St Michaels is a unique church. We are proud of our ...€¦ · Wherever you have come from,...

Post on 09-Oct-2020

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Transcript of St Michaels is a unique church. We are proud of our ...€¦ · Wherever you have come from,...


St Michael’s is a unique church. We are proud of our independent spirit; seeking continually to discover new ways to understand faith and to demonstrate it in our lives, and in the heart of the city.

As part of the Uniting Church in Australia, St Michael’s is committed to involvement in social and national affairs. We hold foundational Christian values of the importance of every human being, the need for integrity in public life and concern for the welfare of the whole human race irrespective of race, creed, gender, sexuality, status or age.

Church Council Chair: Laura Beckett

Treasurer: Ian Cox Secretary: Maree McDonald

Deanery I: Household Dean: Peter Anderson

Deputy Dean: Jack Morgan

Deanery II: Church Services Dean: Graeme Adamson

Deputy Dean: Albert Phillips

Deanery III: Contact and Care Dean: Lyndell O’Brien

Deputy Dean: Joy Arnot

Deanery IV: Programs Dean: Lorraine Woolley

Deputy Dean: Val Gill

Culture of Safety Contact Person (Keeping Children Safe)

Val Gill

Organist & Manager of Music Rhys Boak


St Michael’s is a vibrant, progressive, inclusive church with a long tradition of nurturing the spiritual well-being of the human person and working for the common good in society.

♥ Our buildings may be closed, but our hearts are open. ♥

During the COVID-19 virus pandemic, we are offering Sunday Gatherings online – Reflections by our minister Rev Dr Margaret Mayman; biblical and contemporary readings from congregation members; beautiful music by organist, Rhys Boak and guest musicians; and prayers for these challenging times.

A video of this service will be available on the website and YouTube on Sunday.

Nadia Boltz Weber, Lutheran pastor and theologian, 21st century

“And this is it. This is the life we get here on earth. We get to give away what we receive. We get to

believe in each other. We get to forgive and be forgiven. We get to love imperfectly. And we never

know what effect it will have for years to come. And all of  it…all of  it is completely worth it.”

Jesse Jackson, 21st century

“When everyone is included, everyone wins.”

Maya Angelou, poet 20th century

“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is


Thomas Berry, 20th century

“The greater the diversity, the greater the


Audre Lorde, poet, 20th century

“It is not our differences that divide us. It

is our inability to recognize, accept, and

celebrate those differences.”

Mahatma Gandhi, 20th century “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilisation.”

James Finley “Jesus saw God in all that he saw.”

Parable of the wedding feast Nelly Bube, Kazakhstan


Welcome to this online gathering. I’m Margaret Mayman, minister at St Michael’s Uniting Church in Melbourne. Wherever you have come from, wherever you are going to; whatever you believe, whatever you do not believe; you are welcome.

We begin our worship, acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have dwelled in this land since time before dreaming.

At St Michael’s we acknowledge the Wurundjeri and Boon Wurrung peoples of the Kulin Nation, on whose land this church was built.

We acknowledge that land was taken from Indigenous people without their consent, treaty or compensation. We honour the elders of the Wurundjeri people, past, present and emerging, and join with them, in hope for justice and reconciliation.

I invite you to acknowledge the First Peoples, on whose land you live.

A warm welcome to you – to you who are members and friends of St Michael’s, to you who have become part of St Michael’s through joining in online Sunday gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic, and especially warm welcome to anyone who is joining us for the first time.

If you are watching on Sunday morning, you are welcome to Sunday @ St Michael’s Zoom Cuppa at 11:15am (by computer, tablet, or mobile or landline phone). Information about joining is in the eNews and on our website under the Online Gatherings tab. We are enjoying catching up with old friends and new.

I encourage you also to ‘like’ the video on YouTube and maybe leave a brief comment. It’s a great way to help people who are looking for progressive Christian worship online during COVID to find us.

In Melbourne we are inching toward the end of our stage four lockdown. It feels as if it has gone on forever… I’m aware that many are deeply frustrated and concerned about the limits to our economic lives while others are anxious that some Melburnians are letting down their guard and risking the success of the lockdown. Early on we were saying, with confidence, “we are all in this together.” Now that commitment to the common good is being tested.

