STAATSKOERANT - · 2 No. 2786 (b) die invoeging in kolom I en 11, onderskeidelii, van...

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28 AUGUSTUS 1970 28 AUGUST [No. 2786




PROKLAMASIES van die Staatspresident van die Republiek

van Suid- A f rika No. R. 207,1970

VERKLARING VAN "KONVENSIELAND Nademaal die toetreding van die Unie van Sosialistiese

Sowjetrepublieke tot die Uniekonvensie van Parys, 20 Maart 1883, vir die Beskerming van Industriele Eiendom, op 17 Maart 1965 van krag geword het;

En nademaal die Republiek van Suid-Afrika lid van genoemde Uniekonvensie van Parys is;

So is dit dat ek kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by die omskrywing van "konvensieland" in artikel 1 van die Wet op Patente, 1952 (Wet 37 van 1952), hierby verklaar dat die Unie van Sosialistiese Sowjetrepublieke 'n "konvensieland" is vir die toepassing van genoemde Wet.

Gegee onder my Hand en die Sed van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Agste dag van Augustus Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-sewentig.

J. J. FOUCHB, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-rade : S . L. MULLER.


Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 27 van die Staatsdienswet, 1957 (Wet 54 van 1957). wysig ek hierby ooreenkomstig die aanbeveling van die Staatsdiens- kommissie, die Eerste Bylae van genoemde Wet met ingang van 1 November 1970, deur-

(a) die skrapping van die uitdrukkings "Departement van Hoer Onderwys" en "Departement van Kultuur- sake" in kolom I en van die uitdrukkings "Sekretaris van H d r Onderwys" en "Sekretaris van Kultuursake" in kolom I1 van genoemde Bylae; en

PROCLAMATIONS by the S m e Presidetlt 01 the Rep~lblic

o f Sou~h Africa No. R. 207, 1970 DECLARATION OF "CONVENTION COUNTRY"

Whereas the accession of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Union Convention of Paris, 20 March 1883, for the Protection of Industrial Property, took effect on 17 March 1965;

And whereas the Republic of South Africa is a member of the said Union Convention of Paris;

Now, therefore, under and by virtue of the powers vested in me by the definition of "convention country" in scction 1 of the Patents Act, 1952 (Act 37 of 1952). I hereby declare the Union of Soviet Socia!ist Republics to be a "convention country" for the purpose of the provisions of the said Act.

Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town on this Eighth day of August, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy.

J. J. FOUCHB, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Council: S. L. MULLER.


Under the powers vested in me by section 27 of the Public Service Act, 1957 (Act 54 of 1957). I hereby amend, in accordance with the recommendation of the Public Service Commission, and with effect from 1 November 1970, the First Schedule to the said Act, by-

(a) the deletion of the phrases "Department of Higher Education" and "Department of Cultural Affairs" in column I and of the phrases "Secretary for Higher Education" and "Secretary for Cultural Affairs" in column I1 of the said Schedule; and


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2 No. 2786

(b) die invoeging in kolom I en 11, onderskeidelii, van genoemde Bylae van die uitdrukkings "Departement van Nasionale Opvoeding" en "Sekretaris van Nasionale Opvoeding". Gegee onder my Hand en die SeEl van die Republiek

van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Agste dag van Augustus Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-sewentig.

J. J. FOUCHfi, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-rade: M. VILJOEN.


Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 20 van die Wet op Aangeleenthede met betrekking tot Suidwes- Afrika. 1969 (No. 25 van 1969). wysig ek hierby, met ingang van 29 Junie 1971, die Ordonnansie op die Beheer van die Suiwelnywerheid, 1962 (No. 29 van 1962), van Suidwes-Afrika, soos in die Bylae hiewan uiteengesit.

Gegee onder my Hand en die S d l van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Twaalfde dag van Augustus Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-sewentig.

J. J. FOUCHB, Staatspresident. Op las van die Staatspresident-in-rade : D. C. H. W S .

BYLAE Die Ordonnansie op die Beheer van die Suiwelnywer-

heid, 1962 (No. 29 van 1962). van Suidwes-Afrika. word hierby gewysig deur subartikels (1). (2) en (3) van artikel 5B deur die volgende subartikels te vervang:

"(1) Die Raad kies so dikwels as wat dit nodig word een van sy lede as Voorsitter en een van sy lede as Ondewoorsitter van die Raad.

(2) Mits hy lid van die Raad bly, beklee die Voor- sitter van die Raad sy amp as voorsitter vir die tydperk wat eindig op die eerste vergadering van die Raad gehou na verstryking van een jaar na die datum van sy ver- kiesing en kan hy as voorsitter herkies word.

(3) Die bepalings van subartikel (2) is mutatis nzutandis van toepassing ten opsigte van die Ondervoorsitter van die Raad."

(b) the insertion in columns I and 11, respectively. of the said Schedule, of the phrases "Department of National Education" and "Secretary for National Education". Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Re ublic of

South Africa at Cape Town on this Eighth day o August. One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy.

P J. J. FOUCHB. State President. By Order of the State President-in-Council : M. VILJOEN.

No. R. 21 5.1970



Nademaal die Minister van Landbou, kragtens artikel 9 (2) (c) van die Bemarkingswet, 1968 (No. 59 van 1968). die Skema wat in die Bylae hiervan verskyn, aangeneem het, en kragtens artikel 12 (1) (b) van genoemde Wet goed- keuring van genoemde Skema aanbeveel het:

So is dit dat ek, kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 14 (1) (a) van genoernde Wet, hierby verklaar dat genoemde Skema op die eerste dag van September

28 A U G U W S 1970 L


Under the powers vested in me by virtue of section 20 of the South-West Africa Affairs Act, 1969 (No. 25 of 1969). I hereby amend. with effect from 29 June 1971. the Dairy Industry Control Ordinance, 1962 (No. 29 of 1962), of South-West Africa, as set out in the Schedule hereto.

Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town on this Twelfth day of August, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy.

J. J. FOUCHB. State President. By Order of the State President-in-Council : D. C. H. W S .

SCHEDULE The Dairy Industry Control Ordinance, 1962 (No. 29

of 1962). of South-West Africa, is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (1). (2) and (3) of section 5B of the following subsections :

"(1) The Board shall whenever it becomes necessary. elect one of its members to be the Chairman and one of its members to be the Vice-chairman of the Board.

(2) The Chairman of the Board shall, subject to his remaining a member of the Board, hold office as chaifi man for the period terminating on the date of the first meeting of the Board held subsequent to the expiration of one year after the date of his election and be eligible for re-election as Chairman.

(3) The provisions of subsection (2) shall mutatis mutandis apply in respect of the Vice-chairman of the Board."

No. R. 215, 1970


Whereas the Minister of Agriculture has, in terms of section 9 (2) (c) of the Marketing Act, 1968 (No. 59 of 1968), accepted the Scheme appearing in the Schedule hereto, and has, in terms of section 12 (1) (b) of the said Act recommended the approval of the said scheme;

Now, therefore, under the powers vested in me by section 14 (1) (a) of the said Act, I do hereby declare that the said scheme shall come into operation on the

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1970 in werking tree, ter vervanging van die Skema v i ~ ,&unaakappelkose en -perskes afgekondig by Proklamasie R. 224 van 19 Augustus 1966.


Gegee onder my Hand en die S&l van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te Kaapstad, op hede die Veertiende dag van Augustus Eenduisend Negehonderd-en-sewentig. J. J. FOUCHe, Staatspresident. Op 1as van die Staatspresident-in-rade :




Woordomskrywing .................................. 1

DEEL I Naam, omvang en toepassing van Skema.. .............. 2-5

DEEL LI Die beheerraad.. ................................... 6-27

DEEL IJI Finanside maatre&. ................................ 28-35

DEEL 1V ............................. Beheer kragtens Skema.. 3-2

DEEL V Diverse bepalings. .................................. 43-44

Woordornskrywing 1. In hierdie Skema, tensy uit die samehang anders

blyk, het 'n woord of uitdrukking waarvan in die Wet 'n betekenis geheg is, 'n ooreenstemmende betekenis, en beteken-

"die Wet", die Bemarkingswet, 1968 (No. 59 van 1968); "hgemaakte produkte", appelkose, perskes of pere wat

in lugdigte houers v e r d is in die vorm van heel appel- kose, perskes of pere, of in gedeeltes, moes, sous, sap, sapkonsentraat, konfyt, konserf of babavoedsel, nadat dit met hitte behandel is;

"inmaak", met betrekking tot inlnaakvrugte as 'n self- standige naamwoord, die verwerking van inmaakvrugte tot ingemaakte produkte, en het dit as 'n werkwoord 'n ooreenstemmende betekenis;

"inmaakvrugte", appelkose, perskes en pere wat in die produksiegebied geproduseer en vir inmaak bestem is;

"inmaker", met betrekking tot inmaakvrugte, iemand wat met inmaakvrugte as 'n besigheid handel deur dit tot ingemaakte produkte te verwerk of dit vir inmaakdoel- eindes te hanteer;

"produksiegebied", die landdrosdistrikte Bellville, Caledon, Calitzdorp, Ceres, Clanwilliam, George, Heidel- berg, Ladismith, Laingsburg, Malmesbury, Montagu, Mosselbaai, Oudtshoorn, Paarl, Piketberg, Prins Albert, Riversdal, Robertson, Somerset-Wes, Stellenbosch, Swel- fendam, Tulbagh, Wellington en Worcester;

"produsent", met betrekking tot- (a) inmaakvrugte, die persoon deur of namens wie die

inmaakvrugte geproduseer word; en (b) 'n hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte wat verkry is van 'n

persoon as vergoeding vir die reg om grond waarop daardie persoon 'n hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte geprodu- seer het, te gebruik, of as beloning vir dienste aan 'n produsent van inmaakvrugte gelewer, die persoon wat daardie hoeveelheid aldus verkry het; "Raad", die by artikel 6 vermelde Raad vir Inmaak-


first day of September 1970, .in substitution for the Capning Apricot and Peach Scheme,. published by Proclamation R. 224 of 19 August 1966.

Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Cape Town on this Fourteenth day of August, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy.

J. J. FOUCHC, State President. By Order of the State President-in-Council : D. C. H. UYS.




Definitions ......................................... 1

PART I ................ Name, scope and application of scheme. 2-5

PART I1 The control board.. ................................. 6 2 7

PART 111 Financial prov~sions.. ............................... 28-35

PART IV Control under scheme.. .............................. 36-42

PART V ........................... Miscellaneous provisions.. 43-44

Drjinitions 1. In this Scheme, unless inconsibtent with the context,

any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act, shall have a corresponding meaning, and-

"Board" means the Canning Fruit Board refcrred to in section 6;

"canned products" means apricots, peaches or pears which have been hermatically sealed in containers in the form of whole apricots, peaches or p a r s or in pieces, pulp, sauce, juice, juice concentrate, jam, conserve or baby food, after it has been treated with heat;

"canner7', in relation to canning fruit, means a person who deals in the course of trade with canning fruit by processing it into canned products, or handling if for canning purposes;

"canning", in relation to canning fruit, as a noun, means the processing of canning fruit into canned products and "cdn" or "canned" as verbs have a corresponding meaning;

"canning fruit" means apricots, peaches and pears produced in the production area and intended for canning;

"producer7', in relation to- (a) canning fruit, means the person by whom or on

whose behalf the canning fruit is produced; and (b) any quantity of canning fruit which has been

acquired from any person as a consideration for the right to use land on which that person has produced a quantity of canning fruit or as remuneration for services rendered to a producer of canning fruit, means the person who so acquired that quantity; "production area" means the Magisterial Districts of

Bellville, Caledon, Calitzdorp, Ceres, Clanwilliam, George, Heidelberg, Ladismith, Laingsburg, Malmesbury, Montagu, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Paarl, Piketberg, Prince Albert, Riversdale, Robertson, Somerset West, Stellenbosch, Swellenclam, Tulbagh, Wellington and Worcester;

"the Act", the Marketing Act 1968 (No. 59 of 1968);

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Naam van Skema 2, Hierdie Skema heet die Skema vir Inmaakvrugte.

Produkte Waarop Skerna Betrekking het 3. (1) Hierdie Skema het betrekking op inmaakvrugte. (2) 'n Voorskrif van, of verbod opgelC of besluit geneem

deur die Raad- (a) met betrekking tot 'n klas inmaakvrugte kan ver-

ski1 van so 'n voorskrif of verbod of besluit met betrek- king tot 'n ander klas inmaakvrugte; of

(b) kan betrekking h& slegs op 'n aangegewe klas inmaakvrugte.

Gebied Waarin Skema van Toepassing is 4. (1) Hierdie Skema is in die Republiek van toepassing. (2) 'n Voorskrif van, of verbod opgelC of besluit

geneem deur die Raad- (a) met betrekking tot 'n gebied waarin hierdie Skema

van toepassing is, of 'n gedeelte van so 'n gebied, kan verskil van so 'n voorskrif of verbod of besluit met betrekking tot 'n ander gebied waarin hierdie Skema van toepassing is, of 'n ander gedeelte van so 'n gebied, na gelang van die geval; of

(b) kan van toepassing wees slegs op een of meer van die gebiede waarin hierdie Skema van toepassing is. of slegs op 'n aangegewe gedeelte van 'n gebied waarin hierdie Skema van toepassing is.

Persone op Wie Skema van Toepassing is 5. Hierdie Skema is van toepassing op die hierinver-

melde persone of klasse van persone wat produsente van inmaakvrugte is of wat met inmaakvrugte as 'n besigheid handel.



6. (1) Hierdie Skema word uitgevoer deur die Beheer- raad ingestel kragtens Proklamasie R. 224 van 1966. soos gewysig, wat voortaan die Raad vir Inmaakvrugte heet.

(2) Die Raad is met regspersoonlikheid beklee en kan in sy eie naam as eiser en venveerder in regte optree en d die handelinge verrig wat nodig is vir of verbonde is a n die bereiking van sy doelstellings en die uitoefening van sy bevoegdhede ingevolge hierdie Skema.

Samestelling 7. (1) Die Raad bestaan uit 12 lede wat behoudens die

bepalings van hierdie Skema deur die Staatspresident aan- gestel word, en van wie-

(a) sewe die verteenwoordigers moet wees van produsente van inmaakvrugte;

(b) vier die verteenwoordigers moet wees van inmakers van inmaakvrugte in die Republiek: Met dien verstande dat minstens een van die verteenwoordigers genomineer moet word om inmakers wat kooperatiewe verenigings is. te verteenwoordig;

(c) een 'n beampte moet wees van bf die Departement van Landbou-ekonomie en -bemarking bf die Departe- ment van Landbou-tegniese Dienste. (2) Die Raad kan hoogstens twee persone as adviserende

lede van die Raad koopteer. Nomineringsliggame

8. (1) Die in artikel 7 (1) (a) bedoelde produsentelede moet vir amstelling in die Raad genomineer word deur 'n organisasie wat na die mening van die Minister ver- teenwoordigend is van produsente van inmaakvrugte.



Name of Scheme 2. This Scheme shall be called the Canning Fruit

Scheme. Products to Which Scheme Relates

3. (1) This Scheme relates to canning fruit. (2) Any requirement of. or prohibition imposed or

jecision taken by, the Board- (a) which relates to any class of canning fruit may

differ from any such requirement or prohibition or decision which relates to any other class of canning fruit;

(b) may relate only to a specified class of canning fruit.

Area in Which Scheme Applies 4. (1) This Scheme shall apply in the Republic. (2) Any requirement of, or prohibition imposed or

lecision taken by, the Board- (a) which relates to any area in which this Scheme

applies, or any portion of any such area, may differ from any such requirement or prohibition or decision which relates to any other area in which this Scheme applies or any other portion of any such area, as the case may be;

(b) may apply to one or more of the areas in which this Scheme applies or to a specified portion only of any area in which this Scheme applies.

Persons to Whom Scheme Applies 5. This Scheme shall apply to the persons or classes of

persons herein referred to who are producers of canning fruit or who deal in the course of trade with canning fruit.



6. (1) This Scheme shall be administered by the Control Board established under Proclamation R. 224 of 1966, as amended, henceforth to be known as the Canning Fruit Board.

(2) The Board shall be a body corporate capable of '

suing and being sued in its own name, and of performing all such acts as are necessary for or incidental to the carrying out of its objects and powers under this Scheme.

Constitution 7. (1) The Bclrd shall consist of 12 members appointed

by the State President subject to the provisions of this Scheme, and of whom-

(a) seven shall be the representatives of producers of canning fruit;

(b) four shall be the representatives of canners of canning fruit in the Republic: Provided that at least one of the representatives shall be nominated to represent canners who are co-operative societies;

(c) one shall be an officer of either the Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing or the Depart- ment of Agricultural Technical Services. (2) The Board may co-opt not more than two persons

as advisory members of the Board.

Nomination Bodies 8. (1) The producers' members referred to in section

7 (1) (a) shall be nominated for appointment to the Board by an organisation which, in the opinion of the Minister, is representative of producers of canning fruit.

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(2) Die in artikel 7 (1) (b) bedoelde inmakerslede moel vir aanstelling in die Raad genomineer word deur 'n organisasie wat na die mening van die Minister verteen- woordigend is van inmakers van inmaakvrugte in die Republiek.

(3) Die in artikel 7 (1) (c) bedoelde beampte moet deur die Minister vir aanstelling in die Raad genomineer word.

Kwalif ikasies van Genontineerdes 9. Niemand word genomineer vir aanstelling in die

Raad om produsente van inmaakvrugte te verteenwoor- dig nie, tensy hy 'n bona fide-produsent van inmaakvrugte is.

10. (1) Wanneer dit nodig is om iemand vir aanstelling in die Raad te nomineer, uitgesonderd die in artikel 7 (1) (c) bedoelde lid, moet die Minister die betrokke organisasie skriftelik aansC om hom binne 'n vasgestelde tydperk van die naam en adres van die persoon wat deur daardie organisasie genomineer word, te voorsien.

(2) Indien 'n persoon wat uit hoofde van subartikel (1) deur 'n betrokke organisasie genomineer is, na die mening van die Minister nie geskik of ingevolge artikel 9 nie bevoegd is om as lid van die Raad aangestel te word nie, moet die Minister daardie nominasie na die betrokke organisasie terugverwys en daardie organisasie skriftelik aand om horn binne 'n vasgestelde tydperk van die naam en adres van 'n ander genomineerde persoon te voorsien, en indien daardie organisasie daarna weer iemand vir aan- stelling in die Raad nomineer, wat na die mening van die Minister, soos vermeld nie geskik of bevoegd is nie, moet die Minister self enigiemand wat hy geskik en bevoegd ag namens bedoelde organisasie vir aanstelling in die Raad nomineer.

(3) Wanneer 'n betrokke organisasie versuim om iemand binne die vasgestelde tydperk vir aanstelling in die Raad te nomineer, moet die Minister self enigiemand wat hy geskik en bevoegd ag namens die betrokke organisasie vir aanstelling in die Raad nomineer. -

(4) Wanneer 'n organisasie waarna in artikel 8 verwys word, nie bestaan nie, moet die Minister self enigiemand wat hy geskik en bevoegd ag vir aanstelling in die Raad nomineer om die betrokke persone te verteenwoordig.

A~npstermyn van Lede 11. (1) 'n Lid van die Raad word vir 'n tydperk van

twee jaar aangestel, behalwe die in artikel 7 (1) (c) bedoelde lid wat sy amp beklee solank dit die Staats- president behaag.

(2) Indien daar by die verstryking van die tydperk waarvoor 'n lid aangestel was, geen nuwe aanstelling in sy plek gedoen is nie, bly daardie lid in sy amp aan totdat so 'n aanstelling gedoen is, maar in geen geval vir langer as drie maande nie.

(3) Aftredende lede kan weer aangestel word. (4) Wanneer die amp van 'n lid van die Raad om enige

rede vakant word voor die verloop van die tydperk waar- voor hy aangestel is, kan die Minister iemand anders wat na sy mening geskik en ingevolge artikel 9 bevoegd is. aanstel om die vakature te vul totdat die tydperk waarvoor die uitgetrede lid aangestel was, verstreke is.

(5) Wanneer 'n lid van die Raad om die een of ander rede afwesig is of nie in staat is om sy ampspligte uit te voer nie, kan die Minister iemand anders wat hy geskik ag, aanstel om op te tree in die plek van daardie lid gedurende sy afwesigheid of solank hy nie in staat is om sy ampspligte uit te voer nie, en so 'n persoon beklee sy amp asof hy lid van die Raad is: Met dien verstande dat iemand wat aldus aangestel is om. in die plek van die

(2) The canners' members referred to in section 7 (1) (b) shall be nominated for appointment to the Board by an organisation which, in the opinion of the Minister, is representative of canners of canning fruit in the Republic.

(3) The officer referred to in section 7 (1) (c) shall be nominated for appointment to the Board by the Minister.

Qualifications of Nominees 9. No person shall be nominated for appointment to the

Board to represent producers of canning fruit unless he is a bona fide producer of canning fruit.

Nomination Procedure 10. (1) Whenever it becomes necessary to nominate a

person for appointment to the Board, excluding the member referred to in section 7 (1) (c), the Minister shall in writing call upon the organisation concerned to furnish him within a specified period with the name and address of the person nominated by that organisation. 3t

(2) If any person nominated in pursuance of subsection (1) by any organisation concerned, is, in the opinion of the Minister, not suitable or in terms of section 9 not qualified for appointment as a member of the Board, the Minister shall refer that nomination back to the organisa- tion concerned and in writing call upon that organisation to furnish him within a specified period with the name and address of any other nominated person, and if that organisation thereupon again nominates a person who is, in the opinion of the Minister, not suitable or qualified as aforesaid, the Minister himself shall, on behalf of the said organisation nominate any person who he considers suitable and qualified for appointment to the Board.

