St. Columbkille Parish May 8, 2016 · 2016-05-06 · St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA 4 Seventh...

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Transcript of St. Columbkille Parish May 8, 2016 · 2016-05-06 · St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA 4 Seventh...

St. Columbkille Parish

May 8, 2016

St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

2 Seventh Sunday of Easter

Seventh Sunday of Easter May 8, 2016

Masses for the Week

St. Columbkille Parish 321 Market Street, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135

617-782-5774;; email: School: 617-254-3110


“We are Saint Columbkille Parish, a community of faith celebrating Christ’s presence in us through the Eucharist, the other sacraments and the preaching of the word of God. To be true to the Gospel we must live our faith every day,

responding to our call to holiness by caring for, encouraging and strengthening each other.”


Rev. Richard W. Fitzgerald


Rev. Succès Jeanty


Deacon Tom Olson Deacon Francisco Javier Diaz, S. J.


William Healey—Business Manager Joseph R. Policelli - Director of Music

Michael McNeil – R. E. Assistant (English) Roberto Mendez – R. E. Assistant (Spanish)

Patricia McShane - Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE

Daily Masses: 7:00 and 9:00 AM Friday Adoración 6:00 PM; Misa 7:00 PM (Español) Sunday Masses: Vigil-Saturday 4:00 P.M. Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:15 AM, 12:45 (Spanish) and 5:00 PM CONFESSIONS: Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 PM; ADORATION Every First Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass until 11:00 AM BAPTISMS OF INFANTS: For children under 7- first Sunday of the month (English)- second Sunday (Spanish) at 2:30 PM. Instruction for parents and godparents is required. Call the rectory. BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION: Adults and children 7 and older who would like to receive these sacraments or be received into the Church should email or call the rectory. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage should make arrangements SIX MONTHS prior to wedding date.

Sunday, May 8—Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sat.) 4:00 pm Marguerite Fagan, Mem. 7:30 am Mary Walsh, 9th Ann. 9:30 am Carmela & Amelia Antonucci, Mem. 11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus 12:45 pm Dora Ocampo, Mem.; Maria del Rosario, Feliciana, Martina, Crisanta & Felicita Cruz, Adela Raisman & All Souls Mass of Thanksgiving 5:00 pm Missa pro Populo Mon. 7:00 am Elias Viruet, Mem. 9:00 am Terri Lee, Special Intention Healing Tue. 7:00 am Elias Viruet, Mem. 9:00 am Mass of Thanksgiving

Wed. 7:00 am Peppina Roffo, Mem. 9:00 am Katherine McKinney, 31st Ann. Thu. 7:00 am Elias Viruet, Mem. 9:00 am Henry, Francis & Michael McKinney, Mem. Fri. 7:00 am Domenico & Maria Orso Tutolo, Mem. 7:00 pm Elias Viruet, Mem. Carmelo Brienza 40Days Sunday, May 15—Pentecost Sunday (Sat.) 4:00 pm William Michael Reilly, 4th Ann. 7:30 am Missa pro Populo 9:30 am Joan K. Freeley, 23rd Ann. 11:15 am Pro Multis Intentionibus 5:00 pm Mary McGovern, 19th Ann.

