St Columb's College · Revision (Summer 2017) Subject English Year Group 9 Examination length 1...

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Transcript of St Columb's College · Revision (Summer 2017) Subject English Year Group 9 Examination length 1...

St Columb's College

Revision Pack

Year 9

Summer 2017

How to Revise

There are a few things that you can do to make your

revision for the Summer Exams as effective as possible.

Revision Environment:

You should try to make sure you have good surroundings

when you are trying to revise.

Find a quiet place so you don’t get distracted

Make sure you are sitting comfortably

Keep background noise a minimum e.g. TV, radio.

Make sure the area is well lit so you don’t strain your eyes.

Revision plan:

It is suggested that making a revision plan helps some people to revise more effectively.

Included in this pack you will find a suggested revision timetable. You can download more

copies off the school website.

Make a list of all your exam subjects and try to assign an amount of time needed

for each subject. For example if there is an area that you find difficult, then

maybe you should give more time to this subject.

Revise often and try to do a bit everyday.

Break your revision time down – aim to study each subject for no more than 15-20

minutes at a time.

Include time off and breaks in your revision plan. Aim to take a 5 minute break

after every session.

Remember to include variety in your plan – not only in the subjects you revise but

also the techniques you use.

Revision techniques:

Here are a few ideas as to how you can revise most effectively.

Create memory aids such as diagrams or mnemonics

(e.g. for the order of colours in the rainbow:

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)

- Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain).

Write key facts on pieces of cards and display them

around your house or even on the way to school.

Study with someone at home or with a friend and test

each other’s knowledge

Remember to reward yourself. Use rewards as incentive to do the revision.

On the day before the exam:

Use your revision tools (e.g. diagrams, mnemonics etc) to check facts

Keep calm – don’t try to learn new topics so close to an exam.

Don’t stay up all night.

Please remember that revision isn’t a competition. It’s not about who stayed up all night

and revised the longest. It is about finding the right revision methods that suit your way

of learning. Try out some of the techniques mentioned and you will find that revision isn’t

as scary as you first thought. Getting started is often the hardest bit.

Some Useful Revision Websites

Revision Timetable

Week 1 2 3

Day Revision

Slot 1


Slot 2


Slot 3


Slot 4


Slot 5


Slot 6









ARTIST RESEARCH NAME ___________________ CLASS_____ GMC

ARTIST ONE = Georgia O’Keeffe Complete Incomplete

Write or type name of artist at top of page Include definition of American Modernism

Large – Colourful - Creative

10 bullet points about the life & work of artist and 5 interesting key facts

Born – Died – Place of Birth – Education – Style – Movement – Medium etc

Print 1 painting by the artist - glue down & include title above work

DESCRIPTION - Key facts about the selected painting – Name- Year – Medium - Size

ANALYSIS 5-10 bullet points/ Analyse the selected painting using ART terminology

Composition – Mood – Form– Tone – Shade - Colour – Line – Shape – Space - Texture

Your own A4 colour reproduction of painting Grade

Interpretation – What do you think of the artist’s work and your own? EVALUATION


Write or type name of artist at top of page Include definition of Modern Art

Large – Colourful - Creative

10 bullet points about the life & work of artist and 5 interesting key facts

Born – Died – Place of Birth – Education – Style – Movement – Medium etc

Print 1 paintings by the artist - glue down & include title above work DESCRIPTION -

Key facts about the selected painting – Name- Year – Medium - Size

ANALYSIS 5-10 bullet points/ Analyse the selected painting using ART terminology

Composition – Mood – Form– Tone – Shade - Colour – Line – Shape – Space - Texture

Your own A4 colour reproduction of painting Grade

Interpretation – What do you think of the artist’s work and your own? EVALUATION

ARTIST TWO = HENRI MATISSE Complete Incomplete

Write or type name of artist at top of page Include definition of Fauvism

Large – Colourful – Creative

10 bullet points about the life & work of artist and 5 interesting key facts

Born – Died – Place of Birth – Education – Style – Movement – Medium etc

Print 1 paintings by the artist - glue down & include title above work DESCRIPTION -

