St. Mark's News

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Transcript of St. Mark's News

January 2013

St. Mark’s News Volume 16/Issue 1

Page 1

From the Curate

“What is that? (looking at a fiery “something” flying in front of a big, full moon) . . . . That’s the

Christmas Star. That’s all that matters tonight. Not bonuses or gifts or turkeys or trees. You see kids, it

means something to everybody . . . now I know what it means to me . . . .” These poignant words from

Clark W. Griswold in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation might not be far from Matthew’s intent of

the star the magi followed from the East.

Staring at the now two-year-old boy Jesus, these men are pious gentles (Babylonian astrologers) who

have come to pay homage to the King of the Jews. (In the ancient world, the term “magi” could have a

pejorative connotation as well: sorcerers, practitioners of the black arts, or even beguiling frauds.) These

elder statesmen are God-fearers; being led by the star, they come in peace. They have made this journey

to worship; they embody the world’s gaze upon God’s glorious new creation. Looking ahead in the

Gospel, these gentle, gifting travelers are in direct contrast to the child’s future run-in with Gentile

magistrates (27: 11, 29 & 37). They proclaim Jesus as the “King of the Jews” as well, but the governors

and crowds in chapter 27 have a very different tone behind their homage.

Using the best of pagan science, they spot the star “at its rising”

(not “from the East,” which is a mistranslation—the magi came

from the East; the star didn’t). They know there is someone

special at the end of its leading; in the ancient world stars hailed

the advent of messianic rulers, the coming of a new king.

The magi serve as the messengers to King Herod (his own

astrologers were unaware of this eternal occasion), piquing his

notorious paranoia. He harbors his own nefarious schemes as he

welcomes these holy men. But he has misjudged his guests, for

these are righteous men. They will not carry out Herod’s sinister

plans. God is guiding this story.

Like Abraham following God’s call (Genesis 12:1-4), these wise men listened to God’s beckoning once

more from the East. “The wise men connected the rise of the star with the birth of the king of the Jews.”

(David Garland, Reading Matthew, pg 26.) The same star meant different things to Herod and these

magi; for these star gazers, the star meant new beginnings, a new kingdom is come. They have made the

trip to worship the new born king. For Herod the star was an omen. Comets were signs portending the

birth of someone of consequence. Suetonius tells us that when a comet appeared over Rome for several

nights, Nero took the precaution of having several Roman noblemen executed so that it would have

augured their deaths and not his (Garland, 26).

In this Issue

From the Curate ..................................... 1

Vestry Highlights .................................... 2

Outreach ................................................ 3

About the Vestry Nominees .................... 4

Parish Life .............................................. 5

Christian Formation ................................ 7

Parishioner Highlights ............................ 9

Birthdays & Anniversaries .................... 10

ROTA ................................................... 11

January 2013

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Indeed, Mr. Griswold interprets Matthew well; the star means different things for different people. For

some, it is a beacon to the true One to worship, for others it brought cold sweats. Everyone seemed to

understand that what the star was, was less important that where it was. After Herod’s own priests and

learned men fine-tuned the search for our longing travelers (wonderful irony; the ones who sought to kill

the boy actually made possible for him to be worshipped), they found the baby in Bethlehem. The star is

an epiphany, letting us know exactly where God’s treasure is, where God’s big revelation resides.

The magi’s star lit their way just as Yahweh safely ushered His Hebrews out of bondage by way of a

pillar of light (staying right over his new creation, the Israelite nation: Exodus 14:19); all finding the

peace and rest prepared by Him. First laying eyes on the Christ child, I imagine they were breathless for a

few moments. Weary and road hardened, these distinguished and humble magi would have been

overwhelmed by God’s revelation to the world (all two years of him) playing with his toys. The journey

was certainly worth it.

May we search for this child as intently as did our Babylonian brothers, not being distracted by false

notions of power, happiness, or fulfillment. May our true heart’s yearning for God’s New Beginning

(Jesus Christ) prevail above all else this Epiphany season. And when the light of Christ finds us, may we

know where ever we have been, whatever we have gone through to get to Him, we all find the perfect gift

He offers; true comfort and rest from our weary journey.

