St. Paul’s United Church of...

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Transcript of St. Paul’s United Church of...


St. Paul’s United Church of Christ

214 Dugan St N * PO Box 374, Welcome, MN 56181

Phone: 507-728-8248

Email: Website:

Interim Pastor: Rev. Wayne Fritzinger

Phone # 712-263-0241 email:


St. Paul’s Council Minutes

January 11, 2017

Present: Donnie Rudolph, JoAnn Wohlhuter, Greg Wohlhuter, Wayne Fritzinger, Linda Schultz, Eric Hansen, Jim

Kluver, Jerry Ebeling, Justin Portz, Vicki Nelsen

Meeting was called to order and Wayne led council in a word of prayer. December’s council minutes were read.

Financial secretary’s report was presented. Money received in 2016 was $66,102.01, down from 2015’s total of

$67191.15. Total in Project Fund $2,072.33. Total in Matthies’ Emergency Fund $20,131.11 ($10,000 is from General

Fund). Total in Parsonage Fund $15,269.94. Member giving breakdown for 2016: $0-$150= 6, $151-$300 = 12, $301-

$600 = 10, $611-$1000 = 4, $1001-$1500 = 5, $1501-$2000 = 3. $2001-$3000 = 1, $3001-$5000 = 1, $5000-$15000 = 2

Treasurer’s report was presented. Checking account balance $5,648.45. Total disbursements for 2016 were

$66,407.06 which included non-budgeted items of gutters, furnace/air conditioner, railings, banners, ads. No bills

were presented for payment. Motion by Jerry, second by Eric to accept reports as presented. All in favor.

Pastor reported that he will be going back to his expository messages from the book Roman’s. Dave will be helping

with services 1/15. Dave will giving the message on 1/22 and again in February. Couples outing in February will be

hosted by Darin and Kristie Cook. We will start Lenten Bible Study a few weeks early this year and the topic will be

“How to Study Your Bible”. Donnie will welcome our new church members at a lunch on February 19th.

Seder Supper will be April 13th at 6 PM.

Old Business:

—Reviewed the two bids received for new ceiling fans in the sanctuary. We will request a revised bid from one of

the business to include a reversible fan option. Will review again at next meeting.

New Business:

—Discussed presenting Dave Jurgens with a monetary gift for the services he has done. Motion by Greg, second

by JoAnn to present Dave with $200 for his services. All in favor.

—A request for matching funds was received for the gutters. Motion by Jerry, second by Jim to approve the

request for matching funds. All in favor.



—Reviewed placing ad in newspaper for upcoming Easter services.

—Discussed January Blue Jean Sunday clean-up of store rooms in basement on January 29. Items that can be

thrown will be flagged. If there is any question, items will be put aside and reviewed by Council.

—Discussion on hosting a church auction on March 19 at 5 PM. Proceeds will be used to purchase the fireproof safe

for historical records. We will have cream turkey on baking powder biscuits.

—Sunday School Cookie Auction will be held February 12 during fellowship.

—February Blue Jean Sunday project will include anchoring curtain rods in fellowship hall and putting up shelves for

banner storage.

Next meeting will be February 8 at 7:30 PM – time change during Lenten season.

Motion by Jerry, second by Jim to adjourn meeting. All in favor. Meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer.

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Point to Ponder…….. “God’s Amazing Love”

February is the month when our thoughts turn to “LOVE.” We think about the one we married, our family, our friends and our church. Each relationship is marked by a special love we have for one another. To love another person and be loved by another person is one of the greatest blessings we have in this life. Each morning I thank the Lord for the love of my wonderful wife of almost forty nine years (June 8th), our three children and now 6 grandchildren. But the love I am most thankful for is God’s amazing love for me and my love for Him. His love sustains me, encourages me and gives me the lasting ability to face each day with hope in my heart and someday I know it will carry me into eternity. God’s amazing love is truly amazing! “God loved the world so much that HE gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him may not be lost but have eternal life.”(John 3:16)

The love of a parent for a child is a mighty force. The infant offers his or her parents absolutely noth-ing. No money. No skill. No words of wisdom. If he or she had pockets they would be empty. To see an infant lying in a cradle is to see utter helplessness. What is there to love?

Whatever it is, Mom and Dad find it. Just look at Mom’s face as she nurses her baby. Just watch Dad’s eyes as he cradles the child. And just try to harm or speak evil of the infant. If you do, you’ll encounter a mighty strength, for the love of a parent is a mighty force.

