St. John of the Cross Parish · THANK YOU to those who took a chance or six in our postponed (not...

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Transcript of St. John of the Cross Parish · THANK YOU to those who took a chance or six in our postponed (not...

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020

St. John of the Cross Parish

5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

choose to walk with Jesus

and become fully immersed in His love

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 2

From the Desk of Fr. Marc Reszel

Blessings Today is celebrated as the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. THANK YOU to those who took a chance or six in our postponed (not cancelled) Fest Raffle. Congratulations to the winners named in last week’s bulletin. The Fest Chairs and I are pleased to announce that your generous support raised a net gift of $56,757.38 for the work and mission of St. John of the Cross Parish. This exceeds by 40% what we had hoped for while facing the pandemic. It once again demonstrates the profound willingness of our parishioners, friends, and benefactors to fund the good works of our faith community. Again, THANK YOU! You are gently reminded that registrations / reservations are required for those wanting to worship at Mass. We continue to offer our full schedule at the current maximum allowable capacity of 20% or 160 worshippers in a church built for 800. In order to do this, many volunteers are needed for us to comply with required safety precautions. Please consider helping at the Mass you will be attending. Registration/Reservation, wearing a mask, maintaining proper distancing, and hand sanitizing are expected of all. The necessary information, including a “what to expect” video, is available at August 10 is the Memorial of St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr. We take this opportunity to

prayerfully thank Deacons Joe Pepitone, John Schopp, and Rich Voytas for their ministry in our faith community. Men who are possibly discerning a vocation to serve the Church as an ordained deacon are encouraged to talk to one of our parish deacons or to me. Contact information can be found at the back of each bulletin. The members of our parish staff will meet for the first time this fiscal year on August 11, the Memorial or St. Clare. Following the daily Mass, we will gather in person (not via zoom or teams) to formalize our goals for the new academic year. In the past, I have found these team-building experiences to be time well spent. Despite the restrictions imposed on us by the pandemic response, I am optimistic that Tuesday’s will also be beneficial. Pray for us. August 15 is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Parish Mass for the Holy Day will be at 9:00am. The obligation to attend Mass is dropped when this holy day falls on a Saturday. The liturgical revisions of Vatican II (1969) reorganized the Marian feasts recognizing four as Solemnities: August 15, March 25 (the Annunciation of the Lord), December 8 (the Immaculate Conception), and January 1 (Holy Mother of God). The Assumption has been celebrated since the fifth century. The place in Jerusalem which commemorates this event is called the Church of the Dormition, literally the falling asleep of Mary. Saturday’s liturgy invites us to see Our Lady raised to heaven as the icon of the Church on the way to eternal glory. The 4:00pm Mass on Saturday will be for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish. Father Reszel

Volunteers are needed in our parish

Wedding Ministry.

Wedding Coordinators assist the bride and groom at their rehearsal and

wedding in church.

Coordinators work in teams of 2 and are scheduled according

to your availability.

Learn more about this ministry.

Call or email Marie Raffl at 708-752-6665

Wedding Ministry

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 3

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 4

Lifelong Learning

Jesus Christ,

you walked on the water

and calmed the storm

before your disciples.

Calm the storms

in our own lives.

Increase our faith

so that we might know

you are with us always.

In your name we pray.


Having Faith When we look at the news on our televisions or read about it in our newspapers, we are sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of bad news that we see and read. Across the globe people suffer because of food insecurity, racism, gender inequality, lack of access to medical care, education, and employment; many are dying daily because of acts of violence and terrorism. Given the current reality of our world today with the life-changing global Covid pandemic, we have every reason to be anxious, worried and even more than a little afraid. In our Gospel this Sunday, the disciples find themselves in a small boat in a big storm. They too have every reason to be anxious, worried and afraid. But they are not alone. Out of the darkness comes the person of Jesus walking on the water towards them. Initially, this makes them even more frightened. They think it was a ghost. But Jesus, knowing how they feel, encourages them with the great phrase from scripture, ‘Do not be afraid’. Tradition says that this phrase is used three hundred and sixty five times in the bible. Each of us in our own daily lives experience pain, difficulties and set – backs. We might call these experiences ‘stormy moments’. They are part of our daily lives and there is no way of ignoring or avoiding them. The question we need to ask ourselves is whether we feel that we are on our own in the storm or whether we feel that Jesus is with us. The danger is that we think and believe that we can get through our problems and difficulties on our own. This Gospel reminds us that we can’t. Like Peter, we too are asked by Jesus to have courage and not to be afraid. We are asked not only to have faith in ourselves, but to also reach out and trust that Jesus will hold us and help us through whatever difficulties we are experiencing. Peter started out with great enthusiasm when he stepped out of the boat. He was well on his way to meeting Jesus. But he saw the waves and felt the wind and they got the better of him and he started to sink. As he sinks, he has the courage, wisdom and humility to shout out to Jesus, ‘Lord! Save me!’ When we are struggling and experiencing difficulties, we are asked to do what Peter did; we are to ask for help. We can’t manage on our own. Can we make Peter’s prayer ‘Lord, save me? our own, no matter what we are experiencing, Jesus is with us. He will never abandon us. He has promised to be with us until the end of time, and he will. Adapted from Reflection by Michael Moore OMI