St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

May 8, 2016 3

Pro Multis Intentionibus: This week for James Melanson, Mem., Mary Melanson, Carole McIntyre, 4th Ann.; Michael and Julia Monaghan, James, Sadie and Paddy Rooney, Maureen and Richard McGrath, William, Kate and Stephen Lonergan, Jack and Gertie Kenny, Mary McDougall, Mem.; Charles Edward McGovern, 1st Ann.; Rita E. Perez, Matilde German, Carmen Perez, Mem. Pd; Chubby Ferrigno, Mem.; Concetta “Connie” Vitale, 15th Ann. Next week for Timothy O’Leary, 22nd Ann.; The Deceased Members of the Michael Conlon Family, Mary and James Finn, Theresa and Maurice O’Con-nor, Mem;. Robert McLaughlin, 4th Ann, Theresa Ma-rie McLaughlin, 57th Ann., Theresa McLaughlin, 7th Ann., Thomas McLaughlin, 36th Ann.; Mary Boyle, 2nd Ann. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Prayers Are Requested for those who are ill; for vocations to the Priesthood and to the Consecrated Life; for married couples and for families; for those serving in the military especially STAFF SGT. Aaron Souza (USAF), L/CPL Will Haughey (USMC), PFC1 Kyle Humphreys (USA), SP4 Rory Hanlon (USA), EN2 (SW) Matthew Kenney (USN), PFC Timothy C. Barry (USA), 2nd LT Megan Monteiro (USAF), LT Alex DiBiasie (USA Rangers), Paratrooper Anthony Liberty, (USA), CPL Michael F. Kieloch (USMC), CAPT Kyle Timothy Sullivan (USA), Chaplain MAJ Jeffrey A. Ballou (USAF), Chaplain CAPT James W. Longe (USAF), L/CPL Gavin Sheehan (USMC); and for the repose of the souls of Paul Cedrone, Kathleen Murphy and the deceased members of our parish, our families and our benefactors. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The 2016 Catholic Appeal campaign is continuing We have $38,616.00 already pledged. This is 95% to-ward our goal of $40,515.00. The outpouring of sup-port from so many helps sustain the important minis-tries that make Saint Columbkille Parish a vibrant place of worship. If you have yet to give, please pick up a pledge form at the back of the church or visit Thank you for your prayers and support. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Second Collection this week will be for the Com-munications Programs of the Archdiocese. Please be as generous as your means will allow. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________—-

The Second Collection next week is for the Semi-naries. Please be as generous as your means will al-low.

A few items of interest from Fr. Fitzgerald: Mother’s Day … This weekend we celebrate Mother’s Day and in so doing we honor all mothers both living and dead. We show our appreciation in many ways, recognizing that motherhood was given an exalted position when God himself chose to be-come a man through the “yes” of a woman, named Mary, from the town of Nazareth. Ever since that “yes” all mothers share not only in the physical care of their children but also in their spiritual care recog-nizing that motherhood brings about a “Child of God.” In honoring all mothers this weekend we also recognize all women who though not through physi-cal generation, have still mothered nieces, nephews, students, neighbors, and others through their mother-ly instincts of love and caring. Happy Mother’s Day to all.

Deacon Tom Olson… In a let-ter dated April 21, 2016, Cardi-nal Sean O’Malley wrote to Dea-con Tom Olson, “It is with great

joy and gratitude to God, Fa-

ther, Son, and Holy Spirit, that

I hereby call you to the Order

of Presbyter. The ordination

Mass will take place on Saturday, May 21, 2016,

in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, at

nine o’clock in the morning. May our Lord Jesus

Christ bless you abundantly as you prepare to

receive this Sacrament and to enter into the ser-

vice of the people of God as a priest.” As noted in the Cardinal’s letter, in two short weeks, Deacon Tom Olson along with eight other men will be or-dained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ by the Car-dinal. As you know, Tom has been assigned to Saint Columbkille Parish as a seminarian, initially in for-mation to be a Jesuit Priest, but for the past two years to be ordained a Priest for the Archdiocese of Boston. Here at Saint Columkille’s we have been on Tom’s vocational journey as he has grown in wis-dom and Spirit. His ordination is a celebration of faith and perseverance for himself, his family, and also for the parish. The parish will in a special way be part of that celebration as Tom has chosen to cel-ebrate his First Mass of Thanksgiving here at Saint Columbkille Church (his adopted parish) on Sunday,

May 22, at the 5 pm Mass. All are invited to at-tend the Mass and come to a light reception in the school dining hall at which time “Father Tom” will be available to give his “First Blessing” to anyone present. So, mark your calendars!