Key facts about the selected painting – Name- Year – Medium - Size

ANALYSIS 5-10 bullet points/ Analyse the selected painting using ART terminology

Composition – Mood – Form– Tone – Shade - Colour – Line – Shape – Space - Texture

Your own A4 colour reproduction of painting Grade

Interpretation – What do you think of the artist’s work and your own? EVALUATION

Revision (Summer 2017)

Subject English

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 Hour 15 Minutes


to be covered

for revision


Understanding of character – how is the character described in what he or she says and does

Selection of textual evidence to support views – picking out facts and quotes to support your


Understanding of setting – how does the location of the story add to its effectiveness

Understanding of writer’s techniques – how does the writer make his or her story interesting

or exciting?


Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Creative Writing – imaginative story telling

Awareness of audience – who are you writing for?


type(s) (e.g.



sources etc.)


Factual Recall

Question on Character

Question on Writer’s Techniques

Creative Writing



for examination


Revision (Summer 2017)

Subject French

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 Hour


to be covered

for revision

Revise vocabulary and grammar from the Units you covered before Christmas: Voilà 1 Units 11

and 12 and Voilà 2 Units 1 and 2 in your Vocabulary book and Workbooks, but focus on the

Units you have studied in Terms 2 and 3, as follows:

Unit 3 vocabulary

Grammar – expressions of quantity, e.g. un litre de limonade, un kilo de pommes

Regular –er verb endings : e, es, e - e.g. manger – to eat (remove er and add endings)

je mange, tu manges, il/elle mange

Unit 4 vocabulary

Grammar – il y a – there is, there are; il n’y a pas de – there isn’t, there aren’t

e.g. il y a un musée – there is a museum ; il n’y a pas de patinoire – there isn’t a skating rink

Unit 5 vocabulary

Grammar – masculine and feminine adjectives – add e to adjective if noun is feminine singular

(exceptions: sympa, beau/belle). If adjective already ends in e (e.g, riche, jeune), adjective stays the


to the … + masculine noun (au stade), + feminine noun (à la piscine), + singular noun beginning with a

vowel or h (à l’hôtel).

past tense (feminine agreement with être) – je suis allé (masculine), je suis allée (feminine)

Unit 6 vocabulary

Grammar – negative sentences (ne verb pas); the use of 'on' to mean 'we'

Unit 7 vocabulary

Grammar – je peux/je dois/tu veux + infinitive (faire/aller)

Unit 8 vocabulary, including clothes and adjectives to describe clothes

Grammar – the Perfect Tense – p71: j’ai _é (e.g. j’ai acheté). Past participles of irregular verbs: jai eu

(I had), j’ai fait (I did); singular (see Unit 5) and plural adjectives: add s to the singular form of the

adjective if the noun is plural (e.g. j’aime les pulls larges)

Unit 9 vocabulary and Future Tense with aller (follow your teacher’s advice regarding this unit)

Grammar – for to + people use chez, for to + places use au/à la; talking/writing about events in the

future using je vais + infinitive; the singular parts of the irregular verb aller: je vais, tu vas, il/elle/on va

Question type(s)

(e.g. diagrams,


sources etc.)

Instructions/questions in French. Matching up numbers and letters and writing answers in French. Be

familiar with the instructions in the Voilà 2 i-Books. If you are unsure how to answer a question on the

examination paper, look at the example.


requirements for


Revise from your Vocabulary and Grammar notebook and the Voilà 2 Workbook – ‘Sommaire’ pages

A pen is needed for the examination.

Answers must be written in the Answer Booklet provided.

Revision (Summer 2017)

Subject Geography

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 Hour


to be covered

for revision

Weathering and Erosion:

Definitions of weathering and erosion

Know and understand the agents of erosion

Hydrological cycle/ Water Cycle

Water cycle: Definition and be able to label diagram.