To the Point • Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose fishermen to be his first disciples? They don’t seem to be the obvious choice to help Jesus in his mission of proclaiming the kingdom of God. These men were most likely illiterate and their long days (and sometimes even nights) at sea, as well as the endless work of mending their nets, would have kept them from spending extra time in the synagogue studying the word of God. And yet, there are other things about fishermen that probably made them the ideal first disciples of the Lord. Their lives required hard, physical labor, patience, and trust. As anyone who has spent serious time devoted to fishing knows, there is no guarantee that a day’s labors will produce results. Instead, one must be prepared to show up again and again in the hopes of a catch. Fishermen also need a healthy respect for the forces of creation and the humility to know when to turn back and call it a day. • These first disciples of Jesus tell us a lot about what it takes to be a Christian and a “fisher of men.” Peter’s vocation to build the kingdom of God required all of the attributes he had honed as a fisherman: physical labor, patience, trust, and humility. • We, too, are called to be fishermen—to put our muscle behind building a just and peaceful society, to cast out our nets again and again in hope, and, most important, to develop the tenacity to keep trying in the face of failure. Just like Peter, we are not alone in our efforts; walking on the stormy waves or sitting in the boat beside us, Jesus, the Lord of life continues to call out, “Take courage . . . Do not be afraid.” ©Living Liturgy

Fear not, I am with you;

be not dismayed; I am your God.

I will strengthen you,

and help you,

and uphold you

with my right hand of justice.

(Is 41:10)

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 5

Get Out of the Boat “At once Jesus spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Peter said to him in reply, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand and caught Peter, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” I have to admit, I feel for Peter in this passage from the Gospel of Matthew. The disciples had been miles offshore. A storm had risen, and their boat was being tossed about. Keep in mind, many of these men were fishermen. They knew the sea and its ways and would not have easily been made afraid. This must have been a mighty storm! Jesus approaches them, walking on the sea, and the disciples are terrified. They wonder if this is a ghost. Which is where the passage above begins. Peter wants assurance that this truly is Jesus. He is literally ready to put his life on the line in order to know for certain that this is Jesus, and in this act of faith and trust, he is also coming to grips with the reality of who Jesus is, the Messiah, the Anointed One of God. I don’t know if you have moments when you need to get out of your boat, but I know I do. The boat is familiar, comfortable, tried and true, tested. The boat offers the assurance of safety, at least until the waters become fierce. But that’s the thing. Sometimes, our tried and true, safe routines and devices don’t stand up to the challenges of life. Being absorbed in work suddenly pales when a family member becomes ill or a friend is in crisis. Keeping to ourselves and maintaining a blind eye to the needs of others may feel fine, until their plight can no longer be ignored. Spending hours binge-watching TV or reading social media posts might seem a good distraction, until our heart calls us to be aware of the very things we’re trying to distract ourselves from. The day-to-day routines seem adequate until a pandemic or social unrest break in, and suddenly we find ourselves like Peter, calling to the Lord, “Command me to come to you on the water.” Call me out of my safe, “normal” life! Reassure me that you will be with me when I reach out to you in trust. These past few months have driven most of us out of our boats, into a vulnerable place in which we have questioned all that had previously consumed us. We have found ourselves with no recourse but to trust in the Lord. We may falter, unsure if we can get through this moment. We may cry out to God, “Lord, save me!” When that happens, we can be assured that Jesus will stretch out his hand and catch us. Sure of Christ’s compassion, mercy, and peace, may we, with disciples throughout the ages declare, “Truly you are the Son of God.” - Leisa Anslinger . Catholic Faith and Impact

Do not fear what may

happen tomorrow.

