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1100 Hunters Chase Lane

Lebanon PA 17046




August 2017

Special Thanks

A special thank-you goes out to

the Music & Worship committee

for the work they do organizing

and planning music events such as

the worship service conducted by

Andrea Joy and Jason E. P.

Johnson as well as Singpiration.


A Note from Pastor Ron

Encouraging Words As You RE-commit to Church This Fall

When you find yourself in a wilderness, an empty unfulfilling time, it’s probably because you have

put God near the bottom of your list of important things! So, how do you return? What encouraging

words do you need to hear? How do you get through it?

Are you one of these?

The one whose heart is broken by another’s cruelty and refusal to get along.

The one who is searching for something–or someone–to ease the pain of loneliness.

The mom who struggles to find the balance between working at home and ministering and

caring for her kids.

The father whose job is on the line and who lives with fear of a pink slip.

The one who just got the pink slip and has a mortgage payment due.

The parent whose kids have rebelled.

The one who longs to find purpose and meaning and joy again.

The one who has temporarily lost his vision and stability because of one careless error.

The heart that longs for the fullness of God, to be filled with His presence, but can’t hear

Him in the noise of their circumstances.

The one who whose world has turned strangely dark, with no hope of change.

The one who cannot escape from the nightmares of chronic physical pain.

The one who has just received the doctor’s news that is not good.

The one who has agonized in prayer but sees no change.

The one who is imprisoned in an endless cycle of destructive habits.

The one whose resume reads “success,” but whose heart cries “exhausted.”

The one who has just said goodbye to someone they love.

You may find yourself in one of these categories, or in none of them. Maybe you know someone

who’s struggling in the wilderness right now and needs encouragement. I’m not sure who needs

these encouraging words, but I’m guessing all of us have experienced a “wilderness” at one time or

another in our lives. Maybe you’re still there. So, whoever you are, these encouraging words are for


Here are some encouraging verses from Isaiah 35:1-3, 10.

“Strengthen those who have tired hands.”

“Encourage those who have weak knees.”

“Say to those who are afraid, ‘Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy

your enemies. He is coming to save you.'”

“Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be overcome with joy and gladness.”


Isaiah lived in disturbing times, when God’s people imprisoned themselves in their own deserved

judgment, following endless cycles of disobedience. Yet God promised hope and encouraging

words to balance their impending judgment: a light, as it were, at the end of the tunnel.

I’m sure Joshua needed encouragement as well, even though he had just come from a

literal wilderness with Moses for 40 years. But he was moving into unconquered territory now. He,

too, needed encouraging words, just to believe God’s promises to him and to God’s people. What

God told him was not an option, but a command:

“I command you–be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord Your

God is with you wherever you go”

God further promises that hope does not disappoint, (Romans 5:4; Isaiah 49:23). Wherever you are,

whatever “wilderness” you’re in right now, cling to those encouraging words. Cling to Jesus.

Earthly hope will let us down. But true hope, wrapped up in a personal relationship and believing in

Jesus will never disappoint. That kind of hope is rooted not in circumstances, but in Christ alone.

If you are grounded in the Church, don’t give up. Satan would love to keep you away. If you have

drifted from the Church, Satan is winning and you are losing. Come back!

A Personal Prayer for You

Lord, please hear the cries of those still “wandering” in the wilderness of difficult circumstances.

Comfort weary, fearful hearts, and come alongside those who desperately need your

companionship, counsel, and intervention. You have promised your presence, and I ask you to make

Your presence real in every reader’s heart today. Give them hope and light wherever they are. You

are the only One who can truly help. Encourage them today, as only You can. Help them to run to

Your arms of love. Let them know, that in You, all things are possible. Thank You for Your

encouraging words, Jesus!

I love you all!



Church Council President’s Comments

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!

It is hard to believe that summer is almost over; in a few short weeks school will start and

the Labor Day holiday will be upon us. As for Church Council, and some of the

committees of St. Stephen’s, this is planning time. The Music & Worship and Christian

Education committee is very busy planning several special programs. Church and Ministry

committee is working on relationship building and spiritual life within the church based

on the information provided in the recent church survey. Church Council is focusing on

ideas and plans for church growth. Each of these committees are prayerfully asking for

God’s direction in all that is discussed and considered. We also ask that each of you

provide prayerful thoughts and suggestions as well.

Remember, God is the true leader of St. Stephen’s and His direction may come from many

sources. You may be that source!

May God Bless,

Paul Weidman


Music News and Views

Music News and Views for August, 2017

By Steve Suk

Singspiration! Our 2nd annual hymn sing will be here soon; August 13 at 6:15. The singing

will be followed by an ice cream social. It should be a great time for everyone.

We will be singing your favorite songs as well as having some special music. We are again

fortunate to have Dennis Mellott leading the song service. His energy and ability was

greatly appreciated last year and I’m sure will be this year.

This year we will be asking for your one favorite song. We will endeavor to sing as many

verses as time allows. I hope everyone reading this will be able to attend and enjoy the

music as well as the ice cream!

Hymn sings are a wonderful way to express our love of singing as well as our love for the

Lord. Singing these old-time hymns, as well as newer ones, are a great way to stay

grounded in good doctrine and in good memories. It is an amazing thing that we can sing

these hymns over and over and never get tired of them. With the Celebration Hymnal we

have a tremendous resource for singing our favorite hymns as well as being able to learn

newer contemporary songs.

It is interesting to note that many of the “old-time” hymns have the entire story of

salvation embedded in the verses. In fact, these hymns could be used as devotional

resources by themselves. Sort of like a mini-sermon in each song.