Rivers of Ireland and the World

Location of the main rivers in Ireland and the World


Drainage basin: definition of source, mouth, tributary, watershed and confluence.

River processes: Erosion, transportation and deposition

River Landforms/features:

Waterfalls: Explain formation with the aid of a diagram.

Our Environment

Non-renewable energy resources: Definition and examples.

Renewable energy resources: Definitions and examples.

Producing electricity: The operation of a thermal power station.

Oil: Know how it forms; what is peak oil?; problems of depending on oil in the future.

Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy resources e.g. wind power, and

alternative energy resources – nuclear power


Population distribution: Definitions

Population density: Definition and calculation

Factors that affect population distribution and density: Physical and Human factors, both

positive and negative; be able to apply factors to global examples of areas of high and low

population distribution/density.

Population change: Definitions for Natural Increase, natural decrease, birth rate death rate,

life expectancy, population growth rate, population explosion; global population change over

time, factors that affect birth rate only; differences in population growth rates between

MEDCs and LEDCs. What is a population policy? ; China as example.

Migration: Definitions of key terms associated with migration; push and pull factors;

refugees and asylum seeker – differences, challenges and how countries deal with them.


Grid references and how height is shown on a map – contour lines, layer colouring, spot height.


type(s) (e.g.



sources etc.)

A variety of questions will be included: Open ended questions requiring answers

with full sentences, analysing maps and diagrams.



for exam

Pen, pencil, ruler, rubber and coloured pencils.

Revision Summer 2017

Subject German

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 Hour


to be covered

for revision

The exam lasts for 1 hour and consists of two parts:

Part 1 = Reading

Here you must read sentences/passages and match pictures with words or sentences or

numbers or fill in words that are given. The topics will be ‘food’, ‘leisure/travel’, ‘daily

routine/housework’, ‘school timetable’ and ‘personal details’. You must know the questions

“Wer sagt das?” and “Richtig oder falsch oder ? (nicht im Text)”.

Part 2 = Writing

Here you must write an e-mail to a German partner. Correct spelling is important in this

section! Remember that German nouns begin with a capital letter.

For this part you need to revise spellings of

Describing a person (Mein Bruder ist …/ meine Schwester hat …)

Describing your family (Ich habe einen Bruder und zwei Schwestern. Sie heiβen )

Family relationships (Ich mag meine Mutter, weil …/ Wir verstehen uns gut, weil..)

Pocket money (Ich bekomme fünf Pfund pro Woche von meiner Mutter. Ich spare

für …)

Writing in the past tense (Ich habe Fuβball gespielt. Ich bin in die Stadt gegangen.)

(The questions will be very much like the questions on the speaking test!)



Some questions are in English and must be answered in English!





You will get an exam paper containing the reading section (Part 1). You should write your

answers into the exam paper. The writing section (Part 2) is on a separate sheet . Insert the

writing paper into the reading paper when you are finished and hand up the whole paper as


Revision (Summer 2017)

Subject History

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 Hour


to be covered

for revision

Ancient Civilisations

The Aztecs

The Incas

The Effects of Voyages of Discovery


Problems in the Church

The Reformation in Europe (Luther, Calvin, Knox)

Henry VIII

Religious Change in England and Ireland

Counter-reformation (New religious orders etc.)

Results of the Reformation


English Policy in Ireland

Munster Rebellion and Plantation

The Nine Years’ War

The Ulster Plantation


type(s) (e.g.



sources etc.)

1. Sources

2. Structured essay

3. Knowledge-type questions





Blue/black pen

Revision (Summer 2017)

Subject Home Economics


to be covered

for revision


Identification of the main nutrients, functions and sources

Be able to draw/label The Eatwell Guide and the Healthy Eating Pyramid


Functions and sources


Function and sources (be able to give examples of animal and plant sources)


Functions of fibre (reasons why we need it), how to increase fibre intake and health

problems associated with a low fibre diet.