In the tension we are living in, our faith and our spiritual practices are resources for living well, not just as individuals but as members of a community of interconnected beings sharing this one precious planet. Living with uncertainty is always part of human life. In the past we may have been able to deny that. Now we can’t but face it. Naming out loud or to ourselves “it’s uncertain” in meditation or prayer can help to shift the anxiety that uncertainty causes. Naming uncertainty can move us from generalised unease to groundedness, and from there we find the wisdom that is needed to live well through this time.


Now is the time to dance heaven’s dance, time to discern eternity’s face, moment of knowing beyond all sight, day of God’s smile and tender embrace. May our lives and our world be reawakened, as together we come alive to the wonder and surprise of this day.

Though we are not physically together in church, the light of love and life touches us and connects us, wherever we are. The Spirit gathers us in as we sing.

Here in this place, new light is streaming, now is the darkness vanished away. See, in this space, our fears and our dreamings, brought here to you in the light of this day. Gather us in - the lost and forsaken, gather us in - the blind and the lame. Call to us now, and we shall awaken, we shall arise at the sound of our name.

We are the young - our lives are a mystery, we are the old - who yearn for your face. We have been sung throughout all of history, called to be light to the whole human race. Gather us in - the rich and the haughty, gather us in - the proud and the strong. Give us a heart so meek and so lowly, give us the courage to enter the song.

Here we will take the wine and the water, here we will take the bread of new birth. Here you shall call your sons and your daughters, call us anew to be salt of the earth. Give us to drink the wine of compassion, give us to eat the bread that is you. Nourish us well, and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true.

Not in the dark of buildings confining, not in some heaven, light years away, but here in this space, the new light is shining; now is the Kingdom, now is the day. Gather us in - and hold us forever, gather us in - and make us your own. Gather us in - all peoples together, fire of love in our flesh and our bone.

Words and Music Marty Haugen (1950-) Tune: Gather us in


We open to the Spirit of Sophia, Sacred Wisdom, She who pervades all living things with radiance, intelligence, beauty, and a spirit of kindness.

Gather us in, Sophia, prepare a feast for our whole human family and for all creation, that we may know we are one, and that you fill every living thing with your grace.

We acknowledge that sometimes our foolishness leads us astray, as we choose to eat the bread that does not satisfy and drink from the cup that entraps us in our isolation.

A time of silent reflection as we reflect on our past choices and the choices we hope to make.

May the Spirit’s powerful breath renew us, that we may the people we are called to be.

Remembering Jesus, we pray together -

Ground of all being, Mother of Life, Father of the universe, your name is sacred, beyond speaking. May we know your presence, may your longings be our longings in heart and in action. May there be food for the human family today and for the whole earth community.

Forgive us the falseness of what we have done as we forgive those who are untrue to us. Do not forsake us in our time of conflict but lead us into new beginnings. For the light of life, the vitality of life, and the glory of life are yours now and for ever. Amen.


We are alive. We are loved. We are freed to share life and love in the world May the peace of Divine Presence be with you!

And also with you!

People are invited to send peaceful thoughts to family, friends, and wider community.

Once more Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying:

"The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding banquet, but they would not come. Again he sent other slaves, saying, 'Tell those who have been invited: Look, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready; come to the wedding banquet.' But they made light of it and went away, one to his farm, another to his business, while the rest seized his slaves, mistreated them, and killed them. The king was enraged. He sent his troops, destroyed those murderers, and burned their city. Then he said to his slaves, 'The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore into the main streets, and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.'

Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both good and bad; so the wedding hall was filled with guests. "But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing a wedding robe, and he said to him, 'Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding robe?' And he was speechless. Then the king said to the attendants, 'Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' For many are called, but few are chosen."

For the stories about Jesus and the stories of Jesus, We give thanks.

Romance from 'The Gadfly' - Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) This well known melody was composed by Shostakovich for the film 'The Gadfly' which was an adaptation of Ethel Lillian Voynich's 1897 book of the same name. It is heard here in an arrangement for trumpet and organ, and is a favourite of many at St. Michael's.

