-71). From the Rotary year 1989/90 all decisions of the General Council of RIBI are numbered consecutively each year as decision numbers regardless of the minute number in which they may be contained e.g. Decision 89/90:06. Those decisions of the Executive Committee made under delegated authority from and confirmed by the General Council are also shown.

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Meetings/Agendas All information forming the basis for discussions at meetings of the General Council shall be made available to all members 14 days prior to the meeting starting. (GC.1992/93:66) Meeting dates of the General Council shall normally be approved 18 months in advance to allow maximum preparation by the participants, who should not accept conflicting engagements. (GC.1997/98:43) In order to avoid embarrassment, where a discussion takes place at a General Council meeting involving a member of the General Council or staff personally, the individual in question shall be asked to leave the room, after being invited to comment on the matter in hand and before any decision is made. (GC.2006/07:18) All RIBI committee meeting agendas to include item Declaration of Interest. (D.Exec.2011/12:3) Acronyms shall be put in full text the first time an acronym is first used in a document (GC.2013/14:13) The Association shall call the two Executive District Governor Elects (DGEs) and two Executive Immediate Past District Governors (IPDGs) to attend the four General Council meetings as observers with expenses payable in line with the RIBI Committee expenses policy. (GC.2014/15:25) At the last General Council meeting of each Rotary year Immediate Past District Governors (IPDG) members of the Executive committee are not called and incoming Executive member District Governor Elects (DGEs) are called to enable greater continuity. (GC.2014/15:36) Decisions/Minutes The decisions of General Council shall be recorded in "Standing Decisions of the General Council" verbatim, with all correlative amendments being made as the result of further decisions as necessary. (GC.1989/90:41) Process and procedure of minutes from all RIBI service committee meetings –

‘Draft’ minutes of the meeting and goals document are to be checked by the Chairman for accuracy and content.

‘Chairman approved’ documents are then submitted to the committee members for further amendments to be returned to the Chairman within 7 working days.

Subject to these amendments/corrections being agreed by the Chairman the minutes are then finalised and signed off by the Chairman and distributed to the circulation list. (GC.2012/13:80)

Individual Rotarian names shall be used in minutes for ease of reference. (GC.2013/14:19) All agendas and supporting papers shall be available to committee members via Dropbox or other appropriate system prior to the meeting and shall not be published on the RIBI website until after the meeting has taken place. Upon agreement the minutes, and other relevant documents will be available on the RIBI website for all members to access within the Committee area. (D.EXEC.2013/14:1) The General Council agrees that after every General Council meeting a newsletter will be issued to the membership informing them of what happened at that meeting within a couple of weeks of that meeting taking place. (GC.2015/16:1) District Governors shall actively promote the use of Rotary Showcase and Rotary Club Central to clubs and within districts. (GC.2014/15:19)

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General Council should be allowed to make decisions by email when necessary. (GC.2015/16:2) District Governors are encouraged to explore the opportunities within their own District for linkage with Chamber of Commerce. (GC.2015/16:11) Delegation of Authority to the General Secretary Provided that any matters of a controversial nature shall be referred to the Executive Committee, the General Secretary is empowered to act on behalf of the General Council in the following matters:- (a) To change the name of a Rotary Club; (b) To adjust the locality of a Club; (c) To permit the merging of Club localities as provided for in the By-Laws of RI; (d) To change the regular meeting day of a Club; (e) To permit a District Council to hold a meeting outside the dates specified in the Constitutions and By-

Laws; (f) To approve transfers of Clubs between Districts provided all the Constitutional requirements have

been met. (GC.1977/78 as amended by GC.2010/11:19) The General Council delegates to the General Secretary authority to approve and action any recommendation of a routine nature which is within the current policy and budget of the Association or in line with administrative working practices currently approved by the Executive Committee. (GC.1991/92:63) Voting When resolutions for the RIBI Conference are proposed by the General Council, or the General Council takes action supporting or opposing resolutions by others, the following shall be the policy:- (i) If the General Council is unanimous in its decision for or against a particular Resolution, it shall take

steps to exercise its leadership at the Conference by formally supporting or opposing that Resolution. (ii) If the decision of the General Council be by a divided vote, where the majority is not less than two-

thirds, then that decision shall be binding on all members, but if the majority is less than two-thirds the members of the Council, both those in the majority as well as those in the minority, shall be free to express their individual views at the Conference and vote accordingly. But if the resolution is to amend the Constitutional documents it shall not be put forward in the name of the General Council unless it has obtained a similar majority to that which would be required for its adoption at Conference.

(iii) If the General Council proposes a resolution merely for the purpose of submitting the question to a vote of the Conference, that fact shall be made clear to the Conference and individual members of the Council shall be free to express their individual views and vote accordingly.

(iv) In matters not being submitted to RIBI Conference, where the decision of the General Council is final, such decision even if taken only by a majority vote, shall be accepted by all members but individual members may specifically request that their minority opinion be recorded.

(GC.1959/60 and GC 1982/83 Minute 48(b)) General GB&I Institutes, and Joint Institutes held within GB&I, shall be deemed to be RIBI events for the purposes of administrative and financial support as agreed by the General Council in respect of each specific event. (GC.91/92:26) Minutes of Standing Committees of the Association shall be published to all members of the General Council as soon as they have been approved by the chairman. (GC.1994/95:32)

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The RIBI President shall be authorised to refuse requests by individual districts or clubs for Rotary circulation outside their territories for charitable support, unless it is an initiative affecting the whole of GB&I when it shall be referred for consideration to the General Council. (GC.1997/98:50) The General Council of RIBI reiterates its commitment to preserving and maintaining the territorial administrative unit of Rotary International known as Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland and rejects in totality any legislation which seeks to materially affect RIBI, or seeks to abolish and eliminate RIBI from all reference in the RI Constitutional documents. (GC.2003/04:13)

Matters brought to the General Council by an individual Rotarian or Club is to be notified at the same time to the relevant District Governor. (GC.2008/09:76) All recommendations to General Council or the Executive committee shall include a financial impact statement. (GC.2010/11:11) General Council decisions and approved Executive recommendations shall be presented to the Constitutions Committee for immediate update, as applicable, to the Standing Decisions document. The Standing Decision document shall then be published with version number and date of publication. (GC.2014/15:13) All Taskforces must report in the first instance to the body that sets them up, that body then having the responsibility for content, and any decision on possible further circulation. The General Council may consider such reports online. (GC.2014/15:30) The development of the Association be seen as a continuous process of improvement, with monitoring and review by successive General Councils. (GC.2015/16:16) The role of the Presidency should focus upon being “outward-looking, motivational and inspirational”. (GC.2015/16:17) The Presidency should undertake appropriate training including relevant media skills. (GC.2015/16:18) The Association encourages the use of existing high profile Honorary Members as Rotary advocates to raise awareness – and where we can, create more of them, identified by Clubs/Districts on a regional basis for their name recognition – to help raise awareness of Rotary and what it does. (GC.2015/16:19) General Council continues to be chaired by the RIBI President. (GC.2015/16:20) The Executive Committee continues to be chaired by the RIBI President. (GC.2015/16:21) Visits should be shared as appropriate between the Rotary International (RI) Director and the Presidency but that all visits should have a clear benefit. (GC.2015/16:22) The General Council agree that a timeline be established recognising that in October 2016 the Executive will be required to appoint its teams to deliver the incoming General Council’s goals. The Executive evaluates effectiveness of current committees involving feedback from districts in that process so that by the time we get to the October Appointments Board the effectiveness will have been agreed and the incoming General Council will have agreed its goals within the strategic plan. (GC.2015/16:23) District Governors (DGs) should encourage clubs to use Rotary Club Central, Rotary Showcase and Rotary Ideas. (GC.2015/16:30) The decision of the Constitutions Committee was upheld, but recognising that there were shortcomings in the way the application was handled. The question of desirability and feasibility of a shared Presidency should be explored for the future. (GC.2015/16:31)

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Annual Report The General Council shall appoint two of its member Governors to assist the President and Secretariat in the preparation of its Annual Report to Conference each year. (GC.1988/89 Min 7(e) and 33) The following shall be the procedure for producing the General Council's annual report to conference: 1. RIBI committee chairmen of the Rotary year for which a report is required shall prepare a list of

events, comments or other items on that aspect of Rotary service for which they were responsible. 2. The RIBI Secretariat staff shall prepare a single draft report from the committee chairmen's input. 3. Two reviewers appointed from the General Council of the year under report shall consider the RIBI

committee chairmen's submissions and may propose amendments to the draft report where necessary.

5. The RIBI President of the year under report shall consider, amend and approve for publication, the General Council's report to Conference. (GC.1991/92:34)

The Annual Report will not be included within the Rotary magazine and will be available separately in print and as a PDF document. (GC.2013/14:65) The annual accounts of the RIBI Donations Trust and a report thereon to be included in the annual report and to be added to the agenda of the business meeting held at the RIBI Annual Conference. (GC.2010/11:95) A report by the RIBI Premises Trustees shall be included in the annual report and added to the agenda of the business meeting held at the RIBI Annual Conference. (GC.2012/13:120 amends GC.2010/11:96) District Conferences Districts shall be discouraged from holding district conferences around the time of the RIBI Assembly, to allow district officers to attend. (GC.2010/11:83) DGE Seminar An annual seminar for District Governors Elect shall be organised by the RIBI Secretariat and the following shall be called to attend: Officers and officers-elect of the Association; RI Director and RI Director-elect; Incoming District Governors (GC.1992/93:38) District Governors Elect and their Partners shall be called to the District Governors Elect Seminar. Both the District Governors Elect and their Partners shall pay a registration fee. (GC.2006/07:80) The expenses necessarily incurred by those called to attend the DGE seminar shall be reimbursed subject to the limit of two nights’ accommodation and travelling expenses. Except for the Vice President’s partner, whose additional expenses shall be met by the Association, the attendance of the partners of other officers or District Governors Elect shall be at no additional cost to the Association. (D.Exec.1999/00:2)

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The Secretariat to request committee chairmen to complete their review, with their committee, by email, of the relevant General Council Standing Decisions, not later than the last day of February in each Rotary year. The IPP should then review any recommended changes, liaising as needed with the chairmen. The Executive Committee then subsequently to advise the General Council on any decisions recommended for deletion or amendment, with decisions finalised at the June General Council meeting. (D.Exec:2010/11:68) Claims for the reimbursement of expenses necessarily incurred in attending RIBI committee meetings will normally only be met if they are received within 30 days of the meeting taking place. (GC.2009/10:109) Incoming RIBI Committee Chairmen shall be invited to comment upon the proposed dates for their Committee meetings. (D.Exec.1990/91:20) Eligibility for Chairman of an RIBI Committee shall be a Rotarian who, in normal circumstances, will have served on that committee for a minimum of one year. (GC.2007/08:64a) The eligibility criteria for RIBI committees shall be widely publicised. (GC.2007/08:64b) RIBI committees should be allowed to decide for themselves which one of their meetings should be held by audio conference. (D.Exec.2008/09:74) Where a Committee meets more than twice in a Rotary Year at least one will be held by audio conference (GC.2008/09:83) RIBI committee chairmen of the Rotary year for which a General Council Annual Report is required shall prepare a list of events, comments or other items on that aspect of Rotary service for which they were responsible. (GC.1991/92:34) Decisions and recommendations of RIBI committees which have financial implications shall in all cases indicate clearly for the benefit of the Hon. Treasurer the estimated increased costs or savings being made or proposed. (GC.1990/91:65) Copies of all correspondence from Rotary clubs referred to in minutes of meetings of the subsidiary committees of the Service Committees or Standing Committees of the Association shall be provided by the Chairman to the Governors of the Districts concerned. (GC.1990/91:90) Where necessary, RIBI committees shall be permitted to circulate clubs annually for the purpose of collecting such information and other data as may be required to meet reporting and/or forward planning needs. (D.Exec.1992/93:70) Districts and clubs shall be free to administer the programmes and projects of RI and RIBI with the committee structure which they deem to be the most effective. (GC.1997/98:38) In order to avoid embarrassment, where a discussion takes place at a committee meeting involving a member of a committee or staff personally, the individual in question shall be asked to leave the room, after being invited to comment on the matter in hand and before any decision is made. (D.Exec.2006/07:22) That all RIBI committees shall note unbudgeted expenditure or expenditure in excess of budget and these costs together with any staffing implications to be summarised at the conclusion of the committee’s minutes with a total summary presented to the General Council. (GC.2009/10:19B) All RIBI committees shall submit proposals for training seminars to the RIBI Leadership, Development & Training Committee at the planning stage for recording, evaluation and recommendations. The proposals

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shall include a proposed programme, purpose, benefits, and costings to assist with the evaluation. LDTC will appoint a committee member to liaise with the organiser and will include their recommendations for the decision of General Council. (GC.2010/11:82) All RIBI committee meeting agendas to include item Declaration of Interest. (D.Exec.2011/12:3) All committees are to submit a progress report to each Executive meeting to be received no later than 2 weeks before each meeting. (D.Exec.2014/15:2) As a matter of policy District Governor Elects (DGEs) and District Governor Nominees (DGNs) are not appointed to an RIBI Service Committee in their year of service, other than as a liaison member of the Executive Committee. (D.Exec.2014/15:11) With regard to length of membership on committees: that no individual should serve more than three years as an ordinary member on a particular committee; no individual should serve more than three years as chair of the committee; the total period of service as an ordinary member and chair on a particular committee should not exceed five years. (D.GC.2014/15:41) The "Manual for Club Officers" shall be issued to all club incoming presidents, incoming presidents-elect, incoming secretaries and incoming treasurers for training and guidance purposes. (D.Exec.1994/95:17)

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The Standing Committees are to be renamed the Administrative Committees. The Leadership Development & Training Committee (LDTC) is to be established as an Administrative Committee of General Council. (GC.2015/16:26)