The same loving Father

who cares for you today

will care for you


and very day.

Either he will shield you

from suffering or

he will give you unfailing

strength to bear it.

Be at peace then,

and put aside

all anxious

thoughts and imaginings. St. Francis De Sales

Pause regularly for prayer this month. Quiet your mind and heart and pause for a few moments of silent contemplation. Use Psalm 63 or another passage of Scripture as you place your life in God’s hands, trusting that God will be with you as you strive to discern and do God’s will. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. O God, you are my God whom I seek; for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water. You are my help, and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy. My soul clings fast to you; your right hand upholds me. (PS 63: 1-2, 6, 8)

Eternal God,

in you we find courage and strength

for the journey of faith.

The Solemnity of the Assumption in body and soul of Mary into heaven at the heart of the summer season reminds us of what our true and ultimate dwelling place is: heaven. As the Letter to the Hebrews says: Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city which is to come (Heb 13:14). In the mystery which we contemplate today we find clearly revealed the destiny of every human creature: the victory over death, to live forever with God. Mary is the perfect woman in whom even now the divine plan is fulfilled, as a pledge of our resurrection. She is the first fruit of divine mercy since she was the first to share in the divine covenant sealed and fully realized in Christ who died and rose for us. Blessed is she who believed in the fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord (Lk 1:45). These words well describe Mary, the Virgin of the Fiat, who with her total availability opened the doors to the Savior of the world. Great and heroic was the obedience of her faith; it was through this faith that Mary was perfectly united to Christ, in death and glory. Looking to her strengthens our faith in what we await, and at the same time, we understand the meaning and value of our earthly pilgrimage. O Mary, Mother of hope, strong with your help, we do not fear obstacles and difficulties; fatigue and sufferings do not discourage us, because you accompany us on the path of life, and from heaven you watch over all your children, filling them with grace. To you we entrust the destiny of the peoples and the mission of the Church... Dear brothers and sisters, however dark the shadows that sometimes gather on the horizon and however incomprehensible certain events may appear to be in human history, we must never lose trust and peace. Today’s feast invites us to entrust ourselves to Mary assumed into heaven who, like a shining star from heaven, directs our daily journey on earth. Saint John Paul II

Lord you left your Mother in our midst that she might accompany us. May she take care of us and protect us on our journey, in our hearts, in our faith. May she make us disciples like herself, missionaries like herself. May she teach us to go out onto the streets. May she teach us to step outside ourselves. May she, by her meekness, by her peace, show us the way. Pope Francis, Cathedral of São Sebastião, Argentina, (25 July 2013)

Mother, help our faith! Open our ears to hear God’s word and to recognize his voice and call.

Awaken in us a desire to follow in his footsteps,

to go forth from our own land and to receive his promise. Help us to be touched by his love, that we may touch him in faith.

Help us to entrust ourselves fully to him and to believe in his love,

especially at times of trial, beneath the shadow of the cross, when our faith is called to mature.

Sow in our faith the joy of the Risen One.

Remind us that those who believe are never alone.

Teach us to see all things with the eyes of Jesus, that he may be light for our path.

And may this light of faith always increase in us,

until the dawn of that undying day which is Christ himself, your Son, our Lord! Pope Francis Prayer to Mary at the conclusion of the Encyclical Lumen Fidei (29 June 2013)

Our Lady knows our hearts, can hear our prayers, can help us with her motherly kindness. She always listens to us and, being Mother of the Son, participates in the power of the Son and in his goodness. We can always entrust the whole of our lives to this mother. The Blessed Mother’s birth into heaven generates in us an ever new capacity to await God’s future. St. John Paull II

Let us rejoice in the Lord,

as we celebrate the feast day in honor of

the Virgin Mary, at whose Assumption

the Angels rejoice and praise the Son of God.

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The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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New Parish Ministry Seeks Volunteers

During this extended time of masking, social distancing, continued isolation and

uncertainty, SJC is creating a new ministry of volunteers who can connect with our elderly

and vulnerable parishioners. Being alone, feeling isolated or missing day-to-day interactions

with others can affect one’s overall health and well-being. As a caring faith community we

are called to live daily according to the way of Jesus, to love as Christ loved.

