St. Ambrose Barlow 2015-16 Prospectus

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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An overview of this outstanding and oversubscribed 11-19 school in Salford.

Transcript of St. Ambrose Barlow 2015-16 Prospectus

A National Teaching SchoolA National School of Creativity



THIS ISyour AMBROSE...Mission Statement 04

Our Aims 05

Special Educational Needs Statement 06

Pupil Premium Statement 07

Admissions Criteria 10

Governing Body Membership & Staffing 13

Holiday Dates 18

GCSE Examination Results 19

Student Destinations 20

School Uniform (Girls) 21

School Uniform (Boys) 23

Standards 25

Celebrating 60 Years of Outstanding Learning


I love coming to work here each day.

Often it doesn’t feel like work. We are a Catholic community of faith where it is a privilege to see our young people flourishing, to speak with them, to learn their ways and watch them grow in confidence. They are an inspiration. Every day, every lesson great adventures and stories unfold born out of curiosity, imagination and creativity. Our equally inspiring staff are dedicated to nurturing every young person in their care. They may get outstanding results, but their commitment brings so much more to the education of our students. We believe in doing things differently so that every child can realise their gifts and talents and celebrate who they are. Doing this means that we are bringing to life the Catholic mission and ethos of the school.

There is great spirit and energy in this school. You can see it in the range of extra-curricular activities, in the array of research projects undertaken by staff and in the creativity that flows through our learning. There is also support and care: no-one is left behind, no-one is left out. Visitors often comment on the quiet sense of purpose they find in the school; this comes from outstanding relationships, particularly those between teachers and pupils.

We thrive on connections: with parents and carers, with parishes, with businesses. We love to look out and have give our pupils a global perspective on learning. By doing this our students can see a higher purpose in their learning. It isn’t just about passing exams, getting a job or going to university. It is about pursuing passions, developing new skills and building character so that life after school can be rich and fulfilling lived in the service of others. Our pupils go out into the world with the capacity to contribute, to lead and to play their part in the community with joy and hope. The greatest measure of our success is seeing students who have the capacity to take charge of their future (at a time when the world is changing faster than ever), to be curious, make change and be comfortable in their own skin. As a parent myself I hope for the same for my own children.

If you like the sound of this, please come and see us. Everyone is welcome here. I look forward to meeting you and saying, ‘This is Ambrose...’

Ben Davis


To encourage and develop relationships between home, parish, school and the wider community in order to prepare our pupils to become responsible, caring citizens.

Communications and Relationships

To develop an effective system of communications and relationships which is based on the Gospel values of mutual respect, tolerance, care and understanding towards all members of the school community. Individual Support and Development

To celebrate the unique nature of each person and to encourage their development as individuals. Curriculum

To introduce all pupils to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum and to equip pupils with the necessary knowledge, skills and Christian values required in a rapidly changing society. To provide a curriculum for our pupils which develops them academically, spiritually, morally, culturally and physically.

Our AimsIn accordance with our Mission Statement the School’s aims are:

Faith and Worship

To help us to grow spiritually as followers of Christ and as members of a Catholic community: to make prayer, worship and liturgy central to school life.

School and Community

To ensure that all pupils receive their entitlement to a first class education our school recognises that additional provision of support and guidance may be required to further enable some pupils who have particular needs. Our Special Educational Needs Policy is designed to precisely identify and match specific individual needs to appropriate help and support.

The school operates a staged approach to special educational needs in accordance with the Code of Practice document on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs as outlined by the Department of Education.

St Ambrose Barlow School fully endorses and adheres to the Government’s Inclusion Development Programme which focuses on supporting, training and empowering staff to identify pupils’ specific needs and support those pupils in the most effective ways in the classroom.

Whilst each pupil is at St Ambrose Barlow School, their progress is carefully monitored through our detailed assessment and reporting procedure and use of tests which can identify special abilities or difficulties.

