Post on 16-Oct-2021

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MASS SCHEDULE - HORARIOS DE MISAS Sunday/Domingo: 8:00am,10:30am, 12:30pm (Spanish Mass), 5:00pm Saturday/Sabado: 4:00pm (Vigil) Monday/Lunes 6:30am Tuesday/Martes 5:30pm Wednesday/Miércoles 6:30am & 5:30pm (Spanish) Thursday / Jueves 6:30am & 5:30pm Friday / Viernes 6:30am & 5:30pm. Adoration from 7am-noon.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION—CONFESIONES Saturday: 3:00-3:45pm. Thirty minutes before all other Masses on Weekdays & Week-ends or anytime by appointment.

ADORATION - ADORACION: Main Church - Fridays 7:00am - 12:00pm noon. Adoración en español cada Primer Sabado de mes a las 6pm

OFFICE HOURS - HORARIOS DE OFICINA: Office in the Community Center

M-Wed 8:30am-3:30pm., Thur. 8:30-11:30am; 1:00pm-3:30pm (Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00pm). Friday 8:30am-12:00pm

CLERGY TEAM—GRUPO DE SACERDOTES: Very Reverend Matthew Cormier V.F., Pastor—Párroco Reverend Joseph Caraway; Parochial Vicar—Vicario Parroquial Deacon Josue Canelo Deacon Patrick Hebert

OFFICE STAFF– PERSONAL DE OFICINA: Phyllis Kittling, Secretary Bianca Angulo de Gonzalez, Spanish Ministry Secretary Ricardo Ruvalcaba, Spanish Pastoral Assistant Paula Shefield, Bookkeeper

FAITH FORMATION - FORMACION DE FE Emma Flanagan, CCD Religious Education Phyllis Kittling, Adult Religious Education (RCIA) Ricardo Ruvalcaba, Spanish Religious Education (RCIA)

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY (337) 436-7223 - Debra Richard Calls Mondays & Tuesdays ONLY. NO WALK-INS. Appointments only. Llamadas solo Lunes & Martes.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM—SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO: For dates and times, please contact the church office.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK—SACRAMENTO PARA ENFERMOS If a parishioner is seriously ill or in danger of death and wishes to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or a visit from a priest, please contact the church office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE—SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Contact the priest six months prior to setting the wedding date. A pre-marriage course is mandatory. Contactar al sacerdote seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda. El curso de preparación es mandatorio.


PHONE (337) 436-7223 FAX (337) 436-4614;;


OCTOBER 10TH, 2021

View this bulletin online at

GIFTS In today’s readings, we discover that material wealth alone does not keep us from discipleship. We will see that there are other gifts more important than material wealth, but even so, it is how we use our gifts that matters most. Today’s scriptures point to the value of the gifts of wisdom, trusting in God, and letting our actions reflect the love of God from within. It is not gold that causes us to fall, but rather the desire for gold above all other things. From the readings in Wisdom and Hebrews, we find the source of God’s gifts in our lives. Wisdom is more valuable than worldly possessions. In Hebrews, we are challenged to look at our own values and admit honestly what controls our lives. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

DONES En las lecturas de hoy, se descubre que la riqueza material por sí sola no nos impide ser discípulos. Vere-mos que hay otros dones más importantes que la rique-za material, pero aún así, es cómo usamos nuestros dones lo que más importa. Las Escrituras de hoy señalan el valor de los dones de la sabiduría, la confianza en Dios y dejando que nuestras acciones reflejen el amor de Dios desde nues-tro interior. No es el oro lo que nos hace caer, sino más bien el deseo del oro por encima de todas las demás cosas. De las lecturas de la Sabiduría y de la Carta a los Hebreos, encontramos la fuente de los dones de Dios en nuestras vidas. La sabiduría es más valiosa que las posesiones mundanas. En Hebreos se nos reta a exami-nar nuestros valores y admitir honestamente lo que controla nuestras vidas. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.