Sources of fibre in the diet (foods high in fibre)

Calcium and Iron

Functions of calcium and iron (reasons why we need it) and deficiencies i.e. osteoporosis

and anaemia, symptoms of anaemia

Sources of calcium and iron in the diet


Sources of fat in the diet (animal and plant)

Functions of fat (reasons why we need it) and health problems associated with a high fat


Difference between saturated and unsaturated fat and dangers of cholesterol.

Examples of food with visible and invisible fat

What does CHD stand for?


Where sugar comes from i.e. plants and where they are grown

Types of sugar and uses

Explanation of hidden sugar, and how to care for your teeth

Working out amount of tsp of sugar in food


The chemical name for salt

Why we need salt in our bodies

Foods high in salt and health problems associated with a high salt diet

Dietary Goals

Possible health problems associated with not following the dietary goals

Advice on how to meet the dietary goals

Practical cookery

Identification of small equipment and their uses

Explanation of rubbing in and creaming methods

Methods of cookery involving dry and moist heat

Family and Consumerism

Define/explain different types of family units

Define/explain the needs of the family Question

type(s) (e.g.



sources etc.)

A variety of questions will be used – multiple choice, true or false and short

answer style questions.



for exam

Pen, pencil, ruler, colouring in pencils

Year Group Year 9

Examination length 1 hour

Revision (Summer 2017)

Subject Irish

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 hour


to be covered

for revision

Holidays; where, when, how long, where did you stay etc


Hobbies and Interests including sporting equipment

Feelings e.g. I am tired etc

Myself and Others; physical and personality descriptions etc

Shopping; shops and items sold within, pricing etc

School life; subjects, preferences, school rooms, timetable etc

The House; descriptions, rooms, furniture etc.


type(s) (e.g.



sources etc.)

Comprehensions /

True / false

Multiple choice

Gap filling

Matching pictures to words / sentences

Written tasks at the end of the paper






Revision (Summer2017)

Subject Mathematics

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 hour




to be


for revision


amount of

marks to be


Trial and Improvement Solve equations using Trial and Improvement 2

Fractions and percentages

Find the percentage of an amount Find a fraction of an amount


Transformations Reflect, enlarge, translate and rotate a shape 4

Algebra Collect like terms and simplify expressions including the use of brackets. Form expression from worded problems. Substitute positive numbers into expressions involving powers. Solve equations with x on both sides. Finding the nth term of a sequence.


Angles Angle on a straight line, around a point and in a triangle. Angles in parallel lines eg. vertically opposite, adjacent, alternate and corresponding lines.


Statistics Draw a pie chart. Draw a stem and leaf diagram. Draw scatter graphs with lines of best fit and comment on correlation.


Ratio Share a quantity in a given ratio. 8

Area Area of rectangles, triangles, circles and compound shapes.


Pythagoras’ Theorem Find the length of any side in a right angled triangle using Pythagoras Theorem


Linear graphs Draw simple horizontal and vertical graphs e.g. y=3, x=-2 Draw straight line graphs using the three point table e.g. y = 4x +1


Simultaneous equations Solve simultaneous equations by elimination. 12

Averages Find the mean from a frequency table. 13

Volume of prisms Find the volume of a prism e.g. cubes, cuboid, triangular prisms and cylinders


Inequalities Show inequalities on a number line 15

Question type(s) (e.g.

diagrams, etc.)

Tips for your Summer Exam:

Use your notebook – this contains notes on everything.

Go through the exercises from the Year 8 ibook to revise each topic.

Once you’ve revised a topic using notes, try some questions that you’ve already done in your exercise book – then you can check the answer is right!

Revision material will be given out in class, the week before exams – this will be very useful so make sure you can attempt all the questions

It is very important that you show working out in a question where there is more than 1 mark available. You may lose marks if you do not show your working.


requirements for


Calculator, Pencil, Ruler, Pen.