- Travis

Vestry Highlights

The St. Mark’s vestry met on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, at the home of Elizabeth and Philip Turner,

for a brief meeting followed by a holiday meal for vestry members and spouses/significant others. There

were six items on the vestry agenda:

1. Highlights of 2012 budget, as of the end of November

2. Approval of the final 2013 budget

3. Approval of slate of vestry nominees: Shelly Botkin, David Johns, Nancy Kibler, J.P. Kloninger, and

Jim Nolan

4. Appointment of four Diocesan Council representatives: Danielle Adkins, Al McKinney, Bo

Overstreet, and Andrew Poynot

5. Appointment of Danielle Adkins to the Endowment Committee, to complete Brian Kelly’s term from

January to December 2013, with eligibility for an additional three-year term

6. Approval of choir loft seating project

The meeting was adjourned and dinner was served.

Travis Smith’s Ordination to the

Sacred Order of Priesthood

Wednesday, January 9 at 6:30

The recently consecrated Suffragan Bishop, Jeff Fisher, will make his way from Tyler, Texas, to Austin, Texas

to ordain our Curate, Travis Hunter Smith, to the sacred order of Priesthood on Wednesday, January 9, at 6:30

p.m. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. Your prayers and presence are requested.

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Mission and Ministry

God is good and St. Mark’s parishioners are faithful and generous. As of December 18, 2012, we had

received 152 pledges for a total of $475,796. (Our total for 2012 was $438,373.) We have eight new

pledges, and our average pledge jumped from $2,823 in 2012 to $3,131 in 2013. Thanks to everyone who

has made this financial commitment to St. Mark’s, and thanks to those who may not be able to pledge for

financial reasons, but who give generously of their time and talent during the course of the year.

Between the Services in January

There will only be one Adult Formation class during the month of January – on January 13, when Ms.

Mary Ann Huston leads a discussion of Praying the Daily News.

On the other Sundays in January:

January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany. On that Sunday we will celebrate the feast with a King’s

cake and an art project. The children from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, will

return to a new building at the end of January. The PTSA of Connecticut wants the children to

return to a Winter Wonderland full of handmade snowflakes. I hope that all of us, of all ages, will

gather in the Parish Hall to make a snowflake to adorn this new space. We will also have sheets of

newsprint available for signatures from our parishioners.

January 13 at 10:00 a.m. in the Grace Chapel: Praying the Daily News

January 20 – the Annual Parish Meeting: a time to thank outgoing vestry members and to elect a

new class of five members; a time to receive ministry reports from the last year; a time for fellowship.

January 27 – Annual Bishop’s Visitation for Confirmations, Receptions, and Holy Baptism.

The Rt. Rev. Dena Harrison, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Texas will be at St. Mark’s during

the 11:00 service to Confirm and Receive adults and youth.

January Outreach

St. Mark’s has consistently provided food donations to El Buen Samaritano for many years. Since the

food pantry is always in need of certain items, the Outreach Committee has decided to try a more targeted

approach this year. We will be asking for one specific item each month.

***The donation item of the month for January is: DIAPERS – all sizes and brands.***

We would also like to enlist some new volunteers to help with dropping off the collected

donations on the last Friday of every month during the morning. This would merely entail picking

up items from the church and delivering them to El Buen (near Manchaca and William Cannon).

You don’t need a big car or big muscles to do this! If we get 12 volunteers, each person would

only deliver one time per year! If you are interested in helping out and delivering to El Buen,

please contact Becky Poynot at

January 2013

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About the Vestry Nominees

Nancy Kibler. Since I retired from teaching both French and Spanish at Austin High in 2006, I have

taken up gardening and exercising. I love the gardening and I do the exercising. I

also coach the youth who read at the 9:00 a.m. service twice a month; it allows me to

stay in touch with teens, the best part of teaching. I try to be a faithful book club


I have been married to Bill Kibler for 44 years. We have two daughters, Mary-Alis

Kelly and Charlotte Mata. Charlotte and her family live in Houston. Mary-Alis and Brian and their

three kids are here in Austin at Saint Mark's. I came to St Mark's because one morning when I was

praying at All Saints' I heard a voice asking, "Why don't you come to St. Mark's?" It wasn't the voice

of God. It was Bill Bennett in the pew behind me. So I did!