We are seeking volunteers who are detail oriented, can communicate effectively, and are

compassionate listeners to help us make pastoral phone calls to SJC parishioners to offer

encouragement, to pray with them, listen to them and help determine if they have any

needs that we can address. It is hoped that the connections you make turn into

“friendships” that strengthen our parish community. All training and volunteer work will be

done remotely.

Watch the bulletin to learn more about this unique opportunity to help others and how you

can be a part of it!

"God is love.” His is not a sentimental, emotional kind of love but the love of the Father who is the origin of all life, the love of the Son who dies on the Cross and is raised, the love of the Spirit who renews human beings and the world. Thinking that God is love does us so much good, because it teaches us to love, to give ourselves to others as Jesus

gave himself to us and walks with us. Jesus walks beside us on the road through life. —Pope Francis

Most gracious and loving Lord, Send us your Holy Spirit. As we come together as one body in your Holy name, fill us with your love and grace.

Guide us. Open our eyes to see You in each other. Open our ears to humbly hear Your words. Illuminate our minds to understand, and transform our hearts to grow together as one.

Create a new spirit in us to share our gifts with one another. Unite us in peace and faith so we may be one in Jesus Christ our Lord



taking care

of one another

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 8

For Families Gospel Summary A storm arose on the sea and the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water toward them. At first they thought it was a ghost, but then they recognized Jesus. In an effort to show his great faith, Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. Peter was focused and walked toward Jesus. All went well until he looked at the storm. The same is true for us. If we stay focused on Jesus, we will be strong. It's when we get distracted by adversity that we begin to sink.

Reflection for Families Parents certainly know there are many stormy times in trying to raise children. As we fall into bed exhausted at night, we may realize that we focused on the storms instead of Jesus' loving presence. Take a few minutes today to think about where Jesus tried to break in.

Bringing the Gospel Into Your Family Make a conscious effort to avoid distractions sometime this week. Pick a time when you can all be together in a peaceful setting, maybe a walk or a hike, a picnic or watch a sunset. In your time together share the "storms" you faced this week and offer one another a peaceful gesture or words of support.

Discussion Starters 1. Deep down inside I know Jesus is always with me. I feel his presence most is when . . .

2. There's a part of my behavior I would like to change when things in my life get stormy. Rather than . . . I'd like to try to . . .

3. I am best at reaching out to others who are having stormy times by . . . RCL Benziger

Fostering Prayer in Your Home

What did St. Paul mean when he said we should

“pray unceasingly”? Should we all join a

monastery? Or maybe he was talking to people

who are perennially in need of prayer, like

Chicago Cubs fans. If we look carefully, our daily

lives offer infinite opportunities to pray nonstop.

Here are some of the ideas excerpted from

Raising Faith-Filled Kids by Tom McGrath, Loyola

Press. Download the whole booklet on our parish

website. 1. Teach your children one of the classic prayers.

2. Pray before meals together, whether a standard prayer or a spontaneous one.

3. Pray spontaneously with your children at bedtime.

4. Say an Our Father whenever you start a long car trip.

5. Buy or make a beautifully scripted prayer or Bible verse and hang it on a wall in your home.

6. Commemorate the anniversary of a loved one’s death by praying for him or her.

7. Keep a prayer jar for special prayer intentions or requests.

8. Start your day with a time of quiet prayer or meditation; encourage your children to do so also.

9. Visit the cemetery and pray for your dearly departed.

10. Have everyone in the family take turns praying for one of the other family members during the day for a whole week. Switch prayer partners every week.

Summer Prayer Placement

Go to our parish website and

download a 11 x 17 copy

of this fun placemat that all

your kids will enjoy coloring!

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 9

God Bless Our First Communicants

Taste and see the goodness

of the Lord!

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 10

Parish School News

St. John of the Cross Parish School is in the process of putting together our return to school plan for our families. As an Archdiocesan school, we intend to open this August or parents have an option of 3rd party E-Learning. We are pleased with the number of individuals who are applying to the school, recognizing the high quality of education that SJC offers along with the strong E-Learning Program that the school offered our families last spring. We hope to stay in school, but we are prepared if there is a need for E-Learning once again. Parents, watch your email for more from SJC Parish School, and we will share in the bulletin and on the website as well.

Getting ready for

the new school year!

