St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt

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Transcript of St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt

  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    Republic of the



    ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL OF G.R. No. 166301


    CRISANTO S. CLAVERIA and Present:


    Petitioners, QUISUMIN!,J.,

    C"RPIO, "ctin# Ch$irperson,



    ' (ersus ' TIN!", $n)

    VE%"SCO, *R+,JJ.



    Respon)ents+ -ebru$r. /0, /112


    D E C I S I O N

    VELASCO, R., J.!

    The core issue in this petition for re(ie4 un)er Rule 56 is 4h$t constitutes $

    sufficient c$use of $ction for $ copl$int for e$seent of ri#ht'of'4$.+ Petitioners $ss$il

    the "u#ust 78, /115 Resolution97of the Court of "ppe$ls ;C"< in C"'!+R+ SP No+26662, )isissin# their petition for )efecti(e (erific$tion $n) certific$tion of non'foru

    shoppin#, $n) the No(eber /8, /115 C" Resolution9/re=ectin# their ple$ for

    reconsi)er$tion+ In effect, the )isiss$l of petitioners> copl$int in Ci(il C$se No+

    CV'/117'?1 before the $coor, C$(ite Re#ion$l Tri$l Court ;RTC

  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    sub)i(ision>s northern perieter fence $n) is the onl. entr$nce $n) e3it for the entire

    school popul$tion+

    On *ul. /2, 7002, Re3lon infore) petitioners th$t the ($lue of the Citihoes

    lots 4hen full. )e(elope) 4$s PhP 8,2B/ per sAu$re eter $s $ppr$ise) b. the oe

    Insur$nce $n) !u$r$ntee Corpor$tion+95 In $ letter )$te) *$nu$r. /0, /117, M$s$ito

    $)(ise) petitioners to purch$se %ots 7'0, loc@ B, Ph$se 7, frontin# the school $t PhP

    8,6B0,111+96 On "pril ?, /117, M$s$ito sent $nother offer to sell %ot5, loc@ B of the

    sub)i(ision 4ith the ri#ht'of'4$. throu#h the pri($te ro$)s)r$in$#e f$cilities of

    Citihoes $t the price of PhP / Million+ Petitioners refuse) both propos$ls, re$sonin#

    th$t the school )i) not nee) the entire $re$ entione)in the first propos$l+ St+ Mich$el

    $lso s$i) th$t the secon) offer 4$s #rossl. o(erprice)+

    Petitioners, 4ith four other hoeo4ners, file) $ copl$int $#$inst

    respon)ents before the $coor, C$(ite RTC, r$nch 70 entitle) St. Michael School of

    Cavite, Inc., Spouses Crisanto S. Claveria and Gloria M. Claveria, Pancho R. Navo,

    Vivencio B. Asuncion, Isaurito S. ernande! and "lias Na#it v. Masaito $evelop#ent

    Corporation and Re%lon Realt& Group, Inc.for e$seent of ri#ht'of'4$. 4ith )$$#es

    un)er "rticle ?50 of the Ci(il Co)e $n) preliin$r. in=unction $n)or tepor$r.

    restr$inin# or)er ;TRO

  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    On Septeber /6, /118, the tri$l court #r$nte) respon)ents> p$rti$l otion for

    reconsi)er$tion $n) li@e4ise )isisse) the copl$int of St+ Mich$el $n) spouses

    Cl$(eri$s for f$ilure to st$te $ c$use of $ction+90Petitioners file) $n onibus

    otionotion for reconsi)er$tion on Deceber 72, /118, reiter$tin# their )efenses,

    4hich the RTC )enie) on M$. 6, /115for l$c@ of erit+971

    Petitioners file) before the C" $ petition for certior$ri 4ith pr$.er for issu$nce of

    $ TRO $n)or 4rit of preliin$r. in=unction un)er Rule ?6, see@in# to $nnul $n) set

    $si)e the M$. 6, /115 RTC Or)er+ The C" )isisse) the petition+ In its "u#ust 78,

    /115Resolution, the C" hel) th$t the petition for certior$ri 4$s )isissible for the

    follo4in# infirities:7+ The (erific$tion $n) certific$tion of non'foru shoppin# 9)i) not full. copl. 4ith