JP Kloninger. JP has been a Barton Hills neighbor since 2007, and his wife Laura and daughters

Emma (7) and Stella (5) have been blessed to call St. Mark’s their Parish home since

2008. Since then J.P. has been active with the Families with Young Children’s group,

Adult Formation classes, Men’s Group, and is a new storyteller for Sunday Godly Play

sessions. Oh, JP also participated in the annual BBQ chicken cook-off last year, and

now plans to do that every year he can going forward!

JP is the Director of Finance & Business Analysis for Whole Planet Foundation, a Whole

Foods Market non-profit organization which focuses on poverty alleviation worldwide through

microcredit. He grew up in Costa Rica and has had various experiences involving work and travel

throughout the developing world, management of companies’ efficiency and performance, and

teaching college level international business and Latin American economics. He holds Bachelor

degrees in Agricultural Engineering and Management/Engineering, and a Master's degree in

Economics with emphasis on Development.

JP believes in the enormous positive effect that free-market commerce can have on the alleviation of

poverty. In graduate school he learned about Muhammad Yunus and microfinance as a very

effective tool to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit in the poorest of the poor, and he has been a big fan

and supporter ever since.

JP loves camping, fishing, hiking, and road trips with his family; he enjoys exploring international

foods of all sorts; and he is a soccer fan, normally rooting for the national teams of Brazil, USA, and

especially Costa Rica.

Jim Nolan. I was born in Ft. Wayne Indiana in 1955, and I grew up in Indiana with 2 brothers and 5

sisters. I received a BA from Indiana University in Economics/Psychology, then I moved

to Dallas in 1980, where I worked as sous chef for upscale restaurants and attended

SMU Law school. After graduating in 1985, I went to work for a small suburban law firm in

Arlington, doing bankruptcy and estate planning work. My family moved to Austin in 1992

when I began working for the state of Texas. My legal niche is public information law. I

have worked for the Texas Employment Commission, the Dept. of Family and Protective Services,

and my current employer, the Texas Comptroller's Office.

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My wife Becky and I have been married for 27 years, and we have two beautiful daughters,

Rosemary, 22, and Bonnie, 17. Our family came to St. Mark's in about 2006, from St. Austin's,

because we were looking for a more personal relationship with our church, which we found here.

We were already familiar with St. Mark's as Becky taught in the day school for 10 years, and we live

in the neighborhood.

David Johns. I am a hydrogeologist and have worked at the City of Austin since 1989. My job has

been a dream, getting paid to do what I love and continuing to make Austin a special

place to live, a task that is more challenging very year. I’ve been married to Pam for

over 22 years and have 3 children; Leah 27, Dillon 19, and Wes 17. Leah lives around

the corner from us and is well on her own professional way; Dillon just completed his

first semester at LSU; and Wes is in the middle of swim season for his junior year at

McCallum. I was raised in the Episcopal church, attending St. Mark’s in Beaumont as

a child. We first came to St. Mark’s in the 1990s when we were looking for a small parish that would

be a good match for us and our children. Early on, Pam and I helped start the young families group

(now the families with young children). I’ve been a regular helping with the spring chicken BBQ, and

I attend the Men’s group meetings. Both Pam and I love St. Mark’s and the people in it. I look

forward to serving the St. Mark’s community on the vestry.

Shelly Botkin. Shelly Botkin and her husband, Ryan Marquess found St. Mark’s when they

attended the wedding of dear friends. Shelly and Ryan lived in the neighborhood for

many years before settling on St. Mark’s as their parish. They are greeters, and Shelly

likes to play Bunco when she can. After working for a long time in the Texas capitol,

Shelly is now employed by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas in governmental

relations. She is a film fan, gardener, sometimes runner, food appreciator, and

volunteer for foster children. Shelly has a BA in anthropology from Washington

University in St. Louis, and she grew up in Lubbock, Texas.