CONSTITUTIONS Members of the RIBI Constitutions Committee may not serve as club voting delegates. (GC.1994/95:55) The number of formal Constitution Committee meetings shall be reduced from five to three with power to call upon two further meetings if circumstances dictate. (GC.2002/03:11) The Constitutions Committee shall consist of three past District Governors (one of whom shall be the Chairman), one District Specialist and, for liaison purposes, one current District Governor (without vote). The General Secretary shall also be a member (without vote). At least two voting members shall be required to have formal legal training and experience. (GC.2010/11:99 amends GC.2006/07:20) Candidates for Office and Elections Club Secretaries shall be notified of any withdrawal of candidates after the distribution to Clubs of ‘List of Selections for Office’. (GC.1963/64 Minute 8(b)) The Selection Advisory Committee shall interview candidates nominated for the roles of RIBI President, Honorary Treasurer and RI Director for Zones 17 & 18a. (GC.2009/10:34, 35 & 36) The list of selections for office to be published as PDF only. (GC.2010/11:02) All candidates for election to RIBI President, RIBI Honorary Treasurer or RI Director for RIBI who are called for interview should be entitled to claim travel expenses in accordance with the current agreed allowances. (D.Exec.2011/12:31) The signed SAC recommended candidate information to be made available during the election of the President/Treasurer/Director. (D.Exec.2011/12:32) RIBI Conference Business meeting Procedure for registering club voting delegates to the RIBI Conference:

Clubs to be alerted of the procedure in November each year;

Voting delegate notification form to be available to club secretaries in electronic format;

Forms to be returned to RIBI by 1 March deadline;

RIBI spreadsheet to be prepared from the forms submitted to RIBI to act as the record for authenticating voting delegates at conference;

Registration badge will suffice as proof of ID. (GC.2009/10:3) Conference Resolutions In the absence of any specific statement or decision to the contrary, the provisions of resolutions adopted by the RIBI Annual Conference shall become effective immediately upon adoption. (GC.1978/79 Minute 5(b) and Resolution (c) M.135 All resolutions to the Annual Conference of RIBI submitted by clubs and districts shall be considered by the General Council before being put to Conference. (GC.1982/83 Minute 27 Executive 8(c))

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Resolutions presented to conference in the name of the General Council shall be proposed by persons with knowledge and experience of the implications, who have been invited so to do on behalf of the General Council. (GC.1997/98:44) Litigation The Association shall provide insurance cover in respect of the defence of any legal action which may be taken against any past or present Officer of the Association, District Governor or appointed chairman of any committee of RIBI in relation to the performance of their duties in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association and the policy of the General Council during their respective terms of office. Such insurance shall relate to the provision of legal representation and such costs and/or damages as may be awarded against the individual so represented. Such insurance cover shall be conditional upon the prompt reporting to the Insurers by the individual to be covered of any such legal action or any threat of legal action; that individual following all reasonable advice of the Insurers; and that individual keeping the Insurers informed of developments. (GC.2010/11:81 amends GC.1994/95:5) Club matters Applications from individual Clubs to amend their own By-Laws to permit variations in the election procedure laid down in the RIBI Standard Club By-Laws shall not be approved. (GC.1979/80 Minute 57) In the event of there being a dispute in the administration or activities of any club which does not fall within Article 16 of the Standard RIBI Club Constitution or any District in RIBI, the General Council may, when appropriate, refer the dispute to the Council of Past Presidents of the Association. The Chairman of the Council of Past Presidents shall in such circumstances, appoint a panel of three of its members to undertake an enquiry. (GC.2009/10:32) It was resolved by the General Council that if a club: (a) As a matter of general policy refuses, prevents or discourages the admission of a woman or person of

an ethnic or religious minority as a member of that club; or (b) Refuses admission to or prevents or discourages a female Rotarian or female prospective Rotarian from

attending a regular meeting of that club; Such conduct being contrary to the provisions of Article 4.070 of the By-laws of Rotary International, then the General Council of RIBI, shall pursuant to its powers contained in RIBI By-law 5, clause 3(c) recommend to the Board of Directors of Rotary International the immediate expulsion of the said club from membership of Rotary International. (GC.2003/04:44 reaffirmed by GC.2009/10:47) Districting The GC agree to work towards fewer districts and to work in greater alignment with RI recommendations that it prefers all districts to have at least 75 clubs and 2700 Rotarians. (GC.2013/14:64) In relation to District Governor Elections – when clubs are moving from one District to another District, it is to be made clear to Governors if they are electing for a Governor for a year when those clubs will be in the District then those clubs should preferably be included in the vote. (GC.2014/15:8)

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EXECUTIVE The RI Director-Elect (and The Honorary Treasurer Elect (Conference Res. 4/2011)) shall be invited at the expense of the Association to attend, as a non-participating observer, all meetings of the Executive Committee during the year immediately prior to taking office. (GC.1990/91:18) As part of the makeup of the Executive Committee, the General Secretary will call as appropriate Heads of Department. (GC.2007/08:59) The minutes of the Executive Committee shall be confidential to the General Council, the two incoming General Councils and the Secretariat and shall be released to others only in so far as may be necessary for action on decisions of the Executive Committee. (GC.2014/15:7) Decisions of the Executive will be disclosed to all. General Council has the residual power should it wish to revisit a decision, otherwise that decision shall stand. Recommendations made by the Executive to General Council shall be disclosed to all in the interests of transparency and to facilitate comment. (D.Exec.20014/15:3) The Executive shall consider the introduction of a Marketing Strategy for all major Rotary events attracting funds from RIBI and/or RI and that organising committees must include the Communications Department. Failure to do so will result in the budget for that event being reviewed and possibly reduced or withdrawn (GC.2008/09:36) Complaints from members shall be logged by the Secretariat and periodically inspected by the Executive Committee. (GC.2004/05:25) Communications from any Taskforce are to be approved by the Executive Committee in advance of being published and the General Council will receive notification of impending agreed publications. (GC.2015/16:12) The Executive agreed to continue with the national eClub (D.Exec.2015/16:8) The Executive Committee authorised the creation of a multi-district alumni contact group for the purposes of retaining and engaging with Rotary Alumni which is to be administered through the Membership Committee. (D.Exec.2015/16:9)

External Funding Group A budget of £2,000 shall be provided to fund the travel expenses of Rotarians attending meetings with the Department for International Development (DfID), up to a maximum of 4 meetings per year. (D.Exec.2006/07:49) The External Funding Advisory Group shall be a stand-alone group with the four members to include the General Secretary, Head of Finance and two members appointed by the Appointments Board. No expenses shall be claimed by the group members and the £1,500 budget shall be used for the fees of application specialists. (GC.2012/13:17)

Personnel Committee The Personnel Committee shall meet as and when required, immediately before the appropriate meetings of the Executive Committee. One such meeting shall be held within one calendar month before the start of the Rotary year for the review of staff and salaries, as a result of which, it shall approve salaries to be applied from the first day of the ensuing Rotary year. (D.Exec.2009/10:19)

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The Chairman of the Personnel Committee shall maintain a confidential record of discussions when the General Secretary is not in attendance. (GC.2010/11:10)

Compliance General Council approve of the appointment of a Compliance Officer to coordinate Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity, Data Protection and Safeguarding. (GC.2013/14:59) Compliance (Equality & Diversity, Health & Safety and Safeguarding) RIBI shall register with the Disclosure and Barring Service and Volunteer Development Scotland to enable criminal record checks to be carried out where appropriate. Lead Signatories shall be appointed; one for England and Wales and one for Scotland. (GC.2002/03:46) It shall be mandatory for District Protection Officers to attend the RIBI Training Day on Safeguarding matters prior to taking up office. (GC.2002/03:87) One copy of the RIBI Safeguarding Policy shall be supplied free to each newly chartered Rotary club. (D.Exec.2004/05:3) “RIBI Safeguarding Policy – Frequently Asked Questions” shall be published as an Information sheet. (GC.2004/05:3) “RIBI Safeguarding Policy – Club Members summary” shall be published as an Information sheet. (GC.2004/05:4) The Association shall adopt the Health & Safety policy as drawn up by the RIBI Compliance Office in conjunction with an external professional services provider. (D.Exec.2006/07:48) The RIBI Compliance will offer their services to RI to assist with the development of the RI Policy of district certification. Sessions on this matter shall be held at the RIBI Assembly for Youth Service Officers, Governors Elect and Assistant Governors. (GC.2007/08:17) That all districts should consider appointing an Equality and Diversity Officer. (GC.2011/12:25)


References to the annual RIBI Conference are to be removed from the standing decisions and placed into policy documents. (GC.2015/16:9)


All clubs shall be reminded, at the time of payment request, that subscriptions are due on 1st July and 1st January each year in advance of the period to which they refer and in the absence of such payments the Association will follow the subscriptions collection/club termination and suspension procedure. (GC.1989/90:172 amended by GC.2013/14:39) RIBI Subscriptions Collection/Club Termination and Suspension Procedure (GC.2012/13:56) Clubs to be notified of non-payment policy (and any subsequent amendments) by inclusion with the half-yearly subscriptions form. The termination notification is sent to the club president by registered mail, and copies of the notification are sent to the district governor and RI Director.

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RIBI to adopt the following procedures for collecting club past due financial obligations: 1 An informal reminder will be sent by email from the Secretariat to club treasurers (or other club

officer as appropriate) approximately 7 days prior to the due date, 10 August (10 February). 2 Where subscriptions are outstanding, the following procedure will apply: 2.1 A first official reminder will be sent by email from the RIBI Honorary Treasurer to the treasurers (or

other club officers as appropriate) of those clubs whose subscriptions remain outstanding on 12 August (12 February). District Governors will be provided with a list and will chase up the clubs concerned.

2.2 The final reminder will be sent via email from the RIBI Honorary Treasurer and followed up with a telephone call to the club president by the RIBI Head of Finance, and copied in to the District Governor for those subscriptions that remain outstanding 15 days after the first official reminder.

3 Termination of clubs with unpaid financial obligations will occur five months from the due date i.e. by 1 December/1 June).

4 The RIBI General Secretary will advise the Executive Committee of all clubs that have been terminated for non-payment of outstanding financial obligations.

5 Any terminated club that has fully paid its financial obligations, which will include a £5 per member reinstatement fee for a minimum of 10 members, within three months from the date of termination will be reinstated and the district governor will be informed.

6 Balances may only be written off three months from the date of termination of a club, and at the discretion of the RIBI Hon Treasurer.

7 A record of clubs with consistent patterns (over a period of at least 18 months) of late payment or under-payment of dues will be maintained. After this period, the RIBI General Secretary has authority to petition RI for the closure of all such clubs.

8 Records of all write-offs of club financial obligations will be maintained for review by the Executive Committee at any time.

Reinstatement of Clubs Terminated Due to Non-payment of Financial Obligations 9 A terminated club may only seek to be reinstated up to one year after its termination. 10 When a club seeks reinstatement within 3 months of termination, it must pay the full amount of its

outstanding financial obligations at the time of termination, all half-year dues payments that have continued to accrue during the period between termination and reinstatement, and a £5 per member reinstatement fee. All missed half-year subscription forms must also be submitted.

11 When a club seeks reinstatement more than 3 months but less than 1 year after termination, it must fulfil all the requirements of a club seeking to be reinstated within 3 months of termination and, in addition, complete an application for reinstatement and pay a £10 per member application fee.

12 If only partial payment is made 1 year following termination, that amount will be applied to the terminated club's outstanding financial obligation.

13 Terminated clubs that do not fulfil their entire financial responsibility (see list below) within 1 year of termination lose their original charter and are not eligible for reinstatement. i.e.

i) the full amount of their outstanding financial obligations at the time of termination, ii) all half-year dues payments that have continued to accrue during the period between

termination and reinstatement iii) the application fee, and iv) the reinstatement fee 14 Reinstatement of the club is approved by the RIBI General Secretary and District Governor, and

ratified by the RIBI Executive Committee. Suspension of clubs 15 The RIBI General Council may recommend to the RI Board to suspend the membership of any club

that fails to pay its dues or other financial obligations to RIBI or its approved contributions to the district fund.

16 If the reason for suspension has not been remedied within six months from the date of suspension, the RIBI General Council shall recommend to the RI Board to terminate the club.

17 As long as the club remains suspended, it has none of the rights provided to clubs under the RIBI Bylaws but does retain the rights granted to clubs under the RIBI Constitution.

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18 The RIBI General Secretary is authorised to suspend RIBI services to a Rotary club once the district governor certifies that the club is more than six months in arrears of district dues.

19 RIBI and RI services, suspended until the governor verifies to the General Secretary that the club has remitted its district dues, include all voting rights for RIBI and district elections.

20 District governors must continue to provide minimum mailings to suspended clubs so that clubs are allowed to:

1) Submit suggestions to the for governor (if applicable) 2) Vote in any authorised ballot-by-mail 3) Vote at the district council and district assembly 4) Submit a proposed enactment or resolution to the Council on Legislation 5) Concur with any proposed legislation submitted to the Council on Legislation

6) Concur with a challenge to the election of a candidate for district governor (if applicable) 7) Take any other action allowed by RIBI's constitutional documents The Finance Committee, in consultation with the President, will authorise changes to RIBI’s authority limits on payments. (D.Exec.2009/10:22) Audit The Association’s annual audit shall be put out to tender every five years. (D.Exec.2006/07:25 amended by GC.2013/14:41) Banking Facilities All monies received in the Secretariat shall be banked as soon as possible after receipt. (D.Exec.1991/92:61 amended D.Exec.2013/14:13) The Association shall maintain a minimum balance on ‘current account’ and keep its funds on deposit or invested as directed by the Hon Treasurer. (D.Exec.1996/97:11) Budget The Finance Committee at its Budget Meeting early in the year shall provide a target figure for expenditure in connection with the succeeding year's Annual Conference, recommending the proportion to be raised from registration fees. (GC.1980/81 Minute 58(a)) The Secretariat shall provide the chairmen of each of the RIBI Service committees with a quarterly transaction report showing actual and budgeted expenditure. (D.Exec.2004/05:4. Amended D. Exec.2009/10:33) That, when the District Governors-Elect meet in the Autumn of the year prior to them becoming the General Council, they construct and agree a programme for their year and in the period between that meeting and the Annual Business Meeting (ABM), cost any items that might require to be included in the Budget pertaining to their year of office. The budget shall be finalised by 31st December. (GC.2014/15:43) The General Council accept the proposed 2016/17 budget. (GC.2015/16:15) Equipment Capital costs for office automation shall be fully depreciated over 3 years. (GC.1988/89 Minute 56 (i) and (ii)) Formula for District Grants

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A Grant is allocated to each District from the funds of the Association, based upon a formula which takes into consideration such factors as the number of Clubs and the geographical extent of the District. (GC.1982/83 Minute 76(iv))

i) Each District shall receive fixed allowances in respect of Islands at a rate to be determined by the Finance committee

ii) Districts shall receive an administrative allowance of £3250 per annum iii) The remainder of the Grant shall be allocated to Districts in proportion to the number of Clubs and

the "agreed distance" (iv) Individual Grant Allocations shall be paid quarterly, for each District to use as it so determines.