It is with a heavy heart that I must announce, that after con-sulting with our neighboring dioceses and with our Bishop, I have made the difficult decision to rescind the invitation to the Guadalupe Torch-Run. The Diocese of Lake Charles and St. Henry Catholic Church will not be participating in this year’s Torch-Run. La Antorcha Guadalupana is, in itself, a wonderful event. The flame, along with images of Our Lady and St. Juan Diego, are carried from the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan. This pilgrimage has for many years been a public testament of faith in the in-tercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a public witness of people’s love for her and her Son. Our local Church has always been proud to host the flame, images, and the runners as they pass through our area and we would love to be able to do that this year as well. Sadly, however, in recent years, some superstitious practices have arisen surrounding the Torch-Run. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “The first commandment forbids honoring gods other than the one Lord who has revealed himself to his people. It pro-scribes superstition and irreligion. Superstition in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion; irreligion is the vice contrary by defect to the virtue of religion. Superstition is the deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary. To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramen-tal signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand, is to fall into supersti-tion”. (2110-2111) This year, Asociación Tepeyac, which is the organization that organizes the Torch-Run, has asked participating dioceses to send personal information (including photographs) of partici-pants with the intention of using that personal information in ways that are spiritually dangerous. Our Lady of Guadalupe would not want her children to be exposed to evil. As your Pas-tor, your souls have been entrusted to my care. I cannot, in good conscience, expose your souls to such danger. Until this practice is corrected, Catholics should not participate in the Torch-Run or give money to Asociación Tepeyac. Let us pray for those who have introduced these practices. May their eyes be opened to see the danger involved so that, in fu-ture years, faithful Catholics may again participate in this beautiful display of Marian devotion. Knowing how much our community loves to take part in this devotion to Our Blessed Mother, the possibility of hosting our own local Torch-Run style event was discussed. Due to the short-time frame, it was decided against. Instead, let us focus our efforts and energy on other upcoming events. On Novem-ber 12, the Diocese kicks off its first ever Eucharistic Congress with a bilingual prayer vigil at the Civic Center Amphitheatre followed by a candle-light Eucharistic Procession to the Cathe-dral followed by all-night adoration. On Wednesday November 17, there will be a Eucharistic Congress event in Spanish here at St. Henry’s beginning with Mass at 5:30pm followed by ado-ration, confession, and talks by a guest priest. On Sunday, No-vember 21, the Solemnity of Christ the King, there will be a special bilingual Mass at 12:30pm followed by our annual Eu-charistic Procession. Then on December 11, we will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Hispanic Community at St. Henry’s with a Mass celebrated by our Bishop. God-willing, there will be a party afterwards. May Our Lady of Guadalupe continue to guide and protect the Hispanic Community in the Diocese of Lake Charles and lead us all to her divine Son.

