St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-03-17

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLV, No. 8

Transcript of St. Viator College Newspaper, 1928-03-17

THE VIA TORIAN Volume XLV ;:,t Patnck's Day lssue-1928 Number 8





Affirmative Team Wins At Joliet; Long Scl.tedule Still Awaits Debaters ; Carroll College Next On Schedule

Eight Conference Colleges Represented In Swimming Contest At St. Viator Natatorium

The 1928 debating schedule was formally opened on March 8th with the annual dehate with St. Xavier Col­lege of Cincinnati. The debate was held at the Knights of Columbus aud­itorium and wa• well a ttended both by the student body and the forensic enthusiasts of Kankakee. Although St. Xavier was awarded the unanimous decision of the judges, both teams presented well developed, substantial arguments which merited the praise and commendation of all those pres­ent.

St. Viator College was represented in the opening debat e by Messrs. James Allen Nolan, Ma urice L. Le­Claire, John W. Stafford Messrs. Edmund Doyle, J ames E. Quill , and Edward J . McGrath represented St. Xavier College. The judges of the debate were: Hon. Gerard A. Connor, Attorney at Law, Chicago; Ron. Fran­cis O'Shaughnessy, Attorney at Law, Chicago; and Dr. Harwood Childs, Ph. b., Professor at the Univer s ity of Chi­cago. Mr. Robert 0 Barnett acted as "hairman of the debate

LeClaire, and Mr. C. Raymond Spra­g ue. Mr. John W. Stafford, Mr. Ar­mand Lottinville, and Mr. Robert 0. Barnett defended the negative. The debate was unusually heated, but the seriousness of its characte r did not diminish the a mount of humor and witticisims t hat each side employed. By a decision taken by a vote of the ent ire a ssembly, the affirmative men were declared the victors

While in Jolie t, the members of the teams wer e the guests of Mr. Wallace a nd his son, Mark, who g radua ted from St. Viator College last June. The hosts to the t eams entertained their visitors royally, and made the occasion memorable with a. thousand different kindnesses and thoughtful provisions. Debaters Face Long and Diflicalt

Schedule The deba ting season has just begun

for the St. Viator :forensic representa­ti ves. At present, the affirmative t eam is di l igently pr eparing for a de­bate wit h Carroll College of Wauke-

Gives Two Very Interesting Programs In Club Room

Professor Roy C. Bates, professor of accoun ting, business nglish, and commercial law a t St. Viator College, gave two interesting p rograms to the student body, the firs t on Saturday evening, February 25, and the second on Saturday evening, Mar ch lOth. In his firs t program, Professor Bates demonstrated a r emarkable ability in the fi eld of the magician a nd sleight­at-hand performer. Skill in landscape drawings, as well a~ 'trick' deceptive, pictures were demonstrated in his lat~ ter program. Mr. Don McCarthy, clothed magnific ently in a somewhat worn a nd faded lounging robe and a turkish-towel turban, assisted the Professor in the first program as the

The Little Nineteen Conference Swimming Meet which opens here today promises to r ival the recent Tournament from a standpoint of suc­cess a nd enthusiasm. All through t he day, the contending teams ha ve been arriving. At the time that this issue went to press, the number of team en­tries f rom conference colleges totaled eight, with individual entries promised from nearly every school in the Con­fere nce. Valuable trophies have been secured and they will include a loving cup for grand prize, a nd g old , s ilver, a nd bronze medals for fi rs t , second, a nd third placements in each event. Mr. F. J . Manley, swimming coach of Illinois University will direct t he meet, a nd act as one of the judges.

The meet wi ll , of course, be held in the new na tatorium in the g ymnasium.

myst ic shiek of the Sahara . ---------------

Rev. FultonJ. Sheen, '16, Writes Article on "The

Theism of Atheism"

The question debated by the two

The entire s tudent body a ttended both of Mr. Bates' programs and everyone enjoyed them very much. As a s leight·of-hand performer, Profes­sor Bat es is undoubtedly one of the best tha t we have e ver seen. Members of his classes ha ve resolved not to nt-·

sha, Wis., which will t a ke place at Waukesha next Tuesday. The ques- The Reve rend Fulton J . Sheen, '16,

teams was: " Resolved, Tha t the Uni- tion of armed intervention w ill be de- tempt ponying, for, whi le everyone Ph. D., S. T. D. , has recent ly written , , ted State• should cease to protect, by bated on this occasion. The personnel knows that the ha nd is quicker than ' ' ·armed force, captia1 inves ted in for- of the team in this debate is uncertain the eye, they doubt very much that the a scholas ti c argument combatting the

-eign lands, except after formal declar- to the correspondent as Father Ma- principle applies to the Professor's spread of athei sm. The thesis ap­ation of war." This is the Pi Kappa guire ha s not yet a.nnounced who shall eyes. peared in the March issue of "The Delta Nationa l Debating Fraternity represent the College. The St. Viator In hi s second progra m, Professor Missionary" published by the Apostol­question, and it is the subject of most debaters will defend tbe affirmative Bates entertained us with free-hand ic Mission House of ' 'Vashington, D. C. of the inter-collegia t e deba tes through- aga ins t Carroll College. drawings of both se riou s and humor- It was the third of a series of doctrin-

ut the country. The impor ta nce of Two dua l debates a re scheduled; ous character. He drew approximate- a l papers which are being fe atured in he question in present-day politics one with Loyola University and one ly thirty drawings, among which were "The Miss ionary" during 1928 . nd international relations is e vident, with Marquette University. Father landsca pe scenes, in vertible drawings Father Sheen att acks the doctrines nd it served to attract and interest Maguire is endeavoring to extend the which, when completed, portrayed a nd teachings of atheism from the he audience. agreement with Dayton University to som ething entirely different when in- logical a nd phi losophical standpoint.

The three debaters from St. Xavier make the contest with that institution ver ted, and othe r humorous ske tches. His discourse is w t; tten in his usual College are forensic orators of very a dual eve nt. Next Thursda y Messrs. It is with very great pleasure that clea r, f ami'li ar style, and, though not high quali ty. Mr. McGra th, a senior Nolan, Sta fford and LeClaire will de- the Viatorian tnkes thi s opportunity, of excessive length, it is complete and t St. Xavier College, is, beyond any f end the affirmative •ide o! the pro- on beha lf of the s tudent body, to con vincing . The title of the paper is

dou~t, one of t he fin est debaters that posit ion: "Resolved, That the Prohibi- tha nk P rofessor Bates fo r the interest derived from the f act tha t the very has ever visited a.t St. Viator College. t ion of intoxicating liquors is imprac- he ha~ taken in us, and for presenting reali t y a nd objecti vity of God is elo­Mr. Quill, -a lso a senior, is th e man- ticable" against the world-tour t eam these two programs. We congra tulate quently tes tified by the efforts of the

ger of the Xavier debating club, of Oregon Univer sity. P rofessor Bate~ on his accompl ish- Atheist. Fa ther Sheen writes : uThe nd, together with Mr. McGrath. he Th e remainin g s<!heduled deba t es in ment s as an entertainer. energy of a theis ts, t heir t ire less pro-

hao been prominent in St. Xavier which St. Via tor College will def end paganda, t heir spiri ted di scourses, Thespia.o and oratorical circles for the the a ffi rmative si de of the Pi Kappa Voyageur Offers Cup the ir read iness even to pour forth ast three years. Mr. Doyle, the t hird Delta question a r e: their blood in defense of a cause, testi-f the St. Xa vier debater s, is a sopho- Carroll Colleg e, Waukesha , Wis., For Winner Of Ad- fy to a beli ef in God which puts to

moro w.ho ha s a lready achieved a high March 20th a t Waukesha ; Loyola Uni- • • C sha me mere li p-worshippers." Jn con-quality of a rg umenta tion combined versity, Chicago, Ma rch 29th a t Chica- verhsin g ontest t inuing the disc ussion he asks: with oratorica l s tyle. The St. Xavier go ; Dayton Univer sity, Dayton, Ohio, --- " Would there be prohibit ion unless team displayed a thoroug h knowledge March 30th , at Dayton; Marquette Many of the students who tarried in there was something to prohibit; of the subject, a nd, s ince t hey defend- Univers ity, Milwaukee, Wis., April the refectory aft er supper , on Satur- would there be atheism if t here were

The pool was built to conform with I . A. C. regulation! . It i• ot white t ile, seventy-five by thirty feet in size, with fi ve definitely marked Ja nes. The seating facilities have been extended to accommodate one thousand specta..­tors.