St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

4 Seventh Sunday of Easter

Third Wednesday Eucharistic Adora-

tion: Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 7:30-8:30 PM, upper church. Open to all! Confession will also be available. Eucha-ristic Adoration occurs on each month’s third Wednesday. Each month’s Adora-

tion includes prayers and intentions that correspond to a particular theme, many of which are related to Catho-lic Social Teaching. May’s theme is “Mary & the Ro-sary.” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

YAC Spring Bible study, Tuesdays beginning 5/10 Join fellow young adults in their 20s and 30s for Bible study series on the Book of James. We will reflect on James' teachings and seek to mature our faith in Christ through our discussion. We will meet on five consecu-tive Tuesdays (May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31 and June 7) at 7:30 p.m., in the Lower Church. Please bring a Bible (we will have extra copies if need-ed). For further information, contact Daniel Orazio at or Paul Masur at No RSVPs required. Community Servings volunteer shift, 5/14 Volunteer with the Service Committee at Community Servings on Saturday, May 14. We need 15 helpers from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to prepare and package meals for individuals and families who are homebound and living with critical and chronic illnesses. The made-from-scratch meals are medically tailored to meet the nutri-tional and medical needs of their clients who are fighting illnesses like HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis and many others. Complete details and volunteer requirements can be found on the Event-brite page. Questions? Contact shift leader Lisa Basile at RSVP here: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Support St. Columbkille School at Neighborhood

Night at West on Centre! The restaurant fundraiser this month will take place on Monday, May 9th at West on Centre in West Roxbury (1732 Centre St, West Roxbury). Save the date and join others from the St. Col's community in raising money for the school (10% of sales will be donated). The event will take place from 4PM to 11PM. The flyer in this week’s bulletin must be provided for the school to get the contribu-tion. Reservations are recommended (please call 617-323-4199). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Forgive us as we forgive

Please join us for a special presenta-

tion, "Mary, Mother of Mercy,"

on Tuesday, May 10, from 7:00 - 8:00 pm, at the Pauline Book & Media Center, 885 Providence Hwy., Ded-ham, MA 02026 (located across from Legacy Place). The speaker, Sr. Mari-

anne Lorraine Trouve, FSP, is an author and Marian expert. For more information, please call: 781-326-5385. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The 24th Annual Pope St. John XXIII National

Seminary Golf Tournament is scheduledfor Monday, May 23rd, at The Weston GolfClub. Thispremiercharityeventisheldtobene�ittheeducationalprogramfortheseminarians. Tui-tion coversonlyhalf the costof educatinga semi-narianandtheproceedsfromthistournamentwillhelpbridgethegapandkeepthecostofeducatingthem affordable. The $250 player entry includeslunch at the Club, 18 holes of golf with cart, anddoor prizes; followed by a social hour, silent auc-tionanddinnerattheseminaryforeachgolferanda guest. To register, call Kate Folan at ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please Remember the St. Vincent de Paul

Boxes at the doors of the church as you

leave Mass today. The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 10 at 7:00 pm in the rec-tory. New members are always welcome.


Crusaders of Fatima Candlelight Pro-

cession, Fr iday, May 13 at 8:00 pm in Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, 155 Washing-ton Street, Brighton. The Celebrant will be our own Fr. Richard Fitzgerald. Come and celebrate to honor Our Lady. Bring a

friend! Spread the message of Mary at Fatima: Peace through Prayer

Parish Giving

Offertory (Apr. 30/May 1): $5,717.00

Ecuador Relief (Apr. 30/May 1): $1,789.00

Catholic Appeal (to date): $38,616.00 95% of goal $40,515.00

St. Vincent de Paul (Apr. 30/May 1): $427.00

Thank You for Your Generosity

St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

May 8, 2016 5

1. La parroquia pide a la comunidad que por favor de

comuniquen con la oficina para solicitar una misa para sus seres queridos que han fallecido o cualquier otra intencion y traer su donativo a la oficina de la Iglesia.