At St Ambrose Barlow School we have a Learning Support Centre in addition to our Special Educational Needs Department, this is to support pupils on a short term basis who may have particular difficulties which prevent them from accessing the curriculum effectively at certain times throughout their school career. We also offer some alternative qualifications in key stage 4 to pupils who may have difficulties with traditional optional subjects.

If a pupil is identified as requiring additional support, an assessment is made in consultation with parents and all those concerned with that particular pupil’s education. An individual education plan is then devised where targets are set and a review date arranged to ensure that progress is being made. We regard the parental partnership as vital in ensuring that pupils are successful in achieving their targets.

In most circumstances our procedures and support occur in the classroom under the direction of the classroom teacher.

We feel that our experience of tactfully and sensitively responding to a wide range of different pupils’ additional educational requirements has contributed to the educational achievement at St Ambrose Barlow School.

Special Educational Needs Statement

In 2015/16 St Ambrose Barlow RC High School has been allocated Pupil Premium funding totalling £230,622.

At St Ambrose RC High School it was agreed to prioritise the use of the Pupil Premium as follows:

• Free school meal (FSM) pupils and other vulnerable pupils who are underachieving at KS4 and KS3

The Pupil Premium has enabled the school to:

• Provide support to specific pupils for attendance on various trips and other extra curriculum activities

• Map and monitor progress and aspirations of targeted pupils• Support clubs before school for basic skills progress and pastoral/organisational support• Provide a wide range of additional staff and educational resources for targeted pupils throughout

the school• Provide a maths support club before school• Provide Maths and English one to one support sessions after school• Provide ‘games clubs’ at lunchtimes• Support Year 7 and 8 football clubs after school• Provide intervention support (booster classes) for core subjects at KS3 and KS4• Provide targeted transition support for pupils in year 6• Provide additional transition visits for targeted pupils in year 6• Deliver group work with educational psychologist and therapeutic caseworker • Provide one to one counselling support from a qualified professional counsellor• Provide additional trips and visits to local places of educational & cultural interest• Provide additional IAG and support throughout the Options process and KS4• Offer booster sessions for specialist sports activities in PE (rock climbing, sailing, kayaking) • Fund placements on outdoor adventure schemes for Year 10 GCSE PE pupils• Provide specialist tuition in dance for Year 10s in PE

Future initiatives for Pupil Premium funding include:

• Software package for tracking and monitoring of KS4 intervention• Developing ICT resources in MFL• Continuing the Pupil Premium School Development Group that meets to monitor, discuss and

develop Pupil Premium issues and initiatives

Pupil Premium

The Purpose of Pupil Premium

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

In most cases the Pupil Premium is allocated to schools and is clearly identifiable. It is for the school to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent. However, schools will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families. Part of this accountability is a requirement for schools to publish information about the strategy and expenditure of pupil premium on their website. New measures will also be included in the performance tables that will capture the achievement of the pupils covered by the Pupil Premium.

Impact of Pupil Premium

We measure the impact of Pupil Premium in two ways:

1. We compare the performance of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Funding against the performance of those who are not. This is based on those gaining 5 GCSE grades at A*-C level including English and Mathematics

2. We measure the impact of Pupil Premium through the attendance and active participation in the wide range of activities/interventions that we provide.

AdmissionArrangements 2016/2017St Ambrose Barlow RC High School is a Roman Catholic Secondary School provided by the Diocese of Salford and is maintained by the Salford Local Education Authority as a Voluntary Aided School. The school’s Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decision on applications for admission. For the school year commencing September 2015, the Governing Body has set its planned admissions number at 180.

The Governors recognise that the first responsibility of the school is to serve the Roman Catholic community for which it has been established. This is focused on the designated parish communities and the Roman Catholic primary schools that are partners in providing for those communities. In establishing their oversubscription criteria, the Governors have also taken full account of the Code of Practice produced by the Department for Education and the emphasis placed on supporting children in public care.