At press time, eight schools have enter ed the meet and last minute en­t ries a re expected from some others. The following are the schools that are a lready entered: Illinois W esleyan, Bloomington, Ill . ; Millikin University, Deca tur, Ill. ; Bradley l'olytechnic In­s titute, Peoria, Ill. ; Eureka College, Eureka, Ill.; Knox College, Galesburg, Ill.; St. Viator Colleg e ; A ugustana Coll ege, Rock Is land, Ill . ; and Shurt­leff Colleg e, Alton, Ill.

The grand prize, a silve r loving cup, has been donated by Honorable Louis E . Beckman, Ma yor of Kankakee. Gold, s ilver , a.nd bronze medals will al so be awar ded.

There will be eight evonts , starting at 2:00 in the afternoon. The winners of the pr elhninaries in the afternoon will meet in the finals at 8:00 this evening. The events are:

1. 220 yard free style. 2. 100 yard free style. 3. 50 yard dash. 4. 100 ya rd breas t stroke. 5. 100 yard back stroke. 6. 200 yard relay race . 7. 300 yard medley r ace. 8. Fa ncy diving.

First Swi mming Meet Today's event will be the first swim­

ming meet at the college , and also the first Conference meet of the Litt le Nineteen circle. Although most of the members of the Viator squad have never bef ore participated in a re gt. la~

tioc mee t, t hey should carry off a few of the hon6rs for the school. Furlong a nd Phillips have been tra ined by good coaches a nd have test ed their mettle ag ains t some of the best Cathol ic high schools o.f Chi cago. In 11 Red'~ Drew , the Viator team has a speedy breas t stroke sw immer, a nd DesLa urier and O'N iel have been performing well from the spring-boa rd. Al though these three men lack experience, Drew has developed remarka ble in the pas t few weeks, and the r emaining two ha ve plenty of nerve, one of the firs t essen­tials of good diving. T he lads who wi ll don the t ights for Via tor are:

d the negative s ide of the question, 17th, at Milwa ukee ; St. Thomas Col- day, March lOth were not a little sur- noth ing to "atheate"! Ha.te proves

I every exis ting fact bearing upon t he! lege, St . Paul, Minn., April 18th, at pri sed when Mr. Casey, the voluble the reality of the object hated." proposition was in their favo r. The y • St Paul. Business Manage r of the " Voyageur" "Tho Theism of Atheism" is a pow­demonstra t ed a wealth of resourceful- In the following debates, St. Viator lugged a rather bul ky package into erful, conclusive argument; one which ness a nd vigor in both the constructive College will defend the negative of lhe building and, after s trewing ex- we hope will be widely read, for it

Phillips, Furlong, Drew, O'Neil, Des­Laurier, George Collins, Cecil CoJiins, Mucce ll i, H a r t, Pauli, Conley and Mills .

speeches and the rebuttals. the same question: celsior hither and thither on the pre- merits the attention o! everyone to The team has been coached for t he

past three weeks by a former Big Ten swi mming star and the ho lder of n Big Te n record, Mr. Rupert Hickox of Kankakee. Father Maguire secured the swimming meet for St . Viator definite­ly in January, and coached the tea m himself until the services of Mr. Hick­ox could be secured. Father Maguire

The personnel of our own team is McMu rry College, Abilene, Texas, feet's table, and undoing sundry tis- whom the peculiar doctrines of the fa milia r to everyone who heard St. March 23rd, at Kankakee; Loyola Uni- sue-paper WTappings, produced a glit- Atheist have been puzzling. Every Viator College debate last year. Mr. Yersity, Chicago, March 29th, at Kan- tering new si lver cup. He placed the Atheistic argument is refuted and the Nolan, Mr. Stafford, and Mr LeClai re, kakee; Dayton University, Dayton, 14-inch bowl on a nearby table and an- reader gains an invaluable ins ig ht on ~ veterans of t he long eastern trip Ohio, March 30th, at Kankakee, (ten- nounccd to his curious audience that the philosophic proofs of the existence

wb_ich our debaters so successfully tative); Valparaiso University, Val- the student in the first, second, or of God. ompleted in 1927. Mr. LeClaire is a paraiso, Ind., April 13th , at Valpar- thi rd year High School who should enior and he is pursuing his second aiso; 111arquette Universi ty, Milwau. bring in the most money for the Acad-

yea.r on t he forensic platform. Mr. kee, Wis., April 17th, at Kankakee. emy Annual, would receive the hand-Nolan , a junior, and Mr. Stafford, a some trophy. Mr. Casey then took the sophomore, are debaters of high cali- cup over to the candy s tore where it

bre CJJont 2i'l1iss C(;)he is now on display. Two T eams A ppear ln Joliet The Rules for the Contest are as

Las t Tuesday, the affirmative and Q Cfl ,f" follows: neptive teams of St. Via tor Colleg·e e:I1Vimming u n eet !.-Competition for the "Voyageur dobated before the Catholic Womens' Booster Trophy" i• limited to students IA&gue of Joliet. T ho memben .rl CC9onight at /B:oo fn the first , seeobd, or third year High ~..afllrmatiYe team on that evening _ _ __ ____ _ _ School. It has. not · yet" beia decide,d Wflft : Mr. J . Allen Nolan, H r. Maurice whether or not"stbdorila in foorlh higb,

has since secured the trophies and at­and not on the Business Staff of the tended to the finer details of the meet . Annual, will be allowed to enter the Despite the fact that the swimming competition fur the cup but, in all pro- meet will be held on the evening of bability, these , also, will be permitted St. Patrick"• Day, a largo attendance to compete. is expected. Admission for studenta

2.-The trophy will be given to the is flfty cents , and for visiton it is one •tudent who turn• in the most mooey dollar. The preliminarie• will begin for the Year-book, whether he secures promptly at 2:00 in the afternoon and the money by aelling &da, eopiea, or by .the tlnala J1'ill b. otajred at 8 :00 in the securing patrons, and donatioru1.

Page 2



R9bert 0 . Barnett BUSINE lA AGER


Emme M. Walah William J. Siebert Warr n J. McClelland Don T. Laenhardt Jarlath M. Wataon Pa rick C. Conway Maurice R. LeClaire Robert 'fucker Simon McMahon Raymond Sprague


IR Mvuri Hick y Thoma!! Jlayd n


[cry) Casey larence Dempsey


SuhlCTiption Rate: $2.00 per ann~".'· . . Addru all correspond nee referring either to adverl!lmg or aubS<:r>ptlOn to

The Vlatorian, Bou rbonnai•, Ill. Entered aa aecond cla11 matter at the Post-office of Bourbonnais, Illinois ,

under the Act of M~ 1879._ ------

St. P atrick

In every country, in the world of the great Universal Church, the names of certain zealous priests and bishops stand forth as heralds of n great message. This message which they brought has had its effect upon the history of these countrie ·, in proportion to Lhe cnrne~tn ss with which it was received and this in tum has dcp nded largely on the zeal and personality of its bearer. In St. Patrick, however, Ireland found more than a herald of a great mes­sage; to her he was an ideal teacher and a kind father . His entire life hus been reflected in the charact rand personality of his child­r n. llc has instilled inlo their hearts the qualities of faith and elf-sacrifice in such a way that nowhere in the history of the

world is th re recorded the name of the champion of any cause whi h has so endeared itself to universal love.

