ST JOHN’S WOOD / THE GAP Parish Bulletin

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Transcript of ST JOHN’S WOOD / THE GAP Parish Bulletin


Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: 1 Kings 17:10-16

The widow made a little scone from her

flour meal and brought it to Elijah.

Second Reading: Hebrews 9:24-28

Christ offered himself only once to take

the faults of many on himself.

Gospel: Mark 12:38-44

This poor widow has put more in than all

who contributed.

We pray for the sick:

Robert Minns Bruce Bonney

Angela Williams Toni Bennett

Michael Cowley Eileen Kelly

Cameron Eaton Joy Harvey

Joy Hambleton Josef Stanek


Andrew Mahoney

Home Rosary

Monday evening (08/11) in the home of

Donna & Brendan Lynn

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Mater Dei: Monday & Friday 6 - 7pm

WCCM Meditation Group

Mondays 9:30am - 10:30am SPC


Parish Bulletin Vol 2, Issue 42 7 November 2021

Next Week’s Readings - 33rd Sunday OT

First Reading: Dan 12:1-3

Second Reading: Heb 10:11-14, 18

Gospel Reading: Mk 13:24-32

This Sunday’s Readings

This week’s Good News & Two minute homily

This Sunday, being Prison Sunday, brings attention to the plight of

prisoners and highlights the important work that prison chaplains


In 2021, Prison Sunday is being used to support and encourage

prison chaplains. As Pope Francis has said: “The task of a chaplain is

to let the prisoners know that the Lord is inside them. No cell is so

isolated that it can keep the Lord out. He is there. He cries with them,

works with them, hopes with them. His paternal and maternal love

arrives everywhere.”

For more information please go to

Prayer for the work of prison chaplains in the Archdiocese:

God of all life, Your son called us to be compassionate, just as You

are compassionate.

And so we pray:

For our generous Earth, who, even when mistreated, continues to

nourish and sustain us. May we grow in mutual care.

For our suffering peoples, who, even when facing injustices, teach us

resilience and hope. May we grow in mutual care.

For each one of us, who, in times of vulnerability, draws on divine love

and strength. May we grow in mutual care.

For our prison ministries, which, in times of change, find new ways of

reaching out and in. May we grow in mutual care.

And may we be blessed and inspired as we hear these words anew:

“For you had compassion for those who were in prison "One in the

name of Jesus, gentle and humble of heart.”


Family Prayer

Office Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri:- 8:30am - 3:30pm

Tue, Thur: - 8:30am - 12:30pm


A: 41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap

P: PO Box 408, The Gap Qld 4061

T: 07 3300 6099



Facebook: StJohnsWoodTheGapParish


If you would like a copy please email the

address above.

Parish Team

Fr Terence Nueva

Parish Priest


M: 0438 946 000

Silvana Geldenhuys

Parish Office Assistant


Majella Deegan

Sacramental Program Coordinator


Shannae Cooper

Local Safeguarding Representative &

Parish Office Assistant

Editor, Parish Bulletin



Mater Dei

16 Philomene Drive, Ashgrove, 4060

St. Peter Chanel

41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap, 4061


Mater Dei Primary School

T: 3514 4100

St Peter Chanel Primary School

T: 3300 1202


Day Liturgy Mater Dei St Peter Chanel

Tuesday 09/11 Week 32, Ordinary

Time 9:00am Mass



Memorial of St Leo the

Great, pope, doctor 9:00am Mass

Thursday 11/11 Memorial of St Martin of

Tours, bishop 9:00am Mass

Friday 12/11 Memorial of St

Josaphat, bishop, martyr 9:00am Mass

Saturday 13/11 33rd Sunday in

Ordinary Time

5:30pm Vigil Mass

Sunday 14/10 9:30am Mass 8:00am Mass

5:00pm Mass

Theodore Hazzard will be baptised at St Peter Chanel Church this

Parents and Friends Spring Fling Silent Auction

The Silent Auction is now LIVE! You can access it via this link. The

auction is open to everyone, so please feel free to share the link with

family and friends and encourage them to make a bid.

There is also an option to make a donation. All funds go directly to the

St Peter Chanel Parents and Friends Association and are used to

directly support our school.

The Parents and Friends Association would like to take this opportunity

to thank their generous donors for their contributions to this silent


Bidding closes at 9.00pm on Saturday, November 13. Good luck and

may the bids be ever in your favour!

Attention Readers

The 2022 BREAK OPEN THE WORD, Book for Readers is now

available for collection in the sacristies of both churches.