ANUNCIO INPORTANTE DE LA ANTORCHA GUADALUPANA Con gran tristeza debo anunciar, que después de consultar con nuestras diócesis vecinas y con nuestro Obispo, he tomado la difí-cil decisión de rescindir la invitación a la Carrera de la Antorcha de Guadalupana. La Diócesis de Lake Charles y la Iglesia Católica de San Henry no participarán en la Carrera de la Antorcha de este año. La Antorcha Guadalupana, es, en sí misma, un evento maravillo-so. La llama, junto con imágenes de Nuestra Señora y San Juan Diego, son llevadas desde la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guada-lupe en Ciudad de México hasta la Catedral de San Patricio en Manhattan. Esta peregrinación ha sido durante muchos años un testimonio público de fe de la intercesión de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y un testimonio público del amor de la gente a ella y a su Hijo. Nuestra Iglesia local siempre ha estado orgullosa de al-bergar la llama, las imágenes y los corredores a medida que pasan por nuestra área y nos encantaría poder hacerlo este también año. Sin embargo, lamentablemente, en los últimos años, han surgido algunas prácticas supersticiosas en torno a la Carrera de la Antor-cha. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica enseña: “El primer mandamiento prohíbe honrar a dioses distintos del único Señor que se ha revelado a su pueblo. Proscribe la supers-tición y la irreligión. La superstición en cierto sentido representa un exceso perverso de la religión; la irreligión es el vicio contra-rio por defecto a la virtud de la religión. La superstición es la desviación del sentimiento religioso y de las prácticas que este sentimiento impone. Incluso puede afectar la adoración que ofrecemos al Dios verdadero, por ejemplo, cuando uno atribuye una importancia de alguna manera mágica a cier-tas prácticas que de otra manera serían legales o necesarias. Atribuir la eficacia de las oraciones o de los signos sacramenta-les a su mera realización externa, al margen de las disposiciones interiores que exigen, es caer en la superstición". (2110-2111) Este año, la Asociación Tepeyac, que es la organización que orga-niza la Carrera de la Antorcha, ha pedido a las diócesis participan-tes que envíen información personal (incluidas fotografías) de los participantes con la intención de usar esa información personal de maneras que son espiritualmente peligrosas. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe no querría que sus hijos estuvieran expuestos al mal. Como su Pastor, sus almas han sido confiadas a mi cuidado. No puedo, en buena conciencia, exponer sus almas a tal peligro. Hasta que no se corrija esta práctica, los católicos no deben parti-cipar en la Carrera de la Antorcha ni dar dinero a la Asociación Tepeyac. Oremos por aquellos que han introducido estas prácticas. Que se les abran los ojos para ver el peligro que entraña para que, en los años venidos, los fieles católicos vuelvan a participar en esta her-mosa muestra de devoción Mariana. Sabiendo lo mucho que nuestra comunidad ama participar en esta devoción a Nuestra Santísima Madre, se discutió la posibilidad de organizar nuestro propio evento local de estilo Carrera de la An-torcha. Debido al corto plazo, se decidió no hacerlo. En su lugar, centremos nuestros esfuerzos y energía en otros eventos venide-ros. El 12 de noviembre, la Diócesis inicia su primer Congreso Eucarístico con una vigilia de oración bilingüe en el Anfiteatro del Centro Cívico seguida de una Procesión Eucarística a la luz de las velas a la Catedral seguida de adoración durante toda la noche. El miércoles 17 de noviembre, habrá un evento del Congreso Euca-rístico en español aquí en San Henry comenzando con la Misa a las 5:30pm despues de adoración, confesiones y charlas de un sacerdote invitado. El domingo 21 de noviembre, en la Solemni-dad de Cristo Rey, habrá una misa especial bilingüe a las 12:30pm., seguida de nuestra Procesión Eucarística anual. Luego, el 11 de diciembre, celebraremos el 25 aniversario de la Comuni-dad Hispana en San Henry con una Misa celebrada por nuestro Obispo. Si Dios quiere, habrá una fiesta después. Que Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe continúe guiando y protegien-do a la comunidad hispana en la Diócesis de Lake Charles y nos conduzca a todos a su divino Hijo.



VIRGEN PEREGRINA Para recibir a la imagen de la Virgen en

sus hogares, contactar a Ana Martinez 337-532-6955.

Unámonos en oración.

WEEKLY OFFERTORY September 25th/26th 2021

(Building & Maintenance) Masses 1st Collection $13,439.00 4pm $ 2,519.00 8am $ 2,857.00 10:30am $ 2,207.00 12:30pm $ 1,056.00 5:00pm $ 1,109.00 $ 9,748.00


October 11th — October 17th, 2021 in Memory/Honor of:

Main Church — Henry Martin Jackson+

Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held in the Main Church on Fridays

from 7AM – 12PM Noon.

If you can’t do every Friday, sign up as a substitute.

"Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians and you will see what

miracles are." - St. John Bosco

Please observe SILENCE in and around the Church.

Adoración Eucarística

La Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento es en la Iglesia los viernes de 7AM – 12PM del Mediodia.

Si no puede asistir todos los viernes, regístrese como sustituto.

"Confía todas las cosas a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento y a María Auxiliadora y verás lo que son

los milagros." - San Juan Bosco Por favor manténgase en SILENCIO en y alrededor de la Iglesia.

Adoración en Español: Cada Primer Sábado de mes a las 6:00PM .