Ile came loa kind and s imple people, a fervent missionary, with n simplicity which is 11ltribuled to all pure spirits. In truth he wns a pur , piJ· il, fired with the love of the gift he brought and he bum d God's message into the heart of the race. That fire has required no rekindling though all these yea rs ha,·e pa t since that shephet·d of God's flock first warmed the hearts of His fold in Erin with Didne Faith.

'l. Patrick was indeed the forerunner of a race of sain ts and with that highest knowledge of God the sons of Patrick have 8prellCI a true knowledge of all the arts and sciences as well. It WI\ in this land of apparent desolation that the park of faith and knowledge was kept ali,·e during those year, of darkne s when all Europe was torn by civil nnd .• ligious strife, and it wa from this hun~n (truth that the new y t !.'\' r ancient priesthood went forth to reclaim the souls that had wandered from Christ's path.

It ha~ been lh faith that t. Patrick ga,·e to the Island which hns enabled it to nstantly struggle again t a more powerful ad­\'C t-sary. ller struggle for politi ul ind pcndence has ever been in­spit·ed by a determination to retain her ''priceless heritage," and us she has be n successful in doing thi ·, let us hope that in the not too distnnl future we shall ee and know an independent and

nitcd Ireland.

han:: cloches for )' ung men marure men. men-in short we re now howing

d Cl for E eryman

Plant-Kerqer Co. the h use of KuppenheimeT good Clothes


Alumni Notes Undou tedly many of our Chicago

alumni will Mr or latn "'JWTe tho! a !Slance of a mtdacal or dental doc­loT, ao we ha.a en to ftC mmt!:nd to them o hers of lb alumni to .,.h<>m they can go with tho! f elilllf that they will ~et lbe •ery be kind of tT'tat­ment. Dr. Artbor Picard, . D., 1911-1916, bu his ofli<~ at 7 62 S. Ash­land Avenue, Chicago; the of­fice of Dr. Joseph [}aly is located 6644 W . Madison St., Chicago; and Dr. Anthony [}ik•clis, Dentist, is located at 4603 S. Ashland A venue, Chicago. or CQUr&e there are many 1 many other Viator dentist. and doctors in Chicago, but we make mention of these three because their names came to our fi les the other day.

-SVC--Did you e · r stop to have a meal at

the Ki •sane Restaurant which is lo­cated at Adams and Halsted streets, Chicago? If you haven't it would he a good idea for you to stop around and get a real, squa re meal. Emmet Kis­~anc is one of the old boys, nnd we are sure that be would not only be glad to meet, but also to trent the Viator alumni.

-SVC--On the occasion of a basket ball

game here recently, we had the pleas­ure of a visit from our old friend, George Oblhciscr, H. S., '23. George still has his nose in textbooks up at Loyola U., and he is still on the Loy­ola Quarterly staff. We enjoyed your visit, George. Come again.

-SVC--Among tbe Old Timers of whom the

Viatorian has gleaned recent infonna­tion is Mr. Charles Corkery, 1898-1902. Mr. Corkery is engaged in the Grocery business at 352 East 115th street, Chicago. Though more than twenty-five years have passed since Mr. Corkery left St. Viator, he has fond remembrances of the past and best wishes .Cor a prosperous future for the Old School.


-SVC--lf rttr you are near 73 an ~nuo, Cbacago, drop in to t ~lr.

John J. Hyland, 1917-1922, who i h the Real Estat bu i • wilb ba father . Wbll~ you an ln tho oam• neighborhood you mi bt juot a well ...,.lk do""' to 730 VIncennes Av nue, and boy aomething at Hoole's Oro«ry and D licate Vl. Frank !Joule, you know, was a student here in 19lJ and 1914.

-SVC--"Let Hartman .feather your ne~t,'

says John Broderick, '17. John is Sales Manager for the Hartman Forn· iture o., &t Adams and Waba h streets, Chicngo.

The Drug store at 13300 Baltimore Ave., So. Chicago, Til., is run by Mr. Albert C. Klucker, who is anoth r one of the old boys. If you will go up to the counter and say, "Viator/' A1 will he only too glad to tlll your "pre•crip-tion."

-SVC--Those who attended the college four

years ugo will surely remember Joseph and Nicholas De La Flucnte. The former left his business in St. Louis the past week and surprised us with o visit. He informed us that his cousin Nick has gone to Mexico.

-SVC--Father Rice has just handed us a

dainty little card post-marked from North Branch, Michigan, and bearing the very pleasant announcement that on February 22nd Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Ryan became the parents of a new Frank Jr. Congratulations, F rank. Please don't let the added duties of parenthood prohibit an occasional visit to the College.

OBITU ARY NOTES The faculty and student body wish

to give expression of their prayerful sympa thy to the Rev. Patrick H. Dur­kin, pastor of St. Joseph Church, Rock Island, Illinois, in the recent loss of his beloved brother, Joseph. Mr. Durkin died in Peoria on Wednesday, March 7, after an illness of three weeks duration. The funeral was held in Peoria.

Two or our alumni have lucrative positions at the U. S. Yards, Chicago. Mr. Russell J. Wilkins, 1915-1919, is employed as a Sheep Broker, and Mr. Leonard O'Brien , 1917-1921, is a sales­man for the Miller and Hart Packers. If ever these two old students pass through Kankakee, we hope they will not forget to run out to Bourbonnais for a few hours. R. I. P.

-SVC-- 1\!R. GEORGE W. McCABE -We take from our fil es an announce- The faculty and student body also

men! that we are sure will be of inter- wish to extend their heartfelt sym­est to the classmates of Mr. Joseph V. pathy to the near relatives of Mr. Meis, '23. On Monday, February George W. McCabe, '81, who died quite twenty-eighth, at Kansas City, Mis- suddenly on Wednesday, February the souri, he was united in marriage to twenty-ninth. Mr. McCabe was presi­Miss Marie Madolin Han. To Joe we dent of the Lake View Trust and Sav­cxtend our heartiest congratulations ings Bank, 3179 N. Clark street, Chi­and to his bride our best wishes for cago. He was buried on Saturday, happiness. Mr. and lllrs. Meis are March third from St. Ignatius church.

G. Anen u Bakery a. ... _,~uu.-.

~--------Edwin Pnm ons Co.