Jesus once asked, if we humans who are sinful have such a love, how much more does God, the sinless

and selfless Father love us? His love for us is truly amazing!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Pastor Wayne


Treasurer’s 2016 Year End Report



Envelopes $51,374.00

Loose Offering 504.75

Initial Offering 64.00

Dues 130.00

Rent 200.00

Investments 1,502.92


Christmas Fund 50.00

Blanket Fund 361.00

OCWM (giving) 3,500.00

One Great Hour of Sharing 256.00

Strengthen the Church 431.00

Neighbors in Need 475.00

Total missions 5,073.00


Paper shower 20.00

Welcome Festival 43.00

MN Energy Refund 350.00

Turkey Dinner 2,329.00

Total misc. 2,742.00

Memorial Fund 4,511.34

TOTAL $66,102.01


Sunday, February 12

Come and join in on the fun, and gets some sweet

treats, our Sunday school kids are once again going

to frost Valentine sugar cookies and auction them off. Last year

the proceeds went for a smart TV and we also used some of the

moneys in savings towards getting WiFi down stairs, which makes the smart TV

great for watching bible videos and singing songs. The auction will take place

following our coffee and fellowship hour.

EVENING GUILD—The total cost for the new Corelle dishes was $2,111.76. The cookie auction brought

in $1,176.55—that money went towards the dishes. We again voted to give $200.00 each to the counselors

at Martin County West High and Elementary School for use as they see fit for kids that need supplies or

monies for events. We are also looking into the ‘Little Free Library’ project.

We will not be meeting in February or March, instead, those wanting to, can attend the Lenten Bible study

Pastor Wayne is hosting.

AFTERNOON GUILD—there is no meeting in February

Blue Jean


Service Project

A new member reception is going to be held on February 19

during our Coffee/Fellowship hour.

Wayne and Marilyn Fritzinger

Barb and Russ Plumhoff

Kelley Clark

Doug and June Nelson

Butch and Kay Rowan

Jon and Arla RIngeisen

February Service project : (after coffee and fellowship)

Fixing the curtain rods in Fellowship Hall, and putting up

banner shelving in room behind the organ. (Feb. 26th)



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Choir 5:30 pm

Bible Study

6:30 pm

2 3 4


8:45 SS

9:30 Worship


6 7 8

Choir 5:30 pm

Bible Study

6:30 pm

Council mtg 7:30

9 10 11


8:45 SS

9:30 Worship

Sunday School

Cookie Auction

13 14 15

Choir 5:30 pm

Bible Study

6:30 pm

16 17 18


8:45 SS

9:30 Worship

New member


20 21 22

Choir 5:30 pm

Bible Study

6:30 pm

23 24 25


8:45 SS

9:30 Blue Jean


27 28 MARCH 1

Ash Wednesday



Member giving breakdown for 2016: 44 giving units

$0-$150= 6 $1501-$2000 = 3

$151-$300 = 12 $2001-$3000 = 1

$301-$600 = 10 $3001-$5000 = 1

$611-$1000 = 4 $5000-$15000 = 2

$1001-$1500 = 5

This is the same report that was in the January minutes.

Proverbs 3:9


the Lord with your

wealth and with the

first fruits of all your


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each one must give as

he has decided in his

heart, not reluctantly or

under compulsion, for

God loves a cheerful



Please remember our shut-ins, home-bound and assisted living members

Goldfinch: Lakeview Methodist Homebound Temperance Lake

Alice Minick Elsie Simon Rhetis Rosenberg Mel and Babe Schmidt

Gwen Monk Pat Koenecke


FEBRUARY 5 Darryl and Dee Krueger Roger and Linda Schultz 12 Dee Hartwig and Joan Andersen Greg and Lisa Wohlhuter 19 Jerry and Deb Ebeling Don and Rhonda Rudolph 26 Eric Hanson and Kelly Clark Council food buyer

Food buyer — Vicki Nelsen - If furnishing, please call 236-7081


5 Jim Kluver and Steve Olsen Buddy and Patti Posivio

Food buyer— JoAnn Wohlhuter - If furnishing, please call 236– 4339

1 LeAnn Hanson

4 Eric Hanson 18 Dawn Abel

7 David Cook 18 Caleb Cook

7 Adam Wohlhuter 18 Babe Schmidt 2 Lowell and Helen Fisher

13 Nancy Wohlhuter 25 Jacob Abel 14 Doug and Michele Storbeck

14 Roger Schultz 26 Alice Minick


St. Paul’s UCC

214 Dugan St N * PO Box 374

Welcome, MN 56181