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 11

High School Youth Ministry

katie pruitt

high school youth minister

SJC College Connection Is back!

Whether they are on campus this fall or virtually taking classes at home during Covid, we

want to remind SJC college-aged teens of God’s love and His plan for them. Now more

than ever, our college-aged teens need support, encouragement and prayers. Sign up

here to have your college-aged teen matched with an SJC parishioner penpal to receive

notes of support this school year. Parishioners wishing to be paired with our SJC college

teens can sign up at:

All High School Teens: Join us for our second

installment of The New Normal Zoom series

this evening. How can we navigate these

uncertain times? Meeting ID: 351 233 3636

Passcode: 498825

the new normal

Let’s talk about it...





Let’s get back to giving back! Sandwich Service Project Sign up to help assemble sandwiches for the Precious Blood Ministry community.

Wednesday, August 12 from 4-5pm in the Parish Center Join us as we partner with the SJC Outreach Team to make sandwiches, pack the lunches, learn about Precious Blood Ministry, catch up, and to pray for the individuals who will enjoy the food. We will adhere to all CDC and Archdiocese guidelines, including temperature checks, social distancing and gloves. Masks are required. Space is limited. Sign up at

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 12

Infant Baptism Outreach News

St. John of the Cross Parish congratulates the Collins family who had their son Liam Edward baptized last Sunday by Fr. Patrick Murphy assisted by Baptism Team Leaders, Elizabeth and Andy Turcich. Liam’s proud parents are Sheila and Michael Collins.

Fr David’s Garden In its second season, the Garden Committee is busy harvesting jalapeno peppers, plum tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, eggplants, basil, rosemary, zucchini and cucumbers for area food pantries. Last week St. Blase received our fresh produce delivery. Thanks to fellow parishioners who shared a portion of their home garden through the “Grow A Row” program, the amount of vegetables we are able to deliver has grown! Thank you to Liz Buhrmaster, Jeanne Fec, Wendy and Dan Duquette, Ren (a little gardener) and Joanna Jacoby for growing green beans, zucchini, cucumbers, basil, and tomatoes.


Help area food pantries help those who are struggling through our

SJC FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY Bring your nonperishable food donations to church when you

come to Mass. Our August collection will be delivered to neighboring St. Francis Xavier Food Pantry.

Donations are also accepted at St. Cletus (drop off food any day at the bin by the rectory door), St. Francis Xavier (drop off food

on Monday mornings by the rectory door), or at the Harkens (3832 Lawn Ave, WS) for the Precious Blood community.

Recently in a radio interview, I was asked this question: “If you were on your deathbed, what would you want to leave behind as your parting words?” The question momentarily took me aback. What would I want to leave behind as my last words? Not having time for much reflection, I settled on this. I would want to say: Don’t be afraid. Live without fear. Don’t be afraid of death. Most of all, don’t be afraid of God!” I’m a cradle Catholic, born to wonderful parents, catechized by some very dedicated teachers, and I’ve had the privilege of studying theology in some of the best classrooms in the world. Still it took me fifty years to rid myself of a number of crippling religious fears and to realize that God is the one person of whom you need not be afraid. It’s taken me most of my life to believe the words that come from God’s mouth over three hundred times in scripture and are the initial words out of the mouth of Jesus whenever he meets someone for the first time after his resurrection: Do not be afraid! It has been a fifty-year journey for me to believe that, to trust it. For most of my life I’ve lived in a false fear of God, and of many other things. As a young boy, I had a particular fear of lightning storms which in my young mind demonstrated how fierce and threatening God could be. Thunder and lightning were portents which warned us, religiously, to be fearful. I nursed the same fears about death, wondering where souls went after they died, sometimes looking at a dark horizon after the sun had set and wondering whether people who had died were out there somewhere, haunted in that endless darkness, still suffering for what they’d had not gotten right in life. I knew that God was love, but that love also held a fierce, frightening, exacting justice. Those fears went partially underground during my teenage years. I made my decision to enter religious life at the age of seventeen and have sometimes wondered whether that decision was made freely and not out of false fear. Looking back on it now however, with fifty years of hindsight, I know that it wasn’t fear that compelled me, but a genuine sense of being called, of knowing from the influence of my parents and the Ursuline nuns who catechized me, that one’s life is not one’s own, that one is called to serve. But religious fear remained unhealthily strong within me So, what helped me let go of that? This doesn’t