In the event that a Rotarian from an Isle of Man club is elected to the district executive as an assistant governor, governor elect, district governor and the immediate past district governor the island allowance paid in the district grant shall be increased by an amount to be recommended by the Finance Committee. (GC.1998/99:13) Expenses Expenses incurred for attendance at half-yearly regional meetings of RIBI District Committee Chairmen may not be claimed from RIBI by members of RI Committees except for the Trustee of the Rotary Foundation. (GC.1982/83) Expenses of members of RIBI General Council and RIBI committees in attending meetings are payable by RIBI as follows: In the event the Chairman of an RIBI committee considering it most important to visit a "contact" District committee for some special purpose and the limit of expenditure for the committee has already been reached they may ask the General Secretary of RIBI to obtain express permission of the President and the Hon. Treasurer of RIBI, in advance, to exceed the committee budget to the extent of the travel expenses arising from such special visit. There is no provision for travelling expenses for the District Committee Chairman concerned. Notwithstanding the above, a District Governor may propose a visit in their District of a Rotarian from some other part of Great Britain and Ireland, in circumstances of an exceptional nature. Such a proposal would be brought to the attention of the President and Honorary Treasurer of RIBI who are empowered to authorise payment of expenses within the limits defined above, where they think fit. Exclusions - The expenses of a speaker will not be paid by RIBI in respect of a visit to a Club function - e.g., Annual Dinner, Charter Anniversary Dinner, and Ladies/Presidents’ Night etc. Also, unless the circumstances are in every way exceptional (in which case see above), the expenses of a speaker would not be payable in respect of their participation in a Group Meeting or a main session at a District Conference. (GC.1974/75 Minute 3(a), GC.1982/83 Minute 51(ii) and GC.1983/84 Min.29(a)) The expenses incurred by any Rotarian on Rotary business, e.g. postages, telephone calls (direct or 'reversed charge'), printing, copying, etc., will not be reimbursed from the RIBI funds unless specifically provided for in the RIBI budget or the 'Rotary business' concerned has been carried out at the request of the General Council and then only when a specific addition to the budget has been approved. (GC.1984/85 Minute 85(f)) Where the Secretariat directs Rotarians to a specific hotel the Association shall bear the full standard cost of meals and accommodation. (GC.1989/90:38) There is in the RIBI Budget limited provision for the payment from the general funds of the Association of certain expenses for speakers on 'Service' subjects attending meetings organised by Districts. Such meetings - or 'Rallies' as they are sometimes called - are defined as: Any representative meeting of Rotarians held on a District or area basis. There is also provision for contact between members of RIBI Service Committees and their opposite numbers in the Districts. The following general rules apply:

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1. The expenses payable by RIBI cover second class rail fare at lowest rate available or economy class return air fare, or a car allowance at the rate then in use per car mile, plus reasonable incidental expenses en route.

2. It is assumed that hospitality will, where necessary, be provided by the Host Club at the venue, or by the District; in most cases private hospitality in the home of a Rotarian is envisaged but, where the journey to be undertaken involves night travel, the Host Club or District is responsible for sleeping-car cost in lieu of overnight hotel accommodation or hospitality.

3. It is a condition of the payment of expenses in respect of such visits, described below, that the invitation to make the visit shall come from or through the Governor of the District in which the visit is to be made; to avoid the need for any query or a subsequent expense claim, the District Governor should, at the time of issuing the invitation, inform the General Secretary of RIBI that they have done so.

4. The kinds of meeting intended to be encouraged and supported by the provision of funds for such expenses are directly related to one of the Avenues of Service and take the form of District Conferences, Assemblies and District and Area Rallies.

5. It is common for members of RIBI Service committees to allocate amongst themselves responsibility for maintaining personal contact with the District Committee Chairmen.

In general terms, contacts of this kind are made initially at the RIBI Assembly and are largely maintained by correspondence, but in order to provide an important link between the RIBI Committees, the District Committees and the Clubs, members of the Service Committees may visit the District allocated to them under the 'contact' scheme with travel expenses paid by RIBI, provided such expenses are within the limits authorised for the Committee concerned. Visits of this kind can be made at the request, or with the approval, of the District Governor, and on that basis applications can be made direct to RIBI for the travelling expenses of the RIBI Committee member (not for the District Committee Chairman) should a 'person-to-person' meeting be held at some halfway point; any overnight accommodation problem would be met by local hospitality. (GC.2010/11:110 amends old decision, confirmed by Decision GC.1990/91:55) When the RI President and/or President Elect and their partners are present in the administrative territorial unit of RIBI, their expenses for their official Rotary commitments and all reasonable hosting shall, as approved by the Executive Committee, be met from RIBI funds. Authority for such approval shall be delegated to the President and Hon. Treasurer acting jointly, and action taken there under shall be reported to the next available meeting of the Executive Committee. (GC.1991/92:77) The Association shall meet the necessary expenses of the officers of RIBI and their partners in attending RI Institutes whether held in EEMA or GB&I. (GC.1992/93:10) An Officer of the Association and their partner when attending an RIBI or RI event in an official capacity shall have their food costs met by the Association. (D.Exec.1997/98:02) Unless sanctioned by the General Secretary, the Association will not accept claims from RIBI Committee members for overnight accommodation prior to the meeting unless the individual’s home to the meeting venue is more than 120 miles in each direction. (D.Exec.1998/99:14) The expenses of the Vice President Elect for attending all meetings of the General Council and the Executive Committee shall be paid by the Association. (Conf. Res 7/98) The Vice President shall claim expenses as prescribed for attendance at RI Convention; the Hon. Treasurer may claim expenses for attendance at the RI Convention in their first year of office. (GC.2009/10:01 amended by GC.2010/11:05 & GC 2010/11:17) When travelling on RIBI business, the General Secretary’s necessary travelling expenses shall be met by the Association. (D.Exec.1999/00:21)

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Rotarians who are called to attend RIBI meetings at the expense of the Association, and have obtained the necessary authority to travel by air, shall purchase their tickets at the most favourable rate. (D.Exec.2002/03:27) Claims for the reimbursement of expenses necessarily incurred in attending RIBI committee meetings will normally only be met if they are received within 30 days of the meeting taking place. (GC.2009/10:109) The Incoming Officers of the Association and the Vice President Elect and their partners shall be entitled to claim the cost of up to one night’s accommodation, meals and travel when attending the annual RIBI Handover. (D.Exec.2007/08:01) Rotarians appointed to or by outside charities are not eligible to reclaim expenses from RIBI. (GC.2008/09:49) The Association shall pay the following mileage rates for the use of own vehicles (car or motor cycles) on RIBI business as follows:

• Elected Officers and staff: at the published HMRC Approved Mileage rate applicable to the date of the journey.

• Volunteers other than Elected Officers and staff: at a rate calculated as 3p over the published HMRC Advisory Fuel rate for petrol cars with engine size over 2,000cc, or for motor cycles at 60% of that rate both applicable to the date of the journey.

(GC.2010/11:78, amends GC.2008/09:54) A policy be created limiting the capital cost of any vehicle leased by RIBI. The proportion of any excess capital cost reflected in leasing charges being paid to RIBI by the beneficiary. (GC.2010/11:72) The RIBI President and their partner are to attend the International Convention and their expenses are to be covered in accordance with the expenses policy. (GC.2014/15:31) The RIBI President’s partner shall accompany the President to the RI Institute and their expenses are to be covered in accordance with the expenses policy. (GC.2014/15:32) The Vice President’s (VP’s) partner shall accompany the VP to the RI Institute and their expenses are to be covered in accordance with the expenses policy. (GC.2014/15:33) A hospitality budget of £500 shall be made available for the use of the RIBI President Elect at the RIBI Assembly. (D.Exec.2006/07:39) Contracts shall be negotiated for not less than 3 years and up to 5 years for the venues of regularly occurring events to ensure that the best quality and price are obtained. (D.Exec.2009/10:31) The contributions towards the travelling expenses of delegates attending the RIBI Conference and RIBI Assembly shall only be met by the Association if claims are received within 30 days of the event taking place. NOTE: Only duly accredited delegates will be able to claim (GC.2009/10:110) The expenses of members of the Secretariat attending the GB&I Institute shall be paid out of the funds of the Association. (GC.1986/87 Minute 14(b)(i)) If an RIBI president or representative of RIBI attends a District conference or an event the travel is funded by RIBI, any en-route accommodation and subsistence is covered by RIBI, and the accommodation once the individual has arrived in the District is met by the District. (GC.2015/16:10)

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General If a member of the General Council or of an RIBI Committee is to benefit financially, either directly or indirectly, from the business conducted by that body or committee such interest is to be declared to the General Secretary of the Association. (GC.1999/00:14) If the President is invited as a guest to a district or a club, the district or club shall be responsible for the cost of accommodation, meals, and travelling for the President and partner whilst in the district, unless the President declines the offer of accommodation. The Association will cover the cost of the President in transit to and from the district. (GC.2007/08:36) The spouses of the President of RIBI and Officers of the Association and the President’s representatives - in line with the policies and decisions of the Board of the RI as laid down in their standing orders relating to the spouses of the President, Vice President, Directors and the President’s representatives - have a responsibility to promote the ideals and programmes of Rotary, in addition to supporting the President in the performance of their duties. Involvement in the activities of the conference, visits and other meetings is required, including attendance at spouses’ meetings, social gatherings, and plenary sessions. Reasons for Addition - Standing Decisions make no mention of the role of the spouse of the RIBI President or Officers or the President’s representatives. It is clearly understood and has been the case in the past that the role that the spouse plays in supporting the President, RI and RIBI and furthering their ideals and programmes has been very important. Indeed the policies of the board of RI make various references to the spouses of the President, Directors and other senior members of RI. This addition is aimed at clarifying to everyone what is expected of the President’s spouse or the spouses of Officers or President’s representatives and incorporating to some extent those policies into the Standing Decisions of RIBI. (GC.2008/09:37) The Finance committee shall be provided with management accounts on a monthly basis. (GC.2010/11:109 amends GC.1994/95:4) The Association shall implement a Cancellation Policy for RIBI seminars. 1. The minimum attendance seminar shall be 15 District Rotarians, excluding committee members, guests

and speakers. 2. Should attendance figures fall below the subscribed number 28 days prior to event, the seminar shall be

cancelled and districts will be advised. 3. A Seminar register will be held by Secretariat Staff listing which districts attend seminars. (D.Exec.2010/11:58) The organiser of any RIBI event shall present the Hon. Treasurer with an event budget for approval. Any potential overspend must be brought to the immediate attention of the Hon. Treas. prior to any further costs being incurred. (D.Exec.2010/11:73) The minutes of the General Council and annual accounts be published on the Members’ Area of the RIBI website. (GC.2010/11:65) Insurance As Rotarians in accepting Rotary duties abroad are "volunteers", there is no legal liability attaching to RI or RIBI and so insurance premiums are not reimbursable. (GC.1971/72 Minute 25(b)) The Association shall not accept liability for any uninsured losses sustained by Rotary clubs and districts. (GC.1991/92:06)

RIBI block insurance will not cover individual fellowships. (GC.2008/09:55) Insurance for Rotaract

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In order to demonstrate support from all Rotary clubs for the Rotaract programmes the Rotaract Public Liability Insurance premiums incorporated as part of the RIBI per capita fees shall not be re-charged to districts, but a proportionate reduction shall be made to the relevant district grants. (D.Exec.1996/97:21 amended by GC.2013/14:42) Payments to RI The Honorary Treasurer of the Association, after appropriate advice has been sought and with the consent of the Executive Committee of the Association, be and hereby is authorised to purchase, hold and sell US dollars for the account of the Association at such time as seems advantageous to the Association. (Conference Decision 1991 amended by GC.2013/14:43) Purchasing Policies No person shall commit the Association to pay for the provision of goods or services without first having provided an estimated cost to the General Secretary and having obtained an official order number. (GC.1990/91:31) All formal orders issued on behalf of the Association for the provision of goods and services shall be issued by the Secretariat. (GC.1990/91:32) Stationery, literature and other goods shall be sold at a price equal to the manufacturer's or supplier's price plus a percentage to cover, at the least, the cost of administration, postage and packing with any profits being added to the funds of the Association. (D.Exec.2010/11:09 amends D.Exec.1991/92:60)

All items provided in bulk (orders over £50) for re-sale by districts shall be subject to a 20% discount on the retail price. (D.Exec.2010/11:10 amends D.Exec.1996/97:12)

Rotary clubs shall be encouraged to purchase Rotary stationery, literature, membership / marketing tool kit and other goods available in bulk from the RIBI Secretariat and Rotarians encouraged to purchase such items individually from their clubs leaving RIBI to act as the wholesale supplier to districts and, where no district shop exists, to clubs. Small orders shall be charged a handling fee. (D.Exec.2010/11:11 amends D.Exec.1991/92:60) Reserves The RIBI ‘available reserves’ calculation shall be adjusted from one year’s annual expenditure to 85% of annual expenditure in line with RI policy. The Association’s policy shall be reviewed annually on a rolling three-year basis. (GC.2007/08:35) The ‘available reserves’ are calculated by taking the capital and general reserves less fixed assets and stamp collection, plus one-half of the excess of the market value of investments over cost, less estimated taxation. From the ‘available reserves’ is deducted the ‘required expenditure’ which is calculated as to the annual expenditure excluding RI dues, district grant and the Council on Legislation transport. The excess of the ‘available reserves’ over ‘required expenditure’ is the ‘available surplus’. (2002 Conference decision) Responsibilities of the Hon. Treasurer RIBI All matters of financial policy shall be referred to the Hon. Treasurer. (GC.1982/83 Minute 73(f)) The RIBI Hon. Treasurer shall be responsible for settling with the auditors the accounts covered by their whole period of office, including attendance at the first meeting of the Finance Committee after leaving the office. (GC.1984/85 Minute 82(a))