The nominated parish communities served by the school are:

1. St Marks, Pendlebury, Swinton2. St Luke’s, Irlam o’th Height, Salford3. St Peter and St Paul, Salford 64. St Mary’s Swinton5. St Charles, Swinton6. St Edmunds, Little Hulton (including Our Lady and the Lancashire Martyrs and St Joseph’s)7. Christ the King, Walkden

The partner primary schools are:

1. St Marks, Queensway, Clifton, Swinton, M27 8QE2. St Luke’s, Swinton Park Road, Salford M6 7WR3. St Mary’s, Milner Street, Swinton, M27 4AS4. St Charles, Moorside Road, Swinton, M27 9PD5. St Edmund’s Little Hulton6. Christ the King, Walkden

Admission to the school will be made by the Governing Body in accordance with the following set of criteria which will be used to form a priority order if there are more applications for admission than the school has places available.

Where St Ambrose Barlow RC High School receives more applications than places available, the following oversubscription criteria will be applied once places have first been allocated to children who have a statement of special education need which names the school.

1. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic and who are Looked After Children and previously looked after children who have ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or have become subject to a special residency order or special guardianship order.

2. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic and who live in the nominated parishes of St Mark’s, (Swinton), St Luke’s, (Salford), St Mary’s, (Swinton), St Charles, (Swinton) and St Peter and St Paul (Salford 6), St Edmund’s, Little Hulton (including Our Lady and the Lancashire Martyrs and St Joseph’s) and Christ the King, Walkden and who attend the following partner Primary Schools: St Marks, (Swinton), St Luke’s (Salford), St Mary’s (Swinton), St Charles’ (Swinton), St Edmund’s, Little Hulton, Christ the King, Walkden.

3. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic and who attend a partner primary school but who do not live in the nominated parishes.

4. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic who live in the nominated parishes of St Charles, St Luke’s, St Mark’s, St Mary’s and St Peter and St Paul, Salford 6, St Edmund’s, Little Hulton (including Our Lady and the Lancashire Martyrs and St Joseph’s) and Christ the King, Walkden.

5. Children who are Baptised Roman Catholic and who live in a nominated parish.

6. Other Baptised Roman Catholic children.

7. Other Looked After children and previously looked after children who have ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or have become subject to a special residency order or special guardianship order

8. Other children attending partner primary schools

9. Other children who are members of a religious faith community. A baptismal certificate or letter of support which confirms the veracity of the application with regard to the faith of the child will be required from their faith/religious leader.

10. Other Children.

Within categories 2 to 12, priority will be given to children who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of proposed admission.

Tie Breaker

If there are more applicants than places available within any category, priority will be given on the basis of proximity to the school. Distance from the school: this would involve a measurement being made between the point of the child’s permanent place of residence (house or flat) and the point of the preferred school in a straight line (as the crow flies) using the local authority computer system. Those children who live closest to the school will be those who get priority for places. If there are two or more children equidistant and only one place remaining the school uses a random lottery (pick names out of a hat). For children who are the subject of shared parental custody the school will use the address where child benefit is paid as their main place of residence.


• All on time applicants will be considered at the same time and after the closing date for admission which is provided to you by the Local Authority. Late applications will be considered by the Governors after all other applications have been considered.

• Each Roman Catholic applicant will be required to produce a Roman Catholic baptismal certificate.

• *Brothers and sisters are defined as blood brothers and sisters, step brothers and step sisters and brothers and sisters by adoption

• Parents should check carefully whether they are resident within the parish boundary of one of the designated parishes.

• If an application has been turned down by the Governing Body, parents can appeal to an Independent Appeal Committee. This appeal must be sent in writing to the Clerk to the Governors at the school within 20 days of refusal. The parents must give their reasons for appealing, in writing, and the decision of the Appeals Panel is binding on the Governors.

• All applicants will be expected to have completed the Local Authority’s application form and to have returned the form by the due date.