(3) Whenever an organisation fails to nominate a person for appointment to the Board within the specified period, the Minister himself shall on behalf of the organisation concerned nominate any person whom he considers suitable and qualified for appointment to the Board.

(4) Whenever an organisation referred to in section 8, does not exist, the Minister himself shall nominate any person whom he considers suitable and qualified for appointment to the Board to represent the persons concerned.

Period of Office of Members 11. (I ) A member of the Board shall be appointed for a

period of two years, except the member referred to in section 7 (1) (c) who shall hold office during the State President's pleasure.

(2) If at the expiration of the period for which a member was appointed, no new appointment was made in his place, that member shall continue to hold office until such an appointment has been made, but in no case for a period longer than three months.

(3) Retiring members shall be eligible for re-appoint- ment.

(4) Whenever for any reason the office of any member of the Board becomes vacant before the expiration of the period for which he was appointed, the Minister may appoint any other person whom he considers suitable and ~ualified in terms of section 9, to fill the vacancy until the expiration of the period for which the vacating member was appointed.

(5) Whenever for any reason a member of the Board is lbsent or unable to fulfil his duties, the Minister may appoint any other person whom he considers suitable to act in the place of that member during his absence or while he is unable to fulfil his duties, and such person shall hold office as if he were a member of the Board: Provided that a person so appointed to act in the place

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6 No. 2786 SI'AATSKOERANT. 28 AUGUSI'US 1970

Voorsitter of Ondervoorsitter van die Raad op te tree, slegs die pligte van 'n gewone lid uitvoer tensy die Raad anders besluit.

Toelaes van Lede 12. Die Raad kan, met die Minister se goedkeuring, die

toelaes vasstel wat uit die Raad se fondse aan sy lede en adviserende lede betaal moet word.

Voorsitter en Onder voorsitter 13. (1) Die Raad kies so dikwels as wat dit nodig word,

een van sy lede as Voorsitter en een van sy lede as Onder- voorsitter van die Raad.

(2) Mits hy lid van die Raad bly, beklee die Voorsitter van die Raad sy amp as voorsitter vir die tydperk wat eindig op die datum van die eerste vergadering van die Raad gehou na verstryking van een jaar na die datum van sy verkiesing en kan hy as voorsitter herkies word.

(3) Die bepalings van subartikel (2) is mutatis mutandis ten opSigte van die Ondervoorsitter van toepassing.

(4) Wanneer die Voorsitter afwesig is of nie in staat is om enige van sy werksaamhede te verrig nie, moet die Ondewoorsitter in sy plek optree en wanneer sowel die Voorsitter as die Ondervoorsitter afwesig is of nie in staat is om hul werksaamhede te verrig nie, moet die Raad een van sy ander lede kies om as voorsitter op te tree.

Vergaderings 14. (1) Die vergaderings van die Raad word gehou op

die tye en plekke wat die Raad, of die Voorsitter indien deur die Raad daartoe gemagtig, van tyd tot tyd mag bepaal.

(2) Die Voorsitter van die Raad kan enige tyd 'n spesiale vergadering van die Raad be12 wat gehou moet word op 'n tyd en plek deur hom bepaal.

(3) Op skriftelike versoek van minstens drie lede van die Raad, moet die Voorsitter 'n spesiale vergadering van die Raad be16 wat binne 14 dae na die datum van ontvangs van so 'n versoek gehou moet word op 'n tyd en plek wat hy bepaal.

(4) 'n Vergadering van die Raad word be12 by kennis- ewing deur of op gesag van die Voorsitter of enige

%c ampte van die Raad wat deur die Raad daartoe gemag- tig is.

Kworum en Besluite 15. (1) Sewe lede van die Raad maak 'n kworum uit vir

enige vergadering van die Raad. (2) Die beslissing van die meerderheid van die lede van

die Raad wat op 'n raadsvergadering teenwoordig is, maak h besluit van die Raad uit, en by 'n staking van stemme oor enige aangeleentheid, het die Voorsitter van die Raad. benewens sy beraadslagende stem, ook 'n beslissende stem.

Adviserende Kotnitee vir A ppelkoospryse 16. (1) Hierby word 'n adviserende komitee ingestel,

wat die Appelkoospryskomitee heet, wat die Raad moet adviseer aangaande die uitvoering van sy bevoegdhede kragtens artikel39 ten opsigte van appelkose.

(2) Die Raad kan, op die voorwaardes wat die Minister goedkeur, sodanige van sy bevoegdhede ingevolge hierdie Skema aan genoemde komitee oordra as wat hy met goed- keuring van die Minister bepaal.

(3) Die Komitee bestaan uit nege lede wat deur die Minister na raadpleging van die Raad aangestel word, en van wie-

(a) vier die verteenwoordigers moet wees van produ- sente van appelkose in die produksiegebied:

(b) vier die verteenwoordigers moet wees van inmakers van appelkose in die Republiek: Met dien verstande dat nie meer as een van die lede aan dieselfde inmaakonderneming verbonde mag wees nie en minstens em 'n verteenwoordiger moet wees van inmakers wat kooperatiewe verenigings is; 6

of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Board shall perform the duties of an ordinary member only, unless the Board decides otherwise,

Allowance o f Members 12. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister,

determine the allowances payable out of the funds of the Board to its members and advisory members.

Chairman and Vice-Chairman 13. (1) The Board shall whenever it becomes necessary,

elect one of its members to be the Chairman and one of its members to be the Vice-Chairman of the Board.

(2) The Chairman of the Board shall, subject to his remaining a member of the Board, hold office as Chairman for the period terminating on the date of the first meeting of the Board held subsequent to the expiration of one year after the date of his election and be eligible for re-election as Chairman.

(3) The provisions of subsection (2) shall mutatis mutandis apply in respect of the Vice-Chairman.

(4) Whenever the Chairman is absent or unable to fulfil any of his functions, the Vice-chairman shall act in his stead and whenever both the Chairman and the Vice- Chairman are absent or unable to fulfil their functions the Board shall elect another of its members to act as Chair- man.

Meetings 14. (1) The meetings of the Board shall be held at such

times and places as the Board, or the Chairman if authorised thereto by the Board, may determine.

(2) The Chairman of the Board may himself at any time call a special meeting of the Board, to be held at a time and place determined by him.

(3) At the written request of not less than three members of the Board, the Chairman shall call a special meeting of the Board to be held within 14 days from the date of receipt of such request and at a time and place determined by him.

(4) A meeting of the Board shall be convened by notice given by or by direction of the Chairman or an official of the Board authorised thereto by the Board.

Quorum and Decisions 15. (1) Seven members of the Board shall form a

quorum for any meeting of the Board. (2) The decision of a majority of the members of the

Board present at a meeting of the Board, shall constitute a decision of the Board and in the event of an equality of votes in regard to any matter, the Chairman of the Board shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote.

Advisory Committee for Apricot Prices 16. (1) There is hereby established an advisory com-

mittee to be known as the Apricot Price Committee, which shall advise the Board in regard to the exercise of its powers under section 39 in respect of apricots.

(2) The Board may, on such conditions as the Minister may approve, assign such of its powers under this Scheme as it may with the approval of the Minister determine.

(3) The Committee shall consist of nine members appointed by the Minister after consultation with the Board, and of whom-

(a) four shall be the representatives of producers of apricots in the production area:

(b) four shall be the representatives of canners of apricots in the Republic: Provided that not more than one of such members shall be associated with the same canning undertaking and at least one shall be a representative of canners who are co-operative societies.

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GOVERNMENT GAZETl"E, 28 AUGUST 1970 No. 2786 .7

(c) em 'n beampte van die Departement Landbou- ekonomie en -bemarking moet wees. (4) Die h subartikel (3) (c) bedmlde beampte is die

Voorsitter van die Komitee. (5) Die Raad moet ten opsigte van die Komitee sodanige

rd ls neerlC met betrekking tot die hou van en prosedure op vergaderings (met inbegrip van die kworum), die wyse waarop vergaderings belC moet word, ampstermyn van lede, die vulling van vakatures en aangeleenthede in ver- band daarmee, as wat hy met die goedkeuring van die Minister bepaal.

(6) 'n Besluit van die meerderheid van a1 die lede van die Komitee maak 'n besluit van die Komitee uit.

(7) Die Raad kan, met die Minister se goedkeuring, die toelaes vasstel wat uit die Raad se fondse aan lede van die Komitee betaal moet word.

Adviserende Konlitee vir Appelkoosgruderings 17. (1) Hierby word 'n adviserende komitee ingestel,

wat die Appelkoosgraderingskomitee heet, wat die Raad moet adviseer aangaande die uitvoering van sy bevoegd- hede kragtens artikel 26 (b) ten opsigte van appzlkose.

(2) Die bepalings van artikel 16 (2) tot en met (7) is nuta at is mututzdis van toepassing ten opsigte van die Appelkoosgraderingskomitee.

Adviserende Komitee vir Perskepryse 18. (1) Hierby word 'n adviserende komitee ingestel,

wat die Perskepryskomitee heet, wat die Raad moet adviseer aangaande die uitvoering van sy bzvoegdhede kragtens artikel39 ten opsigte van perskes.

(2) Die bepalings van artikel 16 (2) tot en m-t (7) is nzutatis mutandis van toipassing ten opsigte van die Perskepryskomitee en by sodanige toepassing word 'n ver- wysing daarin na appelkose uitgel? as 'n verwysing na perskes.

Adviserende Konzitee vir Perskegradering 19. (1) Hierby word 'n adviserende komitee ingestel,

wat die Perskegraderingskomitee heet, wat die Raad moet adviseer aangaande die uitvoering van sy bevoegdhede kragtens artikel 26 (b) ten opsigie van perskes.

(2) Die bepalings van artikel 16 (2) tot en met (7) :Is mutatis mutandis van toepassing ten opsigte van die Perskegraderingskomitee en by sodanige toepassing word 'n verwysing daarin na appelkose uitgelC as verwysing na perskes.

Adviserende Kolnitee vir Ptwpryse 20. (1) Hierby word 'n adviserende komitee ingestel,

wat die Pereprysekomitee heet, wat die Raad moet adviseer aangaande die uitvoering van sy bevoegdhede kragtens artikel 39 ten opsigte van pere.

(2) Die bepalings van artikel 16 (2) tot en met (7) is mutatis mutandis van toepassing ten opsigte van die Pere- prysekomitee en by sodanige toepassing word 'n ver- wysing daarjn na appelkose uitgelC as 'n verwysing na pere.

Adviserende Konlitee vir Peregradering 21. (1) Hierby word 'n adviserende komitee ingestel wat

die Peregraderingskomitee heet en wat die Raad moet adviseer betreffende die uitvoering van sy bevoegdhede kragtens artikel 26 (b) ten opsigte van pere.

(2) Die bepalings van artikel 16 (2) tot en met (7) is mutatis mutandis van toepassing ten opsigte van die Pere- graderingskomitee en by sodanige toepassing word 'n ver- wysing daarin na appelkose uitgelC as 'n verwysing na pere.

Raadskomitees 22. (1) Die Raad kan, met die toestemming van die

Minister en ondenvorpe aan die voorwaardes wat die Raad opl& een of meer komitees uit sy lede aanstel en na

(c) One shall be an officer of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing. (4) The officer referred to in subsection (3) (c) shall be

the chairman of the Committee. (5) The Board shall in respect of the Committee make

such rules with regard to the conduct of and proccdure at meetings (including the quorum), the manner in which meetings shall be called, tenure of office of members, the filling of vacancies and matters incidental thereto, as it may with the approval of the Minister determine.

(6) A decision of the majority of all the members of the Committee shall constitute a decision of the Com- mittee.

(7) The Board may, with the approval of the Minister. determine thz allowances payable out of the funds of the Board to the members of the Committee.

Advisory Conzmittee for Apricot Grading 17. (1) There is hereby estab!isl~cd an advisory com-

mittee, to be k n o w as the Apricot Grading Committee, which shall advise the Board iil reg~rd to the exercise of its powers under section 26 (b) in r q x c t of apricots.

(2) The provisions oC section 16 (2) to (7), inclusive, shall nlutatis mutundi~ apply in respect of the Apricot Grading Committee.

Advisory Co l~mi t t ee for Peach Prices 18. (1) There is hereby established an advisory com-

mittee, to be known as the Peach Price Committee, which shall advise the Board in regard to the exercise of its powers under section 39 in respect of peaches.

(2) The provisions of section 16 (2) to (7). inclusive, sliall tnutatis nlutundis apply in respect of the Peach Price Committee and in such application any reference to apricots shall 5: construed as a reference to peaches.

Advisory Committee for Peudl Gradirlg 19. (1) There is hereby established an advisory com-

mittee, to be known as the Pcach Grading Committee, which shall advise the Board in regard to thc exercise of its powers under section 26 (b) in respect of peaches.

(2) The provisions of section 16 (2) to (7), inclusive. shall mutatis nlutundis apply in respect of the Peach Greding Committee and in such application any reference to apricots shall be construed as a reference to peaches.

Advisory Committee for Pear Prices 20. (1) There is hereby established an advisory com-

mittee, to be known as the Pear Price Committee, which shall advise the Board in regard to the exercise of its powers under section 39 in respect of pears.

(2) The provisions of section 16 (2) to (7), inclusive, shall nlutatis nxrtundis apply in respect of the Pear Price Committee and in such application any reference to apricots shall be construed as a reference to pears.

Advisory Committee for Pear Grading 21. (1) There is hereby established an advisory com-

mittee, to be known as the Pear Grading Committee, which shall advise the Board in regard to the exercise of its powers under section 26 (b) in respect of pears.

(2) The provisions of section 16 (2) to (7). inclusive, shall mutatis mutandis apply in respect of the Pear Grading Committee and in such application any reference to apricots shall be construed as a reference to pears.

Coyunittees o f the Board 22. (1) The Board may. with the consent of the

Minister and subject to such conditions as the Board may impose, appoint one or more committees from Bmong its members and invest any such committee with such

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8 No. 2786 STAATSKOERANT, 28 AUGUSrUS 1970

van sy bevoegdhede aan so 'n komitee oordra: et dien verstande dat die Raad nie ontdoen word van 'n

~bevoegdheid wat hy aan so 'n komitee oordra nie. (2) Die Voorsitter van die Raad is ex officio lid van

e k e Komitee deur die Raad kragtens subartikel (I) am- gestel.

(3) Die Raad moet ten opsigte van so 'n komitee wat hy aanstel, re& neerl2 met betrekking tot die hou van en die prosedure op vergaderings (met inbegrip van die kworum), die wyse waarop vergaderings be12 moet word en aangeleenthede in verband daarmee.

(4) Die beslissing van die meerderheid van a1 die lede van so 'n komitee maak 'n besluit van die komitee uit, tensy die Raad met toestemming van die Minister anders bepaal.

Zndiensneming van Persone 23. Die Raad kan diC persone in diens neem wat hy

nodig ag vir die behoorlike verrigting van sy werksaam- hede en vir die bereiking van die oogmerke van hierdie Skema.

Verkryging van Eiendom 24. Die Raad kan-

(a) behoudens die bepalings van artikel 34 (2) van die Wet, die eiendom aanskaf of huur wat hy nodig ag vir die behoorlike verrigting van sy werksaamhede en vir die bereiking van die oogmerke van hierdie Skema;

(b) geld en eiendom aanneem wat by wyse van geskenk, toekerning of andersins aan die Raad gegee word, en kan sodanige geld of eiendom gebruik op die wyse wat die Minister goedkeur.

Bystand Aan Ondernemings en Navorsingswerk 25. Die Raad kan, met die Minister se goedkeuring,

deur middel van toekerning of lening of op 'n ander wyse bystand verleen-

(a) aan enige onderneming vir die inmaak van inmaakvrugte;

(b) in verband met navorsingswerk met betrekking tot die verbetering, produksie, inmaak en bemarking van inmaakvrugte.

Verstrekking van lnligting en Advies 26. Die Raad kan-

(a) 'n inligtingsdiens instel ten einde produsente van tyd tot tyd in te lig aangaande bemarkingstoestande oor die algemeen of aangaande die toestand ten opsigte van 'n besondere mark;

(b) die Minister van advies dien aangaande die voor- waardes wat betref grade, kwaliteitstandaarde, verpak- kingsmetodes en die merk van 'n houer of omhulsel wat inmaakvrugte bevat, waarop inmaakvrugte verkoop mag word. Samewerking Met Ander Persone en Soortgelyke Rade 27. Die Raad kan met enigeen meedoen aan 'n hande-

ling wat die Raad kan volg, en kan namens 'n ander soort- gelyke raad, alle handelinge verrig wat daardie raad kan verrig.



Oplegging van Hejjings

28. (1) Die Raad kan behoudens die bepalings van artikel 43 van die Wet, met die goedkeuring van die Minister en op 'n grondslag wat die Raad bepaal, 'n heffing ople op inmaakvrugte of op inmaakvrugte van 'n bepaalde Has, graad of kwaliteitstandaard daarvan wat-

(a) deur 'n produsent verkoop word; (b) dew die produsent daawan vir verkoop ingemaak

word. 8

of its powers as it may deem fit: Provided that the Board shall not be divested of any power with which it may invest any such committee.

(2) The Chairman of the Board shall ex officio be a member of any committee appointed by the Board in terms of subsection (1).

(3) The Board shall in respect of any such committee appointed by it make rules with regard to the conduct of and procedure at meetings (including the quorum). the manner in which meetings shall be called and matters incidental thereto.

(4) The decision of the majority of all the members of a committee shall constitute a decision of the committee unless the Board, with the approval of the Minister, determine otherwise.

Employment of Persons 23. The Board may employ such persons as it may

consider necessary for the proper performance of its functions and for the attainment of the objects of this Scheme.

Acquisition of Property 24. The Board may-

(a) subject to the provisions of section 34 (2) of the Act, acquire or hire such property as it may consider necessary for the proper performance of its functions and for the attainment of the objects of this Scheme;

(b) accept money or property given to the Board by way of donations, grant or otherwise and to utilise such money or property in such manner as the Minister may approve.

Assistance to Undertukings and Research Work 25. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister.

assist by grant or loan or o the rwise (a) any undertaking for the canning of canning

fruit; (b) research work relating to the improvements,

production, canning or marketing of canning fruit.

Furnishing of Information and Advice 26. The Board may-

(a) establish an information service in order to inform producers from time to time about marketing condi- tions in general or about the condition of any particular market;

(b) advise the Minister as to the conditions, regarding grades, standards of quality, methods of packing and the marking of any receptacle or cover containing can- ning fruit, subject to which canning fruit may be sold.

Co-operation With Other Persons or Similar Boards 27. The Board may co-operate with any person in

doing any act which the Board may perform, and do on behalf of any other similar board any act which that other board may perform.



Imposition of Levies

28. (1) The Board may, subject to the provisions of section 43 of the Act, with the approval of the Minister and on such basis as the Board may determine, impose a levy on canning fruit or on canning fruit of a particular class, grade or standard of quality thereof which-

(a) is sold by a producer: (b) is canned for sale by the producer thereof.

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(2) 'n Heffing kragtens subartikel (1) opgeE, mag nie meer wees nie as-

(a) vyf-en-vyftig sent per metrieke ton waar die heffing in die vorm van 'n vasgestelde bedrag is op 'n eenheid of hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte aldus verkoop of vir verkoop ingemaak; of

(b) een persent van die verkoopprys waar die heffing in die vorm is van 'n persentasie of gedeelte van die verkoopprys van 'n eenheid of hoeveelheid inmaak- vrugte aldus verkoop. (3) 'n Heffing kragtens subartikel (1) opgelE moet aan

die Raad betaal word op die tye en wyse wat by regulasie kragtens artikel 89 van die Wet voorgeskryf word en so 'n heffing is betaalbaar-

(a) in die geval van inmaakvrugte wat verkoop word deur 'n produsent aan 'n persoon wat met inmaakvrugte as 'n besigheid handel, deur sodanige persoon; en

(b) in 'n geval behalwe did in paragraaf (a) beskryf, deur die produsent.

Oplegging van Spesiale Heffings 29. (1) Die Raad kan, behoudens die bepalings van

artikel 43 van die Wet, met die goedkeuring van die Minister en op 'n grondslag deur die Raad bepaal, 'n heffing oplC op inmaakvrugte of op inmaakvrugte van 'n bepaalde klas, graad of kwaliteitstandaard daarvan wat-

(a) deur 'n produsent verkoop word; (b) deur die produsent daarvan vir verkoop ingemaak

word. (2) Vir die doeleindes van so 'n spesiale heffiig is die

bepalings van artikel 28 (3) mutah mutandis van toepas- sing en by sodanige toepassing word 'n verwysing in dam- die artikel na 'n heffing uitgelC as 'n verwysing na 'n spesiale heffig opgelC kragtens subartikel (1) van hierdie artikel.

h e n van Geld 30. Die Raad kan met die Minister se goedkeuring, geld

leen wat ter verwesentliking van die oogmerke van hierdie Skema aangewend moet word.

Algemenc Heffingsjonds 31. (1) Hierby word 'n heffingsfonds ingestel, wat die

Algemene Heffingsfonds heet, waarin alle gelde deur die Raad ontvang (met inbegrip van gelde verkry uit 'n heffing opgelg kragtens artikel 28) gestort moet word en waaruit alle betalings deur die Raad moet geskied.

(2) Die Raad kan, met die Minister se goedkeuring, gelde verkry uit 'n heffing opgelC kragtens artikel 28, aan- wend vir enige doe1 wat na die Raad se oordeel tot die voordeel sal strek van persone wat belang het by inmaak- vrugte.

