St Mary s C of E Primary School

Post on 26-Jan-2022

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Transcript of St Mary s C of E Primary School

St Mary’s C of E Primary School

Hart Road, Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 7NJ

Tel: 01932 410300 Email:

Newsletter - week ending 15th October 2021

‘Learning For Life’

Kindness Trust Courage Dear Parents and Carers Open Day It was our Open Day this week for prospective parents looking for Reception places for next year. It was such a great event, we had over 45 parents join us. They were very impressed and complimentary about the manners and confidence of our Year 5 tour guides and our Year 6 café helpers. Huge thank you to the children for all of their help who got a special thank you and well done in our assembly today. The scones that Year 6 cooked for the event were yummy and I couldn’t resist having a couple myself. Well done to our bakers! Sporting News Huge congratulations to our Year 5 and Year 6 girls football team who played really well and came fourth in their tournament on Friday! Coach Mr Craven said you were all fantastic. Well done team! Special Visitors Today we had our grand opening of the Outside Classroom organised by the PTA. It was lovely to celebrate such a great addition to the school grounds and to the fantastic effort of the PTA in raising funds to make it possible. We were very privileged to have our local councillors, Amanda and Mary, join us for the event. Ahead of the event we met and I gave them a tour of the school, they really enjoyed meeting everyone and hearing all about us. We are very grateful to them for giving up their time to join us. Thank you Immense thanks to St Mary’s PTA & Friends for organising our first disco since 2019 and to the parents and staff that helped last night! A great time was had by all. It was so lovely all being together, singing, laughing and dancing! Thank you for supporting the PTA at this event. Thank you to all of the parents who came to join us at open classroom today, we hope you enjoyed looking at the children’s learning. On behalf of us all, we hope you have a great weekend! Mrs Chambers


Our prayer this week has been written by Lemurs class!

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Farrelly

COVID Symptoms

Anyone with symptoms should get a PCR test as soon as possible and isolate.

coronavirus-test. Please also inform the school of any positive result.

Under 18’s and those that are fully vaccinated (2 weeks after second jab) no longer need to isolate as a close

contact of a case but are strongly encouraged to have a PCR test.

Polite reminder to sign your children up to the Hive electronically on SCOPAY by Sunday evening. Booking via

SCOPAY allows us to plan for staffing for the forthcoming weeks and saves you and us additional paperwork.

If you have any questions please contact us on or 07387 396767

Home School Link Worker—Newsletter

Please find the HSLW Weekly Bulletin attached, which includes a link to Surrey's Family Help Hub, information

on a Young Parent Group, a recipe and a fun activity idea for families to try at home.

School Photograph Order

Please be advised if you have NOT yet placed your School Photograph order, the order closing date

is Tuesday 19th October.

Please either return your Order to the School or visit using

the passwords on the Proof card

Sickness Policy

Just to remind families that pupils must not come to school until 48 hours after any case of sickness

and/or diarrhea, as per the School policy. Thank you in advance.

Just like last year we will be supporting the Samaritan’s Purse with their Operation Christmas Child shoebox

appeal. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to show God's love in a tangible way to children in need

around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. For

more information, please follow the links below.

Operation Christmas Child: How to

pack a shoe box and more information:


If you would like to take part, we would love for your shoe boxes to be brought in to your child’s classroom on

the week beginning 8th November.

Thank you for your generosity,

St. Mary’s School Council

What to include…

Toys- A football and pump, cuddly toys, dolls, toy cars, small musical instruments, yo-yos, skipping ropes,

balls, small puzzles etc.

School Supplies- Pens, pencils & sharpeners, crayons or felt pens, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or notebooks, solar calculators, colouring & picture books etc.

Hygiene Items– Toothbrush, bars of wrapped soap, comb or hairbrush, flannel.. Due to more stringent import regulations, toothpaste can no longer be included in shoeboxes.

Other Items- Hat, gloves, scarf, sunglasses, cap, socks, T-shirt, flip-flops, hair accessories, jewellery set, watch, wind-up torch etc.


Toothpaste, sweets, lotions and liquids; used or damaged items; war-related items; seeds, gum, chocolate or food items; religious or political literature; medicines, aerosol cans, sharp or fragile items.

Items packed from this list will be removed from shoeboxes.

Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Jumper day is coming! On Friday the 10th December all you need to do is get your silliest jumper out and bring in a donation of £1 to raise money for Save the Children.

Here's some amazing examples of what Save the Children can do:

· £2 could pay for hand sanitiser to help fight coronavirus in one of Save the Children’s medical clinics

· £6 could buy a face shield for a superhero health worker in Yemen

· £10 could buy antibiotics to help five children beat malnutrition

· £20 could buy a back-to-school kit for a child in Indonesia

· £60 could buy toys and books to support children from struggling families in the UK

· £100 could buy a first aid kit for a health worker in Somalia

If you want to read about how Save the Children has helped people in need, follow this link:

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing your Christmas jumpers on Friday 10th December.