Parish Life First Friday Book Group

First Friday Book Group meets on the first Friday of each month . . . usually. There is a change in

February and March: we will meet the second Friday of February and not at all in March.

January 4 The Story of Beautiful Girl Rachel Simon

February 8 The Art of Hearing Heartbeats Jan-Philipp Sendker

March No Meeting

April 5 Half of a Yellow Sun Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

May 3 Plainsong Kent Haruf

June 7 The Maid Kimberly Cutter

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Women’s News

Happy New Year to All! As we begin 2013, I encourage you to remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt

"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for

newer and richer experience." One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement.

So let’s…

DANCE as though no one is watching us.

SING as though no one can hear you.

LOVE as though you have never been hurt before.

LIVE as though heaven is on Earth.

If you have never had the chance to play BUNCO, your next opportunity is January 28th

. . . mark it on

your new 2013 calendar! We start with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m.

A big "Thank you" to Suzann Dvorken for sharing her game of “Left Center Right.” In November we

learned how to play the dice game of LCR, suggested by Dee Ann Thomasson. The exciting game was

simple to play and fast-paced. We had two big winners: Doris Edgar and The Rev. Elizabeth Turner.

From the Garden

The holiday rush is almost behind us; a brand new year has begun, and the season of Epiphany is still

ahead bringing the wonderful story of the birth of Christ to its final triumph with the star of Bethlehem and

the arrival of the Magi on January 6th.

Throughout Advent, we enjoyed the work of Becky Nolan, who festooned the corner and entrance with

purple to remind us of the contemplative nature of Advent, and then we enjoyed the seasonal red of

Christmas she prepared in advance to be put in place by the elves while she was traveling to India over

the Christmas holiday. Becky and the rest of us miss dear Roberta Pazdral, who worked tirelessly with

Becky in the past to keep up the seasonal fun, but Becky soldiers on! Her beautiful wreaths, balls, and

bow-topped trees welcomed us all season. Combined with the Altar Guild’s deep cleaning and the

glorious addition of dozens of red poinsettias, St. Mark’s was bathed in the glow of this wonderful time of

year. The many caring hands of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church keep making it happen.

Joanne Foote’s incredible makeover of the entrance beds has been the perfect counterpoint to the

colorful accessories of the holidays. What is more lovely to see than freshly planted shrubs and color,

newly turned earth, with the fresh look and scent of cypress bark mulch blanketing and protecting the new

plants from our odd and varied extremes of weather! Dee Ann Thomasson’s steady hand is present, too,

as she continues to lavish attention on the triangle bed and nearby pots. McKinney Isle continues to

flourish even as it takes a winter break.

Tom Delameter has been tending the Columbarium garden making sure the vines are neatly trimmed and

the groundcover under control. Cynthia Archer still hunts down our poison ivy and it is tucking and


All our wonderful gardeners can now take a break during January, as everything will go pretty dormant

save the need to put out the occasional sheeting to protect the plants. We are thankful for our gardeners

and volunteers who keep the church vibrant and loved. May you all have a wonderful New Year, and

while enjoying the work of these special folks, think about adopting a spot of your own!

“The Earth laughs in flowers,”

Diane Brewer, Coordinator

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Christian Formation

For Children and Youth (by Cathy Nelson, Director of Religious Education) We conclude the twelve days of Christmas and begin the season of Epiphany on January 6. This year,

The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ, falls on a Sunday. We will hear the story of the magi who

followed a star to Bethlehem to find Jesus, the child who was born to be king of the Jews. The gifts

presented to the child by the magi: gold (for royalty), frankincense (burned during worship and prayer),

and myrrh (for anointing bodies before burial) make clear the magi, strangers from the east, recognized

the significance of Jesus’ birth.

On Epiphany, we mark the importance not of the birth of a baby, but the gift of the word of God made

flesh, the Messiah, who has come to redeem all of us. This Jesus is an adult Christ, a Lord, a king and

ruler who will return in the end times. This concept is hard enough for adults to understand, but what

about our children?