Reserwe forldse 32. Die Raad moet een of meer reserwefondse instel

waarin diC bedrae tot beskikking van die Raad gestort moet word wat die Minister van tyd tot tyd goedkeur, of wat hy na afloop van 'n boekjaar van die Raad en na oorlegpleging met die Raad bepaal, en die Raad kan oor die gelde in so 'n fonds beskik op die wyse wat die Minister goedkeur.

Spesiale Fondse 33. Herby word spesiale heffingsfondse ingestel wat

die Spesiale Appelkoosfonds, die Spesiale Perskefonds en die Spesiale Peerfonds heet, en waarin onderskeidelik gestort moet word die opbrengs van 'n spesiale heffing opgelt kragtens artikel 29 op appelkose, perskes en pere, na gelang van die geval, en diC ander bedrae tot die beskikking van die Raad wat deur die Minister goedgekeur word, en die Raad kan met die gelde in die fondse handel op die wyse wat die Minister goedkeur.

(2) Any levy imposed under subsection (1) shall not exceed-

(a) fifty-five cents per metric ton if the levy is in the form of a fixed amount on a unit or quantity of canning fruit so sold or canned for sale; or

(b) one per cent of the selling price if the levy is in the form of a percentage or portion of the selling price of a unit or quantity of canning fruit so sold. (3) Any levy imposed under subsection (1) shall be

paid to the Board at such times and in such manner as may be prescribed by regulation under section 89 of the Act, and any such levy shall be payable-

(a) in the case of canning fruit :old by a producer to a person who deals with canning fruit in the course of trade, by such person; and

(b) in any case other than that described in para- graph (a), by the producer.

Il?rposifiol~ 01 Speciul Levies 29. (1) The Board may, subject to the provisions of

section 43 of the Act, with the approval of the Minister and on such basis as the Board may determine, impose a special levy on canning fruit or on canning fruit of a particular class, grade or standard of quality thereof which-

(a) is sold by a producer; (b) is canned for sale by the producer thereof.

(2) For the purposes of any such special levy the provisions of section 28 (3) shall nwaf is mutartdis apply and in such application a reference in that section to a levy shall be construed as a reference to a spzcial levy imposed under subsection (1) of this section.

Borrowiq of Money 30. Thc Board may borrow money, with the approval of

the Minister, to be utilised for the purpose of attaining the objects of this Schenie.

Ger~eral Levy F~rrid 31. (1) There is hereby established a levy fund, td be

known as the General Levy Fund, into which shall be paid all moneys received by the Board (including any moneys derived from any levy imposed under section 28). and from which all payments by the Board shall be made.

(2) The Board may utilise, with the approval of the Minister, any moneys derived from a levy imposed under section 28 for any object which in its opinion will he to the advantage of persons interested in canning fruit.

Reserve Funds 32. The Board shall establish one or more reserve

funds into which shall be paid such amounts at the dis- posal of the Board as may from time to time be approved by the Minister or as may after consultation with the Board be determined by hini after the end of any financial year of the Board, and the Board may deal with any moneys in any such reserve fund in such manner as may be approved by the Minister.

Speciul Funds 33. There is hereby established special funds, to be

known as the Special Apricot Fund, the Special Peach Fund and the Special Pear Fund and into which respectively shall be paid the proceeds of any special levy imposed under section 29 on apricots, peaches and pears, as the case may be, and such other amounts at the Board's disposal as may be approved by the Minister, and the Board may deal with any moneys in these funds in such manner as may be approved by the Minister.

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Biates van Raad by Opheffing van Skema 34. Ingeval hierdie Skema opgehef word-

(a) word alle bates van die Raad, nadat a1 sy skulde betaal is, aan die Minister oorhandig, eri die bates aldus oorhandig word deur die Minister na goeddunke vir die bevordering van die inmaakvrugtebedryf aangewend;

(b) word enige tekort wat mag bestaan nadat a1 die bates van die Raad tot geld gemaak is. gedra deur alle produsente op wie hierdie Skema van toepassing is. pro rata tot die hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte deur of ten behoewe van sodanige produsente verkoop gedurende die tydperk van twee jaar onmiddellik voor die datum waarop hierdie Skema opgehef word.

Boekjaar 35. Die boekjaar van die Raad is die tydperk vanaf

die eerste dag van Julie in enige jaar tot die dertigste dag van Junie in die daaropvolgende jaar, albei dae ingesluit.



Aantekeninge en Opgawes 36. Die Raad kan, met die Minister se goedkeuring-

(a) enigiemand, of enigiemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, of enigiemand behalwe iemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, gelas om aan die Raad did inligting met betrekking tot inmaakvrugte of iets waarvan inmaakvrugte verkry word of iets wat van inmaakvrugte verkry word, te verstrek, waaroor Moelde persoon beskik en wat die Raad spesifiseer;

@) die aantekeninge wat in verband met inmaak- vrugte of so iets gehou moet word, die tydperk waaroor so 'n aantekening behou moet word en die opgawes wat ten opsigte van inmaakvrugte of so iets aan die Raad verstrek moet word deur enigiemand, of deur enigiemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, of deur enig- iemand behalwe iemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, voorskryf, asook die tye waarop, die vorm w a a ~ en die wyse waarop die bedoelde opgawes aldus verstrek moet word.

Aansteiling en Bevoegdhede van Inspekteurs 37. Die Raad kan, vir die uitvoering van die bepalings

van hierdie Skema, enigiemand in die algemeen of in 'n besondere geval magtig om te alle redelike tye-

(a) 'n plek te betree wat geokkupeer word deur iemand wat 'n produsent is of vermoed word 'n produ- sent te wees van, of deur iemand wat as 'n besigheid handel of vermoed word as 'n besigheid te handel met, inmaakvrugte of 'n plek of voertuig waarin of waarop daar 'n hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte deur iemand gehou word of na vermoede gehou word; (b) sodanige inmaakvrugte te inspekteur en alle boeke

en stukke op bedoelde plek of in of op bedoelde voer- tuig na te gaan wat, na op redelike gronde vermoed word, op inmaakvrugte betrekking het en afskrifte van. of uittreksels uit die boeke en stukke te maak;

(c) van die eienaar van sodanige inmaakvrugte of van die persoon wat dit in sy bewaring het, inligting aan- gaande sodanige inmaakvrugte te eis;

(d) van die eienaar van so 'n boek of stuk of van die persoon wat dit in sy bewaring het, 'n verklaring van 'n inskrywing daarin te eis;

(e) beslag te 14 op boeke, stukke of artikels wat bewys kan lewer van die pleeg van 'n misdryf ingevolge die Wet op hierdie Skema of 'n kragtens die Wet uitgevaar- digde rvlasie, of op 'n hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte ten opsigte vaarvan so 'n misdryf vermoedelik gepleeg is. I0

Assets of Board in Event of Discontinuance of Scheme 34. In the event of discontinuance of this Scheme-

(a) all assets of the Board after all its debts have been paid. shall be handed over to the Minister and the assets so handed over shall be utilised by the Minister in his discretion for the advancement of the canning fruit industry;

(b) any deficit that may exist after all the assets of the Board have been realised, shall be borne by all producers to whom this Scheme applies, pro rata to the quantity of canning fruit sold by or on behalf of such producers during the period of two years imme- diately preceding the date on which this Scheme is discontinued.

Financial Year 35. The financial year of the Board shall be the period

from the first day of July in any year to the thirtieth day of June in the next succeeding year, both days inclusive.


CONTROL UNDER SCHEME Records and Returns

36. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister- (a) require any person, or any person belonging to

any class or'group of persons, or any person other than a person belonging to any class or group of persons, to furnish the Board with such information relating to canning fruit or anything from which canning fruit is derived or anything which is derived from canning fruit, as may be available to such persons and as the Board may specify;

(b) prescribe the records to be kept in connection with canning fruit or such thing, the period for which any such record shall be retained and the returns to be rendered in regard to canning fruit or such thing to the Board by any person, or by any person belonging to any class or group of persons, or by any perzon other than a person belonging to any class or group of per- sons, and the times at which and the form and manner in which such returns shall be so rendered.

Authorisation and Powers of Inspectors 37. The Board may for the purpose of the enforce-

ment of the provisions of this Scheme, empower any person generally or in any particular case, at all reason- able hours-

(a) to enter any place occupied by any person who is. or is suspected to be, a producer of or a person dealing in the course of trade with canning fruit or any place or vehicle in or on which there is kept or is suspected to be kept any quantity of canning fruit by any person;

(b) to inspect such canning fruit and to examine all books and documents at any such place or in or on any such vehicle, which are believed on reasonable grounds to relate to canning fruit and to make copies of or take extracts from such books and documents;

(c) to demand from the owner or custodian of such canning fruit any information concerning such canning fruit;

(d) to demand from the owner or custodian of any such book or document an explanation of any entry therein;

(e) to seize any books, documents or articles which may afford evidence of the commission of an offence under the Act or this Scheme or any regulation made under the Act, or any quantity of canning fruit in respect of which any such offence is suspected to have

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en om boeke, stukke of artikels of 'n hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte waarop aldus beslag gelt is, van die betrokke plek of voertuig te verwyder of dit, op bedoelde plek of voertuig te laat en na goeddunke 'n identifikasie- merk wat hy nodig ag aan te bring op so 'n boek, stuk, artikel of produk, of op die houer daarvan;

(f) monsters te neem van inmaakvrugte, met inbegrip van 'n hoeveelheid daarvan waarop beslag gel& is krag- tens magtiging verleen uit hoofde van paragraaf (e) en sodanige monsters te ondersoek, te ontleed of te gradeer of te laat ondersoek, ontleed of gradeer.

Registrasie van Sekere Persone

38. (1) (a) Geen produsent van inmaakvrugte mag inmaakvrugte deur hom geproduseer, verkoop nie tensy hy by die Raad geregistreer is.

(b) Niemand mag met inmaakvrugte as 'n besigheid handel deur dit tot ingemaakte produkte te verwerk nie. tensy hy by die Raad geregistreer is.

(2) Geen produsent of persoon word aldus geregistreer nie tensy hy voldoen het aan die vereistes by regulasie kragtens artikel89 van die Wet voorgeskryf.

(3) Die Raad kan so 'n registrasie verleen vir die tyd- perk wat die Raad bepaal en kan die registrasie van so 'n produsent of persoon wat die in subartikel (2) bedoelde vereistes oortree het of in gebreke gebly het om daaraan te voldoen, intrek.

(4) Iemand wat ontevrede is met 'n besluit van die Raad in verband met 'n aangeleentheid betreffende sy registrasie deur die Raad, kan ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 59 (6) van die Wet, op die wyse by regulasie kragtens artikel 89 van die Wet voorgeskryf, teen sodanige besluit by die Minister appd aanteken.

Vasstelling van Minimumpryse vir Itmnmakvrirgfe

39. (1) Die Raad kan, met die Minister se goedkeuring, van tyd tot tyd enigiemand, of enigiemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, of enigiemand behalwe iemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, verbied om 'n hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte of 'n klas of graad daawan te verkry, te verkoop of van die hand te sit teen 'n laer prys as 'n prys deur die Raad vasgestel of bereken ooreen- komstig 'n grondslag deur die Raad bepaal vir inrnaak- vrugte of vir sodanige hoeveelheid, klas of graad daarvan.

(2) By die uitoefening van sy bevoegdheid kragtens sub- artikel (1) kan die Raad, met die Minister se goedkeuring-

(a) die gelde of koste bepaal wat ingesluit of byge- voeg moet word by, of afgetrek moet word van, 'n in gemelde subartikel bedoelde prys, of die gewig bepaal wat met betrekking tot 'n in daardie subartikel bedoelde hoeveelheid toegelaat moet word vir die houer van die inmaakvrugte;

(b) van iemand wat die inmaakvrugte, of 'n klas, graad of hoeveelheid daarvan, van die hand sit op krediet of vir 'n bedrag wat meer is as 'n deur die Raad bepaalde bedrag, vereis dat hy 'n faktuur met aldus bepaalde besonderhede moet verskaf.

Verbod op Verkoop van Sekere Klasse, Grade o f hoeveelheid Inmaakvrugte

40. Die Raad kan, met die Minister se goedkeuring, 'n produsent van tyd tot tyd verbied om inmaakvrugte wat hy geproduseer het, behalwe 'n klas, graad, hoeveelheid of persentasie daarvan wat die Raad vasgestel het, of be- halwe vir 'n doe1 wat die Raad bepaal het, te verkoop.

been committed, and to remove from the place or vehicle in question or to leave at such place or on such vehicle any books, documents or articles or any quantity of canning fruit, which has been so seized, and, if he deems fit, to place on any such book, docu- ment, article or product or on the container thereof, any identification mark which he may consider neces- sary;

(f) to take samples of canning fruit, including any quantity thereof which has been seized under para- graph (e), and to examine, analyse or grade such samples or cause them to be examine, analysed or graded.

Registration of Certain Persons 38. (1) (a) No producer of canning fruit may sell can-

ning fruit produced by him unless he has been registered with the Board.

(b) No person shall deal in the course of trade with canning fruit by processing it into canned products, unless he has been registered with the Board.

(2) No producer or person shall be so registered unless he has complied with such requirements as may be prescribed by regulation under section 89 of the Act.

(3) The Board may grant any such registration for such period as it may determine and may cancel the registration of any such producer or person who has contravened or failed to comply with the requirements referred to in subsection (2).

(4) Any person who is dissatisfied with a decision of the Board in connection with any matter relating to his registration by the Board, may appeal to the Minister in terms of section 59 (6) of the Act against such decision in the manner prescribed by regulation under section 89 of the Act.

Fixation of Minimum Prices jor Canning Fruit 39. (1) The Board may, with the approval of the

Minister, from time to time prohibit any person or any person belonging to any class or group of persons or any person other than a person belonging to any class or group of persons, from acquiring, selling or disposing of any quantity of canning fruit or of any class or grade thereof at a price below a price fixed by the Board, or calculated in accordance with a basis determined by the Board, to render an invoice containing such particulars x grade thereof.

(2) When exercising its powers conferred under sub- section (1) the Board may, with the approval of the Minister-

(a) determine the charges of costs to be included in, added to or deducted from any price referred to in the said subsection, or to weight to be allowed, in relation to any quantity referred to in that subsection, for any container of the canning fruit;

(b) require any person disposing of the canning fruit, or of any class, grade or quantity thereof, on credit or for an amount exceeding an amount determined by the Board, to render an invoice containing such particulars as may be so determined.

Prohibition of the Sa!e of Certain Classes, Grades or Quantities o f Canning Fruit

40. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, From time to time prohibit any producer from selling :arming fruit which he has produced, except such class, grade, quantity or percentage thereof as the Board has jetermined, or except for such purposes as the Board las defined.


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Verkoop van Znmaakvrugte Ooreenkomstig Skriftelike Ooreenkoms

41. Die Raad kan, met die goedkeuring van die Minister, enigiemand of enigiemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, of enigiemand behalwe iemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, verbied om gedurende 'n tydperk deur die Raad bepaal 'n hoeveelheid inmaakvrugte aan 'n inmaker te verkoop, of 'n inmaker verbied om gedurende so 'n tydperk van enigiemand of enigiemand wat tot 'n klas op groep persone behoort, of enigiemand behalwe iemand wat 'n Has of groep persone behoort, 'n hoeveel- heid inmaakvrugte te koop, behalwe ooreenkomstig 'n skriftelike ooreenkoms aangegaan op of voor 'n datum deur die Raad bepaal of diC later datum wat die Raad onder spesiale omstandighede toelaat, waarvan 'n gewaar- merkte afskrif op of voor daardie datum aan die Raad voorgele is en waarvolgens voorsiening gemaak word vir die koop en verkoop van sodanige inmaakvrugte teen pryse volgens die graad daarvan bereken.

Aankoop of Verwerking van Inmaakvrrrgre Bchalwe Kragtens Permit

42 Die Raad kan, met die Minister se goedkeuring, eaigiemand of enigiemand wat tot 'n klas of groep persone behoort, of enigiemand behalwe iemand wat tot 'n klas of

persone behoort, verbied om inmaakvrugte of 'n s, of hoeveelheid daarvan deur die Raad bepaal, te koop P

of te verwerk vir 'n doe1 deur die Raad bepaal, of vir 'n d e r doel as 'n aldus bepaalde doel, behalwe kragtens h permit wat die Raad kan uitreik ondenvorpe aan die mnvaardes (as daar is) deur die Raad bepaal.



Misdrywe en Strarvwe

43. Iemand wat- (a) versuim om kragtens artikel 28 opgelegde heffing

of 'n kragtens artikel 29 opgelegde spesiale heffing op die voorgeskrewe wyse of binne die voorgeskrewe tyd- perk te betaal; - (b) versuim om aan 'n voorskrif uitgereik kragtens

artikel36 te voldoen; (c) die bepalings van artikel 38 (1) (a) of (b) oortree;

of (d) die bepalings van 'n kragtens artikel 39, 40, 41 of

42 opgelegde verbod oortree, is aan 'n misdryf skuldig en by skuldigbevinding strafbaar met 'n boete van hoog- stens tweehonderd rand of met gevangenisstraf vir 'n tydprk van hoogstens ses maande of met sowel sodanige boete as sodanige gcvangenisstraf.

Voorbehoude 44. Enige aanstelling, fonds, magtiging, registrasie, be-

sluit, heffing, verbod, voorskrif, lasgewing, bepaling, reE1ing of knnisgewing, gemaak, ingestel, verleen, geneem, opgek, uitgevaardig of gepubliseer of enige ander stappe of enigiets gedoen kragtens 'n bepaling van die Skema vh Inmaakappelkose en -perskes afgekondig by Proklamasie R. 224 van 1966, soos gewysig, word geag gemaak, ver- laen, geneem, opgeE, uitgevaardig of gepubliseer of gedoen b gewees het kragtells die ooreenstemmende bepaling van hierdie Skesna . ..

Sale o f Canning Fruit in Accordance with Written Agreement

41. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister. prohibit any person or any person belonging to any class or group of persons, or any person other than a person belonging to any class or group of persons, from selling. during a period determined by the Board, any quantity of canning fruit to any canner or prohibit any canner from purchasing any quantity of canning fruit from any person, or any person belonging to any class or group of persons, or any person other than a person belonging to any class or group of persons, during any such period, otherwise than in accordance with a written agreement entered into on or before a date fixed by the Board or such later date as the Board may in special circum- stances allow, of which a certified copy has been sub- mitted to the Board on or before that date and in terms whereof provision is made for the purchase and sale of such canning fruit at prices determined in accordance with the grade thereof.

Purchilse or Processing of Canning Fruit Except Under Permit

42. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister. prohibit any person or any person belonging to any class or group of persons, or any person other than a person belonging to any class or group of persons, from pur- chasing or processing canning fruit or any class, grade. or any quantity thereof determined by the Board, for any purpose determined by the Board or for any purpose other than a purpose so determined, except under the authority of a permit which may be issued by the Board subject to the conditions (if any) determined by the Board.



Offences and Penalties 43. Any person who-

(a) fails to pay a levy imposed under section 28 or a special levy imposed under section 29 in the pre- scribed manner or within the prescribed period;

(b) fails to comply with a requirement issued under section 36;

(c) contravenes the provisions of section 38 (1) (a) of (b); or

(d) contravenes the provisions of any prohibition imposed under section 39, 40, 41 or 42, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred rand or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

Savings 44. Any appointment, authorisation, registration, deci-

sion, levy, prohibition, requirement, direction, determina- tion, regulation or notice, made, issued, granted, taken, imposed, promulgated or published or any other thing done under a provision of the Canning Apricot and Peach Scheme, published by Proclamation R. 224 of 1966, as amended, shall be deemed to have been made, established. issued, granted, taken, imposed, promulgated, published or done under the corresponding provision of this Scheme.

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No. 2V6 13


DEPARTEMENT VAN ARBEID No. R. 1395 28 Augustus 1970




Ek, Marais Viljoen, Minister van Arbeid, verleng hierby kragtens artikel 48 (4) (a) (i) van die Wet op Nywerheids- versoening, 1956, soos toegepas by artikel 25 (1) van die Wet op Tandwerktuigkundiges, 1945, die tydperke vas- gestel in Goewermentskennisgewings 1271 van 29 Augustus 1958. 11 van 2 Januarie 1959, R. 222 van 19 Februarie 1965. R. 1414 van 17 September 1965, R. 1208 van 12 Julie 1968 en R. 3153 van 22 Augustus 1969. met 'n ver- dere tydperk van 12 maande wat op 31 Augustus 1971 eindig.

M. VILJOEN, Minister van Arbeid.

No. R. 1408 28 Augustus 1970 WET OP NYWERHEIDSVERSOENING, 1956



Ek. Marais Viljoen, Minister van Arbeid, maak hierby kragtens artikel 77 (7) (a) van die Wet op Nywerheids- versoening, 1956. 'n Vasstelling ooreenkomstig die Bylae hiervan en bepaal hierby kragtens artikel 77 (7) (b) van genoemde Wet-

(a) die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennis- gewing as die datum waarop die bepalings van klou- suIe 1 (a) en (b) van genoemde Vasstelling bindend word; en

(b) die eerste Maandag na verstryking van ses maande na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing as die datum waarop die ander bepalings van genoemde Vasstelling bindend word.