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Decisions as to the investment of the Association's funds shall be made by the Honorary Treasurer after appropriate advice has been sought and consulting with the Finance Committee implementation by the staff. (GC.1987/88 Minute 22(b)(ii) amended by GC.2013/14:44) Sponsorship in General The schedule of RIBI’s ‘properties’ shall be adopted, in principle, as those owned or controlled assets of the Association which are the most marketable to potential sponsors. (GC.1997/98:21) The Association shall adopt the following terms for the acceptance and furtherance of sponsorship of RIBI events, publications or programmes: 1. Acceptance of sponsorships for any RIBI event, publication or programme should be in accord with

the Object of Rotary and the decisions of the Board of Directors of RI; 2. Cultural and legal variances in business practices in RIBI should be identified and honoured

whenever possible. Ethical guidelines appropriate to a given culture should be developed, published and applied by those responsible for the solicitation and/or acceptance of RIBI sponsorships;

3. Any sponsorships must comply with relevant national governments’ existing legislation concerning

charitable organisations and non profit organisations within GB&I; 4. A distinction is to be made between sponsorship that directly impacts upon RIBI budgets and

sponsorship that enhances the opportunity for Rotary service. Major RIBI recognition will be reserved for sponsor support that promotes humanitarian service as manifested in an RIBI event, publication or programme;

5. All sponsorship entered into by RIBI should be evidenced in writing. Moreover, such written intent

shall clearly state what, if anything, the sponsor expects in return for its assistance; 6. Recognition of major sponsors should appear in the Annual Report of the General Council to

Conference, and be reflected in the appropriate cost centre; 7. Donations-in-kind shall be considered as sponsorship to the extent that they produce a value in

cost savings to the recipient; 8. Sponsorship shall be appropriately recognised but shall not conflict with current RI guidelines. In no

instance shall the title of a Rotary meeting or signage in a plenary hall be identified with any sponsor;

9. Major sponsorships shall require the approval of the RIBI Executive Committee. For this purpose,

transactions in excess of £5000 will be considered a major sponsorship. 10. Humanitarian donations are encouraged, where sponsors may agree to donate part of their

financial support to service projects; 11. Membership lists must not be used for commercial purposes. Furthermore, membership lists must

stay within the control of RIBI, the district and/or the club involved. However, any determination to allow access to membership lists must respect the individual rights of Rotarians, including relevant legal restrictions.

N.B. Where district or clubs are involved in significant sponsorship it is recommended that they too seek it in writing and forward a copy to the RIBI Secretariat. In the normal course of events, sponsorships of

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districts and clubs of a significant nature should be endorsed by the appropriate body and not an individual. (GC.1997/98:22) The following guidelines shall be taken into account when considering offers of Conference Sponsorship (GC.1996/97:41 amended GC.2010/11:17): a) each offer shall be the subject of individual consideration and decision; b) conference sponsorship by a single major sponsor is preferred to multiple sponsorship; c) the Conference Committee shall ensure that proper control is exercised over the extent of

sponsorship; d) The RIBI Executive Committee shall be responsible for considering and approving conference

sponsorship having had the benefit of advice from the Constitutions Committee and/or the legal advisors to the Association if felt appropriate by the incoming RIBI President.

If in the event sponsorship is for the sole benefit of an individual Rotarian, it shall be declined. If the sponsorship is for the benefit of a club, district or RIBI in the promotion of a) Rotary events or activities b) Rotary programmes or c) it achieves a reduction in overhead costs, it shall be encouraged. (GC.98/99:16) The General Council supports the use of Sponsorship funding in order to organise, promote and maintain events and activities which advance both the image of Rotary and the service capability of Rotarians and their clubs. (GC.1998/99:65)


The Leadership Development & Training Committee shall comprise the Vice President, the Vice President Elect, the Honorary Treasurer and five members at least one of whom shall be a Past District Governor and the Chairman. The five members shall preferably be professional trainers or facilitators. At least one of the five members shall be replaced each year and their maximum term of office will be for three consecutive years. (GC.2006/07:23 amended GC.2009/10:149) The Executive agreed the successful completion of the Pilot Programme and the use of the RI ELearning Platform for all RIBI ELearning programmes including those on Moodle and the RIBI website. (D.Exec.2015/16:11) District Training Districts shall be discouraged from holding district conferences during the third and fourth week of November, to allow district officers to attend Rotary training events, such as the Mid-Year Review (D.Exec.2010/11:30 amends 2001/02:30) Districts shall be encouraged appoint a District Training Committee and a District Training Chairman, who shall be appointed for 1 year and shall be eligible to serve for a maximum of 5 years, and who shall be called to an annual training event organised by the LDTC. (GC.2009/10:152 updated by GC.2010/11:17) Districts shall elect the incoming DGN before the end of December, i.e. between 30 and 36 months prior to taking up the office of DG, to enable the LDTC to better prepare future district governors for their role and for the incoming DGN to attend the RIBI Assembly. (GC.2007/08:66, amended GC.2009/10:156) Mid-Year Review The Leadership Development & Training Committee shall be responsible for the management style and manner of presentations at the Mid-Year Review. (GC.2009/10:145) A single site/single day MYR will no longer be held. The revised format will be:

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1. Each Committee Chair will be responsible for organising relevant review(s) of progress since the RIBI Assembly using appropriate advice from the LDTC.

2. Each Committee Chair to organise reviews within a set budget and must report within a set timeframe to be agreed with LDTC.

(GC.2010/11:89) Recognising the value of alternative means of communication and the need to control cost, General Council requires that committees have their Mid-Year Reviews (MYRs) either by webinar or by using existing regional communication arrangements at no cost to Rotary. (GC.2015/16:14) RIBI Assembly Planning Seminar RIBI Assembly Planning event shall be one 2 day weekend. Service committee chairmen, their facilitators and AG group leaders shall be called to attend from the Friday and their respective committee members from Saturday. All attendees called to attend from Saturday. (GC.2012/13:109) A training seminar, not exceeding one day, to include facilitation and presentation skills shall be held for Service committees (one person per committee) prior to the RIBI Assembly Planning Seminar. (GC.2012/13:110) AG Group Leaders shall be called to attend the Assembly Planning meeting for the entire duration of the event, Friday to Sunday. (D.Exec.2011/12:21) All members of the Leadership Development & Training Committee shall be called to the Assembly Planning meeting for the entire duration of the event, Friday to Sunday to support the incoming committees. (D.Exec.2011/12:22) RIBI Assemblies The Service Assemblies of RIBI will be held as combined regional assemblies (GC.2013/14:60) RIBI Officers and other Rotarians called on to address the RIBI Conference, RIBI Assembly and other public occasions shall be offered internal training in platform techniques and familiarisation with specialist equipment. (D.Exec.1992/93:54) The Executive Committee shall, on the recommendation of the Leadership Development & Training Committee, fix the contribution to be paid by every Rotarian called to and attending the RIBI Assembly. (GC.1993/94:16) District Secretaries and Treasurers shall be called to the District Secretaries and District Treasurers training seminar each year. Where an individual is unable to attend, Assistant Secretaries and Treasurers only shall be permitted to attend as substitutes or deputies. (GC.1998/99:61) All called to deliver the Assembly and/or training sessions shall be exempt from Assembly/Training registration fees. (D.Exec.2008/09:78) The Immediate Past President shall not be called to attend RIBI Assembly. (GC.2008/09:88) Whatever format future RIBI Assemblies take, the Past Officers Group should continue to attract the attendance of the RI President Elect and that the Past Officers Group continues to be invited to the Assembly at no cost to the Association (GC.2008/09:98)

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DGNs/ AGs shall not accept any post that precludes them from attending the RIBI Assembly in that role. Districts shall include this requirement on any correspondence inviting nominations for these posts. (GC.2009/10:153) The RI Director or RI Director-Elect (one serving on the RI Board), for the year to which the RIBI Assembly refers, shall by agreement between themselves act as "aide" to the most senior Rotarian from outside GB&I who attends the annual RIBI Assembly. (GC.2010/11:156 amends GC.2009/10:157) The incoming RIBI Conference Chairman, for the year to which the RIBI Assembly refers, shall be called to attend the RIBI Assembly to undertake the RIBI Conference presentations. The Conference Chairman shall attend the Past Officers’ group sessions when not undertaking presentations. (GC.2005/06:23, amended GC.2009/10:158) The Association shall reserve accommodation for all district positions called to the RIBI Assembly and DGEs shall be responsible for ensuring their team is registered and any cancellation notified to the Secretariat within the stated timescales. Failure to cancel within the timescales shall result in the district being charged the full delegate package rate. (GC.2007/08:67, amended GC.2009/10:159) Partners of RIBI Assembly delegates shall not be invited to attend the RIBI Assembly with the exception of the RIBI President, incoming Officers of the Association, the RI Director for the next Rotary year, incoming DGEs and incoming DGNs. (GC.2009/10:160) The LDTC shall be responsible for determining the technical and aesthetic requirements of the RIBI Assembly and shall appoint a representative to act as client to any external contractor (GC.2009/10:161) The list of Rotarians officially called to the RIBI Assembly, and expected to attend at the expense of the Association shall be determined each year by the General Council. (GC.2004/05:13 updated GC.2010/11:17) The Appointments Board shall meet before the end of the calendar year to consider and appoint incoming committee chairmen and members: together with facilitators, AG group leaders and Sergeant-at-Arms Team, who will have been recommended by the Leadership Development & Training Committee. (GC.2010/11:04 updated GC.2010/11:113) DGNs shall advise their plans for the development of Youth Exchange in their districts to the RIBI Vice President-elect at the RIBI Assembly and the RIBI Vice President-elect shall notify the RIBI Districts Youth Exchange Association of them within the two weeks following the Assembly. (GC.2010/11:34)

Districts shall be discouraged from holding district conferences around the time of the RIBI Assembly, to allow district officers to attend. (GC.2010/11:83) The partners of incoming District Governors at the RIBI Assembly shall attend the same discussion sessions as their partners (GC.2012/13:14) The Association shall call to the 2016 RIBI Leadership Assembly the following groups: - DGs 2016/17 and Partners; DGs 2017/18 and Partners; DGs 2018/19; 1st, 2nd and 3rd year AGs; and their respective group leaders/facilitators; the 2015/16 RIBI Leadership Development & Training Committee and SAA Team. (D.Exec.2015/16:05) The Association shall call to the 2016 RIBI Regional Assemblies the following groups: - Community Service; Vocational Service; International Service; Youth Service; Membership, Development & Retention; Rotary Foundation; Marketing, PR & Communications, Rotaract; Youth Exchange; Extension (New Club Formation); Discussion Group Facilitators, 2015/16 RIBI Leadership Development & Training Committee. (D.Exec.2015/16:06)

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OPERATIONS REVIEW and AUDIT The Association shall establish an Operations Review and Audit Committee to meet up to three times during a Rotary year under terms of reference ratified by the General Council. (GC.2003/04:05) All significant office administration internal procedures shall be documented in order to minimise disruption to work, which may be caused by the loss of a key staff member. (GC.2004/05:24) One member of the Operations Review and Audit Committee shall have an accountancy qualification. (GC.2006/07:35) The Chairman of the Operations Review & Audit Committee will be invited to attend the meetings of General Council if they have an item to report however they will advise the President no less than one month prior to the council meeting. (GC.2008/09:84)

The Operations Review & Audit committee is to implement a risk management system and to consider the RI risk management system. (GC.2012/13:81) The Immediate Past Hon. Treasurer (IPHT) is barred from serving as a member of the Operations Review and Audit (OR+A) Committee in the year immediately following their final year of service. (GC.2014/15:29)

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All clubs are entirely autonomous in their choice of projects to support and they are not obliged to support any individual charity. (D.Exec.1990/91:32) The Association's funds shall not be used to finance Club or District charitable projects. (D.Exec.1990/91:06) All clubs shall be reminded annually of the rules relating to the circularising of appeals to other Rotary clubs. (GC.2012/13:104 amends D.Exec.2010/11:89 amends D.Exec.1992/93:10): 1. No Rotary club nor individual Rotarian may circulate to any other Rotary club in the same District any

appeal for financial support without the consent of the District Governor; 2. No Rotary club nor individual Rotarian may circulate to any other Rotary club(s) in any other

District(s) any appeal for financial support without the consent of the Governor(s) of the District(s) concerned;

3. No Rotary club nor individual Rotarian may circulate to all clubs within GB&I any appeal for financial support without the consent of the General Council of RIBI;

4. No Rotary club nor individual Rotarian may release to any other organisation any Rotary, Rotaract, Interact or Rotakids directory for the purposes of circularising Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotakids or clubs for any purpose.