Pro Life Prayers

First Saturday of each month @ 9:30AM. Rosary following at 10:00am

in the main Church

Oraciones Pro Vida

Cada Primer Sabado de mes a las 9:30AM. Seguida la Oración del

Rosario a las 10:00am en la Iglesia.

NEXT WEEKEND SECOND COLLECTION Oct 16th/17th St. Vincent de Paul

During the Month of October, the Rosary

will be prayed 30 minutes before Mass.

Public Square Rosary Rally St. Henry Catholic Church located at 1021 8th Avenue, invites everyone to join in a Public Square Rosary Rally on Sat-urday, October 16 at 12:00 noon. The rally will be held on the St. Henry grounds near the Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue (3rd Street side), weather permit-ting (location to be announced, call the Parish office). The Public Rosary is spon-sored by America Needs Fatima which

encourages us to pray for intentions such as World Peace, Families, and Respect for Life. Please bring your own chairs. For more information call the church office 337-436-7223

Reunion Publica para Rezar el Rosario La Iglesia Catolica de San Henry ubicada en 1021 8th Avenue, invita a todos a unirse para rezar el rosario en lugar público el sábado, 16 de octubre a las 12:00 del mediodía. La concentración tendrá lugar en el terreno de San Henry cerca de la es-tatua del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (en la lateral de la calle 3) si el tiempo lo permite, (la ubicación será anunciada, llame a la oficina de la parroquia). Este Rosario públi-

co es patrocinado por América Necesita de Fátima, que nos anima a orar por intenciones como la Paz Mundi-al, las Familias y el Respeto a la Vida. Por favor lleve una sila. Para mas información llamen a las oficinas de la Igle-sia al 337-436-7223

“Save the Date” We will have a 12:30pm Bilingual Mass followed by a Eucharistic Procession on Sunday, November 21st. More details to come.

“Reserve el Día” Tendremos Misa Bilingue a las 12:30pm después de la Procesión Eucaristica el domingo, 21 de Noviembre. Se darán mas detalles al acercarse el dia.


We remember in the weekly EUCHARIST

MONDAY, October 11th, 2021 6:30AM– Elsie+ & John Sterling Sr.+ TUESDAY, October 12th, 2021 5:30PM— Lillian Rosteet+ (Death Anniversary) WEDNESDAY, October 13th 2021 6:30AM— Linton+ & Mary Lecompte+ 5:30PM— Norris Benoit+ THURSDAY, October 14th, 2021 Our Lady of the Rosary 6:30AM - Barbara Hand+ 5:30PM– Lester Orphey (Birthday) FRIDAY, October 15th, 2021 St. Teresa of Jesus 6:30AM— Linton+ & Mary Lecompte+ 5:30PM - Eugene H. Eccles+ SATURDAY, October 16th, 2021 4:00PM– Allen J. Keys Sr.+, Marjorie (Margie) Keys+, Allen J. Keys Jr.+, Hubert A. Keys Sr.+, Cynthia M. Keys+, Carl A. Keys+, Tammy Pitre+, Ida Mae Pitre+, Patrick Guillory+, Edith Guillory+, James Pitre+ SUNDAY, October 17th, 2021 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

8:00AM– Donald George+, Justin Picou+, Ronnie George+ 10:30AM– Gina Marie Boutte+ 12:30PM– Lester & Sandra Orphey (51st Wedding Anniversary)