M. VILJOEN, Minister van Arbeid.

BYLAE 1. Bestek en Toepassing van die Vasstelling

In die Motormonteernywerheid in die gebied bestaande uit die landdrosdistrik Pretoria-

(a) mag geen werkgewer enige Blanke persoon wat in enige werk in genoemde Nywerheid by hom in diens is, deur 'n werknemer wat nie 'n Blanke persoon is nie. vervang nie;

(b) mag geen werkgewer enige Gekleurde persoon wat in enige werk in genoemde Nywerheid by hom in diens is, deur 'n werknemer wat 'n Bantoe is, vervang nie;

(c) is die volgende werk hierby vir Blanke persone gereserveer, en mag geen werknemer wat nie 'n Blanke persoon is nie enige sodanige werk in genoemde Nywerheid verrig nie :

(i) Toesighoudende en kontrolewerk; (ii) sweiswerk en/of hardsoldeerwerk, behalwe in

setmate en uitgesonderd weerstandsweising;


OEPARTMENT OF LABOUR No. R. 1395 28 August 1970




I, Marais Viljoen, Minister of Labour, hereby in terms of section 48 (4) (a) (i) of the Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as applied by section 25 (1) of the Dental Mechani- cians Act, 1945, extend the periods fixed in Government Notices 1271 of 29 August 1958, 11 of 2 January 1959. R. 222 of 19 February 1965, R. 1414 of 17 September 1965, R. 1208 of 12 July 1968 and R. 31 53 of 22 August 1969, by a further period of 12 months ending on 31 August 1971.

M. VILJOEN. Minister of Labour.

No. R. 1408 28 August 1970 INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION ACT, 1956



I. Marais Viljoen. Minister of Labour, do hereby in terms of section 77 (7) (a) of the Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, make a Determination in accordance with the Schedule hereto, and in terms of section 77 (7) (b) of the said Act, fix-

(a) the date of publication of this notice as the date from which the provisions of clause 1 (a) and (b) of the said Determination shall be binding; and

(b) the first Monday following on the expiration of six months after the date of publication of this notice as the date from which the other provisions of the said Determination shall be binding.

M. VILJOEN. Minister of Labour.


1. Scope and Application o f the Determination

In the Motor Assembly Industry in the area comprising the Magisterial District of Pretoria-

(a) no employer shall replace any White person who is in his employ in any work in the said Industry by an employee who is not a White person;

(b) no employer shall replace any Coloured person who is in his employ in any work in the said Industry by an employee who is a Bantu;

(c) the following work is hereby reserved for White persons, and no employee who is not a White person may perform any such work in the said Industry:

(i) Supervisory and control work; (ii) welding and/or brazing, other than in jigs, and

excluding resistance welding;

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14 No. 2786

(d) wanneer enige pos vir die verrigting van enige werk in genoemde Nywerheid wat op die datum van publikasie van hierdie Vasstelling deur 'n Blanke werk- nemer beklee word, deur sodanige werknemer ontruim word of om welke rede ook a1 vakant raak, dan is die werk wat aan daardie besondere pos verbonde is, vir Blanke persone gereserveer en mag geen werknemer wat nie 'n Blanke persoon is nie sodanige werk in daardie besondere pos verrig nie;

(e) wanneer enige pos vir die verrigting van enige werk in genoemde Nywerheid wat op die datum van publikasie van hierdie Vasstelling deur 'n Gekleurde werknemer beklee word, deur sodanige werknemer ontruim word, of om welke rede ook a1 vakant raak, dan is die werk wat aan daardie besondere pos ver- bonde is, behoudens die bepalings van paragrawe (c) en (f), vir Blanke en Gekleurde persone gereserveer en mag geen werknemer wat nie 'n Blanke of Gekleurde persoon is nie sodanige werk in daardie besondere pos verrig nie;

(f) ondanks enige andersluidende bepalings in hier- die klousule vervat en sonder inagneming van persone wat in diens is in verband met die verrigting van administratiewe kantoorwerk, moet die minimum per- sentasie Blanke en/of Gekleurde persone wat algemeen deur enige werkgewer in genoemde Nywerheid in diens gebruik word in verhouding tot die totale aantal per- sone wat algemeen in genoemde Nywerheid by horn in diem is, in onderstaande gedeeltes van genoemde gebied onderskeidelik soos volg wees :

(i) Die gedeelte van die landdrosdistrik Pretoria. uitgesonderd die Rosslyn-grensnywerheidsgebied : 40 persent Blanke en Gekleurde persone, gesamentlik, onderhewig aan 'n minimum van 30 persent Blanke persone alleen; en

(ii) die gedeelte van die landdrosdistrik Pretoria, bestaande uit die Rosslyn-grensnywerheidsgebied : 20 persent Blanke persone;

(g) moet elke werkgewer vir wie hierdie Vasstelling bindend is, binne een maand vanaf die datum waarop die bepalings van paragrawe (d) en (e) vir hom bindend g&ord het, aan die inspekteur by regulasie omskryf 'n opgawe in die vorm van Aanhangsel A hierby ver- strek ten opsigte van alle poste in sy monteerinrigting soos op die datum van publikasie van hierdie Vasstel- ling, tesame met besonderhede soos in gemelde Aan- hangsel aangevra in verband met die bekler van elke sodanige pos.

2. Woordomskrywings In hierdie Vasstelling, tensy dit in hierdie klousule

anders omskryf word of tensy die sinsverband anders aan- dui het enige woord of uitdrukking waaraan 'n betekenis geheg is in die Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956 (Wet 28 van 1956), soos gewysig, of in die regulasies daar- kragtens uitgevaardig, wanneer dit in hierdie Vasstelling gebesig word, dieselfde betekenis, en beteken-

"administratiewe kantoorwerk" die werk van persone, uitgesonderd diegene wat in diens gebruik word vir die verrigting van die werk uiteengesit in die omskrywing van "toesighoudende en kontrolewerk", wat met die admini- strasie van 'n monteerinrigting belas is en sluit dit in die werk van bestuurders, onderbestuurders, personeel- bestuurders, sekretarisse, rekenmeesters, kosteberekenaars, hoeveelheidsrekenaars, ontwerpers, kopers, verkopers, handelsreisigers, versieningsinspekteurs, versendingsklerke, fabrieksklerke en algemene kantoorwerkers;

"motormonteernywerheid" die nywerheid waarin 'n werkgewer en sy werknemers in monteerinrigtings met mekaar geassosieer is om motorvoertuie uit nuwe onder-, dele inmekaar te sit en omvat dit die bou van bakke vir

(d) whenever any post for the performance of any work in the said Industry, which on the date of publication of this Determination is wupied by a White employee, is vacated by such employee or becomes vacant for any reason whatsoever, then the work attaching to that particular post is reserved for White persons, and no employee who is not a White person may perform such work in that particular post;

(e) subject to the provisions of paragraphs (c) and (f), whenever any post for the performance of any work in the said Industry, which on the date of publica- tion of this Determination is occupied by an employee who is a Coloured person, is vacated by such employee or becomes vacant for any reason whatsoever, then the work attaching to that particular post is reserved for White persons and Coloured persons, and no employee who is not a White or a Coloured person may perform such work in that particular post;

(f) notwithstanding anything to the contrary con- tained in this clause and irrespective of persons employed in connection with the performance of administrative office work, the minimum percentage of White and/or Coloured persons who are generally employed by any en~ployer in the said Industry in proportion to the total number of persons generally employed by him in the said Industry, shall be as follows in the undermentioned portions of the said area, respectively :

(i) The portion of the Magisterial District of Pretoria, excluding the Rosslyn border industrial area: 40 per cent White and Coloured persons jointly, subject to a minimum of 30 per cent White persons only; and

(ii) the portion of the Magisterial District of Pretoria. comprising the Rosslyn border industrial area: 20 per cent White persons;

(g) every employer upon whom this Determination is binding, shall within one month of the date on which the provisions of paragraphs (d) and (e) have become binding upon him, furnish to the inspector defined by regulation a statement in the form of Annexure A hereto, in respect of all posts in his assembly establish- ment as at the date of publication of this Determination, together with particulars as required in the said Annexure in co~ec t ion with the incumbent of every such post.

2. Definitions In this Determination, unless otherwise defied in this

clause or unless the context otherwise indicates, any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956 (Act 28 of 1956), as amended, or in the regulations made thereunder, shall, when used in this Determination, have the same meaning, and-

"administrative office work" means the work of persons, excluding those who are employed for the performance of the work set out in the definition of "supervisory and control work", who are responsible for the administration of an assembly establishment and includes the work of managers, sub-managers, personnel managers, secretaries, accountants, cost accountants, quantity calculators, designers, buyers, salesmen, com- mercial travellers, service inspectors, despatch clerks, factory clerks and general office workers;

"motor assembly industry" means the industry in which an employer and his employees are associated for the assembling of motor vehicles in assembly establishments From new components and includes the building of bodies

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GOVERNMENT GAZElTE, 28 AUGUST 1970 No. 2786 15

sodanige motomoertuie deur sodanige werkgewer en sy werknemers, maar omvat dit nie die vemaardigiig, in sulke inrigtings, van motorvoertuigdele of -0nderdele deur sodanige werkgewer en sy werknemers nie;

''motorvoertuie" alle wielvoertuie wat deur meganiese krag (uitgesonderd stoom) of elektrisiteit aangedryf word en bedoel is om persone en/of goedere en/of vragte te vervoer en/of te trek, maar omvat dit nie uitrusting wat bedoel is om op vaste spore te loop nie en ook nie vliegtuie nie;

"pas." die pos waarvoor 'n werknemer op 'n vaste basis m diens geneem is en waarin hy normaalweg werk;

"Rosslyn-grensnywerheidsgebied" die gebied bestaande uit die dorp Rosslyn, die stigting waarvan goedgekeur en die gebied waarvan omskryf is by Proklamasie 148 (Transvaal) van 1965, gepubliseer in Offisiele Koerant 3155 van 2 Junie 1965, insluitende die gebied bestaande uit enige uitbreiding van en/of byvoeging tot gemelde dorp wat as sodanig by Proklaniasie goedgekeur is of goedgekeur staan te word;

"toesighoudende en kontrolewerk" die werk waarin 'n werknemer in 'n toesighoudende hoedanigheid oor of in beheer van minstens vyf ander werknemers geplaas word met die doe1 om werk aan hulle toe te wys en/of toesig en/of beheer oor die uitvoering deur hulle van hul werk te hou; en sluit dit in die werk van 'n superintendent. assistentsuperintendent, hoofinspekteur, tegnikus, inspek- teur, voorman, assistentvoorman, onderbaas, voorraad- toesighouer, magasynmeester, assistentmagasynmeester, kontroleur. voorraadopnemer, tydhouer en tydstudie- waarnemer;

"werk" enige werk, uitgesonderd die werk uiteengesit in die omskr*ing van "administratiewe kantoorwerk".

AANHANGSEL A Die Afdelinpinspekteur. Departement van Arbeid. Posbus/Privaatsak -..-.......-.-.-.-

Soos vereis by paragraaf (g) van kiousule 1 van W e r k ~ v e r i n g & . vasstelling 26 vir die Motormonteernywerhe~d, landdroscl~stnk Pretona verstrek ek hiennee die volgende besonderhede ten opsigte van die poste en bekldrs van poste in my monteerinrigting soos op die datum van publikasie van die genoemde Vasstelling, d.i..,-

- _ _ _ I . . - . _ . . _ _ _ . - . I---_ - .--.- / --.........' ____- Ek sertifiseer hierby dat die besonderhede in bostaande tabel ~ v a t

na my beste wete juis is. Die uwe,

Benaming van ps

Handtekening van werkgewer of persoon deur horn gernagtig.

Naam en adres van monteerinrigting:-

for such motor vehicles by such employer and his employees, but does not include the manufacture in such establishments of motor vehicle parts or components by such employer and his employees;

Afdeling van Monteerinrigting

- .

"motor vehicles" means any wheeled conveyances propelled by mechanical power (other than steam) or electricity and designed for the transportation and/or haulage of persons and/or goods and/or loads but shall not include any equipment designed to run on fixed tracks nor aircraft;

"post" means the post for which an employee has been engaged on a fixed basis and in which he is normally employed;

N a a c s

"Rosslyn border industrial area" the area comprising the township Rosslyn, the establishment of which was approved and the area of which was defined by Procla- mation 148 (Transvaal) of 1965, published in Official Gazette 3155 of 2 June 1965, including the area com- prising any extension of and/or addition to the said township which have been or may be approved as such by Proclamation;

waarin pos geld is van pos


"supervisory and control work" means the work in which an employee is placed in a supervisory capacity over or in charge of at least five other employees for the purpose of assigning work to them and/or exercising supervision and/or control over the performance by such employees of their work; and includes the work of superintendent, assistant superintendent, chief inspector, technician, inspector, foreman, assistant foreman, charge- hand, stock supervisor, storeman, assistant storeman, con- troller, stocktaker, timekeeper and time-study observer;

yklz: van (Blank,

"work" means any work, excluding the work set out in the definition of "administrative office work".


n&mmn Gekleurd of Bantoe)


kldr van

The Divisional Inspector. Department of Labour, P.O. Box/Private Bag ---..-

As required in terms of paragraph (g) of clause 1 of Work Rerer- vation Determination 26 for the Motor Assembly Industry, Magisterial District of Pretoria, I furnish herewith the following particulars in respect of the posts and the incumbents of such posts in my assembly establishment as at the date of publication of thc said Determination, 1.e . . - - - . . - - -


- - I 1 1 I-- I hereby certify that according to the best of my knowledge the

particulars contained in the above table are correct. Yours faithfully,

Signature of employer or person authorised by him

Identity number

of incum- bent of


Name and address of assembly establishment:

Race of incumbent of post (White,

Coloured or Bantu)

Name of incumbent

of post Designs-


Section of establish- ment in

which post exlsts

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16 No. 2786 . ..-

No. R. 1409 28 Augustus 1970 WET OP NY WERHEIWVERSOENING, 1956.



Ek, Marais Viljoen, Minister van Arbeid, trek hierby ingevolge artikel 77 (9) van die Wet op Nywerheidsver- soening, 1956, Vasstelling 16 gepubliseer by Goewerments- kennisgewing R. 1597 van 16 Oktober 1964, in ten opsigte van die landdrosdistrik Pretoria, en verklaar ingevolge genoemde artikel dat die intrekking soos volg in werking tree :

(a) Klousule 1 (c) en (e), vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing; en

(b) die ander bepalings, vanaf die eerste Maandag na die verstryking van ses maande na die datum van publika- sie van hierdie kennisgewing.

M. VILJOEN. Minister van Arbeid.

No. R. 1409 28 August 1970 INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION Am 1956 ' ,



I, Marais Viljoen, Minister of Labour, hereby, in terms of section 77 (9) of the Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, cancel Determination 16 published under Government Notice R. 1597 of 16 October 1964, in respect of the Magisterial District of Pretoria, and declare in terms of the said section that the cancellation shall take effect as follows :

(a) Clause 1 (c) and (e), with effect from the date of publication of this notice; and

(b) the remaining provisions, with effect from the first Monday following on the expiration of six months after the date of publication of this notice.

M. VILJOEN, Minister of Labour.

No. R. 1413 28 Augustus 1970 WET OP NYWERHEIDSVERSOENING, 1956


HERNUWING VAN HOOFOOREENKOMS Ek, Marais Viljoen, Minister van Arbeid, verklaar

hierby kragtens artikel 48 (4) (a) (ii) van die Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956, soos toegepas by artikel 25 (1) van die Wet op Tandwerktuigkundiges, 1945, dat die bepalings van Goewermentskennisgewings 589 van 13 April 1962, R. 1050 van 16 Julie 1965, R. 1098 van 8 Julie 1966 en R. 2036 van 23 Desember 1966, van krag is vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing en vir die tydperk wat op 15 Desember 1970 eindig.

M. VILJOEN. Minister van Arbeid. 0pmerking.-Hierdie kennisgewing raak nie die

biidende ' krag van die arbitrasietoekenning vir die Beroep wat op 17 Januarie 1969 deur die Nywerheidshof gemaak is nie.

No. R. 1413 28 August 1970 INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION ACT, 1956



I, Marais Viljoen, Minister of Labour, hereby in terms of section 48 (4) (a) (ii) of the Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956, as applied by section 25 (1) of the Dental Mechanicians Act, 1945, declare the provisions of Government Notices 589 of 13 April 1962, R. 1050 of 16 July 1965, R. 1098 of 8 July 1966 and R. 2036 of 23 December 1966, to be effective from the date of publica- tion of this notice and for the period ending on 15 December 1970.

M. VILJOEN, Minister of Labour.

Note.-This notice does not effect the binding force of the arbitration award for the Occupation made by the Industrial Tribunal on 17 January 1969.


No. R. 1400 28 Augustus 1970


Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 8A (5) van die Wet op Bantoe-owerhede, 1951 (Wet 68 van 1951). bepaal ek, Michiel Coenraad Botha, Minister van Bantoe- administrasie en -ontwikkeling, hierby dat die bepalings van artikel 8A (2). (3) en (4) van genoemde Wet met ingang van 1 September 1970 op die Gebiedsowerhede in die Bylae hiervan vermeld, van toepassing is.

M. C. BOTHA, Minister van Bantoe-Administrasie en -0ntwikkeling. 16


No. R. 1400 28 August 1970


Under and by virtue of the powers vested in me by section 8A (5) of the Bantu Authorities Act, 1951 (Act 68 of 1951), I, Michiel Coenraad Botha, Minister of Bantu Administration and Development, hereby determine that with effect from 1 September 1970 the provisions of sections 8A (2), (3) and (4) of the said Act shall apply to the Territorial Authorities mentioned in the Schedule hereto.

M. C. BOTHA, Minister of Bantu Administration and Development.

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l i * - ^ Y I - --


BYLAE Basotho bx Borwa-gebiedsowerheid. Ciskeise Gebiedsowerheid. Lebowa-gebiedsowerheid. Matshangana-gebiedsowerheid. Tswana-gebiedsowerheid. Venda-gebiedsowerheid.


No. R. 1396 28 Augustus 1970 REGULASIES KRAGTENS DIE GROND-

BEWARINGSWET, 1969 Die Minister van Bosbou het kragtens die bevoegdheid

aan hom verleen by artikel 20 van die Grondbewarings- wet. 1969 (Wet 76 van 1969), die regulasies wat in die Bylae hiervan vervat is, uitgevaardig.



1 . Samestelling 'n Brandbestrydingskomitee ingestel kragtens artikel

12 (1) (b) van die Wet bestaan uit- (a) een lid benoem deur 'n landbou-unie wat deur

die Minister erken word as synde verteenwoordigend van die georganiseerde landbou in die betrokke brand- bestrydingsgebied;

(b) een lid benoem deur elke stadsraad, munisipali- teit of dorpsraad waarvan die regsgebied of 'n gedeelte daarvan V i e die betrokke brandbestrydingsgebied gele is;

(c) een lid benoe~n deur elke afdelingsraad waarvan die regsgebied of 'n gedeelte daarvan binne die betrokke brandbestrydingsgebied geld is; en

(d) hoogstens vier lede, wat in die betrokke brand- bestrydingsgebied woonagtig is, deur die Minister benoem uit hoofde van hul besondere kennis van brandbestrydingsaangeleenthede.

2. Ampstermyn en Toelaes van Lede van 'n Brandbestrydingskomitee

(1) 'n Lid van 'n brandbestrydingskomitee beklee sy amp vir 'n tydperk van drie jaar.

(2) Die ampstermyn van 'n lid van 'n brandbestrydings- komitee word bdindig indien hy-

(a) sonder verlof in gebreke bly om twee agter- eenvolgende vergaderings van sodanige komitee by te woon;

(b) insolvent raak; of (c) skuldig bevind word aan 'n misdryf en gevonnis

word tot gevangenisstraf sonder keuse van 'n boete. (3) Indien 'n lid van 'n brandbestrydingskomitee weens

siekte, afwesigheid of om 'n ander rede verhinder word om sy ampspligte uit te voer, kan die instansie wat sodanige lid benoem het iemand anders aanwys wat hy geskik ag om in die plek van sodanige lid op te tree solank hy aldus verhinder word.

(4) Enige vakature in 'n brandbestrydingskomitee moet aangevul word ooreenkomstig regulasie 1.

(5) Aan lede van 'n brandbestrydingskomitee wat nie staatsamptenare is nie word die toelaes betaal teen die skale wat van tyd tot tyd deur die Minister in oorleg met die Minister van Fiansies bepaal word.

SCHEDULE Basotho ba Boma Territorial Authority. Ciskeian Territorial Authority. Lebowa Territorial Authority. Matshangana Territorial Authority. Tswana Territorial Authority. Venda Territorial Authority.


No. R. 1396 28 August 1970


By virtue of the powers vested in him by section 20 of the Soil Conservation Act, 1969 (Act 76 of 1969), the Minister of Forestry has promulgated the regulations set forth in the Schedule hereto.



1. Constitution A fire protection committee established in terms of

section 12 (1) (b) of the Act shall consist of- (a) one member nominated by an agricultural union

recognised by the Minister as W i g representative of organised agriculture in the fire protection area con- cerned:

(b) one member nominated by each city council, town council, municipality or village management board whose area of jurisdiction or portion thereof is situated within the fire protection area concerned;

(c) one member nominated by each divisional coun- cil whose area of jurisdiction or portion thereof is situated within the fire protection area concerned; and

(d) not more than four members, who shall be resident in the fire protection area concerned, nominated by the Minister by virtue of their special knowledge of fire protection matters.

2. Term of Office and Allowances o f Members o f a Fire Protection Committee

( 1 ) A member of a fire protection committee shall hold office for a period of three years.