.. lnc." Man u(ac rurt:rs of evcryrhlnt

ln Wlre •nd Iro n \Vork fi re £... capa, W i re end lro n. Fc:nca. Sto re Fronu, ta r R• IHn,u. Steel Sulrw•v•• v~nr Gu.ardt, Structural S teel \Vork,




Welc.ome; Yo ur B ank log B ualncM

Cor . Court St. and Schuyler Ave. the H om e of

LegJ"is Trust and Sav· ings Ban k

Yo ur Banklnt: H o me

!OS Court Street


We Feature

Collegia te Styles

For College Men

YANDERWATERS Kankllkee Telephone 407

Einbeck's Photo Studio A satisfied patron ia ou r belt acf..

vertUcm ent-We guaranrce u.tiar

faction~ lvtaken of portraits that

pleue 1+1 Nonh Cchuyl«1' A•~


now at home at 5023 E. Seven stree , ~--------------: ·-============== Kansas City, Missouri. 1 -svc....... {}.{_ew Kankakee Hotel

When Tbos. :lleehan was down from BARBER SHOP Mundelein Seminary some time ago. j . A_ U\MB' Prop. be ga\·e us information concerning

1 Zolton, '22, and Bela, '23, Fonyo, but we forgot to include it in the last is­sue of the Yiatorian. Zolton is with the International Harvester Co., Deer­ing Plant, Chicago; Bela ia working

It Pays to Look Well W e Solicit rhe College Men's


for the Tinker Toy Co., E=nston, Ill ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=! -SVC--

Tbere's no use of you trying to fix your broken water pipes a.nd rad.iaton, because they a,.., alwa~ worse when you are finished than .,.hen you began. We S'llU""t yo'll call op P&t:ricl.: McCarthy, '1 , who i:s llll A number one plumber, and he will 'l' them u only a plomber ......_ Pat's bom1! ad­droa ia U42 W. Mth rtreet.





Agent for down•town clean­ing, pressing an d repairing establishment. Bourbonn2u llL

C . RUHLE Ume, Wholeoale -.! Rdail c.--., Brick. s-- P1pc,

&uad. 2«. 06ee-Warolwaoe. SOl w­


St. Patrick's Day lssue-1928. THE VIA TORIAN Page 3


Tournament Games State Catholic Champions

The first Illinoi s State Catholic High School Basketball Tournament opened in the St. Viator College gymnasium at 7:30 o'clock on the evening of Fri­day, March 2nd . A large crowd of spectators attended. The g ymnasium was beautifully decorated for the event and a. truly metropoli tan , en~ thusiastic a tmosphere -. w.&.s provided for the event by the very nature of the occasion, and by th e large crowd and well appoi nted gymnasium. St. Joseph's Academy Wins From

Visitation High In the first game, five diminutive

stars representing St. J oseph's Acad­emy of Philo defeated the Vis:itation High School tea m of Kewanee, Ill. The game was quite close from start to finish, but the game little fighters from Philo held to the lead throughout the game. The Individual star of the game was Eddie O'Neil of Philo, but he was closely · pressed for honors by hls cousin, C. O'Neil.

The victory for Philo was not only the first game of the tournament, but it was also the firs t up-set of the event. Little or nothing waa known about the· Philo squad, but the very fact. that .there are only eleven boys in the St. Joseph Academy of that city seemed to indicate that the team would not survive the first game. Visitation, a school with a noteworthy record, apparently thought they bad a set-up until they finally awakened to the fact that they were trailing on the short end of a pretentious score. The O'Neil boys displayed remarkable accuracy from every angle on the floor. Although small In size, and un­lettered in the finer points of the game, the victors guarded well, dis­played fine sportsmanship, and 'chuck­ed' every minute of the game. From the conclusion of the first half, until the very last game of the Tournament, the Philo team was the most popular team In the tournament.

The box score: St Joseph's Philo (21)

tion. The game was largely a defen­sive one, as the score would indicate. Each t eam endeavored to analyze the attack of the other before trying to run up the score. The Bloomington team had an advantage in size and speed, while the players from Wood­

stock, unaccustomed to a large floor. seemed unable to work the ball through the tight defense of their op­ponents.

The box score : St. Mary's, Bloomington (18)

FG FT TP Sleever, f. Dugan, f.

..1 1 3 . .. .1 0 2

Sweeney, c. ··-·"··-······-· ······-·-···-··0 Middleton, g . . -.. -...... ·-....... -.. 0 Waterson, g. _... .. .... _ .... 0 Callans, g . -.-..... .. ........ __ ..... 2

0 0

4 6 St. Mary's, Woodstoclt (9)

FG FT TP FG FT TP D. Leonard, f . ........ ............. _1 4

B. O'Neil, f . ...... ..·-· --·-·-- .. 2 0 4 S. Leonard, f . ... _,_, .... _,_ .. 0 2 2

C. O'Neil, f . .... --.-.... -.... --.. -·--3 2 8 Hollisey, f . ..... - .... 0 0 0

E. O'Neil, c. _ ... - ....... -... - -.. -...... _ ... 3 9 Stone, c . ........ . ..... 1 3 J. McKeon, g . .. ... __ .. ____ .. ___ ... _0 0 0 Pratt, g. -... _ .. .... - .. 0 0 0 C. Clennon, g. ·······---· .. ·--0 Wurtzing, g. ................ _,_ .. 0 0 0

Dolan, f. Carlin, c. O'Malley, g . La mpre, g. Nou rie, g.

Corpus Ch1; s ti (21) Warden, f . .. Andre, f. Howard, c.

Referee-Griffin. Umpire-Millard.

...... 0 . ......... 0 . ..... ... 0

no means, weak. However, the Peru men seemed to be unable to hit their stride against the flashing attack of the Blue and White. Routt's two

8 Vi sitation of Kewanee (17)


FG FT TP Shunick, f. --·--·-.. --.. -.. ...... _ ......... 1 0 2 Ongenars, f . -·---... -.... - ....... -... - .... 2 4 8

Referee--Millard (Wesleyan) . Umpire-Griffin .

- ---

9 back guards were responsible for the small Bedan score, for their work was clever and thorough, and, with the rest of the t eam, they formed an al-

Corpus Christi High Beats St. Joe M urpby, c. .... ·--· _, ____ .. ____ o 0 0 Patrick's Morris, g . ------·-.. -- ... _.o 0 0 0 Naseef, g . ----·- ·- - .... -·-·-... .2 2 6 The fi nal game of the fi rst everting

was a run-away f or a squad of light, fast , clever players from Galesburg who were pitted against St. Patrick's

J obn M urpby, c . .. __ , _ .. ______ ,0 1 1

Waters, g . .. -·-----·-- · __ .. ______ o 0 0

6 Referee-Millard (Wesleyan) . Umplre-Gri!lln.

Bloomington vs. Woodstock

7 17 of Kankakee. The Corpus Ch ri sti re­presentatives played wonderful ball

throughout the game, but were not ha rd pressed by the Kankakee team. The outcome of the game was never in

most impregnable defense. The lineup: Routt (30)

McGinnis Schirz Lavery . Mur ga troyd Cooney ... Morrissey Wesley Lacy

FG F T TP .. _3 7

·--... 1 5 .......... _,_5 10 ............. _ 0 0 0

.. -..... 3 2 ...... _ .. 0 0

......... _ .. _____ o o o . -t. ,~ ···-"·····,.-.._ , ___ 0 0 IV

doubt , although St. Patrick's strug- Totals ·-.. -... ._ .. ,_12 6 30 gled valiantly in their endeavor to St. Bade (9) FG FT TP

offense. The lineup : St. Viator (30) FG FT TP

Hodge ...... 0 1 1

Pombert ········· .. :::'"_.2 - 0 - 4 Rascher . ............. . 0 0 0 Anderhub .. ... -0 1 Cody .......... 6 10

Brouillette ... __ o 1 Bosquett e ... 5 3 13 Sulliva n ........ 0 0

Tota ls ....... 12 6 30 St. Mar y (19) FG FT TP

Wal sh ...... - .1 0 2 Naughton ............. 0 3 3 Kingston .......... 2 2 6 Brosnahan .... -.0 0