    9Section 5, Rule B of the Rules of Court, bec$use it f$ile) to #i(e the $ssur$nce th$t

    the $lle#$tions of the petition $re true $n) correct b$se) on $uthentic recor)s+/< 9S$i) (erific$tion $n) certific$tion 4$s si#ne) b. petitioner !lori$ M+ Cl$(eri$ in

    beh$lf of her co'petitioners 4ithout the $ccop$ speci$l po4er of $ttorne. orbo$r) resolution $uthoriin# her to si#n the s$e 3 3 3F $n)

    8< Counsel for petitioners f$ile) to in)ic$te his Roll of "ttorne.>s Nuber 3 3 3+977

    On Septeber ?, /115, petitioners file) $n Ur#ent Motion for Reconsi)er$tion,

    97/4hich the C" )enie)+978 ence, 4e h$(e this petition th$t r$ises the follo4in#

    issues:;$s Certific$te972si#ne) b. S$nett M+ Cl$(eri$, Corpor$te

    Secret$r. of St+ Mich$el, $ttestin# th$t Mrs+ !lori$ M+ Cl$(eri$ is $uthorie) to

    represent St+ Mich$el $s $ppro(e) in $ speci$l eetin# of the bo$r) of )irectors

    )$te) Septeber 7, /115+

    He h$(e hel) th$t the reAuireent re#$r)in# (erific$tion of $ ple$)in# is inten)e)

    to $ssure th$t the ple$)in#>s $lle#$tions $re $ccur$te, file) in #oo) f$ith, $n) not the

    pro)uct of the i$#in$tion or $ $tter of specul$tion+970Hhile courts $n) liti#$nts$li@e $re )irecte) to $bi)e strictl. b. the proce)ur$l rules,9/14e h$(e rel$3e) these

    rules on the b$sis of =ustifi$ble circust$nces $n) subst$nti$l copli$nce+9/7

    "lthou#h petitioners )i) not file their $en)e) ple$)in# to inclu)e the speci$l

    po4er of $ttorne. or bo$r) resolution $uthoriin# !lori$ M+ Cl$(eri$ to represent her co'

    petitioners, the., ho4e(er, $tt$che) to their Ur#ent Motion for Reconsi)er$tion the
  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    speci$l po4er of $ttorne.F $uthori$tion si#ne) b. Cris$nto S+ Cl$(eri$ for !lori$ M+

    Cl$(eri$ to $@e, si#n, $n) e3ecute $ll )ocuents pert$inin# to the c$seF $n) the o$r)

    Resolution $uthoriin# !lori$ M+ Cl$(eri$ to represent the corpor$tion+ The subission

    of $uthori$tion, speci$l po4er of $ttorne. $n) certific$tion issue) b. the corpor$te

    secret$r. is consi)ere) subst$nti$l copli$nce of the reAuireents un)er Rule B, Sec+ 5

    of the Re(ise) Rules of Court+ He thus hol) th$t petitioners 4ere $ble to subst$nti$ll.

    copl. 4ith the reAuireents un)er the Rules of Court+

    On the secon) issue+ In its *ul. /0, /11/ Or)er, the RTC resol(e) respon)ents>

    Motion to Disiss b. hol)in# th$t pl$intiffs P$ncho N$(o, Vi(encio "suncion, Is$urito

    ern$n)e, $n) Eli$s N$it, $s p$rents of soe of the stu)ents in petitioners> school,

    h$(e no c$use of $ction to file the copl$int for ri#ht'of'4$.+ It rule) th$t the cl$i$nt

    in such $n $ction ust be the o4ner of $ )oin$nt est$te $n) $s such, the p$rents 4erenot re$l p$rties'in'interest+

    In its Septeber /6, /118 Or)er, the RTC resol(e) respon)ents> Motion for

    Reconsi)er$tion b. rulin# th$t St+ Mich$el is not $ re#istere) o4ner of $n. propert. th$t

    is the sub=ect $tter of the e$seent c$se, hence not $ re$l p$rt.'in'interest+ It thus

    )isisse) the c$se bec$use petitioners f$ile) to st$te $ c$use of $ction $#$inst


    Petitioners cl$i th$t the lo4er court>s or)ers $re b$seless+ The. $r#ue th$t

    concrete e(i)ence is necess$r. for $ reli$ble =u)#ent on the erits+

    Respon)ents, on the other h$n), conten) th$t the initi$tor. ple$)in# )oes not $(er

    the first t4o b$sic reAuisites for the est$blishent of $ le#$l e$seent of ri#ht'of'4$.:

    ;7< th$t the )oin$nt propert. is surroun)e) b. est$tes of others $n) ;/< there is no

    $)eAu$te outlet to $ public hi#h4$.+ The rest of the co'pl$intiffs, the. point out, )i) not

    e(en $lle#e if the. $re co'o4ners or possessors of $n. re$l ri#ht o(er the est$te of the

    petitioners'spouses 4hich is $ reAuisite for the ri#ht to )e$n) the est$blishent of $

    le#$l e$seent of ri#ht'of'4$. o(er $ ser(ient est$te+

    He hel) in$a(uco v. Court of Appeals th$t 4h$t is )eterin$ti(e in $ )isiss$l

    for f$ilure to st$te $ c$use of $ction is the sufficienc., not the (er$cit., of the $teri$l

    $lle#$tions+9//These $lle#$tions, h.pothetic$ll. spe$@in#, ust $(er ulti$te f$cts th$t

    constitute pl$intiff>s c$use of $ction 4hich $. entitle pl$intiff to $n $)($nt$#eous

    )ecision $s $ $tter of l$4+9/8
  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    "n e3$in$tion of petitioners> Copl$int is necess$r. to )eterine if the lo4er

    court>s or)ers 4ere in $ccor)$nce 4ith the l$4+ Petitioners> L$lle#$tions in support of

    pl$intiffs> )e$n) for $n e$seent of ri#ht'of'4$. re$): 71+ Th$t the stu)ents, their p$rents, school te$chers $n) school st$ff /*o

    "#-+d#/+$*+n C+$+*o7#-;ne$rl. 61 of the school popul$tion< inclu)in# the four ;5 propert. is not )ue to pl$intiffs> o4n $cts

    but 4$s c$use) b. the e3p$nsion of the l$n) $re$ o4ne) b. C+$+*o7#- $n) the r$pi)

    incre$se in the nuber of hoeo4ners 4hich no4 h$s re$che) ore th$n $ thous$n)


    Three eleents ust be present for $ copl$int to st$te $ c$use of $ction: ;7< the

    le#$l ri#ht of the pl$intiff, ;/< the correl$ti(e obli#$tion of the )efen)$nt, $n) ;8< the $ct

    or oission of the )efen)$nt (iol$tin# s$i) le#$l ri#ht+ 9/6 -or $ copl$int to st$te $

    c$use of $ction in $n e$seent c$se, ore specific$ll., "rt+ ?50 of the Ci(il Co)e h$s

    l$i) )o4n the follo4in# reAuireents: ;7< the )oin$nt est$te is surroun)e) b. other

    io($bles $n) h$s no $)eAu$te outlet to $ public hi#h4$.F ;/< there is p$.ent of

    proper in)enit.F $n) ;8< the isol$tion is not )ue to the $cts of the proprietor of

    the )oin$nt est$te+

    He rule th$t the Copl$int s$tisfies these three eleents $n) thus sufficientl.

    $lle#es $ c$use of $ction+ The Copl$int,first, $sserts th$t petitioners h$(e $ ri#ht to $n

    e$seent of ri#ht'of'4$. th$t cuts $cross respon)ents> propert.Fsecond, it refers to

    respon)ents> correl$ti(e obli#$tion not to fence off $n) close the sin#le #$te 4hich isuse) $s the onl. entr. $n) e3it points of the school popul$tionF $n) third, it refers to

    respon)ents> e3p$nsion $n) e3cessi(e ters $n) con)itions, constitutin# the $cts

    (iol$tin# petitioners> ri#ht+ He thus hol) th$t the Copl$int>s $teri$l $lle#$tions $re

    enou#h to entitle petitioners to $ f$(or$ble =u)#ent if these $re $ssue) to be true+

    The four corners of the initi$tor. ple$)in# )o not re(e$l $n. $(erent th$t the
  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    properties in Auestion $re boun)e) b. public ro$)s $n) there is $n $)eAu$te $ccess to $

    public hi#h4$.+ On the contr$r., p$r+ 78 of the Copl$int $lle#es th$t Lother th$n the

    ri#ht of 4$. frontin# the school $n) sho4n in the Sub)i(ision Pl$n, "nne3 ",>9/?there