(2) The tenure of office of a member of a fire protec- tion committee shall be terminated if he-

(a) fails, without leave, to attend two consecutive meetings of such committee;

(b) becomes insolvent; or (c) is convicted of an offence and sentenced to

imprisonment without the option of a fine.

(3) If any member of a fire protection committee is prevented by illness, absence or any other cause from performing the duties of his office, the body or authority which nominated the member may designate some other person whom it considers suitable to act in the place of such member while he is so prevented.

(4) Any vacancy on a fire protection committee shall be filled in accordance with regulation 1.

(5) Members of a fire protection committee who are not public servants shall be paid allowances at such rates as may be laid down from time to time by the Minister in consultation with the Minister of Finance.

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18 No. 2786 STAATSKOERANT, 28 AUGUSTUS 1970 r

3. Verkiesing van Voorsitter, Sekretaris en Tesourier

'n Brandbestrydingskomitee wat kragtens artikel 12 (1) (b) van die Wet ingestel is, kies tydens sy eerste ver- gadering en so dikwels as wat daarna nodig is 'n voor- sitter, sekretaris en tesourier uit sy eie geledere om, solank dit die komitee behaag, in hierdie hoedanighede op te tree.

4. Vergaderings van 'n Br~c~~dbestryriir7gskomitee (1) Die eerste vergadering van 'n brandbestrydings-

komitee word so spoedig moontlik nadat die lede aan- gewys is, deur die Departenlent van Bosbou be12 en deur 'n beampte van die Departement van Bosbou byge- woon wat as voorsittende beampte optree totdat die ver- gadering 'n voorsitter uit die geledere van sodanige komitee gekies het.

(2) Gewone vergaderings van 'n brandbestrydings- komitee vir behandeling van sake word so dikwels en op sodanige tye en plekke gehou as wat die komitee van tyd tot tyd bepaal.

(3) Die voorsitter van 'n brandbestrydingkomitee kan na goeddunke te eniger tyd 'n buitengewone vergadering van die komitee belC om dringende sakc te behandel en hy kan ook op versoek van minstens een-derde van die totale getal lede 'n buitengewone vergadering belC.

(4) Die Departement van Bosbou kan met minstens een-en-twintig (21) dae voorafgaande kennisgewing die voorsitter van 'n brandbestrydingskomitee versoek om 'n buitengewone vergadering te be16 ten einde spesiale of dringende sake te behandel.

(5) Die voorsitter van 'n brandbestrydingskomitee moet r d l dat elke komiteelid minstens veertien (14) dae vooraf van die plek, datum en tyd vir 'n gewone of buiten- gewone vergadering van die komitee in kennis gestel word.

5. Kworum en Prosedure by Vergaderings

(1) Die kworum vir 'n vergadcring van 'n brand- bestrydingskomitee is minstens die helfte van die lede van sodanige komitee: Met dien verstande dat waar sodanige komitee uit minder as vier lede bestaan, twee lede 'n kworum is.

(2) Wanneer die voorsitter van 'n brandbestrydings- komitee van 'n vergadering afwesig is, benoem die aan- wesige lede uit hul geledere 'n waarnemende voorsitter vir daardie vergadering of vir die tydperk van afwesig- heid van die voorsitter.

(3) Die besluit van die meerderheid van die lede van 'n brandbestrydingskomitee wat op 'n vergadering aanwesig is, word geag die besluit van die komitee te wees: Met dien verstande dat by staking van stemme die voorsitter van die komitee benewens sy gewone stem ook 'n beslis- sende stem het.

(4) Notule van elke vergadering van 'n brandbestry- dingskomitee moet gehou en aan die volgende vergadering voorgelees word waarna dit, indien deur die vergadering in orde verklaar en deur die voorsitter of waarnemende voorsitter se handtekening bekragtig is, bewaar word.

6. Bywoning van Vergaderings

(I) 'n Brandbestrydingskomitee kan aan enigeen van sy lede verlof tot afwesigheid van enigeen van sy ver- gaderings of vir 'n tydperk van hoogstens ses maande toestaan.


3. Election of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer A fire protection committee established in terms of

section 12 (1) (b) of the Act shall at its first meeting ind thereafter as often as may be necessary elect a chair- man, secretary and treasurer from among its members to ict in these capacities at the committee's pleasure.

4 . Meetirlgs oj a Fire Protection Committee

(1) The first meeting of a fire protection committee shall be called by the Department of Forestry as soon as may be after the members have been appointed and shall be attended by an officer of the Department of Forestry who shall act as presiding officer until such time as a chairman is elected by the meeting from among the members of such committee.

(2) Ordinary meetings of a fire protection committee for dealing with matters shall be held as often and at such places and times as the committee may decide from time to time.

(3) The chairman of a fire protection committee may in his discretion at any time call a special meeting of the committee to deal with urgent matters and he may also call a special meeting at the request of at least one-third of the total number of members.

(4) The Department of Forestry may, on at least twenty-one (21) days' advance notice, request the chair- man of a fire protection conlnlittee to call a special meeting to deal with special or urgent matters.

(5) The chairman of a fire protection committee shall arrange for each committee member to be given advance notice of at least fourteen (14) days of the place, date and time of any ordinary or special meeting of the com- mittee.

5. Quorum and Procedure at Meetings

(1) The quorum for any meeting of a fire protection committee shall be not less than half the members of such committee: Provided that where such committee consists of less than four members, two members shall be a quorum.

(2) When the chairman of a fire protection committee is absent from a meeting, the members present shall nominate from among themselves an acting chairman for that meeting or for the duration of the chairman's absence.

(3) The decision of the majority of the members of a fire protection committee present at any meeting shall be deemed to be a resolution of the committee: Provided that in the event of an equality of votes, the chairman shall, apart from his deliberative vote, have a casting vote.

(4) Minutes of every meeting of a fire protection com- mittee shall be kept and read to the next meeting and. if declared by the meeting to be in order and confirmed by the signature of the chairman or acting chairman, be filed.

6. Attendance o f Meetings

(I) A fire protection committee may grant any of its members leave of absence from any of its meetings or for any period not exceeding six months.

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-----------.-------- - .- - --.----.-


(2) Wanneer 'n lid van 'n brandbestrydingskomitee ver- hinder is of na venvagting verhinder sal word om 'n vergadering van die komitee wat behoorlik deur die voor- sitter be16 is, by te woon, moet hy so gou moontlik die voorsitter kennis gee van die omstandighede wat hom verhinder het of sal verhinder om sodanige vergadering by te woon.

(3) Die voorsitter verwittig daardie of die daar- opvolgende vergadering van die ontvangs van sodanige kennisgewing, met vermelding van die lid se redes vir sy afwesigheid, en daarna besluit die vergadering of verlof vir sodanige afwesigheid toegestaan word a1 dan nie en elke sodanige besluit word in die notule van sodanige vergadering opgeteken.

(4) Wanneer 'n lid sonder verlof versuim het om twee agtereenvolgende vergaderings van die komitee by te woon, moet die komitee die Minister daarvan verwittig.

Elke brandbestrydingskomitee moet ten opsigte van die gebied waarvoor hy ingestel is-

(a) die volgende opstel en aan die Sekretaris van Bosbou vir goedkeuring voorle :

(i) Binne ses (6) maande na die instelling van ,lie komitee, 'n bedryfsplan vir die uitvoering van 'n brand- bestrydingsplan opgestel ingevolge artikel 13 van die Wet;

(ii) jaarliks voor 31 Maart, 'n jaarplan vir die komitee se werksaamhede vir die volgende boekjaar;

(iii) voorstelle vir die stigting van 'n organisasie vir die tenuitvoerlegging en toepassing van die bepalings van genoemde bedryfsplan;

(b) sodanige stappe doen as wat nodig is met die oog op die behoorlike toepassing van die bepalings van die brandbestrydingsplan genoem in subregulasie (a) wat in werking is ten opsigte van grond in die gebied waarvoor die komitee ingestel is;

(c) propaganda maak vir die beskerming van die veld, bome, bosse of plantasies teen brand; en

(d) die Minister van advies dien oor alle sake rakende die beskerming van die veld of bome, bosse of plantasies teen brand.

8. Geldelike Ondersteuning Aun Brandbestrydit~gs- konlitees

(1) Elke brandbestrydingskomitee moet jaarliks voor of op 31 Januarie 'n plan van werksaamhede tesame met 'n uitvoerige begroting van inkomste en uitgawe vir die betrokke boekjaar aan die Minister voorl&.

(2) Alle gelde kragtens artikel 15 van die Wet aan 'n brandbestrydingskomitee toegeken, mag aangewend word slegs vir die doeleindes gespesifiseer in 'n behoorlik goedgekeurde plan van werksaamhede en mag nie die bedrag oorskry wat vir enige sodanige doe1 goedgekeur is nie.

(3) Die rekenings en balansstaat van elke brandbestry- dingskomitee wat geldelike ondersteuning van die Staat ontvang, moet minstens een keer per jaar geouditeer word deur ouditeurs deur die Minister aangestel en sodanige komitee moet die aldus geouditeerde rekening- state so spoedig moontlik na 31 Maart in elke jaar tesame met 'n verslag oor sy bedrywighede gedurende die onmid- dellik voorafgaande jaar, asook 'n staat van inkomste en uitgawe vir di6 tydperk. am die Minister voorli3.

(2) When any member of a fire protection committee is prevented from or expects to be prevented from attend- ing a meeting of the committee duly called by the chair- man, he shall notify the chairman as soon as may be of the circumstances which have prevented or will prevent him from attending such meeting.

(3) The chairman shall advise that or the following meeting of receipt of such notice, stating the member's reasons for his absence, after which the meeting shall decide whether or not leave shall be granted for such absence and each such resolution shall be noted in the minutes of such meeting.

(4) When any member has, without leave, failed to attend two consecutive meetings of the committee, the committee shall advise the Minister thereof.

Every fire protection committee shall in respect of the area for which it has been established-

(a) prepare and subulit to the Secretary for Forestry for approval, the following :

(i) Within six (6) months of the committee's estab- lishment, a working plan for the execution of a fire protection scheme prepared in terms of section 13 of the Act;

(ii) annually before 31 March, an annual plan for the committee's activities for the next financial year;

(iii) proposals for the establishment of an organi- sation for applying and carrying out the provisions of the said working plan;

(b) take such steps as may be necessary to ensure the proper carrying out of the provisions of the f i e protection scheme referred to in subregulation (a) which is in operation in respect of any land within the area for which the committee has been established;

(c) make propaganda for the protection from fire of the veld, trees, forests or plantations; and

(d) advise the Minister on all matters relating to the protection from fire of the veld, trees, forests or plan- tations.

8. Financial Assistunce to Fire Protection Committees

(1) Every fire protection committee shall submit to the Minister annually on or before 31 January a plan of operations with detailed estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year concerned.

(2) All moneys granted to a fire protection committee in terms of section 15 of the Act shall be used solely for the purposes specified in a duly approved plan of operations and shall not exceed the amount authorised for any such purpose.

(3) The accounts and balance sheet of every fire protection committee receiving financial assistance from the State shall be audited at least once every year by auditors appointed by the Minister and such committee shall submit the accounts so audited to the Minister as soon as may be after 31 March in every year together with a report on its activities during the year immediately preceding, as well as a statement of revenue and expenditure for that period.

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Ek, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister van Finansies, handelende kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 48 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964-

(1) wysig hierby Bylae 1 by genoemde Wet in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aangetoon, en

(2) maak hierby bekend dat die wysiging van Bylae 1 by genoemde Wet, in Goewermentskennisgewing R. 723 van die tweede dag van Mei 1969 gepubliseer, met ingang van genoemde datum geag word reggestel te gewees het in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aangeto-~n vir sover dit betrekking het op binnebrandkompressie- ontstekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 10 by Af- deling XVI en Oprnerking 8 by Afdeling XVII uit- gesonderd die volgende :

(a) Vierslag, met aanjaer, met 'n kubieke verplasing van meer as 6 490 c m k a a r hoogstens 6 750 crn? en

(b) Tweeslag. sonder aanjaer, met 'n kubieke verpla- sing van meer as 4 330 cm' maar hoogstens 4 750 cm3.

N. DIEDERICHS, Minister van Finansies. BY LAE

Tar let pos


OF SCHEDULE 1 (No. 1 / 1 / 30) I, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister of Finance, acting in

terms of the powers vested in me by section 48 of the Cus- toms and Excise Act, 1964-

(1) hereby amend Schedule 1 to the said Act to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto, and

(2) hereby announce that the amendment of Schedule 1 to the said Act, published in Government Notice R. 723 of the second day of May 1969, shall be deemed to have been adjusted, with effect from the said date, to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto in so far as it relates to internal combustion compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to Section XVI and Note 8 to Section XVII excluding the following :

(a) Four-stroke, not normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement exceeding 6 490 cm3 but not exceeding 6 750 cma; and

(b) Two-stroke, normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement exceeding 4 330 cm3 but not exceeding 4 750 cma.

N. DIEDERICHS, Minister of Finance.

Algemene Opmerking I Deur die uitdrukking ,, .c.c.' beteken kubieke senti- meter;" deur die uitdrukking ,, ,c.c.' of ,cma' beteken kubieke sentimeter;" te vervang. Deur die uitdrukking ,, .rpk.' beteken remperdekrag;" te skrap.

Afdeling XVI Deur Opmerking 9 deur die volgende te vervang: ,,9. Die uitdrukking ,kubieke verplasing' in hierdie

Afdeling beteken die produk verkry deur die vermenigvuldig van die dwarsdeursneeoppe~lak- te van die silinderboor met die maksimum lengte van die suierslag en met die getal silinders.

10. 'n Verwysing in hierdie Afdeling na ,kompressie- ontstekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 10 by hierdie Afdeling' word binnebrandkom- piessie-ontstekingsenjins t e k & wat aan een van die volgende beskrywings beantwoord: (a) Vierslag, sonder aanjaer, met 'n kubieke ver-

plasing van minstens 5 250 cma maar hoog- stens 7 750 ma;

(b) Vierslag, met aanjaer, met 'n kubieke ver- plasing van minstens 4 600 cma maar hoog- stem 6 750 cmS;

(c) Tweeslag, sonder aanjaer, met 'n kubieke ver- plasing van minstens 3 250 cmS maar hoog- stem 4 750 cmS; of.

(d) Tweeslag, met aanjaer, met 'n kubieke ver- plasing van minstens 2 700 cma maar hoog- stens 4 100 cma."

84.06 Deur subposte Nos. 84.06.40, 84.06.60 en 84.06.70 deur dle volgende te vervang : ,,84.06.35 Spoonveglokomotiefenjins (uit-

gesonderd onderdele daarvan): .I0 Kompressie-ontstekingsen-

jins soos omskryf in O p merking 10 by hierdie Af- deling

.90 Ander

84.06.45 Kompressie ontstekingsenjins (uitgesonderd onderdele daar- van) nie elders vermeld of inge- - sluit nie: .10 Soos omskryf in Opmerking

10 by hierdie Afdeling


Statistiese Eenheid


g e d

g e d

- -

III IV v Skaal van Reg

M.B.N. ( Voorkeur

25 % (V.K.)

Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

G O Y ~ R N M E ~ a m , #) A U G U ~ I 9m No. 2786. 2!


.20 Ander, uitkenbaar as vir gebmk slegs of hoofsaak- lik met trekkers (uitge- sonderd padtrekkers) of padrollers

.30 Ander, synde vaste enjlns

.40 Ander, uitkenbaar as vir gebruik slegs of hoofsaak- lik met motorvoertule (uit- gesonderd trekkers wat nie padtrekkers is nie)

.90 Ander 84.06.50 Vonkontstekingseniins (u~tge-

sonderd onderdele daarvan) nie elders vermeld of ingesluit nie: .10 Uitkenbaar as vir gebruik

slegs of hoofsaaklik met trekkers (uitgesonderd pad- trekkers) of padrollers

.20 Vaste enjins

.30 Uitkenbaar as vir gebruik slegs of hoofsaaklik met motorvoertuie (uitgeson- derd trekkers wat nie pad- trekkers is nie)

.90 Ander Deur subposte Nos. 84.06.85 en 84.06.90 deur die volgende te vervang: ,,84.06.83 Onderdele van motorvoertuig-

enjins (uitgesonderd onderdele vir enjins vir motortietse en trek- kers wat nie padtrekkers is nie): .10 Ongernasjineerd van gegote

metaal .20 Suiers en suierringe, ge-

masjineerd .90 Ander

Deur subpos No. 84.06.99 te s k ~ p . 84.10 Deur subpos No. 84.10.90 deur dle volgende

te vervang: ,,84.10.90 Ander pompe (uitgesonderd did

vir die brau van bier) innevoer met of wat kompks~keont- stekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 10 by hierdie Af- deling inkorporeer

84.22 Deur subpos No. deur die vol- gende te vervang: ,,.lo Hyskrane ingevoer met of wat kom-

pressiesntstekingsenjins 500s omskryf 1n Opmerking 10 by hierdie Afdeling inkorporeer

85.01 Deur subpos No. deur die vol- gende te vervang: ,, .10 Ingevoer met of wat kompressieant-

stekingsenjins soos omskryf in O p merking 10 by hierdie Afdeling in- korporeer

Afdeling XVII Deur O~merkina 7 van Afdeling XVU deur die volgendi te verv&g:


,,7. Die uitdrukking ,kubieke verplasing' in hier- die Mdeling beteken &e produk verluy deur die vermenigvuld~g~ng van d ~ e dwarsdeursnee- oppervlakte van die silinderboor met die maksi- mum lengte van die suierslag en met die getal silinders.

8. 'n Verwysing in hierdie Afdeling na ,kompressie- ontstekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 8 by hierdie Afdeling' word geag binnebrand- kompressie-ontstekingsenjins te wees wat aan een van die volgende beskrywings beantwoord: (a) Vierslag, sonder aadaer, met 'n kubieke

verplasing van minstens 5 250 cm3 maar hoog- stens 7 750 cma;

(b) Vierslag, met aanjaer, met 'n kubieke ver- vlasing van minstens 4 600 cm3 maar hoog-

jtatistiese 1 SkaaJ van Reg Eenheid I-

gebl getal

, Algemeeo

getal V r Y

getal 26 000celh met 'n

maksimun van 15%"



26 000c elh PIUS 7% met 'n

maksimun van lox



6 OOOc elk met 'n

naksimum van 15% (VlG.)"

26000~ elk plus 5% met 'n

maksimun van 20%

Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998




jtatistiese Eenheid

(c) Tweeslag, sonder aanjaer, met 'n kub~eke verplasing van minstens 3250 cm3 maar hoog- stens 4 750 cma; of

e ver- (d) Tweeslag, met aanjaer, met 'n kubi-k plasing van minstens 2 700 cm8 maar hoog- stens 4 100 cmS."

87.01 Deur subpos No. deur die vol- gende te vervang:

,, .10 Ingevoer met of wat komprzssle-ont- stekingsenjins soos omskryf In Op- merking 8 by hierd~e Afdel~ng inkorpo- reer

Deur subpos No. 87.Ol.4O.lO deur die vol- gende te vervang: ,,.lo Ingevoer met of wat kompressie-ont-

stekingsenjins soos omskryf in Op- merking 8 by hierdle Afdeling in- korporeer

87.02 Deur subpos No. deur die vol- gende te vervang:

,, .10 Ingevoer met of wat kompress~e-ont- stzhmgsenjlns soos omsk~yf In Op- merking 8 by hierdie Afdcllng inkor- poreer

Deur die opskr~f van subpos No. 87.02.30 deur die volgende te vervang:

,,Omnibusse en ander publieke dienstipe passasiersvoertuie, ingevoer met of wat kompressie-ontstekingsenjins soos om- skryf in Opmerking 8 by hierdie Afdeling inkorporeer :"

87.04 Deur subpos No. 87.04.20 deur die volgende te vervang: ,,87.04.20 Ander chassis ingevoer met of

wat kompressie-ontstekingsen- jins soos omskryf in Opmerking 8 by hierdie Afdeling inkorpo- reer

87.07 Deur subpos No. deur die vol- gende te vcrvang:

,,. 10 Ingevoer met of wat kompressle-ont- stekingsenjins 500s omskryf in Op- merking 8 by hierdie Afdeling inkor- poreer






Algemeen I

6 O W elk met 'n

iaksirnum van 5%"

25 %

25 %"

25 :/,"

17 % plus 6 OOOc elk

la1 van Reg

M.B.N. I Voorkeur

20 % (V.K.:


10% plus 26 OOOc elk

(V.K.; Kanada)"

OPMERKING.-D~~ uitwerking van hierdie kennisgewing is om- (a) die subposte van tariefpos No. 84.06 te herrangskik, (b) die voorsienings vir binnebrandkompressie-ontstekingsenjins en vir sekere masjinerie of voertuie

wat sulke enjins ~nkorporcer te wysig in die mate aangetoon, en (c) terugwerkende krag te verleen aan die betrokke wysigings in die mate in paragraaf (2) van die

aanhef van hierdie kenn~sgewing aaneetoon.


Tariff Heading

General Note 1. By the substitution for the expression " 'c.c.' means cubic centimetre;" of the expression " 'c.c.' or ?an3' means cubic centimetre;". By the deletion of the expression " 'b.h.p.' means brake horse-power ;".