Bruno Siketa (Trumpet) & Rhys Boak (Organ)


The Thunder, Perfect Mind, one of the papyrus codices found at Nag Hammadi in 1945, dating from the 2nd or 3rd century (Excerpts 1: 1-4; 2: 11-15; 1: 5-7; 2: 18)

I was sent out from power I came to those pondering me And I was found among those seeking me Look at me, all you who contemplate me Audience, hear me Those expecting me, receive me Don’t chase me from your sight Don’t let your voice or your hearing hate me Don’t ignore me any place, any time

Be careful. Do not ignore me

Pay attention to me, to my impoverishment and to my extravagance Do not be arrogant to me when I am thrown to the ground You will find me among the expected Do not stare at me in the shit pile, leaving me discarded You will find me in the kingdoms Do not stare at me when I am thrown out among the condemned Do not laugh at me in the lowest places Do not throw me down among those slaughtered viciously

I am the first and the last

I am she who is honored and she who is mocked I am the whore and the holy woman I am the wife and the virgin I am he the mother and the daughter I am the limbs of my mother I am a sterile woman and she has many children I am she whose wedding is extravagant and I didn’t have a husband

Assemble the great among the small and earliest creatures Advance toward childhood Do not hate it because it is small and insignificant I am she who exists in all fears and in trembling boldness

For the Spirit awakening human imagination, We give thanks.

“RSVP to the banquet of life”

O rubor sanguinis – Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)

The text of this sublime chant from nearly 1000 years ago is: O ruby blood which flowed from on high where divinity touched. You are a flower that the winter of the serpent’s breath can never injure.

Katherine Norman (Soprano) & Rhys Boak (Organ)


Our prayers of thanksgiving and solidarity, for compassion, justice and peace.

O Great Love, thank you for living and loving in us and through us. May all that we do flow from our deep connection with you and all beings and our shared planetary home. Hear our hearts’ longings for the healing of our world.

We pray for everyone who has been ill with COVID-19 as they journey to renewed health. We give thanks for medical care provided by doctors, nurses, paramedics and health workers who have risked their own health to care for others. We pray for the family and friends of people who have died of COVID or during COVID, for comfort and company in the time of grieving.

In our churches, may we live as compassionate communities of justice-seeking friends. May our friendships be real and vital. We are thankful for the precious gift of friendship, for the people in family, church and community who accept us as we are, love us even in our least attractive moments help us laugh at ourselves encourage us, support us, believe in us, value us. May we never take friendship for granted but to tend it and nurture it.

Enlarge our life so that it is earthed in authenticity, coloured bright with a passion for justice and moved into the risk of action, even when we cannot see all that lies ahead.

We pray for all who challenge us to act for love, peace and justice and we pray for all in need:

In silence, let us pray for the earth and its people, for particular people, places and situations known to us,

where comfort, justice and healing are needed.

May we unite with one another as friends of God and creatures of earth.



Our life is sustained by the generous giving of many. In gratitude we dedicate the gifts given to support our shared life at St Michael’s and the work of the Mingary Counselling Service, as we rededicate our lives to the work of compassion and justice.

Creative Spirit, as we bring our gifts of hand and heart, inspire us to bring to life our vision of a church where everyone has a place to stand a society where everyone is valued and understood where the gifts of the Spirit bud and flower and bear the Spirit’s fruit. Amen.

May the sap flow in our hearts like the greening of the earth: May our liveliness untold like the joyful spring time's birth,

For these powers lie in our hearts And wait to be released.

May the waters of our love nurture joy in arid lives; May the fire within consume all injustice, hate and lies,

For these powers lie in our hearts And wait to be released.

May life's unity in Christ be the rhythm of our days: May our dancing spirits song be God's universe of praise,

For these powers lie in our hearts And wait to be released.

May these dreams be born in us, taking flesh in all our ways and the rainbow love of God fill our hearts with constant praise,

For these powers lie in our hearts And wait to be released.

Words: William L (Bill) Wallace Tune: Lucerna Laudoniae.

