ST. RAPHAEL - Clover · 2 | ST....

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Transcript of ST. RAPHAEL - Clover · 2 | ST....


830 S. Westhaven Drive · Oshkosh, WI 54904 ·

SEPTEMBER 28, 2014

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Rev. Doug LeCaptain ..................... Pastor

Rev. Michael Warden .... Parochial Vicar

Betty Schwandt ........... Pastoral Associate



Saturday ........................................ 5:00 pm

Sunday ........... 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am

....................................................... 5:00 pm


Saturday ....................................... 4:00 pm


Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays …...8:00 am

at Franciscan Courts

Thursdays & Fridays ..................... 7:15 am

................................ at St. Raphael Church


Church Office .............................. 233-8044

Fax .............................................. 233-2360

Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

......... (Monday - Friday)

Lourdes Academy ...................... 426-3626


Fall Harvest Dinner!

Priest Competition

Fall Harvest Pancake Breakfast

Shower of Love Luncheon

(1:00 pm at LaSure’s)


New Member Information Weekend

Coffee/Donuts after Sunday Morning Masses

Gr. 9/10 Retreat St. John Bosco Youth Day


Bella Walk for Life (Saturday)

Newcomer Dinner (Saturday-6:00pm)

Living Christ Retreat


Prayer to St. Raphael

Glorious Archangel Raphael, who enters and serves before the Glory of the Lord:

present to God the prayer of our need.

As once you helped young Tobias on his travels, help us on our

journey through life.

Grant us healing of body, mind and spirit that we may be faithful disciples of Jesus who pray, serve

and generously share in response to the needs of the human family.



Today we celebrate the feast of St. Raphael, which translated means “God Heals”. Raphael is an archangel, or one of the chief angels of the Lord who performs all manners of healing. Raphael appears in the Book of Tobit, where he was sent by the Lord to keep Tobias safe on his journey and to heal him of his blindness by applying fish innards to his eyes. As Raphael is about to leave, he announces that he is one of the seven angels serving and standing before the Glory of the Lord.” and so instructs, “O bless God every day; give praise with song. ”Another reference believed to be Raphael in John’s Gospel is the angel stirring the water at the healing pool of Bethesda. Therefore, Raphael is the saint of healing and of travelers. Be sure to take special note of our St. Raphael statue standing in front of the church drop off area. May St. Raphael be a symbol for you that God heals our brokenness--physical, mental, and emotional.

Bring your pets! On Thursday, October 2 at 6:00 pm, we will have a special blessing for pets. Because St. Francis of Assisi’s Feast day is October 4, we take a moment to celebrate and bless God’s gift of furry and feathery friends in our lives.

As Fr. Doug alluded to in this column last week, new carpeting will be installed in the church in November. Also, carpeting is being replaced in the office areas as well as library and classrooms in the southern end of the building during the week of October 6. Please be aware that this will cause some disruption and disorder just prior to October 6 and all that week. Please be patient as the staff will do their best to serve you as we work with moving boxes and computers, etc.

Next week is the Living Christ Retreat: Thursday evening, Friday evening and Saturday morning. This retreat offers our parishioners a wonderful opportunity to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ. If you’d like to participate in this upcoming retreat on Oct 2-4, call me at the office 233-8044 to register. If you can’t come to this retreat, keep the first week of February in mind. Please pray for everyone on this retreat as well as the retreat team.

Enjoy God’s dappling of color on the trees as we experience the truth of Paschal Mystery in nature all around us!

Blessings! Betty Schwandt - Pastoral Associate


Business Manager ........................................ Mark Lindekugel

Deacons Greg Grey, John Ingala

Trustees Stephanie Geurts, John Thiel

PARISH STAFF Administrative Assistant ............................................ Jill Eaton

Coordinator of Social Communications ............. Sara Erickson

Coordinator of Music and Liturgy ........................ Karen Dean

Coordinator of Pastoral Ministry ........................ Paula Rieder

Coordinator of Stewardship ........................... Dcn. Greg Grey

Executive Secretary ....................................... Deb Ransbottom

Facilities Management ..................................... Mike Sheridan

High School Youth Ministry ............................... Tanya Heilke

Financial Department ... Anne Glowcheski, Mark Lindekugel

Religious Education Dep...................Jessie Adrians, Jenifer Jensen,

.................................................................................... Dawn Prickett

Religious Education Secretary .................................. Ann Olig

This Sunday, September 28, is a Day of Prayer for the upcoming synod on “The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization”, which will be held in Rome October 5 – 19. Please pray to the Holy Family for this synod: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families, too, may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer.