If in any year it receives more applications for places than there are places available, St Ambrose Barlow RC High School will operate a waiting list until 31st December of that year. It is open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list following either an unsuccessful application or an unsuccessful appeal. The child’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out above.

staffing 2015Governors and

Mr P Royle - Chair/Foundation Governor

Mrs K Whitehead - Vice Chair/Foundation Governor

Mr B Davis - Head Teacher /Governor

Mrs H Devine - Vice Chair/Foundation Governor

Mrs K Borritt - Foundation Governor

Mr A P Conroy - Foundation Governor

Fr P Smith - Foundation Governor

Mr G Walker - Foundation Governor

Mrs M Hawes - Foundation Governor

Mrs A Clynch - Foundation Governor

Miss C Darlington - LA Governor

Mr P Walsh - Parent Governor

Mr G Timperley - Parent Governor

Mr B Davies - Staff Governor

Mrs M Cunningham - Co-opted Governor

Mr J Lawford - Co-opted Governor

Ms J Darby - Clerk to the Governors

Head Teacher Mr B Davis Deputy Head Teacher Mr J Lawford

Senior Assistant Head Teacher Mrs D Johnston

Assistant Head Teacher Miss S FinnemoreAssistant Head Teacher Mrs B FureyAssistant Head Teacher Mr G HoldenAssistant Head Teacher Mrs P Tucker

Head of Year 7 Mrs R McGowan Head of Year 8 Mr L Morrison Head of Year 9 Mr L Waterworth

Head of Year 10 Mr T Sanders Head of Year 11 Mr T Gregson

Head of 6th Form Mr P Paize

Head of Science Dr H Norton Science Department Mrs K Keane

Mrs D Halliday Miss C Stewart

Miss K Moore Mr S Murray Ms A Robb Mrs S Cunliffe Mr D Hayes

Head of Maths Mrs H Lillie Maths Department/ Senior Assistant Head Mrs D Johnston

Maths Department Mr P Paize Mr A Lavin Mrs G Ashton

Mrs A Robinson Mr M Harrison Miss K Hughes Miss A Sidebottom Miss K Alker Miss S Fishwick

Head of English Mrs K Norris English Department/ Assistant Head Mrs P Tucker

English Department Mrs R Fay Mrs V Sherry Mrs S O’Connor Miss G Haselden Mr I Cameron Miss C Chalk Miss J Hutton Mr B Mitchell

Teacher of Drama Mrs R Tulloch

SEN Co-ordinator Mr M Hulton

Head of Modern Foreign Languages Mrs G Brunt MFL Department Miss L Higson

Miss R Livingstone Mrs A Howarth Mr J Bessonies

Head of RE Mr B Davies Phase Leader Mr T Sanders

RE Department Miss A Morris Ms H Singleton

Head of History Mr A Noone History Department Mr J Stephenson

Miss S Chester

Head of Geography/Careers Co-ordinator Mrs J Grindley Geography Department Mr C McGuinness

Head of Technology & Health & Social Care Mrs R McGowan Health & Social Care Mrs A Jones

Technology Department Mr L Waterworth Mr D McDonagh Ms N Taylor Mrs A McManamon

Hospitality & Catering (6th Form) Mrs R McGowan

Head of Art/Assistant Head Mrs B Furey Art/Photography Mr M James

Art Department Miss R Warner Miss H West

Director of ICT/Assistant Head Mrs S Finnemore ICT Department Mr A Shepheard

Mr M Clancy ICT and Creative iMedia Mr A Cammann

ICT/Business Studies Mrs S Cheshire

Head of PE/Assistant Head Mr G Holden PE/Pastoral Leader Miss K Wright

PE Department Mrs K Grundy Miss C Hyland Mr L Morrison Mr M Burns

Head of Music Mrs S Adamson

Heads PA Miss H Winterbottom Key Stage 4 Intervention Manager Mr M Wilson

Business Manager Mr M Walker Finance Manager Mrs P Rudge Finance Officers Mrs K Bradford