5:00PM– Missa Pro Populo

PLEASE PRAY FOR: Etta Jasmine, Mary Smith, Terrel Biagas, Angelica Breaux, Mildred Fontenot, Elizabeth & Felton Malbrough, Joe Tupper, Kim Ledoux, Mary Loving, Alejandro Cruz, Missy Duhon & Sue Broussard, Nucia Rocio & Joseli Labrador, Joaquin Vazquez-Dilan, Shirley C., Lena Basile, Joseph Bufford, Ken Case., Shajia Mitchell, Marlin Demouchet, R. Lecompte & Fmly, Joseph Victorian, Leatrice Hubert, Blaine LeCompte, Celeste Aubry, Arthur Auzenne, Kristie Frazier, John Guillory, Catherine Eccles, Debra LeCompte, Keith Thibodeaux, Marsha Lemele & Fmly, Lou Richard, Anthony Guidry, Barbara Maye, Margaret Papillion Lartigue, Jackie Mayo, Debra Moses, Ted Aubry, Ana Alphonse, Earl Lemell, Cheryl Ramuar, Gladys Johnson, Talitha Pitre, Ray, Wendi & Christina Bustillo, Issac & Candice Flores, Raul Mora Carrasco, Joyce Thibodeaux, Leven Harmon, Mary & Tommy Frank, Janice Guillory, Sharri, Jean, Sandra & Francis Bellow, Bernice Bushnell, Quincy Malveaux, Helen & Sheryl LeCompte, Clara Hebert, Richard & Leona Smith, Mary Wiltz, Janice Guilla, Rachelle Malveaux, Virginia Carrier, Jamerika M. Carrier, Brian Melancon, Jeronimo Gobellan, Thaddeus Guillory, Michael Rideau, Shirley Miller, Carolyn Bargeman, Diane Crosby, Gwendolyn LaFleur & Fly, Jerry & Marie Jones, Oliver & Jenise Jones, Jesiah Pouchie, Carson Johnson, Robert, Paula, Joseph, Appoloine & Quinessa Handy, Kim Bellengar, Clifton LeBlue, Teri Oeder, Stella Vital, Paul Brown, Jr., Shirley Aubry, Margaret Dunbar, Orelia Lavergne, Joshua Aubry, Glenn Broussard & Fly, Al Williams, John & Connie Guillory, Darius Batchan, Henry Simon, Ambrose Bushnell, C. J. Woodard Jr., Rob Alfred, Aquila Peltier, Russell Trahan, Denise Gatson, Gisselle Gonzalez & Fly, Leroy Blunt, Beulah Victorian, Percy & Bernice Guillory, Fred & Geri Dargin, Connie Lemelle, Eltra Trahan, Phillip & Rose Gotch, Elmira Rideau, Lenora Jennings, Greer Joubert, Clifford Shuff, Larry Parker, George McCarthy, Florence Guillory, Joseph Rubit, Retha Franklin, Linda Malbrough, Mary L. Fontenot, James, Joseph and Gerard Richard, Breylynn Morgan, Alice Victor, Justin Bartie, Alexander & Daniel Ozane.

Please check the prayer list; names are removed after 4 weeks. (337-436-7223).

October 16th - 17th 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass Time: 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. EMHC Bessie Auzenne Rose Greene Vicky Hilliard Deacon Canelo Celeste Aubry Deacon Bushnell Lector Irene Metoyer Carla Goodly Vicky Hilliard Miguel Del Rosal Celeste Aubry Esthelal Del Rosal Ushers Debra Richard Neal Moore Marciano Darbone Judith Gill Edward Mason Joseph Bilbo Rosella Guillory Alzarie Hypolite Oscar Guerrero Blue Ballou Jr. Joyce LeFrere Timothy Jones Theresa Stevens Maria Neira Lionel Chiasson Mark Charles John Guillory Gilberto Morales Joseph Mar n Carlos Metoyer Altar Server Braydon Pitre Kourtney Jackson Kaitlyn Turner Brayan Mar nez Emmanuel Mouton Adam Jeurreau Jayden Broussard Juan C. Garcia Luis Garcia Ramiro Mar nez Angel Segura-Mateo


PRAY FOR OUR LOVE ONES IN THE MILITARY Jesus Tellez, Carmen Rigmaiden, Brandon Guillory, Robert Davis, Joseph David Car-mouche III, Erik L. Jackson, Kenneth Reed, Luther Thomas Jr., Jason Soileau, Marieta A. Bias, Mark Theriot Jr., Roy James Vital Jr., Trawn & Angela Poe, Jerome Louis, Bryan Soileau, Carl Bellard, Marissa Thibodeaux Jones, Jason Jones, Matthew Goodwin, Desmond Keith LaFleur, Jason Arceneaux, Corey Beverly, Chris Rhodes, James Compton, Brian Johnson, Clinton Willis, Michael Knatt, Marcus Hughes, Nicholas Cormier, Desmond Keith Lafleur, Anna Lee Lafleur, Clifton Knight, Destiny Obrien, Hayley Rene Paul.