Section XVI Bv the substitution for Note 9 to Section XVI of the f'illowing : "9. The expression 'cubic displacement' in this

Section means the product obtained by multi-

g lying the cross-sectional area of the cylinder ore by the maximum length of the piston

stroke and by the number of cylinders. 10. A reference in this Section to 'compression

ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to this Section' shall be taken to mean internal com- bustion compression ignition engines answering to one of the following descriptions: I

Statistical Rate of Duty

Unit General / M.F.N. I Pre-, ferent~al

Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


Tariff Heading


(a) Four-stroke, normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement of 5 250 cma or more but not exceeding 7 750 cmS:

(b) Four-stroke, not normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement of 4 600 cmS or more but not exceeding 6 750 cmS;

(c) Two-stroke, normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement of 3 250 cma or more but not exceeding 4 750 cma; or

(d) Two-stroke, not normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement of 2 700 cn? or more but not exceeding 4 100 cm3."

84.06 By the substitution for subheadings Nos. 84.06.40, 84.06.60 and 84.06.70 of the fol- lowng : "84.06.35 Railway locomotive engines (ex-

cluding parts thereof): .10 Compression ignition en-

gmes as defined in Note 10 to this Section

.90 Other

84.06.45 Compression ignition engines (excluding parts thereof) not elsewhere specified or included: .I0 As defined in Note 10 to

this Section .20 Other, identifiable for use

solely or principally with tractors (excluding road tractors) or road rollers

.30 Other, being stationary en- gines

AO Other, identifiable for use solely or principally with motor vehicles (excludin tractors other than roa8 tractors)

.90 Other 84.06.50 Spark ignition enginas (exclu- e r e o f ) not elsewhere specified or mcluded: .10 Identifiable for use solely

or principally with tractors (excluding road tractors) or road rollers

.20 Stationary engines

.30 Identifiable for use solely or principally with motor vehicles (excluding tractors other than road tractors)

.90 Other By the substitution for subheadings Nos. 84.06.85 and 84.06.90 of the following: "84.06.83 Parts of motor vehicle engines

(excluding parts of engines for motor cycles and tractors other than road tractors): .10 Unmachined of cast metal .20 Pistons and piston rings,

machined .90 Other

By the deletion of.subheading No. 84.06.99. 84.10 By the substitution for subheading No.

84.10.90 of the following: "84.10.90 Other pumps (excluding those

for the brewing of beer) imported with or incorporating compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to thts Section

84.22 By the substitution for. subhead~ng NO. 84.22 .a. 10 of the followmg: ". 10 Cranes imported with or incorporating

compression ignition engines as de- fined in Note 10 to this Section

Statistical Rate of Duty

Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

Tariff Heading

85.01 By the subst~:urion for subheading No. of the foilow~ng:

' I . 10 Imported with or incorporatmg com- pression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to this Sect~on

Section XVII By the substitution for Note 7 to Section X\.'II of the following: "7. The expression 'cubic displacement' in this

Section means the product obtained by mu!ti- plying the cross-sectional area of the cylinder bore by the maximum length of the piston stroke and by the number of cylinders.

8. A reference in this Sect~on to 'conipression ignition engines as defined in Note 8 to this Sec- tion' shall be taken to mean internal com- bustion compression ignition englnes answering to one of the following descriptions: (a) Four-stroke normally awrated, with a

cubic disp!acement of 5 250 cm3 oi more but not excecding 7 750 cn?;

(b) Four-stroke, not normally asp~rated, with a cubic displacement of 4 600 cnla 01 more but not exceeding 6 750 cm3;

(c) Two-stroke, normally aspirated, w ~ t h a cubic displacemenl of 3 250 cms or more but not exceeding 4 750 cm*; or

(d) Two-stroke, not normally aspirated, with a cubic d~splacement of 2 700 cm3 or more but not exceeding 4 100 cmS "

87.01 By the substitution for subheading No. of the following: ".lo Imported with or incorporating com-

pression ignit:on engines as defined in Note S t o this Section

By the substitution for subheading No. of the follow@g:

". 10 lmported w ~ t h or Incorporatmg com- pression ignition engines as defined in ~ o t e 8 10-this Section

87.02 By the substitulion for subheading No. of the following:

". 10 lmported with or incorporating com- pression ignition engines as defined in Note 8 to this Section

By the substitution for the heading of sub- heading No. 87.02.30 of the following:

"Omnibuses and other publ~c-serv~ce type passenger vehicles, imported with or in- corporating compression ignition engines as defined in Note 8 to this Section:"

87.04 By the substitution for subhead~ng No. 87 .O4.20 of the following,: "87.04.20 Other chass~s imported %th o r

~ncorporating compression ~ g - nition engines a s defined in Note 8 to this Section

87.07 By the substitution for subheading No. of the following: " . 10 Imported with o r incorporating com-

pression ignition engines as defined in Note 8 to this Section

Nm.-The effect of this notice is to-


Statistical Unit







III IV v Rate of Duty


26 000c each plus 5% with a maxi- mum of 20 %

26 OOOc each with a maxi- mum of 5 %"

25 %

25 %"

25 %"

17% plus 26 OOOc each

26 OOOc each with a maxi- mum of 15%


20% ! (U.K.; : Ireland)" I

each (U.K. ;


(a) re-arrange the subheadings of tariff heading No. 84.06. (b) amend the prov~sions for internal cornhustion compression ignition engines and for certain

machines o r vehicles incorporating such engines to the extent ~ndicated, and (c) provide for retrospective effect of the relative amendments to the extent indicated in paragraph

(2) of the preamble to this notice.

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No. R. 1402 28 Augustus 1970 DOEANE- EN AKSYNSWET, 1964.-WYSIGTNG

VAN BYLAE 3 (No. 31235) Ek, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister van Finansies, hande-


Tariefpos en Beskrywing

No. R. 1402 28 August 1970 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT, 1964.-AMENDMENT

O F SCHEDULE 3 (No. 31235) I, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister of Finance, acting in

- - produkte

39.01 Poli-esterfilm, vir die vervaardiging van elektriese isoleerprodukte

48.01 Kraftpapier, met 'n basisgewig per vk. m. van hoogstens 25 grm., in rolle of in velle, vir die ver- vaardiging van elektriese isoleerprodukte

68.15 Hersaamgestelde mika, in rolle of in velle, vir die vervaardiging van elektriese isoleerprodukte

70.20 Weefstowwe van glasvesel, met 'n dikte van hoogstens 0.15 mm., vir die vervaardiging van elektriese isoleerprodukte

lende kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 75 I terms of the powers vested in me by section 75 of the van die Doeane- en Aks~nswet, 19649 w~s ig h i e r b ~ 1 Customs and Excise Act, 1964, hereby amend Schedule 3 van genoemde Wet in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aan-


313 .O9

Mate van Korting

getoon. N. DIEDERlCHS, Minister van Finansies.

Deur na tariefpos No. 29.23 die volgende in te voeg: ,,34.02 Klapperdietanolamied, natriumlourieletersulfaat en

trietanolamienlourieIsulfaat, vir die vervaardiging van brandblusskuim

Deur na item 313.08 die volgende in te voeg: ,,313.09 Nywerheid: Bewerkte mika en artikels van mika

25.26 Mika, met inbegrip van splitsings, en mika- afval. vir die vervaardiging van elektriese isoleer-

Volle reg"

Volle reg

Volle reg

Volle reg

Volle reg

Volle reg"

to the said Act to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto.

N. DIEDERICHS, Minister of Finance.

(1) Voorsiening word gemaak vir 'n volle korting op reg op klapperdittanolamied, natriumlouriel' etersulfaat en trietanolamienlourielsulfaat, vir die vervaardiging van brandblusskuim.

(2) Voorsiening word gemaak vir 'n volle korting op reg op sekere grondstowwe vir die vervaar- diging van elektriese isoleerprodukte.





Tariff Heading and Description

By the insertion after tariff heading No. 29.23 of the following: "34.02 Coconut diethanolamide, sodium lauryl ether sulphate

and triethanolamine lauryl sulphate, for the manufacture of fire-extinguishing foam

I By the insertion after item 313.08 of the following: "313.09 Industry: Worked mica and articles of mica

25.26 Mica, including splittings, and mica waste, for the manufacture of electric insulating products

39.01 Polyester film, for the manufacture of electric insulating products

48.01 Kraft paper, with a basis weight per sq. m. not exaxding 25 grm., in rolls or in sheets, for the manufacture of electric insulating products

68.15 Reconstituted mica, in rolls or in sheets, for the manufacture of electric insulating products

70.20 Woven fabrics of glass fibre, of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm., for the manufacture of electric insulating products

m Extent of Rebate

Full duty"

Full duty

Full duty

Full duty

Full duty

Full duty"

(1 I Provision is made for a rebate of the full duty on coconut diethanolarnide, sodium lauryl ether sulphate and triethanolamine lauryl sulphate, for the manufacture of fireextinguishing foam.

(2) Provision is made for a rebate of the full duty on certain raw materials for the manufacture of electric insulating products.

Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998


No. R. 1403 28 Augustus 1970 DOEANE- EN AKSYNSWET, 1964.-WYSIGING

VAN BYLAE 3 (No. 3 1236.) Ek, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister van Finansies, hande-

lende kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 75 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964-

(1) wysig hierby Bylae 3 by genoemde Wet in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aangetoon, en

(2) maak hierby bekend dat die wysiging van Bylae 3 by genoemde Wet, in Goewermentskennisgewing R. 724 van die tweede dag van Mei 1969 gepubliseer, met ingang van genoemde datum geag word reggestel te gewees het in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aangetoon, vir sover dit betrekking het op a1 die binnebrandkompressie- ontstekingsenjins in item 316.13 genoem en, met die uit- sondering van di& in paragrawe (a) en (b) hieronder genoem, op die binnebrandkompressie-ontstekingsenjins in items 3 16.01, 3 17.03 en 3 17.10 genoem :

(a) Vierslag, met aanjaer, met 'n kubieke verplasing van meer as 6 490 cm3 maar hoogstens 6 750 cm'; en

(b) Tweeslag, sonder aanjaer, met 'n kubieke ver- plasing van meer as 4 330 cm3 nlaar hoogstens 4 750 cm3.

N. DIEDERICHS, Minister van Finansies.

No. R. 1403 28 August 1970 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT, 1964.-AMENDMENT

OF SCHEDULE 3 (No. 31236.) I, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister of Finance, acting in

terms of the powers vested in me by section 75 of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964-

(1) hereby amend Schedule 3 to the said Act to the exlent set out in the Schedule hereto, and

(2) hereby announce that the amendment of Schedule 3 to the said Act, published in Government Notice R. 724 of the second day of May 1969, shall be deemed to have been adjusted, with effect from the said date, to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto, in so far as it relates to all the internal combustion compression igni- tion engines mentioned in item 316.13 and, with the exception of those mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) below, to the internal combustion compression ignition engines mentioned in items 316.01, 317.03 and 317.10:

(a) Four-stroke, not normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement exceeding 6 490 cm" but not exceeding 6 750 cm3; and

(b3 Two-stroke, normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement exceeding 4 330 cm4 but not exceeding 4 750 cm3.

N. DIEDERZCHS, Minister of Finance.







Tariefpos en Beskrywing

Deur paragrawe (3) en (4) van tariefpos No. 84.06 deur die volgende te vervang:

,,(3) Binnebrandsuierenjins (uitgesonderd kompressie-ont- stekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 10 by Afdeling XVI van Bylae No. I), vir die vervaardiging van skroppe en padskrapers

(4) Kompressie-ontstekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerkinz 10 bv Afdeline XVI van Bvlae No. 1, wat ralkaste inkorpo- reer:vir die v i r ~ a a r d i ~ i n i v a n padskrapers

Deur die Opmerkmg by item 316.13 deur die volgende te vervang: ,,Oprnerkb~g: Die kortings op reg in hierdie item vermeld ten

opsigte van onderdele vir die vervaardiging van kon~pressie-ontstekingsenjins soos omskrvl' In Oomerkine. 10 by Afdeling XVI van Bylae No. I maar sonaer die beperking in verbalid met die maksimum kubieke verplasing wat in genoemde Opmerking voorgeskryf word, is slegs van toe- passing mits 'n vervaardigingsprogram ten op- sigte van die vervaardiging van enjins van so- danige klas of soort deur die Minister van Ekonomiese Sake ten opsigte van die betrokke invoerder goedgekeur is en is slegs van toepassing vir die tyd en op die voorwaardes deur die be- doelde Minister voorgeskryf."

Deur tariefpos No. 48.21 deur die volgende te vervang: ,,48.21 Pakstukke van papier en papierbord, vir die vervaar-

diging van kompressie-ontstekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 10 by Afdeling XVI van Bylae No. 1 maar sonder die beperking in verband met d ~ e makslnium kubieke verplasing wat in genoemde Opmerking voor- geskryf word, en onderdele daarvan

Deur paragraaf (1) van tariefpos No. 84.06 dew die volgeildr te vervang :

.,(I) Onderdele (afgewerk of onafgewerk) van kompressie-ont- stekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 10 by Afdeling XVI van Bylae No. 1 maar sonder die beperking in verband met die maksimum kubieke verplasing wat in genoen~de Opmerking voorgeskryf word

Deur in paragraaf (I) paragraaf (2) van tariefpos No. 54.06 deur die volgende te vervang:

,,(2) Kompressie-ontstekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 10 by Afdeling XVI van Bylae No. 1, behalwe vir motor- voertuie met 'n bruto voertuiggewig van minder as 22 400 Ib., vir die vervoer van goedere of materiale, maar nie enige motorvoertuig in paragraaf (111) van hierdle item vermeld nie



Mate van Korting

Volle reg

Volle reg min R260 elk en bowendien 3 %"

Volle reg"

Volle reg"

Volle reg min 25%''

Reproduced by Sabinet Online in terms of Government Printer’s Copyright Authority No. 10505 dated 02 February 1998

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 28 AUGUST 1970 No. 2786 27 --


I -- I

0pmerking.- D:e uitwerking van hierdie kennisgwing is om-


3 17.10

(a) items 316.01, 316.13, 317.03 en 317.10 te wysig in die mate aangetoon, en (b) terugwerkende krag te verleen aan die betrokke wysigings in die mate in paragraaf

(2) van die aanhef van hierdie kennisgewing aangetoon.

Tariefpos en Beskrywing 1 Mate van Korting

By the substitution for paragraphs (3) and (4) of tariff heading No. 84.06 of the following:

"(3) Idternal combustion piston engines (excluding compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to Section XVI of Schedule No. 1). for the manufacture of scrapers and road graders

(4) Compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to Sec- tion XVI of Schedule No. 1, incorporating gear boxes, for the manufacture of road graders

By the substitutuion for the Note to item 316.13 of the following: "Note: The rebates of duty specified in this item in respect of

parts f o ~ the manufacture of compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to Section XVI of Schedule No. 1 but without the limitation In respect of the maxi- mum cubic displacement prescribed in the said Note, only apply provided a manufacturing programme in respect of the manufacture of engines of such class or kind has been approved by the Minister of Economic Affairs in respect of the importer concerned and shall only apply for such time and under such conditions as may be prescribed by the said Minister."

By the substitution for tariff heading No. 48.21 of the following: "48.21 Gaskets of paper and paperboard, for the manufacture

of compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to Section XVI of Schedule No. 1 but without the J i i t a - tion in respect of the maximum cubic displacement prescribed in the said Note, and parts thereof

By the substitution for paragraph (1) of tariff heading No. 84.06

- Deur paragraaf (1) van tariefpos No. 84.06 dew die volgende te vervang :

,,(I) Binnebrandsuierenjins (uitgesonderd kompressie-ont- stekingsenjins soos omskryf in Opmerking 10 by Afdeling XVI van Bylae No. l), vir die vervaardiging van mobiele hyskrane

SCHEDULE .---- . . -. - ~~

. - . of the following:


"(1) Parts (finished or unfinished) of compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 t o Section XVI of Schedule No. 1

Volle reg"


I tem

but without the limitation in respect of the maximum cubic displacement prescribed in the said Note

By the substitution in paragraph (I) for paragraph (2) of tariff heading No. 84.06 of the following:

"(2) Compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to Section XVI of Schedule No. 1, except for motor vehicles of a gross vehicle weight of less than 22 400 Ib for the trans- port of goods or materials not being any motor vehicle specified in paragraph (111) of this item

By the substitution for paragraph (1) of tariff heading No. 84.06 of the following:

"(1) Jnternal combustion piston engines (excluding compression Ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to Section XVI of Schedule No. l), for the manufacture of mobile cranes

. -~ . -

Full duty


Tariff' Heading and Description

Full duty less R260 each and in addition 3%"


Extent of Rebate

Full duty"

Full duty"

Full duty less 25 %"

Full duty"

I - -- Note.-The effect of this notice is to-

(a) amend items 316.01, 316.13, 317.03 and 317.10 to the extent indicated, and (b) provide for retrospective effect oft he relative amendments to the extent ~ndicated in paragraph

(2) of the preamble to this notice.

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No. R. 1404 28 Augustus 19'70


Ek, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister van Finansies, hande- lende kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 75 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964-

(1) wysig hierby Bylae 4 by genoemde Wet in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aangetoon, en

(2) maak hierby bekend dat die wysiging van Bylae 4 by genoemde Wet, in Goewermentskennisgewing R. 725 van die tweede dag van Mei 1969 gepubliseer, met ingang van genoemde datum geag word reggestel te gewees het in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aangetoon behalwe vir sover dit betrekking het op die volgende binnebrandkompressie-ontstekingsenjins :

(a) Vierslag, met aanjaer, met 'n kubieke verplasing van meer as 6 490 cm3 maar hoogstens 6 750 cm'; en

(b) Tweeslag, sonder aanjaer, met 'n kubieke ver- plasing van meer as 4 330 cm3 maar hoogstens 4 750 ma.

N. DIEDERICHS, Minister van Finansies.

No. R. 1404 28 August 1970 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT, 1964.-AMENDMENT

OF SCHEDULE 4 (No. 4/66) I, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister of Finance, acting in

terms of the powers vested in me by section 75 of the Custonls and Excise Act, 1964-

(1) hereby amend Schedule 4 to the said Act to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto, and

(2) hereby announce that the amendment of Schedule 4 to the said act, published in Government Notice R. 725 OF the second day of May, 1969, shall be deemed to have been adjusted, with effect from the said date, to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto, except in so far as it relates to the following internal combustion compression ignition engines :

(a) Four-stroke, not normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement exceeding 6 490 cm3 but not exceeding 6 750 cm3; and

(b) Two-stroke, normally aspirated, with a cubic displacement exceeding 4 330 cm3 but not exceeding 4 750 cm3.

I N. DIEDERICHS, Minister of Finance.


I I I1 I 111

Item 1 Tariefpos en Beskrywing I Mate van Korting

0pmerking.-Die voorsiening vir 'n korting op reg op sekere kompressie-ontstekingsenjins vir gebruik met trekkers (uitgesonderd kruiptrekkers en padtrekkers vir leunsleepwaens) word gewysig, met terug- werkende krag tot 2 Mei 1969.

Deur tariefpos No. 84.06 deur die volgende te vervang: ,,84.06 Kompressie-ontstekingsenjins soos omskryf in Op

merking 10 by Afdeling XVI van Bylae No. 1 , vir gebruik met trekkers (uitgesonderd kruiptrekkers en padtrekkers vir leunsleepwaens)


Volle reg"

Item / Tariff Heading and Description 1 Extent of Rebate

Note.-The provision for a rebate of duty on certain compression ignition engines for use with tractors (excluding track-laying tractors and road tractors for semi-trailers) is amended with retrospective effect to 2 May 1969.

By the substitution for tariff heading No. 84.06 of the following: "84.06 Compression ignition engines as defined in Note 10 to

Section XVI of Schedule No. 1, for use with tractors (excluding track-laying tractors and road tractors for semi-trailers)

28 Augustus 1970 EN AKSYNSWET, 1964.-WYSIGING VAN BYLAE 1 (No. 11313)

Full duty"

B, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister van Finansies, handelende kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 48 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, wysig hierby Dee1 3 van Bylae 1 van genoemde Wet in die mate in die Bylae hiervan aangetoon.

N. DLEDERICHS, Minister van Finansies.

No. R. 1424 28 August 1970 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT, 1964.-AMENDMENT

OF SCHEDULE 1 (No. 1 / 3 / 3) I, Nicolaas Diederichs, Minister of Finance, acting in

terms of the powers vested in me by section 48 of the Cus- toms and Excise Act, 1964, hereby amend Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the said Act to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto.

N. DIEDERICHS, Minister of Finance.

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Verkoop- regitem


Tariefpos en Beskrywing 1 Skaal van Verkoopreg

147.00 1 88.02 Deur tariefpos No. 88.02 te skrap. I I I I

0pmerkin.y.-Die verkoopreg op vliegmasjiene en sweefvliegtuie word ingetrek. Terugwerkende reg- stelling van hierdie bepating tot 26 Maart 1969 word in d ~ e Doeane- en Aksynswysigingswet 1970 bewerk- stellig.


II I 111

sales ~ u t ~ ( Item Tariff Heading and Description I Rate of Sales Duty


Note.-The sales duty on flying machines and gliders is withdrawn This provision will be adjusted retrospectively to 26 March 1969, In the Customs and Excise Amendment Act 1970.