5. No Rotary, Rotaract, Interact or Rotakids directory may be used for purposes other than those of the Rotary movement.

The President and Vice President shall both be ex-officio members of the RIBI Service committees. Either may attend any meeting of those committees as they may deem necessary. (GC.2011/12:66) In consultation with the RIBI Service Committee Chairmen, the VP as the Chairman of the Service committee chairmans’ group shall determine the format and frequency of the audio meetings, including the compilation of the sub groups for audio meetings. The format shall be reviewed on an annual basis. (D.Exec.2012/13:15) The RIBI Service committees shall be required to revise all their Project and Information sheets annually to bring them in line with the Association’s child and vulnerable adult protection policy. (GC.2002/03:50) Any Service committee proposals involving gift aid, charitable matters, trust law or taxation matters shall first be referred to the Hon. Treasurer for approval before being submitted to the General Council or Executive Committee for adoption by the Association. (D.Exec.2006/07:23) Minutes of each Service committee’s meetings shall be copied to all Service Committee Chairmen. (GC.2007/08:22) RIBI Service committees shall be allocated a standard shell scheme booth at future conferences and the costs met from the budget of the Service committee. (GC.2009/10:114 amends D.Exec.1997/98:13) Members of an e-club wanting to undertake activities in another district must contact the District Governor of that district in advance for permission. (GC.2012/13:76) The Districts Youth Exchange Association and Rotaract in Great Britain & Ireland will have one representative each attending the Service Committee Chairmen audio-conference. (GC.2012/13:39 amends GC.2009/10:24) Service Committee Chairmen are to provide Committee Goals to the Executive Committee with their targets, aims and objectives, what they are going to do, how they will work with other Committees to the

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benefit of Rotarians. This should consist of an action plan to include when each of the goals must be completed. This statement should be with General Secretary annually by 31st March (in preparation for the April Executive Committee meeting). (D.Exec.2014/15:1) Opportunities to Serve (RIBI Project Library) The RIBI Service Committees shall be required to revise all their Project and Information sheets to bring them in line with the Association’s child and vulnerable adult protection policy. (GC.2002/03:50) RIBI Project sheets shall include contact details for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. (GC.2005/06:31) The Association shall utilise the following criteria for the assessment of entries into the Opportunities to Serve (RIBI Project Library): For consideration for inclusion into the Opportunities to Serve (Project Library) a new project must accept the following conditions and be subject to an annual review:- It must:-

Be financially viable

Include RIBI branding on all published material relating to the project/activity to be supported by Rotary

Acknowledge how Rotary will be recognised

On projects/activities to be supported by Rotary, submit all material to be published to the RIBI General Secretary for approval

Provide an annual report and accounts

Notify RIBI of the amount of money donated by Rotarians to the Charity during the previous Rotary year

Include a link to the RIBI website on its own website

Support the aims of the RI Strategic Plan And should be able to show the majority of the following: -

Club support and indicate support given

District Support - preferably from 2 districts

Written support from a District

It is current

It is effective

It need not necessarily be pure fund raising

It has a measurable means to identify Rotary involvement (GC.2006/07:19) The General Secretary shall have the authority to remove projects from the Opportunities to Serve (Project Library) on the RIBI Website if directly instructed to do so by the charity/organisation concerned. In such circumstances, the removal will be formalised with a recommendation from the appropriate service committee at their next available meeting. (GC.2011/12:15) Service Committee shall be given delegated authority to remove projects from the Opportunities to Serve (RIBI Projects Library) (GC.2013/14: 10) The Youth Competitions (RIBI Young Chef, Youth Speaks, Young Musician, Rotary Technology Tournament, and RYLA) shall be removed from the Opportunities to Serve, Project Library and relocated to the dedicated Youth Service webpages. (GC.2014/15:26) The 2015/16 Executive Committee will approve the 2016/17 committee goals in conjunction with Vice President Eve Conway in spring of 2016 at the Executive meeting after the Regional Assemblies. (D.Exec.2015/16:3) This General Council agrees that we should tailor some of our existing projects and consider introducing new projects that would help aspirational young people to improve their circumstances. (GC.2015/16:6)

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The Rotary Ride for 2015/16 will take place on the weekend of 18th and 19th June 2016 and remains exactly the same as that held in 2014/15 in supporting prostate cancer awareness and District Governors will encourage participation. (GC.2015/16:7)



The Executive Committee accept and implement change to the MPRC Committee to create a Public Image Committee in line with the RIBI Strategic Plan, subject to the following terms of reference: (D.Exec.2015/16:10) Terms of Reference The Rotary International GB&I Strategic Plan is supported by the marketing strategy and regional membership development plan, with internal and external communication being integral to the successful implementation of these plans.

The key objective is to create and maintain a positive public image and this is achieved through effective communication and enhanced public relations. In support of this, the committee will be identified as a Public Image Committee, aligning to the RI strategic plan, supporting the title of the RI appointees and more effectively linking to the club committees as recommended by RI.

The role of the Rotary International GB&I Public Image Committee is to support and strengthen Districts which in turn support and strengthen clubs. The Rotary International GB&I Public Image Committee will benefit from the inclusion of the RI Regional Public Image Coordinators (RPICs) and Assistance within its team structure but draw on identified specialists as required. RPICs have expertise in the fields of public relations, journalism, and/or communications. By combining their business backgrounds with their Rotary experience, they: Increase recognition of Rotary’s humanitarian work by sharing the Rotary story; Help club and district leaders share Rotary’s successes with the community and media, local civic and government leaders, nongovernmental organizations, and similar entities; Consult and provide guidance on public image grants; Regionalise Rotary’s public image efforts.

In meeting the key aim of enhancing the public image across the whole organisation the Public Image committee will be responsible for:

1. Development and implementation of resources to support learning in the areas of:

Brand awareness and the Rotary Voice

Media relations

Digital platforms

Project planning (for effective public relations) 2. Internal communication to Districts and/or Clubs in relation to:

Unifying image and brand awareness

Publicising action-oriented service

Promoting core values

Emphasising vocational service

Promote RIBI activities and events to members 3. Supporting Service and Administration Committees with:

Internal promotion and advice on public relations opportunities

Management of the annual Service Committee PR budget

Assessment and approval of District/club Promotional Grant

Internal promotion of their planned events and activities Membership Committee Chairman, or in their absence a substitute, shall be invited to attend the Public Image Committee meetings. (GC.2013/14:25)

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District & Club Magazines A Guide for Club Bulletin Editors Information sheet shall be published on the RIBI website. (GC.2009/10:88) Website Clubs or districts or individual Rotarians may not use the Rotary International or RIBI world-wide web sites to request the co-operation of other clubs in connection with any matter whatsoever, without the permission of RI or RIBI as appropriate. (D.Exec.2010/11:86 amends D.Exec.1996/97:14) The Secretariat shall have overall responsibility for the content and design of the RIBI website, referring any potentially contentious issues to the General Secretary and/or the RIBI President for decision, as appropriate. (GC.2002/03:41 revoked GC.2007/08 to Secretariat with revised wording) In recognising that Polio Eradication is the principal goal of RI, the End Polio Now logo shall appear on the homepage of the RIBI website, with links to appropriate web pages. (GC.2009/10:08) Monthly mailing will be e-mailed to all RIBI Rotarians where their e-mail address is held. (GC.2009/10:14 supersedes GC.2008/09:48) Magazine The Hon. Editor shall operate within the Policy and Guidelines established for the "Rotary" magazine. Prior to publication the magazine editorial, including the front cover, shall receive the approval of the General Secretary or the Chairman of the Executive Committee. (GC.2009/10:83) An Advisory Board be formally established with terms of reference comprising the Editor, a representative of the RIBI Public Image Committee and others as felt necessary in order to accord with Rotary International (RI) requirements for regional magazines. (GC.2014/15:45) Publications All publications will be produced in line with the RI Voice and Visual Identity Guide, and be subject to the following procedure: (GC.1989/90:78) (a) All items of Association literature shall reflect the policy of the Association and regardless of the

means of production may only be published in accordance with procedures approved by the General Council.

(b) The production and revision of each item of literature shall be the responsibility of an RIBI committee which shall also be responsible for ensuring that the production process is dealt with expeditiously.

(c) The originating committee shall prepare the text and provide or specify illustrations where necessary;

(d) The text and estimated costs shall be subject to approval by the Executive Committee and where new policy is concerned by the General Council;

(e) The Communications Department shall put design and production into operation seeking technical advice from Public Image Committee where necessary;

(f) A proof copy shall be sent to the Chairman of the originating committee for approval; (g) A copy of the final document shall be sent to General Council and the Public Image Committee after

production. Rotary headed notepaper bearing the words "IN GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND" shall only be used by the elected officers, appointees or employees of the Association on Rotary matters and shall not be used to conduct business by or on behalf of other organisations. (GC.1990/91:64) The use of the RIBI logo, other than by officers of the Association, RIBI Committee Chairmen and members of staff, shall clearly indicate the source or origin of the author's authority. (D.Exec.2010/11:88 amends D.Exec.1990/91:89)

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The Secretariat staff are authorised to revise and reprint Rotary Information Service leaflets, in so far as they are affected by the decisions of the Council on Legislation, without having to seek further authority. (GC.1991/92:17) All routine printing shall be done "in-house" except in those circumstances where the volume, standard of finish, quality, quantity, or other technical requirements cannot be met by the Association's equipment. (D.Exec.1991/92:86) All RIBI publications, including electronic communications, shall indicate clearly the latest revision date as well as the publication date. (D.Exec.2007/08:8) All RIBI publications shall adopt the Rotary International essence and organising principals, which is Join Leaders, Exchange Ideas and Take Action as a soft launch for all future publications and communications. (GC.2014/15:4) Rules for relationships between RIBI and corporate and non-corporate organisations within Great Britain & Ireland: Preamble - Working with an organisation at national level must be seen to be enhancing either the work that Rotary does, or the image that Rotary has. Prerequisite - Making a formal relationship with a national organisation (either corporate or non-corporate) may only be progressed if the organisation can demonstrate and commit to supporting the aims and objectives below with a clear process for recognising positive outcomes for the work of Rotary in terms of publicity, service, sponsorship and membership. Requirements of all partner organisations:

The proposed organisation’s objectives must meet at least one of Rotary International’s strategic goals.

The proposed organisation must operate on a national basis (at least Great Britain, ideally Great Britain & Ireland)

The proposed organisation is both a recognisable brand and financially astute, and, by association, will a) enhance Rotary’s image with the general public, and b) support Rotary’s ideal of humanitarian service.

Parameters - Prior to making any commitment:

All proposed national partnerships shall be the subject of a discussion between the RIBI President, the General Secretary and the Chairman of relevant committee:

o Membership Chair for national corporate business partners o Community, Vocational or Youth Service Chairman for non-corporate business partners.

Such discussions shall take into account any possible conflict of interest with other existing or proposed partnerships to avoid a clash of such interests.

Investigations into determining the value of a proposed partnership shall not include requests for fundraising. These shall be directed down the usual ‘Opportunities to Serve’ route through the committee structure.

The recommended partnerships shall be approved by the RIBI General Council.

When a partnership is approved, a formal memorandum of understanding or other such formal agreement shall be put in place signed by the President and the General Secretary and must include provisions for an annual review.

Regular discussions, at least semi-annually, shall take place between the President, General Secretary and relevant committee chairman about the progress of the partnership and its value to Rotary and report their findings to the RIBI General Council.

Approved Partner organisations may be invited to:

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Participate in Rotary media opportunities to the clubs including the RIBI email newsletters, bi-monthly magazine, and website.

Attend key events (e.g. the RIBI Assembly and Annual Conference) with the opportunity to have a stand/exhibit to promote themselves.

Attendance at key events (e.g. the RIBI Assembly and Annual Conference) with the opportunity to speak to groups.

Aims and Objectives:

Corporate partnerships – aims and objectives Aim: To partner with corporate organisations that can help Rotarians either:

Achieve Rotary International’s strategic goals

Improve Rotary’s profile through external partnerships.

Provide corporate sponsorship. Objectives: To either:

Become a brokerage for regional branches of national businesses, offering an element of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and acting as a link between businesses and their local community. Rotary would offer:

o personal development opportunities for their staff;

o respected and established projects that they could become involved in;

o Informed advice on the precise needs of a particular community and links to other local organisations.

Forming these relationships would create an understanding of Rotary and show people what they could get out of joining a club - the overall aim being to attract them to membership. Or

Obtain corporate sponsorship and/or endorsement in the literature of national companies (e.g. Tesco, Morrison’s, John Lewis, etc.) showing new ways of expressing Rotary.

Non-Corporate Partnerships – aims and objectives Aim: To partner with non-corporate organisations that can help Rotarians either:

Achieve Rotary International’s strategic goals:

Support and strengthen clubs.

Focus and increase humanitarian service - increase collaboration and connection with other organisations.

Enhance public image and awareness - unify image and brand awareness.

Objective: To form relationships and partnerships that will help to put Rotary in the spotlight through:

Inclusion of RIBI branding on all published material relating to the partnership.

Agreed methods of communications and public relations opportunities.

Inclusion of links to the RIBI website on their website and other materials.



The Executive Committee agreed to change the name of the Membership, Development and Retention (MDR) Committee to Membership Committee. (D.Exec.2015/16:18)

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As a matter of principle no visiting Rotarians, potential Rotarians, visitor or guest shall be refused entry to, or asked to leave during a scheduled meeting of a Rotary club. If an item of business is so confidential that discussion must be restricted to members of the club, then the matter shall be made the subject of a special Business Meeting, summoned and held at a time not coincident with the normally scheduled meeting time for the club. (GC.2011/12:5) Rotary clubs shall be encouraged at the earliest opportunity to elect Rotary Alumni into honorary membership with a view to recruiting them as active members of existing and new clubs. (GC.2007/08:1 amended by GC.2010/11:17) Clubs shall be permitted to adopt measures in accordance with the RI pilot programme guidelines under the guidance and assistance of districts. Such district approved schemes will not form part of the RI reporting procedures for eventual evaluation. The following procedure is suggested: (a) The club wishing to adopt measures in line with those of the RI schemes shall notify district as to

what is proposed and how it will enable the club to be stronger and further develop membership and deliver service.