Ms S Cresswell

Reception/Administration Mrs D Lingard Mrs G Riley

Ms J DarbyMrs J Stevens


Reprographics Mrs S Moynihan

Student Services Miss P Shepherd Mrs J Leather

Marketing & Administration Miss T Reeves

Digital Designer Mr M Connor

Clerk to the Governing Body Ms J Darby

Examinations Officer Mrs J Broadhurst

Science Technician Miss C Ashworth

Technology Technician Mr B Driscoll

School Chaplain Mrs C Hibbert

Welfare Staff Mrs G LeeMrs T WebsterMrs D UnsworthMrs D Mulhall

Senior Teaching Assistant Ms C Thompson KS3 Intervention Teaching Assistant Mrs L Walker

SEN Teaching Assistants Mr S BurkeMiss K ChanMiss J ClarkeMr P CondronMr G GloverMiss J HarrisMrs K HawksworthMrs S HeskethMrs K HoxworthMs D McKiernanMiss K Morse

Mrs K Wares Mrs D Buchert-Onyegbuna Ms P Wilson

Ms E O’Sullivan

Cover Assistant Mr J LewisMr T GregsonMiss G GreenhalghMiss L ByrneMs J Thacker


NB Three further twilights are to be set

BANK HOLIDAY SCHOOL CLOSURE INSET DAYS – School closed TWILIGHTS – School open Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

Sept 15 1 2 3 4 AUTUMN OPEN 7 8 9 10 11

14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25

Oct 28 29 30 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 AUTUMN HALF TERM

Nov 2 3 4 5 6

9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27

Dec 30 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 AUTUMN CLOSE Jan 16 28 29 30 31 1 4 5 6 7 8

11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29

Feb 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 SPRING HALF TERM 22 23 24 25 26

March 29 1 2 3 4

7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25

April 28 29 30 31 1 4 5 6 7 8 SPRING CLOSE 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22

25 26 27 28 29

May 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27

June 30 31 1 2 3 SUMMER HALF TERM 6 7 8 9 10

13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24

July 27 28 29 30 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15

School closes on Friday, 15 July 2016

Holiday Pattern 2015-2016

Entered for 5+ GCSE 235 235Achieving 5 A*- C 77%Achieving 5 A*- C including English and Maths 69%Achieving 5 A*- G 95%Achieving 1+ A*- C 96%Achieving 1+ A*- G 99%% Pupils achieving 9+ A*- C 43%% Pupils achieving 9+ A*- G 78%

Examination Policy All pupils are entered for all the examinations which they are studying. However, we reserve the right not to pay for any entries where the pupils are estimated to be ungraded or where there is a significant level of unauthorised absence.

GCSE Grades %

GCSE ExaminationStatistics 2015

Year Entered 5+ 5+ A*-C 5+ A*-G 1+ A*-C 1+A*-G 9 A*-C 9 A*-G

2011 141 99 99 99 99 79 97

2012 141 97 100 100 100 72 99

2013 147 96 100 100 100 63 97

2014 148 92 100 100 100 55 95

2015 235 77 95 96 99 43 38

Attendance Statistics for the School

Percentages of Absences in Academic Year 2014/15

Attendance 95.4 % Unauthorised Absences 4%Authorised Absences 0.7%

School Leavers Destinations 2015

235 Pupils

Full Time Education 213

Apprenticeship + Pre-apprenticeship course Full Time Training 17

Neet 0

Other 2

Alternative Provision 3

Information is provided by Connexions and is accurate as at 25 September 2015. Figures are subject to change.

girls uniformyears 7-11

Black blazer with school badgeWhite blouse

52” school tie (clip-on tie)Black V-neck jumper with school badge - optional

black ½ knife pleat skirt* no higher than 3” above the knee


Black tailored girls-fit Brennand trousers

White ankle socks/ Black ankle socks/ Plain black tights (non-patterned)Sturdy PLAIN Black shoes (no markings, reflector strips or patent)