    $re no other )e(elope) nor pr$ctic$l entr. $n) e3it points $t the re$r $n) $t the t4o ;/s l$c@ of $n $)eAu$te outlet to $ public

    hi#h4$. $n) #i(e the ipression th$t such ro$) +-$n $)eAu$te outlet to $ public

    hi#h4$.+" coplete e3$in$tion of the Copl$int, ho4e(er, unist$@$bl. sho4s

    petitioners> sufficient c$use of $ction+ To be ore precise, "nne3es L", L"'7, $n) L"'

    / pl$inl. )eonstr$te th$t the reAuisites for $ le#$l e$seent of ri#ht'of'4$. un)er "rt+

    ?50 of the Co)e h$(e been et+

    "nne3 L" of the Copl$int 4hich is the loc$tion pl$n of Citihoes cle$rl.

    sho4s th$t the school>s onl. $ccess to the public hi#h4$. is %ot5, loc@ B th$t $buts the

    $=or L$ccess ro$) of Citihoes 4hich in turn is connecte) to the public hi#h4$.+ The

    photo#r$phs ;"nne3es L"'79/2$n) "nne3 L"'/9/0of the Copl$int< sho4in# the

    school buil)in# $n) $)=oinin# $re$s e$sil. re(e$l th$t it is boun)e) b. other io($ble

    properties, 4hich e3pl$ins 4h. it onl. h$s one entr. $n) e3it point+ Hithout the ri#ht'of'

    4$. on %ot5, loc@ B of Citihoes, the school h$s no $)eAu$te $ccess to $ public

    hi#h4$.+ "nne3 L", $s 4ell $s "nne3es L"'7 $n) L"'/ of the Copl$int, supports

    petitioners> $(erents $s these sho4 th$t the school h$s $ lone entr. $n) e3it point

    4hich is the ri#ht'of'4$. in front of the school+ The reference to $ $=or $ccess ro$),

    therefore, ust be un)erstoo) in the conte3t of $ll the $lle#$tions of f$ct cont$ine) in the

    Copl$int+ Petitioners> c$use of $ction is not solel. foun) in the p$r$#r$phs referre) to+

    The $nne3es cite) li@e4ise for p$rt of the $teri$l $lle#$tions of the Copl$int+ Pa"-.

    11 and ;12A o) $*# Co7'a+n$ and Ann#

  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    o4e(er, in the Septeber /6, /118 Or)er )isissin# the c$se, the RTC $)e the

    follo4in# fin)in#s:-in)in# the Motion for P$rti$l Reconsi)er$tion file) b. the )efen)$nts to be 4ell

    t$@en, it $ppe$rin# th$t in)ee) the properties ;the $lle#e) )oin$nt est$tes< of pl$intiffsSps+ Cris$nto S+ Cl$(eri$ $n) !lori$ M+ Cl$(eri$ $re boun)e) b. public ro$)s, hence,

    the. h$(e $)eAu$te outlet to $ public hi#h4$.+ %i@e4ise, insof$r $s pl$intiff St+ Mich$elSchool of C$(ite, Inc+, it is not $ re$l p$rt. in interest consi)erin# th$t it is not there#istere) o4ner of $n. propert. sub=ect $tter of the inst$nt c$se+981

    It is settle) th$t $ otion to )isiss h.pothetic$ll. $)its the truth of the f$cts

    $lle#e) in the copl$int+987 Such bein# the c$se, the RTC erre) 4hen it $pp$rentl.

    consi)ere) $tters not ebo)ie) in the Copl$int+ The Copl$int, contr$r. to the lo4er

    court>s Or)er, )oes not $(er th$t the properties of petitioners'spouses $re boun)e) b.

    public ro$)s+ The loc$tion pl$n $n) photo#r$phs of the sub=ect lot $n) the school

    buil)in# $ppen)e) to the Copl$int, 4ithout )oubt, )eonstr$te th$t the lot $n) schoolbuil)in# $re enclose), not b. public ro$)s, but b. other lots in the sub)i(ision+