2. Si hay parejas que quieran casarse por la iglesia

por favor solicitar una copia del volante con los requisi-tos que contiene toda la informacion para casarse con el padre Succes o cualquier miembro del comite de la par-roquia.

3. El grupo de jovenes se reune todos los Domingos a

las 11:00 am. Iglesia de abajo para mas informacion hablar con Amalfi Guzman, en el mes de Mayo ellos estaran refleccionando en la Virgen Maria y el Rosario.

4. El Grupo de Oracion de la Renovacion Carismati-

ca se reune todos los Sabados a las 5:30 pm en la igle-sia de abajo para mas informacion hablar con Edvin Juarez.

5. La Fundacion Unidos al Amor de Cristo de Lynn

tendra un concierto de adoracion en Sabado 28 de Mayo 7:00 PM. en el salon de la Iglesia Santa Ana ubicada en el: 399 Medford St. Somerville, invitada especial desde Argentina ATHENAS el costo del ticket es de $20.00 no ninos menores de 5 los tickets estan a la venta con cualquier miembro del comite.

6. Tambien se esta planeando un viaje en familia por

la bahia de Boston Harbor el 29 de Mayo abordando a las 5:30 pm. Tambien estara cantando en el barco ATHENAS, Se servira cena como a las 7:00 pm. La bebida se compra en el barco (sodas y agua), el costo del ticket es de $50.00 por adultos de 7 a 15 pagan $25.00 y de 0-7 no pagan, para mas informacion hablar on Edio Galvez 781-400-4815.

7. Todos los Viernes tenemos la coronilla a la divina

Misericordia a las 5:45 pm y la hora santa a las 6:00

pm. la misa como de costumbre a las 7:00 pm. Estan

cordialmente invitados.

8. Las proximas charlas de bautizo seran dadas el

domingo 1 de Junio a las 10:30 am. En la retoria de la iglesia, por favor solicitar el bolante con la informacion con el padre Succes o cualquier miembro del comite.

9. Despues de la misa de Ingles y antes de la misa

hispana estaremos hacienda la coronilla a la divina

Misericordia todos los Domingos a las 12:30 pm.

10. Se esta dando la clase de Biblia en la rectoria de la

iglesia todos los Jueves a las 7:00 pm. Con el semi-narista Henry interesados solo tienen que venir a las clases.

11. La segunda colecta sera para ayudar a la campana

catolica de la comunicacion por favaor sean generosos. .

7º Domingo de Pascua Cuando los niños pequeños jugar a las casitas, que puede ser un comentario de sus padres. Cada uno asume el papel de la madre o el padre y actúa -o deberíamos decir imita-lo que han visto y oído en casa. Como pequeñas esponjas que ab-sorben todo lo que ven y escuchan de sus padres y hermanos mayores, de la actitud con la lengua, de los comportamien-tos de los valores. Los pequeños ojos y oídos no se pierda mucho! Aprendemos y enseñamos con el ejemplo. Desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta, que imitan lo que vemos y repetimos lo que oímos. Chicos se visten como sus padres y representar ese papel, ya que han visto. Las niñas hacen lo mismo con sus madres. Los niños más pequeños hacen lo que sus her-manos mayores lo hacen, a menudo tratando de competir en el mismo nivel. Pasar tiempo con ciertas personas y empeza-rá a actuar e incluso hablar como lo hacen. Tal vez por eso las madres dicen constantemente a sus hijos a elegir bien a sus amigos. Un buen ejemplo de fe es fundamental para enseñar el Evan-gelio a nuestra familia y amigos. Si realmente creemos en Jesús, debemos seguir su ejemplo e imitándolo. Nuestro dis-curso y acciones deben reflejar los valores que rezar y proclamar como el nuestro. La paciencia, la verdad, el amor, la compasión, la misericordia y la bondad son ideas que requieren una actuación con el fin de ser visible, para ser visto y comprendido en su casa, justo en frente de aquellos que están listos y dispuestos a aprender. El Evangelio se predica mejor en su cocina, no en un púlpito. Nuestra vida enseña lo que Jesús predica. Asegúrese de que su mensaje es fuerte y claro! ~ James Gaffney, © 2010 Karides Lic. a St. George Publish-