This weekend’s Bread and Wine is

sponsored in loving memory of

Sally Herman Roehrman



Sunday, September 28

Shower of Love Event @ LaSure’s

Fall Harvest K of C Pancake Breakfast

9:00/11:00am Pre/K RE Classes

3:40 pm Confirmation Session

5:00 pm Mass

Monday, September 29

8:30 am RU Support

6:00 pm CANCELED - Ministry Meeting

6:00 pm Catechist Methods Training

6:30 pm NO Oremus

6:30 pm Scouts

6:30 pm RCIA

Tuesday, September 30

1:00 pm Bible Study

3:40 pm CIC 4:15/5:30/6:45 pm RE Classes 4:15 /5:30 pm Grade 1 Parent/Child Class

6:45 pm Quarter 1 High School RE Class

6:45 pm Confirmation Session

Wednesday, October `

9:30 am Women’s Spirituality

4:15/5:30/6:45 pm RE Classes 4:30 pm CIC 7:45 pm Confirmation Session

8:00 pm Quarter 1 High School RE Class

Thursday, October 2 7:15 am Mass

9:00 am Mom’s Group

4:30 pm Worship Environment Fall Set-up

5:00 pm Living Christ Retreat

5:30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal

6:00 pm Pet Blessing

6:00 pm Financial Peace

7:00 pm Men’s Choir

7:00 pm Adult Choir

Friday, October 3

7:15 am Mass

5:30 pm Living Christ Retreat

Saturday, October 4

New Member Information Weekend

Gr. 9/10 Retreat St. John Bosco Youth Day

Bella Walk for Life

8:00 am Living Christ Retreat

6:00 pm Newcomer Dinner

Sunday, October 5

New Member Information Weekend

Coffee & Donuts after morning masses

9:00/11:00am Pre/K RE Classes

3:40 pm Confirmation Session

5:00 pm Mass

6:00 pm Aftershock

Stewardship of Sharing

Week ending 09/21/2014

Budgeted Expenses: $ 26,054

Offertory Collections:

Envelopes $ 15,807

Loose Collection $ 1,463

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) $ 16,264

Other Revenue $ 1,461

Total $ 34,995

Surplus $ 8,941

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY There is still a little bit of time to register for the 9 & 10th

grade fall retreat to Holy Hill held on Saturday, October 4

from 8 am to 8 pm. We will depart by bus from St. Raphael

Parish parking lot. The fee is $15 per student which includes

all day retreat fees and transportation. Everyone needs to

bring a bag lunch and $$ for a stop at McDonalds on the way

home. To see more visit:

Parent permission forms can be found in the Gathering Space

kiosk. (tan form) Please have all forms in no later than

September 30.

Our next High School Youth Ministry

night will be on Sunday, October 5

from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Anyone who

brings a friend receives a gift!

Middle School

Mark your calendars! The fall Middle School

Retreat is on Sunday, November 2. Watch for

our mailing! Youth Jam 2014 don’t miss it!

Walk For Life The Bella Medical Clinic (formerly Labor of Love) annual Walk for Life is planned for next Saturday, October 4 at 9:00am at Bella Medical Clinic, 1484 W. South Park Ave in Oshkosh. Join Christians from dozens of area congregations in a fundraising 2-mile walk to support Bella Medical Clinic’s lifesaving services to area women and men facing unplanned pregnancies. If you are interested in w a l k i n g , y o u m a y r e g i s t e r o n l i n e at or you can stop by the information desk in the gathering space to pick up a sponsor form. Forms to sponsor our very own Deacon Greg Grey and Fr. Michael Warden will be available at the front desk this weekend and this week if you would like to sponsor either of them. Better yet, sign up to walk with them. Contact Deacon Greg at with any questions.



Make a Difference Day, 2014

What: An opportunity to participate in a family service project to help the elderly and disabled in

the community of Oshkosh with fall clean up.

Who: All families in the Catholic Parishes of Oshkosh

When: Saturday, October 25, 1:00-6:00 pm

Where: St. Raphael Parish


Meet for prayer and to get your site assignments at 1:00

Depart St. Raphael at about 1:30 for work sites.

Work at sites 2:00-4:30, Meet Back at St. Raphael for 5:00 Mass with your family.

(If there is heavy rain, the event will be rescheduled.)

What to bring:

Rakes/Gloves/Shears for pruning

Transportation for yourself and your family.

To register: Please cut out and complete the form below and return it to St. Raphael Parish or

Lourdes Academy by Thursday, October 16.