Revision (Summer2017)

Subject Music

Year Group 9

Examination length 35 minutes


to be covered

for revision

(and amount

of marks to be


The Listening Test is worth 30% of your Summer mark (60 ÷ 2)

The test is divided into three sections:

Section One + Two: Listening Skills

You will also be asked to distinguish between a discord (unpleasant sound) and concord

(pleasant sound) (2 marks)

Please learn the information on two of the set works studied in class

1. Chieftains – Drowsy Maggie

Key Points: Main tune is a Reel in 4/4, Instruments include the fiddle, flute,

bodhran, tin whistle and uilleann pipes, plan of the music is introduction and ternary

form (ABA) (19 marks)

2. Fantasia on Greensleeves – by Ralph Vaughan Williams

Key Points: String Orchestra with flute & harp, main tunes are called

“Greensleeves” amd “Lovely Joan”, plan of the music is introduction and ternary

form (ABA). Note also the use of pizzicato and that the main tune is in A minor

(20 marks)

Section Three = Notation/Music Theory

It is vital that you learn the keys/scales for this section. A quick guide:

C major = no sharps/flats, G major = 1 sharp (f#), D major = 2 sharps (f# & c#),

F major has 1 flat (Bb), Bb major has 2 flats (Bb & Eb)

What makes a good tune: Lots of step movement (notes close together) and fewer leaps. It

is good practice to repeat notes (19 marks)


type(s) (e.g.



sources etc.)

Various types of questioning: short answers, multiple choice, drawing notes





Pen and pencil required

Revision Pro-Forma (Summer 2017)

Subject Religious Studies

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 Hour


to be covered

for revision

Starting on page 86 iBook

Term 2:

Lesson 1: Conflict - How to deal with it p.86-89

Lesson 2 & 3: Conflict among the followers of Jesus p.90-95

Lessons 4-6: the split between East and West p.96-100

Lessons 7-9: The Orthodox Church today p.101-107

Lesson 10-12: Worship in the Orthodox Church p.108-114

Lesson 13: Problems grow in western Christianity p.115-118

Lessons 14-15: Martin Luther p.119-123

Lesson 16: Christianity today p.124-127

Lessons 17-19: Introducing Presbyterianism p.128-142

Lesson 24: Jesus in the garden of gethsemane p.155-158

Lesson 25-26: The trials of Jesus p.159-167

Lesson 27: The death of Jesus p.168-170

Term 3:

Lesson1: The empty tomb p.171-174


type(s) (e.g.



sources etc.)

Knowledge and understanding questions which require students to write a few sentences on

main features of events, characters or beliefs.

Some evaluation questions which require students to give their opinion and support it with

reasoned argument.

All questions will be answered on the spaces provided in the answer book.






Revision (Summer 2017)

Subject Science

Year Group 9

Examination length 1 hour


to be covered

for revision





graphs etc




Pencil and


Separating Mixtures

Know what an element is and how to recognise it by its symbol. Know that there are three states of matter, solids, liquids

and gases: their arrangement, shape and volume. Their properties. Know the changes of state.

Know the difference between a pure substance and a mixture. Know the rules for mixtures.

Know why chemists use chemical equations.

Pressure and moments

Know that turning effect of a force is another name for the moment of a force.

Know that the turning effect of a lever depends on the force and its distance from the pivot

Know how to use the equation: Moment = force x perpendicular distance from the pivot . Know the Principle of Moments

(ACW = CW)and use it to calculate the size of a force or its distance from the pivot, when an object is balanced under the

turning effects of no more than two forces, one of which could be the object’s weight. Know that a lever is a simple

machine which uses a pivot.

Know how the effect of a force depends on the area to which it is applied. Know the relationship: pressure = force ÷ area

and use it in calculations. Know that it is acceptable to use units of Ncm-2, though Nm-2 and pascals may be used. Know

the differences in pressure between snowshoes and high heels in the snow. Know the difference between the terms ‘force’

and ‘pressure’.

Know that gases and liquids have internal pressure which depends on the weight of fluid above the point being considered.

Know that gases can be put under external pressure, and know some uses of this. Know why liquids are incompressible

and gases are compressible.