St. Mary’s School Council

We had a great time last week celebrating World Space Week, here are some of the things each year group got up to.

Year 6 We have been learning all about the moon and the engineering that goes into astronauts being able to explore space. STEM Ambassador, Raffaella, gave us a talk about the engineering behind space exploration and showed us how to create our own versions. We made our own 'Space Launch Structures' which had to include a shock-absorbing system (marshmallows!) and be able to land without our astronauts falling out. There was a lot of teamwork, and a lot of fun, involved! We also visited the Planetarium, where we learned about all the different planets that make up our Solar System.

Year 2

We had an amazing time in the planetarium - the

excitement was palpable. We have been learning about

Neil Armstrong in History, so it fitted perfectly...we even

made some moon rocks too!

Year 5

"It was really fun and relaxing" Sienna "I love it when the sun went down, all of the stars came up. It was really pretty. I like how big Jupiter was and we learnt about how the rings on Saturn were formed." Larenzia "I loved it when you looked at the stars and joined them up to make pictures. The dragon was my favourite." Bianca

Year 3

Year Three enjoyed a talk about Space Junk from Steven Williams and we learned all about satellites that are used to clean up other satellites and brought back to Earth to tidy up! We also enjoyed sessions in the Planetarium to learn about the planets and our stars in the night sky. "I liked seeing all the planets and what colour they were."- Tallulah "I liked to see all the patterns of stars that makeup the night sky."- Evie "I liked hearing the story about how the stars were made."- Rohaan On Thursday we joined a live Zoom with Buzz Aldrin's son and he answered Ruby's question of 'Why to rockets have a pointy bit at the top?'.

Year 4

We learnt all about our Earth from a STEM Ambassador, Liz, she taught us about volcanoes, meteorite impacts, seas, giant ice sheets, mountains and valleys. During PE, we embarked on Astronaut Training using the wall bars and ropes. It was great fun!


The children enjoyed reading the story 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy and choosing what items they would take to the moon with them! We also sang lots of space themed songs and enjoyed discussing what facts we already knew about the solar system!"

Year 1

We learnt about stars and how to find the bear

and the saucepan. We discovered how to find

Jupiter and Saturn. We collected hot rocks from

Venus, gas from the sun and dust from Mars. It

was amazing!

Star of the Week

Moles: Addie—for being friendly and initiating play with


Phoebe—for being kind and thoughtful towards other members of Moles.

Hedgehogs: Izaac - for your super Phonics knowledge and for remembering all of your sounds!

Rabbits: Johnny - for showing so much enthusiasm towards his learning, particularly in phonics. Well

done Johnny!

Cheetahs: Albert –for showing perseverance with his home learning and coming back to school with

a positive attitude.

Panthers: Bryony - for being a reflective learner and thinking very carefully about how she can make

the correct sounds.

Lions: Sinatra—for being a kind and hardworking member of the class…good luck!

Tigers: Atarah - for always trying your best…we will miss you.

Polar Bears: Millie - for challenging herself in maths and showing great courage to give things a go!

Pandas: Megan - for challenging yourself in your maths learning.

Hippos: Jai - for putting significant effort into improving his handwriting in all books.

Elephants: Violet - for wonderful concentration in lessons and care over her work.

Kangaroos: Erin - for your fantastic story writing and for trying hard to include relative clauses!

Giraffes: Hardy- for your fantastic attitude towards your learning this week!

Chimps: Henry - for confidently sharing your ideas, and supporting others, in Science.

Lemurs: Emma - for always giving 100% effort in everything you do – you are a great role model!

TTRS Superstars

Year 2: Haleem– Tigers

Oliver– Tigers

Eddie– Tigers

Year 3 & 4: Nicola– Pandas

Sofie– Pandas

Daisy– Pandas

Year 5 & 6: Gracie A– Kangaroos

Alessia– Lemurs

Charlie H– Kangaroos

Dates for your Diary

(New dates in bold)

18 & 19.10.2021



Parents Evenings

Photo Orders - Closing Date

Year3– Harvest Festival

22.10.2021 Additional INSET Day

w/c 25.10.2021 Half Term

31.10.2021 Secondary School Applications DEADLINE

w/c 01.11.2021 Outdoor Learning Week

01.11.2021 Primary School Applications OPEN

02.11.2021 Sleeping Beauty Pantomime


w/c 08.11.2021


Firework Event - PTA & Friends

Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal

Year 6– School Nurse Height & Weight Check

12.11.2021 Children in Need

w/c 15.11.2021



Life Bus

Year 6 Shakespeare Workshop

Christmas Jumper Day

10.12.2021 Christmas Fair - PTA & Friends

17.12.2021 End of Term - 1.05pm

04.01.2022 INSET Day






Start of Spring Term

Giraffes Class Assembly

Kangaroos Class Assembly

Pandas Class Assembly

Rabbits Class Assembly