No. R. 1405 28 Augustus 1970


UNIVERSITEIT VAN DIE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG.-REGULASIES-WYSIGING Kragtens die bevoegdheid horn verleen by artikel 17 (5)

van die Wet op Universiteite, 1955 (Wet 61 van 1955), het die Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding sy goedkeuring geheg aan onderstaande wysigings van die Regulasies van die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, afgekondig by Goewermentskennisgewing R. 1434 van 31 Augustus 1962, soos gewysig by Goewermentskennis- gewings R. 892 van 10 Junie 1966 en R. 620 van 18 April 1969 :

88.02 By the deletion of tariff heading No. 88.02.

1. Regulasie 6 word deur onderstaande regulasie ver- vang :

"6. Indien die regulasies wat op 'n leergang betrekking het, gewysig word, kan 'n student wat ooreenkomstig die ou regulasies ingeskryf is en wat voldoende krediete verwerf het vir toelating tot die daaropvolgende studiejaar, behoudens andersluidende bepalings in die nuwe regulasies, kies of hy ooreenkomstig die nuwe of ou regulasies sy studies wil voortsit: Met dien verstande dat hy-

(a) nie kan kies om sy studies gedeeltelik ooreen- komstig die ou regulasies en gedeeltelik ooreenkomstig die nuwe regulasies voort te sit nie;

(b) deur sy keuse gebind is; en

(c) enige reg verbeur om ooreenkomstig die ou regulasies sy studies voort te sit indien hy, nadat hy aldus gekies het-

(i) in enige jaar nie daarin slaag om voldoende krediete te verwerf vir toelating tot die daaropvolgende studiejaar nie; of

(ii) sy studies onderbreek.".


No. R. 1405 28 August 1970


The Minister of National Education has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section 17 (5) of the Universities Act, 1955 (Act 61 of 1955), approved the following amendments to the Regulations of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, published under Government Notice R. 1434 of 31 August 1962, as amended by Government Notices R. 892 of 10 June 1966 and R. 620 of 18 April 1969 :

1. The following regulation is substituted for regulation 6 :

"6. If the regulations governing a curriculum are changed, a student who registered under the old regulations and has obtained sufficient credits to enable him to proceed to the next year of study may, unless the new regulations provide otherwise, elect to proceed hence- forward either under the new or old regulations : Provided that he-

(a) may not elect to proceed partly under the old regulations and partly under the new regulations;

(b) shall be bound by his election; and

(c) shall forfeit any right to proceed under the old regulations if, having elected to proceed under them-

(i) he fails in any year to gain sufficient credits to entitle him to proceed to the next year of study; or

(5) he interrupts his studies.?'. 5

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30 No. 2786 STAATSKOERANT, 25 AUGUSrZlS 1970

2. Regulasie 7 word gewysig deur-

(a) subregidasie (2) deur onderstaande subregulasie te vervang:

"(2) 'n Persoon word nie as kandidaat vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae, of vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae in Industriele Chemie, of vir die graad Baccalaureus Medicinae en Baccalaureus Chirurgiae, of vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae in Fisioterapie, of vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae in Ingenieurswese of vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae in Stad- en Streekbeplanning toegelaat nie, tensy hy in die Matrikulasie-eksamen of in 'n eksamen wat die Gemeen- skaplike Matrikulasieraad vir die doel erken, 'n standard van minstens 40 persent in Wiskunde behaal het."; en

(b) subregulasie (3) deur onderstaande subregulasie te vervang :

"(3) 'n Persoon word nie as kandidaat vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae Dentalis, of vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae in Verpleegkunde of vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae in Arbeidsterapie toegelaat nie, tensy hy in die Matrikulasie-eksamen of in 'n eksamen wat die Gemeenskaplike Matrikulasieraad vir die doe1 erken, in Wiskunde geslaag het : Met djen verstande dat die Senaat 'n gegradueerde van enige universiteit wat verlang om as kandidaat vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae Dentalis toegelaat te word, van hierdie vereiste kan vrystel.".

3. Regulasie 8 word gewysig deur subregulasie (1) deur onderstaande subregulasie te vervang :

"(1) 'n Persoon wat nie lid van die Konvokasie is nie en wat vir die graad van doktor (uitgesonderd die graad Doctor PhiIosophiae) of vir die graad Magister Chirurgiae, of vir die graad Magister Legum of vir die graad Magister Scientiae Dentalis wi1 inskryf, word nie as kandidaat toe- gelaat nie, tensy die Senaat, op advies van die betrokke fakulteitsraad, oortuig is dat daar goeie redes vir sy toelating bestaan.".

4. Regulasie 15 word deur onderstaande regulasie ver- vang :

" 1 5. Indien die regulasies wat op 'n leergang betrekking het, gewysig word, kan 'n student wat ooreenkomstig die ou regulasies ingeskryf is en wat voldoende krediete ver- werf het vir toelating tot die daaropvolgende studiejaar, behoudens andersluidende bepalings in die nuwe reguiasies. kies of hy ooreenkomstig die nuwe regulasies of ou regulasies sy studies wil voortsit : Met dien verstande dat hy-

(a) nie kan &es om sy studies gedeeltelik ooreen- komstig die ou regulasies en gedeeltelik ooreenkomstig die nuwe regulasies voort te sit nie;

(b) deur sy keuse gebind is; en

(c) enige reg verbeur om ooreenkomstig die ou regulasies sy studies voort te sit indien hy, nadat hy aldus gekies het-

(i) in enige studiejaar nie daarin slaag om voldoende krediete te verwerf vir toelating tot die daaropvolgende studiejaar nie; of

(ii) sy studies onderbreek.".

2. Regulation 7 is amended by-

(a) the substitution for subregulation (2) of the following subregulation :

"(2) No person shall be admitted as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chenlistry, Bachelor or Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor of Science in Physio- therapy, Bachelor of Science in Engineering or Bachelor of Science in Town and Regional Planning unless he has attainecl a standard of at least 40 per cent in Mathematics at the matriculation examination or at an examination recognised for the purpose by the Joint Matriculation Board."; and

(b) the substitution for subregulation (3) of the follow- ing subregulation :

"(3) No person shall be admitted as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Dental Science, Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy unless he has passed in Mathematics at the matriculation examination or at an examination recognised for the purpose by the Joint Matriculation Board : Provided that a graduate of any university who wishes to be admitted as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Dental Science may be exempted by the Senate from this requirement.".

3. Regulation 8 is amended by the substitution for subregulation (1) of the following subregulation :

"(1) A person who is not a member of the Convoca- tion and who wishes to proceed to the degree of doctor (other than the degree of Doctor of Philosophy) or to the degree of Master of Surgery, Master of Laws or Master of Dental Science shall not be admitted as a candidate unless the Senate is satisfied, on the advice of the board of the faculty concerned, that there are good reasons for such admission.".

4. The following regulation is substituted for regulation 15 :

"15. If the regulations governing a curriculum are changed, a student who registered under the old regula- tions and has obtained sufficient credits to enable him to proceed to the next year of study may, unless the new regulations provide otherwise, elect to proceed hence- forward either under the new or the old regulations: Provided that he-

(a) may not elect to proceed partly under the old regulations and partly under the new regulations;

(b) shall be bound by his election; and

(c) shall forfeit any right to proceed under the old regulations if, having elected to proceed under them-

(i) he fails in any year to gain sufficient credits to entitle him to proceed to the next year of study, or

(ii) he kterrupts his studies."..

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No. R. 1422 28 Augustus 1950



Kragtens die bevoegdheid horn verleen by artikel 18 (2) van die Wet op Universiteite, 1955 (Wet 61 van 1955), het die Minister van Nasionale Opvoeding sy goed- keuring geheg aan onderstaande wysigings van die gemeenskaplike statuut van die universiteite, opgestel deur die Komitee van Universiteitshoofde en afgekondig by Goe- wermentskennisgewing R. 822 van 25 Mei 1962, soos gewy- sig by Goewermentskennisgewings R. 937 van 25 Junie 1965, R. 1940 van 8 Desember 1967 en R. 2256 van 6 Desember 1968:

1. Paragraaf 6 word deur onderstaande paragraaf ver- vang :


Samestelling en Wyse van Aanstelling van Lede

6. Die Raad bestaan uit-

(a) twee verteenwoordigers van elke universiteit; (b) twee verteenwoordigers van die Komitee, aange-

stel deur dit Komitee; (bA) een verteenwoordiger van die universiteit ingestel

om Gekleurdes te bedien;

(bB) een verteenwoordiger van die universiteite inge- stel om Bantoevolkseenhede te bedien;

(c) een verteenwoordiger van die Departement van v Hoer Onderwys, aangestel deur die Sekretaris van dit


(d) een verteenwoordiger van die Departement van -toe-onderwys, een verteenwoordiger van die Depar-

7 - 0 Kleurlingbetrekkinge en Rehoboth-aange- leer1 L.. .%en verteenwoordiger van die Departement van Indieisake aangestel deur die sekretaris van die betrokke departement;

(e) vyf verteenwoordigers van die Departemente van Ondenvys van die vier provinsies van die Repubfiek en die gebied Suidwes-Afrika, waar die hoof van elk van diC Departemente een verteenwoordiger aanstel;

(f) ses verteenwoordigers van openbare skole in die Republiek en die gebied Suidwes-Afrika van wie-

(i) vier uit die vier provinsies van die Republiek gekies word, een uit elke provinsie;

(ii) een uit Suidwes-Afrika gekies word; en (iii) e m uit die Departement van Hoer Ondenvys,

gekies word; en

(g) twee verteenwoordigers van private skole in die

Republiek en die gebied Suidwes-Afrika.".

2. Paragraaf 7 word deur onderstaande paragraaf vervang :

7. Behoudens die bepaliigs van paragrawe 8 en 9 beklee die lede van die Raad bedoel in paragraaf 6 (a), (b), (bA) en (bB) hulle amp vir 'n tydperk van drie jaar em alle ander M e hulk amp vir 'n tydperk van twee jaar.".

No. R. 1422 28 August 1970



The Minister of National Education has, under and by virtue of the powers vested in him by section 18 (2) of the Universities Act, 1955 (Act 61 of 1955), approved the follov~ing ammdments to the joint statute of the uni- versities framed by the Committee of University Prin- cipals and published under Government Notice R. 822 of 25 May 1962, as amended by Government Notices R. 937 of 25 June 1965, R. 1940 of 8 December 1967 and R. 2256 of 6 December 1968:

1. The following paragraph is substituted for para- graph 6:


Constitr~tion and Manner of Appointment of Members

6. The Board shall consist of-

(a) two representatives of each university; (b) two representatives of the Committee appointed

by that Committee;

(bA) one representative of the university established to serve Coloured persons:

(bB) one representative of the universities established to serve Bantu national units;

(c) one representative of the Department of Higher Education appointed by the Secretary of that Depart- ment;

(d) one representative of the Department of Bantu Education, one representative of the Department of Coloured Relations and Rehoboth Affairs and one representative of the Department of Indian Affairs appointed by the secretary of the department concerned;

(e) five representatives of the Education Departments of the four Provinces of the Republic and the territory of South-West Africa, the head of each of these De- partments to appoint one representative;

(f) six representatives of public schools in the Re- public and in the territory of South-West Africa of whom-

(i) four shall be selected from the four Provinces of the Republic, one from each province;

(ii) one shall be selected from South-West Africa; and

(iii) one shall be selected from the Department of Higher Education; and

(g) two representatives of private schools in the Re- public and in the territory of South West Africa.".

2. The following paragraph is substituted for para- graph 7:

"Period of Office

7. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 8 and 9, the members of the Board referred to in paragraph 6 (a), (b), @A) and (bB) shall hold of£ice for a period of three years and an other members for a period of two years.".

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3. Paragraaf 16 word deur onderstaande paragraaf ver- vang:

"Minimum tydperk van Bywoning vir 'n Baccalaureusgraad

16. Behoudens die bepalings van 'n wet of van hierdie statuut kan geen universiteit, ondanks andersluidende bepa- lings in sy statuut, 'n kandidaat tot 'n baccalaureusgraad toelaat nie, tensy hy-

(a) hom as student laat inskryf het;

(b) na die geldigheidsdatum van die matrikulasie- sertifikaat of van die sertifikaat van volle vrystelling van die matrikulasie-eksamen uitgereik deur die Raad die vobgende bywoningstydperk wat as minimum vir so 'n graad erken word, voltooi het:

(i) Vir die graad Baccalaureus Artium, Baccalaureus Scientiae in die Suiwer Wetenskap, Farmasie of Dieet- kunde, of Baccalaureus in die Regsgeleerdheid, God- geleerdheid, Musiek, Handel, Staatshuishoudkunde, Sosiale Wetenskappe, Krygskunde of Biblioteekkunde : ten minste drie akademiese jare;

(ii) vir die graad Baccalaureus Scientiae in die Inge- nieurswese, Landmeetkunde, Landbou, Bosbou, Huis- houdkunde, Voedseltegnologie, Fisioterapie, of enige ander tak van toegepaste wetenskap (uitgesonderd Far- masie en Dieetkunde), Baccalaureus Artium in die Beeldende Kunste, Spraakheelkunde of Verpleegkunde: Ten minste vier akademiese jare;

(ii) vir die graad Baccalaureus in die Veeartseny- kunde, Tandheelkunde, Boukunde of Bestekopname : Ten minste vyf akademiese jare;

(iv) vir die graad Baccalaureus in die Geneeskunde en Baccalaureus in die Snykunde: Ten minste ses aka- demiese jare;

(v) vir die graad Baccalaureus in die Opvoedkunde of in Liggaamlike Opvoeding: 'n Tydperk van (a) ten minste twee jaar waar hy voor die voltooiing van hierdie bywoningstydperk die graad van Baccalaureus Artium of Scientiae of 'n ander g r a d wat deur die senaat van die universiteit as gelykwaardig daarvan aan- vaar is, behaal het; of (b) ten minste een jaar waar hy voor hierdie bywoningstydperk bf 'n goedgekeurde vier- jarige baccalaureusgraad of 'n goedgekeurde driejarige baccalaureusgraad en ook 'n goedgekeurde diploma of 'n sertifikaat in die Opvoedkunde behaal het;

(vi) vir enige ander baccalaureusgraad wat nie 'n hon- neursgraad is nie: Ten minste drie akademiese jare; en

(vii) vir die honneursbaccalaureusgraad-

(a) ten minste een akademiese jaar na voltooiing van 'n baccalaureusgraad vir die doe1 erken deur die senaat van 'n universiteit; of

(b) waar 'n honneursgraad gelyktydig geneem word met 'a baccalaureusgraad: Ten minste een akademiese jaar bo en behalwe die tydperk voorgeskryf in elke geval in (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) en (vi) vir die betrokke bacca- laureusgraad : Met dien verstande dat 'n universiteit, in 'n geval wat hy as uitsonderlik beskou, die minimum bywoningstydperk ten opsigte van die honneursgraad Baccalaureus Artium, Baccalaureus Scientiae of Bac- calaureus in die Handel tot 'n totaal van drie aka- demiese jare kan verminder;


3. The following paragraph is substituted for para- gaph 16:

"Minimum Period ofJttendance for Degree of Biachelor

16. Subject to the provisions of an Act or of this statute, no university may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in its statute, admit a candidate to a de- gee of bachelor unless he has-

(a) registered as a student;

(b) completed subsequent to the date of validity of the matriculation certificate or of the certificate of full exemption from the matriculation examination issued by the Board the following minimum period of attend- ance recognised for such degree:

(i) For the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Pure Science, Pharmacy or Dietetics, or of Bachelor of Laws, Divinity, Music, Commerce, Economics, Social Science, Military Science, or Libra- rianship: at least three academic years;

(ii) for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engi- neering, L a d Surveying, Agriculture, Forestry, Domes- tic Science, Food Technology, Physiotherapy, or any .)l

other branch of applied science (excluding Pharmacy and Dietetics), Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts, Logo- paedics or Nursing: at least four academic years;

(iii) for the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Dental Surgery, Architecture or Quantity Surveying: at least five academic years; -

(iv) for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery: at least six academic years,@-

-- ., -&

(v) for the degree of Bachelor of E ny- sical Education: a period of (a) at le& two years where he has obtained prior to the completion of this period of attendance the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science or another degree accepted by the senate of the university as equivalent thereto; or (b) at least one year where he has obtained prior to this period of attendance either an approved four-year bachelor's de- gree or an approved three-year bachelor's degree and also an approved diploma or certificate in Education;

(vi) for any other degree of bachelor which is not an honours degree: at least three academic years; and

(vii) for the honours degree of bachelor-

(a) at least one academic year after completion df a degree qualifying for a bachebr's degree recognised by the senate of a university for this purpose; or

(b) where the honours bachelor degree is taken simul- taneously with the bachelor's degree course: At least one academic year in addition to the period prescribed in each case in (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) for the relevant degree of bachelor: Provided that a uni- versity may, in a case considered by it to be excep- tional, reduce the minimum period of attendance in respect of the honours degree of Bachelor of Arts, of Bachelor of Science or of Bachelor of Commerce to a total of three academic years;

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-- -

GOVERNMENT GAZETW, 28 AUGUST 1970 No. 2786 33 -

(c) vir die graad Baccalaureus in die Regsgeleerdheid of Baccalaureus in die Geneeskunde en Baccalaureus in die Snykunde: Die ouderdom van 21 jaar bereik het:

vIet dien verstande dat in die geval van 'n student van lie Universiteit van Suid-Afrika die woord 'bywoning' Jie tydperk beteken tussen die datum waarop die matri- wlasie- of ander eksamen wat hom vir inskrywing as 5ematrikuleerde student kwnlifiseer, met goeie gevolg afge- 12 is en die datum van die finale eksamen vir 'n graad.".

4. Paragraaf 18 word deur onderstaande paragraaf ver- vang :

"Aunvaurding van Byivoning en S d f i k a t e van Bekrvuninheid

18 (1) Ondanks andersluidende b2pniings in die statuut van 'n universiteit, aanvaar die senant van sodanige mi- versiteit as deel van die bywoning van 'n student aan daardie universiteit, wat vir toelating tot 'n baccalnu- reusgraad, uitgesonderd 'n ee1:jarige honneursbaccalaurelis- graad, aan daardie universiteit kwalifiseer, bywoningstyd- perke as ingeskrewe gematrikuleerde student aai; die Uni- versiteit van Kaapstad; die Universiteit van Stelknbosch; die Universiteit van d'e Witwatersrand. Johan,~esburg; die Universiteit van Pretoria; die Ilniversiteit van Natal; die Universiteit van d ~ e Oianje-Vrystaat; Rhodes-irniver- siteit; die Potchefstroon1;e Universiteit vir Christelike Hoer Onderwys; die Universiteit vail Port Elizdbcth, of die Randse Afrikaanse Un1veisit:it: Mzt disn vcrstande dnt so 'n bywoningstydperk aawaar word sleps in die geval van 'n kursus deur daardie universiieit erken, en dat 'n senaat, in die geval van 'n student, sover doenlik serti- fikate van belcwaamheid in enige vak deur die senaat van sodanige ander universiteit uitgereik, kan aanvaar: Voorts met dien verstande dat so 'n kandidaat nie deur 'n universiteit tot 'n graad toegelaat mag word nie tensy hy, in die geval van 'n gewone baccalaureusgraad, aan die bepalings vervat in subparagraaf (2) voldoen het en, in die geval van 'n honneursgraad, waar sodanige graad aan- gebied word sonder dat die kandidaat eers 'n gewone bac- calaureusgraad hoef te verwerf, voldoen het aan die bepa- Xngs vervat in subparagraaf (3) en, hetsy vir 'n gewone of so 'n honneursgraad-

(a) in die eksamens wat c'ie senaat bepaal, geslaag het;

(b) die gelde wat voorgeskryf word, betaal het; en (c) in ander opsigte aan die vereistes vir die graad

voldoen het. (2) 'n Kandidaat word nie tot 'n gewone baccalaureus-

graad ingevolge subparagraaf (1) toegelaat nie tensy- (a) sy bywoningstydperke aan enigeen van genoemde

universiteite tesame ten minste gelyk is aan die volle tydperk wat vir toelating tot diC graad voorgeskryf word; en

(b) hy aan die universiteit wat die graad toeken, goed- gekeurde kursusse bygewoon het-

(i) vir 'n Baccalaureusgraad in die Opvoedkunde of 'n Baccalaureusgraad in Liggaamlike Opvoeding, ten minste gedurende die finale akademiese jaar;

(ii) vir 'n Baccalaureusgraad, behalwe die graad Bac- calaureus in die Veeartsenykunde, waarvoor die voor- geskrewe bywoningstydperk vier of vyf jaar is, ten minste gedurende die finale twee akademiese jare;

(iii) vir 'n Baccalaureusgraad in die Geneeskunde en Snykunde, of vir enige ander baccalaureusgraad waar- voor die bywoningstydperk ses jaar is, en vir 'n Bac- calaureusgraad in die Veeartsenykunde, ten minste gedu- rende die finale drie akaderniese jare; en

(c) for the degree of Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery: attained the age of twenty-one years:

Provided that in the case of a student of the University of South Africa the term 'attendance' shall mean the period between the dates of passing the matriculation or other examination qualifying for registration as a matri- cuIated student and the final examination for a degree.".

4. The following paragraph is substituted for paragraph 18:

"Acceptance of Attendunce and Certificates o f Proficiency

18. (1) Notwithsianding anything to the contrary in the statutes of any university, the senate of such univer- sity shall accept as part of the attendance of a student of that university qualifying for admission to a degree of bachelor other than a one-year honours degree of bachelor of that university periods of attendance as a registered matriculated student at the University of Cape Town; the University of Stellenboscl.; the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; the University of Pretoria; the University of Natal; the University of the Orange Free State; Rhodes University; the Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike I-10% Oilderwys; the University of Port Elizabeth or the Rand Afrikaans University: Provided that such period of attmdance shall be accepted only in the case of a course recognised by that university, and that a senate may, in the case of a student, accept, so far as may be practicable, certificates of proficiency in any subject issued by the senate of such other university: Provided furiher that no such candidate shall be ad- mitted to a degree by any university unless he has, for an ordinary pass degree, complied with the provisions of subparagraph (2), and, for an honours degree, if such degree is offered without the candidate's being first re- quired to obtain an ordinary degree of bachelor, com- plied with the provisions of subparagraph (3) and, whether for an ordinary pass or sueh honours degree, he has-

(a) passed such examination as the senate may deter- mine;

(b) paid such fees as may be prescribed; and (c) complied in other respects with the requirements

for the degree.