Questions: Contact Jessie Adrians: 233-8044 or

Family Last Name: _______________________________________

Name(s) of Adult(s) _________________________________________

Names and ages of Children___________________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________ e-mail: ________________________________

RE Reminders

Did you get our RE newsletter? It came out on Friday to all RE families. Please make sure your e-mail is

updated for the coming year.

First grade parent/child class September 30/October 1 at 4:15/5:30. At lease one parent must attend

with his/her child.

First Reconciliation Parent Meeting is October 7/8 at 4:15/5:30. All parents who want to enroll their child

for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist must attend one meeting. Babysitting will be provided.

Make a Difference Day will be on Saturday October 25, 1-4:30. Make sure to return your registration

sheets by Thursday, October 16.

Are you a crafty youth or adult interested in volunteering in an Advent Adventure November 29/30th?

Contact Jessie Adrians ( to find out how you can help.


Reflecting on the Scriptures (Ez. 18:25-28, Ps. 25:4-14, Phil. 2:1-11, Matt. 21:28-32)

Complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. Do nothing out of

selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not

for his own interests, but also for those of others. Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus. --Phil. 2:1-5

In July, a fellow, whom I hired to work on a project on my house, commented to me about the great work ethic of people in Wisconsin as well as their friendly nature. He then remarked about the difference between folks in New Hampshire and

people here, “People here will say they are going to invite you or that they’re going to an event, but they don’t follow through. Whereas, in New Hampshire we just tell people ‘no’, if we don’t want to go, and we don’t talk about inviting

people unless we are going to do so.” I’ve been reflecting on this perception since then, and if it bears any truth in my life. Am I saying “yes” to people and not following through? Even more importantly, have I responded “yes” to the Lord and

not acted on my “yes”?

Today’s Gospel raised this question: Am I saying “yes” to God because that’s what is expected from people who say they

love God? Am I trying to maintain my self-righteousness? (much like many Pharisees in the Scriptures) Does my life bear fruit? How am I living my “yes”?

Jesus tells the parable of the two sons to a group of self-righteous people. Saying the “right” things, they have pacified themselves into spiritual complacency. Operating in a facade, they don’t even recognize that their actions contradict their words. Ironically, it is those who have not conformed themselves to saying the “right” thing, giving desirable responses who, are in the end, responding to God’s call by doing the Will of the Father. It is those who actually “do” the will of God who have truly responded to the Lord. “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his own face in a mirror. He sees himself, then goes off and promptly forgets what he looked like. (James 1:23-25)

The parable also provides a message of hope. Whatever my initial response to God has been, there is still the opportunity

to reject sin, and turn my heart toward him. God’s mercy is always available to me, no matter how I have responded in

the past, for the repenting thief on the cross receives God’s mercy.

Paul urges me to “have the same attitude that was also in Christ Jesus,” which is to be humble. Living in self-giving love is to put on the mind of Christ. Whereas, self-absorption replaces genuine love. Paul’s advice is to take the focus off myself and direct it lovingly to others. Humble people are Christ-like, making a difference in our world. Humility recognizes God is God---and I am not. Because God is the giver of all good gifts I am endowed with, I live Christ in selfless action humbly using my gifts for others--like Christ himself did.

Betty Schwandt - Pastoral Associate

Living Christ Retreat

A Living Christ Retreat is a parish-based retreat that provides people with a deep encounter with Christ. It is the desire of St. Raphael to help all parishioners turn their hearts so fully toward Christ that a fire is lit in the heart of the parish itself. It is to journey together in faith and to plan for daily life with Christ.

A retreat is a time to allow the Holy Spirit to well up within us, to fill us with love and power to grant us presence to hear and respond to the fire of the Spirit burning within us. A retreat is, in short, “a pathway to conversion.”

The retreatants form “community” and share conversations of faith in which people are open to an encounter with the Lord. The Living Christ Retreat includes specific talks, small and large group sharing, prayer times, and home-cooked meals. It also offers participants an opportunity to get to know each other and discern ways they can live in Christ every day. One of the benefits of the “Living Christ” Retreat is that it is presented entirely by members of St. Raphael Church itself.

This Living Christ Retreat begins on Thursday and Friday, October 2 & 3, 5:30pm – 10:00pm and Saturday morning, October 4 at 8 -12 Noon.

Registration is limited, so complete the registration form, located at the front desk, as soon as you know you can make the commitment of all 3 days. Registration accepted on a first come - first serve basis.