ing ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

La Campaña Católica 2016 es un comienzo maravilloso! Tenemos $ 38,616.00 ya prometida. Este es el 95% hacia nuestra meta de $ 40,515.00. El derramamiento temprana de apoyo de tantos ayuda a sostener los ministerios importantes que hacen que San Columbkille Parish un lugar vibrante de culto. Si aún no has de dar, por favor, recoger un formulario de compromiso en la parte posterior de la iglesia o visitar Gracias por tus oraciones y apoyo.

Segunda Colecta esta semana será para programas de co-municaciones de la Arquidiócesis. Por favor sea tan gener-oso como sus medios lo permitan.

La próxima semana Segunda colección es para los Semi-narios. Por favor sea tan generoso como sus medios lo per-mitan. Tenemos café despues de la misa en la cafeteria de la

escuela estan cordialmente invitados

St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA

6 Seventh Sunday of Easter

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on May 22on May 22ndnd, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

Dr. Purnima Sangal Dr. Purnima Sangal

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in Gynecology, sin Gynecology, s

Pelvic pain and ePelvic pain and e

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

cologic Cancers: Presented by leading min

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

Join us at Standish Village Assisted Living

affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints affiliated with Saints

where she served aswhere she served aswhere she served as

in Gynecology, sin Gynecology, sin Gynecology, s

Pelvic pain and ePelvic pain and ePelvic pain and e

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, 11-1 PM for this valuable seminar and a lig

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Ramp up

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Additional Places to Wander:

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Downtown Map of Wingate Arts District

80 - Angles and Art63 - Second Thoughts62 - Mizan Aveda Concept Salon61 - Positive Images Gallery 6157 - Wei Chi

55 - Caring Hands45 - Peddler’s Daughter &

Bistro 45 Restaurant21 - North Star Yoga19 - Wicked Big Cafe

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Devuelva este sobre a su parroquia – no lo envíe por correo

Donación de liderazgo 10 pagos mensuales

$10,000 ...................................................$1,000 $5,000 ......................................................$500 $2,500 ......................................................$250 $1,000 ......................................................$100

Otros niveles de donaciones

$750 ..........................................................$75 $500 ..........................................................$50 $250 ..........................................................$25

Niveles de donativo sugeridos.






¡Sí! Quiero apoyar la Colecta Católica.

Total donación $

Total adjunto $

Saldo pendiente $

Se le mandará factura por la cantidad adeudada, a menos que haya pagado con tarjeta de crédito.


Marque uno ❑ Sr. y Sra. ❑ Sr. ❑ Sra. ❑ Señorita ❑ Dr. ❑ _____________

Nombre_______________________________________________Apellido ___________________________________

Nombre del cónyuge__________________________________Apellido del cónyuge (si es diferente) ______________

Dirección de residencia ___________________________________________________N.o de Apt/Unidad __________

Ciudad _________________________________________Estado______________________Código postal __________

Teléfono ___________________________________Dirección de correo electrónico ____________________________

Parroquia de residencia _________________________________________Ciudad de la parroquia ________________

❑ Ya aporté a la Colecta Católica. ❑ No deseo aportar una donación en este momento.

Información de tarjeta de crédito: ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ Discover ❑ American Express ❑ Cheque (pagaderos a: The Catholic Appeal)

N.o de tarjeta___________________________________________________________________________Fecha Exp.________________ Firma _________________________________

Opciones en el plan de pagos con tarjeta de crédito ❑ Donación única ❑ 10 pagos mensuales – Le informamos de que $10.00 es la cantidad mínima mensual para pagos con tarjeta de crédito.