Know what causes pressure in air. Know how air pressure changes.

Atoms, Elements and Compounds Know what an element is.

Know that there are three states of matter, solids, liquids and gases.

Know how matter changes state

Know the difference between a physical and a chemical change

Know the difference between a pure substance and a mixture.

Know what makes up the air

Know how to separate mixtures

Know the main differences in the properties of metals and non-metals.

Know how to use the periodic table to find the names of elements

Know the difference between a compound and an element.

Know how to write simple word equations for simple reactions.

Know the chemical symbols for a few elements.

Know why chemists use chemical equations

Unit test (%) Summer test (%)


Mixtures 10 70

Pressure and



Atoms, Elements

and Compounds 10

Revision (Summer 2017)

Subject Spanish

Year Group Year 9

Examination length 1 hour


to be covered

for revision

Allocation of Marks:

Reading 20% Writing 20%

Listening 25% (completed) Vocab 10% (completed)

Speaking 25%

General Revision Units 1 & 2

Module 3 Mis vacaciones Pages 42-58

Saying where you went on holiday (Fui/Fuimos)

How you travelled (Transport) Fui en….

What you did (Past tense of ar/er & ir verbs) e.g. comí, bebí, saqué fotos etc

What it was like (Lo pasé guay/ fue muy divertido etc)

Module 4 La comida Pages 60 -78


Types of food & drink

Ordering at the restaurant

What you ate at a restaurant last weekend (using past tense)

What you like to eat ( me gusta comer…..)

Module 5 La Ropa (Pages 78-94)

Types of clothes

Agreement of colours & describing clothes

School uniform

Comparatives (más….que & menos…..que)

Superlatives (el/la/los/las más o menos)

Say what you normally wear & what you wore last weekend. (Past & present tenses)

Directions (Unit 6)

Question type(s) (e.g.

diagrams, mapwork, sources


Match-up activities, True or False, Gap-fill questions, Comprehension

questions – answering in English, write a passage in Spanish on a topic

following bullet points provided.

Equipment requirements for


Pen & proforma for written exam with help words.

Revision tip(s) Use the vocabulary pages of the textbook or workbook when learning vocabulary – cover up

the English & try to guess the meanings.

Use your Spanish notebook to revise grammar points & your exercise book to revise

activities completed in class. Go back over exercises in the workbook.

See summary of vocabulary on ITunes U – REPASO. Use Quizlet.

For the oral exam, ask a member of your family to practise your spoken language with you.

Technology KS3 Revision List for May/June 2017 Year 9

Topic Areas for study Study resources/guidelines

Safety Know meanings of signs

Identify different types of sign

Colour coding of safety signs

Safety rules in the workshop

Safety booklet T&D theory booklet

Materials Metal:

Define terms ferrous and non-ferrous

Know the difference between the two

Be able to explain how you prepared the edges of Aluminium


Know what tree type wood comes from

Define hardwood, softwood and manufactured boards

Describe wood seasoning and list 2 advantages

Label the cross section of a tree

Know common wood defects

Be familiar with simple wood joints

Candle holder booklet Mug stand booklet T&D theory booklet

Tools & processes

Identify and describe the use of common tools used in this year’s projects

Identify the main features of the box pan folder

Be able to arrange the processes of making the Mug stand in order

Identify machines used

Candle holder booklet Mug stand booklet T&D theory booklet

Structures Identify main forces- compression, tension. Shear and torsion

Main types of structure – frame and shell

Identify famous structures

Use triangulation, corrugation and gussets to strengthen structures

Exercise books/handouts (Class work)

CAD/CAM Explain these terms

Examples of where CAD/CAM is used


T&D theory booklet

Graphics Sketch 3D shapes with help of isometric grid

Marks for accuracy, colouring and rendering



Ipad holder/charger:

List important design features

Redraw 2 improvements Marks awarded for:

Clear labelling (materials and features)

Drawing and clear presentation


Exam duration is 1 hour. Bring colouring pencils, pencil and a ruler for design question.