WORKING WITH THE SCRIPTURES – There’s an old saying that says, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” I think of it often – especially when contemplating some new diet or exercise plan. I start out with good intentions but eventually I start finding excuses for not doing whatever it is I originally set out to do. On the other hand, I have a friend who thinks nothing of grabbing an apple for lunch and then taking a walk around the block while she eats it! People like her never really intend to diet or exercise, it just sort of ‘happens’. My diet and exercise experience might be one example of what this week’s Gospel is about, but there are others that are much more serious. Like the time I overheard a man in a restaurant telling his dining partner that, while he could not ask a person’s age when interviewing them for a job opening in their company, he was to make a specific notation if the applicant appeared to be over 50. Clearly this was not a just workplace practice and I wonder if the person doing the interviewing had the courage not to make that notation. And then there was the realtor who assured her clients that she would show them any property in which they were interested but somehow managed to ‘forget’ certain properties, depending on the buyer’s race or sexual orientation. Her verbal assurances were admirable but her actual practices were not. “A man had two sons.” One, when asked to go out and work in the vineyard, said “’I will not,’ but afterwards changed his mind and went.” The other replied, “’Yes, sir,’ but did not go.” One, when asked to discriminate based on age, at first seemed to go along with the request but later found that he couldn’t do it. The other, even though she assured her clients that she would not discriminate, had no intention of respecting the dignity of those who trusted her to assist them. “Which of the two did his father’s will?” I think I’ll have to grab an apple, take a walk, and think about that one…

Vinal Van Benthem

Lourdes News

By Shay Mains - Knight Writer

Student Journalist - Lourdes Academy

On Sept. 4, 2014, the heavens opened and the floods poured down

upon Lourdes Academy, forcing the annual Eucharistic Adoration

Mass to be moved from Sacred Heart to the school commons.

The mass traditionally involves the high schoolers and middle

schoolers walking to the nearby church in silent prayer, while the

elementary schoolers are bussed from Seton and Cabrini. This

year, however, only students in grades 6-12 were able to participate

due to limited space.

Father Doug LeCaptain led mass and encouraged the congregation

to learn something new each day, do what God requires and/or asks

each day, and to be grateful for blessings. Worship was led by

Kathleen Albrecht, the new Campus Minister, and, as is tradition,

the esteemed Knights of Columbus joined the Lourdes family in the

celebration of faith.

When the mass ended, the students and staff followed the priests in

a short prayerful procession across the sidewalk in front of the

school. The rain had ceased and the sun shone down in all its glory

as high schoolers and middle schoolers filed back through the front

doors. Father Jim Jugenheimer exited Lourdes in style on a purple

moped, and students resumed their daily schedule with a renewed

sense of faith and community in their hearts.

Oremus "Let Us Pray" is a

prayer series to learn the basics

of prayer and learn new ways to

pray. It guides you through the

simple, yet profound steps to an

effective and fruitful prayer life

and allows you to try out new prayer styles and find

one that works for you. It is part video and part

discussion. You will discover how God speaks to you,

even in the smallest encounters. Following the

Tradition of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of

the saints, you will learn how to express yourself to

God in prayer, and how to hear His voice.

The next sessions are:

Oct. 6 - Lectio Divina (praying w/Scripture)

Oct. 13 - Relational Prayer

Oct. 20 - Desolation and Consolation during Prayer

Oct. 27 - Ignatian Prayer

Nov. 3 - Discernment in Prayer

Nov.10 - Dealing with Distractions

Call the parish office (233-8044) to register.

The Cost of materials is $15 .


Mark your calendars, Ladies!

2014 Christmas Memories Ladies Luncheon is set for Saturday, December 6, 2014.

This will be our 3rd annual ladies luncheon.

If you are interested in decorating a table

with your treasured tableware and linens, and inviting seven

guests plus yourself, or if you have further questions,

contact Maureen Donovan 920-426-0281 or Linda Petek at


What are some of the threats to religious liberty in the U.S.? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate to force almost all

employers, including those who object on religious grounds, to provide free coverage for contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs in their insurance plans.

State immigration laws prohibiting individuals and churches from giving any assistance to undocumented immigrants.

State laws forcing Catholic foster care and adoption agencies to disband because they refuse to place children in the homes of same-sex couples or cohabitating opposite-sex couples.

Recent calls to change the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of1993, which prohibits laws that substantially burden a person's free exercise of religion.

A federal requirement to force humanitarian agencies that assist victims of human trafficking to provide or refer for contraceptive and abortion services.