(b) Both club and district shall agree to such changes and monitor ‘progress’ on an agreed timescale (c) The District Executive shall examine each proposal to consider any effect that such proposals may have on neighbouring clubs and the district as a whole before approval is granted and so that best practices maybe shared.(GC:2011/12:8) Public Image Committee Chairman, or in their absence a substitute, shall be invited to attend the Membership Committee meetings (GC.2013/14:26) District Governors shall, on 30 November, be provided with current membership numbers, and the previous year’s membership numbers, of clubs within their district and shall make contact with those clubs with falling membership to provide appropriate support through the district team to encourage membership growth. (GC.2013/14:37) Corporate Membership is part of the RI approved membership plan to be carried forward by the Membership Committee. (D.Exec.2015/16:18)

Extension (New Clubs’ Formation) All new Districts formed as a result of a decision to re-district more than 10 clubs, whether re-numbered or not, shall receive a grant of £700 per District as a total contribution from RIBI to help with the costs of re-districting. (GC.1987/88 Minute 43(e)(ii)) District Extension (New Clubs Formation) Officers shall submit RIBI expense claims at intervals not greater than quarterly. (GC.1989/90:168) One copy of the "Manual of Procedure" shall be supplied free to each newly chartered Rotary club. (D.Exec.1993/94:48) Subject to availability, extra copies of each edition of the Rotary magazine shall be sent to each district Extension Officer for distribution to prospective founder members of clubs in formation at the discretion of the Extension Officer. (D.Exec.1998/99:40) The appointed person on the Membership Committee responsible for Extension (New Clubs Formation) shall be known as the RIBI Extension (New Clubs Formation) Officer and shall have authority to deal with extension matters including admission of new clubs on behalf of the Membership Committee. (GC.1998/99:54) The sum of up to £150 shall be made available to District Extension (New Clubs Formation) officers towards the cost of the first Interest meeting in forming a new Rotary club. (D.Exec.2006/07:47)

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The £15 RIBI admission fee for the Charter members of a new Rotary club shall be the pound sterling equivalent of the admission fees of RI. (GC.2008/09:17) The RIBI General Secretary shall, in line with RI practice, have the authority to determine whether the name of a proposed new Rotary club is appropriate, and to reject any proposed name for a new club or proposed change of name for an existing club, if the proposed name is apt to cause dissension with any neighbouring club or be needlessly confusing. The General Secretary shall in all cases inform the chairman of the RIBI Membership Committee of such action. (D.Exec.2008/09:56)

The District Extension (New Clubs Formation) Officer shall be encouraged to appoint regional assistants to implement the new clubs formation programme. Any expenditure incurred will be met out of the RIBI Extension (New Clubs Formation) budget. (GC.2008/09:58) As the official appointed to represent the interests of RI in all extension matters, the Extension (New Clubs Formation) Officer shall be the first point of contact on all Extension (New Clubs Formation) issues. (GC.2008/09:61) The General Council delegates to the RIBI Extension (New Clubs Formation) Officer the power to: (a) supervise in accordance with the RI By-laws the extension of Rotary within RIBI by the formation of

new clubs and districts; (b) deal with any points arising out of a club's application for membership in Rotary International.



The Rotary Club of Sutton-in-Ashfield may circulate all clubs in GB&I with details of their annual Knock-out Golf Competition. (GC.1993/94:24) All clubs participating in Stroke Awareness Day events in conjunction with the Stroke Association should register with the Stroke Association, and inform the Stroke Association of the names of the individuals who will carry out the testing, in order to be eligible for insurance cover arranged by the Stroke Association. (GC.2010/11:79) An RIBI Community Emergency Support Officer shall be established, under the remit of the RIBI Community Service Committee. (D.Exec.2011/12:14) The RIBI Resilience Group shall be renamed the RIBI Community Emergency Support Officer. (GC.2012/13:59) District Resilience Chairman shall be retitled District Community Emergency Support Officer. (GC.2012/13:60)

Environment Sustainability Group Note: The RIBI Environmental Group was renamed the RIBI Environmental Sustainability Group in 2012/13. An RIBI Environmental Sustainability Group shall be established, under the remit of the RIBI Community Service Committee, to promote, co-ordinate and establish environmental projects throughout GB&I within the existing committee budget. (GC.2005/06:42) Districts shall be required to appoint Environment Officers. (GC.2006/07:46)

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The Chairman of the RIBI Environmental Sustainability Group shall be invited to attend the RIBI Community Service Committee meetings when environmental issues are to be considered. (GC.2006/07:76) An RIBI Environmental Group Sustainability shall be established, under the remit of the RIBI Community Committee to promote, co-ordinate and establish environmental projects throughout GB&I within the existing committee budget. (GC.2010/11:101 amends GC.2005/06:42) The Climate Change Policy shall replace the existing RIBI Global Warming Policy and be adopted by RIBI with immediate effect. (GC.2014/15:15)


Details from abroad of forthcoming inter-country meetings and conferences of Rotarians in EEMA may be circulated to Rotary clubs in GB&I with the approval of the President of RIBI. (GC.1988/89 Min 29(c)(ix)) International Service awards bearing the name of the recipient shall be supplied to clubs free of charge upon the recommendation of the chairman of the RIBI International Service Committee, to whom applications shall be made setting out the justification for the award. (D.Exec.1995/96:26) Connecticut Trophy The District Governor of District 7980 (the District which gave the Connecticut Trophy) shall be informed each year by the RIBI International Service Committee Chairman of the winning District of the project for which the trophy had been awarded. (GC.2012/13:126 amends GC.1978/79 Minute 11(e)(v)) & GC.2005/06:13) RIBI International Service Committee shall establish an Inter-Country Committee (ICC) between RIBI and Romania & the Republic of Moldova to increase international understanding and goodwill by encouraging Rotarians to visit each other's countries and Districts. (D.Exec.2013/14.15) The Association shall introduce individual awards to celebrate International Women’s Day, International Men’s Day and International Children’s Day. The awards shall be made annually and awarded on Paul Harris’s birthday. To be organised under the remit of the RIBI International Service Committee. (GC.2014/15:16)


With immediate effect, the RIBI Youth Service Committee shall appoint an additional member with the primary responsibility to promote and manage New Generation Service Exchange (NGSE). The secondary responsibility would be to work with, and on, other RIBI Youth Service projects as requested by the RIBI Youth Service Chairman, (GC.2013/14:28) Conference The conference registration fee shall not be payable by persons under 19 years of age at the commencement of the conference, thus encouraging family attendances and allowing all Interactors and Rotakids to attend free of charge. (D.Exec.1993/94:46, amended by GC.2012/13:95) Current members of overseas GSE teams; current overseas Youth Exchange students and current overseas Rotary Foundation scholars may attend the RIBI Conference without the payment of a registration fee, as guests of Rotarians. (GC.1995/96:14)

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Competitions All offers to host the national finals of any RIBI Youth Service Competition shall be submitted to the Youth Service Committee via the RIBI Youth Service Chairman. The decision as to which district hosts any of the RIBI Youth Service Finals shall be the responsibility of the Youth Service Committee, subject to approval by the General Council. (GC.2001/02:15, amended by GC.2012/13:96) The RIBI Technology Tournament shall be overseen by an RIBI Technology Tournament Steering Group, who shall report to the Youth Service Committee. (D.Exec.2011/12:12) The budgets for Youth Service competitions shall be agreed with the incumbent and where possible the incoming Youth Service Chairman following discussions with the RIBI Treasurer annually in a timely manner to allow the RIBI Treasurer to set the RIBI Youth Service budget.(GC.2012/13:100) Interact The district governor shall be encouraged to present the Charter of a new Interact Club at a meeting of the sponsoring Rotary Club with the new Interactors present. (D.Exec.1998/99:38) The following RIBI Interact Rally Cancellation Policy shall be adopted:-

1. The minimum number of registrations shall be *25 Interactors from 2 or more districts. 2. Should registration figures fail to meet the above level, a minimum of *60 days prior to the event,

the IMDR shall be cancelled so as not to incur any costs. 3. In the event of the cancellation, the Steering Group shall immediately notify districts, the RIBI

Youth Service Committee Chairman, the RIBI President and the RIBI Secretariat. *these are the minimum number and timescale required by RIBI, however, they should be reviewed, at the onset of administration arrangements, in line with the contracted numbers and cancellation policy of the individual venue to be used and amended as required so as not to incur any costs to the Association. (D.Exec.2011/12:23 amended by GC.2012/13:103) An award to be determined by the Youth Service Committee shall be presented annually at the Interact Multi District Rally to the value of £50 to be donated to the chosen charity of the winning district for the best club presentations of Interact projects completed in the previous calendar year. (GC.2011/12:14) Rotakids Rotakids will be recognised as a project within RIBI with immediate effect (GC.2010/11:70) The Association shall allow membership to RotaKids for students under the age of 7 years and over the age of 12 years when the Student Body already includes youths of 7 – 12 years. (D.Exec.2014/15:26) ROTARACT (RGBI) A citation is to be presented at the annual RIBI conference to the district which has, in the opinion of the Rotaractors, given the most support to Rotaract in the previous Rotary year. (D.Exec.1993/94:54) The chairman of Rotaract in Great Britain & Ireland shall be invited to attend the RIBI Service Committee Chairmen audio-conference as a member (without vote). (GC.2012/13:39 amends GC.2010/11:03)

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The Rotaract representative on the RIBI Service Committee Chairmen’s audio-conference, plus partner, shall be invited to the Annual Conference at RIBI cost. (GC.2012/13:39 amends GC.1989/90:143) The Rotaract multi-district chairmen's organisation, set up for the purpose of disseminating information and facilitating communication between Rotaract clubs in GB&I is approved, subject to the provisions established by the Board of Directors of RI viz: a) approval is secured from the Board of Directors of RI to develop such an organisation; b) one Rotaract representative of each district in GB&I shall comprise the membership of the

organisation; c) funds needed to implement the organisation's activities shall be obtained from Rotaractors on a

voluntary basis only; d) the organisation shall have no decision making or legislative powers, except for decisions concerning

the activities of the organisation, for which each district Rotaract representative shall have one vote. (GC.1992/93:21) A member of the RIBI Service committee chairmen’s audio-conference shall, if invited, attend the quarterly Council meetings and four Executive Committee meetings of Rotaract in GB&I at the expense of the Association within budgetary provisions. (GC.2012/13:39 amends D.Exec.1999/00:7) Districts shall provide financial support for the training sessions for incoming Rotaract club officers in accordance with para. 25(c) of the Revised Statement of Policy relating to Rotaract in RI. (GC.1988/89 Min. 53.1(m)(iv) updated by GC.2010/11:53) District Rotaract Chairmen shall visit each Rotaract club annually, if possible with the District Rotaract representative, to re-enforce Rotary’s commitment to Rotaract, and Rotaract’s commitment to service. (D.Exec.1996/97:56 updated D.Exec.2010/11:51) Each year the General Council shall invite the RGBI Chairman, or an alternative Rotaractor, or a group of Rotaractors, to make a presentation at the RIBI Conference during a plenary session. (GC.2002/03:21) The General Council shall request the district governor to consider that at each District Conference there is a presentation about Rotaract with a report on the same by the RIBI Representative. (GC.2002/03:25) The General Council shall request the District Governor to consider that at each District Assembly there is a presentation about Rotaract. (GC.2002/03:26) Copies of newly-issued Rotaract literature shall be supplied to District Rotary Rotaract Committee Chairmen, and District Rotaract Chairmen free of charge. (D.Exec.1990/91:18) A quarterly news sheet to all District Rotaract representatives, District Rotaract Chairmen and district governors may be issued by the RIBI Rotaract Committee. (D.Exec.1994/95:50 updated D.Exec.2010/11:52) RGBI shall be allocated a budget on an annual basis with an amount agreed annually by the Hon. Treasurer. Rotaract to advise the Hon. Treasurer of their proposed requirements by 30th September of the preceding Rotary year for budget consideration. D.Exec.2010/11:04 District Rotary Rotaract Officers shall attend a one day Workshop to be organised annually by the Rotaract Committee. The RGBI Chairman, RGBI Executive and District Rotaract Chairmen shall be invited to attend at the expense of the Association. (GC.2011/12:31) Districts shall appoint a District Rotaract Chairman autonomous from Youth Service. (GC.2014/15:28)


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A RIBI Vocational Service Committee shall be established to raise awareness of Vocational service within RIBI as an integral element of Rotary Service. The group to comprise one PDG as chair and up to four other members. (GC.2010/11:68)


The Constitution of the Districts Youth Exchange Association has been accepted by Rotary International as a satisfactory alternative to the certification requirement for districts to be incorporated bodies. The Constitution was adopted at the General Council meeting held on 1 June 2008 (minute A management committee now operates the affairs of this Association, which is subject to the oversight of the General Council of RIBI. RIBI will review funding requests from the DYEA based on applications supported by budgets/accounts (GC.2012/13:41) Districts shall appoint a District Youth Exchange Officer who is not the Youth Service Chairman, and who shall be responsible for conforming with RI Certification requirements. Any new officer shall be in place before 31st January of the year commencing 1st July in which they shall assume their full duties. To facilitate the successful completion of all exchanges and reporting procedures, the retiring district officer shall work alongside the new officer and the changeover shall be completed by 1st October. (GC.2010/11:36) The RIBI District Youth Exchange Association shall be requested to present annual accounts to 31st August each year to the RIBI Treasurer by the following 30th November. (GC.2010/11:103 amended GC.2013/14:70) All districts participating in Rotary International Youth Exchange programmes in Great Britain & Ireland are required to be members of the RIBI DYEA (GC.2013/14:70) For insurance purposes it is essential that RIBI have access to the name and contact details of all students accepted for the Youth Exchange programme in Great Britain & Ireland, be they inbound or outbound, and also those of the volunteers connected with them. This information should be submitted to the DYEA Management Committee at least two weeks before an exchange takes place. (GC.2013/14:70)


The Association shall adopt the policies of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation and elect or appoint District Rotary Foundation chairmen for a three-year term. (GC.2006/07:74) A list of fund raising ideas shall be published on the RIBI website by the Rotary Foundation Committee, who will be responsible for reviewing and updating the list annually. (GC.2009/10:77) Districts shall be encouraged to prepare out-going scholars. (D.Exec.2010/11:27) The Rotary Foundation Trustee within RIBI shall receive a copy of the RIBI Rotary Foundation Committee minutes. (D.Exec.2011/12:18) That the RIBI Foundation Committee membership shall constitute those Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators (RRFC) appointed for Zones 17 & 18a along with up to six Assistant Coordinators (ARFC) with a Liaison District Governor, non-voting, in attendance. The Foundation Trustee in GB&I would be an ex-officio member of the committee. The Chairman of the Committee to be appointed by the RIBI Appointments Committee. (GC.2012/13:124 amends GC.2011/12:30) RF(UK)

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HM Revenue & Customs has confirmed that any donations to the Rotary Foundation made by Rotary Clubs out of their charitable funds will be regarded as a charitable application of those funds. (GC.1950/51 Minute 7 M.279 and Inspector of Taxes' letter of 11 April '69 in RIS-G, GC.1982/83 Minute 27 Executive Item 5(a)) Where possible all contributions to the Rotary Foundation from clubs and districts in GB&I shall be channelled through RF(UK). (D.Exec.1994/95:29) The monthly RF(UK) Contribution Reports (district contributions only) shall be published to district Foundation Chairman. (D.Exec.2001/02:17) The RIBI Foundation Committee shall publish a Gift Aid leaflet to encourage tax beneficial giving to the Rotary Foundation incorporated into Sustaining Members, Donating by cheque/standing order leaflets. (D.Exec.2000/01:23) Subject to the approval of the Trustees the management of the Rotary Foundation (UK) shall be exercised by the General Secretary of RIBI from Alcester. The RIBI Rotary Foundation Committee shall provide appropriate assistance in terms of promotion and advice as to wills, covenants and bequests. (D.Exec.1994/95:30 amended by GC.2009/10:81) Link Weekend Where the Link Weekend clashes with a District Conference, incoming scholars to that District shall be encouraged to attend the District Conference although every effort should be made to attend both events. (GC.1987/88 Minute 22(a) (viii)) The Link Weekend Guidelines shall be revised to include the following: i) The programme shall have a minimum of five hours devoted to seminars, discussions and lectures

giving assistance and advice to the participating students; ii) The Foundation Trustee shall be encouraged to take an active role in the planning and delivery of

the programme, which shall be approved by the Trustee, prior to the receipt of Rotary Foundation funding;

iii) A full report, including a financial statement, shall be submitted to the meeting of the RIBI Foundation committee immediately following the holding of the Link Weekend event.