David Evans (‘E. Arthur’) 1874-1948)


Go into the week strengthened by the deep love of the Sacred, enfolded in the loving presence of the Risen One, and filled with the energising love of the Holy Spirit.


Trumpet tune and air - Henry Purcell (1659-1695) arr. Rhys Boak

There can be no doubt that the great Henry Purcell had a gift for melody. This familiar trumpet tune is still often requested, hummed and whistled more than three centuries after the composer's death. Today's arrangement for Trumpet and Organ was also made for use at St. Michael's by the St. Michael's organist & manager of music.

Bruno Siketa (Trumpet) & Rhys Boak (Organ)

People have been asking how they can support the mission and ministry of St Michael’s when they are not able to make their offerings at church on Sunday. There is a ‘Supporting Us’ button on the St Michael’s website. We are very grateful for offerings that have been received from members and from the wider audience of people who are appreciating our online videos. If you would like to contribute, you can make an offering through the website by credit card or use online banking. A downloadable donation form is also available. Thank you. The online banking details are: St Michaels Uniting Church BSB: 083004 A/C: 515113338

Prayer of Awareness based in part on a prayer by Bruce Sanguin in If Darwin Prayed.

Lord’s Prayer paraphrase by John Philip Newell, Ground of All Being: The Prayer of Jesus in Color, published by New Beginnings, an imprint of Material Media, 2008.

“The Thunder: Perfect Mind” in A New New Testament: A Bible for the 21st Century combining traditional and newly discovered texts. Edited with commentary by Hal Taussig.

Offering prayer based on a Pentecost offering prayer by Bronwyn White, written for St Andrew’s on The Terrace, Wellington NZ.

“Here in this place,” Words and Music Marty Haugen. Tune: Gather us in.

“May the sap flow in our hearts.” Words: William L (Bill) Wallace. Tune: Lucerna Laudoniae. David Evans (‘E. Arthur’).

Hymns are printed and streamed with permission. Church Copyright License (CCL): 261070 and Church Streaming License (CSL): 569311


Bruno Siketa

Bruno Siketa began playing the trumpet in 1988 while attending Geelong College on a music scholarship. He obtained Bachelor of Music performance at the Victorian College of the Arts, studying with Robert Sims, Anthony Pope and Geoffrey Payne. During his studies he performed in masterclasses with Hakin Hardenberger, David Staff, and Geoffrey Payne. In 2002 he was appointed Sub-principal trumpet in the Auckland Philharmonia and performed there for two years. Since 2003 Bruno has performed as guest principal trumpet in The Queensland Orchestra, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Adelaide Symphony Orchestra. Also, as casual trumpet in the West Australian Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Victoria. In 2004 he performed the 2nd Brandenberg Concerto on tour with Mozart Orchestra. He toured China and performed as principal trumpet with the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra in 2006. Bruno has played extensively with brass bands such as Dalewool Auckland and Hawthorn Brass Band and is a continuing member of Melbourne Tramways Band. He has also recorded for Melbourne-based singer/songwriter Georgia Fields, Pyramid, and toured with renown vocalist Patrizio Buanne. Bruno has recorded and premiered many new Australian works as a member of the Raga Dolls Salon Orchestra including the concerto Photo Album, which he performed in 2011 as the cornet soloist. In 2010 Bruno performed a solo recital at the Music at the Basilica Festival, performing works with organ and in 2011 performed with soprano Judith Dodsworth. He also performed solo recitals at the Organs of the Ballarat Goldfields festival in 2012 and 2014. He appears regularly at St Michael’s Uniting Church in Melbourne, performing solo trumpet works with organ. He recently performed new works by Australian and other contemporary composers including the Australian premiere of Harrison Birtwistle’s Endless Parade with the Arcko Symphonic Project. He has also taken part in the Australian National Academy of Music concerts under the direction of distinguished artists such as Richard Tognetti and Michael Collins, performing new works by Anthony Pateras and James Ledger.

Katherine Norman

Katherine Norman is a Soprano with over 19 years’ experience, including five European concert tours, several recordings and numerous live concert broadcasts presented by ABC Classic FM.