Pfeffer . .2 2 6 Daugherty ..... ! 0 2

Burmaster ... 0 0 0

Tota ls ,_ .. 6 7 19

Odell Wins From Rockford

Perhaps t he most complete surprise of t he tourna ment was that which was occasioned by the St. Paul, Odell, vic­tory over St. Thomas of Rockford. Stati stics would indica te that St. The second game of t he tournament

was between St. Mary' s of Woodstock and SL Mary's of Bloomington. The game was a thrilling battle from the very first. Bloomington did not show any decided advantage in the first hal!, but came back strong in the latter session. The Woodstock team e_-dl ibit· ed clever team work, and fought bard for vic tory, but they were unable to hold St. Mary's in the last baiL

stage a rally and gain the lead. The Vanderbekc whole Corpus Christi team saw action Shang

... 0 0 0 Thoma s was going to the finals an~

Captain Callans, of Bloomington, "'as tho individual star for his team. D. Leonard and Holli.sey were high point men for the W ood•tock aggrega..

in t his game. Jerich .. 1 The box score: __ .. o St. Patrick's (6) FG FT TP


Rogan , ____ .... __ o Quigley, f . ___ o Pogue, g . -·- -·- .... , ___ 3 Foley, g. _ ·-· ___ .. 2 Cu rley, t. _ _ ___ -·-·--0 Quigl ey, f . ----·-........ - .. 0 Shay, c. __.2


0 0 1

0 0 0

0 O'Keefe 6 Leydorf

0 0 4



.0 - -·-·-·-1


Champaign Bows To Viator 21

2 0 0

0 0 2 2 0 2 0

everyone expected them to do so. How­ever , St. P aul's seemed to have other

plans, for , in the firs t quarter, they opened up an attack tha t netted them a lead of 10 to 1 a t the end of the period. F rom tha t t ime on, St. Thomas, realizing tha t fact that their chances in the tournament were a lmost gone, settled down to real basketball and en­deavored to overcome the leadera.

Continued ?n Page Four


FROM SPALDING St. Mary's Plays Remarkable

Ball To Win Championship

In a ga me marked by the brilliant playing of Copt. John Callans and the clever floor work of Dugan, St. Mary~s of Bloomington won the right to re­present the state of !11inois a t the Na­tional Catholic Tournament a t Loyola.

St. Ma ry's beat Spalding Institute of Peoria mainly because of the clever defense built around Callans to smo­ther the scoring efforts of Voegle, the ace of the P eoria team. Spalding leaped into the lead at the start of the game and at one time led 7 to 2. Sweeney finally broke the ice with a

long toss and the Bloomington entry began to function in their real form. Callans covered Voegele like the figur­ative rug and at the half St. Mary's held a one point lead.

In the second half the superior eon­dillon of the Saints and the bard schedule of the Spalding team began to show. Still using the tight defense and adopting a fast-breaking offense the Champs Increased the lead. Spaid.

ing tried hard to overtake the Saints but here again Cal1ans proved hls value. For the whole last quarter St. Mary's loafed away the preciou• mln· utes and when the occasion presented itself broke down the court for a shot that was usually good. Voegle finally

For Spalding, Spitzer, the elongated gua rd and Voegle at center played the best ball. Time after time Spitzer showed the brand of ba11 that was to make him a member of the all-star team and Voegle In spite of the tight guarding of Callans managed to put two through the net.

The g a me was unusual1y hard

fou g ht for a fi nal game of the tourna­ment and it was not until the second half that any signs of letting up ap·

pea red. St. Mary's used a slow break­ing game intermingled with an oc­casional quick break and this manner

of play accounted for the maximum of

scoring with the minimum of effort. Spalding used a fas t breaking offense during 1110st of the game with Spitzer, Teegan and Voegle advancing the ball

down the cou rt. Most of the offensive work of the Peorians waa built around Voeg le and with him stopped they were forced to resort to long-shooting tactics which failed.

St. Mary's deserved to win . By the brand of ball they displayed in the State Tournament the plucky lads from Bloomington proved themselvee to be worthy of representing thie great s tate In competition with the beet of the country.

2 ag_± Bit. of News from the

Extention Office "Defender ofth Gr n

out r,mt· 4'10drJwm,.trt 1n

or ol tho r.oll•t<•

Mr . ,J. F•lw~n Q ~ 1nn, whQ dr t!W up th, pla ru for rh,. "' .v g ym and t!ln infC hall, hu jo.n•<l wit h thr friend• of Viator n g .vinJ{ h•• f:ntlowmf•n l a 110('" l'ly ln ~ urit·p- him ­., , for Vla~or.

Mr. Ant1 rf'W r. O' Laur,-hlin , mn.nn11er nf th (' nlro l Lim e and \ ••m•·•·t Co .. O( r hfrU P,0

1 hJ 400lhPr ~fi4"'nrl w:.o ha S

thot' g-ht fu) wtll of the Cndowmtmt plan thnt he has pl ared ;,, •r·•"cc fo r the ('oil go on hi • ncphrw. HeriJ<>rt , who Ia now a ttending Via tor

J im Gallahue dropped Into the Ex­t naton oOlcea n feW days ago on hi t woy ()Ill to t ee Oua Dundon Oua ia )Ill recovering from un appendicitis op ration. Let'• hope thnt Gus ~:eh along 0 . K. and thnt he will 1>e able to pitch boll this aummcr We undor­•tand thnt he has •cvera: g<>od orrers. Succc11, Gus .

Jimmy Connor. who Ia purJulng hi s legal studiea at North.,·<atern, was a caller at the Extcn3iun utllces last week. He Informs us that Le.' Roch, '27, and John Ell is, '27, oro planning to apcnd the summer in New York .

Jimmy McGarraghy wns arnund t o sec Fathe r O'Mohoney and to discus• the present s tatus of things in cenerKI.

laxation, nrc ng a in t he scene of com· cable as each load de~cendcd. All went bat and activity. welt- at fi rs t. Then ca me the mat­

t resses, the deluge. Quite unthink-The tittle I. C. aide track which runs ingly (we hope) Mike, calling in a

so near and dear to St. Viator's culin- li ttle assis tance, tied seven or eight nry department is one rea son why mattresses in a bundle and then, Viator shall never tack trackmen. without warning, pushed them off the

window sill. Gus, in the meantime, When old man weather does his feeling a bit drowsy and relaxing into

gloomiest , gymnasium facilities feli­cita te further flinging endeavors of our pitching staff by protecting their arms with warmth and comfort.

The boxing bouts have been post­poned to a weel< from today because of conflicting activities and because no ring will be available 'till that timo. We hope that the patience of the flstic combatants will not be exhausted be-

Eugene F . .." Corcoran, '09, fore that time. didn't wait for anyone to g<> to him

a s ta te of apa thetic torpor, had wrap­ped his end of the rope about himself so as to be awakened by Mike's sig­nal. His awakening was sudden and disas trous. As the huge weight of the mattresses descended, Gus rose to meet it. He would have passed it on hi s " 'BY up had he not bethought him­self, as he passed the second floor, to untang le the rope that held him fast. His drop was gracefully accomplished, ( the enti re distance of twenty-five fe et ) but the m&ttresses most inau-

Continued from page three

Their rally, howevcl', came about ftf. teen minutes too late, for, when the final gun cracked, St. Paul'a still led by one point. The final score was 14 to 16.

The lineup: St. Paul (16) FG FT TP

Hare - - ----------1 0 2 Braugbnm __________ o 0 0

Ward ----·--------------·2 0 Weber ----·----------1 :r 5 Gebhardt _ ...... ---- ·- ---- ·- 2 0 4'

Tota ls _ _________ 6 3 15

St. Thomas (14) FG FT TP Gallagher _ . --- -- ._2 3 · 7 Nolan ........... ··- ---.... --·--0 I I Gilmour -- -··-· - .......... _ . ... ! 0 Z

m ume

PHA ~nc ( T EaHtnaft K ... , .. ·t

II" oun ~ 1{ nft. k IU.