Plain black outer coat with no logo’s Sturdy black school bag (no handbags or drawstring bags)

Years 10 and 11 Only - As above but SILVER AND BLACK TIE

Girls Indoor PE Kit

White polo shirt with school badgeBlack plain shorts

TrainersWhite socks


Girls Outdoor Kit

White polo shirt with badge * (as above)Black plain gym shorts * (as above)

Black tracksuit top with school badge (recommended)Plain black tracksuit bottoms (optional)

Black base layer/skin with school badge – plain black is acceptable (optional)White socks


Gum shield for hockeyShin pads for hockey

STuRDY black school bag (no handbags or draw string bags)

Note: the school takes pride in the appearance and conduct of its pupils. The school’s reputation in this area is of importance to individual pupils both during

school life and later when seeking employment.

We reserve the right to prohibit unsuitable fashions/ styles in dress and personal appearance.

Black blazer with school badgeWhite shirt

52” school tie (clip-on tie)Black V-neck jumper with school badgw - optional

Black trousers Black/white socks

Sturdy PLAIN Black shoes (no markings or reflector strips)Plain black outer coat with no logo’s

STuRDY black school bag (no drawstring bags)

Years 10 and 11 Only - As above but SILVER AND BLACK TIE

Boys Indoor PE Kit

Black polo shirt with school badge Plain black shorts

Black football socksTrainersTowel

Boys Outdoor Kit

Black rugby shirt with school badge Plain black shorts (as above)

Plain black tracksuit bottoms (optional)Black tracksuit top with school badge (optional)

Black base layer/skin with school badge - plain black is acceptable (optional)Black socks (as above)

Trainers (as above)Football or rugby boots

TowelGum shield for rugbyShin pads for football

STuRDY black school bag (no draw string bags)

Note: the school takes pride in the appearance and conduct of its pupils. The school’s reputation in this area is of importance to individual pupils both during

school life and later when seeking employment.

We reserve the right to prohibit unsuitable fashions/ styles in dress and personal appearance. BOYS uniform

years 7-11


Excessive haircuts/hair styles or colouring of hair are NOT allowed, e.g. partially shaved, shaved lines or tram lines etc. Please note: boys haircuts should not be any less than a No. 3 cut. Girls’ hair bands/bobbles should be either white or black. Long hair must be tied back in certain lessons for hygiene /safety reasons.


No jewellery is allowed other than plain, small stud earrings in earlobes for girls, for safety reasons. No other piercings are allowed

Electronic and other banned equipment

We DO NOT allow computer games, i-pods, MP3 players, ‘tippex’, boots, trainers (other than for PE) and chewing gum. If pupils are found using a mobile phone during the school day, it will be confiscated for 24 hours, can only be collected by a parent or responsible adult and a Headteacher’s detention will also be issued.


For safety reasons, full-size footballs are not allowed on the playgrounds at lunch and break.


For safety reasons, aerosol sprays are not allowed – if deodorant is needed after P.E. classes, please use a roll-on type

Basic Equipment

Every student is expected to provide the following basic items of equipment for every lesson:

Blue ball point pen (+ spare) Pencil Coloured pencilsPencil eraser Pencil sharpener Pair of compassesCalculator Ruler 12”/30cm Rough notebook/jotterPocket English dictionary Protractor Set SquareForeign language dictionary Pen drive/memory stick

(optional)Aprons for Design Technology and Food Technology

Text books and specialised equipment will be issued on loan and students will be required to pay for any loss or damage to school property

The school cannot accept responsibility for pupils’ personal possessions



St Ambrose Barlow RC High SchoolA National Teaching School

A National School of Creativity

37 Ash Drive | Wardley | Swinton | M27 9QP | 0161 921 1570 | | Tweet @SABSalford