St Mark s, Raumati Beach St Pauls, Paraparaumu St Peter ... · St Mark’s, Raumati Beach St...

Post on 14-Jun-2018

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Transcript of St Mark s, Raumati Beach St Pauls, Paraparaumu St Peter ... · St Mark’s, Raumati Beach St...


We are family, we are disciples, we care for the last, the lost and the least.

St Mark’s, Raumati Beach St Paul’s, Paraparaumu St Peter’s, Paekakariki

How wonderful it was to wake up on Tuesday morning and hear the joyous news that the twelve Thai Boys and their Soccer coach had been found deep inside the network of caves that had become un navigable by divers for 10 days. I pray even as I write, for their safe restoration to their families and for healing from the trauma this incident will have caused in body, mind and spirit. I believe God heals. I have seen it too many times to deny it. But I know that there is no recipe or magic incantation that I can do or say to make it happen in any given case(and believe me there are times when I wish I could). It is a sovereign act of God; a sign that brings him Glory and demonstrates the presence of his Kingdom. Todays gospel gives us a feel for the kind of climate Jesus could heal in and where he found it difficult. In his home town, where people dismissed him as just the carpenters son, he found little faith among the people- note here as in other places it is not the faith of the person seeking healing that is important, but the faith of the friends- the atmosphere of hope and expectation. This is why Jesus couldn’t raise the synagogue leaders daughter in the presence of the professional mourners in last weeks reading and why he could do so little in his home town. This is also why he encouraged his disciples to find “people of peace” when he sent them out in pairs. People of peace are those who are open to the things of God- they may not be followers of Jesus, but they are not dismissive of him or his power. Among these ones many signs were done. I wonder if we ourselves are people of peace? Are we open to those who come in Christs name? Are we open to Jesus himself and expectant about what he may yet do in our lives and in the lives of those we pray for? One thing is for sure miracles still happen. May we create an atmosphere of faith-filled expectation in our congregations so we can experience more of Christ healing in our midst.

8 July 2018

A special welcome to all who are visiting with us today.

Please take the time to fill out a visitor card before you leave.

These can be found in the pews or church foyer.

Stay on and join us for morning tea following the service.

Readings 8 July 15 July

1st Reading 2 Samuel 5: 1-5,9-10 Isaiah 55: 1-11

2nd Reading 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10 2 Timothy 3: 14-4:5

Gospel Reading Mark 6: 1-13 John 5: 36b-47

Intercessory Parish Prayer

Please contact Marion Henderson with any Parish 24/7 Prayer Chain requests—ph 04 905 1171 or


Parish Diary

Mid day Eucharist at St Paul’s Every Friday Only

TODAY 5pm Evensong, St Mark’s

22 July Sun 4pm Messy Church, Parish Hall, St Paul’s

22 July Sun 4pm Nicola Palairet, Flame missionary meeting

23 July Mon 6.30pm Marksmen, St Paul’s

29 July Sun 9.30am Parish Combined Service, St Paul’s

The Sentence and Collect for the Day The Sentence of the Day: Of Jesus many said: “What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done at his hands!” (Mk 6:2)

The Collect of the Day: Gentle God, grant that at home where we are most truly ourselves, where we are known at our best and our worst, we may learn to forgive and be forgiven; for love of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen


support this collection and help people in need this winter by donating "The Money" or by donating

goods in "The Bag"! If you choose "The Bag" you can fill our special Brown Paper Bag (available at services

next Sunday) or any shopping bag with any of the non-perishable items listed below. Give as much as you feel able to. If you choose "The Money" you can make a cash donation in a marked envelope or online at Every donation will

help ensure that people in need across the Greater Wellington region can be warm, safe and healthy this winter. Thanks for your support!

NB: Parish Combined Service at

9.30am on Sunday 29 July at St

Paul’s, followed by an SGM to

discuss and vote on the Vestry

proposal to employ a Parish

Children and Families Worker

and to elect 2 new synod reps.