Gn;Kcri •.t

Bourbonna • Ill.

meJee J. Lamarre

Cigan oct on•

Chas. Wertz Co. lumber, Ce:mcnt, Brick. L ime.

Sand, SewerPipc-, Hard-

Pluter, 01...,

o.nd Coo.l




No chaJ'1e for extras.

Yellow Cab Co.


FOR Spring Suita & Top<!oat

but come into the Extension Club office and signed up for endowment in­surance for the College. Gene is con­nected with the John M. Branham &

spiciously and impolitely struck our The story of the intrepid guardians poor Gus on the head. Felicitations

of the sheets, Cleary and Sheedy ,..,. and best wishes to the injured work­Sullivan ·-·------ ... . .... - 0 0 0 SPRJMONT'S O'Mnlley _..2 0 4

spectively, may not have truth in it, yet it sounded we heard it. Here it is :

a grain of ma n a re in order . Collins _ .. .. ........ 0 o o .Apparel for Young Men

ompany, 860 N. Michigan Ave., Chi - good when ------------------THE BOX SCORE

Ryan .. ·-- _______ o 0 O 207 Norm Bui1ding cago.

St. Mary's vs. Spalding St. Mary {18)

Totals _______ _ 5 14 L..------------"" CJampus fl3riefs

Gus Sheedy and Mike Cleary, two of the hardest working, most industri­ous men on the campus (pardon me . did I hear a second ?) were engaged in removi ng from the fourth corridor of Roy Hall the bed coveringa, ma t­tresse!lli, and other sleeping room ac­coutrements after the exodus of the tourna ment pa r ticipa nts. By a co­ordinnte act of their ingenious (you 're welcome, Gus ) thinki ng processes, the sheet sters succeeded in r igging up an outside elevator consisting of a pulley •ttacbed to the jutting edge of t he roof, and a sufficiently long rope. The rope passed the \\;ndow of room 425, f rom whence- Mike lowered various bundles of doubtful characte r by mea ns of the rope and pulley to hi. par tner, Gus, who was on the ground hang ing on to th& rope, paying out the

Sleever, 3 0 Spalding 34; Fox ValleyS There Are Many Good

Places to Eat In Kanbkee

We wore most agreeably surprised, a few day• ago, to see David Beggs back once more after his long absence. E'~dently he ha fully recovered from the injuries that he received in an automobile accident during tbe Thanksgiving Yacntion of last year. At any rat , hi!. smile is as reassuring as en~r, and his long stay in the De­catur hospital has not douded his nAtural cheertuln•"" and amiability.

The High School handball league tournament being now in progTess, th~ handball courhl, af ter a winter's re-

Trophies Were Distributed As Fo lows:

Lo-ring Cup for First Place won by St. :'llary's High School. B!()(lming1on.

LoYing Cup for t'COlld Place won by pa lding In titute, Peoria. LoYin Cup for Third Place \YOll by t. Via tor Academy. LoYing Cup for portsmanship won by t. J eph's ·Academy.

Philo. Lo,;nl! 1P for )I , t \alnable Player to his team won by John

Callan, Cnptain of St. )Jan-'s. Bloominlrton. 1 The ..I.U-...,tar Tourn,m~t Team. selected b~· Frl'd Young . ;\lichae'

Griffin. and Howard , HUard is: • Brouillette. t. Yinlor. fonYard.

Middleton. nt. :'llar,-'s. Bloomin l!ton. fOn\"1ii'd. :\IcGinnis. Routt College. fonrnrd.

Yoe!!1!1e. ~ aJdina. Cfilter. ~ itzer. aiding. guard.

Callans t. :ll ary' _ guard. Cod:_.,., t. Yiator. guard.

Dugan 0 Waterson 0 Sweeney .• I Middleton Ca llans

T o tali 7

0 1 0 2 I 4

0 ~ In the second session of Satu~day

2 afternoon, Spalding Institute of Peoria 4 met and defeated Fox Valley Catholic

1! Community High School of Aurora.

One 6fTh.c!m b

Bobbitt', Cafeteria 360 E. Court Sr.

Spalding ( 12) The firs t quarter of the game was

3 closely contes ted but in the remaining ''Always Glad to See You" Sauers Har ding Yoegle Teegan S pitzer Murphy Mananing


3 _ I 0

periods , Spalding forged speedily to , ______________ __..

_ _2 0 the front and stacked up an imposing ..---------------.


1 0 0 I

0 0

I 0 twenty-four points in this game. Tee-

oj gan's work was also a great factor in

12 the Spalding victory.

lead. Voegele of Spalding scored

Everybody Likes



F. 0. Savoie Company 0 I'STRIB lfTOR:S

"Fir3t" and Savings 1Jank

Kanlc.akee, Illinois

4 per cent Intere-st on Saving DeposiiJ

TM lineup:

Spalding (34) FG FT TP

Sauen ----- -- -- 1 D 2 Ranting 0 o 0 Voege~ --- ------ 10 4 24 Teegall 0 ~

Spi1:1eT _ 0 o Manning 0 4 Murphy _ _ _ o 0 o

Smitll _ 0 0 Totals - lh 4 34

Fax Valle'J' (8) Ffr J"l' TP Weigand __ 0 0 Ka.rfl>e~MT () ()

Pcnr!tnrie ----~-- 0


St. Patrick's Day Issue--1928.

Pho"" ·4%:U


One, Two or Three Pa.uens:en

Day RateJ 75c

Bourbonnaia, UL ~--------------~-------------~~----~


Insurance, Loans and Bonds

311 Clry National Bank Bulld!ne



MEALS, SHORT ORDERS, SPECIALS, CONFECTIONS Private Dining Room for Banqueu and Partie.


WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attending Surgeon to Sr:udenb and Faculty of

Office Houn: St. Viator College




Office, Main 337


Home, Main 3073

302·303 Cobb Btdg.


Prindor, Engraving, Office Supplie., Loose Leaf Forms, Binden, ere.


264 Eaot Merchant Street

Telephone 406 KANKAKEE. ILL.


Accred ited to Illinois University

A Select Boarding School for Girll and Young Ladiea

This institution is condu cted by the Sisters of Notre D ame, and oB:ers every opportunity to young ladic:s for a. thorough Christian and eecular education. Prices reaoonable. For catalogue address

SISTER SUPERIOR, Notre Dame Convent

Bourbonnais, Illinois


p I 0 11 I 0 I 0 0

fl f I 0

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN M. D. Pn.cdCIII Limited co


S.U T elcpbooc lSJ

601 Cl~ Nat'! Bank Bide. KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS

Alwa., drink puteurb:ed milk. Our waaons pals your door every mornina before you have breakfast


Balpriouo Douet Wl1k

Page 6

Base Ball Schedule, 1928 VARSITY BASEBALL VIATOR CAPTAIN ON April 19th-Viator at Tllinois College,

Jacksonville, Ill. April 20th-Viator at St. Louis Unver­

sity, St. Louis, Mo. April 21st-Viator at Concordia Col­

lege, St. Louis, Mo. April 22nd-Viator at Bloomington vs.

the Bloomington Three-l. April 25th-Western State at Viator. May 10th-Viator at Bradley Poly,

Peoria, lll. May 1l,tb-Viator at Millikin . May 17th-Illinois College at Viator. May 19th-Notre Dame University at

Viator. May 23rd-Millikin at Viator. May 25th-Viator at Western State

Normal May 26th-Viator at Notre Dame Uni­

ver sity, South Bend, Ind. May 29th-Bradley Poly at Viator .