happen in a day or year; it is the cumulative effect of fifty years of bits and pieces conspiring together. It started with my parents’ deaths when I was twenty-two. After watching both my mother and father die, I was no longer afraid of death. It was the first time I wasn’t afraid of a dead body since these bodies were my mother and father of whom I was not afraid. My fears of God eased gradually every time I tried to meet God with my soul naked in prayer and came to realize that your hair doesn’t turn white when you are completely exposed before God; instead you become unafraid. My fears lessened too as I ministered to others and learned what divine compassion should be, as I studied and taught theology, as two cancer diagnoses forced me to contemplate for real my own mortality, and as a number of colleagues, family, and friends modeled how one can live more freely. Intellectually, a number of persons particularly helped me: John Shea helped me realize that God is not a law to be obeyed, but an infinitely empathic energy that wants us to be happy; Robert Moore helped me to believe that God is still looking on us with delight; Charles Taylor helped me to understand that God wants us to flourish; the bitter anti-religious criticism of atheists like Frederick Nietzsche helped me see where my own concept of God and religion needed a massive purification; and an older brother, a missionary priest, kept unsettling my theology with irreverent questions like, what kind of God would want us to be frightened of him? A lot of bits and pieces conspired together. What’s the importance of last words? They can mean a lot or a little. My dad’s last words to us were “be careful”, but he was referring to our drive home from the hospital in snow and ice. Last words aren’t always intended to leave a message; they can be focused on saying goodbye or simply be inaudible sighs of pain and exhaustion; but sometimes they can be your legacy. Given the opportunity to leave family and friends a few last words, I think that after I first tried to say a proper goodbye, I’d say this: Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid of living or of dying. Especially don’t be afraid of God.

Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser

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Letting Go of False Fear

Mass Remembrances Monday, August 10, 9am St. Lawrence

Patrick Woods Tuesday, August 11, 9am St. Clare

James McDonough Daniel Josephs Wednesday, August 12, 9am Weekday; St. Jane Frances de Chantal Phillip Corboy Mario Accettura Madeline Graffy Thursday, August 13, 9am Sts. Pontian and Hippolytus Robert Coffey, Jr. Friday, August 14, 9am St. Maximillian Kolbe Vincent Domagal Gerald Kleeman Saturday, August 15, 9am Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Beloved Dead 4pm Evening Mass Richard Gamache Paul Saner Don King Claudine Snow Phyllis Drymalski Joseph Graffy Rachael Schopp Ann Winkel Sunday, August 16 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30am Charlotte and Edward Fidelus 9am Patrick McNaughton Jon Neidlinger Martha Brennan Weinfurter Noreen Oosterbaan 11am Kay Takash Julius Waksmanski 5pm Rick Williams Marty Dolan Living Remembrances in Italics

Rev. Marc W. Reszel, Pastor Rev. Brian Kean, Associate Pastor Senior Deacon Joe Pepitone Deacon John Schopp Deacon Rich Voytas Bill Bright, Director of Outreach Janet Caschetta, Director of YC Marguerite Chrusciel, Finance Mgr Frank DiPompeo, Plant Mgr Mary Beth Drafz, Digital Comm Coor Kathleen Gorman, Principal Jessica Koch, Director of Music MJ Martin, Director of Operations Katie Pruitt, HS Youth Minister Theresa Reyes, Receptionist Elizabeth Russell-Jones, Welcome Christina Turlek, Finance Assistant Gale Voytas, Ministry Assistant Steven Weigand, Pastoral Associate

SJC Parish Center 5005 Wolf Road

Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-4404

Visit our parish website: Sign up to attend Mass on our parish website.


A priest will hear your confession after daily Mass

Monday-Saturday. Please sign up for Mass and see the priest after Mass.

SJC Parish School 708 51st Street

Western Springs IL 60558 708-246-4454

Youth Catechesis 708 51st Street

Western Springs, IL 60558 708.246.6760

Never give up prayer, and

should you find dryness and

difficulty, persevere in it for

this very reason. God often

desires to see what love your

soul has, and love is not tried

by ease and satisfaction.

—St. John of the Cross

Sign up to receive our weekly eblast and electronic bulletin

by sending an email to

Add a loved one’s name to our

prayer list by sending an email to

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 14

May we always be a haven of safety and encouragement for all those who cry out for help.