One theme that is easier to focus on - the image of light - runs throughout the seasons of Advent,

Christmas and Epiphany. Educator Joseph Russell explains, “Advent begins in darkness and moves

toward the light with the lighting of the Advent candles. Christmas proclaims the presence of the light.

Epiphany calls us to spread the light.” During Epiphany, also called the Feast of Lights, we are

celebrating the coming of Christ who was sent to bring God’s light into a dark world.

Arise, shine; for your light has come,

and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.

For darkness shall cover the earth,

and thick darkness the peoples;

but the LORD will arise upon you,

and his glory will appear over you.

Nations shall come to your light,

and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

~ Part of the Old Testament reading for Epiphany in Isaiah 60

Young children are very responsive to the symbol of light. Since lights and candles surround us during

the previous season and the season of Epiphany, take opportunities to point out the light of a candle, a

sunset or sunrise, and talk about the beauty of Jesus the Light. Families could leave the Advent wreath

prominently displayed with a Christ candle lit in the center. And on the Sunday of the Feast of

Epiphany, join in a celebration in the Parish Hall at 10:00 a.m., where we will have plenty of lights,

decorations and maybe even some frankincense and myrrh, along with a cake to remind us that we are

celebrating the King of glory.

On the Sundays after Epiphany, we hear stories that confirm that Jesus was God’s son, including the story

of Jesus’ baptism and stories about his ministry. We consider our call to ministry to live out our baptism

in the Church and in our personal lives. At home, families can continue celebrating with a time set aside

to give thanks to those who gave them presents, either by writing thank you notes or through a blessing.

And although the usual season of gift-giving is over, children could pick out a toy to give to a charitable

organization. Families could invite someone to dinner or begin a new tradition of visiting someone who

January 2013

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is shut-in or in a special-care facility. Post-Christmas times can be very lonely for some. Together,

families could spread the Light.

January will be a full month here at St. Mark’s!

We will have an Epiphany party on January 6 at 10:00 a.m. in place of Christian Formation classes.

Classes will be held on January 13, and 27. We will take a break on January 20 so teachers can attend

the Annual Parish Meeting. Please bring children to the Common Room on January 20 at 10:00 a.m.

On January 27, our confirmands will be confirmed at the 11:00 a.m. service.

Godly Play classes for Pre-Kindergartners and Kindergartners and the Godly Play Two class for 1st and


graders will learn about baptism and then begin a section on parables. The following stories are

scheduled for January 13 and 20: Holy Baptism and Parable of the Good Shepherd.

The 3rd

, 4th

and 5th

Grade Class will hear the story of the Magi (Matthew 2) on January 13 and the story

of Jesus’ presentation at the Temple (Luke 2:41-50) on January 27.

The Middle School Youth Class and the High School Youth Class will meet with Travis Smith, Kathy

Genet, Harry Lipp, Jay Brown, and Danielle Adkins in the Bennett Wing Classroom. They will also hear

the story of the Magi (Matthew 2) and then Mary’s call (Luke 1:26-38).

As we begin this new calendar year, I would like to thank the teachers, Chapel leaders, youth, parents

and other adults who lead programs for our youth. Your work is truly appreciated! I look forward to

another wonderful year working and celebrating together.

~ Cathy Nelson

Thank You!

Once again, thank you all for your amazing

generosity - both to the community and to the

clergy and staff. We collected over $500 for House

the Homeless and their annual long underwear

drive (I am confident that it will not be the current

80 degrees for the remainder of the winter season).

We gave a car full of gifts to Safe Place and another

car full to Austin Children's Shelter. And once

again the clergy and staff were recipients of your

generosity. All we can say is thank you and we

love you.

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Parishioner Highlights It has been my pleasure to know Rex & Brenda White for some time. I have seen how dedicated they are to

whatever they undertake to accomplish, be it related to occupation or the many things that they are involved with at

St. Mark’s. Brenda’s skill at overseeing 8 grandchildren—with such finesse—makes her the perfect head of our

Martha’s group, and Rex is always ready to share his wine connoisseur knowledge when inquiries are made. I know

you will enjoy reading about this wonderfully busy and talented couple.