English Masses Spanish Mass Nancy Thibodeaux Oct. 16 Sara Teniente Oct. 16

Bessie Auzenne Oct. 31 Julia Nuñez Oct. 31

Latricia George Nov. 14 Sofia Alegros Nov. 14

Linda Chaney Nov. 28 Ana Maria Ruiz Nov. 28

Mary Darbone Dec. 12 Esther Rivera Dec. 12 Bettina Rougeau Jan. 9 Ricardo Ru-

valcaba Ene. 9

Sydney Thomas Jan. 23 Bianca Angulo Ene. 23

Mary Bellard Feb. 6 Fabiola Mateo Feb. 6

Myrna Keys Feb. 20 Yolanda Osornio Feb. 20

VOCATION CRUCIFIX – CRUCIFIJO VOCACIONAL If your family is interested to receive the Vocation Crucifix, please call the Church Office. Si su familia desea recibir la Cruz vocacional, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia.


READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51 Wednesday: 1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12ab; Mt 23:27-32 Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a, 12-14, 17; Mt 24:42-51 Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12; Mt 25:1-13 Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mt 25:14-30 Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23


MARK YOUR CALENDARS! MARQUEN EN SUS CALENDARIOS! Supporting vocations: As Catholics, we are called to support and promote vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. One of the many ways is to join the Serra Club. This is an international organization that centers on supporting not only the seminarians but our priests, deacons and religious. The Serra Club of Lake Charles meets monthly and includes a guest speaker that covers many topics or projects of Catholic interests. If you would like more information on this wonderful organization, please contact Stephanie Kirk at; or Nila Halloran at or 337-802-0883.

Eucharistic Procession Please join Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish and the Religious Sisters of Mercy for a Eucharistic Procession on Wednesday, November 3, 2021. We will begin at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church at 5:00pm, and process to Saint Martin de Porres Convent at 1414 Martha Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601. If you would just like to join us for the reception, you are welcome to come to the Convent from 6:15pm-7:30pm. RSVP to or 337-564-0030.

Apoyo a las vocaciones: Como católicos, estamos llamados a apoyar y promover las vocaciones al sacerdo-cio y a la vida religiosa. Una de las muchas formas es la de unirse al Serra Club. Esta es una organización inter-nacional que se centra en apoyar no sólo a los semi-naristas sino a nuestros sacerdotes, diáconos y religiosos. El Serra Club de Lake Charles se reúne mensualmente e incluye un orador invitado que cubre muchos temas o proyectos de interés católico. Si desea más información sobre esta maravillosa organización, por favor contacte a Stephanie Kirk at; o Nila Halloran at or 337-802-0883.

Procesión Eucarística Únete a la Parroquia Inmaculado Corazón de María y a las Religiosas de la Misericordia para una Procesión Eu-carística el miércoles 3 de noviembre de 2021. Comenzaremos en la Iglesia del Inmaculado Co-razón de María a las 5:00 p.m., y procesaremos has-ta el Convento de San Martín de Porres en 1414 Martha Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601. Si desea unirse a no-sotros para la recepción, puede venir al Convento de 6:15 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. Confirme su asistencia en o al 337-564-0030.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wednesday, February 2, 2021

Wednesday, March 9, 2021

Wednesday, April 6, 2021

Wednesday, May 4, 2021

Candlelight Eucharistic Procession to Cathedral Friday, November 12, 2021

Starting Point: Lake Charles Civic Center Amphitheater 5:30pm English/Spanish Worship and Praise Music 6:30pm Rosary in English and Spanish for Healing 7:15pm Candlelight Procession to Cathedral and all Night. Adoration until 6am at Cathedral Procesión Eucarística a la Luz de las Velas hasta la Catedral Viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021 Punto de partida: Anfiteatro de Lake Charles ( Lake Charles Civic Center Amphitheater) 5:30pm Adoración y música de la Alabanza en español e inglés 6:30pm Rosario de sanacion en inglés y español 7:15pm Procesión con Velas hasta la Catedral toda la noche. Adoración hasta las 6am en la Catedral.