What about the rights of nonbelievers? As Pope Francis has written, “As believers, we also feel close to

those who do not consider themselves part of any religious tradition,

yet sincerely seek the truth, goodness and beauty which we believe

have their highest expression and source in God. We consider them

as precious allies in the commitment to defending human dignity, in

building peaceful coexistence between peoples and in protecting

creation.” (Evangelii Gaudium,257)

The following children will be baptized at St. Raphael this weekend:

Maxwell Jerome,

son of James & Cynthia Dietzler

Logan James, son of Kyle & Patty Fugar

Welcome, Little Ones!





Thursday, October 2

6:00 pm

Come celebrate the Feast of St. Francis with our parish by bringing your family AND your

pet to a special blessing service.

We will meet outside in the courtyard.

Young Children’s Ministries:

Serving the Little Disciples!

The nursery will open during the 9 am and

11 am Masses for children ages 1-4 years of age beginning Sunday, September 28.

If you are an adult interested in helping

facilitate the nursery, please contact Jessie

Adrians ASAP for details. We are in great

need of adults so that our nursery can stay open all year long for families.



Readings for the Week of September 28, 2014 Sunday: Ez 18:25-28, Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5, Mt 21:28-32 Monday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a, Jn 1:47-51 Tuesday: Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23, Lk 9:51-56 Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16, Lk 9:57-62 Thursday: Jb 19:21-27, Mt 18:1-5, 10 Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5, Lk 10:13-16 Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17, Lk 10:17-24 Next Sunday: Is 5:1-7, Phil 4:6-9, Mt 21:33-43 ©Liturgical Publications Inc




5:00 pm J. Strand, M. Kirsch, E. Miller,

K. Sternat, M. Malchow

7:30 am M. Paffenroth, S. Feryan,

D. & D. Johnson

9:00 am M. & J. Heuchert, E. Pitz,

P. & B. Harrington

11:00 am P. Spiering, T. & V. Sorensen,

R. Lemieux, S. Denney

5:00 pm 4 NEEDED!


5:00 pm P. Larson, D. Strand, R. & A. Vandersee

7:30 am E. Wilke, T. Hellmann, P. Gilson,

E. Dwyer

9:00 am R. Coshenet, J. Grover, M. Brefczynski,

M. Diker

11:00 am T. Thompson, L. Robinson, T. Berenz

P. Barfknecht,

5:00 pm C. & A. Redlin, M. Hammen


5:00 pm Madeline Main, Cheyenne Stadler-Gram,

Sadie Eklund

7:30 am Jack Thomas, Noah Resop,

Elizabeth Toonen

9:00 am Sierra Stadtmueller, Treyton Gold,

Jacob Diker

11:00 am Calayah Thomas, Abby Kasuboski,

Claire Chier

5:00 pm Dylan Konop, Bobbi Allison,

Avery Doemel


5:00 pm C. McCabe, J. Adrians

7:30 am A. Kriegel, W. Baurecht

9:00 am L. Conrad, J. Sheehy

11:00 am C. Byron, T. Chier

5:00 pm M. Buyarski, (1 needed)


5:00 pm T. Norkofski

7:30 am C. Kniep

9:00 am P. Florek

11:00 am T. Glasnapp

5:00 pm K. Hammen


5:00 pm Annemarie/Esther Rodman

7:30 am Elizabeth/Kate

9:00 am Adult Choir

11:00 am Elizabeth/Molly & Sydney Butz

5:00 pm Ekklesia

Mass Intentions

Saturday, September 27 5:00 pm Robert Frost † Alice Fruit † Sunday, September 28 7:30 am Irene Green † 9:00 am Sally & Herman Roehrborn † 11:00 am Michael Conner † 5:00 pm Ross Rathe † Monday, September 29 8:00 am At Franciscan Courts † Tuesday, September 30 8:00 am At Franciscan Courts † Wednesday, October 1 8:00 am At Franciscan Courts † Thursday, October 2 7:15 am Carol Gilbert † Friday, October 3 7:15 am Jack Van Benthem † Saturday, October 4 5:00 pm Carol Sanders † Robert W. Lynch † Sunday, October 5 7:30 am Marlene Hetzel † 9:00 am Jim Nozar † 11:00 am Elizabeth Schwartz † Gill Wuethick † 5:00 pm Joseph Szczech †

RU Support is a ministry to the recently unemployed and under-employed. We meet in Good Samaritan Hall at St. Raphael Parish on Monday morning from 8:30 – 10:30 am. All are welcome. Questions? Call Dennis Kotloski at 920-830-8980.