Beth Chenoweth, Senior Warden

Brenda and Rex White

We are truly honored to be asked to profile “our lives”

as members of St. Mark’s. We have been active in

this parish since approximately 1981--31 years! We

recently celebrated our 32nd

wedding anniversary, so

you might say we have been

nourished by this parish.

Brenda. I was born in Texas City,

Texas. My family moved back and

forth between there and the

Belton/Holland (Texas) areas until

graduation from Holland High School. I soon made

my permanent move to Austin in 1965. I was raised

in the Baptist faith. After attending an Episcopal

memorial service in 1979, I knew I had found a

permanent church home. I was confirmed at St.

David’s. I lived in this neighborhood, and eventually

made my way to St. Mark’s. I began my working

career in Austin as a secretary at the Attorney

General’s office. After several years, I worked in a

legal office; eventually moving to the Railroad

Commission to work as secretary to the legal advisor

and finally as the administrative assistant to Railroad

Commissioner Mack Wallace. After a few years of

retirement, I served as secretary at St. Mark’s for

approximately nine years, working with Fr. Scotty

Innes and Fr. Tom Gray. I now consider myself a

“professional” grandmother.

My past activities at St. Mark’s include clown ministry,

Back Door Players, choir, altar guild, being one of the

first women ushers, president of the Women’s Group,

chairing committees such as bazaars and the 40th

anniversary of St. Mark’s, working on many projects,

co-founder of the San Pasquel’s Coffee House, and

serving as junior and senior wardens. My present

activities consist of being a member of the Daughters

of the King, an LEM, chairing the Parish Life

Committee (a.k.a. the Marthas), and being a team

member of the Shower to Shower program. I love to

read human-interest novels, dance, attend plays,

travel, craft, and “antique.”

Rex. The demographics of my life are simple. I was

born in Houston in 1932; moved with my parents prior

to WWII to about seven states; settled in military

school in San Antonio during WWII; and finally landed

in Garland, Texas, for four great years in a small-town

high school—always a life-long Episcopalian.

The University of Texas is my home university,

awarding me three degrees: B.S. in Geology; M.A. in

Geology; and an L.L.B. (J.D.) in 1957 in law. In

between high school and the LLB, I did stints as a

deep sea diver, a geologist for two years on an Indian

reservation in New Mexico, a geophysicist, and

independent geology consultant, and a man without

income during the Christmas of 1964. I continue my

solo private practice in oil and gas law.

Notwithstanding all these adventures, I ultimately met

Brenda. We married and committed ourselves to

each other and to St. Mark’s parish. I have served on

the vestry, and do so now; served as a lector and

LEM for at least 20 years, cooked chickens,

performed (questionably) in numerous parish plays,

been a member of the choir, served as chancellor,

helped build the Day School playground and our

present kitchen, helped paint the outside of the entire

church at least twice, and on occasion tended to the

church bell. I enjoy a glass of good wine (with our

without friends), a historical book, music, plays, and

looking for fossils with our grandchildren.

We are blessed with two wonderful boys and

daughters-in-law who have graced our lives with eight

extraordinary (of course) grandchildren. Rex III, Terri,

Rankin, Annabelle, Ella Grace, and Samuel live here

in Austin and Eric, Mary, Allison, Katie, Julia, and

Hannah live in Houston.

We have lived at the same address in Barton Hills for

31 ½ years. St. Mark’s is a significant and material

part of our life, our friends, and general well-being.