Sacred Heard Cemetery is pleased to announce that ar-rangements have been completed with American Ceme-tery Consultants to build the new Mausoleum in Sa-cred Heart of Jesus Cemetery. This program has the full approval of His Excellency, Glen John Provost, Bish-op of Lake Charles. Sales representatives of American Cemetery Consultants will be contacting interested families in the Lake Charles area beginning the week of October 11, 2021, to answer questions about the new mausoleum. Spaces for the new mausoleum are reserved on a first come basis. Cemetery Mass will be on November 7, 2021 at 2:30pm. They are asking that you begin to forward your list of deceased members from November 2020 up to October 31, 2021. We will also be cleaning the Ceme-tery on October 26, 2021 between the hours of 9:00am and 12:00 noon if your confirmation students want to earn service hours.



Prayer for Safety in Hurricane Season O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed Your order and returned to its former quietude. You are still the Master of the land and sea. We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control; the Gulf, like a provoked and angry giant, can awake from its seeming lethargy and overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land and spread chaos and disaster. During this hurricane season, we turn to You, O loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with the passing of time. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Be-loved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son in our be-half, so that spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we may walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son to reach the heavenly Jeru-salem where a stormless eternity awaits us. Amen. Oh, Dios, Maestro de este mundo que pasa, escucha las hu-mildes voces de tus hijos. El Mar de Galilea obedeció su or-den y regresó a su antigua quietud; Tu sigues siendo el Maestro de la tierra y el mar. Vivimos a la sombra de un peli-gro sobre el cual no tenemos control. El Golfo, como un gi-gante provocado y enojado, puede despertar de su aparente letargo, sobrepasar sus límites convencionales, invadir nues-tra tierra y propagar el caos y el desastre. Durante esta tem-porada de huracanes, nos dirigimos a Ti, oh Padre amoro-so. Libranos de tragedias pasadas cuyos recuerdos siguen siendo tan vívidos y cuyas heridas parecen negarse a sanar con el paso del tiempo. Oh Virgen, Estrella del Mar, Madre Nuestra Amada, te pedimos que supliques a tu Hijo en nues-tro nombre, para que nos salves de las calamidades comunes a esta zona y animados con un verdadero espíritu de grati-tud, caminemos siguiendo los pasos de tu Hijo Divino para llegar a la Jerusalén celestial donde nos espera una eternidad sin tormentas. Amén.

Position Available for Director of Finance for Diocese of LC

The Director of Finance Position Open followed by the Job Description: A practicing Roman Catholic in good standing with the Church who is committed to overseeing the fiscal management of the diocese, working with Clergy and Laity in church parishes, fostering an atmosphere of dialogue with colleagues in all areas of the diocese and community for the betterment of procedures and practices to promote good stewardship at all levels. This position provides guidance and instruction to personnel in the Fiscal Office, overseeing their work as their immediate supervisor. As the Chair of all Finance Council meetings, he or she presents reports and answers questions regard-ing the state of affairs of all finances for the diocese. "FOR MORE INFORMATION on requirements and how to apply, visit the Diocese of Lake Charles web-site":

Retreat for Healing After Abortion

If you are struggling with guilt, depression, regret or other difficult emotions from an abortion, you are not

alone. Come experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat:

October 22-24, 2021, at the Saint Charles Center in Moss Bluff.

The weekend retreat is sponsored by Diocese of Lake Charles and will combine discussions, spiritual exercis-es, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a Memorial Ser-

vice and a Mass of Entrustment. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to expe-

rience God’s love, forgiveness and compassion. The cost is $225.00 for meals, private room with private bath, and all retreat materials. Financial assistance is available. For more information or registration con-tact: RV of SWLA Marjorie Long 337-489-2473 or


Parishioners Information Updates If you have moved or change your address, please inform the Church office (337) 436-7223

Si cambio de dirección o se trasladó, por favor informe su dirección a la oficina de la Iglesia (337) 436-7223

ANN’S OFFICE Marjorie A. Keys-Pitre

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