An early sacred & Bach specialist whose repertoire also includes modern composition, Katherine is an accomplished soloist & blended ensemble singer.

Katherine studied voice with Vivienne Hamilton & Steven Grant at the University of Melbourne, Conservatorium of Music. Career highlights include Soprano soloist for the much-loved and vocally demanding Allegri Miserere, Mozart’s Requiem, and the Pergolesi Stabat Mater, presenting the world Premiere of Hodgson Lamentations, and performing in four separate years of the annual Melbourne Festival.

Notable collaborations have included performances with the Tallis Scholars, the Rolling Stones, Warren Trevelyan-Jones, Steven Layton & Jeremy Summerly.

Katherine has sung with the Consort of Melbourne since 2009 and was recently a guest artist for the St James King St (Sydney) European concert tour, performing in such distinguished venues as Westminster Abbey and Notre Dame.

Katherine is also Secretary of the Board for the Consort of Melbourne. When not singing, Katherine is the Senior Account Manager in Presenter Services at Arts Centre Melbourne – leading the entire Event Management team to deliver 3,000 shows every year. She also lectures in Venue Management and is on the Venue Management School Committee. She & her partner also volunteer for Asylum Seekers Resource Centre (ASRC) & dote on their two Wheaten Terrier dogs.


During this time when we are unable to meet together in person, we have put in place a program to assist everyone to continue to feel connected and supported. We have a team of members of Contact and Care and Church Council who are each keeping in touch with a group of people by telephone, to keep the important lines of communication open. If you would like to have someone get in touch with you for a chat during these times, please contact the St Michael’s office and leave your phone number or email address. The members of the Contact and Care Team are also available to talk with, or assist people, who are experiencing difficult times for any reason. If you would like to speak with a member of Contact and Care, please contact the St Michael’s office. All matters remain confidential. Lyndell O’Brien: Dean of Contact and Care Joy Arnot: Deputy Dean

We are a group within the Contact and Care team, here to support you, during this difficult and often concerning time. We extend a commitment to pray for yourself, or someone known to you, who is facing personal challenges. All requests are treated with confidentiality, sensitivity and respect. Kindly ask permission from the person/s concerned, if the prayer is not for yourself. To request prayer, please contact the St. Michael's office (9654 5120) and ask for a message to be forwarded, or speak with Catherine Jones directly. Meanwhile, please join us, as we pray for all the many concerns Covid has created. Also, light a candle and place in a safe window location, at evening time, to unite in prayerful hope with other Christians. Thank you.

Wisdom from Michael Leunig in ‘A Common Prayer’.

'Dear God, these circumstances will change. This situation shall pass.' 'God give us strength. Strength to hold on and strength to let go. Amen'

Catherine Jones, Prayer Tree Leader

Our minister, Rev Dr Margaret is available for pastoral care meetings by phone. Please phone the office to arrange a time for Margaret to call.



In light of the COVID-19 State of Emergency in Victoria, St Michael’s Sunday Gatherings will be offered online for the foreseeable future. Links to videos, orders of service and the latest eNews are on the front page of our website.

Thursdays at 11am- noon (join anytime) Meeting ID: 834 6407 7308. Passcode: 000405 One tap mobile: +61731853730,,83464077308#,,1#,000405# Australia Telephone audio only: +61 3 7018 2005 Australia (use meeting ID and passcode)

The Mingary Counselling Service is now offering services via Zoom in addition to telephone services (with the counsellors working from home) for new and existing clients. The service is also providing Vocational Assessments. If you require counselling or a Vocational Assessment, please contact the office and we will arrange an appointment.

“Everything belongs to the Sacred” Rev Dr Margaret Mayman

Music: Amir Farid (Piano) & Rhys Boak (Organ)

Sundays at 11:15am- 11:45am (join anytime) Meeting ID: 922 9211 8658. Passcode: 494938 One tap mobile: +61731853730,,92292118658#,,,,,,0#,,494938# Australia Telephone audio only: +61 3 7018 2005 Australia (use Meeting ID and Passcode).