We love this church and look forward to creating more


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January Birthdays

Ann Rowe 01/01 Helen Randle 01/16 Tom Davis 01/24

Tricia Dew 01/02 Kevin Childs 01/17 Emma Genet 01/24

Stephanie Grayson 01/02 Wesley Cooper 01/17 Cheryl Smithers 01/24

Walker Harris 01/04 Amy Randle 01/17 Georgia Farley 01/25

Bob Peterek 01/04 Kay Slepr 01/17 Henry Olivas 01/25

Shawna Gallardo 01/06 Belinda Romero 01/18 Sarah Tso 01/25

Susan Willis 01/06 Xander Stockstill 01/18 Barron Johnson 01/26

Mark Breen 01/09 Dave Thiessen 01/18 Sidney Hilburn 01/27

Kathryn Camp 01/10 James Nogarede 01/19 Stephanie Young 01/27

Seth Randle 01/10 Julia Grayson 01/20 Lloyd Schwartz 01/28

Amy Bierbower 01/11 Carey Stangl 01/20 Alexandra Aboussie 01/29

Camila Minne 01/11 Carolyn Foote 01/21 Decker Ayers 01/29

Anika Minne 01/11 Carson Johnson 01/21 Lucas Breen 01/29

Preston Santos 01/11 Suzanne Lightsey 01/21 Connor Frederick 01/29

Ethan Fuhrman 01/14 Kristen Sharpe 01/21 Scott Lubeck 01/29

Matt Joyce 01/14 Scott Comer 01/22 Brenda White 01/29

Jessica Nelson 01/14 Glenn Dody 01/22 Rich Oppel 01/30

Colin Clark 01/15 Bill Kibler 01/22 Emily Peterek 01/31

John Works 01/15 Robert Chambers 01/23 Heidi Roure 01/31

Robin Bridgewater 01/16 Elizabeth Rogers 01/23

January Anniversaries

Jennifer Pollard & Juan Ruiz 01/01

Sherrie & Will Johnson 01/06

Emily & Clint Rogers 01/06

Lindy & Lee Siegismund 01/17

Shawna & Raymond Gallardo III 01/18

Sookie & Gregory Knapp 01/18

Dodie & Dick Wells 01/19

Anjuli & David Martinez 01/21

Jennifer Pollard & Juan Ruiz 01/01

Sherrie & Will Johnson 01/06

January 2013

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January ROTA

TIME MINISTRY January 6 January 13

Youth Sunday January 20

January 27

Youth Sunday

Bishop’s Visit

February 3






LECTOR Jill Collins Jon Dullnig Jonea Raney Nancy Middlebrook Amelia Sondgeroth

LEM and

ACOLYTE Jonea Raney Nancy Middlebrook Jill Collins Jonea Raney Pattie Rose

USHERS Danielle Adkins

Stephen White

Ed Shipsey

Al McKinney

Beth Chenoweth

Mary Smith Judith & Jon Dullnig

Jonea Raney

Jill Collins


0 a





LECTORS Mike Fuhrman (1)

Becky Janes (2)

Cindy Bogard (1)

Glenn Lightsey (2)

Kevin Childs (1)

Meredith Childs (2) Youth

Mary-Alis Kelly (1)

Brian Kelly (2)

LEM Kim Buckner

Gary Taylor

Vivian Orndorff

Lynn Edgerton

Mary Cromack

Mike Thomasson

Jonathan Hansen

Gary Taylor

Bill Kibler

Carol Oppel


Carson Buckner

Ariston Awitan IV

Clay Buckner

Matthew Awitan

Kim B.

Connor Lightsey

Suzanne Lightsey

Claudia Janes

Julia Comer

Kim B.

Bennett Whalen

Ariston Awitan IV

Matthew Awitan

Clara Bogard

Kim B.

Connor Fuhrman

Davis Fuhrman

Ethan Fuhrman

Clay Buckner

Kim B.

Abbe Kelly

Will Kelly

Abigail Goff

Claudia Janes


Mark Breen

Dee Ann Thomasson

Dodie and Dick Wells

Glen Baumgart

Mike Brode

Phil Aboussie

Ross Ramsey

Ken Whalen

Ariston Awitan III

Dan Bogard

John Edgerton

Casey Edgerton

Kevin Cromack

Mark Breen

Dee Ann Thomasson

Dodie and Dick Wells

Glen Baumgart

GREETERS Barbette & John


Meredith Childs

Kevin Cromack Cindy & Dan Bogard

Kim Buckner

Michael Meigs Barbette & John Cooper


:00 a





LECTORS Kimberly Horne (1)

Phil Aboussie (2)

Karen Milton (1)

