St . Mary Catholic Church...2020/03/01  · [19b]/Lk 11:29-32 St. Mary Church, Algoma Thursday: Est...

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Transcript of St . Mary Catholic Church...2020/03/01  · [19b]/Lk 11:29-32 St. Mary Church, Algoma Thursday: Est...


Pastor Fr. Alvan Amadi Email: Office: ………...(920)487-5005 Ext# 3

Parish Administrative Assistant Susan Dean…………………....487-5005 Email:

Religious Education Barb Heiges Email: Phone…..……........……..(920)255-3326

Lo-Sec & Grief Ministry Donna Moran ……….. (920)723-1948 Email:

Parish Trustees Larry Feuerstein……………...487-3956 Mike Haase……………………..304-0252

St. Mary Grade School Lucinda Massey, Lead Teacher Email:

School Secretary Marcia Cross, Secretary Email: Phone………………….....(920)487-5004

Prayer Chain Barb Harz………...….....(920)255-2296

Gift Bearers Patti Donart……………..(920)487-2651

Chairpersons Pastoral Council Mark LeBotte………...…(920)559-3004 Jamie Stangel ………....(920)217-0124

Finance Council Mary Kay Bennett…....(920)255-2944

Buildings & Grounds Dan Vertz………………………..487-2091

Cemetery Association Earl Krueger…………………...487-3861 Larry Feuerstein……………..487-3956

Board of Education Jamie Dachelet …………...…255-0931

Stewardship Linda Andre ………………...…487-2542 Jan Guilette…………………..…856-6979

Worship Karen Wautlet ……………...…487-3754

St . Mary Catholic Church 214 Church Street, Algoma, WI 54201

. . . since 1860 VISION:

Love God, Love others, and form disciples for Jesus.

MISSION: To build a Catholic Community that discovers Jesus,

follows Jesus, worships Jesus, and shares Jesus with others.

Call Parish Office For Sacramental Prep

Baptism • Marriage • RCIA

(920) 487-5005 Ext #100

Confessions according to schedule

and Confessions and Sacrament of Anointing

anytime by request.

Contact Father Amadi (920) 487-5005 Ext #3

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March 1, 2020

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Parish Website: https://


This Week at St. Mary

Readings for the Week of March 1, 2020

Sunday: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13,

17 [cf. 3a]/Rom 5:12-19 or 5:12,

17-19/Mt 4:1-11

Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15

[Jn 6:63b]/Mt 25:31-46

Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17,

18-19 [18b]/Mt 6:7-15

Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19

[19b]/Lk 11:29-32

Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138:1-2ab,

2cde-3, 7c-8 [3a]/Mt 7:7-12

Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a,

7bc-8 [3]/Mt 5:20-26

Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8 [1b]/

Mt 5:43-48

Next Sunday: Gn 12:1-4a/Ps 33;4-5, 18-19, 20, 22

[22]/2 Tm 1:8b-10/Mt 17:1-9

St. Mary Mass


Saturday, February 29 7:00 am Adoration 8:05 am For the People of the Parish 8:45 am Confessions 5:30 pm † Melchior & Witte Family Members

Sunday, March 1 8:15 am For the People of the Parish

Tuesday, March 3 7:00 am Adoration 8:05 am For the People of the Parish

Wednesday, March 4 8:05 am Mass at Holy Rosary - Kewaunee

Thursday, March 5 7:00 am Adoration 7:45 am Pray the Rosary 8:05 am † Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus 3:00-4:00 pm Adoration & Confessions

Friday, March 6 7:00 am Adoration 8:05 am † Wallace Englebert

Saturday, March 7 7:00 am Adoration 8:05 am † Steve Ray 8:45 am Confessions 5:30 pm † Donald & Germaine Entringer

Sunday, March 8 8:15 am For the People of the Parish

Saint Mary Parish Lights

Mar. 1 - 7

Steeple Light: Mary D.

Tabernacle Light:

Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus

Tuesday, Mar. 3 6:00 pm - Stewardship Meeting in the cafeteria.

Wednesday, Mar. 4 5:00 pm - 1st Reconciliation - 2nd Graders 6:00 pm - Rosary Society Meeting 6:45 pm - 8:15 pm - Confirmation Class

Thursday, Mar. 5 9:00 am - Bible Study “The Sunday Scriptures” in the Rosary Society Room. All are invited anytime! 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm - ALPHA Meeting in the Cafeteria

Friday, Mar. 6 5:00 pm - 7:oo pm - Knights of Columbus

Fish Fry

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry St. Mary Church, Algoma

Dates: March 6, & April 10 Time: 5:00 - 7:00 pm

COF/Building & Grounds Trout Boils March 13 - COF/Home & School March 20 & March 27 - COF/Bldg & Grounds April 3 - 8th Grade Time: 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord. Let perpetual light shine on her.

Christine “Chrissy” VanderMuss

Born to eternal life on February 14, 2020

Rosary Society Meeting - 3/4/20 (note day change) March Committee Chairpersons: Missy Schmitt and Bettie Anschutz Committee Members: Mary Ann Melotte, Kathy Feuerstein, Sara Olejniczak, and Marcia Albertson New Members are more than welcome to attend. Don’t forget to turn in your favorite recipes. There are boxes for drop off at the entrances of the church or bring them to the meeting.


Feb. 22 & 23

Stewardship & Loose Collection $ 3,583.86 School Operating Support $ 0.00 Building & Grounds Maintenance $ 20.00

A parishioner recently shared this poem with me explaining that she keeps it on her bedside table. The poem is called “At Day’s End” and it was penned by the 17th century English poet John Hall. It is truly worth sharing. The poem brings to mind Dorothy Day’s famous line that anything a baptized person does each day should be directly or indirectly related to the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Otherwise, the day was wasted.

May God help us not to waste our days but to spend them serving him in one another, especially those most in need of our help.


Fr. Amadi

At Day’s End

Is anybody happier because you passed his way?

Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?

The day is almost over, and its toiling time is through;

Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?

Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that’s slipping fast,

That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?

Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;

Does the man whose hopes were fading, now with courage look ahead?

Did you waste the day, or lose it? Was it well or sorely spent?

Did you leave a trail of kindness, or a scar of discontent?

As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God will say,

“You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today:?

-John Hall

Bishop’s Appeal 2020

Our Bishops appeal goal is $26,120.00. As of February 25, 2020, 56 St. Mary Parishioners have contributed $ 14,355.22 in cash and pledges.

Please consider a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal.

Lent & Triduum Schedule:

Reconciliation Service: Tuesday, March 31 at 6 PM Palm Sunday Vigil: Saturday, April 4 at 5:30 PM Palm Sunday (The Passion of the Lord): Sunday, April 5, at 8:15 AM Holy Thursday: Thursday, April 9, at 7 PM Good Friday: Friday, April 10 at 1 PM Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil): April 11 at 8:15 PM Easter Sunday: April 12 at 8:15 AM & 10:15 AM

Save the Dates: March 28 & 29th

Photo exhibit: “Open Wide Our

Hearts”, by the Diocesan Office of

Living Justice.

About the exhibit:

The Open Wide Our Hearts photo

exhibit features photos of Catholics

from various racial and ethnic

backgrounds alongside written

narratives that document what life in

the church has been like for them as

a person of color.

The photo exhibit will take place in the parish basement

following each of the weekend March 28 & 29th Masses.