May we overcome our own doubts and fears by more perfectly

opening ourselves to Jesus’ Presence within and among us.

We Pray for Our Sick Kathy Antczak

Betty Fash Elizabeth Raz John Schmidt

Shawn Sweeney Gloria Topia

We Pray for Our Beloved Dead Bernice Smith, grandmother of Ryan Mau,

our Teaching Parish Seminarian Jean Sobek, mother of Laurie, grandmother of 1

Edward Carpenter, husband of Linda, father of Matthew, grandfather of 3

Attending Mass during Covid The elderly and those with underlying medical

conditions are advised to stay at home and participate through livestreamed

and televised Masses. The dispensation from Sunday Mass continues.

A weekly Sunday worship aid and a VIDEO

of what to expect when attending Mass at SJC can be found on our website.

If you are exhibiting symptoms

(even if they are allergies), if you have a temperature, are coughing,

have a runny nose, etc., and/or cannot wear a mask

that covers your nose and mouth for the duration of the Mass

you must stay home.

You must sign up to attend weekday and Sunday Mass on our website! Each week the schedule of Masses

will be open for sign up on Thursdays at 5pm and will close on Saturdays at 10am.

Due to attendance limitations, only those

parishioners who have signed up will be admitted to Mass.

Mass schedule:

Weekdays: Monday-Saturday: 9am Mass

Sunday Mass: 4pm Saturday, 7:30am, 9am,

11am and 5pm

Mass will continue to be livestreamed on Facebook and available

on our parish website. Daily Mass is recorded

at 9:00am Monday-Saturday. Sunday Mass is recorded

at 4pm Saturday.

The Parish Center continues to be closed to visitors.

Staff is available to assist you by email. To schedule a baptism, funeral, wedding or

anointing, or if you need any other assistance, please call or email our Director of Operations

MJ Martin at 708-822-1627

We Pray for Our Loved Ones Serving Our Country Col. Mark Blanek, US Army

Staff Sgt. Steven Foody Sergeant Sebastian Grabacki

Sgt. Michael Grabarek 2nd Lt. Nathaniel Greenberg, US Army

LCDR Kyle Harken, US Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class John Ilg

Spc. Douglas Junius Captain Emily Kopec

ETN3 Joseph Kula, US Navy PFC Kevin Lawinger

First Lieutenant Caroline Lorenzini MAJ. James Maicke

Chandler Muszynski, Master of Arms, US Navy 2nd Lt. Ryan A. Peters, US Army

Seaman Emily Strafaci Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Strafaci

Seaman Riley Strafaci Staff Sgt. Joshua Tischler, USAF Pararescue

Lieutenant James Viano Staff Sgt. Larry Waszak

Readings for the Week:

Thursday Ezek 12:1-12 Ps 78:56-57, 58-59, 61-62 Matt 18:21–19:1

Monday 2 Cor 9:6-10 Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9 John 12:24-2

Friday Ezek 16:1-15,60, 63 Isa 12:2-3,4bcd, 5-6 Matt 19:3-12

Tuesday Ezek 2:8–3:4 Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 Matt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

Saturday Assumption Rev 11:19a;12:1-6a, 10ab Ps 45:10, 11,12, 16 1 Cor 15:20-27 Luke 1:39-56

Wednesday Ezek 9:1-7; 10:18-22 Ps 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 Matt 18:15-20

20th Sunday in Ord. Time Isa 56:1, 6-7 Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 Rom 11:13-15, 29-32 Matt 15:21-28

SJC 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9, 2020 Page 15

Before you go…. Reflection Questions for the Week Elizabeth greets Mary, “Blessed are you who believed / that

what was spoken to you by the Lord / would be fulfilled.” How is Mary a model of belief and discipleship in your life?

Mary begins the Magnificat, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.” How do you seek to magnify the Lord with your life?

We all need companions in the spiritual life. Who do you journey with along the road of discipleship?

For the adult seeker, the RCIA or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an opportunity to gather as a small group and explore what it means to be Catholic, how it connects to daily life and whether or not it is what you truly want and what God wants for you. The RCIA process is a unique time of growth and inspiration that culminates in reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.

For additional information and answers to the most commonly asked questions contact our Pastoral Associate, Steve Weigand at: or go to

Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?

Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?

Has not been baptized?

Are you someone or do you know someone who…

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Consider RememberingYour Parish in Your Will.

For further information, please call the Parish Office.