(GC.2002/03:12), (GC.2006/07:15) In the absence of the RIBI President, the Vice President shall be invited to attend the annual Foundation Link Weekend. (D.Exec.1998/99:39) A budget of £4,000 shall be made available for the 2015 Link Weekend (D.Exec.2013/14:06)

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CONTINUITY (PRESIDENCY) Where possible the President of RIBI and the President of Inner Wheel shall meet privately each year to discuss items of mutual interest. (D.Exec.1995/96:60) The President will chair Presidency Continuity meetings; any further training requirements identified from the meetings will be requested from LDTC. (D.Exec.2009/10:2) The President and Vice President shall both be ex-officio members of the RIBI Service committees. Either may attend any meeting of those committees as they may deem necessary. (GC.2011/12:66) In consultation with the RIBI Service Committee Chairmen, the VP as the Chairman of the Service committee chairmans’ group shall determine the format and frequency of the audio meetings, including the compilation of the sub groups for audio meetings. The format shall be reviewed on an annual basis. (D.Exec.2012/13:15) The President and Vice President, if attending, shall each write a report to General Council on their attendance at the RI Convention setting out

a) Their review of the plenary sessions and breakout groups attended. b) The benefit to RIBI of their attendance at the Convention (GC.2012/13:13)

The Honorary Treasurer shall monitor the expenditure within the budget of the Presidency, particularly in relation to the approval of travel and accommodation costs incurred for club and district visits and other events, and liaise with the officers on any anticipated overspend of budgets (GC.2012/13:42)


Meetings of the Council of Past Presidents shall be held at the Secretariat Offices, Alcester with accommodation booked by the Secretariat. (D.Exec.2004/05:02) The General Council shall encourage all Past Presidents of RIBI to continue their active interest in Rotary. (GC.2007/08:39) The General Secretary shall attend the meetings of the Council of Past Presidents for the duration of the meeting (GC.2008/09:77)


The meeting of past and outgoing Officers of RI held in conjunction with the annual RIBI Assembly shall be chaired by a Rotarian appointed by the Leadership Development & Training Committee. (GC.2000/01:48

The Past Officers Group at RIBI Assembly shall submit their report to the LDTC and the VP to whose Assembly the report refers. (D.Exec.2008/09:84)


The term of office for new Premises Trustees shall be seven years and at all times each shall be Rotarians holding membership in clubs within RIBI. The Premises Trustees must confer with the General Council before making an appointment in accordance with current practice. (GC.2009/10:31) Since the Trustees are the legal owners of the premises no significant changes in use or major capital works shall be authorised by the General Council without the approval of the Trustees. (GC.2012/13:115 amends GC.1989/90:34)

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When major building works are contemplated at the Secretariat, no contracts shall be signed without the approval of the Premises Trustees after receipt of appropriate professional advice. (GC.2012/13:116 amends D.Exec.1995/96:56) Every fifth year the Premises Trustees shall commission a full structural survey of the RIBI Secretariat offices. They shall also hold an annual meeting at Alcester to review defect reports and, where necessary, shall report their proposals to the Executive Committee giving, for the information of the Hon Treasurer, the anticipated costs of remedial work. (GC.1996/97:56) The General Secretary is empowered to make decisions on urgent Health & Safety or Building maintenance requirements within the budget allocation. (GC.2012/13:119 amends D.Exec.2010/11:18) The Secretariat will occupy the premises until 2020 at the earliest. (GC.2012/13:121 amends GC.2010/11:107) To re-furbish the remaining part of the Secretariat building including the provision of a lift (GC.2012/13:87)


The General Council confirm the trustees of the Rotary International In Great Britain & Ireland (RIBI) donations trust as Greg Thacker as Chairman for a further year, Nigel Barnfield RIBI Hon. Treasurer), Peter Davey (President), Peter Offer (Rotary International Director), Ron Daniels (RIBI International Service Committee Chairman) and Mukesh Malhotra (RIBI Community Service Committee Chairman). (GC.2015/16:04 amending GC.2008/09:47 & GC2013/14:22)

STRATEGIC PLANNING Districts to consider appointing a District Strategic Planning Officer. (GC.2008/09:80)

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Membership The RIBI Appointments Board comprises the President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President (Chairman) Vice President Elect and the Hon. Treasurer (all voting members) together with the RI Director, the RI Director-Elect and the General Secretary (non-voting members) (GC.1996/97:23) Appointments With immediate effect, the Appointments Board shall meet before the end of the calendar year to consider and appoint incoming committee chairmen and members; together with facilitators and AG group leaders, who will have been recommended by the Leadership Development & Training Committee. (GC.2010/11:4) RIBI has a policy that includes a requirement for a job description and person specification. This will be published for candidates to make application for the post of RIBI President, RIBI Honorary Treasurer and Rotary International Director. The candidates will be assessed by the Selection Advisory Committee (SAC) against those criteria in order to be eligible for election. (GC.2015/16:8) With regard to length of membership on committees: that no individual should serve more than three years as an ordinary member on a particular committee; no individual should serve no more than three years as chair of the committee; the total period of service as an ordinary member and chair on a particular committee should not exceed five years. (GC.1997/98:37 amended by GC.2014/15:41) The Appointments Board shall also recommend appointment of an RIBI Compliance Officer who is supported by the General Secretary. (Conf.2008 – ref CLP) The Executive Committee can, on behalf of the General Council, ratify the appointments recommended. (GC.1988/89) The membership of the RIBI Membership Committee shall be increased in size by the appointment of an RIBI Extension (New Clubs Formation) Officer. This additional member may be a past district governor or a district specialist appointment. (GC.2005/06:27) A Rotaract Representative shall be appointed onto the Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) Membership, Development & Retention (MDR) Committee. (D.Exec.2014/15:17) The Finance Committee shall consist of the Hon. Treasurer as chairman and four members two of whom shall have accounting qualifications. (GC.2006/07:27) The Appointments Board shall ensure that one member of the RIBI Youth Service committee shall have experience of Interact. (GC.2006/07:34) The Chief SAA, Assistant Chief SAA and two SAAs for the RIBI Assembly shall be appointed by the Appointments Board. (GC.2008/09:28) The Appointments Board will consider nominations and make its recommendations to the Executive Committee. However, if a nomination is not received for a district specialist appointment or in the opinion of the Appointments Board, the nominees are not considered as having the relevant qualifications, the Appointments Board shall have the authority to recommend one or more Rotarians to serve on the relevant committee which will include at least two PDGs. (GC.2008/09:30) The Association shall adopt the policies of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation and elect or appoint district Rotary Foundation chairmen for a three-year term. (GC.2006/07:74)

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Application forms for RIBI Committee Membership shall be sent out from the RIBI Secretariat to all 3rd Year District Service Chairmen by 15th August. (D.Exec.2008/09:77) DGNs shall elect, from their group, two members and two deputies to serve on the RIBI Executive Committee. Such appointments shall be for a maximum of 3 years (as DGE, DG and IPDG). Any such appointment shall not preclude further service on any other RIBI committee, but such may not be held concurrently. (GC.2001/02:69) Liaison Governors From 1st July 2016, Liaison Governors (LGs) will no longer be appointed to Service Committees. (GC.2015/16:24) Post Appointment The Association shall be represented on any organising committee(s) of any national competition with which RIBI is officially involved. (GC.1987/88 Minute 22(c)(iv)) All Rotarians appointed, invited, elected or selected to represent RIBI on the boards, councils or governing body of other organisations shall report on an annual basis on the extent of their involvement to the relevant committee of RIBI for the information of the General Council. All such Rotarians shall be listed and their appointments reviewed annually by the Executive Committee. (GC.1989/90:51) Incoming members of RIBI committees shall, once their appointments have been confirmed, be supplied with the minutes of the most recent meeting of the committee to which they have been appointed. (GC.1990/91:91) RIBI committee chairmen and members who are not continuing in office in the next Rotary year shall be notified by the Vice President at the earliest opportunity. (D.Exec.1997/98:29 amended D.Exec.2010/11:42) A role profile for committee members shall be provided for each of the Service committees to be distributed with the letter of appointment. (D.Exec.2002/03:11) District Appointments Districts are encouraged to nominate Rotarians (including PDGs), who have a specialist interest or knowledge, to each RIBI committee. With the exception of serving governors and governors elect, eligibility for RIBI committees shall be open to all Rotarians. (GC.1997/98:33) As the representative of the President of Rotary International, it shall be the duty of the district governor to make charter presentations to newly formed Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs. (GC.1997/98:47)

District Councils shall be encouraged to nominate the most suitably qualified past officer of Rotary International for membership of the Selection Advisory Committees. The nomination not necessarily to be the Immediate Past District Governor. (GC.2006/07:22) Districts may appoint District Emergency Coordinators and implement a District Emergency policy (GC.2008/09:93) Assistant Governors

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A Rotarian who has held membership, other than honorary, in good standing in a club in the district for at least three years; and has served as president of a club for a full term, shall be eligible for election to the office of assistant governor. (GC.1997/98:13) An election to the office of assistant governor is for one year only. (GC.1997/98:14) An Assistant Governor shall be appointed a member of the District Executive Committee. (GC.1997/98:17) Time served as an Assistant Governor in one district shall not be taken into account when calculating the number of years to be served in another district. (GC.2004/05:63)

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The flag of the Republic of Ireland should be included when a display of flags is appropriate. (Item 16 (d) M. 89 GC 64/65) The Union Flag alone is flown to represent all the countries & principalities of the United Kingdom. (GC.1973/74 Minute 1 (b)) confirmed by Exec.2.10.91) Recommendations as at January 1978 approved by General Council: (GC.1977/78 Minute 27 Att.14M.208) (i) Reports of meetings of Board of Directors of RI and RIBI General Council shall be preserved in

perpetuity. (ii) Index to continuing General Council Decisions shall be maintained. (iii) Club histories and data where available shall be held at the Secretariat. (iv) Archivist to attempt to make a comprehensive collection of pamphlets published by RIBI from

earliest times onwards, together with an index. Any member of the Secretariat involved with a national competition shall report to the Executive Committee and General Council through the appropriate Service Committee. (GC.1987/88 Minute 22(a)(v)) As the experience and ability of staff permits, committee meetings shall be serviced by a minute secretary only, provided that: (GC.1989/90:164) a) a chairman shall have the power to invite the attendance of the relevant department head for

specific items of business, AND b) there shall be pre and post meeting briefings involving the Chairman, Vice President, Minute

Secretary and the relevant head of department. Wherever possible, the planning of the RIBI calendar of meetings shall take account of meeting dates for the Board of RI, in so far as these are known, so as to provide maximum opportunity for the attendance of the RI Director at meetings of the RIBI General Council and Executive Committee. (GC.1989/90:197) The General Secretary of the Association, and all other Rotarian employees, are precluded from taking any Rotary office outside the club of which they are a member other than as a member of, but not as chairman of, any district committee. (D.Exec.1992/93:12) Partners of senior RIBI staff members may attend specific RIBI events, with the express permission of the RIBI President. (D.Exec.1995/96:66) To provide the Association with the expertise internally to handle media enquiries, the General Secretary of the Association shall receive media training. (GC.1997/98:83) Details of forthcoming RIBI events to be held at RI Conventions shall be sent to all clubs within RIBI in an appropriate mailing. (GC.1998/99:59) The General Secretary’s job description will be amended to include focus on developing external relationships on behalf of the Association. (D.Exec:2010/11:17) In the absence of the General Secretary, the Head of Finance or Head of Club & District Support as appropriate, will assume the General Secretary’s responsibilities. (GC.2010/11:73) Brewin Dolphin Investment portfolio signatories shall be the Head of Finance, The General Secretary and The Hon. Treasurer.(GC.2013/14:23) The committee recommend that the staff appraisals of the General Secretary be carried out on a regular basis. (GC.2010/11:106)

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The administration of the RIBI Presidential Handover Event can be undertaken by the RIBI Secretariat. A self-financing budget has to be agreed with the Hon. Treasurer in advance of the event. (D.Exec.2014/15:12) RIBI LIMITS OF AUTHORITY accepted 3rd/4th February 2013 (GC.2012/13:56) Purchases or contracts Limit Heads of CDS and Head of Finance up to £500 General Secretary £501 to £10,000 (excl. VAT)

General Secretary + RIBI President or Hon. Treasurer > £10,000 Cheque or BACS payments General Secretary and Head of Finance or Head of CDS for amounts up to £12,000 (calculated as £10,000 + related VAT). Hon. Treasurer and General Secretary (or Head of Finance or Head of CDS if General Secretary is absent) for amounts in excess of £12,000.