That is why these hymns were so effective in the great evangelical crusades of the past.

From Billy Sunday to Billy Graham, they were mainstays for reaching the lost. Remember

“Just as I Am” that was used so effectively in the Billy Graham crusades?

I will close by saying that there are many reasons we sing hymns. But I believe our first

reason should be to honor Christ through our singing. That is what we will be doing on

August 13.

Please join us!!


August 2017

Our Worship Team List


Ushers: Greeters:

August 6

Kim Weidman

August 13

Brian Weidman

August 20

Cindy Klingler

August 27

Janet Light

August 6

Brian & Kim Weidman

August 13

Linda Focht & Helen Crawford

August 20

Johan Berger & Richard Rights

August 27

Janet & Sarah Light

August 6

Linda Focht

August 13

Kaitlyn Day

August 20

Richard & Janice Rights

August 27

John & Pat Stormfeltz

Counting Teams:

August 6 Team #2 Ken Shank

August 13 Team #3 Brian Weidman

August 20 Team #4 Janet Light

August 27 Team #5 Cindy Klingler

Communion Usher Schedule:

August 6th December 3rd

Linda Focht & Helen Crawford Erin Frantz & Stephanie Bossler

September 3rd January 7th, 2018

George Boland & Brian Weidman Helen Crawford & Linda Focht

October 1st

Paul Weidman & Joy Weidman

November 5th

Johan Berger & Kim Weidman


8/3 Bruce Barry

8/4 Bradley Spotts & Paul Hess

8/8 Margaret Minerick

8/9 Janice Rights

8/11 Sue Patches & Peggy Bender

8/15 Kevin Koons

8/19 Devin Gill

8/21 Kathy Jo Bomberger

8/23 Benjamin Day & Paul Dechert

8/24 Randy Dubbs

8/24 Jonathan Hoke

8/25 Howard Kreider

8/26 Patricia Shank & Steve Gipe

8/27 Julia Sweigert

8/28 Donna Schies

8/29 Jane Meyer

8/30 Colin Leonard

8/2 Richard & Janice Rights

8/18 William & Joan Mentzer

8/3 Wilson & Janet Morinchin

8/19 Mark & Joanne Krall

8/25 Dana & Elizabeth Kapp

8/29 Joe & Jane Meyer

8/30 Pastor Ron & Gaye Salem

8/31 Randy & Cynthia Dubbs


41 Boulevard Ave. Mt. Gretna, PA

Wednesday, August 2nd—Rev. Quentin Wallace

Saturday, August 5th—Handbell Festival

Sunday August 6th—National Christian Choir

Wednesday, August 9th—Brothers in Grace

Sunday, August 13th—Rev. Dr. Tom Long

Sunday, August 20th—Susquehanna Chorale

Sunday, August 27th—Quintessentially Brass

**All events begin at 7:00 pm**

St. Stephen’s is having the second annual Singspiration!

2nd Sunday in August

August 13th

6:15 p.m.

Followed by an ice cream social. This is a perfect

opportunity to ask your friends and neighbors to come and

have a wonderful time in fellowship with others!

Rally Day!

To be held September 10th in the evening.



The praise service for the month of the August will be in

conjunction with the Singspiration. Please consider

coming out for our Singspiration in August on the 13th at

6:15 pm!


Lebanon Country School Prayer Walk

August is here which means school is right around the corner!

Our congregation will once again be participating in the Lebanon Country

School Prayer Walk!

We will be meeting after church on August 27th at Ebenezer Elementary.

You can walk over or drive!

When we arrive at the school we will have a prayer circle, and then we will

stroll individually or in small groups and silently pray for the upcoming

school year, students, teachers, and school staff. As we put our feet to our

prayers we will begin to pray with a huge kingdom-sized hope for our


If you are not able to walk but want to participate, please still join us!

There is lots of shade and great places to put up a chair and offer your

prayers for the upcoming school year.

I look forward to seeing everyone there!

If you have any questions, please contact Erin Frantz



Church services hours will be changing back to the

normal schedule starting Sunday, September 10th. This

means that Sunday worship will begin at 10:30 am,

with Christian Education at 9:00 am.

Don’t Forget!

Our Facebook:

Haven’t liked us on

Facebook yet?

It’s not to late, check us

out at…

St. Stephen’s Christian

Fellowship Church

Our Website:

Check us out online for

updates on news around the

church and church


Check us out at:

Also if you have any

information for the website

see that our secretary

receives it as early as


August 2017

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.


2 3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11 12


9:30 am

Council Meeting (CR)

7:00 pm

13 14 15

16 17 18 19


9:30 am


6:15 pm

20 21 22 23 24 25 26


9:30 am

27 28 29 30 31


9:30 am

Lebanon County School Prayer


Christian Ed. and Music & Worship Meeting 7:00 pm

SH-Social Hall

CR- Conference Room


St. Stephen’s Christian

Fellowship Church 1100 Hunters Chase Lane

Lebanon, PA 17046

Don’t forget to join us on Sundays for our worship service at 9:30am

See you in the pew!

St. Stephen’s Christian Fellowship Church

August 2017 Steeple

It is always nice to see fresh flowers on our altar on a Sunday morning.

So, please sign up now for your date for altar flowers or bulletins.

The sign up list is located in the church narthex.

Altar Flowers are $37.50 a week.

Bulletins are $12.00 a week

Questions or dedications, call the office at 717-273-3912 or email

Our flowers are supplied by ‘Crazy for Daisies’

Altar Flowers & Bulletins