Parish Quilt Raffle

Please continue to support the

Parish Raffle with 2 quilts for

prizes. Your ticket has two

chances of winning! And the

parish wins too!!

6/11 MD 5:30 pm Sandra L/Myolene C

7/11 MD 9:30 am Charyn H/Patrick C

7/11 SPC 8:00 am Genevieve/Vincent

7/11 SPC 5:00 pm Jim J/Rose M


Calendar 2022 On sale now for $15 at the

back of each church or at

the Parish Office.

Reconciliation Preparation Program:

Workshop B - Tuesday, 9 November 2021

4:00pm – 5:00pm or 6:30pm - 7:30 pm

St Peter Chanel Church

Let us pray for the children who are preparing

for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. See parish

website for further information.

NET Ministries Australia

Are you a young person or know a young person who loves Jesus and is looking for

more? NET Ministries forms and sends out young people between the ages of 18-30

across Australia and New Zealand on a life changing mission.

If you’re passionate about sharing your faith and growing closer to Jesus yourself, email or head to to find out more!

- Yes, we are BACK

Gentlemen, please come along to a “re”connecting

and thought provoking Gathering to be addressed

by Robert Falzon on “Going Deeper, Growing


Robert is a husband, father, businessman, author

and co-founder of the very successful menALIVE

movement. As well as being a gifted speaker, he is

highly regarded as an authentic guy who “walks the


The Gathering will be held in the parish hall at SPC

on Friday 19th November and will start at 6pm with

dinner (pizzas and drinks). You are welcome to

bring a friend/s.

Cost is still $10 per person. Please RSVP Mike on

0459 992 228 by 17th November for catering


The Catholic Leader November 2021 Issue is now on sale at the back of the church.

Yours to take home for $4

November Masses for the dead

In all our Masses in the parish during the month of

November, we shall remember all our beloved dead.

Special Masses will be offered for those who have

submitted November Mass Offering Envelopes with their

donations. Envelopes are available at the back of the

church. They are treated as Mass Intentions, which shall

be sent to my brother in the Philippines (Fr Rolex), who

will distribute them to priests in poorer parishes in the

Diocese of Kabankalan, for masses to be said on behalf

of the donors or the souls named in the envelopes.

Thank you very much.

- Fr Terry

Inviting all prayer groups to join us in



Join us as we Praise and Worship God together

in spirit and in truth!

When: 21 November 2021

Where: St Michael’s War Memorial Church 250

Banks Street, Ashgrove (Dorrington)

Program: 2:00pm The Holy Rosary, with

Praise and Worship

3:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

by Fr. Tom Singing the Divine Chaplet and

continuing with healing worship songs.

Finish around 3:30pm for tea, coffee and


Everyone is welcome! Any enquires please

contact “SHALOM Music Ministry” Kay

0437081257 or Chris 0417771956

Community forum event Sunday,

21 November 2021 9:30am to

12:30pm at Walton Bridge Park,

The Gap

It is my pleasure, on behalf of Sustainability in The Gap, to invite parishioners to attend our Community Forum

which will take place on Sunday, 21 November 2021 from 9:30am to 12:30pm at Walton Bridge Park, The Gap

(next to the Police station).

At this event, Sustainability in The Gap will run a drop in bbq sausage sizzle. We hope to engage our community

in the valuable work of Sustainability in The Gap.

We have engaged with Paten Road Nursery and will have experts in relation to our environment, who will be able

to give some short talks and explanations to interested groups.

There will be nature walks and an art painting and craft activity for children. We will also be engaging with our

Indigenous elders to have some discussions around their history in The Gap and the like.

Regards, CRAIG RAY, Co-Coordinator, The Gap Sustainability Forum

Information Day for potential Cathedral Guides and Welcomers

The guides and welcomers’ group at The Cathedral of St. Stephen warmly invite you to attend an Information

Day on becoming a tour guide and/or a welcomer at the Cathedral.

When: Saturday 27th November 2021 from 10 am to 2pm. Refreshments provided

Where: Hanly room, Francis Rush Centre, Cathedral of St. Stephen, Elizabeth St.

The Information day is open to anyone, eg: retired people who may be missing the sense of community and

camaraderie which working life brings, teachers perhaps who may be retiring at the end of the year, or anyone

with some spare time on their hands who desires becoming part of a friendly and supportive team of Cathedral

guides and welcomers.

We look forward to welcoming you. Please register your interest with Carmel Devery at the Cathedral Office on

07 3324 3006 or by emailing