WALSKO SQUAD Hanahan Is High Point Man;

Ferris' Team Takes Second Place


Three Veteran Pitchers Squad; Captain Walsko


On "Ducky" O'Malley A "Peerless Center"

'It won't be long now'. With the placing of the a bbreviated court cos­tumes in the moth balls and signs of spring comes Viator's greatest sport. For the past f ew days Father Kelly and Coach McAllister have been mar­sha lling their diamond forces and al­ready the batterymen are working out in the Gym prepa ring for another big year.

With 0 Pete" Harrington, John Her­bert and Delaney as a nucleus for a mound staff aided by Tom Hannahan a nd Bill Todd, it seems that more than one hopeful hi t ter will bite the dust and return to the dugout trailing his war-club sadly in the dirt.

Both Harrington and Herbert seem to still possess the old s tuff and cun­ning that bas made t hem feared in collegiate circles. Delaney, though oc­cupied by basketball , bas foun d time to

Mr. Robert R. Overbaker, United Press Correspondent, recently chose a n all s tar t eam of player s in the Lit­tle Nineteen Conference on which be na med our own Captain O'Malley as center for the first team. Ducky's ap­pointment is, a s everyone well k.ncws, surely merited. He played a branrl of basketball this year tha t was a r evela­tion to coaches, players, officials , nnd reporters all over the sta te. E vard, the fla shy Via tor forward was named on the second a ll-star team, and De­laney was placed a t guard on the third team. HSoup" Campbell r eceived b.ou­orable mention for t he guard position.

--- t ry the "salary" arm and announces

Captain O'Ma lley's perrorma nce on t he court this season was outstanding in every department of the game. His genera lship, guarding, speed, and ac­curacy are superb. Mr. Overbaker stat es that: "Capta in O'Malley of St. Via tor is a peerless center and is awarded t hat position. Towering over s ix feet, the Irish leader very seldom lost a jump. He was a lways a fi ghter

every minute of the game. O'Malley's defensive play was a telling factor of t he Irish machine."

Captain Jake Walsko's "Walking that it is 0. K. Todd and Hannahan Sticks" copped the championship of were both impressive and we have the Senoir Lea.gue for the past basket hopes that they will live up to early ba ll season. The League this year season promise. was divided into two divisions and Most of the season's catching burden Walsk o headed the fir st bracket with will r est upon the shoulders of Captain seven wins and no losses. The second "Jake" Walsko. "Jake" has proven league was t aken without much trou- hi s value to the team and the back­hie by Tom F erris and hi s day- stopping job will be well cared for. dodgers. In a championship game Logan and Drew, both Freshmen, a lso played between the two headers, Cap- looked promising in the early work. tain J a ke scored over Tom's outfit in a. thirty to twenty-one ba ttle, thereby securing all rights to the season's cha mpionship.

It is too early to make any resume of the rest of the team as the weather has not permitted any outdoor work, but Viator fans can r est assured that Viator will be represented by a team that will r ate with the very best in collegiate ball circles when the cur-tain raises in April.

The All-Star T eam, as enumerated by Overbaker is:

Baker, Illinois Wesleyan , forward Mason, Bradley, (Captain) forward O'Ma1ley, St. Viator, center Page, Western Teachers, guard Rhea, Illinois Wesleyan , guard.

Captains Chosen For Annual Academy

Handball League

If Brother Harbauer had allowed

During the early part of the season much enthusiasm was shown for Cap­tain P feffer who was defending his title from last year but his "dizzy dribbl ers" were not up to the pink of condition and soon lost the prestige gained the previous season. F erris' outfit was something new in the league, being composed almost entirely of day-dodgers. Ca.ptain Tom suffer­ed a hard loss at the semester, how­ever, when Eddie Mathews withdrew from the institution to bask in the sunlight of Kankakee sports.

Salg's Team Wins himself to be frightene d by the diffi-

Walsko's club was composed of Morrissey, Comina, Beard and Rutecki, and experienced little difficulty in se­curing a good lead on any team they met.

Captain Tom Hanahan took the high point medal for the year, beating Cap­ta in Freddie Sa lsberger out by one point. Eddie Muccelli and Tom Doyle were tied for the free throw champs and in the toss up Eddie came through on top, following in the foot-steps of his erstwhile townsman, Johnny Benda.




Pres. and Mgr.


Schuyler at Merchant

Academic League culties encountered in trying to bring the handball league to a timely con-

Having come through a ha rd sched­ule with nine victories to their credit and but two losses chalked against them, Warner Salg's speedy aggrega­tion was awarded the championship of the Academic Basketball Legue. Their nearest rivals, the crew captained by Cabanaw, finished three games back.

Captain Salg's team played fast, consistent basketball in almost all of their league encounters. Two of the three which they lost were dropped by one point margins. Salg was league high point man, having amassed a season total of ninety-two points. One of his men, Carl L ewis, came in under the wire in fourth place with forty-four points, while yet another member of the same squad, diminutive Louie Dressler, finished tenth with twenty-three marks. With this trio on the job in every battle, small wonder that the quintet came out on top. Bob Spreitzer was runner up for individual honors, having garnered seventy-six points during the race, while Walter "Rip" Welsch closed up in third plaee with a total of forty-nine.

Mn. D . H. Kamman,

D. H. KAMMAN & CO. W..•f.ct.r.n .,

Hlch Life Clnt:tt Ale artd Grape

and allKlnda o( Soft Orin&.

Kankakee Illinoia

elusion, there would be no league thiJ

year. However, instead of los ing faith

in the student interest in handball, he arranged matters so that this year ·s league could be fini shed speedily, a!1d yet would give all the teams an equal chance for the medals. He plans tJ

run the league in tournament form­a defeated team being eliminated from the competition . So far, the idea has been well received by the Academy students.

On Saturday morning last a ll the high school pupils, who desired to en­ter the race for the medals met in the study ha ll and elected captains. The twenty-four leaders chosen then con­vened after Mass, Sunday morning, and picked two men apiece to round out their teams. Since there are but twenty-four games to be played, the league should be finished by the 20tl> of March. When all the matches have been played, the fortunate winners will be awarded their prizes.

Trade At



ll9 E. Court St., KAo.kak«

Pare 6 - -- - THE VIA TORIAN -

Resume of the Tournament

Continued from page fou r

VIator Defu!JI RoaU

In one of the fastest and most thrilling games of the tournament, St. Viator defeated Routt High School, 17 to 13. The game was played at whirlwind speed throughout, and it provided more excitement than a ny game in the tournament.

Even . Clbul•kl . Benbrock . McLaughlin • Pike

·-·- 0 _____ o 0 2

This victory was truly an accomp-2 lishment for the home crew. The Routt

Despite the fact that the score ~I this game won.ld indicate that it was a set-up for St. Mary's, everyone wh" saw the Philo team play in the two former games will contend that, it th.e team had played in this game as it played before, St. Mary's victory would not have come so easily. St. Joseph 's Academy still remained the favorites of the a.udience even in this defeat.

0 ... . 0 0 men were not up to the standard which 2 they had shown a~rainst St. Bede's, but 0 they nevertheless made Viator work

- - - hard for the victory. Viator started

-- 0 _o

2 0

Philo (6) FG FT TP B. O'Neil _____ Q 0 0

C. O'Neil --··-··--·---- 0 0 0 E. O'Noil . --· •... ·--·---·-2 2 6

Totals 0

Phi lo Overcom es Rock loland

8 the scoring, a nd held a small lead throughout the ga me. Brouillette was the big gun in the Viator charge. Me· Ginnis clinched the All-Star team re­cognition by his remarkable p erform­ance in this game. He garnered mo3t of the points for Routt, scoring t hree fie ld goals a nd four free throws for a total of ten points.