1 No person shall commit the Association to pay for the provision of goods or services without first

having provided an estimated cost to the General Secretary or Head of Department and having a signed purchase order (GC.1990/91:31).

2 All orders issued on behalf of the Association for the provision of goods or services shall be issued by

the Secretariat (GC.1990/91:32). 3 The General Secretary is the sole signatory on orders up to £10,000 and co-signatory with the

President or Treasurer on orders in excess of £10,001, subject to relevant standing decisions. 4 The General Secretary is authorised to negotiate and settle contracts in advance relating to the

provision of services in accordance with the provisions set out in this document as follows:

Annual conference – all services including venue, subject to agreement with the Hon. Treasurer

Annual Assembly – all services including venue, subject to agreement with the Hon. Treasurer

Insurance - appointment of insurance brokers, renewal of annual insurance policies and premiums, subject to agreement with the Hon. Treasurer and official RIBI insurance advisor.

5 The Association’s annual audit shall be put out to tender every five years. (D.Exec.2006/07:25).

Note: Reappointment is confirmed each year at the Business Meeting. The General Secretary and/or RIBI Treasurer is authorised to invite tenders from eligible firms of accountants for the audit of the accounts of the Association and, in consultation with the Hon Treasurer, negotiate and settle with the appointed firm, in accordance with the provisions set out in this document.

6 No purchase orders will be raised in excess of £10,000 without notifying and obtaining approval of

the majority of the Executive committee in advance. 7 It is recommended that three quotations shall be obtained for orders placed for goods and services

over £1,000. It is mandatory that three quotations shall be obtained for orders placed for goods and services in excess of £5,000 unless exceptionally agreed by the Executive. (D.Exec.2005/06:2).

8 In cases of rental or lease agreements which are settled by instalments, the total value of the

agreement must be taken and the above limits applied to the sum total.

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9 Agreements, contracts or trading relationships with contractors or agencies for a continuous supply

of services provided to the Association, including IT support, printing services, marketing and PR support, will be negotiated and agreed by the General Secretary provided that:

services and trading terms are reviewed on an annual basis

where any specific item under the agreement exceeds £10,000 + VAT, Executive committee approval will be required in advance.

alternative quotes are obtained where this could prove beneficial to the Association, with a full re-tendering process carried out every three years.

(the aim is to ensure that RIBI does not put at risk the service level benefits of longer term agreements, but still being aware of risk of complacency, commitment and cost.)

10 Authorisation of contracts for goods and services will be as follows:

Where the Association is committed for a period of up to one year – authorisation and signing by General Secretary

Where the Association is committed for a period between one and five years and relates to Secretariat administrative services – authorisation and signing by General Secretary

Where the Association is committed for a period between one and five years for contracts other than Secretariat administrative services – authorisation and signing by RIBI President or Hon Treasurer and the General Secretary

Where the Association is committed for a period in excess of five years – must be referred to the Executive or General Council for authorisation.

11 All expenditure authorised under these limits must be within existing budgetary provisions, other

than in very exceptional circumstances.

12 The General Secretary will be granted special powers of authority in the event of unforeseen and unusual circumstances, once the agreement of the President, IPP, VP and Hon. Treasurer has been secured.

13 If the General Secretary is absent for a period in excess of 2 weeks, the designated deputy (number 2) will be authorised to deputise as counter-signatory for contracts providing these have been authorised and approved in accordance with the provisions set out in this document.

It is recommended that three quotations shall be obtained for orders placed for goods or services over £1000. It is mandatory that three quotations shall be obtained for orders placed for goods or services in excess of £5000. (D.Exec.2005/06:2) The General Secretary is empowered to make decisions on urgent Health & Safety or Building maintenance requirements within the budget allocation. (D.Exec.2010/11:18) The ‘History of RIBI’ since 2005 shall be recorded annually by RIBI staff and edited by an appointed editor every 5 years (D.Exec.2008/09:65) Clubs and districts may hire flags, flag-stands and flag-spreaders from RIBI when acceptable conditions of hire, including a substantial deposit to cover losses and damage, have been approved by the President and the General Secretary. (GC.1996/97:08) Two sets of flags, flag stands, the central spreader, lectern and bell, shall be provided for the RI Zones 17-18a Institute free of hire charges. (GC.1996/97:12)

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The RIBI Secretariat Staff shall be responsible for granting refunds of registration fees in accordance with the principles approved by the General Council, except in particularly complex cases or when an appeal is made in which case the matter shall be considered by the Conference Executive Committee. (GC.1982/83 Min 54(c) Exec 64 and GC.1983/84 Min 29(a) Exec 4). The guidelines for the refund of conference registration fees shall be as follows. (a) for any cancellation received more than 28 days before the first day of conference the full refund

shall be given, without deductions for administrative charges; (b) for any cancellation received less than 28 days before the first day of conference a refund of half the

fees shall be given; (c) for any cancellation received during the 28 days before the first day of conference or within 28 days of the last day of conference that is caused by illness or bereavement the full refund shall be given, without deductions for administrative charges. (GC.2009/10:111)

The following is the agreement for event attendance by the General Secretary:

Assembly Planning Weekend Not required

RIBI Leadership Assembly Full duration

RIBI Executive Full duration

RIBI General Council Full duration

RIBI Conference Full duration

RIBI Business Session Full duration

DGE Seminar Partial attendance

Districts (including Councils & Assemblies)

By invitation. Full expenses to be provided by the District. General Secretary claims from RIBI, RIBI invoices District.

Council of Past Presidents Full duration

RIBI Committee events By invitation and by consent of the Executive

RI Development, Evanston Annual visit, agenda as agreed with Executive

RIBI Handover Full duration

Assembly Planning Seminar Not required

Clubs A maximum of 10 visits in any one year with proviso of DG notice; payment of expenses by the inviting club and several clubs being in attendance.

Rotaract Conference Not required

RIBI Interact Rally Not required

RI Assembly Not required

RI Convention Every three years

RI Institute (UK) Full duration

RI Institute (Europe) Full duration

RI COL Full duration (combined with annual visit to RI in that year)

(GC.2010/11:80 amends GC.2010/11:06, further amendments through GC.2011/12:18) General Council recommend that a training programme shall be developed for the General Secretary to incorporate visits to Evanston and financial implications thereof in line with the report written on 4th August 2011 to continue professional development (GC.2012/13:18) Contracts shall be negotiated for not less than 3 years and up to 5 years for the venues of regularly occurring events to ensure that the best quality and price are obtained. (D.Exec.2009/10:31) Minute taking Minutes should record decisions and action points, not discussion and opinions. Deadlines for action and the member responsible should also be recorded. A more detailed narrative will also be kept for the records. (D.Exec.2009/10:40)

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Club and District Support department to formally minute only the three meetings that are diarised for each Service committee during the Rotary year (D.Exec.2012/13:12) Minutes of the General Council and all RIBI Committees shall accurately reflect matters discussed and decisions made in the order in which they were taken at the meeting (GC.2012/13:9) The new decision recording procedure shall be adopted as outlined by the President, which records brief statements and decisions, without reference to individual contributors. Minutes are finalised by the President and circulated to the committee before upload to the member’s area of the RIBI website. (GC.2014/15:12) RIBI Directory The RIBI Directory shall contain a brief description of the Secretariat staff structure and shall identify members of the management team together with a brief outline of their areas of responsibility. (GC 1989/90:163) The Charity Commission shall be supplied with the RIBI directory on an annual basis on an undertaking to use the information contained therein only for the purposes of tracing the trustees of charitable Rotary trusts and registered Rotary charities on their register. (D.Exec.1992/93:07) Amendments to the RIBI Directory shall no longer be issued to clubs. (GC.1993/94:49) The details of "District Training Chairmen" shall be included in the district section of the RIBI Directory. (GC.1994/95:36) Details of the Past Hon. Treasurers of RIBI and widows of Past Presidents of RIBI shall be included in the RIBI Directory. (D.Exec.1994/95:58) Details of the name, address and telephone number of the chairman of Rotaract in Great Britain & Ireland shall be printed in the RIBI Directory (D.Exec.1996/97:57) Where a district has separate Community and Vocational Service Committees, this fact shall be reflected in the district section of the RIBI Directory. (GC.2000/01:46) RIBI Compliance Officer shall be included in the RIBI Directory. (D.Exec.2003/04:22) All RI and TRF appointments relating to RIBI shall be published in the RIBI Directory. (GC.2006/07:58) The Chairman of the RIBI Environmental sub-committee shall be included in RIBI Directory. (GC.2006/07:75) The contact details for District Alumni Officers and District Grants Officers shall be published in the RIBI Directory. (D.Exec.2007/08:30) District RYLA Officers shall be listed in the RIBI Directory under Youth Service Committee. (GC.2008/09:24) District Alumni and District Grants Officers shall be listed under District Rotary Foundation Chairman in the RIBI Directory. (GC.2008/09:25) District Marketing Officers shall be listed under District Communication Officers in the RIBI Directory. (GC.2008/09:34)

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Officers of the RIBI Districts Youth Exchange Association and RIBI Donations Trust trustees to be included in the RIBI Directory. (GC.2008/09:85) RIBI Official Directory shall not to be sent to organisations without the specific consent of the General Council. (GC.1988/89 Mins 7(k) and 23(a)(i)(c) amended by GC.2009/10:15) (Note: General Council has agreed to supply two copies annually to the Charity Commissioners to assist them in their liaison with the trustees of registered Rotary club Charity Funds.) From the 2010/11 edition onwards, the RIBI Directory will no longer be produced in printed or CD format. The information previously contained within the RIBI Directory will be available to download from the members’ area of the RIBI Website and will be regularly updated to ensure accuracy. A limited number of hard copies of the RIBI Directory shall be available for purchase in the RIBI Shop. (GC.2009/10:15 amended by GC.2011/12:60) Effective from 2010/11 Directory, a Data Protection statement will be included on each page of the RIBI Directory. (D.Exec.2009/2010:41)


RIBI will retain one copy of the RI magazines and historical RI constitutional documents and release any duplicates to the RI library subject to review of the content relating to RIBI. (GC.2010/11:87)

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Appendix A - The Single Transferable Vote: How it works (August 2011)

As our election system in Rotary is largely based on what is known as the ‘The Single Transferable Vote’ system, it is most important to know how this system works. It may also be used by Districts if there are three or more nominees for District Office.

Assume that one candidate is to be selected from among five nominees for a Rotary office. The names of the five nominees (Black, Brown, Green, Grey and White) are printed in that order on a voting slip and the order of preference must be marked against the candidates of choice e.g. a ‘1’ against the first choice, a ‘2’ against the second choice, a ‘3’ against the third choice and so on. NO VOTE SHOULD BE MARKED WITH A CROSS. It is useful to number every candidate on the voting slip but this is not necessary if no opinion is held about some of the candidates.

Assume that 100 valid votes are cast. The scrutineers then sort these 100 into five piles, each pile containing all the votes cast as first choice for a particular candidate. After counting, the result is as follows:

Green = 33 (i.e. 33 voting slips had a ‘1’ against Green) White = 27 (i.e. 27 voting slips had a ‘1’ against White) Grey = 15 Brown = 15 Black = 10

None has secured a majority over all the others combined, some Rotarians might urge that Green should be elected but others might not, possibly on the grounds that if Black had not stood, all their supporters may have voted for White – putting White ahead. To find out if this is the case, Black is declared defeated (eliminated) and each of Black’s papers is transferred to the candidate that those voters marked as ‘2’. The result is as follows:

Green – 33 + 2 = 35 ( 2 delegates voted Black 1, Green 2) White – 27 + 3 = 30 (3 delegates voted Black 1, White 2) Brown – 15 + 3 = 18 (3 delegates voted Black 1, Brown 2) Grey – 15 + 2 = 17 (2 delegates voted Black 1, Grey 2)

Grey is now eliminated and each of Grey’s original 15 votes is transferred to whichever of the three remaining candidates voted as the next choice (‘2’). If any of these original votes is marked ‘2’ for Black, it will go to the third choice. The 2 votes picked up from Black will also go to the third choice. The result is as follows:

White – 30 + 8 = 38 (8 delegates voted Grey 1, White 2) Green – 35 + 2 = 37 (2 delegates voted Grey 1, Green 2) Brown – 18 + 6 = 24 (4 delegates voted Grey 1, Brown 2 and 2 voted Black 1, Grey 2, Brown 3) Non-Transferable – 1 (1 delegate voted Grey 1 and no more)

There is still no absolute majority over all the others combined. Had the result of the second elimination been:

Green – 35 + 16 = 51 White – 30 + 0 = 30 Brown – 18 + 1 =19

there would have been no need to eliminate Brown and redistribute votes because Green would have had an absolute majority as, even if all Brown’s 19 voters had White as their next choice, White could not overtake Green’s 51 votes.

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Brown is now eliminated and those votes re-allocated to either Green or White depending on the higher number of preference. The result is now as follows:

White – 38 + 13 = 51 (13 delegates put White before Green) Green – 37 + 1 = 48 (11 delegates put Green before White)

The 1 non-transferable vote could not have altered the result but if there had been more of them, they might have done. It is unwise not to number all candidates about whom an opinion is held.

If the final result had been a tie between Green and White, whichever of them had received more votes on the first count would have been declared elected. If they were equal on the first count, the one leading on the second count would have been declared elected and so on.

If there is a tie for bottom place, the eliminated candidate is the one who was lowest on the first count (or

on earliest count in which they were unequal). In the unlikely event of their tying all the way, the returning

officer must draw lots.