SPECIAL NOTICE: Now available

in the churches is a proposal

from Vestry for a half-time

Parish Children and Families

Worker. We believe this is the

best response to the desire in

the Parish to see growth and

impact of the gospel among

children and their families in our

communities. We ask you to

read and discuss this with others

in your congregations (there will

be some facilitated discussions

after most services over the next

few weeks) and stay on after the

Parish Combined Service on 29

July at St Pauls for an SGM to

consider and vote on the


Marriage retreat returns to El Rancho Back by popular demand, El Rancho is running its weekend marriage retreat again this August, with all-new material and Bishop Justin and Jenny Duckworth will be in attendance as workshop leaders. The retreat is from Friday the 17th to Sunday the 19th of August at El Rancho Christian Camp in Waikanae, and full details are available on

Morning Tea Helpers needed for a new Parish playgroup starting at St Paul’s on Wednesdays during school term time only. Are you able to volunteer on a regular basis, where it be a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis? We ideally need 2 people on any Wednesday. A roster can be created depending on the availability of people. Please contact Katie Lewis if you can help, ph 022 614 6118

TONIGHT is our Parish Evensong at St Mark’s at 5pm. Julie Rokotakala is preaching, and the anthem is Day by day – words from the prayer by Richard of Chichester and music by Martin How. Light refreshments conclude the evening

Nicola Palairet, Missionary with Flame in Cambodia, will be in the Parish speaking about the work of Flame on Sunday 22 July 7pm at St Paul’s Church. “Flame is about inspiration. We connect with slum dwelling children, and inspire them to leave begging or rubbish collecting and start school or re-engage in education. The goal is that each child reaches beyond their potential, lifting the roof off their current dreams. We call the process of slum child becoming young leader-“The Full Circle”-kids emerge as confident leaders in their communities, inspiring others in education, service and leadership. The ultimate.” Flame works with children and youth, their families and communities to bring transformation from the grass roots. Come and hear about this exciting work of God through his people.

Ven. Julie Rokotakala Vicar

021 118 3657

Revd. John & Barbara Bonifant

St Mark’s 04 905 3301

Revd. Lynda Wards St Peter’s 04 234 1170

Revd. Carrole Lewis Deacon Community Engagement/Messy Church

04 904 7300

Rosters Ann Desmond 022 494 1775

Kathleen Fleck Resthome Ministry/House Groups

04 298 5630

Sheridan David Mary Cropp

Wardens 04 904 7300

Paul Bull Finance 04 902 3320

Becky Devane Parish Administration 04 904 7300

1 Langdale Avenue, Paraparaumu, 5032 Directory….

Parish Administration is located at St Paul’s Church, cnr of Langdale Ave & Kapiti Rd, Prm

Parish Office open: 9am-12noon Tues to Fri ph: 04 904 7300

Lectionary Readings for Sunday 8 July 2018

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Green

Psalm 48 A song in praise of Jerusalem/Zion, great city of the Lord their God

2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10 After ruling over the house of Judah for 7 years in Hebron, David is chosen by leaders of the remaining tribes to take Saul’s place. He is anointed as King over all Israel, makes a covenant with them, and reigns for another 33 years. He captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites, and renames it the City of David.

2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Paul will not boast of his own achievements, but mentions visions and revelations from the Lord – one of “a man caught up in Paradise, hearing things he cannot tell”. He admits to a personal weakness “a thorn in my flesh”, endured because it enables him to experience the grace and power of Christ.

Mark 6:1-13 After crossing back into Galilee, Jesus preaches at the Synagogue in his home town of Nazareth. But his teaching is not accepted, for the people know him simply as the carpenter-son of a local family, and have no faith in him. Later he sends the twelve disciples out in pairs to preach repentance , heal the sick and cast out unclean spirits. Chris Durrant

Small Groups for Growth Joining in the regular gathering of a small group is a great way to make friends; enjoy

fellowship, learn about the Bible and explore what being a Christian means today.

Our Parish small-groups welcome new members any time but 12 members is usually

the maximum that can be accommodated. This is a good opportunity to experience

this aspect of Parish life and we encourage all parishioners to join a group.

Tuesday 2pm Christine Vaughan-Dawkes 04 905 4261 Sevenoaks meets fortnightly Tuesday 3pm Kathleen and John Fleck 04 298 5630 23 Glen Loch Place, Paraparaumu meets weekly

Wednesday 10.30am St Mark’s Church Women’s group meets weekly welcomes pre-schoolers

Wednesday 7.30pm Maureen Ellis 04 905 9424 Parish Lounge, St Paul’s Women’s group meets weekly

Thursday 7.30pm Willie Brown & Cliff Mundell 04 902 2378 / 04 902 2064 66 Hillcrest Road, Raumati Beach meets weekly

Thursday 7.30pm Jan & Mark Gosnell 04 293 2016 Parish Lounge, St Paul’s meets weekly

Thursday 7.30pm Sharmla & Sheridan David 04 298 1358 6 Manhattan Court, Paraparaumu meets weekly

Friday 1.30pm Anne Pattison & Kathleen Fleck 04 902 3354 / 04 298 5630 Parish Lounge, St Paul’s 1st and 3rd weeks

To find out more, please speak to a group leader or

Kathleen Fleck, House Group Coordinator: 04 298 5630