At 4 :00 Saturday afternoon, the youngsters from Prilo aga in unaffect­edly and unpresumingly trotted onto tho floor, and met a s imilarly small team from Rock Is land, Ill . The game wa s a walk-away for P hilo for the un­canny eye of the O'Neils seemed to

McKeon . -· ____ ._0 0 0 Glennon __ .•. ··------- 0 0 () w. O'Neil .. _____ o o o

Totals ·- ... - ... 2 2 6 Blooming-ton (28) FG FT TP

Sleeve.r ·--·-· --·-·-··-· ..... 0 0 0

Dugan .... Sweeney Middleton

.................. ·- .. 3 1 7 .. ·- . .0 0 0

have become even more accurate si nce the game of the previous evening.

The Philo tea m, by thi s victory , was placed in the sem i-final s. An achieve­ment which, to them, seemed impos­si ble. Th ey not only repeated their victory of the f ollowing evening, but they nlso repeated their captivation of the audience, all of whom rooted as stron gly for P hilo ns they did for their own home team.

The lineup: .2 0 4

St. Viator (17) FG FT TP Callans .. ··- ..... 6 0 10 Brouillette _ Bosquette Rase her Cody Anderhub Hodge

Totals Routt (13)

McGinnis Schirz

........ 1

---- ..... ·-· .... .....2 ............ 1

····· 1 ........... 1

I 0 0 0

4 Waterson 5 Rosensteel 2 Callahan 2 2 Totasl

·-· . 1 0 2

............. 3 1 7 . 0 0 0

... 0 0 0

.13 2 28

Spalding Eliminates Vi~tor ... 7 3 17 FG FT TP Spalding In stitute ruined St. Via-

...... 3 4 10 tor's chances of get ting in to the final s ........... ............. 0 0 0 by dashing, in the last half of a hard,

The lineup: P hil o (30)

Lavery .. .... . ........................... 0 1 I fast game, to a 25 to 13 victory over FG FT T P Murgatroyd .......................... 0 0 0 the locals. St. Viator . outplayed the

B. O'Nei l . . ..4 0 8 Cooney. ..... ..... . .................. 0 0 0 down-s t aters in the fir st half, and left

C. O'Neil E. O'Ne il McKeon Clenon

. ........... 3 1 7 Morrissoy ................. .1 0 2 the floo r at the half with a two point ....... 6 3 15 - - - lead. In the second half, St. Viator

..... 0 0 0 Totals .. .. ..... .. . . 4 6 13 could not keep pace with the fast ...... 0 0 0 breaki ng attack of the Spalding t eam.

.......... 0 Spalding Trims St. Paul's Voegele and Harding again led their

... 0 --- team-mates for scoring honors. Cody, W . O'Nei l McCorm ick Sa ndwell In the last ga me of the second round of Viator, played his best game against

- - - of preliminaries, Spalding Institute Spa lding and seemed to be the only

0 0 .... 0

Totals Rock Is land (7)

Gibson .

.... 13 4 30 had little difficulty in defeating St. man on the Viator squad who starred Paul's of Odell in a one-sided contest in the last half. Cody's stellar guard-

1 which ended 34 to 10. The players ing in this game earned All-Star team FG FT T P

. ..... 0 Mack - -···---· 0 Yeager .. 1

0 0

0 f rom Odell failed to produce such a mention for him . 2 flas hy defense as they h ad shown St. Viator (13) FG FT TP

Lonergan Smith

....... 0 ......... 0

Ryan . - ......... -······ ........... 1 Kale .......... . Cunning ham

Tot• Is

....... ! ............................. 0

.................... 3

0 0 0 0 0 1

St. 1\lnry'e Goes to Semi·finals

o against St. Thomas. o Voegele continued his aspirations to 2 high poin t h onors by scoring fifteen of 2 Spalding 's t hi rty-four points. Harding 0 of Spalding fo llowed closely with 7 eleven points.

As a res ult of thi s game, a nd of the three preceding games, Spalding, Via­tor, St. Mary's (Bloomington) and St.

Brouillette .............. 0 Bosquette .... ... ········-· ............... 0 Rascher ....................................... 0 Cody ................................................. 2 Anderhub ...................................... 1 Sullivan ........................................... 0 Hodge .............................................. 0 Pombert ... . . ............ 0

3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1

3 2 1 4 2 0 0 1

St. Mary 's High School of Bloom­ington duplicated their victory of the night before by defeating Corpus Christi of Bloomington 17 to 7. Al­though the Bloomington team headed Corpus Christ i from the beginning, they had anythiug but a picnic doing so, for the latter team did not relax t heir efforts for a moment. Once ngain, however, the size of the St. Mary's guards placed a damper on the Corpus Christi scoring endeavors. Callans and Sweeney were the out­standing stars for Bloomington. \Var­den was the principal factor in the Corpus Christi attack.

Joseph's, (Philo) went to the semi­fin a ls which began on Sunday after­noon at 2:00.

Total s Spalding (25)

............... 3 7 13 FG FT TP

The lineup: P eoria (34)

Sauers __ --···

Sauers . Harding

FG FT TP Voegele ................... 0 0 0 Teegan

.................. ................... .4 3 11 Spitzer

····--·-·--·····-···----6 15 Manning

······-· ................................ 1 .................................... 3

............................. ·······-·· _ _4

................... ·-······--··2 ........................................ 0

.................... 0

Harding Voegele Teegan . Spit<er Murphy Manning Smith

.... - ........................ 1 3 0 2 0 0 0

2 Murphy ..... . ................................ 0 ........................... _ .. 0

--·--·-···---····--···-·····--1 ····------.... ··-·0

...... - ........ 1

2 Smith . 2 0 2

To tala

...... .................... 0

............ ._ ___ ..... 10

Viator Wins Third Plaee Totals

Odell (10) ...... 13 8 34

2 10 0 0 0 1 0

• 0 0 1 0

5 25

The lineup: Bloomington ( 17)


Brough&m FG FT TP Hare

FG FT TP ·------.0 1 1

-·· ............ - .......... 0 0 0

St. Viator Academy clinched third place honors by defeating St. J oseph's Academy of Philo in the flrst game

3 Sunday evening. However, the Philo 4 team did not go unrewarded, for they 2 merited and were given the Sports-0 manship cup. The defeat by St. Mary's 0 took all the pep out of St. Jo•eph's, 0 and Viator had little difficulty in

Dugan Sweeney Middleton c~llans


1 0

--·---1 4

2 Ward 6 Webe r 0 Gebhardt 3 Blough

- __ o ···-·--··-·-1

-·-- ---··--0 ...... _ .......... 0

----··------0 -- ......... 0


0 0 0

W. Waterson Rosenst eel

__ o .. _1

3 0

.... 0

0 1 0 0 0 0

6 Legener 0 Simpson

0 - - - amassing a large score. ... 0

I 1 Totals ... ____ 6 5 17

palesburg (7) FG FT TP QU\gley .. ... _ o o o Whden -· .. ___ __ll 0 4

Hqward - 0 1 1 FQley --· ----·-0 2 2

~~.: . < ~~~ Hfrley 0 0 0 Shea 0 0 0

Totall Q 8 7

Totals ...... 1 8 10 A thorough review of the Cham------ pionship game will be found elsewhere

Bloomington \Vina From Philo

The winning streak of the St. Joseph's Academy team was broken by St. Mary'• High of Bloomington. Th~ team play o! St. Mary'! wa~ too much for the tired Philo representatives, so the ultimate ehampions won with ease. St. Mary's were at their best, while the St. Jooeph's Academy boys-seem ed unable to locate th" hoop with their n.aual~y.

in this issue.

• 9erritson £Brothers 9nc.


SL Patriek's Day lssu-1928.



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