Michael Meigs (2)

Liz Davis (1)

Andrew Poynot (2)

Mary Ann Huston (1)

Bill Willis (2)

Andrea Michael (1)

Jim Crowson (2)

LEM Jim Casparis

Liz Davis

Dru Cabler

Vivien Orndorff

Jim Casparis

Jay Brown Rex White

Jeremiah Griffin

Liz Davis


Sara Thiessen

Luke Thiessen

Emmaline Baxter-


Julia Comer

Jay, Mary Ann

Michael Brode

Bonnie Brode

Joseph Genet

Claire Cabler

Jay, Mary Ann

Carey Stangl

Matt Forrest

Ben Forrest

Sam Forrest

Jay, Mary Ann

Wes Johns

Winston Baxter- Harwell

Emmaline Baxter- Harwell

Evan Overstreet Jay Brown (Bishop’s. Chaplain)

Jay, Mary Ann

Patrick Camp

Evan Overstreet

Claire Dempsey

Ryan Dempsey

Jay, Mary Ann


Carolyn Wier

James Wier

Bo Overstreet

Rick Tennant

John De Marines

Jim Casparis

Charles Brewer

Bob Peterek

Manuel de la Rosa

Jim Nolan

Henry Olivas

Lark Anthony

Yvonne Chavez

Frank Severn

Jean Severn

Jay Doran

Jodie Doran

Carolyn Wier

James Wier

Bo Overstreet

Rick Tennant

John De Marines

GREETERS Jean & Frank Severn Jay Doran Shelly Botkin & Ryan


Lark Anthony

Barbara Dody Jean & Frank Severn








Jonea Raney-TC

Jill Collins

Carolyn Wier

Helen Anderson

Barbara Dody

Diana Stangl-TC

Karen Milton

Lynn Edgerton

Bev Hicks

Susan Baxter-Harwell

Dee Ann Thomasson-TC

Dodie Wells

Tina Stonebarger

Henry Olivas

Cynthia Archer

Meredith Childs-TC

Judy Elkins

Doris Edgar

Pat Bullock

Liz Davis

Millie Casparis

Jonea Raney-TC

Jill Collins

Carolyn Wier

Karen Milton

Lynn Edgerton

Depositor Frank Severn Diane Brewer Jim Casparis John De Marines Bo Overstreet

WED. 6 p.m. January 9 January 16 January 23 January 30 February 6

Lector Ordination Rex White Dodie Wells Pattie Rose Jill Collins

January 2013

Page 12

Vestry Committees Staff Beth Chenoweth, Sr. Warden Andrew Poynot, Jr. Warden

Vestry members: Danielle Adkins, Dan Bogard, Susan Bonnen, Kim Buckner, Meredith Childs, Lynn Edgerton, Kathy Genet, Becky Janes, Brian Kelly, Al McKinney, Bo Overstreet, Ross Ramsey, Rex White

Acolytes: Jay Brown, Carol Oppel,

Mary Cromack, Kim Kiplin, and Kim Buckner

Altar Guild: Millie Casparis

Building Committee: Amelia


Christian Formation:

Cathy Nelson


Pattie Rose

Daughters of the King:

Jonea C.S. Raney

Women of St. Mark’s:

Yvonne Chavez and Judy Elkins

Facilities: Ray Smith

Finance: John Edgerton

Outreach: Becky Poynot and Laurie


Parish Life: Brenda White

Pastoral Care/Health Ministry:

Jonea C.S. Raney


Amelia Sondgeroth

Ushers: Henry Olivas


The Rev. Elizabeth Zarelli Turner


The Rev. Travis Smith

Director of Religious Education

Cathy Nelson

Organist/Director of Music

Mark Reed


Jeremiah Griffin Jonathan Hansen

Vivian Orndorff

Head of Day School Gina Newton

Parish Administrator

Joanne Foote

Newsletter Editor Becky Janes

Deadline for the February 2013 St. Mark’s News is Tuesday, January 15,

2013. Please submit your article by email as an

attachment to:

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 2128 Barton Hills Drive Austin, TX 78704 512.444.1449