    The Court h$s pre(iousl. hel) th$t it is not for the tri$l court to inAuire into the

    truth or f$lsit. of $ copl$int>s $lle#$tions before $ he$rin# on its erits+98/In or)erin#

    the )isiss$l, it is $pp$rent th$t the tri$l court relie) on $tters not encop$sse) b. the

    Copl$int+ This is proscribe) b. the rules $n) =urispru)ence+ The )isiss$l of the

    Copl$int h$s thus no le# to st$n) on+

    In the s$e $tter, the tri$l court erre) 4hen it rule) th$t the school, not bein# the

    re#istere) o4ner of the sub=ect lot, is not $ re$l p$rt.'in'interest+

    It 4ill suffice un)er "rt+ ?50 of the Ci(il Co)e th$t L$n. person 4ho b. (irtue of $

    re$l ri#ht $. culti($te or use $n. io($ble 4hich is surroun)e) b. other io($bles

    pert$inin# to other persons $n) 4ithout $)eAu$te outlet to $ public hi#h4$., is entitle) to

    )e$n) $ ri#ht of 4$.+ Cle$rl., the school is $ re$l p$rt.'in'interest since it h$s

    est$blishe) $ ri#ht to use the p$ss$#e4$. for the benefit of its stu)ents+ More

    iport$ntl., the recor)s re(e$l th$t petitioners'spouses $re the o4ners of the lot 4here

    the school is loc$te) $n) the. $re the incorpor$tors, trustees, $n) officers of St+ Mich$el+

    988 The. $re $lso $uthorie) to represent the corpor$tion in the copl$int $n)

    subseAuent $ctions+ Thus, petitioners $re re$l p$rties'in'interest $n) 4e rule th$t the

    )isiss$l of the copl$int is p$tentl. erroneous $n) bereft of $n. le#$l

    b$sis+ Petitioners ust be $llo4e) to pursue their c$se before the tri$l court+

    HEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED+ The $ss$ile) "u#ust 78, /115 $n)
  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    No(eber /8, /115 C" Resolutions in C"'!+R+ SP No+ 26662 $n) the *ul. /0, /11/

    $n) Septeber /6, /118 Or)ers of the $coor, C$(ite RTC, r$nch 70

    $re REVERSED $n) SET ASIDE+ The RTC is )irecte) to reinst$te petitioners>

    copl$int $n) con)uct further procee)in#s in Ci(il C$se No+ CV'/117'?1+


    "ssoci$te *ustice


    ;On Offici$l %e$(es



    "ssoci$te *ustice "ctin# Ch$irperson

    C E R T I F I C A T I O N

    Pursu$nt to Section 78, "rticle VIII of the Constitution, $n) the Di(ision "ctin#

    Ch$irperson>s "ttest$tion, I certif. th$t the conclusions in the $bo(e Decision h$) been

    re$che) in consult$tion before the c$se 4$s $ssi#ne) to the 4riter of the opinion of the

    Court>s Di(ision+


    Chief *ustice

    On offici$l le$(e+

    "))ition$l eber $s per Speci$l Or)er No+ 526 )$te) +

    97Rollo,pp+ 5?'5B+ Penne) b. "ssoci$te *ustice M$ri$no C+ Del C$stillo $n) concurre) in b. "ssoci$te*ustices E)#$r)o P+ Cru $n) M$#)$n#$l M+ De %eon+

    9/ $t 55'56+

    98 $t 7B5+
  • 8/10/2019 St. Michael School v. Masaito Devt


    95 $t 77/+

    96 $t 778+

    9? $t 26'2?+

    9B $t 2B'22+

    92 $t 75/'756+

    90 $t ?B+

    971 $t ??+

    977 $t 5?+

    97/ $t 7?7'7?6+

    978 $t 55'56+

    975 $t /5'/6+

    976 $t /?+

    97? $t 7?B+

    97B $t 7?2+

    972 $t ?0+

    970 Valdecantos v. People, !+R+ No+ 75226/, Septeber /B, /11?, 618 SCR" 5B5, 527'52/+ 9/1Rural Ban)ers Association of the Philippinesv. *an+alSalva-a, !+R+ No+ 7B61/1, October 5, /11B, 685SCR" B/7+

    9/7 Valdecantos, supr$ $t 52/+

    9// 8B0 Phil+ 080, 050 ;/111