(2) A candidate shall not be admitted to an ordinary pass degree in terms of subparagraph (1) unless he has-

(a) attended at any of the said universities for periods that are together not less than the complete period prescribed for admission to such degree; and

(b) attended approved courses at the university that confers the degree-

(i) for a degree - of Bachelor' of Education or of Bachelor of Physical Education, for at least the final academic year;

(ii) for any degree of bachelor, except the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science, for which the pre- scribed period of attendance if four or five years, for at least the final' two academic years;

(iii) for a degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Sur- gery, or for any other degree of bachelor for which the period of attendance is six years, and for a de- gree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science, for at least the final three academic years; and

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34 No. 2786

-- -


(iv) vir 'n ander baccalaureusgraad, ten minste gedu- rende twee akademiese jare: Met dien verstande dat hy ten minste die helfte van die totale aantal kursusse voorgeskryf vir die graad, bygewoon het. (3) 'n Kandidaat word nie tot 'n honneursgraad, behalwe

'n eenjarige honneursgraad, ingevolge subparagraaf (1). toe- gelaat nie tensy hy aan die universiteit wat die graad toe- ken goedgekeurde kursusse ten minste gedurende die finale twee akademiese jare bygewoon het.

(4) Die senaat van 'n universiteit kan, as deel van die bywoning van 'n student aan daardie universiteit wat vir toelating tot 'n baccalaureusgraad, uitgesonderd 'n eenjarige honneursbaccalaureusgraad, aan daardie universiteit kwa- lifiseer, tydperke van registrasie as 'n gematrikuleerde stu- dent van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika aanvaar: Met dien verstande dat so 'n tydperk van registrasie aanvaar word slegs in die geval van 'n kursus deur daardie uni- versiteit erken en dat 'n senaat in die geval van 'n stu- dent, sover doenlik, sertifikate van bekwaamheid in enige vak uitgereik deur die senaat van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, kan aanvaar: Voorts met dien verstande dat die bepalings van subparagrawe (1) en (2) mutaris mutan- dis van toepassing is en, in die geval van 'n honneurs- graad, waar sodanige graad aangebied word sonder dat die kandidaat eers 'n gewone baccalaureusgraad hoef te verwerf, hy voldoen het aan die bepalings vervat in sub- paragraaf (3) en, hetsy vir 'n gewone of so 'n honneurs- graad-

(a) in die eksamens wat die senaat bepaal, geslaag het;

(b) die gelde wat voorgeskryf word, betaal het; en (c) in ander opsigte aan die vereistes vir die graad

voltloen het. (5) Die senaat van 'n universiteit kan, as deel van die

bywoning van 'n student aan daardie universiteit wat vir toelating tot die baccalaureusgraad kwalifiseer, bywo- ningstydperke aan enige universiteit of inrigting, uitgeson- derd die in subparagrawe (1) en (4) bedoel, wat spesiaal vir di6 doe1 deur die senaat goedgekeur is, aanvaar en kan eksamens waarin aan enige sodanige universiteit of inrig- ting in enige vak geslaag is as vrystelling van eksamens van die universiteit in dit vak aanvaar: Met dien verstande dat die bepalings van subparagrawe (I), (2) en (3) in alle ander opsigte mutatis mutandis van toepassing is.".


No. R. 1419 28 Augustus 197a DIE KINDERWET. 1960 (WET 33 VAN 1960) KINDERHOWE-REBLS EN REGULASIES

Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 92 van die Kinderwet, 1960 (Wet 33 van 1960), vaardig ek, Jan Jurie Loots, Minister van Kleurlingsake, hierby die vol. gende regulasies uit :

1. Die regulasies met betrekking tot die rd l s van prose. dure in kinderhowe en by verrigtings in landdroshowe in gevolge Hoofstuk VI van die Wet; die registrasie var orders van aanneming en die beskerming van jong kinders uiteengesit in die Bylae van Goewermentskennisgewing R. 523 van 30 Maart 1961, is op Kleurlinge van toepassing

2. In hierdie regulasies beteken "Kleurling" 'n persoor wat kragtens die Bevolkingsregistrasiewet, 1950 (Wet 3C van 1950), geklassifiseer is as 'n lid van die Kaapse Kleur. ling-, Maleier- of Griekwagroep of die groep Andei Gekleurdes.

J. J. LOOTS, Minister van Kleurlingsake.

(iv) for any other degree of bachelor, for at leas two academic years: Provided he has attended at leas half the total number of courses prescribed for th degree. (3) A candidate shall not be admitted to an honour

legree other than a one-year honours degree in terms o iubparagraph (1) unless he has attended approved course it the university that confers the degree for at least thc 'inal two academic years.

(4) The senate of any university may accept, as par 3f the attendance of a student of that university quali :yins for admission to a degree of bachelor of that uni vlersity other than a one-year honours degree of bachelo~ )f that university. periods of registration as a matri. zulated student of the University of South Africa: Provided that such period of registration may be accepted only in the case of a course recognised by that uni- versity and that a senate may in the case of a student xcept, as far as may be practicable. certificates of pro- Eiciency in any subject issued by the senate of the Uni- versity of South Africa: Provided further that in all other respects the provisions of subparagraphs (1) and (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis and, for an honours degree, if such degree if offered without the candidate's being first required to obtain an ordinary degree of bachelor, complied with the provisions of subparagraph (3) and, whether for an ordinary pass or such honours de- gree, he has-

(a) passed such examinations as the senate may deter- mine;

(b) paid such fees as may be prescribed; and (c) complied in other respects with the requirements

for the degree. (5) The senate of any university may accept, as part

of the attendance of a student of that university quali- fying for admission to the degree of bachelor, periods of attendance at any university or institution, other than those referred to in subparagraphs (1) and (4) specially approved by the senate for the purpose and accept exam- inations passed at any such university or institution in any subject as exempting from examinations of the uni- versity in such subject: Provided that in all other re- spects the provisions of subparagraphs (l), (2) and (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis.".


No. R. 1419 28 August 1970 THE CHILDREN'S ACT, 1960 (ACT 33 OF 1960)


Under and by virtue of the powers vested in me by sec- tion 92 of the Children's Act, 1960 (Act 33 of 1960), I, Jan Jurie Loots, Minister of Coloured Affairs, hereby promulgate the following regulations :

1. The regulations in regard to the rules of procedure in children's courts and at proceedings in magistrate's courts in terms of Chapter VI of the Act; the registration of orders of adoption and the protection of infants, set out in the Schedule to Government Notice R. 523. dated 30 March 1961. shall apply to Coloureds.

2. In these regulations "Coloured" means any person who is classified under the Population Registration Act, 1950 (Act 30 of 1950), as a member of the Cape Coloured, Malay or Griqua Group or the Other Coloured Group. J. J. LOOTS, Minister of Coloured Affairs.

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GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 28 AUGUST 1970 No. 2786 35 . - . --.-. -.--



Kragtens artikel 79 (2) van die Bemarkingswet, 1965 (No. 59 van 1968), maak ek, Dirk Cornelis Nermanus Uys, Minister van Landbou, hierby bekend dat die Mielie- raad, genoem in artikel 2A van die Mielie- en Kaffer- koringskema, afgekondig by Proklamasie R. 1 13 van 1961, soos gewysig, kragtens artikel 25 van daardie Skema, met my goedkeuring en met ingang van die datum van publikasie hiervan, die voorskrifte met betrekking tot die opgawes wat deur produsente van S.A.-bastermielies en modersaad van S.A.-bastermielies verstrek en rekords wat gehou moet word, afgekondig by Goewermentskennis- gewing R. 687 van 1 Mei 1970, gewysig het soos in die Bylae hiervan uiteengesit. D. C. 13. UYS, Minister van Landbou.

BYLAE Die Bylae by Goewermentskennisgewing R. 687 van 1

Mei 1970 word hierby soos volg gewysig : 1. Paragraaf 2 (a) word deur die volgende vervang: "(a) (i) binne 15 dae na die einde van elke maand 'n

opgawe in die vorm in Aanhangsel B.S. 1 uiteengesit, aan die Mielieraad, Posbus 669, ?retoria, verstrek waarin hy besonderhede in verband met saadmielies wat in daardie aanhangsel vir daardie maand verlang word, verskaf; en

(ii) binne 15 dae na die laaste dag van die maand van November van elke jaar ten opsigte van sy verkopn

saadmielies in die tydperk 1 Mei tot 30 November van elke jaar en daarna binne 15 dae na die laaste dag van elk van die maande Desember, Januarie, Februarie, Maart en April van elke jaar ten opsigte van sy verkope van saadmielies in elkeen van laasgenoemde maande opgawes in die vorm in Aanhangsels B.S. 2 en B.S. 3 uiteengesit, aan genoemde Raad verstrek \.aarin hy besonderhede in verband met saadmielies wat in daardie aanhangsels vir daardie maande verlang word, verskaf."

2. Aanhangsel B.S. 2 word deur die volgende nuwe Aanhangsels B.S. 2 en B.S. 3 vervang:



Ir, terms of section 79 (2) of the Marketing Act, 1968 (No. 59 of 1968), I, Dirk Cornelis Hermanus Uys, Minister of Agriculture, hereby make known that the Maize Board referred to in section 2A of the Maize and Kaffircorn Scheme, published by Proclamation R. 11 3 of 1961, as amended, has in terms of section 25 of the said Scheme, with my approval and with effect from the date of publica- tion hereof, amended the requirements relating to the records to be kept and returns to be rendered by producers of S.A. hybrid maize and foundation seed of S.A. hybrid maize published by Government Notice R. 687 of 1 May 1970, as set out in the Schedule hereto.

D. C. H. UYS, Minister of Agriculture.


The Schedule to Government Notice R. 687 of 1 May 1970, is hereby amended as follows :

1. Paragraph 2 (a) is replaced by the following :

"(a) (i) within 15 days after the end of each month render to the Maize Board, P.O. Box 669, Pretoria, a return in the form set out in Annexure B.S. 1 containing the particulars required in connection with seed maize in that annexure for that month; and

(ii) within 15 days after the last day of the month of November of each year render to the above-mentioned Board in respect of his sales of seed maize in the period 1 May to 30 November of each year and thereafter within 15 days after the last day of each of the months of December, January, February, March and April of each year in respect of his sales of seed maize in each of the latter months returns in the form set out in Annexures B.S. 2 and B.S. 3 containing the particulars required in connec- tion with seed maize in those annexures for those months."

2. Annexure B.S. 2 is replaced by the following new Annexures B.S. 2 and B.S. 3:



(Eenhede van 100 Ib) Naam van geregistreerde produsent - ......... .....Maad - 19 ..................... .._.._

-- --

Nommer Varieteite wit Totaal Wit Varitteite gee1 Bestemming van saadmielies van wit

Totaal Geel afval faktuur gee1


_.._ ..... _ ..... __" ...... ...... .--.. . .-. .... - - -" ....- -. .I -- .--. - - ......... -_ - _. "-- _" -- --.-.-I-_ - . . ..

. .- ...... " ---- - - - - -.- .. -." --" . ----- TOTAL. ................. I ----- --



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(Un~ts of 100 Ib) Name of registered producer-- --.Month 19--



Destination of seed maize

-_____ -

--.-- - TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(Unlts of 100 Ib)

Total white



Invoice No.



Varieties of yellow 1 Total


---- -_. __. --

---- ------------ -----

-----4 -----

White offal

----- ".

Yellow offal



Varieties of white

- -----


----- ----- -----

-- -


_I -- -------


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Hierby word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak dat ek, Barend Jacobus Schoeman, Minister van Vervoer, kragtens artikel 356 (2) van die Handelskeepvaartwet, 1951 (Wet 57 van 1951), soos gewysig, die organisasie "Registro ltaliano Navale" goedgekeur het-

(1) as 'n "Toewysende Owerheid" vir die toepassing van die Laslynregulasies, 1968; en

(2) as 'n "Owerheid" vir die toepassing van Dee1 I1 van die Regulasies in verband met Konstruksie, 1965.

B. J. SCHOEMAN, Minister van Vervoer.


It is hereby notified for general information that, in terms of section 356 (2) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act 57 of 1951), as amended, I, Barend Jacobus Schoeman, Minister of Transport, have approved the Organisation "Registro ltaliarlo Nuvale"-

(1) as an "Assigning Authority" for the purpose of the Load Line Regulations, 1968; and

(2) as an "Authority" for the purpose of Part I1 of the Construction Regulations, 1968.

B. J. SCHOEMAN, Minister of Transport.

Bevredigende Telef oondiens

Lees die nuttige wenke en aanwysings wat op die bladsye in verband met spesiale dienste en oor ander inligting in u telefoongids voorkom.

Maak u gesprekke so kort moontlik.

Wees seker dat u die regte nommer het voordat u 'n oproep maak.

Beantwoord u Telefoon onmiddellik en praat duidelik.

To ensure a f

Satisfactory Telephone Service Read the special services and other information pages of your directory for useful hints and directions.

$ Avoid long conversations. 4

I Be sure of the number you want before making a call.

Answer your telephone promptly and speak distinctly.

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R. 207. Verklaring van "Konvensieland" . . . . . . . . . R. 208. Afskaffing van die Departemente van

Hoer Onderwys en Kultuursake en skepping van 'n Departement van

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nasionale Opvoeding R. 211. Wet op Aangeleenthede met betrekking

tot Suidwes-Afrika, 1969 : Wysiging van Ordonnansie op die Beheer van die Suiwelnywerheid. 1962 . . . . . . . . . . .

R. 215. Skema vir die rdling van die bemarking van inmaakvrugte kragtens die Bemar- kingswet, 1968, en vir aangeleenthede in verband daarmee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Arbeid, Departement van GOEWERMEMSKENNISGEW~NGS R.1395. Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956 :

Beroep van Tandheelkundige : Verlenging van geldigheidsduur van Pensioenfonds-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ooreenkoms R. 1408. Wet op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956 :

Vasstelling 26 kragtens artikel sewe-en- serverltig: Motornywerheid, landdros- distrik Pretoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

R. 1409. Wet op Nywerhe~dsversoening, 1956 : Vasstelling 16 : Motornywerheid : Intrek- king ten opsigte van die landdrosdistrik -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pretoria R.1413. Wet ~ op Nywerheidsversoening, 1956 :

Beroep van Tandwerktuigkundige: Her- nuwing van Hooiooreenkoms . . . . . . . . .

GOEWERMFMSKENNISGEWING R.1400. Ouditering : Gebiedsowerhede : Artikel

8A (5) van die Wet op Bantoe-ower- hede, 1951 : Toepassing van artikels 8A

. . . . (2), (3) en (4) van genoemde Wet

Bantoe-administrade en -ontwikkeling, Departement van

Bosbou, Departement van GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWING R.1396. Regulasies kragtens die Grondbewarings-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wet, 1969

Doeane en Aksyns, Departernent van GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS R.1401. Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964 : Wysiging

van Bylae 1 (No. 1 / 1 130) . . . . . . . . . . . . R.1402 Doeane en Aksynswet, 1964: Wysiging

van Bylae 3 (No. 31235) . . . . . . . . . . . . R.1403. Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964 : Wysiging

van' Bylae 3 (No. 31236) . . . . . . . . . . . . R.1404. Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964 : Wysiging

van Bylae 4 (No. 4/66) . . . . . . . . . . . . R.1424. Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964 : Wysiging

van Bylae 1 (No. 11313) . . . . . . . . . . . . HoEr Onderwys, Departement van GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEW INGS

R.1405. Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, ... Johannesburg : Regulasies : Wysiging

R.1422. Wet op Universiteite, 1955 : Gemeenskap- like statuut van die universiteite:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wysiging Kleurlingbetrekkinge en Rehoboth-aangeleenthede,

Departement van GOEWERMENTSKENN~SGEW~NO R.1419. Kinderwet, 1960 : Kinderhowe : Reels en

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . regulasies Landbou-ekonomie en -bemarking, Departement van GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINO R.1406. Opgawes wat deur produsente van S.A.-

bastermielies en moedersaad van S.A.- bastermielies verstrek en rekord wat

. . . . . . . . . . . . gehou moet word : Wysiging 35

Vewoer. Departement van GOEWERMEXTSKENNISGEWING R.1412. Handelskeepvaartwet, 1951, soos gewysig :

......... Goedkeuring van 'n organisasie 37



PROCLAMATIONS R. 207. Declaration of "Convention Country" ... 1 R. 208. Abolition of the Departments of Higher

Education and Cultural Affairs and creation of a Department of National Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

R. 21 1. South-West Africa Affairs Act 1%9: Amendment of the Dairy 1ndustry7Control Ordinance, 1962 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

R. 215. Scheme fpr regulating the marketing of canning fruit in terms of the Marketing Act. (968, and for matters incidental

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thereto 2


Agricultural Economics and Marketing. Department of < I [ ) \ I-RNMENI NOTICE R.1406. Returns to be rendered and record to be

kept by producers of S.A. hybrid maize and foundation seed of S.A. hybrid

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maize : Amendment 35

Bantu Administration and Development, Department of GO\ ERNMENT NOTICE R. 1400. Auditing : Territorial Authorities : Section

8A (5) of the Bantu Authorities Act, 1951 :Application of sections 8A (2), (3) and (4) of the said Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Coloured Relations and Rehoboth Affairs. Depart- ment of

GOVERNMENT NOTICE 141 9. The Children's Act, 1960: Children's

Courts : Rules and regulations . . . . . . . . . C~~sroms and Excise. Department of

< 7 0 \ FRNMENT NOTICES R.1401. Customs and Exclse Act. 1964: Amend-

ment of Schedule 1 (No. 1/1/30) R 1402. Customs and Excise Act, 1964 : Amend-

ment of Schedule 3 (No. 31235) R.1403. Customs and Excise Act, 1964: Amend-

ment of Schedule 3 (No. 31236) . R.1404. Customs and Exc~se Act, 1964. Amend-

ment of Schedule 4 (No. 4/66) R.1424. Customs and Excise Act, 1964. Amend-

ment of Schedule i (No. 11313) . . . Forestry, Department of GOVERNMENT NOTICE R.1396. Regulations in terms of the Soil Conser-

vation Act, 1969 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Higher Education, Department of

R.1405. University of the Wihvatersrand. Johan- nesburg: Regulations : Amendment . . . . .

R. 1422. Universities Act, 1955 : Joint statute of the universities : Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . .

Labour, Department of GOVERN MEW^ Norices R.1395. Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956: Dental

Mechanician Occupation : Extension of period of operation of Pension Fund Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

R.1408. Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956: Deter- mination 26 in terms of section seventy- seven: Motor Assembly Industry, Magis-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . terial District of Pretoria R. 1409. Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956 : Deter-

mination 16, Motor Assembly Industry : Cancellation in respect of the Magisterial

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District of Pretoria R.1413. Industrial Conciliation Act, 1956 : Dental

Mechanician Occupation : Renewal of Main Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Transport, Department of G O\.ERNMENT NOTICE R.1412. Merchant Shipping Act, 1951, as amended:

Approval of an organisation ............

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. .--".- ---- +- . - -



Die Delfstowwe van Suid-~frika Die "ierde uitgawe van Die Delfstowwe van Suid-Afrika

is nou beskikbaar

The Mineral Resources of South Africa The fourth edition of The Mineral Resources in South Africa

is now available


Nuttige wenke- I. Ad resseer alle posstukke volledig,

duidelik en sonder misleidende af- kortings.

2. Plaas u eie adres agterop die koevert of omslag.

3. Moenie muntstukke of ander harde artikels in briewe insluit nie.

4. Gebruik posorders of poswissels wanneer geld deur die pos gestuur word.

5. Verpak pakkette behoorlik. Gebruik sterk houers en dik papier en blnd d i t stewig vas.

6. Maak seker dat die posgeld ten volle vooruitbetaal is.

7. Plak die posseels in die boonste regter- hoek van die koevert of omslag.

8. Verseker u pakkette en registreer waardevolle briewe. Dokumente wat slegs teen hoe koste vervang kan word, moet verkieslik verseker word.

9. Pos vroegtydig en dikwels gedurende die dag. Posstukke wat t o t op die laaste oomblik teruggehou word kan ver- traging veroorsaak.

10. Verstrek u volledige posadres aan u korrespondente asook u posbusnommer waar van toepassing.

I Useful Hints- .

I. Address ail mail fully, clearly and withor~t misleading abbreviations.

2. Place your own address on the back of the envelope o r wrapper.

3. Do not enclose coins o r other hard objects In letters.

4. Send remittances by Postal Order o r Money Order.

5. Pack parcels properly, using strong con- tainers and heavy paper. Tie securely.

6. Prepay postage fully.

7. Place postage stamps in the upper right hand corner of the envelope o r wrapper.

8. Insure your parcels and register valuable letters. Documents which can only be replaced at considerable cost should preferably be insured.

9. Post early and often during the day. Mail held until the last moment may cause delay.

10. Give your correspondents your correct post office address including your box number where applicable.

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4 No. 2786 STAATSKOERANT, 28 AUGUSTUS 1970 .

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deur middel van 'n POSORDER


S t w u pakkette per fugpos


Registered mail carries no insurance. Send valuables by


Money by means of a POSTAL ORDER or


Use air md parcel post


&&I& d m en sakrygbaar by Die Staatsdrukker, 1 Printed by and obtainable from The Government Printer. Bosmamtraat (Privaatsak 85), Pretoria Bosman Street (Rivate Bag 85), Pretoria

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